Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

As before, I'll delay posting my actual plan for another 24h or so to allow more time for discussion and such without me immediately taking the lead.

In the interim, however, allow me to put forth the following to challenge and inform you:

What are our goals, priorities, and current modus operandi? What are our watchwords?

  1. Operational security
    1. Control access to information to people who have the appropriate Clearance (in this case, appropriate vetted targets, those who can be trusted to control the information themselves) and Need to Know (those who will be immediately useful and/or relevant). This limits leaks and outside factors attempting to unduly influence things
    2. Be mindful of which agents are public/notable and which agents have been seen far less and try not to mix up assignments in the wrong places.
  2. Asset management
    1. Forecast upcoming problems and determine what will be necessary to counter them or take advantage of other opportunities. Simply finding problems is not good enough if you do not possess the tools to solve such problems in a timely manner and have to scramble for the latter and potentially miss windows.
    2. Keep in mind the nature of the tools you possess and tools you wish to possess. Public Foreign Regiment A is not Private Local Regiment B. Noble Agent A is not Common Agent B.
  3. Timeliness
    1. Remember, crises are opportunities!
    2. The earlier certain actions are done, the greater effect they will have.
This is probably a good time to delve a little into the mechanics of this segue.

Obviously, you are your own little wild card in the Arbalen deck, a "faction" of sorts independent of the local Houses. You can acquire military forces on a small scale. You aren't really meant to be an army yourself, you're looking to acquire troops that can be used to perform tasks that require more manpower than just your agents - such as the ones mentioned under Martial: running searches, checkpoint, raids. For big jobs, I'd strongly remind people that they have the backing of the Dale Mezzo - don't be afraid to pass things up the chain when it comes up. Dale alone has nearly five thousand household troops ready to answer their Mezzo's call.

Assets are a bit of a complicating factor added into this, but it's actually for a simplifying reason: it's easier to keep track of for people than nebulous traits. It represents a bonus or malus that can be targeted in some concrete manner, be it a set of adventurers, an agreement for cooperation, or, on the opposing side, a small Teuvian network with a set purpose, or a veteran smuggler. An agreement can be scuppered, a smuggler can be arrested or killed, a network can be broken up, removing those assets from play.

Now, in the main Tellar turns, you have the 11 Major Houses who all participate in the turn, and while Tellar has more agents and influence than any one House, everyone has a part to play. You see those actions which occur publicly, or which you have a means of knowing about. But there are 10 other Houses who are busily trying to get ahead of the game. It is not zero-sum, and things that strengthen one House often strength all of Sartier, especially when Teuv or Tranquility comes knocking. Or, horror of horrors, if you virulently offend those kingdoms which should be allies.

In the Arbalen turn, things are looked at on a district basis. There are the seven districts (Arbalen, Southmarch, Mollandt, Usone Bay, Sereale, The Marshes, Holdmurgh). Each of these have a House, and a resident overarching Teuvian group. Each of these factions have a military force, a budget, an action budget, and a set of assets. These Teuvian groups can be considered a sort of ... shadow government in the districts. You now know that Veronica Nils and the Midnight Banner is the Teuvian group in Mollandt District, home of House Thane. There are loyalty/reliability factors being tracked on the noble House side, and influence/ability to operate factors being tracked on the Teuv side. Most of that, though, is beneath the hood stuff.

The main purpose of this pre-revolt wrangling is to add assets to your side of the ledger, while removing them from the Teuvian side of the ledger, so that when the revolt comes you are in a better position. You are contesting for the loyalty of the Courts, the regiments, equipment for Teuvian forces, access to outside aid, gold, the loyalty of key personnel and, ultimately, the fate of the north of Sartier.


This is a battle of two ideologies: Sartier and Teuv! Boost Sartier and slow Teuv by adding assets to your side while removing assets from their side.
Datasheet - Arbalen Mini-Turn Tracking Sheet

Dale Turn Datasheets

Tellar's Anti-Teuv Mission


Apollo's Bonuses:
Martial: 8
Stewardship: 11
Diplomacy: 7
Intrigue: 9
Magic: 2

Budget: 12,400g
2,000g from Dale,
2,000g from Tellar, per turn

Apollo Reynolds
Candice Kettleblack
Janie Tellar
Lea Tsu
Audrey Suarez


Home Base, +10 to Stewardship actions
Ridderken Duelist, +10 to Small Raid Actions
House Leader Links (+10 to coop rolls with Mei, Thane, +20 with Bolden, auto with Laine)
Emergency Warrant
Shannon Kim Cooperation (+10 to Dale intrigue rolls)

Vassal House Dale - Full
Minor House Mei - Grudging
Minor House Thane - None
Minor House Yin - Grudging
Minor House Osprey - None
Minor House Laine - Grudging
Minor house Bolden - Full

Vassal House Dale

Mercedes Dale (Marcus Dale-Amelia Dale)

Known Agents:

Belinda Hornvale
Olivia Feliste - Deceased

Capital: Arbalen
Castle: Garden Castle
Harbour: Valeigh Harbour
Livery: White/Red
Emblem: Crescent Moon
Town Population: 17,100
Province Population: 690,000
District Population: 140,000

Commoner Mood 4/10
Teuvian Influence 11/10
Court Reliability: High
Authority to Operate in this District: Full
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 3 / 3
Fortress Level 4
-2 Sets of Walls
-2 Large Outer, 2 Inner Gatehouses
-2 Outer, 2 Inner Corner Guardhouses
-1 Large Keep w/ Garrison
Outer West Gate: Wildflower Gate, Outer East Gate: Lily Gate
Inner North Gate: Gate of Life, Inner South Gate: Gate of Song

Harbour Fort Level 6 [Mix of Valeigh Harbour and Valeigh Cloister]
Shipyard Capacity: - 8 Flute Slipways, 4 Oboe Slipways

Marshall Marcus Dale
Executive Lana Antilles

Castle District: Southmarch, of Minor House Mei

Total Income: 40,000g / turn - Vincennes Intrigue Estimates
Farm & Tax: ~52,000g
+Character Bonus: 1,050g
Infrastructure: ~11,000g

External Trade: ~10,000g
+Character Bonus: 400g

Incoming Tithe = 0g
Total Income: ~72,000g

Civil Upkeep: 10,500g
-Character Bonus: 0g
Military Upkeep: 16,500g
-Character Bonus: 165g
Tithes/Fines: 3,000g
Sundry: 120g

Total Expenses: ~33,000g

Net Income: 39,000g
Treasury: 90,000g

Spoiler: Household Troops
1 Spellknights

1 Arbalen Choir (Pro)
2 Hammerers (Pro)
4 House Dale Men-At-Arms (Semi)
2 House Dale Longbowmen (Semi)

9 Militia
2 Militia Archers

10 Levy

6 Oboes

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:

