Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

What I want to know is, what's Capo's angle in all of this? They want something, because OF COURSE they'll want something. The big question is 'what?'

If we don't find out soon, that should be one of the first things we should set our spies to. Perhaps it's something benign, but it would be (deliciously) ironic if Tellar fell victim so early on to the same sin they ascribed to Sonissimmo.

Can't believe I just found about this quest today. I really like quests like this but I have to ask where did you get the idea for magical songs? I only ask since I remember reading about an idea similar to this in the second HFY thread on Spacebattles.

It's a setting that me and @Macchiato started a couple years back, then kind of sat on for a while. Lately we were thinking of settings we could use for a Quest and we went back to this.

What I want to know is, what's Capo's angle in all of this? They want something, because OF COURSE they'll want something. The big question is 'what?'

If we don't find out soon, that should be one of the first things we should set our spies to. Perhaps it's something benign, but it would be (deliciously) ironic if Tellar fell victim so early on to the same sin they ascribed to Sonissimmo.

That may be worth investigating, though your key characters couldn't say for sure.

Edit: Although Capo and Tellar have a certain familial connection, note the text of the option to betroth Raul and Evelyn.
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Can I make one last plea for people to reconsider on our choice of agent? Because as nice as a well rounded agent is, we are in desperate need of an intrigue specialist. From a simple visual check, the average value of a skill is around 20-21. The highest intrigue skill we have available is 25, on Monica Reynolds. She of the 48 magic and 28 martial. Agents only get used on one action, so making her our primary intrigue agent would be a criminal waste. The next highest is Carmen Rios, at 24. That isn't very high, and she's 67, and is probably going to be dead or retired in a half dozen turns. Should that happen our next best option is 21. Literally dead average.

We might be able to live with this if we had a member of the symphony with high intrigue, but we don't, they're 24 and 11. That isn't enough to compensate for lacklustre agents. We need to bring on one of the intrigue specialist agents, preferably Hamid Holland, since he is less insane, better, and relatively trustworthy. He also has decent stewardship.

If we go through with Louise Tellar, we can enjoy fumbling in the dark until we get backstabbed by Capo, Teuv, or our own peasants.
Alright, so, here's the current Vote Tally, nice and formatted by hand.

Vote Tally : Sartier Quest (CK2 - Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!) | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.2

[X] … is a real Law and Order sort of guy, even if his personal life is a little patchy. He works closely with Charlie Tellar, the Justice, and, if things get serious, the Spymistress, Patricia Frunkle. [Peasant uprising percentages reduced by 5, increased chance of identifying and intercepting dissident characters]
No. of Votes: 9

[X] … has a lot of talent as an Auditor. A few years back, before the May and Juan Lumens took the post, the Exchequer was starting up a racket. He had hardly gotten started with his scheme before Andres noticed the books were being cooked. He may not have the best brain for business, but he knows when something is crooked! [50% chance per turn of catching anyone acting with income-reducing traits in a Council role, +1 Stewardship]
No. of Votes: 2

[X] … is Beloved by her Soldiers, being probably the roughest, gutsiest, most stubborn noble that ever existed. You try not to listen to the stories. Your aunt has a pretty wild streak but you don't want to hear that sort of stuff about family. But the soldiers love her, to the point that they say no regiment that stands with Antonia would ever allow itself to break, even unto death. [House Tellar troops with Antonia attached auto-pass all morale tests. A vassal unit gains +40 morale]
No. of Votes: 7

[X] …is called the Maestro of the Hunt when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]
No. of Votes: 4

[X] … may have a Dubious History, if you listen to some of the rumours. She's pretty dubious right now, what with the mid-life crisis, but some people say she spent more than a few of her young days as a wandering warrior on the wrong side of the law, helping herself to other people's stuff. Well, there may be some truth to that, if her familiarity with the back country of Sartier is anything to go by. [+2 Martial, +1 Combat, When fighting in Sartier, may re-roll Battlefield Initiative]
No. of Votes: 1

[X] … travelled abroad and Sailed with the Khironex in your younger days, staying with the Sea-Bellain Alice Ruger on the trireme Unbreakable. It taught you much, and you still remember the sea mist and the rolling of the waves. Of course, you also remember your fight with the pirate galley; the decks bloodstained and shivered. You taught all to respect the power of a Songweaver that day. [+2 Combat, +1 to Relations with Khironex, +6 Martial when commanding ships]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … a Drive to Succeed that didn't let you quit. You have been known to to push the limits and never accept failure. Victory has often been saved from the jaws of defeat because of this drive. Or you at least salvaged something from themess. [When undertaking an action, may add +10 to a failed dice roll, either to her own or someone else's action occurring at the same location. Once per turn only.]
No. of Votes: 5

