Chapter 53 - Arc 4 - Brawling in the Streets: Magic is Real
CH 74 is out on Patreon, Ino and Sakura are having a great time, you should check it out.
$5 bondinggggggg

Chapter 53 is the first chapter to get significant edits from Patreon to Public, and a big part of that is that Patreon is funding me enough that I can take the time to make sure everyone benefits. Over 1000 words were added to the public version of this post, and the general quality is much higher as well as the entertainment value.
Just all around, I want to thank supporters for giving me the opportunity to make this chapter good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, supporters. If you're not a supporter, you can join up through the link in my signature and be directly responsible for glow ups like this one.

Outside of paid news, Tenten and Sakura make me smile. Thank you for reading.

"Okay, I guess it's time." Sakura stands in front, Neji falling into a stance, while Tenten readies the giant bomb that she calls a 'grenade' like she has no idea what a grenade actually is. Lifting the hammer in one hand, ready to grip it with the other the moment the door is actually open, Sakura turns the metallic knob of the door and jumps back in an effort to pull it open while getting the hell out of the way.

Palms smack against metal, and the sight of an endless horde arrives for all. It's so thick, they're trampling over each-other. The horde falls over itself, pressing onwards and charging them like they hold the key to their undead curse.

The thing is, they're not actually moving. The corpse hands press against where the door was, and they bang against absolutely nothing without making even the slightest progress inwards. In fact, they find the shuffling dead are repelled like there's actually a door there, "uh-huh."

Sakura takes only a moment to realize what's happening, this room has some kind of spawn protection. She readies the hammer in both hands and swings it with full force towards the first group of zombies in front of the barrier-


Sparks fly at her and her entire body shakes. One does not normally slam their weapon full force into an indestructible wall, and her arms ache in a way that makes her wonder if she broke something. She falls back on her ass without ceremony, and she finds herself staring at the unharmed apocalypse with wide eyes.

"Oh, that's not good." Sakura gulps.

"So the barrier is on our side too. I wonder how we are to get out then, slow graceful movements? I could try to slow down Jyuuken?" Neji ponders.

"That would probably work, but I worry about that moment where your fingers are outside the barrier, since they could grab you and drag you through," Sakura says, "I have a better idea."
Experimental jutsu normally shouldn't be a kunoichi's first instinct when on a mission, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Since Kakashi taught her how to make her own jutsu, she's experimented with quite a few concepts. More Pokemon moves, for sure, but most of it's been wasted efforts that only barely manage to contribute to anything but her affinity training.

One thing that wasn't a complete waste of effort was her work on alternative versions of the clone jutsu, and working with Ino a little helped that effort a lot. She makes the hand seal for the basic clone jutsu, and calms herself. It's more difficult to do it this way, to focus outside of reality and exist in a way that rejects it all and sinks deeper into the pool that is the subconscious. But Ino would whack her with a stick if she wasn't zoning out properly, which did in fact make it harder to zone out, who'da thought being whacked might not be the best way to learn meditation. Regardless, she's gotten pretty good at this for fear of getting smacked in the name of training and possibly not so repressed rage. Ino has things to work through, just like she does. It's all one balancing act centering her in her place in the universe.

It's that kind of thought which allows her to distance herself just enough that the beings that pop into existence beside her are not normal clones. They're more see through, less there, and when they march through the barrier they do not immediately dispel upon being grabbed by the horde. To be truthful, they're not even grabbed by the horde, they flow right through them and keep going down the hall.

The mass of rotting flesh that follows them has Neji and Tenten celebrating, but for Sakura, it's hard to find her way back. She can't just dispel them which'd cause the monsters to come back, and she can't very well maintain it while thinking, so she just kind of exists.

"I thought clones dispelled on being touched?" Neji questions her. And when she doesn't answer him, he places a hand on her shoulder, and shakes her.

She hears them pop outside the door, and shoots back into focus to see him looking at her with a confusing amount of concern. "Huh?"

"What was that?" Neji asks.

"I modified my chakra in the process to focus more on the illusion aspect, so that they could go through them." Sakura explains. "It took a lot of work, and the Yamanka clan's specialty is probably mostly who should take credit but…"

"You can do that?" Tenten gasps, "you can modify jutsu?"

"Your sensei hasn't taught you how to make your own jutsu yet?" Sakura asks, and finds stares from the two elder genin. "We need to go, I can hear them approaching as we speak."

She doesn't have to tell them twice, they're outside of the safe room before she finishes her next breath, her own now sluggish and slow heart beat only makes her trail behind them by a little.

It's then that Tenten does a spin, "hup!" and one of her giant metal sea mines flies over the enemies' head, landing on a group and disappearing into the mass.