Valeigh Harbour Customs House (-20 to Smuggling Rolls)

Minor Houses

Minor House Mei of Southmarch

Capital: Southmarch
Castle: Southmarch
Harbour: -
Livery: Red/Black
Emblem: Crossed Lances
Town Population: 7,000
District Population: 89,600

Commoner Mood 5/10
Teuvian Influence 9/10
Court Reliability: Low
Authority to Operate in this District: Grudging Local Cooperation
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 4,000g / turn
Treasury: 17,000g
Relations: 10 / 20
Situated S of Arbalen, direct line between Arbalen and Marlingtay

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 3 / 3
Shipyard Capacity: -
Fortress Level 3
-2 Sets of Walls, stone sealed
-2 Outer, 2 Inner Gatehouses
-1 Large Keep w/ Garrison
Harbour Fort Level 0

Marshall Cassandra Mei
Executive James Mei

~12,000g / turn revenue
~8,000g / turn expenses
~4,000g / turn net income

1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen
1 Cavalry

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

2 Flutes - sail from Valeigh Harbour

Known Agents:
Cassandra Mei

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:
None known

Minor House Thane of Mollandt

Capital: Mollandt
Castle: Red Orchid Castle
Harbour: -
Livery: Green/Pink
Emblem: Triangle of 5-point stars
Town Population: 8,000
District Population: 91,600

Commoner Mood 3/10
Teuvian Influence 13/10
Court Reliability: Very Low
Authority to Operate in this District: No Local Cooperation
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 5,000g / turn
Treasury: 20,000g
Relations with Liege: 10 / 20
Situated W of Arbalen, on the border between Wellshead and Gambier

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 2 / 2
Shipyard Capacity: -
Fortress Level 1
Harbour Fort Level 0

Marshall Michaela Thane
Executive Gregory Thane

~11,000g / turn revenue
~6,000g / turn expenses
~5,000g / turn income

2 / 2 Semi-Professional Regiments
8 Militia Regiments
1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

Known Agents:
Michaela Thane

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:
None Known

Minor House Yin of Usone Bay

Capital: Usone Bay
Castle: Yellowtop Hill Keep
Harbour: Usone Bay
Livery: Gold/White/Blue
Emblem: Sun and Star
Town Population: 11,000
District Population: 94,200

Commoner Mood 4/10
Teuvian Influence 11/10
Authority to Operate in this District: Grudging Local Cooperation
Free Fire: No
Court Reliability: Moderate
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 5,000g / turn
Treasury: 20,000g
Relations with Liege: 10 / 20
Situated N of Arbalen, near the sound further along the coast

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 2 / 2
Shipyard Capacity: 2 Flute Slipways
Fortress Level 1
Harbour Fort Level 1

Marshall Celine Yin
Executive Sebastian Yin

~12,000g / turn revenue
~7,000g / turn expenses
~5,000g / turn income

2 / 2 Semi-Professional Regiments
8 Militia Regiments
1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

4 Flutes

Known Agents:
Not Known (it is speculated that their Exchequer, a Khironex woman of all things, is typically the first to be given tasks)

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:

None Known

Minor House Osprey of The Marshes

Capital: The Marshes
Castle: The Rock
Harbour: Pennethlodom
Livery: White/Black
Emblem: None/Stripes
Town Population: 9,000
District Population: 92,700

Commoner Mood 4/10
Teuvian Influence 8/10
Court Reliability: Low
Authority to Operate in this District: No Local Cooperation
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 4,500g / turn
Treasury: 19,000g
Relations with Liege: 10 / 20
Situated SE of Arbalen, to the river delta down the peninsula

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 2 / 2
Shipyard Capacity: -
Fortress Level 1
Harbour Fort Level 1

Marshall Aya Osprey
Executive Bilal Osprey

~11,500g / turn revenue
~7,000g / turn expenses
~4,500g / turn income

2 / 2 Semi-Professional Regiments
8 Militia Regiments
1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

4 Flutes

Known Agents:

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:

None Known
- You are getting no cooperation from Osprey as of yet.

Minor House Laine of Sereale

Capital: Sereale
Castle: Athen Llairn
Harbour: -
Livery: Brown/White
Emblem: Red Spear Head
Town Population: 9,000
District Population: 91,000

Commoner Mood 3/10
Teuvian Influence 12/10
Court Reliability: Moderate
Authority to Operate in this District: Grudging Local Cooperation
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 5,000g / turn
Treasury: 18,500g
Relations with Liege: 10 / 20
Situated SW of Arbalen, near the border with Gambier and Marlingtay

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 2 / 2
Shipyard Capacity: -
Fortress Level 1
Harbour Fort Level -

Marshall Aya Osprey
Executive Bilal Osprey

~11,000g / turn revenue
~6,000g / turn expenses
~5,000g / turn income

2 / 2 Semi-Professional Regiments
8 Militia Regiments
1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

Known Agents:
Sarah Laine

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:

None Known
- There are suspicions that Laine's Justices have taken casualties and are having a hard time spreading their influence outside of Sereale itself.

Minor House Bolden of Holdmurgh

Capital: Holdmurgh
Castle: Eagle's Launch
Harbour: -
Emblem: White Diamond over Red Square
Town Population: 10,000
District Population: 90,600

Commoner Mood 5/10
Teuvian Influence 10/10
Court Reliability: Low
Authority to Operate in this District: Full
Free Fire: No
Military Reliability: Unknown
Militia Reliability: Unknown
Key Points Held: ? / ?

Net Income: 5,000g / turn
Treasury: 19,000g
Relations with Liege: 10 / 20
Situated W of Arbalen, N of Sereale, against the border with Capo

Semi-Professional Regiment Cap 2 / 2
Shipyard Capacity: -
Fortress Level 1
Harbour Fort Level -

Marshall Andrew Bolden
Executive Maria Bolden

~11,000g / turn revenue
~6,000g / turn expenses
~5,000g / turn income

2 / 2 Semi-Professional Regiments
8 Militia Regiments
1 House Men-at-Arms
1 House Longbowmen

6 Militia
2 Militia Archers
6 Levy

Known Agents:

Known Lost/Damaged Assets:
North Holdmurgh Villages - Loyalty Contested
House Justice Border Teams (-10 to land smuggling) - Damaged


NB: Might expand on a couple of these after re-evaluating what would be known IC and what would be passed on by Shannon Kim, but for now obviously your intel report is very thin.

