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You are Ryouga Hibiki. Talented martial artist, lonely heart, and victim of a Jusenkyo curse...
Part 1


Gotta catch 'em all!
You are Ryouga Hibiki. Talented martial artist, lonely heart, and victim of a Jusenkyo curse. And you are lost. Again. Not that this is news for you. Like your entire family, you are utterly devoid of anything resembling a sense of direction. Being hopelessly lost is a daily problem for you, and you've grown used to it. That said, it's still incredibly frustrating.

With a sigh, you sit down. After a moment, you carefully check your surroundings, confirming that nobody is present. Shrugging off your traveling pack, you rapidly begin digging through it. Finding the target of your search, you take a quick glance around to verify that nobody is watching. Sometimes, when completely lost, the best thing to do is to pick a direction and go that way. Not that you would ever admit to finding your way like this. With a careful motion, you remove a small spinner from your pack. A flick of your finger sends it spinning. After a few moments, the spinner slows to a stop.

'That way, eh?' Returning the spinner to your pack, you zip the pack shut and stand back up, lifting the pack to your shoulders. You then turn in a direction completely unrelated to where the spinner was pointing and head off.

After a few moments, you come across...

[] ...A town. Pushing open the gates, you find a swarm of dark colored monsters. And they're attacking someone!
[] ...Godzilla. RUN.
[] ...An old house in the mountains. Nobody seems to be home right now.
[] ...Spider-Man. Are you in New York again?
[] ...a village of children, each as young as yourself. What's that? How old are you? Ten, of course! Each child has a fairy accompanying them and is dressed in green. Strange place. You wonder where the adults are.
[] ...The Tendo Dojo
[] ...Some place else (write-in).
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Rules and Status
You are Ryouga Hibiki. And you are lost. Try your best to find your way home, or join some other world and try to sort things out there.

  1. All the normal Sufficient Velocity rules apply.
  2. The rules can be changed at any time.
  3. Write-ins are always welcome unless I say otherwise.
  4. I can choose to reject write-ins. If I do, I will redo the vote.
  5. Any die rolls will be done using the Sufficient Velocity roller. Die rolls from other sources will be ignored.
    1. Higher rolls mean more, but not necessarily better. For example, rolling high for "Finding your way" means you will get where you're trying to go quickly, but rolling high for "How lost" means you'll be really lost.
  6. If a character change is available at the time, it will be listed in the vote options.
  7. Character changes cannot be combined with other vote options. Either you control your current character, or you switch. Not both.
  8. You cannot control the actions of any characters other than the one you are playing as.
  9. Variations on votes count as different votes. If there's 5 votes for the same general idea but with different wording, these count as five separate votes, not five votes for the same thing. Exceptions may be made for typos and spelling mistakes.
  • You are a talented martial artist by Nerima standards. Not as talented as Ranma Saotome, but you're looking to change that.
    • Like most Nerimian martial artists of your skill level, you can detect when you are in danger. Determining the direction of that danger, on the other hand...
  • You are very strong. As in, able to poke holes in concrete with your fingers without really trying strong.
  • You are very fast. Not as fast as Ranma, but that's like saying you're not as fast as a jet.
  • You are very durable. As in, able to ignore explosions to the face durable.
  • You no longer possess a Jusenkyo curse!
  • You are very good at lying. How else could you keep your curse a secret from Akane for so long? (Actually, you suck at lying. Akane is just very gullible.)
  • You are very good at Rhythmic Gymnastics.
  • You are a very skilled close range combatant.
  • You are capable of using ki to turn cloth into a weapon.
  • Bakusai Tenketsu/Breaking Point: You are capable of detonating rock and wood with a touch. This technique can also be used to destroy metal objects (cite Episode 24, about 3 minutes in), or to destroy objects without the detonation, but Ryouga isn't quite there yet.
    • You are now capable of completely powdering rock without any sort of blast.
    • You are now capable of controlling the direction of the blast.
  • Shishi Hokodan/Lion's Roar Bullet: You are capable of focusing your emotional energy into a projectile attack using ki. This feeds off of your depression. The more depressed you are, the more powerful the attack will be. Unfortunately, being too happy means it won't work.
    • The Shishi Hokodan is normally fired horizontally as a blast. However, there is a variant that involves firing a much bigger version straight up. It collects into a huge sphere while in the air, then drops down like a bomb.
  • Unnamed Ki Attack - After rendering yourself emotionally empty with the Perfect Shishi Hokodan, or overuse of the regular version, you are capable of focusing your ki using the emotional void. The resulting ki attack is weaker than your Shishi Hokodan, and cannot be used without emptying your emotions first.
  • You are capable of throwing your umbrella, bandannas, and other objects in such a way that they curve in midair and come back the way they were thrown.
  • Your umbrella. Far, far heavier than a normal umbrella, it makes an effective bludgeon. You can also use it like a normal umbrella.
    • Nevermind, you destroyed it with a Perfect Shishi Hokodan.
  • Your bandannas. You are capable of turning these into bladed throwing weapons using your ki.
  • Your belt. You are capable of transforming it into a makeshift sword using your ki.
  • Metal Railing. You tore it out of a factory walkway for the express purpose of having a temporary bludgeon until you can make a new umbrella.
    • It fell out of a hole in your tarp-bag. Gone forever.
  • A hook. You found it in a factory.
  1. Defeat Ranma.
  2. CURE YOUR FAMILY CURSE {Unlocked as of part 24}
  3. Restore Siesta's lost memories. {Oops in part 29}
  4. Get a new umbrella. {You can thank part 46 for that}
  5. Replace your backpack and equipment (in progress).
  6. Cure Tiffania's amnesia.
Completed Goals
  1. Get the Digivice back. Congratulations! Digivice recovered!
  2. Defeat Devimon. Congratulations! Devimon SkullSatamon Defeated (although it was Angemon that did it...)
  3. Rescue Mikemon from the Dark Area. Congratulations! Mikemon has been rescued!
  4. Cure your Jusenkyo curse. Congratulations! You no longer have to fear cold water!
Light up the Dark - You blew a hole in the Dark Area leading to the physical world!
A NEW RECORD! - You made it back to Nerima on your first try.

