Shenron The Eternal Dragon: You who have gathered the seven Dragonballs, I shall grant one wish. What is it you desire?
Tiffania: Okay, just like we practiced.
Ryouga: Right. I wish my digivice was fixed.
Tiffania: What?!
Shenron The Eternal Dragon: An easy task. *Eyes glow red.*
Ryouga: The what?
Shenron The Eternal Dragon: Your wish has been granted.
Tiffania: No! We changed our minds! Fix the curse!
Shenron The Eternal Dragon: Farewell. *Vanishes, Dragonballs scatter.*
Ryouga: ...Why did I fix this glorified pocket watch again?
[X] No
-[X] Explain to her that the Shishi Hokodan was not originally meant for combat and that you can only use it reliably in a fight because of how miserable your life is.
--[X] Try to teach her Martial Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon or Iron Cloth or Boomerang Umbrella technique for long-range engagements
I'm gonna fucking laugh when Siesta can pull of the Lion's Roar.

She's a commoner in a Magocracy where the nobles are in full-on medieval Royal Superiority mode and think their shit doesn't stink.

She knows misery.
I'm gonna fucking laugh when Siesta can pull of the Lion's Roar.

She's a commoner in a Magocracy where the nobles are in full-on medieval Royal Superiority mode and think their shit doesn't stink.

She knows misery.

Honestly I don't get why folks are pushing the misery angle myself. The civil engineer that gave Ryoga the scroll for the move in the first place seemed like a cheerful little guy.
Part 47
In all honesty, you'd been expecting this question weeks ago. Back then, you'd been prepared to turn her down on the grounds that she wasn't ready. At all. However, when the question never came, you assumed it wasn't coming. And yet, here you are now, facing a Siesta that can apparently break rocks with her bare hands. In hindsight, it must have been her who was breaking bricks in the dojo, since Akane is still at school.

Unfortunately, you're now no longer sure that she isn't ready for the technique. Physically, anyways. Odds are good that she isn't, but you haven't actually seen what she can do, so you don't really know. If only that were actually the reason you didn't want to teach her.

In the end, you decide to be honest. "Siesta, the Shishi Hokodan..." You trail off. 'How to put this...' "Siesta, that technique was not originally made for combat. It draws its power from despair. And it needs a lot of it."

Siesta looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"Siesta, this technique was created by miners to dig themselves out of cave-ins. Almost anyone can use it, but only when they're absolutely miserable. Like, knowing they're going to die because they're trapped from a cave-in miserable. To use this technique on a regular basis, you need gather all the worst memories of your life close to your heart and keep them there for easy access. I could teach you, but it's really, really not a healthy technique to use."

Siesta doesn't look happy with your response. "But you use it," she says, pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of your argument.

"And look at me! I'm constantly miserable, and part of it is on purpose! Even now I'm wallowing in despair over accidentally destroying something associated with some of the worst memories of my life! Hundred of pictures of my friends and travels gone without a care, and yet the moment my-" you cut yourself off. This isn't what you need to say to convince her. "Look, it's not- there are other paths to power. For example, Ranma knows a variant that uses confidence instead of despair. And there's even ki attacks that don't use emotions at all."

"Then why don't you use them?" Siesta asks.

"Because..." You trail off. 'Because I don't know them. Say it.' "B-because..." 'Lie to her already!' "Because I can't get as much power out of them as I can out of the Shishi Hokodan." 'WHY DID I SAY THAT?!' Siesta pouts angrily. You involuntarily snarl and plow forward before she can start arguing again. "Because living a life constantly lost, always having to avoid water, and being lucky if I see anyone I recognize once every few weeks is a great way to build up misery. Because I can make myself really, really miserable really quickly." Your eyes involuntarily drift over to the cracked case you pulled from the remains of your backpack. 'Because I disgust myself,' you barely manage to stop yourself from saying. "My Shishi Hokodan has a lot to draw on. Most people can't use it like I can. Not without having gone through Hell first." You look back at the maid for the first time since you started your rant. "Have you been through something that's driven you to the depths of despair before?!" You only realize afterwards that you're yelling.

The maid looks like she's going to cry. "I don't know," she replies. "I can't remember."

...Well, now you feel like an ass. "I didn't mean, well, uh, you know. I'm sorry."

"I know," she replies soberly.

You don't know what to say, and she doesn't seem to want to talk anymore. The two of you continue working in silence.


You and Siesta are just finishing up the basement when Tiffania shows up. Much to your surprise, considering how she was acting after your fight with Soun and Genma. The half-elf has a look of determination on her face as she joins you, but she doesn't actually say anything.

Looks like the ball is in your court.

[] Greet her and act like nothing happened.

[] Apologize for... whatever it was you did. You know you did something.

[] Don't say anything. Tiffania will talk when she's ready.

[] Wait, you're back in Nerima. Check for a pigtail...

[] Something else? {Write-in}

Expect the results of the "basement" next update.
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The Dojo has a second floor? And a basement?

[X] Apologize for scaring her.
[X] Wait, you're back in Nerima. Check for a pigtail...
[X] Ask Kasumi to check our work and tell us if we need to change anything after all we value her input greatly.
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[X] Don't say anything. Tiffania will talk when she's ready.

Funny thing is, I am pretty sure the Tendos didn't have a basement. I am pretty sure Ryouga could swear he had been there before though.