No Oneiros, please, you can't say things like that. That means you justified all the extra hours spent fretting about details and various minutiae which means I need to do it again next turn. : (
(Also before any recriminations start, I'm aware that explicitly having Charlie along with Theo may trigger a Diplo roll with Chivalry v Dread penalty for cooperation but if it did fire I was counting on Silver Fox to balance that out, even if neither of their Diplo scores are particularly great on their own merits)
Oh, okay. I was about to hop on and vote for it myself, so it would have won by one more.
@Spectrum, the only thing that I would really have changed was to focus on offensive Song research. We already know that they are powerful, so improving them should give us huge boosts to our combat capabilities. We are the magic House, so we should leverage that as best we can. I would ask that you consider it for next turn. I'll do the same. Hopefully the color coding on the actions will make things easier.
@Spectrum, the only thing that I would really have changed was to focus on offensive Song research. We already know that they are powerful, so improving them should give us huge boosts to our combat capabilities. We are the magic House, so we should leverage that as best we can. I would ask that you consider it for next turn. I'll do the same. Hopefully the color coding on the actions will make things easier.
No money. Another 15k startup costs breaks the bank for that turn. We had 100k~ in the treasury, I had us spend 70k~ immediately on the start of turn. Mid turns have averaged roughly 10k~ of additional costs. I anticipate spending more to grease wheels because this is a war turn. That means that if our treasury number is inaccurate at all (embezzling, Tellar economic ineptitude), we risked going bankrupt during the mid turn if we had spent much more.
We should have roughly 80k or so next turn. If May and Juan clear, we're probably burning 15-20k on econ and 10-15k on other options. We might be able to swing 15k on general research then. I think the 30k battlefield songs option which still be too expensive. Let's see what we're dealing with next turn?
By the way Oneiros & Macchiato, if the options are still open next turn, can you continue to list success %s on currently selected research (Georgie's)?
We should have roughly 80k or so next turn. If May and Juan clear, we're probably burning 15-20k on econ and 10-15k on other options. We might be able to swing 15k on general research then. I think the 30k battlefield songs option which still be too expensive. Let's see what we're dealing with next turn?
Sure, but it's worth pointing out that such is the startup cost, and it would be significantly expensive per turn afterwards. Given that it has a chance for producing a breakthrough per turn, the earlier we get it started, the better our chances of getting something really nice out of it. Considering what our Elite Songweavers are capable of, boosting them could start doing great things, and if we can get our lesser Songweavers to even a quarter of that capability, we could get a real advantage in anything that involves a battle. Which basically every turn so far has had, to a greater or lesser extent.
It's expensive, sure, but the potential payoffs make it a pretty high priority from my perspective.
Sure, but it's worth pointing out that such is the startup cost, and it would be significantly expensive per turn afterwards. Given that it has a chance for producing a breakthrough per turn, the earlier we get it started, the better our chances of getting something really nice out of it. Considering what our Elite Songweavers are capable of, boosting them could start doing great things, and if we can get our lesser Songweavers to even a quarter of that capability, we could get a real advantage in anything that involves a battle. Which basically every turn so far has had, to a greater or lesser extent.
It's expensive, sure, but the potential payoffs make it a pretty high priority from my perspective.
Yes, but the thing is that we're not fighting every turn (...maybe), whereas we're poor every turn. Economic spending has to take priority once we get the opportunity. I agree that the payoffs are nice, but, well "Marital Spirit Doesn't Buy Your Horse" : (
(A/N: Mid-Turn is pretty much done, we're just fine-tuning it, should post around evening time our time, morning time in the US)
Herding Cats
'By the way, Evie, dear, could you let all the Councilors know that the emergency meeting for last minute Nune Reef's planning and the new Agents is due for tomorrow?
- Love, your Father'
You look up from the parchment in annoyance. What are you, an errand woman? Even so, an order from your Symphony, if not your father, is not something you ignore. So a moment of irritation is all you allow before you head out of your rooms, out into the rest of the inner keep. Silently a pair of Inner Guard that were on your doorway fall into step behind you. Sign of the time, you guess, there has been a lot of edginess since the arrival of the Soothsinger.
You look for Theo first, and find him after a few missteps, in the courtyard at the foot of the keep, on the dueling grounds. The wily fox is facing down a young noblewoman who is coming at him with the kind of fury you associate with jilted lovers.
A small sigh escapes your lips.
The noblewoman is talented, and you're pretty sure she's one of the Courtiers from Raleigh, but when Theo catches sight of you, he gives you a nod and stops playing. His spear accelerates much like a rock does when you shove it off a cliff, a blur of light that flashes here and there. Sparks fly as the woman falls back on the defensive, but the butt of Theo's spear catches her wrist and the sword drops. You're walking forward before the steel hits the earth.