Children of the Moon and Shadow
Arbalen District

Leader: ? - No Leads
Budget: ? - Suspected Low/Medium
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown - Suspected Low
Countryside Influence: Unknown - Suspected Low
Ability to operate openly: Unknown - Suspected Low
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown



Children of the Hidden Moon (Suspected commando cell)

Unknown Name
Southmarch District

Leader: ?
Budget: ? - Suspected Low
Income: ? - Suspected Medium

Court Influence: Unknown
Countryside Influence: Unknown - At least low, probably Medium
Ability to operate openly: Unknown - Believed none
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown

-Suspected Low

Unknown, but no more than 2, possibly only 1

Suspected Assets:
Believed to be making in-roads north of Castle Southmarch

Known Assets:

Midnight Banner
Mollandt District

Leader: Veronica Nils, Revenant Soothsinger, Devoted of Kasunaj
Budget: ?
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown - Suspected High
Countryside Influence: Unknown - Believed High
Ability to operate openly: Unknown - Suspected High
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown

Unknown - Believed High

Veronica Nils
+Unknown (at least two others)

Suspected Assets:
Extensive, but few precise details known.
The countryside is almost certainly lousy with Teuvians.
Stephanie Dale believes all parts of the District to be of questionable loyalty. Will not deploy her officers except in force.

Known Assets:

"Banner of" Unknown
Usone Bay District

Leader: ? Believed to be a commoner
Budget: ?
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown - Suspected Medium/High
Countryside Influence: Unknown
Ability to operate openly: Unknown
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown



Suspected Assets:

Known Assets:

Unknown Name
The Marshes District

You are getting nothing from House Osprey.

Leader: ?
Budget: ?
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown
Countryside Influence: Unknown
Ability to operate openly: Unknown
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown



Suspected Assets:

Known Assets:

Unknown Name
Sereale District

You have some scant details from Shannon Kim and Stephanie Dale.

Leader: ?
Budget: ?
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown - Believed Low
Countryside Influence: Unknown - Believed High
Ability to operate openly: Unknown
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown

There are rumours of strong rebel forces training in the broken countryside north of the river valley

Unknown, Believed 2~3
A Soothsinger is suspected in the number

Known Assets:

Suspected Assets:

Unknown Name
Holdmurgh District

Leader: Dan? Ben? A young nobleman is suspected
Budget: ?
Income: ?

Court Influence: Unknown - Suspected Low/Medium
Countryside Influence: Unknown - Believed Medium
Ability to operate openly: Unknown
Military Mobilisation is: Unknown



Suspected Assets:
North Holdmurgh Vilalges
Smuggling Rings

Known Assets:
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Olivia Feliste - Deceased
Excuse me while I lol

@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato
First, FYI that the threadmarks for the Turn 4 stuff seem to not be in their own 'section' like you usually do.

Second, any potential bonus on this turn or the next for having Juan Lumen visiting in Dale? Also notable is that I had him -only- on RTM Dale, so theoretically he had an Action slot open. (Or uh if you decide that he's putting even more energies into making sure RTM succeeds that is 100% okay too)

Third, currently one agent-one action but is there any potential to double up Agents on a single action if we feel the need to cooperate or that a particular action is risky?

Also the table shows Janie's second best as Diplo, it should be Magic @ 29.


[X] Apollo - Hovering Boss

There continues to be nothing more useful for him to do. We have no intel to share; we have no scouting on how trustworthy Capo, Sarba, or the Royal Army are; we don't need more money; and we don't have any useful potential agents sitting around at home (yes okay I am maybe coming around to the idea that someone can burn an action at home to look for more).

[X] Janie Tellar - That Wasn't Very Nice [200g]

Priority one, the time critical one. Jump on this immediately. Janie's the best asset and takes this 96%, which is insane. Though she's known in the area, it shouldn't blow anyone's cover if she is thought to decide on her own to pitch in.

[X] Lea Tsu - Join In The Chorus [500g]

Next, check out one of the other major local assets in the Royal Army and do so with the agent who has the Noble connection and the military chops. She's also more known but with Tellar's ascendance it shouldn't be a big deal for her to be seen (if she is) visiting a Royal Army base. The earlier we do to scope them out and hobnob with the local commander, the better. 82% isn't great but for non-exceptional agents and without an additional Symphony bonus it's about as good as we're going to get.

[X] Audrey Suarez - A Little Coin, A Little Steel; Double Dose [4000g]

Third, asset acquisition, especially relevant given all the actions now available to -do- things once we have more intel. Hire some mercs out of sight, out of mind. We don't know what Sarba's deal is, we don't know how trustworthy the Royal Army is (and they're very blatant on the field), we don't want to blow our cover by asking for Dale troops, same for the Minors as well as not knowing how trustworthy they are as a whole, and same with Sarba. So, we source locally, which also helps by having troops more likely to be able to blend in as locals not in superheavy plate still capable of doing raids and roadblocks and other such small and medium scale actions. 99% chance, so we could even get something kind of hilarious here.

[X] Candice Kettleblack - Lost in the Mists [1500g]

I'm admittedly a hair gunshy about this due to the low chance (73% chance because Apollo blows at Magic) so I perhaps can be convinced to just give up this line of inquiry entirely but we do have two agents on 'intel' and one on 'assets', so having one on riskier 'research' is kind of okay. There's still hesitance to put her directly on Teuv research and this should be more inoffensive and very useful...if it works. Other things I was considering were On The Boardwalk and A Question of Loyalty.

Treasury: 12400g
Income: 4000g
Total cost: 200+500+4000+1500=6200g
Expected End of Turn Treasury: 10200g
Do we have any agents we can request to be sent? Probably another intrigue character since we need to do more to counter the teuv assets and hopefully take out some keys ones as opposed to them keep on taking out or converting the area.

[X] Spectrum
It was a tough decision but I don't want to contact Capo yet as they could have leaks and contacting the official force makes me nervous, maybe I am seeing Teuvians in too many shadows, but that is how I am at the moment.
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@Void Stalker

TBH, I think it's the opposite way around. I mean, not that it's going to stop me sending Lea to visit the Sartier Army next turn...

But Lea Tsu is a Minor House Marshall and one we'd probably send along with the Tellar troops, especially since we made sure to ask Minor House troops to contribute to the Border Force and we're just off a high profile pirate attack with General Tsu as one of the main force commanders. I think it's a unique opportunity to send someone under the pretext of something else (that being something to do with the incoming Tellar reinforcements this turn). It'd make sense for her to, if she's noticed, be seen talking to Logan at the Border Guard.

