Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Train.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Bakusei Tenketsu on metal.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Go look for Louise and Saito's room.
No. of votes: 5
AzaggThoth, Draggon73, snake, Mindless Drone, defenestrator

-[X] Wait, you're being stupid. Ask the staff where Louise and Saito's room is.
No. of votes: 5
AzaggThoth, Draggon73, snake, Mindless Drone, defenestrator

[X] Talk
No. of votes: 10
AzaggThoth, Draggon73, wingstrike96, Elder Haman, snake, Mindless Drone, Blaster90, Ruisu, defenestrator, Face Forward

-[X] Exchange stories with Tiffania and Siesta.
No. of votes: 10
AzaggThoth, Draggon73, wingstrike96, Elder Haman, snake, Mindless Drone, Blaster90, Ruisu, defenestrator, Face Forward

-[X] Pass on simple wilderness survival info and skills just in case.
No. of votes: 3
AzaggThoth, Draggon73, Mindless Drone

[X] Go wait in Siesta's room. They'll come looking for her eventually.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Talk about martial arts.
No. of votes: 7
wingstrike96, Elder Haman, snake, Blaster90, Ruisu, defenestrator, Face Forward

-[X] Try to teach Siesta how to speak Japanese, she already knows some words.
No. of votes: 5
wingstrike96, Elder Haman, Blaster90, Ruisu, Face Forward

[X] Lemon-chan? What the hell is Lemon-chan?
No. of votes: 1
Elder Haman

-[X] Talk about magic.
No. of votes: 6
Elder Haman, snake, Blaster90, Ruisu, defenestrator, Face Forward

-[X] Talk about nobles and commoners.
No. of votes: 2
snake, defenestrator

Currently, you'll be asking the staff where Louise and Saito's room is and exchanging stories with Tiffania and Siesta until they show up.
Part 32
You decide that the most likely place to run into Saito and Louise is at their room, so you head out. A few dozen missteps, repeated directions, and an eventual guiding from one very irritated staff member later, you find yourself at their door. You knock on it a few times, but nobody answers. Eventually you just let yourself in.

You're a little surprised that the room isn't locked. Upon entering however, you find evidence that explosions have gone off inside. Literally. The window is blown out (again), the carpet is tattered, and pieces of what was once probably a table are piled in the corner of the room. And the knob on the other side of the door seems to have broken off, presumably taking the locking mechanism with it.

Siesta looks around and shivers. "I'm glad I don't have to fix this."

It occurs to you that the maid was fixing the room earlier, and that it's probably still in the state it is currently in because she hasn't been fixing it since she was mind-wiped. It also occurs to you that it hasn't been that long since she was mind-wiped. Apparently, Louise works fast. You must have just missed them. You wonder if you should mention this to Siesta, but ultimately decide not to. You've caused her enough frustration for one day.

"So... I guess we wait," you say. An awkward silence follows.


"Anyways, I screw up my confession to Akane. Again. So Ranma decides to show his concern for me by jumping onto my head, mocking my sense of direction, and accusing me of being the wild pig that's been attacking people. I take a swing at him, and it turns into a bit of a scuffle. And then out of nowhere, this absolutely massive pig attacks us. Ranma jumps out of the way, and I send it flying. Then I notice Ranma's watching the pig instead of where he's going and slip a banana peel in front of him. He doesn't see it until he lands on it and falls on his ass. Then, to top it off, the pig actually lands on him."

"How, um, violent of you," says Tiffania. Clearly she's not sure how to react to this.

You fail to notice and keep going. "So anyways, I turn to leave and this girl I've never even seen before suddenly runs up and hands me a letter. She tells me to read it, then jumps on the pig and rides off into the distance. Doesn't even tell me her name. So I open up the letter to read it, and it's a love letter. To me."

"Wait, I thought you said you'd never met her?" asks Siesta.

"I hadn't!"


"The original plan was to pretend to be circus performers, but everybody seemed more interested in us dancing, so we mostly just did that." Tiffania shrugs, and you struggle to avoid letting your eyes dip toward the resulting jiggling. "Anyways, while we were dancing, the guys sold the soldiers drinks that had slow acting sleeping potion in them. It took a while, but we eventually managed to put most of the soldiers to sleep. But Louise had left earlier with the Baron, who wasn't watching the show. She was supposed to knock him out with another, faster acting sleeping potion, but Saito found the potion on the ground. So while the others continued the show, me and him rushed to the room Louise had gone to and found the baron on the verge of molesting her."

Siesta shudders, but Tiffania keeps going. "When we entered the room, he seemed to realize we weren't actually performers and took Louise hostage. So I used my spell to erase his memory of what was going on, and he let go of her. Saito gave Louise her wand back, and she beat up the baron. Then we went to rejoin the others."

"At that point, we thought we were in the clear, but when we got back, we found the others fighting an elf. King Joseph had somehow enlisted an elf as the guard for Tabitha."


"And then she dropped a boulder at me. Tied up in the harness like I was, I couldn't hope to dodge. So I pulled my arm back and stabbed forward with my finger and BAM! Lots of pain! Didn't even have time to punch a hole in it."

"And this is the same person you think can get my memories back?!"

"Er, yeah, but she's nicer to non-martial artists."

"Oh. Okay then."


