I'm looking at the numbers on the back of an envelope and it should be possible, provided we don't pay all the costs. If we split it halfsies with Hulland it becomes a lot more achievable.
I'm looking at the numbers on the back of an envelope and it should be possible, provided we don't pay all the costs. If we split it halfsies with Hulland it becomes a lot more achievable.
Oh, don't forget the fees that should kick in at the start of Turn 3. Cash wise we can probably finagle it even if Hulland doesn't eat half. I listed it instead as a merit decision if we wanted to say "no, you're not worth that kind of investment" and looking at the Influence expenditures I'm leaning towards we can't say that even if we wanted to.
Oh, don't forget the fees that should kick in at the start of Turn 3. Cash wise we can probably finagle it even if Hulland doesn't eat half. I listed it instead as a merit decision if we wanted to say "no, you're not worth that kind of investment" and looking at the Influence expenditures I'm leaning towards we can't say that even if we wanted to.
Not strictly true that Carlisle didn't give focused boosts. It did specifically apply to the river docks. Fully capitalising on what you learned from Carlisle requires some more economic and trade research.
Ah, all the fines are being done over four turns. I mean, for one thing, they simply can't pay that much in one turn without begging on hands and knees for a loan from Carlisle or Timbre. Vincennes is still busily completely rebuilding their harbour and sea defences, after all... May's role in that project is done, but the actual construction will progress for a year and a half (3 turns).
So it's 12.5k, 2.5k and 4k each turn over the next 4 turns, for 19,000 crowns per turn. Which isn't so bad, because most of your big construction options use ongoing payments.
Not strictly true that Carlisle didn't give focused boosts. It did specifically apply to the river docks. Fully capitalising on what you learned from Carlisle requires some more economic and trade research.
Juan Lumen - Read the Manual [60% Base chance, 2,000g, improves "Roadworks Next Twenty Leagues actions, better base chances, moderates failure states, 1 turn] -
Need 41+, Roll 39 + 9 (Andres) + 10 (Juan) + 28 (Agent) = 86, success, +0 to Sub-Roll
-[X] House Carlisle
Local Interactions Sub-Roll: 46+19 (Juan Diplo) = 65, No effect
Get along with Jing Innspool, Need 61+: 68 + 19 (Juan) + 15 (Jing) = 102, success
Add +10 bonus to Infrastructure Sub-Rolls, Need 81+: 56 + 28 (Juan) = 84, success
+10 to Infrastructure actions sub-rolls, moderate fail states, improve Infrastructure actions
Ah, all the fines are being done over four turns. I mean, for one thing, they simply can't pay that much in one turn without begging on hands and knees for a loan from Carlisle or Timbre. Vincennes is still busily completely rebuilding their harbour and sea defences, after all... May's role in that project is done, but the actual construction will progress for a year and a half (3 turns).
So it's 12.5k, 2.5k and 4k each turn over the next 4 turns, for 19,000 crowns per turn. Which isn't so bad, because most of your big construction options use ongoing payments.
Oh, derp. I misread the "over 4 turns" and thought it only applied to the Anzios for whatever reason. And then it wasn't listed for Dale though it obviously would have taken a parallel structure.
Capo - Mining, Resource Gathering, Harbour Fort Building
Antilles - Bridge building, Waterwheels, Mass Crafthalls
Dale - Trade, Ports, Fortress Building
Oh wow, yes they are. Well, at least in the Carlisle case. Where did the Antilles info come from? And was RTM not enough in Tarrant to improve that info set like it was in Carlisle?
Capo - Mining, Resource Gathering, Harbour Fort Building
Antilles - Bridge building, Waterwheels, Mass Crafthalls
Dale - Trade, Ports, Fortress Building
To restate: We hit Carlisle and Tarrant already. We seem to have gotten the suite from Carlisle whereas we missed Ports in Tarrant, which is very unfortunate.
Partial relevance, House current income:
Tellar - ~45k
Carlisle - ~65-70k
Raleigh - ~20k
Vincennes - ~40k
Sonissimmo - ~80-100k
Tarrant - ~80-100k
Sarba - ~20-50k
Timbre - Technically no idea, manually seems to be around ~65k
Capo - ~80-100k
Antilles - ~50k
Dale - ~40k
So, one of the other reasons for us to pick Docks over Bridge is that it'll explicitly help out Dyelin (Raleigh), who are poor as shit for a Vassal House, as has been alluded to. If we want to try and focus on that, then we should arguably skip Sonissimmo for now and do Dale instead. If, instead, we say hell with that and take the Bridge (especially after seeing if we got an amazing bonus from Tarrant), then we should pick Antilles, Sonissimmo (I'd say it probably counts as Grand Architecture though that might be wishful thinking), or even Vincennes.
So, one thing I would like to do for the next turn is have Hamid run the option that looks for Teuv influence in our court and specifically focus on Miranda Long, May Lumen, and Alina Lumen.
May Lumen – Vincennes Harbour Expansion – [70% base chance, 4,000g, 2 turns, +1 Relations with Vincennes, Increase in trade for Vincennes] -
Need 31+, Roll 94 + 43 = 137, Exceed by 106, Gain 106 / 3 = +36 to House Vincennes Roll, +6 to Sub-Rolls
-Sub-roll: interacting with Dale in Town - 91 + 20 (May Diplo) +6 (Bonus) = 117, No problems encountered -Sub-roll: Post-Battle Safety - Need 70+ = 31 + 6 + 13 (May Combat) = 50, failure. Someone takes a shot at May and her bodyguards
-Result of ambush = ??? Unreported, May and Alina survive
-Avoid Teuv Piety Rise - 71+ = ???
-Increase Alina Lumen's Stewardship +1 to +2, Need 61+ = Roll 74 + 6 (Bonus) + 25 (May S) = 105, success
this happened? And can we have him do the checking while simultaneously taking on Janie Tellar?
Andres nods back at you. "Jessica Hoff in Carentan, Veronica Nils in Arbalen, and then Carmen believes there is one in Etela."
"I'm sure you two are already onto this," you slowly say, "But if Capo has one, and Sonissimmo has one, then what would you like to bet that we have one, too?"
"Heh, no takers," snorts Antonia. "Hey, possibly related, though this is probably nothing, but keep an eye out for May and her eldest, okay?" You cock your head at her and your Aunt shifts in her seat. "You see, when we showed Veronica's description to people, I swear they recognised Nils, but neither said anything."
Because if so, given Antonia's thoughts, Hamid might be able to put together that Nils was part of that ambush team. Speaking of that, are these commoners or minor house nobles?
They met, not in the dark of night or in the corner of some tavern, but in the lavishly appointed quarters of one of their group. It was common knowledge around the Court that they were all close friends, and the rumours had already begun to circulate that they were more than just friends.
"Did you hear about Arnold Vincennes?" Their self-appointed leader had a proclivity for melodrama, as a girl her age was wont to do.
"Let's not jump to conclusions," her second-in-command interjected. As the oldest, he was usually the most level-headed of the group. "And anyway, it's not as though it affects our plans at all."
"But people could become more vigilant across Sartier, and that could affect our plans," pointed out the token blonde of the group. She flicked her curls over her shoulder, pleased at being the centre of attention for the moment. "Might I suggest we use our connections to make sure no one looks too closely at us?"
"Funny you should say that considering who your uncle is."
"Oh, don't be like that. It's not like any of us fuss about you being a commoner. You're not in Harper, after all," she retorted.
Silent until now, the last member spoke quietly, "I think it's a good idea. We all have relatives or friends," she added with a small smile to their second-in-command, "who we can make sure gets or intercepts key information."
"That's right," jumped in their leader, keen to regain control of the conversation, "And that way, we can help to further the cause. I'm sure the other groups around the country are beginning to mobilise now. I've heard unhappiness is growing which bodes well for the other missionaries," this with a nod to her right-hand man, "and their recruitment."
A flicker of concern crossed the delicate features of one of their number at the news. This had gone much further than the bit of fun she'd thought it to be.
So, somewhat luckily, this group of 4 (leader - melodramatic female, second-in-command male who's level-headed (commoner?) and a friend who can intercept key information, blonde female with curls and significant uncle, female - and either the 3rd or 4th has some concerns) doesn't seem to be in Harper at the very least... Maybe they're the group in Etela, which uh, doesn't bode well really given Sonissimo's (lack of) intrigue.
Edit: To facilitate agent travel so that Hamid can actually check on the three, I was thinking of having May Lumen assigned to the Hulland docks. She already has experience doing this given her work in Vincennes, and she's one of our highest stewardship characters. Hopefully, she can do that and the think about trade research at the same time.
So, one of the other reasons for us to pick Docks over Bridge is that it'll explicitly help out Dyelin (Raleigh), who are poor as shit for a Vassal House, as has been alluded to. If we want to try and focus on that, then we should arguably skip Sonissimmo for now and do Dale instead. If, instead, we say hell with that and take the Bridge (especially after seeing if we got an amazing bonus from Tarrant), then we should pick Antilles, Sonissimmo (I'd say it probably counts as Grand Architecture though that might be wishful thinking), or even Vincennes.