It doesn't really make sense for her to show up out of the blue at the Sartier Army HQ, especially when we strongly suspect the Teuvians (who we know are active in Arbalen) have a plan to deal with the Sartier Army fortress and are almost certainly watching them.

My thinking is that the other way around - Border Guard first - then Sartier Army, and it looks like General Tsu arrived with the Tellar troops and then was delegated by Logan Sarba to the Sartier Army HQ to sort out any coordination issues or ruffled feathers. And if we'd talked to Logan, he'd know not to contradict this (even if he wouldn't confirm it under the guise of operational security or whatever).

Plus, I'm hopeful by next mini-turn, the Teuvian assets in Arbalen will be in disarray or at least weakened and distracted by Dale forces stomping the group that blew up the Customs House.
[X] Katreus

That is actually a side I hadn't considered. I was worried about Teuvian influence in the border guard, though is Sabra a cleared house? But since we are sending Tellar troops to the force it would make sense for Lea to pop up there. Is there any chance we can try to request another agent next turn?
Second, any potential bonus on this turn or the next for having Juan Lumen visiting in Dale? Also notable is that I had him -only- on RTM Dale, so theoretically he had an Action slot open. (Or uh if you decide that he's putting even more energies into making sure RTM succeeds that is 100% okay too)

The plan is for him to be available during the 3rd Dale turn under the idea that he has finished most of his normal action.

Third, currently one agent-one action but is there any potential to double up Agents on a single action if we feel the need to cooperate or that a particular action is risky?

Not at the moment.
[X] Katreus

That is actually a side I hadn't considered. I was worried about Teuvian influence in the border guard, though is Sabra a cleared house? But since we are sending Tellar troops to the force it would make sense for Lea to pop up there. Is there any chance we can try to request another agent next turn?

Well, we've never really cleared Houses, but Sarba's Teuv level in our survey was: Sarba (Sarba) - 1 (Negligible). I mean, they're part of the Etela block with Sonissimo, who've always known that Teuv is their enemy.

I don't think we can request another agent next Dale turn. The "Additional Agent" action is still at 20% (!) and hasn't seem to increase yet. If the "increase each turn" refers to the main turn, then it's only Dale Turn 4 that we can see whether the success rate is higher. In the meantime, we really need Apollo's bonuses for action success rate, and we'll apparently have Juan helping out in Dale Turn 3. Plus, by Dale Turn 4, maybe Rita will have successfully spread Atheist to all our errant courtiers.
It doesn't really make sense for her to show up out of the blue at the Sartier Army HQ, especially when we strongly suspect the Teuvians (who we know are active in Arbalen) have a plan to deal with the Sartier Army fortress and are almost certainly watching them.
Tellar is in charge, she doesn't need an excuse to show up at the Royal Army, especially given this is exactly where an agent would go if we had chosen that option on the main turn. It could easily be fluffed that Tellar is just doing a routine checkup or something of that nature.

My thinking is that the other way around - Border Guard first - then Sartier Army, and it looks like General Tsu arrived with the Tellar troops and then was delegated by Logan Sarba to the Sartier Army HQ to sort out any coordination issues or ruffled feathers. And if we'd talked to Logan, he'd know not to contradict this (even if he wouldn't confirm it under the guise of operational security or whatever).
The problem with talking to Logan Sarba independently is that there's risk involved because we have no idea what his game is (playing political games at the expense of another house/Sartier, large commoner sympathies that would naturally put him in bed with the Teuvians even without worshiping them, etc). He doesn't have to be Teuvian to screw us another way. (Comparatively, we generally know the Capo leadership probably won't screw us, but everyone below that is suspect.) We're going to be talking to him during the next main turn anyway with our big diplomats and full Symphony and better Councilor support, I don't see any reason to try and rush into things with borderline agents 2 mini turns early when he has no useful forces to give us anyway. Unlike everyone else we can talk to, he isn't exactly local, and his forces would be just as noticeable if they were deployed over.
Tellar is in charge, she doesn't need an excuse to show up at the Royal Army, especially given this is exactly where an agent would go if we had chosen that option on the main turn. It could easily be fluffed that Tellar is just doing a routine checkup or something of that nature.

Lea Tsu is not a recognized Agent of Tellar by Sartier in general as we chose the option to send 4 secret, temporary agents. If Tellar sent an Agent, we would probably have sent Luna Reynolds or Dominic Rios instead. A Minor House Lord from the opposite side of the country would absolutely raise eyebrows.

The problem with talking to Logan Sarba independently is that there's risk involved because we have no idea what his game is (playing political games at the expense of another house/Sartier, large commoner sympathies that would naturally put him in bed with the Teuvians even without worshiping them, etc). He doesn't have to be Teuvian to screw us another way. (Comparatively, we generally know the Capo leadership probably won't screw us, but everyone below that is suspect.)

There's "commoner sympathies" and then there's what Etela would almost certainly regard as treason given that Sonissimo's leadership. If this was the Yellow Banner, I'd be more sympathetic to this line of reasoning, but it's Teuv. There is little to no chance he'd support Teuvs, which means for our purposes, he's fine. We're not moving against random commoners - we'd be moving against Teuvians.

And TBH, I'm not sure about that last sentence: Lucas would cheerfully throw us to the wolves if blowing our cover drew Teuvian attention that he could then capitalize on. 'Necessary sacrifices' and all. He very much reminds me of Professor Bastion. Ok, that's not true, he'd probably just smile coldly rather than cheerfully.

We're going to be talking to him during the next main turn anyway with our big diplomats and full Symphony and better Councituallor support, I don't see any reason to try and rush into things with borderline agents 2 mini turns early when he has no useful forces to give us anyway. Unlike everyone else we can talk to, he isn't exactly local, and his forces would be just as noticeable if they were deployed over.

I don't know why you assume there'll be an option to talk to him next main turn considering IIRC, it didn't show up this turn. Even if it did, sending an established Agent to talk to him the turn after we sent up military forces signals we're talking to him about something else, which would draw a lot of attention from people trying to figure out what we're up to. It'd also mean he'd only 'know' at the end of Dale mini-turn 6. More to the point, that doesn't let him react fast enough to our agents on the ground or any information our agents found nor any progress we make on coordination between border Minor Houses. Instead, we'd have to depend on his own judgment in his reactions to any ongoing situations and by definition, his reactions would be slower as the news filters in from Arbalen (assuming he even set up a spy network in the first place).

If we haven't roped him into our network with the Minor Houses (once we vet them and bring them into the loop), any action he takes will be opposed by Dale border houses because it would look like an invasion.