[X] … been a Prima Donna of the Blade as you grew up. Although you don't demonstrate it as often these days, you've only gotten better. Your sword would be like a glimmering mist before you, deflecting all blows and striking out. Beware when you put aside your sword for your halberd, however, for that's when you mean to draw blood. [Gain +2 Combat, +1 Toughness, +1 Magic, +1 Max Parry, Gain Halberd-master trait]
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Louise Tellar, the Lady
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Hamid Hulland, the Elder
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Liam Innslaught, the Merchant
No. of Votes: 2

Capo Deal
[X] … to send over some of your best Songweavers and Spellswords to tutor House Capo nobles in their arts, tying up some of the people your House relies on. [Agents Monica Reynolds, Dominic Rios, and hero unit Georgie Hulland are sent to Capo as trainers for 4 turns (2 years), at a cost of 1,000g per turn.]
No. of Votes: 7

[X] … extend favourable deals for Harper leather and Dyelin iron to the Capo houses. Beatrice Raleigh was not amused. [Capo and Vassals receive Surfeit of Iron and Many Ways to Skin special rules, -5,000g income per turn for Tellar and Raleigh for 5 years (10 turns), -1 Relations to Raleigh]
No. of Votes: 4

[X] ... to get you to agree to a betrothal with Raul Capo, second child of the ruling Capos, which you're distinctly unhappy about. [Evelyn Tellar betrothed to Raul Capo, Raul Capo will join Tellar household in 1 year's time, tension between Evelyn and Symphony, +3 to relations with Capo, a Capo is now part of the Tellar succession line, plus Raul happens to be a little closer on the family tree than Evelyn would like]
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12

Currently winning options are:
Andres: Law and Order
Antonia: Beloved by Her Men
Evelyn: Sailed with the Khironex
Agent: Louise Tellar
Capo Deal: Songweaver Support

You now have all the information you require to COMMENCE TACTICAL VOTING!!!!!!

That said, I'll probably come back in a few hours and change my vote around, probably moving to Maestro of the Hunt for Antonia, Hamid for the Agent, and the Leather deal for Capo.
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Grnf. I'm going to be away tomorrow so I have no idea what the tally will be... @Iandude0, @The Laurent, currently Liam is has two votes to Louise's 6 and Hamid's 4. I'd implore you to swap to Hamid Hulland to make sure we've got a good spymaster; I understand the appeal of a skilled steward, but we've got a couple of decent ones already, and a high rating in stewardship is only good if you can use it on things, while Liam comes with the drawback of being hated by the main people we'd want to use it with. If the two of you switch, we could force a tie.

On a similar note... @veekie, @bryanfran36, @wingstrike96, @D King Hecht, @Karugus, you might want to take a look at the votes again, there's been some discussion of the options. And because I'm shameless, I'll plug my own analysis here.
[X] … has a lot of talent as an Auditor. A few years back, before the May and Juan Lumens took the post, the Exchequer was starting up a racket. He had hardly gotten started with his scheme before Andres noticed the books were being cooked. He may not have the best brain for business, but he knows when something is crooked! [50% chance per turn of catching anyone acting with income-reducing traits in a Council role, +1 Stewardship]
[X] …is called the Maestro of the Hunt when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]
[X] … travelled abroad and Sailed with the Khironex in your younger days, staying with the Sea-Bellain Alice Ruger on the trireme Unbreakable. It taught you much, and you still remember the sea mist and the rolling of the waves. Of course, you also remember your fight with the pirate galley; the decks bloodstained and shivered. You taught all to respect the power of a Songweaver that day. [+2 Combat, +1 to Relations with Khironex, +6 Martial when commanding ships]
[X] Hamid Hulland, the Elder

Tacticool voting is go!
[X] … Law and Order
[X] - Maestro of the Hunt
[X] - Sailed with the Khironex
[X] - Hamid Hulland, the Elder
[X] … extend favourable deals for Harper leather and Dyelin iron to the Capo houses.

Glad people decided to pick up the Khironex option, having our hardass Dreadful Aunt being an expert Teuv hunter is both ideal in terms of gameplay and awesome in terms of story. Looking at our agent current lineup Hulland is a good fit, plus the chance of him teaching Evelyn some of his skills would be great.