I'm inclined to the docks first (even though its less sexy) because Raleigh really needs the income improvements so hit Dale first and then hit Antilles, Sonissimmo, Vincennes and Sarba (in that order) over the following turns until the docks are done, and then do the bridge (I logic that grand architecture, architecture, and artisinal architecture probably would all help, somewhat).
Other than that we should probably focus on the other stuff, like the trade research, etc.
Edit: To facilitate agent travel so that Hamid can actually check on the three, I was thinking of having May Lumen assigned to the Hulland docks. She already has experience doing this given her work in Vincennes, and she's one of our highest stewardship characters. Hopefully, she can do that and the think about trade research at the same time.
I'm inclined to the docks first (even though its less sexy) because Raleigh really needs the income improvements so hit Dale first and then hit Antilles, Sonissimmo, Vincennes and Sarba (in that order) over the following turns until the docks are done, and then do the bridge (I logic that grand architecture, architecture, and artisinal architecture probably would all help, somewhat).
Other than that we should probably focus on the other stuff, like the trade research, etc.
If Influence is available and we do the Roads this turn, we can put May on that and have her investigated at the same time potentially. She may be able to also do some of the Minor House actions given the Roads explicitly links them up, we'll see. Juan should get sent off to Dale for one last chance at learning about Docks there.
Simultaneously, this turn Evelyn should do the military naval research "But it's so big and blue" in addition to the pirate assault if she can't go for Elite Songweaver again since Rita's still in Etela. That may also have input into the docks. (Also a good one to do while the Khironex are hanging out.)
Simultaneously, this turn Evelyn should do the military naval research "But it's so big and blue" in addition to the pirate assault if she can't go for Elite Songweaver again since Rita's still in Etela. That may also have input into the docks. (Also a good one to do while the Khironex are hanging out.)
My counterargument to this is can we spare our best (and only) diplomat to do naval research?
We can't use Dominic Rios, Carmen Rios is going to be busy researching the Teuv which leaves just Evelyn. We still need to intercede in Timbre this turn as well.
My counterargument to this is can we spare our best (and only) diplomat to do naval research?
We can't use Dominic Rios, Carmen Rios is going to be busy researching the Teuv which leaves just Evelyn. We still need to intercede in Timbre this turn as well.
We could perhaps put Luna on it instead, but Evelyn's kind of the Naval Girl right now so I feel she'd be better at it. Also Evelyn should get better results on any diplomatic crosslinks to the Khironex.
I mean, let's be real here, it's a suggestion made without knowing what the Diplomatic options will actually be and what Oneiros and Macchiato decide to actually do with turn planning. We're rearranging chairs in a barely lit room while waiting on the electricians to fix the wiring. :3
edit: So, if anyone was curious how Evelyn stacks up to some of these foreign characters when you apply the same level of abstraction, this should be her post-Turn 2 stat block given the public modifiers:
Evelyn Tellar - Tellar Concerto
Female 27
M:25 - Great
C:29 - Great
S:16 - Fair
D:35 - Elite!
I:20 - Good
Mg:38 - Elite!-Songweaver
Piety: 5
Chivalry: 4
...yes, that seems about right for Tellar priorities.
Not to add onto the backlog of GM responses above while you're still working on stuff, but out of curiosity what does our counter-intel look like? Specifically, do we know how other Houses view Evelyn?
edit: So, if anyone was curious how Evelyn stacks up to some of these foreign characters when you apply the same level of abstraction, this should be her post-Turn 2 stat block given the public modifiers:
Evelyn Tellar - Tellar Concerto
Female 27
M:25 - Great
C:29 - Great
S:16 - Fair
D:35 - Elite!
I:20 - Good
Mg:38 - Elite!-Songweaver
Piety: 5
Chivalry: 4
...yes, that seems about right for Tellar priorities.
Hey, a true Tellar would have Elite! combat and martial. I'm still not sure how our hotheaded duelist at the drop of a hat ended up our best diplomat and IIRC, by a fairly significant margin. I mean, by the fact that we didn't even have a diplomacy councilor at the start of the quest ought to show how much emphasis Tellar places on it.
(Also I just find it funny that her diplomacy is a significant increase over her martial abilities. Hopefully, the upcoming fight against the Tranquility pirates will give us a boost in Martial and Combat.)
Edit: Songweaving aside, in a lot of ways, Evelyn is a bit strange for a Tellar, no? She's significantly better on water than land when Tellar has never had a naval tradition and of course, the above Elite! level diplomacy.
I'm still not sure how our hotheaded duelist at the drop of a hat ended up our best diplomat and IIRC, by a fairly significant margin. I mean, by the fact that we didn't even have a diplomacy councilor at the start of the quest ought to show how much emphasis Tellar places on it.
(Also I just find it funny that her diplomacy is a significant increase over her martial abilities. Hopefully, the upcoming fight against the Tranquility pirates will give us a boost in Martial and Combat.)
Edit: Songweaving aside, in a lot of ways, Evelyn is a bit strange for a Tellar, no? She's significantly better on water than land when Tellar has never had a naval tradition and of course, the above Elite! level diplomacy.
Nothing out of the ordinary. You don't have anything else invested in, so it mainly comes down to the same formula that other nations use, with the exception that any dubious arrivals get an extra malus because of Andres' trait.
Beyond that:
[ ] - Loose Lips - Even before the entire order of Sartier was turned on its ear spies were trafficking themselves about with wild abandon. You are sure it will only get worse from here. Hamid wants funding to research ways to keep the Barossa Citadel clear of intruders. [40% base chance, 2,000g, unlocks new options]
I'll get back to your on that when I've had a chance to talk over what we're comfortable sharing there. Suffice to say, the heir of Capo likes you, and the the current Marshall of Sonissimmo considers herself your friend again, so things aren't bad.
edit: So, if anyone was curious how Evelyn stacks up to some of these foreign characters when you apply the same level of abstraction, this should be her post-Turn 2 stat block given the public modifiers:
Evelyn Tellar - Tellar Concerto
Female 27
M:25 - Great
C:29 - Great
S:16 - Fair
D:35 - Elite!
I:20 - Good
Mg:38 - Elite!-Songweaver
Piety: 5
Chivalry: 4
...yes, that seems about right for Tellar priorities.
Scared the crap out of me there, because I accidentally posted Alice's profile with raw numbers and had to edit it quickly, and I thought for a moment you had found it...
I'll get back to your on that when I've had a chance to talk over what we're comfortable sharing there. Suffice to say, the heir of Capo likes you, and the the current Marshall of Sonissimmo considers herself your friend again, so things aren't bad.
Evelyn - "I respect his wife as a fellow Songweaver, but I sometimes wish I could throttle her. So ruthless... But then Indus has a ruthless streak, too."
Scared the crap out of me there, because I accidentally posted Alice's profile with raw numbers and had to edit it quickly, and I thought for a moment you had found it...
Sons and daughters of Sartier fought and died in the streets. The wind blew hot with blood and smoke. Screams of horror and roars of triumph rose into the skies. Cries of "For Kasunaj!" preceded the slaughter and chaos.
All of these wrapped into a single breeze that struggled under the weight of all that rage and pain, and rose into the sky.
Such an event screamed out to anyone who could listen, even across time itself.
It was a frigid night in the town of Benmaer. Long after the hour to work in the fields, the men were instead driven inside, finding warmth and companionship in the small cheery inn. The doors were tightly closed, containing the heat of the roaring fireplace as song and alcohol did their work to soothe the aches of a long day of labors.
There were a handful of travelers resting within the tavern as well, but they kept to the edges, avoiding the center of the room and keeping to themselves.
Sarah Asteron was one of these travelers, nestled at the end of the bar, just watching the life of Sartier continue around her. One of her hands lazily scratched the ears of the large dog next to her stool as the other nonchalantly held a mug.
A night like any other for a traveling Soothsinger.
Until the door blew open under a gust of wind. Despite the outside temperature, it was hot and sticky, clinging to the skin and choking the lungs. Yet every man it touched shivered.
It was something deeper than the physical, a scratching song at the back of their minds, carrying infinite loss, families shattered and homes annihilated. They were left uncomfortable, their drinks turning tepid and tasteless in their mouths.
The zephyr swept around the room, and no one missed the way that it sought out the lone woman at the furthest stool in the bar, leaving a trail of perturbed patrons in its wake.
But when it reached her, she did not flinch away. A low hum, not soothing, but something that sought answers, sought even into the uncomfortable spaces between notes, filled the room. The dog at the woman's feet quailed, but she continued stroking its head, and it calmed.
Without a word, she stood, dropping coin on the table and walking out as the eyes of the remaining residents followed her closely. If she was concerned, it didn't show.
She reached the door and exited, pulling the door shut behind her despite its creaking hinges.
Once alone in the cold night, she exhaled a powerful sigh. "It can no longer be averted, then. All that remains, then, is to finish gathering what information I can and then bring it to the Tellar."
From beneath her cloak, several snapping sounds echoed through the quiet night, and then in her hand was a long halberd, gleaming sharp amongst the dim light of the tavern and the desperate revelry recommencing within.