On the other hand, bringing him in now allows him to 1) start building good relations with border houses, 2) start subtly trying to identify any Teuvian infiltrators in his forces, 3) start conducting exercises, ostensibly to keep the Guard sharp, but also gets his troops familiar with the terrain more inland. A wargames exercise with House Mei, for example, would be absolute gold. It also means we have a line of communication so that we can get info to him faster and more reliably so that he can react faster instead of faffing around on the border, waffling as to whether he's going to have to fight through Mei's Southmarch Castle before getting anywhere, or whether he should just quarantine the area until he receives authorization to enter Dale.

I don't understand your obsession with forces. Small strike team or elite combat individuals like the Ridderken is one thing. Any larger-scale recruitment or deployment of forces blows our cover as a separate force / power in the area - you would only want to do this sort of thing if you planned to go loud already.
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Okay, made some small updates to the datasheets.

For the time being, we're not going to list full sets of House assets (they're a big and mostly repetitive list), and instead we're going to just list those assets that are known to be damaged or destroyed by Teuv so you can follow where and what they're trying to degrade.

Unsurprisingly, most of the details on the Teuvian groups is yet to be determined.
I feel I should argue for choosing Capo as Apollo's action, given the other plans. We're already sending noteworthy individual in Monica there this turn and Evelyn already has a relationship with the ruler/heir (forget which) so there is clearly a path we can take to ensure the information gets to the right ears and if rolled well enough resources floated our way.

Capo also clearly has the most interest in dismantling the problem, and given their influence and intrigue abilities the best chance to get further agents/resources in a timely manner for the group. The Teuvian issue has also been mentioned by them in the past, and one of the reasons Capo supported the coup against the Sonissimo in favor of Tellar.

I also feel that unless your goal is to put Apollo on Hovering Boss (which seems like the direction it's going) for the rest of the Dale segments, not trying for additional resources when they can most matter is inefficient and frankly a bit of a waste of Apollo talents too. There may even be repercussions for the characters considering the negative implications of "hovering boss" were mentioned in previous updates, although it could have just been fluff.
Lea Tsu is not a recognized Agent of Tellar by Sartier in general as we chose the option to send 4 secret, temporary agents. If Tellar sent an Agent, we would probably have sent Luna Reynolds or Dominic Rios instead. A Minor House Lord from the opposite side of the country would absolutely raise eyebrows.
Lea Tsu is one of Tellar's primary generals, she's not 'just' a Minor House Lord. Beyond that, you seem to have assumed that Teuv knows who all our agents are/that Lea is not one of our agents. I don't know why you would take that as a starting position, given that it takes a non-trivial Diplo test and a full turn action on our part to find out who someone else's agents are.
There's "commoner sympathies" and then there's what Etela would almost certainly regard as treason given that Sonissimo's leadership. If this was the Yellow Banner, I'd be more sympathetic to this line of reasoning, but it's Teuv. There is little to no chance he'd support Teuvs, which means for our purposes, he's fine. We're not moving against random commoners - we'd be moving against Teuvians.
Are you exactly sure you want to gamble anything on Sonissimmo's leadership given what literally just happened this turn?
And TBH, I'm not sure about that last sentence: Lucas would cheerfully throw us to the wolves if blowing our cover drew Teuvian attention that he could then capitalize on. 'Necessary sacrifices' and all. He very much reminds me of Professor Bastion. Ok, that's not true, he'd probably just smile coldly rather than cheerfully.
Lucas isn't going to do anything because we've loaded the agents with just enough status that there would be Repurcussions if he upped and threw them under the bus, no matter the gain.
I don't know why you assume there'll be an option to talk to him next main turn considering IIRC, it didn't show up this turn.
...? The option was there, we just didn't take it because we didn't have any Chivalry agents available.
Even if it did, sending an established Agent to talk to him the turn after we sent up military forces signals we're talking to him about something else, which would draw a lot of attention from people trying to figure out what we're up to.
Again, assuming that The Enemy somehow not only has full knowledge of all of our agents...but that they somehow don't know that Sarba has been fucking about with raising unrest in Raleigh and that as their liege we've been asked to step in to talk to Sarba about that.
It'd also mean he'd only 'know' at the end of Dale mini-turn 6. More to the point, that doesn't let him react fast enough to our agents on the ground or any information our agents found nor any progress we make on coordination between border Minor Houses. Instead, we'd have to depend on his own judgment in his reactions to any ongoing situations and by definition, his reactions would be slower as the news filters in from Arbalen (assuming he even set up a spy network in the first place).
His declared job is only supposed to be keeping peace on the Vincennes/Dale border. That's it. We don't want him doing anything -at all- until full revolts happen because him moving forces in is going to blow the entire thing up.
On the other hand, bringing him in now allows him to 1) start building good relations with border houses, 2) start subtly trying to identify any Teuvian infiltrators in his forces, 3) start conducting exercises, ostensibly to keep the Guard sharp, but also gets his troops familiar with the terrain more inland. A wargames exercise with House Mei, for example, would be absolute gold. It also means we have a line of communication so that we can get info to him faster and more reliably so that he can react faster instead of faffing around on the border, waffling as to whether he's going to have to fight through Mei's Southmarch Castle before getting anywhere, or whether he should just quarantine the area until he receives authorization to enter Dale.
Again, he's a peacekeeping force. What possible justification is there for a wargames exercise with House Mei when he's commanding, say, Carlisle forces? They shouldn't be doing anything at all. He should already have been doing 2 unless he's a complete idiot, in which case we want to keep him isolated anyway.

I don't understand your obsession with forces. Small strike team or elite combat individuals like the Ridderken is one thing. Any larger-scale recruitment or deployment of forces blows our cover as a separate force / power in the area - you would only want to do this sort of thing if you planned to go loud already. do realize there's an entire category of actions locked out to us because we have zero troops, right? And there's an entire suite of actions available to us to try and find us troops in some fashion?
X - Checkpoints - Establish check-points around a District to inspect people moving on the road, as well as patrols to clamp down on people trying to go around them. (Unavailable due to lack of manpower) [50% base chance, 500g, gains a chance of catching Teuv agents each turn in operation, applies malus to Teuv actions in this District, requires 100 soldiers]
Depending on forces used and the specific actions we take, these are entirely viable when not being loud just by the sheer nature of the actions that Teuvian agents have -already- taken. Blowing up a building? Yes, that is the perfect reason to set up checkpoints to shake people down to catch them. Any actions of this nature that we take need troops, who then need some more time getting additional training for these specific acts above their normal warrior type duties.
Lea Tsu is one of Tellar's primary generals, she's not 'just' a Minor House Lord. Beyond that, you seem to have assumed that Teuv knows who all our agents are/that Lea is not one of our agents. I don't know why you would take that as a starting position, given that it takes a non-trivial Diplo test and a full turn action on our part to find out who someone else's agents are.