Can I please, please persuade some more people to go for the favorable trade deals? It means a 10% loss of income, but we plan on increasing that anyways, instead of a 22.2222% loss in our action economy and 2% loss in income. This also allows Capo to expand their military more readily as it means they can have more troops on hand to start suppressing the Tuev insurrection. Compare that to giving Capo a means to rival our greatest strength and limiting our agents we have on hand all in the vain hope we can possibly get the next generation of Capo Songweavers more favourable with Tellar? It shouldn't even be a contest. I'm not saying we should never teach the other Great Houses some of Tellar's song weavings, but we should treat it as the awesome political tool it is, not an advantage to be readily discarded due to arm twisting over favors given.
The point was in giving Capo our tutors, WE get to influence their own people in training. Nice impressionable people who get two years being taught our way of doing things.
The point was in giving Capo our tutors, WE get to influence their own people in training. Nice impressionable people who get two years being taught our way of doing things.
You really think the intrigue specced faction won't have got onto that bit? This is basically saying; "I'm going to manipulate the heirs of the greatests web weavers on the island under circumstances they can plainly see." It's throwing away a major advantage on their terms, all in the vain, vain hope everythings going to come out favourable for us in the end. I don't know about you, but I base my votes on things I can entertain reasonable odds of happening as opposed to; "this secondary thing that only makes up partially for the loss in the primary totally is going to happen". Not to mention you are pointedly ignoring the fact that most of the young impressionables are young, and unlikely to come into power soon. Tutoring Capo should be done on our terms, for our benefit. Not thrown away all half-assed like because people prefer blind optimism as opposed to actually considering the comparative downsides.

Your entire argument is predicated on the idea that losing over 20% of all our actions for 4 turns is worth a relationship gain, and that's debatable at best, I sure as hell don't think so. And said relationship gain isn't even guaranteed, merely an implied possibility. Its just as likely if not moreso the Capo's could compromise some of our agents or something negative as opposed to the relationship gain.

So yeah, I think a small loss of income is worth both avoiding the loss of our actions, and the uncertainty of what the hell the Capos might try with our agents. You act like exposing some of our vitally important agents to the master web weavers for an extended period is a good thing, when it's at best a potential mixed bag as liable to go to hell as it is to produce anything remotely positive.
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Well...yes, dealing completely honestly and allying with the intrigue faction in good faith is a perfectly good way of making up for weak intrigue. While it's to their advantage to be with us, they cover our weaknesses...unless you want to get into a backstabbing and maneuvering game with the House far better at it than us.
Okay, so my updated vote, sliding in before things are locked...

[X] … is a real Law and Order sort of guy, even if his personal life is a little patchy. He works closely with Charlie Tellar, the Justice, and, if things get serious, the Spymistress, Patricia Frunkle. [Peasant uprising percentages reduced by 5, increased chance of identifying and intercepting dissident characters]
[X] …is called the Maestro of the Hunt when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]
[X] … travelled abroad and Sailed with the Khironex in your younger days, staying with the Sea-Bellain Alice Ruger on the trireme Unbreakable. It taught you much, and you still remember the sea mist and the rolling of the waves. Of course, you also remember your fight with the pirate galley; the decks bloodstained and shivered. You taught all to respect the power of a Songweaver that day. [+2 Combat, +1 to Relations with Khironex, +6 Martial when commanding ships]
[X] Hamid Hulland, the Elder
[X] … extend favourable deals for Harper leather and Dyelin iron to the Capo houses. Beatrice Raleigh was not amused. [Capo and Vassals receive Surfeit of Iron and Many Ways to Skin special rules, -5,000g income per turn for Tellar and Raleigh for 5 years (10 turns), -1 Relations to Raleigh]
Well...yes, dealing completely honestly and allying with the intrigue faction in good faith is a perfectly good way of making up for weak intrigue. While it's to their advantage to be with us, they cover our weaknesses...unless you want to get into a backstabbing and maneuvering game with the House far better at it than us.
Isn't that the sort of thinking that got Sonissimmo usurped though? By us, just now? Seriously, one of the arguments presented was basically 'you trusting, naive fools!'

Not that I'm against the idea, I'ld just find it deeply ironic if Tellar fell into similar habit's as the Sonissimmo, despite their previous conviction that said house was weak because of said habits. At this point, I'm just hoping that Tellar suffers a Heel Realization, and some important character development, and not necessarily in that order.

Voting is officially closed now. @Aegir, could you please provide an updated vote tally?

We are hoping to get the first turn post up before Christmas but as I'm sure you all can appreciate, that may be a bit tight. Here's hoping.
Voting is officially closed now. @Aegir, could you please provide an updated vote tally?