Sarah Asteron stalked into the night.
Bernt Andon ran through the woods. He had to get away. Away from Benmaer. She was coming for him. His only chance lay in giving her the slip and reaching-
The trees around him bent to a sudden tune, carried by a beautiful voice. Foliage grabbed at his flesh, tearing into his body and clutching his legs. He twisted to try and escape, to no avail.
Bernt tumbled to the ground, finding himself facing the calm footsteps of his pursuer. Roots and branches held him fast as the woman in a cloak approached.
Blood dripped from her halberd as she came to a halt before his prone form. She made no move to introduce herself, as she had before she had cut down his brothers. But Bernt had already seen everything he needed to.
"You," he wheezed out, "You're Asteron. She warned us of a female Songweaver carrying a halberd. That you had denied the truth that she shared with us, despite knowing better." He keenly felt the rough bark dig into his skin as he struggled. "You cannot stop us, heathen."
Sarah barely reacted beneath her hood… before she flipped her halberd over and drove its point into the meat of Bernt's thigh. He screamed in agony and writhed helplessly.
"Who is she?" Asteron asked calmly, as though unconnected to her own brutal action.
Bernt chuckled darkly. "If you don't know already, then you must be a failure of a seer." He grimaced as the blade in his flesh twisted, but remained amused. "You'll see soon enough. It's too late to stop her." His eyes blazed with insane devotion. "Lady Veronica has shown us the way."
Sarah paused, before bowing her head slightly. "My thanks." She pulled her weapon from his leg.
And then stabbed him through the heart. Bernt gasped and thrashed, but stilled in moments, his life extinguished and a rictus grin upon his features.
Sarah Asteron wiped her blade clean absently. There was only one Veronica who would know of her personally and be in a position to do something like this.
Such musings could wait, though. It was a long ride to Arbalen and an even longer voyage to Harper.
Teuvian revolt was coming to Dale, and it could not be stopped.
Okay, thanks to some earlier work, as some of you may know, you have an early warning system in the form of a Soothsinger, who gives you a heads up when things are about to hit the fan in horrifying, grotesque manners. First time it came into play was turn one where Evelyn was alerted to Lowenton about to get smushed by thousands of pirates.
This time, you are being warned that the province of Arbalen has tipped over into Teuvian uprising mode. You have approximately 2-4 turns before the preparations are complete and this all goes violent to make counter-preparations, investigations, to eliminate potential enemy commands, etc.
Progress for this turn will be as follows:
Story Post (now posted, thank you @Aegir)
Turn Options Post (I'm just amending the lead-in a little, should be up shortly)
Battle against Tranquility Base
Emergency Arbalen Meeting
This time, you are being warned that the province of Arbalen has tipped over into Teuvian uprising mode. You have approximately 2-4 turns before the preparations are complete and this all goes violent to make counter-preparations, investigations, to eliminate potential enemy commands, etc.
Carethlodom is as pretty as a painting as it spreads out before the youths in the early morning. Dawn is just beginning to rise off in the horizon. Ships idle in the bay, some bearing Renmi state colours, some Nexi clans, many with the gold eagle on red field. A cold breeze rustles the shade-cloth hung over their balcony high on the hillside.
"A red letter day for Teuv, don't you think," muses the group's young leader.
"This might all be happening far too fast," replies the blonde girl, nerves clear in her voice.
"It might," the first girl concedes.
The third girl, who moves with a duellist's carefully held grace, purses her lips. "Strike while the iron is hot. If Arbalen's revolt succeeds it could inspire our sisters and brothers across Sartier."
The blonde laughs airily. "Even if it doesn't. All it takes is a mishandled crackdown and pow, followers of the truth faith will rise up in fear."
"I spoke with Jessica, she has high hopes for all this," says the young man in the group, whose legs are kicked up on the balcony lip. "But the more immediate question." He turns to look over at the leader. "Are the rumours true?"
"Which rumours?" the young leader replies with a wicked curl to her lips. "I have a lot of rumours, you know. Not all of them are true."
"Are they considering you as an agent of the Symphony?"
The others on the balcony sit up straight at that, but their leader only laughs.
Great House Tellar, Turn 3, Year 2, Summer
Two weeks later...
Evelyn looks out past Luna and Alice over the upscale tavern. To her great disappointment, the ale is terrible, despite the gold filigree on the stein, the elaborate decorations, and the beautiful wait-staff. Truth be told, she still thought the best ale she had ever had was when she had once visited Tranquility during her travels. The tavern under the sign of the Hung Man was the singularly meanest, dirtiest, nastiest place she has ever seen in her life, but the ale blew her mind. Although the wine in the south of Memphrabi runs a close second.
"Can't wait for the Council meeting," mutters Evelyn. "Sooner we get the planning started in earnest, sooner we can get to grips."
"I'm looking forward to the fight as well," replies Alice as she lounges comfortably in her seat. "After spending so long with your mother and seeing you both practice sea techniques, I can't wait to see what you can do on the waves."
"Here's hoping we don't disappoint," drawls Evelyn.
A commotion by the door draws the attention of the table and all three look over. Evelyn blood runs cold instantly. "Uh oh."
"Is that peasant trying to bring a dog in here?" says Alice, puzzlement clear in her voice.
"That's no peasant...," whispers Evelyn.
Across the tavern, a middle-aged woman is standing in the entryway, eyes for Evelyn alone. A halberd is by her side, point down. Her form is hidden by travel-worn clothes, festooned with pouches, and a broad hat is her crown. A large and incongruously cheerful looking dog pads along beside her.
Guards try and stop her, the staff trying to order the woman out, until she opens her mouth to sing. "When the skies burns red, seasons crops shall dread. Man is but a planted seed, and the farmer he must heed..." However simple the opening verses, the impact on the tavern is as if a bomb has struck and patrons. Staff and guards recoil from the raw power in the stranger's voice, the dread that her will sends through the words.
A hymn of terror and fear, used to unsettle the hearts of seasoned warriors. Here people openly quailed before the ancient power in the voice. Evelyn has heard it before. Then as now, the raw magical force in the woman's music terrifies her almost as much as the song itself, a power of a similar vein to her mother's, or Monica's, still beyond her own. The Harvest Hymn of the Soothsingers, Evelyn recognises, even as she recognises the woman from their encounter a year before.
The voice falls silent and for a moment nothing but soft whimpers can be heard.
Evelyn stands to her feet, the scraping of the chair sounding like nails on a blackboard. "Sarah Asteron, Soothsinger," names Evelyn, and a chill seems to pass over the neck of every patron.
"Revenant Soothsinger, young one," replies the older woman coolly. "I come to you at the outset of the storm. But these had best be private words."
You have seven agents you can assign (Dominic, Melody and Monica are occupied), as well as six free influence points. Agent Evelyn may only accept operations within Harper this turn, as they prepare to lead the battle against the Tranquility outpost at Nune Reef.
Some actions will be marked as not requiring an agent - most of those options will require at least one of your free influence points to carry out. It is strongly recommended you save at least one or two influence points, as these points are also used to provide interrupts between turns.
Because of the agents and the need for plans to synergise, this is strictly plan voting.
To vote, select the action, and then add the agent you wish to assign underneath.
If you assign multiple agents to an action, they will function as multiple dice, the higher result wins. If you assign multiple agents to a multi-discipline test, we will split the two disciplines between the agents so they can test against their stronger trait.
You will notice base chances are rather low, but don't stress too much. Each action benefits from:
A Bonus (relevant stat / 3) from the relevant Symphony
A Bonus from the relevant Councillor
The full relevant stat from the agent assigned.
Your magic actions are particularly low for two reasons. Firstly, magic itself tends to have a high average among people who actually focus on it than other stats. Secondly, you are House Tellar and you have your eyes set higher than other mortals.
Your available agents are listed below.
Agent Rundown
Best Stat
Best Value
Second Stat
Second Value
Evelyn Tellar - HARPER-Locked
Juan Lumen
Luna Reynolds
May Lumen
Monica Reynolds - LOCKED
Dominic Rios - LOCKED
Carmen Rios
Theo Raleigh
Hamid Hulland
Melody Piar - LOCKED
Luna Reynolds
Stewardship - General
Juan Lumen
Stewardship - Trade
May Lumen
Evelyn Tellar
Intrigue (Non-Justice) Actions
Hamid Hulland
Magic Actions
Rita Hulland
Justice Actions
Charlie Tellar
"Arbalen," repeats Luna. "You're telling me that there is now a rebellion underway across the whole province of Arbalen?"
Evelyn shakes her head. "Not openly. But it's hit a tipping point, and will unleash in a year or two."
"Then let's go, work with the Dale, find the ringleader, nip this in the bud," Luna replies.
"The problem is that it is now a full-blood movement," explains Evelyn. "You can't just apply a little selective stabbing and call it a day. We need to prepare, because just going in and waging war will just trigger it before we're ready."
"What if the rebellion breaks before they're ready?" asks Antonia. "Is that really a problem?"
"It's Arbalen," blurts Evelyn. "Go in without looking, you won't know if Dale's armies are going to put their arrows into you or the enemy!"
"Argh, right..."