"Should we get back in the safe room?" Sakura can't help but ask, but her voice falls on deaf ears. Deaf mostly because of the shockwave loud enough to bring static to her vision and make her question if reality is really reality. Her legs quiver, her body shakes, she loses balance, and shredded limbs fly into the air ahead of them like they're at a very gruesome concert. She finds it hard to stay on her feet even while leaning against the wall, but that's okay, because the enemy has shrunk tremendously.

There's so much devastation, so much horrific was-possibly-human-once-sludge, it spreads through the hallway like a cleaning service working in reverse. "What the hell." Sakura gulps, watching the few remnants that weren't blown to shreds get taken down by an overeager Neji and his graceful death touch.

"Gruuuuuhhh-" A quick look behind them shows that another monstrous group is shambling towards them from the opposite side of the hallway. Whether they're attracted to the sound, or whether they're just evil and can detect humans is not for her to figure out right now.

Right now, her priority is to follow Neji to the next safe room.

"Well this is freaking awesome." Tenten and Sakura find themselves staring at each-other with reddening cheeks, as the realization sets in that they're not so different. After-all, that was both of them just now.

Neji rolls his eyes at the two while they contemplate their jinx, and who indeed owes the other a soda, but no one can deny that what's in front of them is in fact, freaking awesome.

On the surface it looks like a normal metal box, painted green for seemingly no reason but very much just a box that happens to be made out of metal. There's some strange words on it no one can read, and the quality of the box is very good, but it is in fact just a metal box. There's nothing magical about the box, there's no crazy decals on it or warnings or even a sci-fi mechanism for opening it that would require them to sacrifice something in return for its boon.

It has a latch, and it opens, and that's it.
What's inside the box though, is mind boggling. Cylinder, pump, slides and a graciously smooth grip, Sakura finds herself staring at a combat shotgun from a modern video game. It's black and militant, like the kind you'd find in a proper FPS with an emphasis on gritty realism despite almost nothing about it being realistic.

It has three boxes of ammunition, and even an instruction manual on how to operate it, which is also written in a language none of them can decipher so it doesn't matter at all.

"You want it?" Sakura asks Tenten, giving her a quirked brow and an awkward smile, "I don't think I need another close range option."

Sakura finds herself lacking in oxygen almost immediately, an issue that doesn't dissipate quickly. The older girl inexplicably, and without warning, wraps her in the tightest hug possible and is refusing to let go.

In fact-
She trusts her, she just kind of closes her eyes and lets the lack of oxygen help her nap.

At the next safe house, Sakura decides to stay outside and stand guard, waiting for Neji to get reading. Tenten also seems to want to guard, meaning the two of them stand on each side of the door, crushing zombie skulls with a hammer to each of them at every opportunity.
They don't need a break yet, and they don't need a horde growing outside the door, gnawing at it, just because Neji wants to read the documentation they've been given.

He says it's important for the mission, and that the info he's gathering on this Fierro person is very important, but she's not so sure.

What she is sure of, is that Tenten is still giddy and jittery from getting her new weapon.
"What's the difference between that shotgun and your gun?" Sakura asks, "they look different but they both shoot, right?"

"As I said earlier, my gun couldn't shoot these rounds," Tenten begins to explain mid swing at an encroaching creature, "my gun is practically a black box with some rudimentary powder inside. The concept is the same, but there's so much distance between what entertainment shows us, and what we can really do."

"But you called it a Glock." Sakura reminds her.

"Glock doesn't actually exist, Sakura, my gun can't even break the sound barrier. It's just a fun phrase I came up with, it's a brand you see in games and movies a lot." Tenten actually snickers at her, like she's the dumb one.

"Well, sorry, I didn't know that." Sakura huffs a little, but quickly brightens up at her next thought, "you play games? Do you want to play sometime when we get home?"

"Uhhh, sorry, I don't play with people who have anger issues." Tenten gives her a pitying gaze that makes her skin crawl a little.

"I don't have-errr, I guess I do, but…" Okay so attacking Neji cost her a potential gaming buddy, that really sucks, but at least she didn't say no forever, she just has to learn to control her temper!

Soon enough Neji steps out of the room, and she marches into it before they leave so she can loot what he didn't grab. Which appears to be everything, as even with the Byakugan he appears to suck at finding items. She finds another First-Aid Spray and some more ammo for Tenten, the mystical bullets, as the girl puts it. The dungeon is being quite generous with these healing items.

Tenten wants to stand guard alone at the next stop, so Sakura finds herself in the safe room taking a breather and stretching out a little. It's so dull, this trek is just move and read, move and read, crush a skull and loot. That might be kind of cool in a game, but in real life she's finding it lacks the same looter shooter grind dopamine rush that keeps her going day after day. The loot is nice, but it's not an endless armory or thousands of bolts for her crossbow, so she feels like she's rolling poorly in a gacha.

Tenten got a good roll, that was nice.

