[X] Wait, where's your pack?

Don't see why we should try and end the crossover.
Especially since Ryouga hasn't actually gotten any fun stuff.
[X] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[X] "Excuse me, does one of you know where my pack is? Or which way to Japan?"

Also, Louise is probably speaking Flemish.
[X] Theguy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[] Do you know a way back?
[X] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[X] "Excuse me, does one of you know where my pack is? Or which way to Japan?"
[X] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[X] "Excuse me, does one of you know where my pack is? Or which way to Japan?"
Vote tally:
##### 3.18
[X] Wait, where's your pack?
No. of votes: 3
Shintouyu, Walloping, Krain

[X] It'll be longer if you don't know which way you're going. Ask for directions.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Try to find the Tendo Dojo.
No. of votes: 1

[X] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[X] Excuse me, does one of you know where my pack is? Or which way to Japan?
No. of votes: 3
Elder Haman, veekie, AzaggThoth

[X] Theguy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
No. of votes: 1

Currently, it's tied between asking Louise and Saito where your pack is and trying to figure it out on your own. However, there is one other vote for attempt to communicate that doesn't specify what to say. I'm going to wait half an hour. If it's still tied at that time, I'm going to count Amatsumi's vote as asking where the pack is and how to get to Japan.
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[X] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[X] "Excuse me, does one of you know where my pack is? Or which way to Japan?"
Part 6
As much as you'd like to be on your way, you don't actually know which direction Japan is in. Fortunately, it seems that you've come across two people capable of speaking Japanese, despite being in France.

"Excuse me," you say, getting their attention. The pink haired girl says something, but it's in French (probably), so you don't understand it.

"I think so," replies the Japanese guy. Oddly enough, he answered the pink-haired girl's question in Japanese instead of French. Then he turns to you. "Finally awake, are you?"

"Er... Do I know you?" you ask, before recognition dawns. "Wait, you're the guy that landed on me, earlier!"

"You remember that? I mean, uh, landed on you, what are you talking about?"

The pink haired girl suddenly starts talking to the Japanese guy in French again, and it quickly turns into an argument. But again, you don't speak French, so you have no idea what it's about. The Japanese guy seems to be confused, as he keeps answering the French girl in Japanese instead of French. However, his answers don't shed much light on what they're talking about.

It is around this point that you realize your pack is missing. You look around the room, but you're not where you woke up at, and your pack quite plainly isn't on your person at the moment. 'Shoot. It's probably in the room I woke up in. I could try to go back and get it.' You look back at the heavily blasted labyrinth hallway you came up. 'I'd better not,' you decide. It then occurs to you that you could just ask for directions to the room. And you've got the perfect way to do so without making your poor directional sense obvious.

"Excuse me," you say, in an attempt to get the attention of the bickering duo in front of you. It doesn't work, and the two continue to bicker. Then the Japanese guy starts barking. 'What the hell?'

Looks like they're too busy arguing with each other to answer your questions.

[] Wait patiently for them to finish.

[] You don't have time for this. Break up the argument with a show of force.
[] You might not understand what the French girl is saying, and you might not be the most socially capable person around, but barking at an angry girl is about as unsubtle an implication as you can get. Fellow countryman or not, this guy's asking for it. Teach him a lesson.
[] Find your way back on your own. You can make it (probably).
[] Try to find the Tendo Dojo
[] Something else {Write in}
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[X] You don't have time for this. Break up the argument with a show of force.
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[X] Wait patiently for them to finish.
-[X] Since you're just waiting here, might as well do some training until they're done.
[x] You don't have time for this. Break up the argument with a show of force.

Is there a void familliar variant for raw strength?
Isn't that pretty much what the Gandalfr is?
Raw strength, knowledge of generally being a badass - not quite what Tiffania has, though...

Then again, Tiffania lucked out in getting a much better familiar than what Louise has (because Ryouga is pretty freakin' badass)
Isn't that pretty much what the Gandalfr is?
Raw strength, knowledge of generally being a badass - not quite what Tiffania has, though...

Then again, Tiffania lucked out in getting a much better familiar than what Louise has (because Ryouga is pretty freakin' badass)
Always thought the Gandalfr embodied skill and mastery. The rune doesn't activate when Saito's down to using his fists, right?
[X] Wait patiently for them to finish.
-[X] Since you're just waiting here, might as well do some training until they're done.
--[X] We shouldn't do anything to complicated though, one finger handstand push ups ought to be basic enough.

Some links that might help:
Void Magic in general
Gandalfr = Weapons master
Mjöðvitnir = Magic Master (can use any magic item or recreate a magic ritual)
Vindálfr = Animal Master (can tame any animal)

Lífþrasir (Tiffania's familiar) = Can use his life force to power up the spells of the mage he is a familiar of.

Which basically means Rouyga can power-up Tiffania's magic using his ki.

Yup. We just made Tiffa a game breaker power level mage.
[X] Wait patiently for them to finish.
-[X] Since you're just waiting here, might as well do some training until they're done.
--[X] We shouldn't do anything to complicated though, one finger handstand push ups ought to be basic enough.

Some links that might help:
Void Magic in general
Gandalfr = Weapons master
Mjöðvitnir = Magic Master (can use any magic item or recreate a magic ritual)
Vindálfr = Animal Master (can tame any animal)

Lífþrasir (Tiffania's familiar) = Can use his life force to power up the spells of the mage he is a familiar of.

Which basically means Rouyga can power-up Tiffania's magic using his ki.

Yup. We just made Tiffa a game breaker power level mage.
Plus she's got someone who is likely at least a match to the Gandalfr, far as bodyguard goes.
...Can Ryouga punch fireballs?

I don't mean casting them using his fists, I mean punching an incoming fireball back to its caster?
He knows that there's such a thing as 'hot' and 'cold' chi, so he might be able to theorize something up to fuck over a fireball?

Plus, dude is ridiculously durable, he can take insane amounts of punishment.
Doubt it....

Might be able to deflect it with a ki blast though.

EDIT: Yeah... if he can master Soul of Ice he could probably do a variant on the Rising Dragon trick.
Gandalfr gives massive boosts to skill, and basically does a body limiter unlock for speed and strength, though the Gandalfr pays for the exertions later and can't do anything his muscles aren't capable of.

Ryoga on the other hand is Neriman tough, enough to slam his face into rocks until they break.
Saito with a weapon can beat Ryouga, though. Weapons Mastery means more in a multiverse with Nerima in it.
Pretty sure Saito doesn't power up just because we're here, though.

Gandalfr gives massive boosts to skill, and basically does a body limiter unlock for speed and strength, though the Gandalfr pays for the exertions later and can't do anything his muscles aren't capable of.

Ryoga on the other hand is Neriman tough, enough to slam his face into rocks until they break.
Of course, a Gandalfr with Derflinger is more bullshit.

Doubt it....

Might be able to deflect it with a ki blast though.

EDIT: Yeah... if he can master Soul of Ice he could probably do a variant on the Rising Dragon trick.
He already knows how to manipulate his ki with his emotional state, so he's got some potential there.