"What do you mean?" asks May.
Evelyn and Luna both turn to face the steward, and the Vice-Marshall speaks up. "Armies aren't immune to revolts. Some of them will join the rebels. We need to try to secure things first."
"Well, hang on," interrupts Charlie, the Justice putting up a hand. "We have one account, from a Soothsinger, that Arbalen is in trouble."
"One who came through for us in the past, saving Lowenton from a certain sacking," Evelyn points out.
Antonia and Andres exchange a look, before Andres leans forward over the table. "Okay, here's the plan. We have a battle coming up, we need to take things as per normal, and not give away that we know this yet. Antonia and myself will look into this, and if there's substance, we'll have an emergency meeting once we have destroyed this pirate base."
The big new item on the Diplomatic agenda is the creation and deployment of the new border force to patrol the Arbalen-Marlingtay border. There are a number of potential options for filling out the force without tying down nearly your entire military. Beyond that, the Sonissimmo have hinted at a few things that could finally close the ledger on that dispute, and the Luna has some thoughts for broaching with the Royal Army.
NEW [ ] - Blue Helms - Luna has been crunching sums and currently believes that an effective border patrol needs six standing Regiments, rotating into the field and back to camp, or Militia can be substituted at a two for one rate. It's a hefty force, and one that would cause you a lot of trouble if you had to do it on your own. Thankfully, this was always meant to be a multi-House force. You know that the other Houses will help support you. Except they're certainly not going to just up and volunteer themselves, are they? [Skipping this action delays the creation of the border force that both Dale and Vincennes have accepted, and leaves the door open to trouble]
(Must also pick one of the below sub-options - once you have contributors, mid-turn will have options for type)
-[ ] Low-Hanging Troops - Fill the force with Harper forces, no fuss, no muss, just needs someone to send word. Of course, your friends from Carentan will definitely look askance at a force made entirely of one side's liege and peers. [0 Influence Cost, no test, -2 Relations with Capo, Dale, Antilles, force is filled with a mix of Tellar, Raleigh and Carlisle troops, increased burden on your armies]
-[ ] Keeping It In-House - Mixed Carentan and Harper regional troops will form the border patrol. [1 Influence Cost, 55% base chance diplomacy test, Tellar Capo, Carlisle, Raleigh, and Antilles will each contribute forces, small chance for foul play among forces]
-[ ] The Neutral Party - As far as possible frictions go, it may be safest to get Sonissimmo to pony up the forces. They'd probably even appreciate the chance to spread their influence abroad. And Capo may even not take it as a snub. [1 Influence Cost, 45% base chance diplomacy test, force is filled with troops from greater Etela, separate diplomacy test to see how Capo reacts] (Enabled by Outreach to House Sonissimmo)
-[ ] Hands Across Sartier - All Houses should attempt to contribute something. Of course, coordinating this is a massive undertaking that will test the resources of your House. [2 Influence Cost, 45% base chance diplomacy test, force receives contributions from all Houses, making it excessively strong, but with other news you've heard, it may no be the worst thing in the world for all the House militaries getting accustomed to Arbalen's terrain and mist]
Meet the Neighbours - Sartier is the smallest of the major nations and until its role in defeating the Teuv onslaught was seldom thought about. With a new era being ushered in, perhaps it would be a good time for introducing yourselves as the new rulers and start making friends?
[ ] - Khironex, the Serene Bell, rules over a nation of mariners and merchants, which could be useful to someone trying to bolster their economy.
[ ] - Memphrabi, the Scholar Lords, here are powerful and may have much wisdom to share.
[ ] - Kabilee, the Horse Lords, who live and die in the saddle. You doubt you'll break the Kabilee-Tarrant contract, or even if that would be a good idea, but they can be powerful allies.
[ ] - Renmi, the densely populated large island to the north. Subjugated by Teuv, they may be a canary in the mine when it comes to Teuvian plans. Over the years Sartier has received many refugees from Renmi.
[ ] -Tellarvangelists - Sometimes it's more important to be feared than loved. Sometimes it doesn't matter if they like you, as long as they respect you. But most often, getting other Houses to like you is pretty important.
-[ ] Write in which House (Great or Vassal) you would like your agent to attempt to make a diplomatic outreach to. [Effects depend on House and agents]
In the Navy! - Well, the Sonissimmo aren't just the patrons of the Royal Navy, they basically own it lock, stock, and barrel. Nonetheless, it may be a good idea to start talking with the Navy and see if you can inspire at least a little of the traditional neutrality. They may not like you, but you still hold the reins of Sartier and you really should be on speaking terms.
(Pick one)
-[ ] To the Balan Cloister naval base in Etela, home of the Arsenal and where the bulk of the Royal Navy's major players operate from. It gets to the heart of the matter, but going to Etela could be risky with the way they're feeling right now. Of course, with relationships thawing, it isn't so bad now. [60% base chance, 500g, unlocks new options]
-[ ] To the Valeigh Cloister naval base in Arbalen, where the Royal Navy normally maintains the bulk of their fleet, though much of this force has now withdrawn to Etela. But there are still well-informed officials here who you may be able to talk to. [30% base chance, 500g, unlocks new options, 30% chance of -1 relation with Vincennes]
NEW The Symphony Guard is a force of 6 heavy infantry regiments, 2 longbow regiments, and 2 heavy cavalry regiments, that is sworn to serve as Sartier's sword and shield against outside threats. Armoured to the nines, exquisitely trained and disciplined, with good commanders, they are a potent force. They are, however, sworn not to turn their weapons upon other Houses, even if in insurrection. They operate two fortresses, one in the west, in Etela, forming part of the elaborate fortifications of that city, and the other in the east, in Arbalen.
[ ] - Sea Change - At this stage, the Royal Army does not want to leave its strongholds, which are very potent structures, and they won't take their troops away from them. But perhaps the Royal Castellan and his staff could be persuaded to run the army from the Barossa Citadel instead? [15% base chance, 2,000g to attempt, +5,000g if successful, moves the army headquarters out of Etela down down to Harper, +250g to Civil Upkeep]
[ ] - Compromise - If you do want to move the Royal Army out of their bases, you're going to need to provide a proper base for them. Someone will need to find out what the options are, and what making a new base would cost. [50% base chance, 2,000g, investigate cost of new fortress and alternative basing options]
[ ] - Treaty Expansion - The number of fully professional units that each House can keep is controlled by an ancient treaty to limit competition. With the Teuv threat looming, perhaps this treaty should be rewritten to increase the allowed regiments. (Chance will increase as the Teuv threat increases. [-10% base chance, 1,000g, 4 Influence]
[DOMINIC TURN 4] - A Formal Position - One of the things that Dominic suggested was an Ambassador role on the Council, who is dedicated to outreach with the various houses. [65% base chance, 4,000g, 2,000g per turn, on completion +2,000g upkeep, 3 turns, gain one free Diplomacy action per turn]
[ ] - The Personal Touch - In a feudal Kingdom, the actions of a nation can depend upon the outlook of an individual. Sometimes it makes more sense to lobby an individual rather than an entire Kingdom. [50% base chance, 1,000g, 1 turn, attempt to develop a relationship between the agent and target.
-[ ] Write in target and relevant agent
[ ] - Sow the Seeds of Discord - Make an effort to disrupt the smooth operation of a Court, triggering schisms, fostering factions, and spurring scandals until the Court finds it difficult to exercise power. [10% base chance, Diplomacy/Intrigue, 6,000g, 1 turn, success reduces target Influence pool for a number of turns] (Fair warning ramifications of scandals can be unpredictable)
[ ] - Find Out Who Can Say Yes - With letters taking days or weeks to arrive at their destination, many times the authority of the Symphony or Mezzo is invested in a few trusted Councillors or Courtiers. Knowing who wields the authority of their liege can be very helpful. [60% base chance, 2,000g, 1 turn, identify all agents and statesmen belonging to a Court]
-[ ] write in Court
Putting Yourself In Their Shoes
[ ] - Investigate what might be done to mend fences with House Sarba. [???% chance, new options unlocked]
[ ] - House Timbre's new tariffs are wreaking havoc in Gambier's Merchant Quarter. Surely someone could convince Laurent Timbre that this is only hurting Sartier. [???% base, new options unlocked]
NEW (Non-Agent Action) [ ] Possession is Nine-Tenths - In order to help guarantee the security of their position, the Sonissimmo are suggesting that you concede effective control of the Royal Navy in return for a guarantee to continue the Royal Navy's mission of defending all the shore lines of Sartier. Neither Evelyn or Dominic could guarantee what all the ramifications would be with the other Houses though. [2 Influence Cost, +6 Relations with Sonissimmo, concede rights to control the Royal Navy, other reactions dependent on Diplomacy Tests]
NEW (Non-Agent Action) [ ] Sealed by Rings - To fully restore relations with Etela, Hana offers a simple solution: Evelyn can marry her brother, and put a Sonissimmo into the inner circle of Great House Tellar. [+1 Relations with Sonissimmo, only commits you to investigate the possibility]
Marshall & Vice-Marshall
Antonia is visibly pained as she examines the problems on her plate. A year, maybe two at the most, and it will be a full-blown revolt in Arbalen. But before anyone can address that, they will have to deal with the fact Tranquility has a forward base with the potential to cause a dramatic spike in pirate attacks if it is not taken care of.