"Why are you reading all of this?" Sakura asks the focused boy, "does it matter at all?"
"It does." Neji says with vehemence, "these are the research notes of that Dark Meister, he is clearly the one summoning the horde."

"So, these weren't people?" Sakura asks before allowing herself a sigh of relief, "that's good."

"No, they were… he's summoning their souls back to their bodies and then repairing the bodies so that they're only mostly dead instead of completely decayed. He's been using the endless horde of the dead this village had in its graveyard. This note says he also went to other graveyards of nearby villages, so this is the result of generations of dead from multiple places. It's been a several year project where he's grave robbed basically every corpse around, and has been storing them in an underground facility he stumbled across. He believes it may have been one of Orochimaru's research facilities."

"Seriously?" Sakura groans to herself, she's not even going to question Orochimaru, that's the boogeyman of Konoha, if something nefarious is happening it has to do with him every time. It's only fitting he's involved here somehow, even if only indirectly. "What's that have to do with genin and chunin and rebels and stuff?"

"I haven't read enough yet to know, but this is probably a test run. If a few small villages can give him this much power, and it works, with some help and the graveyards of Konoha he could probably take down the village. Or at least cause enough damage we struggle to recover for a while. Every death would add to his army, while we'd lose power."

"You think he might seriously have eyes on Konoha?" Sakura asks.

"No, probably not, a single Jonin would just have to get lucky and find him to kill him, that's too much heat for a guy who's probably only chunin strength himself. Still, no chakra techniques we've ever found can raise the dead like this, he's achieved actual magic, and that's far more interesting than a few zombies and the threat they pose to civilians."

"He's also probably not a real person, but a simulated one made so there's a boss to this dungeon," Sakura says, "so why are the main objectives, the genin and chunin even here?"

"Padding?" Neji suggests, "content is hard, and giving us a good fight or six on our way to him would add a lot of it."

"No, no, not from a design perspective, I mean like, why are they involved? Like as people, if he likely doesn't exist, how did they get roped into this?" She questions with an irritated flailing of one of her hands, "we know they're real." Unless they aren't, what if the genin and chunin are out and about in the real village and they're killing fake versions like back with Gato?

"That entire question hinges on an assumption that is flawed at its core," Neji says, "if we assume he does exist in the real world, the entire experience makes sense. It's simple, we should keep it simple."

"But then magic exists." Sakura points out.

"Sakura… we're in a dungeon. An actual dungeon. We have already moved significantly further in this house than there was space for us to move, this home is bigger on the inside than the outside. There were levels at the front, and threats of scaling, and we're locked in here behind magical barriers and an endless horde that is likely much bigger than the actual amount of zombies at hand. Magic exists." Neji looks away from his reading to stare her down.

And something cracks in her a little.
Something important.
Her bolts are magic, this system is magic, the dungeons are magic, magic… exists.
And not just as a cool phrase to describe unexplained chakra, they are in a magic place, trying to fight a magic person. Despite seeing proof right in front of her at every turn, her own rationality has actually stood in the way of it properly clicking. She's assumed her system is localized, but what if it's not? What if there are other forms of magic in this world, and she's merely one pawn in a much larger game of magic nonsense?

What if she's not the protagonist? She might need to take things even more seriously than she has, and that's terrifying.

She gets up to start searching for loot again, and finds nothing but ammo, and a bar of chocolate.

She thinks she'll eat it now. She could use some comfort.
Chocolate will certainly hAlp with stress
It's not like you can addicted to it and need to fight Chouji to get another bar of Chocolate in Konoha
What-If: Sakura Had Gotten The Decapitating Carving Knife
Another week above $70, another Side-Story.
In this one we take a look at what if Sakura had been forced to figure out what to do with Zabuza's sword after she killed him.
Voted on by the $10 patrons, thank them. I wish I'd done more with it, and might revisit this concept again sometime when I have more energy, but I've been having trouble sleeping so, this is what I have in me, I hope you enjoy.

This was inspired by the time a player of mine managed to fit a tree in their inventory during an old RP I ran, Night Raid.
That poor guy...

Standing over the bandaged man's corpse, Sakura can't help but feel a little disappointed. Powerful as he showed himself to be, he was just as human as anyone else. He'd only won against her in the first place because his sword's gimmick beat hers, stealing the power from her weapon with his own. Maybe it was a fluke that let her cut through him, maybe he'd underestimated her and she'd gotten lucky, or maybe she's just the better wielder of the blade.

Whatever the case, she has a new weapon. It's bigger than she is, and lays discarded just a little away from his now drained corpse. Her own demon blade struck right through him and sucked up everything he had to give, which leaves her with decisions to make. "I guess I'll take this." Her hands land on the massive hilt of a weapon so long and thick that she knows Zabuza was compensating for a thousand different things, not the least of which his abandonment of his village. "Hup-gkll-" That's the sound of losing her voice to a coughing fit that soon wracks her entire body. Okay, she can't lift it, that's fine. She can work with that.