Yes, that's why it'd be notable she showed up across the nation by herself to talk to the Sartier Army, rather than as a leader with the militia we sent to the Border Guard. It doesn't matter whether or not Lea is one of Tellar's formal agents. The point is she will be assumed to be one when she shows up at the Sartier Army base in Dale for no apparent reason. Once she does and appears to be sticking around, the clock starts ticking - because we strongly suspect Teuv is watching the Sartier Army base - as they track her. Talking to Logan Sarba first as ostensibly, one of the generals with the incoming Tellar reinforcements gives her a much better cover as to why she's sticking around in Dale occasionally.

Are you exactly sure you want to gamble anything on Sonissimmo's leadership given what literally just happened this turn?

Gosh, even though Sonissimo's entire reason d'etre is to fight against Teuv, just because they have their family squabbles that spill over, it clearly means they've been running a giant con for all of Sartier history. What kind of question is this?

Lucas isn't going to do anything because we've loaded the agents with just enough status that there would be Repurcussions if he upped and threw them under the bus, no matter the gain.

He's an intrigue lord! I'm not sure why you think we'd be able to find it out. It's not like he's going to send Capo troops to assassinate our guys. In fact, I strongly suspect it would be Teuvians that kill our group. It just means he'll prioritize his own agents more or not reveal information that we may want to know, using our group as patsies. There's no need for him to stick his neck out for our group if they get in over their head, and if our group dies, well, we should have been better or sent our stronger agents.

...? The option was there, we just didn't take it because we didn't have any Chivalry agents available.

There is no action to talk to Logan Sarba of the Border Force in the main turn. The only option is to talk to the Houses as a whole to get them to shut up and focus on Teuv (Not the Time or Sound the Alarm). That is not the same.

Again, assuming that The Enemy somehow not only has full knowledge of all of our agents...but that they somehow don't know that Sarba has been fucking about with raising unrest in Raleigh and that as their liege we've been asked to step in to talk to Sarba about that.

I seriously don't understand you at all. It doesn't matter that Tsu isn't a full or formal agent of ours. She'll be assumed to be one because you don't send random people to talk to Logan Sarba and there is no reason for her to talk to Logan Sarba the turn after the Tellar reinforcements arrive. If she arrives with the Tellar reinforcements, that's someone being sent as a military leader with Tellar. If she arrives after, that's someone being sent for another reason. (Because if it was the first, she would have arrived earlier.) This is the same logic we used for Monica - I'm not sure why it's so hard to follow here.

If we sent her on her own to Capo just to tell them about Dale, that raises eyebrows because there's no reason for her to be there. When we send her under the cover of starting up a research base, people see what they expect to see: the magic house wants to research magic in Capo and asked for permission.

And honestly, it doesn't matter either way whether Teuv knows about the Raleigh unrest being provoked by Sarba. What does this have to do with anything?

His declared job is only supposed to be keeping peace on the Vincennes/Dale border. That's it. We don't want him doing anything -at all- until full revolts happen because him moving forces in is going to blow the entire thing up.

Again, he's a peacekeeping force. What possible justification is there for a wargames exercise with House Mei when he's commanding, say, Carlisle forces? They shouldn't be doing anything at all. He should already have been doing 2 unless he's a complete idiot, in which case we want to keep him isolated anyway.

We want him in the loop. As in the information loop. Because we don't want him to be diddling about on the border when the revolt happens while he goes uh, what's going on? Wait, is this an actual revolt? Hey, am I supposed to just sit on the border...? Do I have authorization? Is Mei going to shank me if I move in? Wait, who are these people contacting me? Tellar? Are they actually Tellar agents? Can I trust their information?

This was always the point of contacting him, to make sure he realizes that this is a possibility and to let him know where he can move safely and what we want him to do should it come to that. do realize there's an entire category of actions locked out to us because we have zero troops, right? And there's an entire suite of actions available to us to try and find us troops in some fashion?

Yes. I can read. We also have a whole host of Apollo actions to call meetings but we haven't been using those either because, for some reason, those seem a bit obvious. Like the troop options.

Depending on forces used and the specific actions we take, these are entirely viable when not being loud just by the sheer nature of the actions that Teuvian agents have -already- taken. Blowing up a building? Yes, that is the perfect reason to set up checkpoints to shake people down to catch them. Any actions of this nature that we take need troops, who then need some more time getting additional training for these specific acts above their normal warrior type duties.

It's a perfect reason for Dale to set up checkpoints. Because, you know, they're the local ruling house. It's not a perfect reason for mercenaries hired by some mysterious people to shake people down. I'm pretty sure that counts as banditry without Dale authorization, and at the point where you have Dale authorization, thus laying down a trail and letting a lot more people know that these mercs are there with official blessing but strangely not within the Dale military hierarchy, is at the point where it becomes obvious there is another force operating in Dale.
Yes, that's why it'd be notable she showed up across the nation by herself to talk to the Sartier Army, rather than as a leader with the militia we sent to the Border Guard. It doesn't matter whether or not Lea is one of Tellar's formal agents. The point is she will be assumed to be one when she shows up at the Sartier Army base in Dale for no apparent reason. Once she does and appears to be sticking around, the clock starts ticking - because we strongly suspect Teuv is watching the Sartier Army base - as they track her. Talking to Logan Sarba first as ostensibly, one of the generals with the incoming Tellar reinforcements gives her a much better cover as to why she's sticking around in Dale occasionally.
What? That's the complete opposite of sense. It's not notable at all because she's exactly the kind of person that has a perfectly logical reason to be sent to talk to them. And if she's sticking around, then she's working on something with them, which is again completely logical. That's a -far- better reason for her to be here and declared than supposedly after talking to Logan Sarba, because you're assuming that she's going to be mostly perfectly tracked after being revealed, which means to -sell- this she needs to be mostly going back and spending time with the Tellar contingent way over at the border and not doing actual useful things.

Gosh, even though Sonissimo's entire reason d'etre is to fight against Teuv, just because they have their family squabbles that spill over, it clearly means they've been running a giant con for all of Sartier history. What kind of question is this?
I wasn't aware that Logan Sarba was part of Sonissimmo's family.

Oh wait. He isn't.