Alice is invited in to make her presentation to the Council, promising the aid of no fewer than sixteen ships, each of them as good or better than your Oboes. Just as handy, they can provide a dozen transport galleys to carry three regiments to make landfall to help take the base once the pirate fleet has been driven away.
Evelyn is excited to be the apparent commander of the operation, despite some renewed discussion among the Council as to whether she would be better placed elsewhere.
NEW!We Sing Forth the Storm - When Alice Ruger arrived, she brought with her word of a possible base built on one of the many small islands in the sea. You need to eradicate this dangerous outcropping of vipers, and with new ships, new songs, and new friends, it's time to strike. The question, of course, is what resources you will hit them with. As the Ruling House of Sartier all other Houses owe you military service when you summon them. Perhaps it would be a good idea to test if Sonissimmo will heed your call? Or maybe you should call Capo in a show of solidarity to Etela?
[Tranquility tends to operate in fleets of between ten and sixteen ships and is believed to have two such fleets on hand. In addition, there will be a ground force to defend the base when you have landed, which is believed to be of multi-regiment strength]
[Your basic force will include: 8 of House Tellar's own fleet of Oboes, the battle-ready part of Clan Ruger's fleet, with 4 Bell Triremes, 4 Heavy Triremes, and 8 Standard Triremes, plus 12 galleys capable of carrying three regiments of your choice. You will have access to any character from the Tellar Court, including up to three Elite Songweavers. Finally, of course, you have the Spellknights of Dale, who will fight on foot with Mezzo Lana.]
You may select a number of reinforcements. The first choice is free, but further options require 1 Influence each]
(Non-Agent Actions)
[ ] Royal Assent - The triremes of the Royal Navy are the finest Sartier can offer, and indeed, possibly the finest in the world. A certain misadventure against Tranquility has made them gun-shy of going on the offensive, but perhaps you can still shake something out of them. [Gain 1 Royal Navy Task Force (5 Royals, w/ a Commodore and Songweaver)]
[ ] Man the Oars - Put the call out to a particular Region of Sartier that you require their fleets. [Write in a region and gain between 1/4 and 1/2 of Oboes belonging to that region for the attack - Be aware that ships assigned to this operation won't be able to form part of the normal piracy interception rolls]
[ ] Banners on the Beaches - Summon aid from a given Major House to gain an extra few regiments of their basic troops used to bulk out your landing force. [Size and quality of force sent depends on relationship with House and the House's current strength, may be either Semi-Pro or Militia, will bring their own transport galleys]
[ ] Reach for the High Notes - They won't commit super-heavy armoured troops to a sea trip, but special regiments such as Carlisle's Dusk Chorus, Vincennes' House Swords, or Capo's Sanctum Guard would be powerful additions to your force. [Request specific regiments, heavy armour or below]
[ ] Out of Nightmares - There would be a cost, but Hamid has mentioned to you that you could request the Chimaeras of Capo, or the Ravens of Antilles, to infiltrate the island before the battle and prepare the ground for you. [+1 Dread for Commander, powerful unit pre-positioned ashore and can flank responding troops] (Dread option enabled by Antonia and Luna)
[ ] Symphony of Bow Strings (Enabled by Meet the Symphony Guard) - They won't commit Super-Heavy troops to the boats, but a regiment of Symphony Archers would make a powerful contribution from the Royal Army. [Gain +1 Regiment of Symphony Archers for attack]
You're in the Army, Mister Brown - Antonia and Luna don't agree on much these days, but they do agree that having more troops to call upon would be useful. Luna has helpfully pointed out that you can support two more regiments from the gentry (semi-professional), and the treaty allows one more fully professional regiment. Multiple selections allowed.
[Influence Point required to commence recruitment, but freed up after first turn as the Regiment's new officers take over training.]
[You can also force recruitment on your six Minor Houses by paying 50% of the cost, with the other 50% being picked up by the Minor Houses themselves. It is possible to force full recruitment costs onto the Minor House, however this will reduce relations]
[ ] - Write in recruitment plan - Available Types are:
-Tellar Inner Guard [Professional slot, 12,000g / 2,000g upkeep, Super-Heavy Spears/Swords, 3 turns]
-Tellar House Spearmen [Professional slot, Medium Spears/Axes 7,750g / 2,000g upkeep, 3 turns]
-Tellar House Cavalry [Semi-Pro slot, 11,600g / 1,400g upkeep, 3 turns]
-Tellar House Longbows [Requires agent Spellsword trait, Semi-Pro slot, Light Longbows 23,500g / 2,000 upkeep, 4 turns]
-Tellar House Men-at-Arms [ Semi-Pro slot, 5,250g / 1,000g upkeep, 2 turns]
-Harper Militia [Medium Spears, 2,000g / 125g upkeep, 1 turn, Militia] (Can take x1-x4)
-Harper Archers [Skirmish Bows, 3,000g / 1250 upkeep, 1 turn, Militia] (Can take x1-x4)
-Harper Longbows [Skirmish Longbows. 5,250g / 125g upkeep, 2 turns, Militia] (Can take x1-x4) (feel free to ask if you want to know how to implement a plan here)
-Levy Regiment [1,000g, 62.5g upkeep, 1 turn, Levy] (Can take x1-x10)
UPDATED (Non-Agent Action) Getting On The Same Page - Antonia has spoken to the council about the need to coordinate with the other Major Houses on recruitment matters. All of Sartier needs to be ready for trouble in these heightened times.
[ ] Local - Write in policy (For example, step up recruitment, or recruit light forces, heavy forces, to expand the militia, or even to stop recruitment) [1 Influence Cost, Stewardship/Martial Test, success chance depends on policy, 1 turn, 3,000g]
[ ] Sartier - Write in policy [2 Influence Cost, Diplomacy/Martial Test, success chance depends on policy, 1 turn, 7,000g]
[ ] - ...But That Is A Sacrifice I Am Willing To Make - Luna wants to form a Levy Board that will take over and streamline the management of Militia and Levies. It is her hope that these will be able to reduce some of the waste associated with these forces. [40% base chance, 8,000g, 3 turns, +5 Morale to Militia and Levy, 10% Reduction in call-up costs]
(Non-Agent Action) X - Raise the Banners - Antonia wants to gather a force of standing and militia regiments, ready to attack any targets of opportunity that arise in greater Harper. If a mole puts its head above ground, she will be there to whack it. [1 Influence Cost, 8,000g, prepares a ready alert force, halves the Bonus that Antonia provides this turn, but allows free interrupts during Mid-Turn on targets of opportunity that arise]
(Temporarily suspended due to other pressing demands on troop strength)
[ ] - Calling Florence Nightingale - Not all casualties are lost. Wounded soldiers can be healed and returned to the fray in due course. Fewer dead mean fewer widows, widowers, and orphans, fewer pensions to pay out, more experience retained and better morale for all. Perhaps it is time to look into options for keeping your forces alive better? [40% base chance, 5,000g, unlocks new options, 1 turn]
[ ] Supply Corps - Luna would like to pursue possibly raising up a Regiment that consists of troops that serve to supply the other troops. There are probably many who would like to wear Tellar's livery, but don't want to risk getting stabbed on the front line. [50% base chance, Martial/Stewardship test, 6,000g, 2 turns, unlocks Supply Regiment which provides bonuses to attached Regiments in a force]
UPDATED [ ] - But It's So Big and Blue - Seapower has never been that high on the priority list of Sartierans, but perhaps it is time to invest some thought into how Tellar can join those that do. In particular, now that you have more than twice as many ships, you need to figure out how to reorganise your fleets before you can grow further. [50% base chance, 5,000g, reorganises the House Tellar fleet, unlocks new options for Seapower development, 1 turn]
NEW [ ] - The Flower of Chivalry - The Knights of Sartier are some of the deadliest warriors the world has scene, armed and armoured to the teeth, trained to a razor edge, bringing with them the might of Sartieran songs. But, perhaps there is room for improvement? Well, whether there is or not, Luna has been getting badgered by Natalie Tellar about it. She wants for the Harperknights of the house to be the most powerful of all their peers. [30% base chance, 2 turns, 6,000g, 2,000g/turn, research Harperknights upgrades]
Executive, Exchequer & Tariff Chief
The Tellar Treasury stands a little over 100,000 gold crowns, and Andres wishes he could say it more precisely than that. Carlisle had disruptions that caused ripples in Harper's economy, but overall things are good. Speaking with Tarrant and Carlisle's Exchequers has taught the House stewards a little more about how to properly report on the revenue and expenses of the House, which is reflected in the report on finances. On the plus side, you can expect, for this and the following 18 months, 12,500g from the Vincennes, 4,000g from the Anzios, and 2,500g from the Dale.
Both Juan and May Lumen seem particularly shaken by the revelations of a religious revolt in Arbalen, and May in particular seems to zone out during the meeting on more than one occasion.