Current Location: Nerima
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Complete Index

Part 1 - Lost Again

Part 2 - That Portal Looks Familiar

Part C - Montmorency, of course. Why, were you expecting a different blond with huge tracts of land?

Part 3 - Tiffania

Part 4 - Take Evasive Action

Part 5 - War Zone?

Part 6 - Communication

Part 7 - Have Either of You Seen my Pack?

Part 8 - Look Outside

Part 9 - Denmark?

Part 10 - Whatever Happened to the Pillow Girl?

Part 11 - Awkward Silence? Training Time!

Part 12 - Smooth Operator

Part 13 - Apologizing to Foreigners

Part 14 - Wisdom of a Martial Artist. From Nerima.

Part 15 - I see London, I see Fran- er, Romalia

Part 16 - Will You be my Doggy?

Part 17 - The Job Description

Part 18 - Pactio!

Part R - What Almost Happened

Part 19 - So That Happened. Now What?

Part 20 - Sorry About That

Part 21 - Capes, Pentacles, and Pointy Ears

Part 22 - It's Contagious?!

Part 23 - Keep Going

Part 24 - The Curse

Part 25 - The Other Curse

Part 26 - Get a Guide

Part 27 - To the Chapel!

Part 28 - The Pope

Part 29 - The Void

Part 30 - Amnesia

Part 31 - Get Ready

Part 32 - GO!

Part 33 - Traveling

Part 34 - Nerima

Part 35 - Dirty Tricks Done Badly

Part 36 - Found Lacking

Part 37 - Gonna Train

Part 38 - Training

Part 39 - More Training

Part 40 - The Tendo Dojo

Part 41 - Bath Time

Part 42 - Status Update from Kasumi

Part 43 - Lunch

Part 44 - With a Side of Stupid

Part 45 - Beating Up Idiots

Part 46 - My Backpack! NOOOOOO!

Part 47 - No Shishi Hokodan for You

Part 48 - Basement?

Part 49 - The Shortest Update Ever

Part 50 - Because the Stove Actually Won

Part 51 - I'm Not A Vampire!

Part 52 - Ranma Quest, Start!?

Part 53 - How to Kill a Vampire

Part 54 - It's RYOUGA HIBIKI Quest, Dammit!