The entire point is they don't even have their house in order to the point where their relatives aren't screwing them over. It's entirely plausible that even someone as high up as Logan Sarba could be playing games here. Is it likely? Maybe not, but why are we taking a blind risk here with non-diplo non-agents trying to talk to him directly instead of working through the chain naturally? (Seriously, it's a little gauche.)
He's an intrigue lord! I'm not sure why you think we'd be able to find it out. It's not like he's going to send Capo troops to assassinate our guys. In fact, I strongly suspect it would be Teuvians that kill our group. It just means he'll prioritize his own agents more or not reveal information that we may want to know, using our group as patsies. There's no need for him to stick his neck out for our group if they get in over their head, and if our group dies, well, we should have been better or sent our stronger agents.
Because our agents aren't complete idiots and if they reveal to Capo, they're going to have let us know, and if they have anything that looks like a complete intel failure, it's pretty blatant that Capo dropped the ball in some fashion. It doesn't even matter if Teuvians actually legitimately kill the group on their own, Capo now actually needs to invest some effort in working with them and not hang them out to try because they're probably going to be blamed anyway due to their reputation.
There is no action to talk to Logan Sarba of the Border Force in the main turn. The only option is to talk to the Houses as a whole to get them to shut up and focus on Teuv (Not the Time or Sound the Alarm). That is not the same.
It's the exact same action as talking to Timbre last turn. We're opening up lines of dialogue to figure out what the hell Logan Sarba is really playing at along with dealing with relations with him.
Putting Yourself In Their Shoes
[ ] - Investigate what might be done to mend fences with House Sarba. [???% chance, new options unlocked, Destination: Sarba]

I seriously don't understand you at all. It doesn't matter that Tsu isn't a full or formal agent of ours. She'll be assumed to be one because you don't send random people to talk to Logan Sarba and there is no reason for her to talk to Logan Sarba the turn after the Tellar reinforcements arrive. If she arrives with the Tellar reinforcements, that's someone being sent as a military leader with Tellar. If she arrives after, that's someone being sent for another reason. (Because if it was the first, she would have arrived earlier.) This is the same logic we used for Monica - I'm not sure why it's so hard to follow here.

If we sent her on her own to Capo just to tell them about Dale, that raises eyebrows because there's no reason for her to be there. When we send her under the cover of starting up a research base, people see what they expect to see: the magic house wants to research magic in Capo and asked for permission.

And honestly, it doesn't matter either way whether Teuv knows about the Raleigh unrest being provoked by Sarba. What does this have to do with anything?
Well, there's crossed wires here since you kept believeing there wasn't an action to talk to him (that doesn't literally have to talk to him because no Marshals are not going to spend all of their time out in the field and the big Diplo action to figure out what's wrong with them is going back to him--the entire point is to open up lines of communication). So I was responding to you talking about 'established Agents', which I took to mean Dominic/Evelyn/Carmen, which made your paragraph completely nonsensical.

We want him in the loop. As in the information loop. Because we don't want him to be diddling about on the border when the revolt happens while he goes uh, what's going on? Wait, is this an actual revolt? Hey, am I supposed to just sit on the border...? Do I have authorization? Is Mei going to shank me if I move in? Wait, who are these people contacting me? Tellar? Are they actually Tellar agents? Can I trust their information?

This was always the point of contacting him, to make sure he realizes that this is a possibility and to let him know where he can move safely and what we want him to do should it come to that.
And there is plenty of time to use normal channels to smooth the way first (and even do the work for us) because the Revolt isn't going to happen in whatever time period you envision. We don't have the answers to any of the things you're trying to bring up anyway, so there's no point in telling him and potentially worrying him and causing him to change his decisions and reactions and give up the game on his end. He doesn't have any extra actions to take on his end until we actually have a prepared packet to hand him.

Seriously, going to him on this turn just makes us look like idiots and probably pisses off Dale a little bit if it gets back to them early by effectively airing their dirty laundry without having a plan in place or taken any large actions to mitigate it. What are we going to say? There's potentially a revolt brewing over there. No, we don't know how bad it is, no we don't know anyone who's loyal except the Mezzos, no you can't do anything because you're supposed to be a peacekeeping force on that side of the border. He has no actions to take that he shouldn't have already been taking--and if he wasn't taking them then he's kind of bad at his job and wouldn't help us much anyway.
It's a perfect reason for Dale to set up checkpoints. Because, you know, they're the local ruling house. It's not a perfect reason for mercenaries hired by some mysterious people to shake people down. I'm pretty sure that counts as banditry without Dale authorization, and at the point where you have Dale authorization, thus laying down a trail and letting a lot more people know that these mercs are there with official blessing but strangely not within the Dale military hierarchy, is at the point where it becomes obvious there is another force operating in Dale.
I used it as an example. *rollseyes* More likely having deniable forces on hand to Raid with is tremendously useful. I don't even know why you brought up the Ridderkin at all to begin with if you never intended for us to Raid...which we can't do without troops.


edit: ugh, okay, we're not going to get anywhere like this, let me just condense it

1) Logan Sarba is not our friend. Logan Sarba is only there because we couldn't afford to put someone else up as commander. In an ideal world we would have had one of our own to spare as commander. In a slightly less ideal world, we would have had a known quantity from a definitely friendly House there. Instead, we have him.
2) We have nothing useful and specific to tell him anyway
3) He has no useful actions to take that he shouldn't have already been doing
4) Even if he were our friend, we had something useful to tell him, and he has actions to now take that he hadn't been doing, he's still a Mezzo and so we really can't actually just have a non-Agent saunter over to him to dump info onto him as commander, there's protocol for these things (repeat after me: fucking Nobles)
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Talking to Sarba over their peasant shtick is not the same as talking to Logan Sarba in his capacity as commander of the Border Guard over a Teuvian revolt. :jackiechan: This is not at all relevant.

And, of course, we're not going to raid. We don't even have free fire permission in the first place, unless your plan is to get us thrown out of Dale.

1. Sarba is at rating 1 (negligible) in terms of Teuvian infiltration. This is lower than any other province, even Etela itself, and the Etelan block has always been very anti-Teuv. He doesn't need to be our friend. He just needs to be anti-Teuv and willing to work against Teuv.

2. We know that: Dale is about to go up in flames relatively soon (confirmed: Sarah Asteron), and they're being led by a Teuvian missionary with songweaver support in Mollandt (confirmed: Hope whatever). They also have an active Teuvian group with songweaver support in Arbalen. We strongly suspect: they have a plan to deal with the Sartier Army and are shipping assets in through the port.

3. He's a confirmed asset on the list so he's granting some bonus, just like Shannon Dale or Belinda Horvale did. I imagine it's probably something similar to the Emergency Warrant or a bonus to actions along the border. Just because he has bonii we wouldn't be using right away doesn't make it not worthwhile.