"Nice bout, Sonja," says Theo as he leans on his spear. He doesn't seem like so impressive at first, but you know that just beneath the outer softness the dark-haired man is iron-like muscle. Between that and his rakish smile, he can be easy to underestimate. But you know better; you've seen his halberd cross seemingly impossible distances seeming as fast as sound.
The young woman picks up her sword and sheaths it. "Fuck you," she snarled.
"Isn't that how this mess st-"
"Theo," you say in a tone like iron jaws snapping shut. "Any particular cause for this duel?"
"Duel, Concerto?" asks Theo and he recoils as if you waved an asp in his face. "No Concerto! Young Lady Raleigh here and me were just sparring."
You glance at Sonja and raise a brow. "Yes, Concerto," she agrees through gritted teeth.
"Fine, fine," you say huffily. "But since I have two Raleigh nobles here, perhaps one of you can tell me what's in the water up there that made it seem like restarting up skirmishing with Sarba was a good idea?"
"It's just Minor House squabbling, these things happen," shrugs Theo. "It was only a few years ago that Tsu and Oxburr were feuding across the border."
You give Theo a dangerous look. He gives you a charming smile back. Wasted effort. You won't fall for that Silver Fox's ways. After all, you prefer your partners younger than yourself. And ideally wearing a ribbon.
Hey, don't judge.
A long moment of silence holds, finally broken by you. "Fine. Anyway, Theo, there's a meeting tomorrow. First bell after noontime. Be there, or I start prying into why young women are trying to take your head off on the tourney grounds."
"As you will, Concerto," replies Theo with a smile even more dazzling than the first.
You find Monica Reynolds with an audience in the main Court, drinking while dazzling with her sopranic voice. It soars and dives and carries her audience along in a slow, sad romantic song. Her listeners sway to her tune, transported somewhere far away, to a river bank and a pair of star-crossed nobles. She is pitch perfect every note, putting you somewhere between star-struck admiration and hopeless jealousy. A round of applause takes over as the last note trails off.
Monica just winks at the crowd and launches into another number, tossing a long blonde ponytail over her shoulder. A much, much bawdier and upbeat number, to the laughter of a dozen Courtiers and hanger-ons. She gets up off the dais and flirts with the audience as she sings, not truly in a befitting manner for a noble, but also with so much more skill and nous than the sort of tavern singer who might be plying their hand at this sort of song. And the fact the noblewoman's dress is a playsuit that cuts off at the hips helps the effect.
It sends a little shiver up your spine to think that soon this same voice will shatter timber and pulp flesh.
You wait for her to finish and then sidle up next to her. "Ah, my dearest Concerto, what may I do for you, Evelyn?" she asks.
"Be at the council chambers, first bell after noontime," you say. "We have an answer to our friend Sarah's puzzle."
"A good answer, I hope?" she asks in a voice that washes over you like silk.
"Alas not."
You know that Carmen is in Wellshead talking to the Timbre, so she won't be able to attend, nor will your mother, who is not due to return for the battle until next week. So you go to find Dominic next. The guards suggest that he was last seen around the map room near the top of the tower. Your legs groan in protest, but you march back up the stairs in the multi-story citadel keep.
You find Dominic and his wife leaning over the map tables, looking at the new scout maps of the Nune Reef pirate base, seemingly debating lines of attack. Dominic is tall and lean, with a neatly trimmed beard, a rarity in the nobility's mostly clean-shaven Courts. A superb general, in his youth he actually gave House Tellar itself a touch-up in the raiding and skirmishing that was even more common a generation ago. It so impressed the old Symphony they invited him to Court.
Weird days, those.
His wife Natalie is your aunt, the youngest of your father's siblings. Not quite forty yet, the first thing people notice about her is that she is an achingly beautiful woman, itself no small testament to how good Rita is at healing scars. The second thing keen observers notice, however, is how firmly toned her limbs are, and how she moves with a killer's grace. She is a supremely deadly fighter, probably the only person in the Court who can go toe-to-toe with Theo.
"Nice to see you two behaving," you joke as you walk into the room, past Natalie's own guards.
"Just looking over this island assault," rumbles Dominic. "I want to land on the far side and go overland, take the harbour keep out of the equation."
"It's false caution," sighs Natalie. "Use Monica and Rita to smash the harbour chain towers, then go straight through and land in the harbour, use the settlement for arrow cover as we storm the castle gates."
"You're still thinking like the hot-head you used to be," replies Dominic.
"Sometimes the direct route works best," retorts Natalie.
"Those both sound like plausible plans," you say. "I'd love to hear them presented to the planning meeting. Oh, speaking of which, council meeting, tomorrow, first bell after noon-time, as an agent they'd like you there, Dominic."
"Of course, of course."