A sealing scroll is all she needs, and she can invent herself a style that uses it despite being weak, she's a genius!

The chips are down, Naruto and Sasuke lay discarded to the side, and she's not sure she'll handle another volley of attacks from her domineering opponent. When Kakashi had said the Chunin exams were going to be crazy, he hadn't explained they'd meet monsters that can tear trees from their roots and destroy the landscape. Her hand's too broken to guard with her sword properly, and she's pretty sure this is going to be a bad end.

Not the kind one can reload either, the kind where the game uninstalls itself to mock you for daring to screw up this badly. With a gulp, she watches the enemy's powerful body move towards her one step at a time. She reaches into her second kunai pouch, but not for a kunai. With a jump and a flick of her wrist, she pulls a sealing scroll from it and launches herself towards the enemy.

"Your weapon is on the ground, girl, what could you possibly - what the fuck!?" That's the sound of someone realizing she's not down for the count yet. The scroll unravels in the air, and with a flick of it, a massive sword the likes of which only legends can carry draws itself into the world and makes itself known. It falls towards her opponent, who dodges out of the way backwards with a fearful backpedal. It's urgent, stressful, and practically futile. The dirt dislodges and flies in all directions as the gargantuan monolith lands where he was. She passes in the same instant, scooping the weapon up into the scroll, one specifically designed to reach out and grab this very sword. "That's not fair!"

"That's the point!" She shouts back, spinning in place and allowing the paper holster to whip towards him, the weapon flying out like it belongs in the air, hurtling with the momentum of the summon as if it had always been in motion. "Get scrolled on!"

"Gaaaahhh!" This scroll is designed around the concept of overriding the natural state of whatever's stored into it to maintain the state the scroll had when the object was released, so for instance, flying through the air while she spins would send the sealed contraption - or in this case a giant sword - shooting out. It'd lose momentum quickly, slamming into the ground while unable to maintain the force it had gathered, but that wouldn't matter against an enemy too unbalanced and unready to face what she has for them.

It barely has to knick him to tear his leg off and make him spin around in the dirt. from there it's just a matter of picking the sword up again, walking up to his crawling form, and releasing the decapitating carving knife above his head from its repeatedly initiated prison parchment.

Next she'll be trying a seal specifically designed to maintain the object's initial state, and then having ten thousand Naruto's carry it up into the sky before dropping it onto the seal.

That should be fun.
and then having ten thousand Naruto's carry it up into the sky before dropping it onto the seal.
Naruto can double jump. One Naruto jumps, Shadow Clone, real Naruto uses Shadow Clone Naruto as a platform to jump up from. Repeat until chakra exthaustion. With practice I reckon he could get as high up as the Empire State Building. Hopefully, he remembered to take a parachute.
Chapter 54 - Arc 4 - Brawling in the Streets: Too Far?
I've felt like garbage lately, so I'm happy I can still edit these posts well enough.
Works sucked, really hope Comms pick up or something or I might end up having to pick up new projects in the hopes of at least breaking even money wise. Would really suck, I was hoping to shift more into writing over time again, but if work is going to start screwing me on jobs... Well, I'll figure it out or I won't, that's the nature of life.

Chapter 54 is out now for you, and I like this version a little more than the original. The edits go a long way towards making it feel more active instead of passive, and discussing some of Fierro's motives now makes a future chapter a lot less jank and in your face.

Speaking of Jank and in your face, CH 75 hit Patreon today.
Ino and Sakura shared a meaningful moment watching young Sakura punch young Ino in the face and vice versa.
It makes more sense in context, you had to be there.

So magic exists, and abusing that fact quickly becomes the meat of the entire day. It seems all she needs to surpass her previous control of her custom made jutsu is to truly understand that the rules are optional. Even the rules she made are optional, all that's required is a sufficient understanding of the effect she wants and she can make it happen with enough focus, determination, and control. Or, well, she'd like to say that, but "Rollout!" Spinning through a hallway of undead as a giant spiky ball of death is the best she can do with that knowledge right now. She'd originally followed the rules of jutsu she'd made and what her sheet said, that once it was formed there was nothing she could do, it was already in its natural state and it would last until it broke - rather quickly at that - and she'd have to make another.

This fact has stopped her from using this ability before now in practical scenarios. It wasn't useful, what point is there in a crushing technique that explodes on impact, especially one that would likely explode inward since force would push it towards her when she smashed it against something away from her. Rollout was more dangerous than useful, and she needed to respect that by simply not using it.

Turns out that's not how it works, that term on her skill, Fragile? It's entirely able to be worked around by ignoring the nature of normal jutsu. If she keeps supplying it with chakra to reform it mid attack and reinforce it, it just keeps being a rolling ball of death destroying all in her path. Chakra creates a flame dragon, or a spear of wind, or some other form that's really cool and theatrical and awesome, but these things aren't meant to be modified after the fact. Chakra isn't infinitely manipulatable, it does what it needs to and then you make it again.

