Lea Tsu is one of Tellar's primary generals, she's not 'just' a Minor House Lord. Beyond that, you seem to have assumed that Teuv knows who all our agents are/that Lea is not one of our agents. I don't know why you would take that as a starting position, given that it takes a non-trivial Diplo test and a full turn action on our part to find out who someone else's agents are.
Yes, that's why it'd be notable she showed up across the nation by herself to talk to the Sartier Army, rather than as a leader with the militia we sent to the Border Guard. It doesn't matter whether or not Lea is one of Tellar's formal agents. The point is she will be assumed to be one when she shows up at the Sartier Army base in Dale for no apparent reason. Once she does and appears to be sticking around, the clock starts ticking - because we strongly suspect Teuv is watching the Sartier Army base - as they track her. Talking to Logan Sarba first as ostensibly, one of the generals with the incoming Tellar reinforcements gives her a much better cover as to why she's sticking around in Dale occasionally.
Are you exactly sure you want to gamble anything on Sonissimmo's leadership given what literally just happened this turn?
Gosh, even though Sonissimo's entire reason d'etre is to fight against Teuv, just because they have their family squabbles that spill over, it clearly means they've been running a
giant con for all of Sartier history. What kind of question is this?
Lucas isn't going to do anything because we've loaded the agents with just enough status that there would be Repurcussions if he upped and threw them under the bus, no matter the gain.
He's an intrigue lord! I'm not sure why you think we'd be able to find it out. It's not like he's going to send Capo troops to assassinate our guys. In fact, I strongly suspect it would be Teuvians that kill our group. It just means he'll prioritize his own agents more or not reveal information that we may want to know, using our group as patsies. There's no need for him to stick his neck out for our group if they get in over their head, and if our group dies, well, we should have been better or sent our stronger agents.
...? The option was there, we just didn't take it because we didn't have any Chivalry agents available.
There is no action to talk to Logan Sarba of the Border Force in the main turn. The only option is to talk to the Houses as a whole to get them to shut up and focus on Teuv (Not the Time or Sound the Alarm). That is not the same.
Again, assuming that The Enemy somehow not only has full knowledge of all of our agents...but that they somehow don't know that Sarba has been fucking about with raising unrest in Raleigh and that as their liege we've been asked to step in to talk to Sarba about that.
I seriously don't understand you at all. It doesn't matter that Tsu isn't a full or formal agent of ours. She'll be
assumed to be one because you don't send random people to talk to Logan Sarba and there is no reason for her to talk to Logan Sarba the turn after the Tellar reinforcements arrive. If she arrives with the Tellar reinforcements, that's someone being sent as a military leader with Tellar. If she arrives after, that's someone being sent for another reason. (Because if it was the first, she would have arrived earlier.) This is the same logic we used for Monica - I'm not sure why it's so hard to follow here.
If we sent her on her own to Capo just to tell them about Dale, that raises eyebrows because there's no reason for her to be there. When we send her under the cover of starting up a research base, people see what they expect to see: the magic house wants to research magic in Capo and asked for permission.
And honestly, it doesn't matter either way whether Teuv knows about the Raleigh unrest being provoked by Sarba. What does this have to do with anything?
His declared job is only supposed to be keeping peace on the Vincennes/Dale border. That's it. We don't want him doing anything -at all- until full revolts happen because him moving forces in is going to blow the entire thing up.
Again, he's a peacekeeping force. What possible justification is there for a wargames exercise with House Mei when he's commanding, say, Carlisle forces? They shouldn't be doing anything at all. He should already have been doing 2 unless he's a complete idiot, in which case we want to keep him isolated anyway.
We want him
in the loop. As in the
information loop. Because we don't want him to be diddling about on the border when the revolt happens while he goes uh, what's going on? Wait, is this an actual revolt? Hey, am I supposed to just sit on the border...? Do I have authorization? Is Mei going to shank me if I move in? Wait, who are these people contacting me? Tellar? Are they actually Tellar agents? Can I trust their information?
This was always the point of contacting him, to make sure he realizes that this is a possibility and to let him know where he can move safely and what we want him to do should it come to that.
I...you do realize there's an entire category of actions locked out to us because we have zero troops, right? And there's an entire suite of actions available to us to try and find us troops in some fashion?
Yes. I can read. We also have a whole host of Apollo actions to call meetings but we haven't been using those either because, for some reason, those seem a bit
obvious. Like the troop options.
Depending on forces used and the specific actions we take, these are entirely viable when not being loud just by the sheer nature of the actions that Teuvian agents have -already- taken. Blowing up a building? Yes, that is the perfect reason to set up checkpoints to shake people down to catch them. Any actions of this nature that we take need troops, who then need some more time getting additional training for these specific acts above their normal warrior type duties.
It's a perfect reason for
Dale to set up checkpoints. Because, you know, they're the local ruling house. It's not a perfect reason for mercenaries hired by some mysterious people to shake people down. I'm pretty sure that counts as banditry without Dale authorization, and at the point where you have Dale authorization, thus laying down a trail and letting a lot more people know that these mercs are there with official blessing but strangely not within the Dale military hierarchy, is at the point where it becomes obvious there is another force operating in Dale.