You find the Lumen family ahead of schedule, when their youngest, Min, bumps into you in a hallway, a wild looking young thing with her hair cropped short and a well-used sword-hilt sticking up over her shoulder. "You didn't see me," is all she blurts to you before disappearing through the door to the balcony.
A moment later you see May Lumen round the far corner and come rushing up to you, looking bright in Lumen livery of orange and green. She doesn't have a warrior's build, being a little remiss on that side of her nobility. Oh, sure, you know that she can defend herself, and if you give her time to sing a tune she can put a shockwave down an alleyway that'll light you up. But she is wickedly clever and well-spoken.
"Concerto Evelyn, did you happen to see my girl come this way?" asks May as she comes within a step.
"Not that I can think of," you reply smoothly. "Which girl?"
"Min, my youngest," says May with a sigh. "She's being a fool. Gone duel and honour crazy."
"Really?" you ask, tone ever so polite.
"Yes, alas. One more worry I don't need. Sorry to bother you, Concerto," replies May. She exhales and seems to lessen before your eyes, shoulders bowing. "Stressful days, these. What with the ... well, you know." She looks up to meet your eyes. "Has there been word?"
"It's true, apparently," you confirm. May swears with a bitterness that surprises you. "I was coming to find you, actually. The Symphony has pushed up the Autumn meeting. Council chambers, tomorrow, first bell after noon. Could you tell Juan?"
"Ah, yes, of course," says May as she looks away. "Well, I'll see you at the meeting. My lady," she says by way of farewell, and you dismiss the older woman with a smile and a wave.
She is really behaving oddly, lately.
When she leaves your sight, you run your fingers through your hair as you try and figure out what's going on, but there isn't really much to go on. Instead you walk out into the balcony. You catch Min by the corner of your eye, to the right of the door. She's giving you a coquettish grin as she leans on a shield of orange and green stripes.
"Duel and honour crazy, she says," muses Min. "How foolish must I be?"
"Guard," you say idly. "Your shield."
"C-Concerto, are you-," the senior of your two guards begins. You silence her with a look.
Evelyn Parry Roll Need 6+ = 20, 1, 13, 12, 7, 13 = 5 pass, 1 fail
Min Parry Roll Need 6+ = 8, 12 = 2 pass, 0 fail
d11 v d9 = 10, 2, Evelyn initiative
Min Parry Roll Need 6+ = 20, 14, 15, 11, 5, 13, 17, 5, 17, 14 = 6 (max) pass, 4 fail
Evelyn Parry Roll Need = 17, 8 = 2 pass, 0 fail
Min Armour Need <= 6 = 15, 11, 19, 16 = 0 pass, 4 fail
4 hit vs Toughness 3+2, Min Lumen concedes
You left Min Lumen practicing her failed parry, wondering just what went wrong.
Hamid Hulland's office isn't inside the main keep, but rather in an outbuilding in the corner of the courtyard, where a discrete pedestrian gate is built into the side of the north gatehouse, allowing agents to come and go more quietly. And, perhaps, to keep the less tasteful among them away from the nobles in the keep.
Hamid Hulland is at his desk, leaning back in his chair. The grey-haired man may be aging, and on the cusp of elderly, but the eyes of the stocky man were clear and steely as he focuses on the object dangling from his hand, some device on the end of a chain.
"Uncle," you greet, leaving off the 'Great-' as you always do. "Something interesting?"
"Sun, moon, shadow, the aspects of of the Teuvian god, Khulios," rumbles Hamid. "They say, you know, that the followers of Khulios are blessed with subtlety, and through their faith may hide regiments on the battlefield, dazzle armies, trick people into acts of madness."
"Why are we considering sending someone to investigate the enemy when you apparently know it all already?" you ask dryly.
Hamid snorts and tosses the item your way. It is a necklace, with a golden seven-point star, half-encircled by a silver crescent moon, hanging from a thin chain of black metal.
"Patricia took it from the body of a rebel courier in Arbalen," he informs. His voice, as always, holds a deep, melodious quality. "Took me a week to decipher the code on his messages, but I did it."
"Well, and now there is a meeting thanks to your work," you grin, before telling him the rest of the details.
"Then tell your father that I'll be there," promises Hamid.
A new voice breaks in into the office, catching you by surprise. Malice drips, such that not just your sword is half out of its sheath, but your guards as well are drawing shields.
"Hey villain, have you got those Yellow Banner reports yet?"
"I already sent a lad with the reports, buzz off back to the keep, Charlie," rumbled Hamid.
"Ah, Charlie!" you call, relaxing as you recognise the arrival. Such had been the anger in her voice at first that you hadn't clicked right away.
The House Tellar Justice nearly trips over her own feet in surprise as she spots you. "Ah, Evelyn," she says, her voice immediately softening from the tone she had used with Hamid. "Sorry, I didn't know you were here."