Part 55 - Food Fight

Part 56 - The Challenge Declaration

Part 57 - Standing Around in the Changing Room

Part 58 - But I Won't Like It

Part 59 - Some Call It a Crit Fail, I Call It Inevitable

Part 60 - City Outskirts

Part 61 - Lost at Home

Part 62 - Another World?

Part 63 - Close to Home

Part 64 - Descent into Digital

Part 65 - Dreams and Memories I

Part 66 - Yokomon Village

Part 67 - Poor Source of Supplies

Part 68 - Factory

Part 69 - Stealing from a Factory

Part 70 - Dreams and Memories II

Part 71 - Checking on Andromon

Part 72 - Into the Sewers

Part 73 - Out of the Sewers

Part 74 - Anywhere but Toy Town

Part 75 - Foraging

Part 76 - Not Going to Hide

Part 77 - Kuwagamon the Punching Bag

Part 78 - When All You Have is a Tree...

Part 79 - Let It Go

Part 80 - Bath > Safety

Part 81 - Ambushed by a Bunch of Rookies

Part 82 - A Cure for Nudity. Kind of.

Part 83 - Awkward Introduction and a Burning Belt

Part 84 - Introducing the DigiDestined

Part 85 - Giving the Heroes Ideas

Part 86 - Self-Loathing

Part 87 - Go Home, Yokomon

Part 88 - Dreams and Memories III

Part 89 - Dreams and Memories IV

Part 90 - Prelude to Destruction Time

Part 91 - Destruction Time!

Part 92 - Sucker Punch

Part 93 - That Went Badly...

Part 94 - Awakening to a Losing Battle

Part 95 - He Who Fights and Tactically Retreats to Get Help...

Part 95 - Author's Saving Throw

Part 96 - Angemon Saves the Day

Part 97 - Hologram of an Old Man

Part 98 - The Butterfly Bumbling Idiot Effect

Part 99 - Going Unconscious Sucks

Part 100 - Well, You've Got The Digivice Back...

Part 101 - So Does This Count as a Trapping Pit?

Part 102 - And Leomon Stays Mad

Part 103 - Metaphors of a Wandering Martial Artist

Part 104 - Totally Edible

Part 105 - Dreams and Memories V

Part 106 - Dreams and Memories VI

Part 107 - Dreams and Memories VII

Part 108 - Now What?

Part 109 - Don't Split The Party!

Part 110 - Eggnapping Escapades in Primary Village

Part 111 - Elecmon's Worst Nightmare

Part 112 - Elecmon Returns

Part 113 - A Whole New Leomon

Part 114 - A Dialogue of Violence

Part 115 - Too Bad, You Can't Stop Us

Part 116 - Should We Stay or Should We Go?

Part 117 - Seven Year Old Approved!

Part 118 - FINALLY!

Part 119 - It's Basically a Portal to Hell

Part 120 - Veedramon Doesn't Just Let You In

Part 121 - You Go In Anyways

Part 122 - Like Cold, Unmoving, Not Breathing Jello

Part 123 - IT'S A BOX!

Part 124 - Welcome to Digimon Hell

Part 125 - A Tearful Reunion

Part 125 - No Gratitude Whatsoever

Part 126 - Not Gonna Say No, But Not Gonna Say Yes Either

Part 127 - Nyaromon and the Cheating Cheater Minion who Cheats

Part 128 - What Would Ranma Say?

Part 129 - Watch Me Go In Circles

Part 130 - Do You Know The Way To The Tendo Dojo?

Part 131 - Big Black Flying Pain in the Ass

Part 132 - Of Course

Part 133 - Lots of Despair Around Here

Part 134 - GTFO!

Part 135 - Back to Jusenkyo

Part 136 - Accomodations

Part 137 - How to Make Nyaromon Hate You Forever

Part 138 - In Which Nyaromon Calls You an Idiot

Part 139 - In Which You Apologize for Being An Idiot

Part 140 - Never gonna be a pig again! Never gonna be a frog again!

Part 141 - Tiffania's Plan

Part 142 - Did You Know That Water Weighs About 8 lbs Per Gallon?

Part 143 - Plan 'Don't Get Cursed'

Part 144 - A NEW RECORD!

Part 145 - How to Ruin a Koi Pond in Under 10 Seconds

Part 146 - Duct Tape Fixes Everything

Part 147 - To the Nekohanten!

