Ruin his approach with a surprise sand trap.
This is the one thing I'm hesitant on -- it's one of the three new skills we have, the others being directionality and the Void Ki attack. The Void Ki attack is limited in that we have to essentially run ourselves ragged w/ Shishi Hokodan to access it, and the directionality is somewhat implied in the manga, so shouldn't be too big a surprise to Ranma.

In short, the sand-trap is our best surprise move, and I don't think now is the time to use it. Using the directional breaking-point to "smokescreen"/"shotgun" Ranma would probably be out best bet; so:
[x] Shotgun Surprise.

1. Defend the oven.
a. Wait for Ranma to come to you; there's no need to create an opening for him to get his goal.
b. Use a Directional Breaking-Point to pepper and smokescreen.
c. Follow up immediately with a powerful punch.
d. If you moved, get back to the oven.​

2. Deny your competition the achievement of their goals
a. If someone makes it to your station whom you can't beat w/i the allocated time (less what you need to cook), destroy the stove w/ a Shishi Hokodan.​

3. Maintain your eligibility
a. Ensure that you keep both your wig and clothes intact.​
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[X] Guard the oven and take the defensive.
-[X] Ruin his approach with a surprise sand trap.
--[X] If someone gets to your workstation, last resort: Shishi-Hokodan the workstation to turn the round into a draw. You'll get them next time!
---[X] Above all else, make sure you don't get removed from the competition by losing the wig or conciousness. You can't win if you're eliminated!
To those who saw the alert and were expecting an update, I apologize for the lack of update.

The reason I'm posting is that I'm strongly considering rebooting the quest. There's a couple reasons for this, but it mainly boils down to not being satisfied with how I've handled the quest. As is, I've got no long term goal for the quest, half a dozen short term goals that keep not getting resolved and are looking like they will continue to not be unless I invoke plot fiat, and a plot that's not going anywhere until I can get through the maid contest that turned out to be far less fun to write than I'd hoped. When I was writing this, I remember it being fun to write. But it's not anymore. And it won't be until I resolve some of the chaos. There have been a couple suggestions made on how to fix things, but in all honesty, I'd like to just dump everything and start over.

The other reason I'd like to reboot the quest is so that I can move it to Questionable Questing. A lot of the humor in Ranma 1/2 involves nudity and sexual innuendo. However, for the most part, the Ranma 1/2 cast consists of minors. As such, every time I try to write a scene utilizing this kind of humor, I find myself second guessing my writing. How far is too far? I also had to keep in mind what was an acceptable series to cross over with and what wasn't. Writing the quest on QQ would make things immensely easier to deal with, since I wouldn't need to worry about whether or not the update I was writing would risk getting me infracted. But migrating it would be difficult. A lot of my players don't have QQ accounts, resulting in a decrease in participation, and any new players would be hindered from joining by the large amount of story that's already been written. A reboot would help resolve the latter issue.
I liked most of what was written here, so if you say you can do it better - don't forget the link.

Wait, those might not be allowed, if your quest would be in NSFW section... Uh, tell us the name?
If its just rambling on with no direction, then its perfect for Ryouga!

And the maid contest can be ended at any time by declaring a winner.
The reason I'm posting is that I'm strongly considering rebooting the quest.

I'd rather you didn't, as I really like what you've done so far. (But, then again, if it''s just not fun, I can understand rebooting.) Also, I like our current set of companions which if we reboot will likely be different.

The other reason I'd like to reboot the quest is so that I can move it to Questionable Questing.

Couldn't you also move it w/o rebooting? I mean it seems like you could just write things from here-on more w/ the traditional Ranma 1/2 style of humor... and as Matou Sutegobana notes about the lack-of-long-term-plot:

If its just rambling on with no direction, then its perfect for Ryouga!

Writing the quest on QQ would make things immensely easier to deal with, since I wouldn't need to worry about whether or not the update I was writing would risk getting me infracted. But migrating it would be difficult.

I'd sign up just for this quest.
Honestly I'd rather you began the next update with: "Well, that was embarrassing." and got on with the part after the MC. The thing with new players on QQ... it's not that much of a hindrance. You've got a lot of nice interactions and characters and relationships here, it's a shame to kill them.