Whether it's because her ability is more magical than chakra based, or because chakra just doesn't work the way she's been led to believe, she's not sure. Rigid rules might be completely flexible to the S rank ninjas of the world, maybe understanding their flexibility is a part of getting that strong and she's less marching through untreaded ground and more rediscovering the overpowered wheel. Whatever the case, her realization that magic is real has led her down a rabbit hole which has resulted in her cleaving through hordes in seconds as a spike ball while Neji and Tenten trail behind her, waving flags around and saying 'I helped!'

It's exhausting, but she has time to rest in between excursions, the safe rooms allow them to read and talk and snack and rest. Like now.

"I've lost track of time." Sakura says, plopping down into a chair next to a type writer and letting those two do what they want. They don't need to stand guard anymore, because while in the ball she can exit the safe room slowly and just crush them to mulch underneath her. She rubs some sweat off her brow, she's a little exhausted. Earth jutsu are harder for her than water, though she's great with both. "What's our progress?" She pulls out a notebook she found at the last safe room, and a pen from two safe rooms ago, and gets back to theory crafting just what she can do to modify her jutsu and techniques with the understanding that the rules work sideways for her.

It's not abnormal for her to change her methodology to a new understanding. Fighting Vampire Gato changed her perspective on how Hunger worked. She doesn't need to sacrifice her own blood if she can get her sword in someone else first. If Hunger relied on her, she would have died in front of Gato, instead she did a Revengeance on her way through him. It was awesome, if not something she hardly remembers since she was blind and dying from blood loss.

"It's been eighteen hours, we're in safe room thirty four." Neji says. "If not for all these documents varying from room to room, I would be willing to say we are in a loop."

"There was a warning that this would take multiple days." Sakura sighs to herself, writing about another potential modification to her clone jutsu.

Mindwalker adjacent clones, something applying Ino's insight let her make. They do not dispel until she forces them too, and can pass through objects freely without worry of popping, but she's forced into a stupor when using them. The focus is next level and even with all her Mind and Control she's not handling it well.

Illusionary clones, the normal Academy jutsu which leaves no shadow and makes no true sound. Attacks pass right through them, but upon being grabbed or being forced to phase through something for more than the split second it takes a kunai to pass through, they dispel. It has something to do with disrupting the chakra flow, and they can't handle the strain.

What if she applied other concepts to it? What if she took the original illusionary clones and used her water? Could she make the water clone all on her own without someone teaching her?

"Are you seriously trying to make a new jutsu right now?" It's Tenten's voice which wakes her up from her focus, "Sakura, you'll exhaust yourself."

"We're about to sleep." Sakura points to Neji, who's already unpacking sleeping bags from a seal. "I'll get my chakra back while we rest."

"I don't know if they forgot to teach you this in the academy, but it takes days to fully recharge your chakra pools. We can't afford that." Despite a part of her understanding the older girl's concern, most of her can't help but find Tenten irritating. Where does she get off being condescending and patronizing?

"Ugh…" Sakura sighs to herself, before spinning her pen in her fingers while forcing a smile. She lifts her free hand up to be adjacent to the spinning pen-

And she moves, smashing them together.

Hot red splashes her face, as well as Tenten's, and she can't help but notice that said girl seems to be caught by surprise. "See?" Sakura prompts her, before she removes the pen from her hand, and waves her gushing palm around. She watches as the elder genin takes a step back and stares with wide shaking eyes. A hand lands on the bun haired girl's mouth, and Sakura quirks a brow at her. With a decisive movement, she plops the pen back onto the desk, her blood dribbles onto the wood nicely like bright pink ink.

"Why would you, what the hell is wrong with you?" The weaponmaster slams her foot into the floor, "I just said we can't afford that kind of reckless action!"

"This is proof," Sakura says, going through the effort of unsealing the first aid kit she'd found pre-dungeon, and bandaging her hand swiftly and simply, "tomorrow when we wake up, you'll find this wound completely gone and my chakra reserves completely restored, I will then explain myself. Until then, discussing this is fruitless." With that, Sakura allows herself an excited wiggle and gets right back to her notebook, picking up her bleeding pen and drawing with a sweet new color. "Didn't Neji say to just trust me?"

"Right, because I'm getting so much sleep after seeing you do that with a smile." Tenten grumbles, but a signal from Neji has her wandering over to her sleeping bag to climb in.

Good, she needs time to think.
Today has been eye opening. She just has to remember to actually get to sleep or she won't be able to prove anything. Magic is real, and there's so much to do with that knowledge!