"You two are still cooperating like old friends, I see," you note dryly. Both Charlie and Hamid turn a peculiar shade and begin to open their mouths but you cut them with with a chop of the arm. "One more round of blame game and there will be consequences. Yes, even for you dear Uncle."
Hamid lets out a bass 'hrmph' and settles back into his chair. Charlie folds her arms and gives you a death glare. Wasted effort. You're no witless farmer to be cowed by a stern look, and you've faced as much battle as she has. Charlie knows that, too. Finally the Justice exhales and drops her hands to rest on her hips.
"So what brings you down to this old sinner's abode?" she asks, getting a bark of laughter from the old man.
"Well, she isn't wrong there," you glance back at Hamid.
"Ha, I suppose not," says Hamid. "But I daresay I've enjoyed my sins more than you ever will your bloody-minded and ruthless rules."
You look up at the ceiling and sigh aloud, before regarding Charlie anew. "The Symphony asked me to let the Council and agents still in Harper know there's a Council meeting tomorrow."
"Sure, I'll be there," says Charlie. "This about the Dale fiasco?"
You nod back. "In most part."
"It's true," speaks up Hamid. "That Soothsinger, Sarah Asteron. All the specifics she could point to check out. Plus there are rebels running around with some of the known symbols of the great foe."
"Great foe?" asks Charlie.
"You youths forget, but those of my age, we grew up in the aftermath of the war with Teuv," says Hamid gravely. "Carmen even grew up through it, as did your grandmama, Evelyn. To people of our age, Teuv will always be the great enemy."
"Well, if we're not careful, there will be a new generation to think the same," you reply. "Make sure you're both at that meeting."
A new voice breaks in into the office, catching you by surprise. Malice drips, such that not just your sword is half out of its sheath, but your guards as well are drawing shields.
"Hey villain, have you got those Yellow Banner reports yet?"
You give Theo a dangerous look. He gives you a charming smile back. Wasted effort. You won't fall for that Silver Fox's ways. After all, you prefer your partners younger than yourself. And ideally wearing a ribbon.
It has, you have to say, been a very busy start to the year. Luna has begun work canvassing the Houses about the proposed border patrol between Dale and Vincennes and there have been ... interesting results. A mix of good and bad news rounds out the start of the council cycle.
Sartier Quest - Autumn, Turn 3, Year 2 (Mid-turn)
[This post contains a number of interrupt/response options to allow you to react to other events within Sartier. You have 1 (ONE) remaining Influence Point to use]
Good news, it seems, has a habit of coming in curious forms, and with surprisingly tricky decisions. Luna is busily at work gathering up forces to help police the border between Dale and Vincennes. Her initial reports have come in, indicating some enthusiastic responses, but more than a little resistance on the part of other Houses. The most enthusiastic, however, has come from Sarba, whose ethos that the Pen is Mightier than the Sword makes them very amenable to mediation efforts. And the way they see it, this is a great first step.
So much so that in addition to offering a regiment of Gendarmes and others, Logan Sarba is offering to head up the border force personally. He is a very capable leader, and having someone with Sarbine skill at peacemaking could be helpful. However, some in the Council are leery about letting that command go outside of Tellar's control. On the other hand, this may make Capo happier than leaving it with the liege of one of the combatant Houses.
[ ] [SARBA] Accept
[ ] [SARBA] Decline, and name one of your own Courtiers or Vassals during the Dale phase.
In other upbeat news, Carmen Rios' mission is off and racing before it even begins. Carlisle has learned of your outreach to Timbre and apparently the relief in Castle Mariner is palpable. They appear to have already been at the point of planning up a raid on one of Timbre's Minor Houses when the news came through. With those resources now no longer required, they're planning to put them to better use. You're not sure if this is helpful or patronising, but they have sent through an offer of aid.
[ ] [CAR] Carlisle support for your mission to Timbre. [+15 to Putting Yourself in Their Shoes roll]
[ ] [CAR] The use of powerful ground troops to aid in your battle with Tranquility. [Gain Carlisle Household Guard regiment, professional heavy long-swordsmen, with transports]
[ ] [CAR] A flotilla from the extensive House Carlisle fleet. [Gain 4 Oboes from House Carlisle for the naval battle]
But overall, you haven't had too much of a chance to worry yourself about other people's missions. You have a battle to plan for. And there has been good news ... and bad news.
The good news is that Capo and the Royal Navy have responded to your entreaties.
To your surprise, the reaction from the Royal Navy was not begrudging, indeed, it was openly enthusiastic. It looks like someone back at the Balan Cloister is still nursing some resentment over their failed attack on Solemn Bay, as the Royal Navy task force arrives with a note from Raj Sonissimmo, the Royal Admiral, but also a surprise, in the form of a...