Gotcha. Here's the final vote tally:

Vote Tally : Sartier Quest (CK2 - Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!) | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.2

[X] … is a real Law and Order sort of guy, even if his personal life is a little patchy. He works closely with Charlie Tellar, the Justice, and, if things get serious, the Spymistress, Patricia Frunkle. [Peasant uprising percentages reduced by 5, increased chance of identifying and intercepting dissident characters]
No. of Votes: 9

[X] … has a lot of talent as an Auditor. A few years back, before the May and Juan Lumens took the post, the Exchequer was starting up a racket. He had hardly gotten started with his scheme before Andres noticed the books were being cooked. He may not have the best brain for business, but he knows when something is crooked! [50% chance per turn of catching anyone acting with income-reducing traits in a Council role, +1 Stewardship]
No. of Votes: 2

[X] … is Beloved by her Soldiers, being probably the roughest, gutsiest, most stubborn noble that ever existed. You try not to listen to the stories. Your aunt has a pretty wild streak but you don't want to hear that sort of stuff about family. But the soldiers love her, to the point that they say no regiment that stands with Antonia would ever allow itself to break, even unto death. [House Tellar troops with Antonia attached auto-pass all morale tests. A vassal unit gains +40 morale]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] …is called the Maestro of the Hunt when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … travelled abroad and Sailed with the Khironex in your younger days, staying with the Sea-Bellain Alice Ruger on the trireme Unbreakable. It taught you much, and you still remember the sea mist and the rolling of the waves. Of course, you also remember your fight with the pirate galley; the decks bloodstained and shivered. You taught all to respect the power of a Songweaver that day. [+2 Combat, +1 to Relations with Khironex, +6 Martial when commanding ships]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … a Drive to Succeed that didn't let you quit. You have been known to to push the limits and never accept failure. Victory has often been saved from the jaws of defeat because of this drive. Or you at least salvaged something from themess. [When undertaking an action, may add +10 to a failed dice roll, either to her own or someone else's action occurring at the same location. Once per turn only.]
No. of Votes: 5

[X] … been a Prima Donna of the Blade as you grew up. Although you don't demonstrate it as often these days, you've only gotten better. Your sword would be like a glimmering mist before you, deflecting all blows and striking out. Beware when you put aside your sword for your halberd, however, for that's when you mean to draw blood. [Gain +2 Combat, +1 Toughness, +1 Magic, +1 Max Parry, Gain Halberd-master trait]
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hamid Hulland, the Elder
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Louise Tellar, the Lady
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Liam Innslaught, the Merchant
No. of Votes: 1

Capo Deal
[X] … extend favourable deals for Harper leather and Dyelin iron to the Capo houses. Beatrice Raleigh was not amused. [Capo and Vassals receive Surfeit of Iron and Many Ways to Skin special rules, -5,000g income per turn for Tellar and Raleigh for 5 years (10 turns), -1 Relations to Raleigh]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … to send over some of your best Songweavers and Spellswords to tutor House Capo nobles in their arts, tying up some of the people your House relies on. [Agents Monica Reynolds, Dominic Rios, and hero unit Georgie Hulland are sent to Capo as trainers for 4 turns (2 years), at a cost of 1,000g per turn.]
No. of Votes: 4

[X] ... to get you to agree to a betrothal with Raul Capo, second child of the ruling Capos, which you're distinctly unhappy about. [Evelyn Tellar betrothed to Raul Capo, Raul Capo will join Tellar household in 1 year's time, tension between Evelyn and Symphony, +3 to relations with Capo, a Capo is now part of the Tellar succession line, plus Raul happens to be a little closer on the family tree than Evelyn would like]
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12

Unfortunately, we have a tie between Beloved by her Soldiers and Maestro of the Hunt for Antonia's trait, so someone's going to need to break that. Otherwise, the winning options are:

Andres: Law and Order
Evelyn: Sailed with Khironex
Agent: Hamid Hulland
Capo Deal: Leather and Iron Deals
Gotcha. Here's the final vote tally:

Vote Tally : Sartier Quest (CK2 - Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!) | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.2

[X] … is a real Law and Order sort of guy, even if his personal life is a little patchy. He works closely with Charlie Tellar, the Justice, and, if things get serious, the Spymistress, Patricia Frunkle. [Peasant uprising percentages reduced by 5, increased chance of identifying and intercepting dissident characters]
No. of Votes: 9

[X] … has a lot of talent as an Auditor. A few years back, before the May and Juan Lumens took the post, the Exchequer was starting up a racket. He had hardly gotten started with his scheme before Andres noticed the books were being cooked. He may not have the best brain for business, but he knows when something is crooked! [50% chance per turn of catching anyone acting with income-reducing traits in a Council role, +1 Stewardship]
No. of Votes: 2