"You could have bit your lip or something." Tenten fusses over Sakura's hand first thing in the morning. It went 'welcome to the living' then 'show me your hand', in that order with no time for play or quirky conversation.

Unwrapping the bandages and discarding them in a conveniently provided waste bin is simple, convincing Tenten to give her back her damn hand is another thing entirely.

"Neji, did I overdo it?" Sakura can't help but ask, a neutral third party is important for matters like this.

"You did." Well screw you too Neji. "Tenten is not accustomed to watching comrades hurt themselves to prove a point. You truly concerned her with your actions."

"Oh… sorry." Didn't Naruto and Sasuke say something similar once? But this was such a small injury, why does it matter? "I guess I'm still trying to understand others. To me, my injuries will disappear when I sleep, so they don't matter."

"Pain still hurts." Tenten says, intertwining their fingers together and pressing her palm against Sakura's. She makes her feel her grip, and squeezes her in just the right way to draw her gaze to where she feels every touch. "You shouldn't smile when you're in pain, and you shouldn't cause it yourself. You didn't even ask me to believe you first, you just jumped right to doubting me and hurting yourself. Neji's my teammate, weird blood lines are normal for me."

"There is nothing weird about the Byakugan." Neji huffs.

"You keep telling yourself that, Mr. pervy eyes." Tenten smirks, looking back at him, and smiling a little brighter at her joke when he crosses his arms and gives them an indignant glare that could wilt flowers.

"Good news is I figured out the water clone last night." Sakura says, stretching out with the one hand Tenten doesn't have, pushing it up well above her head.

"You what? You can make water clones now?" Tenten's sudden stark focus is a bit frightening, but Sakura breathes through it and reminds herself that talking to people with too much energy isn't a chore, it's something she wants to do and isn't scary at all. Excitement is exciting, not terrifying, now if only she believed that a little more…

"Clone, I can make a water clone. It doesn't look like me, it doesn't have my equipment, and it dispells upon hitting anything which I feel like it's not supposed to do. But… I can do it. I just need to work on it."

Proto-Water Clone Level 1
She got that skill last night, so if she grinds it up she can get it high enough level it becomes normal, right? She can probably create any skill like that.

She's been too focused on reality, and hasn't tried to move past it before this. That was dumb, she's better than that. If she can do anything she wants to, well, she should get started doing just that. She's been too caught up in the systems presented to her, like she was expecting a tutorial, and never looked past it. She's supposed to be smart, so, well, now she has to be smart.

"Ready to get going?" Sakura asks, "I'm sure you've read all the documents."

"I have." Neji says, nodding to her assertively. "I have also been taking these documents for later reference, in the event Konoha wants them with my report."

"Do yourself a favor and pass them into the Hokage directly, Chunin don't need this crap." Sakura warns.

"Ah, A rank secret, right…" Neji looks a little ill at the reminder. "You should read through some of this yourself, it's remarkable. Fierro is very strange, it's possible they're not even from this world."

"What makes you say that?" Sakura asks him, giving him a slightly tilted head and a focused gaze with half closed eyes.

"The notes mention wanting to go home many times, and even cite going home as the reason for experimenting with the plane between life and death. It's possible this entire escapade is because someone died and was forced here. It's only natural they'd want to travel back the same way." He explains, pulling a few papers from his pack, and putting them back when Sakura shakes her head and waves them away.

"Wouldn't they not have a body back where they came from then? They'd be researching suicide." Sakura points out.

"Wanting to rest where you belong is not that abnormal a whim." Neji says, and decides to let implications lie where they've landed.

Sakura doesn't feel the need to stir it up any further.
All she knows is that's not a normal whim at all, and Neji might need to talk to Sasuke's guy too.
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great as usual.

yeah! the return of Rollout!

i wonder if Sakura can figure out a team-move?
sort of like This, but with tentens weapons and explosives instead of shino's beetles?
I like how with all the strange shit that happens around Sakura an Isekai is about as strange as finding out he's from another country.

"Oh he wants to go home, that makes sense. We're still gonna merc his ass but it makes sense."
I like how with all the strange shit that happens around Sakura an Isekai is about as strange as finding out he's from another country.

"Oh he wants to go home, that makes sense. We're still gonna merc his ass but it makes sense."
That reminds me about Projection quest where MC brings magic to the world. Also, games and Sakura game addiction might be result of Isekai actions. He might have summoned Game God
I wonder if Sakura is ever going to talk to the Hokage about her weird ability being an A rank secret. It might be smart to find out who knows and who doesn't, as well as who is allowed to tell others about it.
I wonder if Sakura is ever going to talk to the Hokage about her weird ability being an A rank secret. It might be smart to find out who knows and who doesn't, as well as who is allowed to tell others about it.
When you put it like that, I'm guessing she won't until way later than she should have. :p
To be fair, I doubt that she herself is not allowed to reveal it, and otherwise she can assume that, unless someone says the Hokage informed them of it or she told them, if they bring it up unprompted they're probably sus. Might take her a bit to realize that though.
Funny thing Juubi's bijudama is actually weaker than a tsar bomba, and with magic Sakura could realistically make one now, not that it would do anything without sage chakra but oh well, 2 or 3 should be able to destroy an entire country

You shouldn't smile when you're in pain, and you shouldn't cause it yourself. You didn't even ask me to believe you first, you just jumped right to doubting me and hurting yourself. Neji's my teammate, weird blood lines are normal for me."