New infrastructure possibilities are on the agenda as well. Andres pushes strongly for any plan that improves the House's income, while a note from Carlisle is tabled, with Samantha Carlisle crying out for someone to go talk to House Timbre "economic warfare against your ever-loyal vassal", which are continuing to cause ripple effects in Carlisle's economy, and thus yours. Samantha puts the losses at over 18,000 crowns during the past year and contains a thinly veiled threat that they will act independently if needs be. The number leads to a few alarmed noises around the council table.
UPDATED - Roadworks Next Twenty Leagues - The infrastructure in Harper lags behind all the rest of Sartier. While it had been merely embarrassing in the past, now that Harper is expected to be the international face of the nation, it is simply unacceptable. Andres is more energetic and hopeful than he has been in years, and everyone in the council agrees. Work needs to begin to drag Harper into line with the rest of the nation. To start with, things need some long overdue repairs. (5 Infrastructure Actions must be completed in order to increase Infrastructure to Level 2, currently 1/5).
[ ] - Over time the main roads that connect the city of Harper and the settlements of the Minor Houses, have begun to suffer from neglect. If you could renew these important paths, far more traffic between the settlements of Harper would be possible. [45% base, 6,000g, 8,000g/turn for 3 turns, reduce by one turn per extra Influence you add to the project, as it helps you gain buy-in from minor houses to contribute, Counts as 1 Infrastructure Action, improve response rolls to trouble in districts]
[ ] - There have been calls recently to rebuild the riverside dock facilities along the Barossa River. Rebuilt piers, repairs to the cargo cranes, clearing out some of the slums that have started to intrude onto the docks, all would do wonders for improving the productivity of the river docks. After going to see how Carlisle handles their port infrastructure, Juan has come back full of inspiration, and ways to expand on the project. [55% base chance, Counts as 2 Infrastructure Actions, 10,000g, 6,000g/turn for 5 turns, notable increase in trade income for all settlements on the Barossa River (Harper, Dyelin, a few Minor Houses in both provinces)]
[ ] - The granaries of Harper are old and decrepit, and hardly fit for purpose. They'll need to be rebuilt to be properly useful again. [55% base chance, 4,000g/turn, 5 turns, 1 Infrastructure Action, +0.5% base income for House and Minors]
[ ] - Luna wants to establish a courier system that can help distribute messages faster and more reliably. [40% base chance, 3,000g/turn, 3 turns, improved chance of reinforcing districts under attack]
[ ] - There are a few places in Tellar where minor rivers bisect your roads, and ferry systems handle the load. In some cases, routes are even entirely cut off in some weather. Spending some time with your new friends in Tarrant has taught Juan a number of ways to make bridging many of the key routes a feasible reality. [50% base chance, 4,000g, 5,000g/turn, 4 turns, Counts as 1 Infrastructure Action, +1 Relations with all Minor houses, +2% Minor House Income]
UPDATED [ ] - ...And Get Over It - The three major stewards of Tellar, Andres, Juan and May, have been cooking up a project privately for a while: a bridge over the broad Barossa River. At the moment, cross-river travel is handled by ferry, which is hardly efficient. A solid bridge could do wonders for the city. [50% base chance, 15,000g, 3,500g/turn, +4,000 Civil Upkeep, 5 turns, bridge over the river, counts as 3 Infrastructure Actions, +2 Commoner Mood, Trade Bonus]
[ ] - Bank of Gambier - The Lumens are telling Andres that the answer to the House's financial straits is to draw down on House Carlisle. Surely they can be convinced that it is in everyone's best interests to back the House through these perilous times? At the least, with Tellar's new influence, there are a few things that can be done to bring in extra income. [???% chance, 2,000g, loan options presented in mid-turn, 1 turn]
[ ] - Trust In Stone - After reviewing some of her own research, and reviews of the Antilles War College Summit, Luna would like to review the fortifications of your district, with a view to possibly planning additional fortifications, perhaps on the west bank of the river, or expanding the already mighty Barossa Citadel. [45% base chance, 7,000g, 2 turns, Martial/Stewardship test, provide fortress-building options]
NEW [ ] - Husbandry - Looking at how Tarrant handles pastoralism in their province has provided inspiration as to how farmers in your own districts can reform their practices. [35% base chance, 12,000g, 6,000g/turn, 4 turns, Stewardship/Diplomacy test, Increase Minor House Base Income by 5%, Tellar by 1.5%, Counts as min 1/3 Gentry Actions] (Pushes some costs on Minor Houses)
Read the Manual - Almost every other House already has better infrastructure. Perhaps it would be a good idea to send someone to another House to study? [60% Base chance, 2,000g, improves "Roadworks Next Twenty Leagues actions, better base chances, moderates failure states, 1 turn]
-[ ] Write in House to study (chance of improved relations) - Already studied: Carlisle, Tarrant
[ ] - Martial Spirit Doesn't Buy Your Horse - As much as Juan and May try, the House as a whole lacks a good grounding in the meat and bones of money-making. Truth be told, if it doesn't involve Knights or Songweaving, it is often hard to keep a Tellar noble's attention. But nonetheless, some strides must be made to improve the understanding of the matters that make a treasury vault fat or lean. [55% base chance, 4,000g, unlocks new options for finding out how Tellar can into economics, 1 turn]
(Chances improved by Read the Manual on two Stewardship Houses)
[ ] - Trading Baby Steps - Trade is something that other Houses seem to have a lot of, and you don't. May Lumen is crying out for help in finding possible ways to open up trade. [40% base chance, 2,000g, unlocks new options for trade revenue, 1 turn]
[ ] - Logistics - You're told that when they went and tallied up the expense of the six-month confrontation and realised that across Sartier something on the order of half a million gold crowns had been paid to raise and maintain the levy, Juan and May Lumen had gone and gotten blind drunk. After getting over their hangovers, they started brainstorming ideas for savings in the industries that support your levy. [50% base chance, Stewardship test, 3,000g, unlocks new options, 2 turns] (Chances increased via Luna trait)
[ ] - Bridging the Gap - In Harper the inequality between rich and poor is more dramatic than elsewhere. Sonissimmo used to frequently chide them over this. Perhaps some research is in order? [55% base chance, 3,000g, unlocks new options for beginning to improve your Gentry Level, 2 turns]
NEW [ ] - Making Connections - Find out how feasible it is to carve a way through the marshes of the Barossa River Delta to properly connect Harper and Billfarthing for full-size ships, which would do much to improve trade for both Harper and Dyelin. If they think it can be done, your engineers will present you with possible plans. [60% base chance, 5,000g, 1 turn, lead to construction options]
Up until the revelations of Sarah Asteron, Charlie was still smug from how she managed to extract herself from the Yellow Banner ambush, and bullish on her chances of cleaning things up. But all of that changes when she realises that one of the provinces of Sartier may detonate soon.
She would like to see an end to the Yellow Banner threat soon, and she believes she knows enough about where they are to strike at their leadership.
Further, she thinks it may be possible to make a decree to outlaw Teuvian worship. But there would be consequences to such a move. And if there are any Teuvians within the Court itself, their reactions may be unpredictable.
NEW [ ] - An End to Faith - You know that Teuv is inimical to the Sartieran society that has stood for centuries. It is time to formally legislate against it. No more will the Teuvian faith be allowed to flourish in your lands. The first step, however, is to ban it in Greater Harper. Charlie warns you that in places where Teuv Influence runs deep, this will not be popular. [1 Influence Cost, Diplomacy tests, will improve Commoner Mood in low Teuv Influence provinces, will decrease in medium/high Teuv Influence provinces]
Taking over the Caseload - Traditionally the duties of the ruling Great House have included a certain responsibility for backing other Houses up on law and order, particularly when it came to bandits, uprisings, and Teuvian influence. The Tellar Justice, Charlie Tellar, knows that she has a lot to catch up on and wants resources to help her survey the other provinces to find out how they are going. (This will give you a spot check on the Commoner Mood and Teuvian Influence of the provinces, as long as you pass the action the information should be accurate Base chances boosted by 'Maestro of the Hunt' and 'Law and Order', recent revelations]
-[ ] Survey Greater Harper, your home and vassal provinces. Things in Harper itself are mostly fine, and Carlisle is okay, but there are some rumours about the other two. [60% base chance, 0 Influence, 1,000g, 1 turn]
(Non-Agent Action) [ ] - Call a Meeting - Charlie Tellar wants to host a meeting of all of the House Justices, Great, Vassal, and Minor to discuss the keeping of the peace. [Automatic success, 1 Influence Cost, 4,000g, 1 turn will create a Justice Meeting mini-turn with an agenda to be determined]
Search & Destroy - When you have identified a significant source of civil unrest, sometimes it is best to just storm the gates and eliminate the threat. Pick the threat and the forces you want to use:
[ ] - Yellow Banner (Charlie) - Charlie Tellar & a force of Inner Guard soldiers to clear out the nest. [4,500g, 1 Influence Cost, 1 turn, 40% chance of pinning down Yellow Banner, combat results]
[ ] - Yellow Banner (Other) - Write in forces to apply.
