Sabrina's Name (PMAS sub-thread)

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This is a thread to allow the members of Puella Magi Adfligo Systema to vote on their preferred...
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Flame Dragon Princess
The glorious Pacific Northwest
This is a thread to allow the members of Puella Magi Adfligo Systema to vote on their preferred surname for the main character Sabrina, without interfering with the current ongoing story vote. Not quite a "quest", but the tally program is apparently incompatible with the other sub-forums.

Voting will be Ranked votes, meaning that rather than voting for a single option with an [X], you will instead vote for all options you like, ranked in the order you prefer them: [1], [2], [3], etc.
You do not necessarily need to list every option, and you can give some options the same score. Options you do not give a score will automatically be considered to be at the bottom of your list.

Now for the vote options:

[ ] Victoria
[ ] Velocity
[ ] Vee
[ ] Velociraptor
[ ] Vesa
[ ] Veidt
[ ] Valenzuela
[ ] Verene
[ ] Vaughn Brown
[ ] Vana
[ ] Varda
[ ] Venticus
[ ] V/V
[ ] Velocitas
[ ] Just
[ ] One of our friend's surnames
[ ] Von (something)
[ ] Spellman
[ ] Witch
[ ] Walpurgisnacht
[ ] Dedolere
[ ] (A combination of two or more of the previous surnames)
[ ] (A surname not on the above list)
[ ] (No surname)
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Walpurgisnacht should not be on that list. If we make our last name Walpurgisnacht just because, that's like naming yourself -name- AdolfHitler. No.

[1] Just
[1] Vee
[1] Tomoe
[1] Vana
[1] Varda
[2] (No surname)
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[1] Tomoe
[2] One of our friend's surnames
[3] Vee
[4] Vesa
[5] Veidt
[6] Verene
[7] Vana
[8] Varda
[9] Just
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[1] Varda
[1] Vee
[2] Victoria
[1]Have one of our friends pick
[3] Von(something)
[2] (A combination of two or more of the previous surnames)
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Walpurgisnacht should not be on that list. If we make our last name Walpurgisnacht just because, that's like naming yourself -name- AdolfHitler. No.

[1] Just
[2] Vee
[3] Tomoe
[4] Vana
[5] Varda
[6] (No surname)
it was on the original poll and got votes, so...

Anyway, my vote.
[1] Veidt
[2] Vesa
[3] Verene
[4] Valenzuela
[5] Vaughn Brown
[6] Von (something)
[7] Vee
[8] Victoria
[9] (No surname)
[10] Victoria
[15] Velocity
[3] Vee
[17] Velociraptor
[4] Vesa
[5] Veidt
[21] Valenzuela
[6] Verene
[16] Vaughn Brown
[7] Vana
[8] Varda
[9] Venticus
[20] V/V
[14] Velocitas
[11] Just
[2] One of our friend's surnames
[19] Von (something)
[18] Spellman
[22] Witch
[13] Walpurgisnacht
[12] Dedolere
[1] Tomoe
And I was afraid this was going to happen, so I need to specify: You cannot use a rank value higher than 9. If you rank more than 9 entries, some of them must share the same rank.
[1] Just
[1] Von Essvee
[2] Venticus
[2] Dedolere
[2] Vesa
[3] Vee
[3] Victoria
[3] Velocity
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And I was afraid this was going to happen, so I need to specify: You cannot use a rank value higher than 9. If you rank more than 9 entries, some of them must share the same rank.

If you can rank things at equal numbers, isn't ranking things at any number lower than 1 essentially vote-wasting?
If you can rank things at equal numbers, isn't ranking things at any number lower than 1 essentially vote-wasting?

Presumably you'd prefer if your #1 choice won to your #2 choice, and so on. If you just rank everything you're okay with #1, you give them all an equal boost, so you effectively increase the chance of any one of them winning, but in exchange give up your ability to choose a preference among them.
[] Victoria
[] Vee
[] Velociraptor
[] Vesa
[] Veidt
[] Venticus
[] Just
[] Von (something)
[] Dedolere

Dedolere is such :V choice, I'm pretty sure it'd give Brina the creeps to hear her own name if that won.
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*raises point about guests being able to access the previous strawpolls but not this*


*slowly sets point down*

They can't vote anyway.

*looks at 5 guests viewing thread*

Poor, poor lurkers.
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