Look at that, people teaching her how to be a person!
Chapter 55 - Arc 4 - Brawling in the Streets: Reputation Scores, and a Kickball
Chapter 76 released on Patreon. Sakura got some much needed perspective, and my coolest idea ever is panning out.
Fucking love Arc 5, go me. $5, support meeeeeeeee! Love meeeeeee!

Chapter 55 is a bit of a progression chapter. Nothing super important happens but it was important that it exists.
I like the chapter, but it's the main reason this part of the arc got called "The hallway of doom" amongst friends. It's a non-action chapter surrounded by non-action chapters. Lots of talking, lots of info. Edits have made it better than before.

Boredom is an odd concept. It can happen to anyone, at any time. It's considered one of the most potent problems in an apocalyptic situation, right behind things like basic survival. Maybe it's the lack of being with her team causing her to be hesitant to whip out her new switch and make the opinion of the already not super liking her people drop even further, maybe it's that they're only really staying at each place for an average of half an hour, maybe it's that at this point killing the undead is basically just walking through them with Rollout active or sitting back while Tenten thwacks them like moles.

Whatever the reason, Sakura is bored. One-shot dungeons suck, they're not like Gato's tower at all! They're long and awkward and the enemies aren't dropping good loot and it's just so boring! At first she was relieved, but the hesitance to dive into hell because of trauma only lasted so long, and now she'd truly like to stab something to death, if only to feel something… Not like that, that didn't come out right.

So far in this dungeon they've explored fifty safe rooms, fifty, five oh, it's monotonous and the novelty wore off so long ago that she's no longer scared of the zombies, she's treating their mangled corpses like playthings. Currently, she's using a severed head as a ball to kick around while they walk, and even that's becoming boring very quickly. There aren't even a lot of the zombies anymore because while the corpses themselves are probably generated by the dungeon, the dark meister is running out of magic to animate them or something. This last trip she didn't even use Rollout she just walked down the hallway with her sword and sliced a few heads off while Tenten complained about a cramp of some sort. Poor girl, they're far away from any chocolate… Shit, they found chocolate and she ate it!

Okay, her bad. Tenten gets the next bar.

So far in this dungeon, they've looted enough ammunition for Tenten's shotgun that she will likely never run out, which is good because she's not completely sure she can reverse engineer these rounds. Something about unknown chemical compounds and explosive testing being dangerous.

They've also started finding another ammunition type by the buckets, specifically rifle rounds. They're long cylinders which catches Sakura by surprise, but of course it really meant Tenten got hugging the bullets again. "There's a chance, Sakura, there's a chance!" She had done a lot of excited shouting, Sakura for her part, had waved it off and started the look out for the gun the rounds go to.
She appreciates that her dungeon generating powers - assuming these are caused by her in some way - is profitable for the girl with the big hammers. She just wishes it was her that is getting all the love.

They've found twenty-seven First-Aid sprays. Which are full heals by the way, she's not a fan of the implication that she needs this much healing for this dungeon, but they might save lives later so she can't complain. She's probably going to save them for allies who get seriously injured since they can't just nap it off.

They've found a bunch of gemstones seemingly poofing out of thin air, like so many she has not one but two sealing scrolls designated just for them. If nothing else, if the stones stick around, she'll be upgrading Haku's setup back home. What she wouldn't give for a Naruto clone to talk to right now, these two are so stiff and boring…

And keys. So many keys. So many damn keys… She's not even sure if they actually go to any doors! She's under the impression the dungeon read a loose game concept from her memories and generated this long ass hallway that never seems to end and implies a comically large mansion. She's held onto the keys though, for the same reason Neji's holding onto all the documents, they might come up.

Speaking of Neji, he's going a little mad. He clearly thought they'd be done by now, and if the lack of foes is any indication they're probably done this part soon. They still haven't found even one genin or chunin, let alone the final boss, so the fact that this is already becoming an endurance test for her patience is hella not a good sign, and despite his earlier words, Neji seems to have less patience than her.
At least she has all these cool systems she's never played with.

It turns out there's a database for her reputation system. The way it works seems to be 1-10000, with 1 being, well she doesn't know because even Ami has 2,000 out of 10,000, and is labeled [Hates your Guts] so like, maybe the 1,000 that Ino got was more significant than she thinks if it's capped at 10,000 and there's a curve of bad to good in the middle of the scoring rubric.