[ ] - Looking For An Unclogged Ear - The Royal Navy is heavily in Sonissimmo's pocket, which makes leveraging them difficult. Perhaps if you could find a sympathetic ear or two among the Admirals and Commodores you could start to wield some influence on Royal Navy policy? [20% base chance, locate Royal Navy characters who you can work with, 1 turn, 2,000g]
[ ] - Know thy Enemy - You know that Teuv is a large land-mass to the south-east that is home to zealous devotees of a pantheon of gods. But as things have been quiet for fifty years, much of the institutional knowledge has faded. Who are the Teuvian gods? What is their nature? What makes them attractive to followers? Perhaps it is time to do some digging. [40% base chance, 3,000g/turn, 2 turns, generate a report on Teuvian Gods, possibly earn bonuses to Teuv related rolls]
Hamid Hulland may have been happy to take on the role of Spymaster, but those who look at him in the Council meeting wonder if he regrets that decision now. Same as everyone else, there is a mess of problems now on his plate. A lot of his mind is currently on Renmi, where Melody Piar leads the attempt to kill Arnold Vincennes.
[ ] - Let's Network - Use one of your agents to go visit another Court and look for a potential recruit, or failing that, a commoner who works at the Court.
-[ ] Write in with target House, and any details regarding targeting [???% base chance, chance to recruit Foreign Agent]
[ ] - Infiltrate Tranquility - Even before your current difficulties with the Royal Navy, your problems with the pirate lords of Tranquility were already long, severe, and varied. Perhaps agents could be placed in that shattered land to provide warning of large developments. [Base chance 25%, 500g, Increased chance of getting a turn's warning for any major Pirate incursions, get updates on the pressure level in Tranquility]
[ ] - Two Can Play At That Game - When spies are suspected, Hamid can be ordered to perform a sweep through the Court at Harper, looking for signs of disloyalty. In light of new Teuvian actions, he will also enlist Antonia and see if he can find signs of people who are showing signs of interest in Teuv. [???% base chance, chance of locating disloyal court members, if any exist]
A Particular Focus - Hamid Hulland has taken over Patricia's push for council resources to expand the web of spies that can be called upon. As a result, the council is dispatching an agent to establish more assets in...
[ ] - write in any Great or Vassal House [3,000g, Improve economic detail, asset details, chance of intercepting hostile actions from that source]
[ ] - Slicing the Apron Strings - The Royal Navy is more than too fond of the old regime, you have found out they are effectively entirely co-opted. Opinions are divided as to what to do about it, because many see it as a danger to your continued hold on power. Perhaps you should look into the matter and see what your spies can tell you about the Navy and their intentions. [35% base chance, 3,000g, 1 turn, Unlocks intrigue options for interacting with the Royal Navy]
[ ] - The Cure for Stupidity - When all else fails, sometimes you can take a more … direct route to problem solving. Hamid is a dangerous man in a fight, but he is no assassin. However, he has access to two talented blades in the form of Patricia Frunkle and a commoner in her employ named Daisy Connor. A handler will need to be provided, however. (Ask for Hamid's estimates for chances and costs)
-NEW [ ] Emina Geitel [-10% base chance to find, 4,500g, 1 Influence, no Agent required]
-NEW [ ] Veronica Nils [-25% base chance to find, 5,000g, Agent Required] (Hamid warns you that trying to assassinate a Soothsinger is one of the more reckless tasks you can undertake)
-[ ] Target in Harper [Target dependent base chance and cost, 1 Influence, no Agent required]
-[ ] Target elsewhere [Target-dependent base chance and cost, Agent required]
-[MELODY Tx] Arnold Vincennes [Melody Piar, Daisy Connor]
(Non-Agent Action) [ ] - The Lady in Yellow - Miranda Long is a commoner Songweaver who has come to Court with recommendations from her teachers in the Countryside. She is quite talented, but Andres Tellar harbours suspicions about her. It might be worth investigating. [10% base chance, 500g, 1 Influence, gain information about Miranda Long]
[ ] Go to the Well (Hamid Hulland only) - Hamid can often learn much about what occurs in Sartier from his sources in Carentan. He never quite knows what he'll find, but it's usually something interesting! [???% base chance, 1,500g, random intel find]
[ ] - Gods in Small Places - The Teuvian faith is spreading within the provinces of Sartier. Some provinces are more infested than others, but all are at least somewhat affected. Hamid wants to start using his agents to infiltrate the networks of believers rather than simply playing whack-a-mole. [40% base chance, 7,000g, Intrigue Test, high chance of combat, gain intelligence on Teuv groups]
[ ] - Loose Lips - Even before the entire order of Sartier was turned on its ear spies were trafficking themselves about with wild abandon. You are sure it will only get worse from here. Hamid wants funding to research ways to keep the Barossa Citadel clear of intruders. [40% base chance, 2,000g, unlocks new options]
[ ] - Follow the Money - Patricia Frunkle has long known that you can learn just about anything by knowing where the money goes. Hamid agrees fully. He'd like to spend some time looking into ways to better equip your agents to track that. [25% base chance, 4,000g, unlocks new options]
(Non-Agent Action) X - The Professional - Daisy Connor, the commoner woman who handles much of Tellar's wetwork, would like funding to start research into the more underhanded applications of Spellsword techniques. [1 Influence Cost, 40% base chance, 4,000g, multi-discipline test, unlocks new options]
Court Songweaver
Things are in a holding pattern for your Court Songweaver, Rita. She has returned to take part in the Council meeting, but both her and Monica are tied down on their missions.
The arrival of Kayli Vincennes, the well-known and rather feared Elite Songweaver of her extended noble family, has been interesting. Rita rather openly admits she has no idea what to do with the woman. She would love to see her put to good employment, as currently she spends her days idling with her relative, the Vincennes hostage, and trying to regain the fitness she lost in her near-death experience and year in captivity. But can you trust a walking explosion given voice?
NEW [ ] Music Classes - At the moment, formal music classes are mostly the province of the wealthy who can afford it, or very talented commoners who catch attention. Rita would like to see an expansion of formal teaching. [40% base chance, Magic-Stewardship test, 6,000g, 1,500g/turn, 3 turns, adds Magic boost to Schooled trait for Tellar debutantes and new characters, increases chance of Songweavers among debutantes]
Rita Hulland is campaigning to establish research bases in areas where the ley lines of power run deep and strong. Of course, these are not easy places to establish a camp.
[MONICA T3] Chiming Forest. The enchanted woods of the Chiming Forest have been a by-word for the bizarre and incredible. Since the defeat of the Teuv that has only grown, as parts of the forest become misted and tales of strange monsters floating among the trees begin to circulate. [20% Base Chance, 12,000g, Stewardship/Magic test, 4 turns]
[ ] Capo Mists. The mists in the warm northern part of the island are plainly unnatural. The strongest areas correspond to regions with many of the tallest tales and most bizarre happenings. [20% Base Chance, 15,000g Stewardship/Magic test, 4 turns]
-[ ] … Jointly with the Capo - If you approach the Capo openly, there's a good chance they'd be perfectly happy to join you in this endeavour. Their Court Songweaver, Luke Capo, is not quite Rita's equal, but he's still a fine mage with much to offer. [Replace above costs with: 40%, 6,000g, Diplomacy/Magic test, 3 turns, research shared with the Capo]
[ ] Mountains hold many veins of magic in their granite grasp, and setting up camp in some of the abandoned old mines of central mountains could be very rewarding. [35% Base chance, 12,000g, 2,000g/turn, 4 turns]
[ ] Greater Etela Mists. Things are slowly thawing, but you'll have to do your best to fly under the radar. Not everyone there is ready to kiss and make-up. Maybe with the right agent to set it up, it could work? [20% Base chance, 10,000g, 2,000g/turn Stewardship/Intrigue/Magic test, 4 turns]
[ ] Balan Harbour, Etela. Many strange water phenomena have been reported in the harbour, and Rita is dying to get some traction for a research mission there. Ideally before the Sonissimmo scholars realise what is sitting under their noses. [20% Base Chance, 12,000g, 1,500g/turn, Diplomacy/Magic test, 4 turns]
[ ] - When the Beating of Your Heart... - The Vincennes Fortis Drums are mighty artifacts of magical power. But how are they made? Rita has long wanted a chance to investigate the Drums and how they are made. [15% base chance, 2,000g, 2 Influence, 2 turns]
(Non-Agent Action, once per year, starts ongoing research) Some talented Songweavers are asking you to bankroll their research into Songweaving. This sets up ongoing research into topics that have a chance to return a discovery each turn. These may generate small improvements, such as a reduction in the casting requirement, or an incremental improvement in yield. Or it may even generate a new song or hymn entirely!