[ ] [RN] ...sixth Royal, detached from one of the other forces. Another elite warship is nothing to sneeze at!
[ ] [RN] ...a quinquereme of Memphrabi, led by a noble with a grudge against Tranquility who heard of the Royal Navy's departure.
[ ] [RN] Elite Songweaver from Sonissimmo. Because of course secret missives from the ruling Symphony aren't secret from Hana. Grr.
Capo was ... not so enthusiastic. You got the distinct feeling that if Capo weren't trying to keep up visible solidarity, lest Sonissimmo get ideas, they may not have responded at all. On the other hand, their resident fleet specialist, Rachel Whickerine, apparently threw her weight around with your friend Alana and got you your reinforcements. Three regiments, fifteen hundred men and women, a mix of Men-at-Arms and Longbows.
Now, with your own three regiments, that will give you three thousand troops and two hundred knights to hit the island. If you can force your way, of course. You have talked with your Aunt about what sort of troops you should take. The Inner Guard is out, as super-heavy troops do not like getting on boats, and horses need special galleys you don't have. But you do have your professional spears, your yeomen men-at-arms, and the House Longbows.
[ ] [BAT] - Plan A - Send 3 x Tellar Spearmen (All professional, disciplined, pricey)
[ ] [BAT] - Plan B - Send 1 x Tellar Spearmen, 1 x Men-at-Arms, 1 x House Longbow(Include powerful ranged support, very pricey)
[ ] [BAT] - Plan C - You sent the Navy, let your Minor vassals send the boots. [Reynolds, Morcombe Men-at-Arms, Tsu House Longbows, Minor Houses actually likely to appreciate the opportunity]
As for the bad news, scouts and spies from Hamid have reported back on the Nune Reef base. The gates had been fitted to the stronghold there, and the fleet numbers defending the base have come in at 28 ships, four of them Lords. That said, the bulk of them were simple Warrior types, so you should be okay, especially with the Royal Navy reinforcements.
But overall, the very worst news comes from your aunt and father, freshly on your desk.
The Soothsinger Sarah Asteron is correct. Signs point to Arbalen being in the grip of a nascent revolt against the Dale. The question is how to approach it. There are emergency measures that can be taken, but there is a large advantage in the Teuvian rebels not knowing that they have been uncovered too soon.
So the question came to an impromptu Council meeting of those still in Harper. Dominic and Hamid, in an unlikely partnership, advocate that we should use the quieter emergency measures, and sequester Dale into a special set of operations. You would conscript a small set of 'Agents' to do your work in Arbalen from the courtiers who were being considered for full agent roles, and let them do the work for you. After all, many of the agents you use for this kind of work are well known to other Houses, and seeing a hubbub in Arbalen could tip people off. The problem, of course, is that your prospects have not been vetted like your normal agents, so things could be, erm, dicey.
Charlie, on the other hand, would rather just formally induct the most promising two Agents and handle things within the normal way of doing business. You suppose you shouldn't be surprised by that, she was always a stickler for rules.
[ ] [DALE] Dominic and Hamid's Solution [2 Influence Points tied up for duration of Dale Crisis, 4 agents gained for a Dale vote phase, 1 Influence Cost for basic vetting]
[ ] [DALE] Charlie's Solution [2 Agents selected, 2 Influence Points consumed, 1 Influence Cost for vetting]
(A/N - well, this is us trying to give you tools for handling the Dale blow up effectively, without it making the main vote phase worse than it is...
Also, a few people mentioned that it would have been nice to start with only a couple agents and get used to the system. This makes of Dale a little sub-turn for people who aren't sure about trying to take on the main-turn post a chance to cut their teeth on a much smaller proposition.
Or of course, you can just expand the main turn and go from there.)
1 x Royal Navy Task Force (5 Royals, Characters: 1 Commodore, 1 Songweaver)
Task Force 6 - Commodore Ai Ritter, Naval Songweaver Yvonne Dale
Blue Hawk
1 x Capo Army (3 Regiments, 3 Characters)
1 x Capo Men-at-Arms
1 x Thanh Men-at-Arms
1 x Capo House Longbows
Characters travelling to Raleigh will take the Barossa River, travelling west will take ship at Dockshaw, travelling east will take ship at Billfarthing.
Evelyn - Harper
Luna - various (Harper -> Dockshaw -> ship around Sartier)
Juan - Harper
May - Harper
Monica - The Chiming Forest (Harper -> Chiming Forest)
Theo -Harper -> Palkerend
Carmen - Timbre (Harper -> Billfarthing -> Ship to Gambier -> Riverboats to Wellshead)
Dominic - Harper
Hamid - Harper
Georgie Hulland - Magic Research (Stays in Harper)
Charlie Tellar - Harper -> Palkerend
Rita - Etela (Harper -> Dockshaw -> Ship to Etela)
Bandits have returned to form, with outbreaks starting in:
Marlingtay (Vincennes)
Wellshead (Timbre)
Gambier (Carlisle)
Tranquility is stirring, sails draw near. Two attacks are believed en route, one in Greater Harper, one in Greater Carentan.