She doubts it's important though, for Ino at least. It's been made pretty clear that Ino's loved her for a good long time, so becoming more in love with her probably isn't a huge detriment, even if Sakura would rather the system not mindfuck her friends in the first place.

The important people - besides Ino, obviously - are Tenten, Neji, Lee, Sasuke, Naruto, Haku, and Kakashi

Tenten is 6200, which is [Friendly]
Neji is 4200, which is [Negative with a friendly leaning]
Lee is 7000 which is [Very Friendly with a casual leaning]
Sasuke is 7500 which is [Crushing a little]
Naruto is 8000 which is [Unsure if Dumb Sister that's Cute or Cute Dumbass that happens to be his Sister] - which at least tells her that these are custom and not necessarily on a romantic bell curve, it's possible someone could be at 10,000 and not be interested in her, which she likes the implications of because she's not interested in anyone but she likes to think people have high reputations with her.

Ino was 8300 before the +1000, so her feelings were likely less overwhelmingly powerful and more that they were long-standing and potent via time, care and good experiences reinforcing their friendship. It does raise a lot of questions as to how this even works. Maybe turning the complex emotional state people have for each other into numbers just isn't a very accurate way to portray them without nuance.

Whatever the case, the system is being helpful, so she's not arguing.
Attached to Naruto is Kurama, at 7000, which is [My Master's Pet Dumbass] which has a lot of implications and she's not really sure what to do with them, but context clues tell her the Kyuubi has a name, and enjoys laughing at her. Maybe she should start mocking the Kyuubi in conversation, and get him in on the vibe of the conversation if he's going to participate behind a screen like that.

She should probably be flattered but she's honestly just miffed, and a little sad. She's watched a lot of interactions over the years while feeling left out, what if the Kyuubi feels the same?

Haku is 8000, at [Honored Manager] which is cute, and she appreciates the confirmation that high scores don't mean romance and that her people are more complicated than that.

Kakashi, is 5000, which is [My Favorite Student]
This tells her that he's not a fan of them, but, to be fair, she doesn't think he's a fan of anybody. He's shown genuine care for them, so maybe certain people have different ways of being interpreted by the system and Kakashi's 6000 is Naruto's 9000.

Ultimately, as cool as this system is, she probably won't be putting much weight on it. Even without Kakashi making the system weird by having a positive outlook and a low score, it just doesn't feel good to look at.

Cheat codes are fun but when all they do is turn your friends into numbers, well, she'd rather be hated by everyone than win that way.

She closes that with a sigh, and gets back to contemplating recipes in her head for when she starts a cooking skill the moment she gets home - she hasn't forgotten her mental promise to surprise Kakashi - while slashing heads off. "Have they gotten weaker?" Sakura asks.

"Yeah, for sure." Tenten agrees, "I haven't seen them go red in like thirty rooms either, I think they're running on some sort of power source and are running out of it." Glad to see Tenten agrees, even if she doesn't use the same lingo. The Dark Meister is running out of mana, and she's under the impression this part of the dungeon likely stops when he completely runs dry. From there, either he'll receive a powerup right at the end, or the dungeon will become about clawing their way through real opponents to get to him and end his life.

It's a hot take on the 'clear the castle to get to the master' idea a lot of older games went with, but she's here for it, both literally and figuratively.

They didn't even rest at the last three safe houses, they just stopped in, grabbed the documents and loot, mostly gemstones, and kept walking. She's glad the system took the later Resident Evils into consideration with the loot. While she'd love an awesome magnum or something, she can definitely get into gems.

They've seen a grand total of twenty zombies, and this last trek they haven't found a single one.

"I think we're almost done." Sakura says, "at this point the biggest threat is these floors on my poor feet."

"Aww, poor things, I bet they're cute." Tenten says, "We should dress you up in cute shoes when we get back, see what stands out."

"That's kinda weird, Tenten." Sakura points out, "That's a weird thing to say."

"What can I say? I like shoes." The older girl shrugs, giving her a smirk.

Does she need an adult? Is Tenten one of those people?
No, probably not, she needs to stop applying her small charm - 20 by the way, super proud of it - to real-life situations and assuming that just because she notices something now means it's a big deal. That's how it used to be, not anymore, and things she notices will become even smaller deals as her charm gets even higher because she'll notice more things and do it more easily.

Either way. "Ino'd probably like that," she decides after a long moment, "she has a lot of shoes too."

"Oh, see? We don't even have to break the bank, your girlfriend can dress you up." Tenten teases her, and all Sakura can do is gulp.

They're almost out of this part, it's so close, now if only there was a real indication that the ending was near besides their assumptions and the lack of enemies. There are so many documents too, like, what could they even be saying at this point that's new? Neji's basically read an entire novel.