"And my family says it used to fly, but I've never seen it do anything but sit there. It stopped working before I was even born. Apparently my great grandfather paid a lot of money to have a spell put on it to keep it perfectly preserved before he died, and it says in his will to give it to whoever can read the writing on his tombstone. But he never taught anyone how to read it!"

"Huh," you say. You wonder what sort of code Siesta's great grandfather used that nobody's figured it out in the time since he died.


"-although since you're a girl, you could also use 'atashi' to-" You cut off as you hear the door to the room opening behind you and turn to face it.

"Eh?" says Saito. "What are you all doing here?"

"What's who doing-" Louise cuts off as she steps into the room.

Siesta promptly stands up and bows. "Greetings, Miss Valliere. My apologies for the intrusion. We were just waiting for my master, Saito Chevalier de Hiraga to arrive. It is important that we speak with him as soon as possible."

"Uh, that's him," you say, pointing at Saito.

"Eh?" says Siesta. "My master is Miss Valliere's familiar?" Siesta suddenly realizes her faux pas and snaps her attention back to Saito. "I'm sorry! I mean, greetings, master."

"Uh, Siesta?" Saito asks.

"What's wrong with her?" Louise asks.

"We... kind of erased a large portion of her memories," you reply.

"WHAT?" yelps Saito.

"Don't worry, I can fix it! Or get it fixed, anyways!"

"Um," says Siesta from the corner of the room.

"What is it?" Louise asks. "What's he saying?"

"He says he erased Siesta's memories!" Saito replies.

"WHAT?!" yelps Louise.

"I'm sorry," says Tiffania. "This is my fault."

"Don't worry," you say. "If we can just get her to Japan, I know a woman that can get them back."

"Your fault?" Louise asks.

"Japan? We're not on Earth!" Saito exclaims. "How are you going to get to Japan?"

"I'm the one that erased her memories," says Tiffania. "It was an accident."

"Master Hiraga?" asks Siesta.

"Walking," you reply, as if that explains everything.

"How do you erase someone's memories by accident?" demands Louise.

"We are on a different planet! You can't just walk back to earth!"

"I was casting the spell and I got distracted."

"I would like to request... uh..." starts Siesta, only to trail off as she is ignored.

"Sure I can," you reply. "I've done it before."

"Why were you casting the spell in the first place?" Louise demands.

"...some time off..." tries Siesta.

"You can't get to other worlds on foot!"

"So she wouldn't get arrested for spying on the Pope." Louise is taken aback by this, and Saito pauses. You don't.

"I got here on foot."

"Wait, what did you just say?" asks Saito.

"I got here-"

"No, not you," Saito interrupts. "I was talking to Tiffa."

"Er," says Tiffania, shuffling uncomfortably. "I was casting the memory erasing spell so Siesta wouldn't get arrested for spying on the Pope, but got distracted while casting and erased the wrong portion of her memory," Tiffania says.

"We took her with us to the chapel so we could meet the Pope about his plan to save the world," you explain. "But Siesta wasn't allowed in the meeting, and when she got caught spying on it, the Pope had her arrested!"

"I was the one that suggested erasing her memories of the meeting instead of arresting her," says Tiffania. "I'm sorry."

There's a brief pause.

"Master Hiraga," says Siesta. "I would like to request two months of leave so that I can attempt to get my memories in order."

"Denied," says Louise.

"Eh?" says Saito.

"This is magic, right? I'll just cancel it with Dispel."

"Wait, Miss Valliere!" says Siesta, looking on the verge of panic. "I'm sure it'll be safer if-"

"Safer?!" says Louise, suddenly looking very irritated. "Are you implying that my magic is not safe?!"

Siesta suddenly looks even more panicked. "No, it's just that- I mean, I wouldn't want to trouble you with-OH MY GOSH, WHAT'S THAT?!" Siesta suddenly shouts, pointing out the window. Louise looks, and Siesta runs.

"Oh crap! Not again!" You and Tiffania both bolt out the door.

"WE'LL BRING HER BACK GOOD AS NEW!" you shout toward the doorway. "SEE YOU IN A FEW MONTHS!"

[] Get lost.

[] Montage of lostness.

[] Just skip to Nerima.

[] Something else? {Write-in}
[X] Montage of lostness.
-[X] Drag everyone along in a daisy chain of super lost pursuit.

What will the pope do with half his Void Mages and Void Familiars missing?
Guys, we need a clear plan. How can we save Halkegenia? What is the Wind Stone Crisis? What does Elf Genocide have to do with it?
[X] Get lost.

[X] Montage of lostness. With Eye of the Tiger as ost~~
Guys, we need a clear plan. How can we save Halkegenia? What is the Wind Stone Crisis? What does Elf Genocide have to do with it?
Wind stones are magic flying rocks that naturally occur throughout the world in Familiar of Zero. They've been building up under Halkeginia for thousands of years. In less than a decade, they're going to reach a critical point and parts of Halkeginia are going to start tearing themselves out of the ground and flying off. And it's going to get worse over time.

The elves, who know about the wind stone crisis, live in a land where it won't be happening at. The Pope plans to kill them off and migrate humanity over to their lands.

It doesn't help that the elves have known about it for over 6000 years and possess magic advanced enough to have prevented it in that time, but never did anything to stop it or even bothered to tell humanity about it because they hate humans.

It also doesn't help that Brimir, the founder that most of the nobles worship, was planning to do the same thing 6000 years ago instead of bothering to try to fix Halkeginia.
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