Okay, I've tried to keep this one relatively concise. 5 choices to make, a pair of 2-options and three three-options, all independent of each other.
The little Royal Navy filip came because your roll for getting their aid came out to 142 or so. The Carlisle boost comes about because they literally had an action on deck to go whack a Timbre Minor House if you hadn't stepped in and settled matters. Sarba action is because he rolled a 99 on the action.
An interesting set of votes. I'm in favor of letting Sarba lead it as it satisfies the politics angle, and it's mentioned that the person is highly competent so that isn't a concern either. For the Carlisle option (and I'm very glad it was done this turn) it depends on the numbers that are going to be involved in the battle but at the moment I'm in favor of the domestic bonus given how much the economic disruption is meant to be costing our vassal.
The Royal Navy option all of them are obviously very good, such I'm not sure what would be the most helpful. I'd imagine galley from Memphrabi would be helpful when our nation decides to reach out to others, but I'm not sure where that fits in the action schedule. Then again we have that Ambassador unlocking soon which gives a free diplomacy action (@OneirosTheWriter - for clarity's sake is that limited to diplomacy actions, or does it include the research too?). The Memphradi action says "Memphrabi, the Scholar Lords, here are powerful and may have much wisdom to share" so they can obviously aid us particularly given our ignorance of many subjects, not least of which is Teuv itself.
The Dale action depends on how severe we believe it's going to be. I'm inclined to be a bit pessimistic and think we may need quite a few agents to keep a lid on things, although undoubtedly Dale itself would be dedicating most if not all it's own actions towards this issue along with Capo so it may not be necessary.
Okay, so, looking at it, there's no options to actually spend that Influence point we have hanging around. Got it. Instead, we should focus on what we think are the best options.
Edit: Never mind. Found the Influence cost. Didn't read that last set of actions fully.
So, Sarba... yeah, sure. While I might be somewhat leery about letting this go out-of-house, we're going to need to focus on handling this upcoming problem in Dale. Offloading this and letting us focus on other crises is fine by me.
[X] [SARBA] Accept
Timbre borders Dale, and as such it is important that we get as much of a foothold there as possible, especially under these conditions. Boosting our chances with Timbre seems the obvious choice to me.
[X] [CAR] Carlisle support for your mission to Timbre. [+15 to Putting Yourself in Their Shoes roll]
This is both the more amusing option (dammit, Hana), and then we have an extra Elite Songweaver, which could turn the tides (heh) both at sea and on shore. Which is a big deal. @OneirosTheWriter, just out of curiosity, what's this Songweaver's name?
[X] [RN] Elite Songweaver from Sonissimmo. Because of course secret missives from the ruling Symphony aren't secret from Hana. Grr.
Obviously the cheap option is going to be the Minor houses... but I'm not sure we should rely on them, lest this turn into our own version of Tranquility. I feel like it's worth splurging on the House Longbows rather than letting our vassals handle it.
[X] [BAT] - Plan B - Send 1 x Tellar Spearmen, 1 x Men-at-Arms, 1 x House Longbow(Include powerful ranged support, very pricey)
Dale... is a gamble either way. One involves getting more boots on the ground, allowing us to take more actions to react, but we won't necessarily be able to be sure of their loyalty. On the other hand, we would have less Agents, but we would be more comfortable with actually using them. Seems to be a trade-off between "lots of high-risk options" versus "a few guaranteed options".
Given the nature of the threat, however, and the desire to avoid inviting a Teuvian infiltrator into our midst, I think Charlie's way is the better one. Especially if we're trying to maintain our own element of surprise in hiding that they have lost theirs, we need to be sure that they won't simply turn around and tell the rebels that we're on to them due to sympathies.
Edit: Changed given QM clarification.
[X] [DALE] Dominic and Hamid's Solution [2 Influence Points tied up for duration of Dale Crisis, 4 agents gained for a Dale vote phase, 1 Influence Cost for basic vetting]
All of these are subject to change, especially the last two, but this seems solid enough to me.
It's actually more of a trade-off of "would you like to sequester this into a little tutorial-type sub-turn for people who go balk at the full hundred-option main turn", or "do you want to just fold it into the main turn and not fuss about".
A few people have pointed out that a way to learn the system without being thrown into the deep end would have been nice, and so I figured that it would be a shame to waste a good crisis...
This is both the more amusing option (dammit, Hana), and then we have an extra Elite Songweaver, which could turn the tides (heh) both at sea and on shore. Which is a big deal. @OneirosTheWriter, just out of curiosity, what's this Songweaver's name?