4. We can. There is no support or confirmation either way for your assertion here.
Talking to Sarba over their peasant shtick is not the same as talking to Logan Sarba in his capacity as commander of the Border Guard over a Teuvian revolt. :jackiechan: This is not at all relevant.
It's entirely relevant because it speaks to his character and motivations.
And, of course, we're not going to raid. We don't even have free fire permission in the first place, unless your plan is to get us thrown out of Dale.
Yes, of course, we're going to raid. Read the actions more carefully, Free Fire applies to the Courts, not to other targets. Beyond that, getting permission for other targets, should it prove necessary, is meaningless without troops.

This is exactly the same argument people tried to have with me when we recruited more troops during the main turn. There is always a lag time involved here. In this case, we need to acquire them, then we need to (re)train them.
1. Sarba is at rating 1 (negligible) in terms of Teuvian infiltration. This is lower than any other province, even Etela itself, and the Etelan block has always been very anti-Teuv. He doesn't need to be our friend. He just needs to be anti-Teuv and willing to work against Teuv.
We have no idea what he is willing or likely to do. This is exactly analogous to your idea about Lucas Capo--he could well be an enemy of Teuv but still screw us over due to ambition. What if he hates Teuv -too much- and is just going to make the situation more volatile?

2. We know that: Dale is about to go up in flames relatively soon (confirmed: Sarah Asteron), and they're being led by a Teuvian missionary with songweaver support in Mollandt (confirmed: Hope whatever). They also have an active Teuvian group with songweaver support in Arbalen. We strongly suspect: they have a plan to deal with the Sartier Army and are shipping assets in through the port.
And precious little about this is actionable, basically none of it on his end. Telling someone not actually in charge of the area about problems without sounding like you have immediate solutions isn't really the greatest.
3. He's a confirmed asset on the list so he's granting some bonus, just like Shannon Dale or Belinda Horvale did. I imagine it's probably something similar to the Emergency Warrant or a bonus to actions along the border. Just because he has bonii we wouldn't be using right away doesn't make it not worthwhile.
Given how the argument's been going about asset quality and whether we even want things, saying he's a confirmed asset doesn't mean much.

And no, you can't have it both ways. If he has not immediately relevant bonuses then he's about as useful as recruiting troops in your eyes.
Something in favor of contacting the Sarba commander is their bio on the front page, which seems like someone with their skills (his stats in particular are great, though his counterparts are surprisingly bad hopefully due to age) would be wonderfully useful especially when we know they're have the lowest Teuvian influence in Sartier. Their units are particularly useful, and if Logan Sarba is informed as he is both the house Marshall and in command of the border force it is quite easily in his authority to move some Gendarmes to his command post.

He would clearly have a legitimate public reason to do so given the tensions between the two vassal houses, and the peacekeeper bonus would be of obvious help in this situation. Given it's been mentioned that the Teuvian's have presumably taken counter measures to those forces they expect opposition from, it's likely they're aiming to do so currently with the border force right now and informing Logan would allow him to counter them.


Courtly manners, silver tongues, and intrigues are the ways of House Sarba. Squeezed between the western city of Etela and the southern province of Dyelin, the city and house of Sarba make their home. It is the most densely populated part of Sartier, which requires a deft and graceful hand. A Noble of the House of Sarba spends her or his childhood immersed in courtly life and courtly ideals, and learns learns how to flatter and dissemble, how to give offence when one wants, and mask it when one doesn't. But all this focus on form has come at the expense of the function. Though House Sarba lands are free from peasant turmoil thanks to the efforts of their Gendarmes, bandits remain an issue as people look for upward mobility while their nobles carry on their shadow games. Like with Timbre and Sonissimmo, the ruling pair of Sarba is only new to their role, with a youthful court, and all have much to learn.

Courtly Graces-
From the cradle the children of this house are taught how to conduct themselves at court. [Bonuses to Diplomacy and Intrigue ratings for Sarba characters]
A Pen Mightier Than The Sword- House Sarba had less interest than other houses in bloodshed, preferring the power of words to swords. [Further bonus to non-violentIntrigue actions and actions related to Mediation]

Echo Chamber-
Sometimes it seems that the more practical business of governing a province simply gets in the way of the more interesting pursuits. [House Sarba characters have a penalty to Stewardship]
War, Huh, What Is It Good For?- Sarbine levies grown on the diplomatic rhetoric of their Lords have no taste for conquest. [Levy and Militia suffer -5 Morale on offensive campaigns outside the greater Etela region]

Unique Unit:
Gendarmes, Medium Semi-Professional Spear Cavalry w/ Barding, Shields, Longswords
Combat Dice Pool: 5d20h3, Armour Mod 20, Armour Pen -5, Parry 8, Steadfast 45+, Morale 110
40g per Soldier, 8,000 per Regiment, 1,400g Upkeep

The Gendarmes of Sarba are officers of the law, empowered by the ruling Mezzo of Sarba to settle disputes, apprehend outlaws, and protect the people from danger. When war threatens, they can form up into regiments to protect their flocks again.

Peacekeepers- These horsemen are trained to patrol the land and protect the people. [A regiment reduces success chance for uprisings or sabotage by 5%, up to a max of -25%]
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I'm voting
[X] Katreus

mostly because I think Spectrum's position on the House Sarba Marshal possibly using the Teuvian threat against us is utter nonsense. I know it won't make any difference, the bandwagon is rolling. But still, hell, there's a larger chance that the Royal Army general in Arbalen has been turned by the Teuv than what Spectrum seems to be advocating for.
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Something in favor of contacting the Sarba commander is their bio on the front page, which seems like someone with their skills (his stats in particular are great, though his counterparts are surprisingly bad hopefully due to age) would be wonderfully useful especially when we know they're have the lowest Teuvian influence in Sartier. Their units are particularly useful, and if Logan Sarba is informed as he is both the house Marshall and in command of the border force it is quite easily in his authority to move some Gendarmes to his command post.

He would clearly have a legitimate public reason to do so given the tensions between the two vassal houses, and the peacekeeper bonus would be of obvious help in this situation. Given it's been mentioned that the Teuvian's have presumably taken counter measures to those forces they expect opposition from, it's likely they're aiming to do so currently with the border force right now and informing Logan would allow him to counter them.
Sarba already brought a unit of Gendarmes to the border force, FYI. It seems unlikely they would bring others over given they only have 2 + 1 more in the Minors total and it might give the game away, again.

That's really my fundamental opposition to talking to Logan Sarba -right now-, that there's nothing excessively useful extra for him to be doing to help us out. He can't suddenly bring extra troops in really, he can't send Dale troops, he can't do any of the war games exercises proposed (seriously those are absurd), and i f he wasn't already looking for Teuvian sympathesizers in his own complement he's an idiot.