[X] … is Beloved by her Soldiers, being probably the roughest, gutsiest, most stubborn noble that ever existed. You try not to listen to the stories. Your aunt has a pretty wild streak but you don't want to hear that sort of stuff about family. But the soldiers love her, to the point that they say no regiment that stands with Antonia would ever allow itself to break, even unto death. [House Tellar troops with Antonia attached auto-pass all morale tests. A vassal unit gains +40 morale]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] …is called the Maestro of the Hunt when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … travelled abroad and Sailed with the Khironex in your younger days, staying with the Sea-Bellain Alice Ruger on the trireme Unbreakable. It taught you much, and you still remember the sea mist and the rolling of the waves. Of course, you also remember your fight with the pirate galley; the decks bloodstained and shivered. You taught all to respect the power of a Songweaver that day. [+2 Combat, +1 to Relations with Khironex, +6 Martial when commanding ships]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … a Drive to Succeed that didn't let you quit. You have been known to to push the limits and never accept failure. Victory has often been saved from the jaws of defeat because of this drive. Or you at least salvaged something from themess. [When undertaking an action, may add +10 to a failed dice roll, either to her own or someone else's action occurring at the same location. Once per turn only.]
No. of Votes: 5

[X] … been a Prima Donna of the Blade as you grew up. Although you don't demonstrate it as often these days, you've only gotten better. Your sword would be like a glimmering mist before you, deflecting all blows and striking out. Beware when you put aside your sword for your halberd, however, for that's when you mean to draw blood. [Gain +2 Combat, +1 Toughness, +1 Magic, +1 Max Parry, Gain Halberd-master trait]
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hamid Hulland, the Elder
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Louise Tellar, the Lady
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Liam Innslaught, the Merchant
No. of Votes: 1

Capo Deal
[X] … extend favourable deals for Harper leather and Dyelin iron to the Capo houses. Beatrice Raleigh was not amused. [Capo and Vassals receive Surfeit of Iron and Many Ways to Skin special rules, -5,000g income per turn for Tellar and Raleigh for 5 years (10 turns), -1 Relations to Raleigh]
No. of Votes: 6

[X] … to send over some of your best Songweavers and Spellswords to tutor House Capo nobles in their arts, tying up some of the people your House relies on. [Agents Monica Reynolds, Dominic Rios, and hero unit Georgie Hulland are sent to Capo as trainers for 4 turns (2 years), at a cost of 1,000g per turn.]
No. of Votes: 4

[X] ... to get you to agree to a betrothal with Raul Capo, second child of the ruling Capos, which you're distinctly unhappy about. [Evelyn Tellar betrothed to Raul Capo, Raul Capo will join Tellar household in 1 year's time, tension between Evelyn and Symphony, +3 to relations with Capo, a Capo is now part of the Tellar succession line, plus Raul happens to be a little closer on the family tree than Evelyn would like]
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 12

Unfortunately, we have a tie between Beloved by her Soldiers and Maestro of the Hunt for Antonia's trait, so someone's going to need to break that. Otherwise, the winning options are:

Andres: Law and Order
Evelyn: Sailed with Khironex
Agent: Hamid Hulland
Capo Deal: Leather and Iron Deals
Thanks Aegir. Okay, so we'll lock in the other options, and... I'll invite people to either change their vote, or anyone new to come and make a vote for Antonia's vote.
[X] …is called the when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]

New Vote!

[X] …is called the when it comes to finding Teuvians. Antonia got to know all the sorts of backwater peasant nonsense that used to go on when she wandered around with Luna. There was no one like her for finding a cult and breaking the doors down. Although some of the tales she has of things she ran into out in the mist are silly. I think. [+3 Intrigue, +1 Combat, +10 dice bonus on Martial or Intrigue Actions that would result in Teuvian Influence reduction]

Blanked in the followup vote but to help with the tie. The one that helps prevent intrigue problems
Darn. I think the Beloved By Her Troops was sorta interesting. Ah well!
It is, yeah. It's a very straightforward declaration of "holy shit this person is dangerous in a battle," because auto-passing morale checks means whichever unit she leads just doesn't run, and that's massive when you remember that medieval warfare tended to inflict most of its casualties when one side broke and ran, and even then 10% casualties would be considered exceptionally bloody.

But... Frankly, we're Tellar. We're already the arsekickers in war, and we do kind of have a Tuevian problem that needs seeing to.

Think of it this way - if Antonia is Maestro of the Hunt, she'll have plenty of skirmishing ahead of her to pick up extra traits with!