Her name is Carla Mehdi, the younger and scarier of Sonissimmo's two Elite Songweavers. While she doesn't have the raw power of Rita or Monica, or indeed even Evelyn now, she does have an extra trait towards inflicting casualties.
[X] [CAR] Carlisle support for your mission to Timbre. [+15 to Putting Yourself in Their Shoes roll]
Seems we could use that bonus the most.
[X] [RN] ...a quinquereme of Memphrabi, led by a noble with a grudge against Tranquility who heard of the Royal Navy's departure.
Said noble is liable to actually enjoy this mission. Good for us.
[X] [BAT] - Plan C - You sent the Navy, let your Minor vassals send the boots. [Reynolds, Morcombe Men-at-Arms, Tsu House Longbows, Minor Houses actually likely to appreciate the opportunity]
This is what minions are for. Let them shine.
[X] [DALE] Dominic and Hamid's Solution [2 Influence Points tied up for duration of Dale Crisis, 4 agents gained for a Dale vote phase, 1 Influence Cost for basic vetting]
Classic methods aren't getting much progress I think. We're getting hit from too many angles at once, even if trustworthiness is normally of higher value, we're going to be burned if we don't have feet on the ground
So much so that in addition to offering a regiment of Gendarmes and others, Logan Sarba is offering to head up the border force personally. He is a very capable leader, and having someone with Sarbine skill at peacemaking could be helpful. However, some in the Council are leery about letting that command go outside of Tellar's control. On the other hand, this may make Capo happier than leaving it with the liege of one of the combatant Houses.
[ ] [SARBA] Accept
[ ] [SARBA] Decline, and name one of your own Courtiers or Vassals during the Dale phase.
Hmm. This is interesting. Ordinarily I would say Tellar should keep control over this as the big diplomatic measure that people argued was the whole point of Hands Across Sartier, but if it'll tie up limited resources in the region, perhaps not.
@OneirosTheWriter@Macchiato If I understand it correctly, if we Decline, one of the Agents or prospective Agents in the Dale area will be stuck in the force commander slot and have one/all of their actions effectively eaten up?
In other upbeat news, Carmen Rios' mission is off and racing before it even begins. Carlisle has learned of your outreach to Timbre and apparently the relief in Castle Mariner is palpable. They appear to have already been at the point of planning up a raid on one of Timbre's Minor Houses when the news came through. With those resources now no longer required, they're planning to put them to better use. You're not sure if this is helpful or patronising, but they have sent through an offer of aid.
[ ] [CAR] Carlisle support for your mission to Timbre. [+15 to Putting Yourself in Their Shoes roll]
[ ] [CAR] The use of powerful ground troops to aid in your battle with Tranquility. [Gain Carlisle Household Guard regiment, professional heavy long-swordsmen, with transports]
[ ] [CAR] A flotilla from the extensive House Carlisle fleet. [Gain 4 Oboes from House Carlisle for the naval battle]
To your surprise, the reaction from the Royal Navy was not begrudging, indeed, it was openly enthusiastic. It looks like someone back at the Balan Cloister is still nursing some resentment over their failed attack on Solemn Bay, as the Royal Navy task force arrives with a note from Raj Sonissimmo, the Royal Admiral, but also a surprise, in the form of a...
[ ] [RN] ...sixth Royal, detached from one of the other forces. Another elite warship is nothing to sneeze at!
[ ] [RN] ...a quinquereme of Memphrabi, led by a noble with a grudge against Tranquility who heard of the Royal Navy's departure.
[ ] [RN] Elite Songweaver from Sonissimmo. Because of course secret missives from the ruling Symphony aren't secret from Hana. Grr.
@OneirosTheWriter@Macchiato What the heck is a quinquereme? In the last Naval Mechanics post, it was said that Evelyn doesn't know enough about Memphrabi ships to know what that is, but given Alice is at least around or anyone else who might know ships better than her...?
I'm inclined to pick the Songweaver, because it'll be useful in both phases of the battle.
Capo was ... not so enthusiastic. You got the distinct feeling that if Capo weren't trying to keep up visible solidarity, lest Sonissimmo get ideas, they may not have responded at all. On the other hand, their resident fleet specialist, Rachel Whickerine, apparently threw her weight around with your friend Alana and got you your reinforcements. Three regiments, fifteen hundred men and women, a mix of Men-at-Arms and Longbows.
Now, with your own three regiments, that will give you three thousand troops and two hundred knights to hit the island. If you can force your way, of course. You have talked with your Aunt about what sort of troops you should take. The Inner Guard is out, as super-heavy troops do not like getting on boats, and horses need special galleys you don't have. But you do have your professional spears, your yeomen men-at-arms, and the House Longbows.