[ ] Monica Reynolds (Mg 48) wants funding to conduct independent research into battlefield songs. Of course, with this sort of research, you need a lot of space and resources. [Base chance -30%, 30,000g startup, 5,000g per turn upkeep, currently a 32% chance of an incremental improvement, 2% of a major breakthrough]
[ ] Your young relative, Alice Tellar (Mg 25), would like an opportunity to conduct general research. [-10% base chance, 15,000g startup, 3,000g per turn upkeep, currently a 29% chance of an incremental improvement in a random field, 15% chance of an interesting development]
X Natalie Tellar (Mg 12, C 36) is very interested in learning how to develop and improve Spellsword techniques. [Base chance -30% Magic+Combat test, 20,000g startup, 4,000g per turn upkeep, currently. 29% chance of an incremental improvement in a random field, 2% chance of a major breakthrough] (Unavailable due to combat commitments and tracking down Valerie Tellar)
[ ] - Georgie Hulland requires 2,000g per turn to conduct her research. When budgets are tight, this funding can be suspended for a time. [Removes 2,000g/turn upkeep. Restarting funding requires a one-off cost of 250g/turn suspended, up to 1,000g]
Hello, Sailor - Rita Hulland got to see the Royal Navy's special Songweavers in action over the summer, and she would love to get a chance to learn some of their techniques. She feels having a few of them on hand for Tellar and her vassals would help with coming battles against the Tranquility pirates. [Both of the below options entail a 30% Base Chance diplomacy test Evelyn will undertake as a Free Action to gain access]
-[RITA T3] Have Rita travel herself to Sonissimmo to attempt to learn these skills. [20% base chance, Magic Test, 2 turns, Rita Hulland gains trait Naval Songweaver]
NEW[ ] - Aspire - Reach the pinnacle of your art, an Elite Songweaver. Travel out to join Monica in the Chiming Forest, and learn the inner mysteries of song and spell. Few ever get the opportunity to learn to ride the lightning of Sartier, to summon the majesty of her life, the fires below and the permanence of her mountains. To tie the yoke purest power to their own voice. It is not easy, it is not safe. Many who are otherwise very powerful voices fail, or recoil from the attempt. Rita Hulland and Monica Reynolds both agree, however: Evelyn can succeed, and arrive at her true potential. [35% base chance, 12,000g, 2 turns Evelyn upgrades Veteran Songweaver to Elite Songweaver] (Evelyn only)
Minor Houses
Entreaties for aid have come from three of your six vassal houses, from Rios in the west, Hulland in the south, and Reynolds in the east. House Hulland's entreaty is rather troublesome, as they have lobbied all of their fellow Minor Houses and convinced them that this is an important matter for all of Harper, and rebuffing them without causing offence will require effort.
[ ] - The Birth of a Fleet - One of your immediate vassals, Minor House Rios, hasn't operated their own navy before, but with the current instability they are looking to start. They are reaching out to you to see if you can spare an advisor to help them start up. [-200g, +2 'Flute' Triremes for Rios, +1 Relations with Rios]
-[ ] - Subsidise the construction. This will allow Rios to build a larger force and also make the shipwrights in Gambier happy with you. [-1,000g, Additional +2 Flutes for Rios, +1 Relations with Rios, 30% chance of +1 Relations with Carlisle] (Can write in more Flutes, up to 8 total)
[ ] - The Cradle of a Fleet - The Reynolds of Billfarthing, from whom some of the members of your Court hail, are floating the idea that with Tellar help, they could greatly expand their shipyards. This will let your Minor Houses build their own Flute-grade warships, though it would take further expanding before they can manage the higher-quality Oboes that the major houses uses. After looking over the House Carlisle docks at Vicaria Bay, Juan has penned a number of potential improvements, as well as ways that this expansion can form part of the next wave of infrastructure for House Tellar.[60% base chance of success, 6,000g, 3,000g per turn (2,000g per turn for House Reynolds), +3 Relations with House Reynolds, 6 turns, Flute-grade Shipyard berths increase to 6, Agent available after 2 turns, Counts as 1 Infrastructure Action]
[ ] - An Eye For Talent - Your Minor Houses can be your greatest resource. In addition to bolstering your armies and providing your income, they also provide many varied and useful Courtiers, some of whom can go on to become Councillors, Agents, Generals, or otherwise useful people. There is always a trickle of debutantes and others arriving, but perhaps the local Houses are hiding some gems who would be better off in Harper? [4,000g, Agent proclivities will determine what sort of prospects are located]
NEW (Default Option) [ ] - Southspire Castle - Cape Sous is the southern-most settlement of Sartier, and thus the nearest geographically to the menaces of Teuv and Tranquility. After being attacked during the last year, Minor House Hulland has put a lot of effort into surveying their lands for, and lobbying their neighbours to lend their support to, a plan to build up their castle and harbour defences to the next level, a mid-tier between what their fellow Minor Houses boast, and those of Major Houses. [5,000g, 4,000g/turn, 4 turns, +250g Upk for Hulland, Stewardship test, assign an agent in order to potentially gain bonuses] (20% cost savings gained from pre-planning, joint construction) (House Hulland paying 5,000g up front, 2,000g/turn]
-[ ] Rebuff - Rebuff House Hulland, their situation is not so exposed as to warrant such funds at a delicate time. [No relationship loss, 1 Influence Cost]
-[ ] Straight No - Rather bluntly inform your vassal that you are not interested. [-3 Relations to House Hulland, -1 to other Minor Houses]
Court Maintenance
Things with the Court are proceeding apace, as you continue to attract more of the young and ambitious. Most notably, you have been joined by youths from three foreign Houses, there as guarantors against their Houses future actions. Young Audrey Suarez is learning well from her time with Carmen Rios, who has good things to say about the young lady and her possible suitability as an agent in years to come.
Two debutantes who were presented to the court in the past season are young noblewomen from Morcombe. Young and full of fire, they are aiming to help improve the standing of their Minor House. Those who watch the machinations of the Harper Court intrigues more closely than you say they will keep an eye on the ladies to see if they distinguish themselves or destabilise things.
NEW (Free Action) Gregory Tellar is the youngest of Andres and Rita's children, and is now of an age where it is time to decide the focus of his future training. His tutors and parents both agree that at the moment he is a well-rounded boy who could excel in any direction.
-[ ] Training
--[ ] Executive Focus
--[ ] Marshall Focus
--[ ] Intrigue Focus
--[ ] Magic Focus
-[ ] Type of Magic
--[ ] Songweaver
--[ ] Spellsword
(Non-Agent Action) Replace a Councillor - Sometimes a candidate for a council position comes along who is just clearly the right person for the job. A Symphony is free to chop and change councillors as they will, but should be wary about spreading ill-will if they do so wantonly.
-[ ] Write in: Councillor to be replaced, replacement courtier (must be part of your court, at least 16, not senile, requires 1 influence]
Invite to Court - If you have a specific character you would like in your court, send them an invite.
-[ ] Write in name to invite, chances depend on target
(Non-Agent Action) Some people are just rotten influences. They connive, they lie, they cheat, and they sow dissension behind the scenes. When you identify someone like this, often the best course of action is to expel them.
[ ] No Longer Welcome - Inform a person they are no longer welcome at your Court. [Automatic success. Write in who is to be expelled. May be consequences depending on the person; e.g., expelling a noble may sour relations with their House]
(Non-Agent Action) [ ] - Janie Tellar - One of the myriad relatives that infest the court, Janie is a woman in her late-twenties with a devilish sense of intrigue. Now that the Spymaster council role is held by a Noble, she has expressed interest in becoming Hamid's apprentice. [1 Influence, Hamid will vet and provide her profile to the mid-turn for a final choice. Would provide a half-bonus to Intrigue rolls]
[ ] - Theo knows no peer with steel in hand, but Evelyn feels that he could be a much more versatile asset on the battlefield if he was trained to take the next step as a Songweaver. He would increase his repertoire of songs, his reliability with casting and maybe improve his impact a little. [70% base chance, 1,000g, 1 turn, Theo Raleigh upgrades trait Songweaver to Veteran Songweaver (Tier-2 spells, +1 Casting Dice)]
Pick one option only
NEW [ ] Plotting With Friends - Alice may not be able to stay for much longer, so you should certainly show her around town, take in the sights, experience the local food, and possibly spend a few lazy afternoons in the pub coming up with some ideas for turning dry pirates into well-soaked pirates. [Possible temporary martial boosts for the upcoming battle for Evelyn and Alice]
(Evelyn only, free action) - Backup Plan - While your dad and aunt certainly don't plan on getting bumped off, you never know when something could befall them. Both are no strangers to battle and, tough as they are, fortune can claim anyone, and if either dies it dissolves the Symphony and you will have to take their place. Problem is … You have no clue who would join you to form the Symphony. Maybe you should start looking ahead of time? (Can be reused as you become more acquainted with more courts)
[ ] - Not Quite Moestorm - Believe it or not, you're now probably the most eligible Bachelor in all of Sartier. You haven't been particularly interested up till now, and to be truthful, you've spent more energy on dueling than dating. [Start putting feelers out for potentially interested candidates]
[ ] - Looking For Kindred Spirits - As the inheriting line, it is up to you to pick a Symphonius to join you in ruling Harper. However, it doesn't have to be a husband, or a brother, or a friend, or cousin or, well anything else. All it has to be is someone reliable, talented, trustworthy, who won't freak your populace out, make people worry about flight risks, have dark secrets, and whom you can trust to lead half of your House. That shouldn't be too hard to find, right? [Start putting out feelers for non-marriage candidates]