[ ] [BAT] - Plan A - Send 3 x Tellar Spearmen (All professional, disciplined, pricey)
[ ] [BAT] - Plan B - Send 1 x Tellar Spearmen, 1 x Men-at-Arms, 1 x House Longbow(Include powerful ranged support, very pricey)
[ ] [BAT] - Plan C - You sent the Navy, let your Minor vassals send the boots. [Reynolds, Morcombe Men-at-Arms, Tsu House Longbows, Minor Houses actually likely to appreciate the opportunity]
Well, that's interesting. B was what I was originally going to have us pick if we were submitting custom force loadouts. C looks more or less fine to me, downgrading Tellar Spearmen for Men-at-Arms isn't that big a deal, and the Minor Houses seem like they'll be happier, so...?
Obviously the cheap option is going to be the Minor houses... but I'm not sure we should rely on them, lest this turn into our own version of Tranquility. I feel like it's worth splurging on the House Longbows rather than letting our vassals handle it.
What is your specific worry here? The forces seem comparable. They might have different regiment commanders but I believe we'd still have our own pick of agents for who goes?
@OneirosTheWriter@Macchiato Are Tsu House Longbows measurably inferior to Tellar House Longbows? Will the Minor Houses now send ground force commanders and we won't be able to send our own? Presumably there will be a Diplo check here for the Houses to see if they really will appreciate the opportunity? Is this for prestige, for ground combat experience...?
As for the bad news, scouts and spies from Hamid have reported back on the Nune Reef base. The gates had been fitted to the stronghold there, and the fleet numbers defending the base have come in at 28 ships, four of them Lords. That said, the bulk of them were simple Warrior types, so you should be okay, especially with the Royal Navy reinforcements.
In Comparison to Others
Compared to the pirates of Tranquillity, the Flutes and Oboes sit in-between the different grades of ships. Their mainstay ship type, however, is mid-way between the Flute and Oboe in quality. As a result, Minor House fleets are typically used to patrol for and detect pirate fleets, rather than fight them. Depending on fleet sizes, a force made of Oboes stands a good chance with more equal-sized pirate fleets, but should be careful to try avoid over-committing in bad circumstances. Royals, however are a match for any ship, even the flagships of the Pirate Lords.
So the question came to an impromptu Council meeting of those still in Harper. Dominic and Hamid, in an unlikely partnership, advocate that we should use the quieter emergency measures, and sequester Dale into a special set of operations. You would conscript a small set of 'Agents' to do your work in Arbalen from the courtiers who were being considered for full agent roles, and let them do the work for you. After all, many of the agents you use for this kind of work are well known to other Houses, and seeing a hubbub in Arbalen could tip people off. The problem, of course, is that your prospects have not been vetted like your normal agents, so things could be, erm, dicey.
Charlie, on the other hand, would rather just formally induct the most promising two Agents and handle things within the normal way of doing business. You suppose you shouldn't be surprised by that, she was always a stickler for rules.
[ ] [DALE] Dominic and Hamid's Solution [2 Influence Points tied up for duration of Dale Crisis, 4 agents gained for a Dale vote phase, 1 Influence Cost for basic vetting]
[ ] [DALE] Charlie's Solution [2 Agents selected, 2 Influence Points consumed, 1 Influence Cost for vetting]
I'd imagine galley from Memphrabi would be helpful when our nation decides to reach out to others, but I'm not sure where that fits in the action schedule. Then again we have that Ambassador unlocking soon which gives a free diplomacy action (@OneirosTheWriter - for clarity's sake is that limited to diplomacy actions, or does it include the research too?).
Might be awhile, might not be. Sartier's house is still smouldering, if not yet on fire, which may or may not preclude external diplomatic overtures. We might do Khironex if the attack goes well just to strike while the iron's hot, but that's about it.
It's actually more of a trade-off of "would you like to sequester this into a little tutorial-type sub-turn for people who go balk at the full hundred-option main turn", or "do you want to just fold it into the main turn and not fuss about".
Oh, alright. It was the whole "vetting" thing that gave me that impression. Maybe making it more obvious that Evelyn (and therefore us) would be giving more personal attention in Hamid's case... It didn't really come through for me on that. I also didn't think you'd put it up for a vote, rather than just going with it. I'll probably switch in that case.
Her name is Carla Mehdi, the younger and scarier of Sonissimmo's two Elite Songweavers. While she doesn't have the raw power of Rita or Monica, or indeed even Evelyn now, she does have an extra trait towards inflicting casualties.
What is your specific worry here? The forces seem comparable. They might have different regiment commanders but I believe we'd still have our own pick of agents for who goes?
I'm worried that they're not. If Oneiros says they are, I'd be much more inclined. In terms of coordination and such it may be better to keep it in house, but I wouldn't be averse to them strutting their stuff if they're comparable.