Part 148 - Waiting

Part 149 - Dealing with Cologne

Part 150 - All I Wanted Was Some Duct Tape!

Part 151 - Oh Crap! I Forgot to do a Pokemon Reference!

Part 152 - It's Not Over Yet!

Part 153 - This is Why You Shouldn't Be Sneaky at the Tendo Residence

Part 154 - Never Deal with Nabiki

Part Z - Not the Best Use of a Wish

Part 155 - The Ranma Signal

Part 156 - Martial Arts Housekeeping

Part 157 - The Maid Competition

Part 158 - Because of Course You Did

Part 159 - Bad at Bribery

Part 160 - Maid of Bad Ideas

Part 161 - Better Than Nothing, But Not By Much

Part 162 - How to Think Like a Maid

Part 163 - Meal Time

Part 164 - Bed Time

Part 165 - Unwanted Wake-up Call

Part 166 - The Impostor Saotome!

Part 167 - The Chase!

Part 168 - More Amnesia!

Part 169 - Tiffany

Part 170 - Ranma Isn't There

Part 171 - The Path of a Maid

Part 172 - Dr. Tofu Oh No!

Part 173 - Where Did You Think They Were?

Part 174 - Check-in? Not Registration?

Part 175 - Well, That Was Easy.

Part 176 - Roll Call

A Quick Recap Before we Resume

Part 177 - The Competition Begins

Part 178 - MARTIAL ARTS Housekeeping Competition Event 1 - Start

Part 179 - MARTIAL ARTS Housekeeping Competition Event 1 - Keeping Things Clean

Part 180 - MARTIAL ARTS Housekeeping Competition Event 1 - Buzz Kill

Part 181 - MARTIAL ARTS Housekeeping Competition Event 1 - ...Well, Onto Event 2

Part 182 - MARTIAL ARTS Housekeeping Competition Event 2 - Cooking Chaos
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Part 2
[X] ...a green oval portal floating in mid air..

After a few moments, you come across a green, ovular portal floating in midair. Having had more than a few poor experiences with magic, you quickly about face. Unfortunately, in your haste to avoid the portal, you fail to spot the animal droppings on the ground and promptly plant your foot in them. You spend the next several moments furiously wiping your shoe on the grass in an attempt to get it clean. Eventually, you reach the point that you conclude nothing more can be done without better cleaning facilities than the grass around you. Turning, you resume your journey. And step right into that darn portal!

When you come out the other end, you see...

[x] A pink-haired girl in a cape.

[x] A red-haired girl in a cape.

[x] A blue-haired girl in a cape.
[x] Ghosts
[x] A blond girl with large... tracts of land.
[x] The Tendo Dojo
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Part 3 - Start of Zero no Tsukaima Crossover
The green portal opens up, and suddenly you find yourself in free fall.


You hear a man shout, and you see the brick road rushing toward you. Time seems to slow down as you fall. Wait, no! That's you! Somehow, your fall seems to be slowing to a st-


Someone lands on you, and both of you crash to the ground. 'Huh,' you think to yourself. 'As far as falls go, that wasn't that bad, even with the guy that landed on me. I think I even managed to land on a mattress. Not the most comfortable one, but it's got a soft pair of pillows.'

<Saito! Saito!>

<Ugh... Louise?>

As you push yourself back up, you can hear people talking.

<Saito, are you okay?>

<I think so. Tiffania, are you okay? ...Uh, who's this?>

They're speaking some foreign language, and you can't understand them. 'French maybe?' You hope not. It takes forever to get from France to Japan on foot. You would know, as you've done it. Twice.

"Ungh," groans a female voice from just in front of you.

You look up, and promptly find yourself face to face with a blond girl with oddly pointed ears. 'Is it Halloween already?' Your eyes trail down to a pentacle clasp holding a cape around her shoulders and- 'THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!'

Your eyes bulge in their sockets, and the last thing you see as your consciousness fades is a large red stain rapidly spreading across her shirt.

Now what?

[] Wake up.
[] Your danger sense is going off.
[] Sleep walk.
[] Wake up at the Tendo Dojo.
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Part 4
You drift in the unfeeling, unthinking realm of complete unconsciousness. Time passes, or perhaps it doesn't. Either way, after what seems like both a million years and a brief instant, your danger sense goes off.

Suddenly, you're awake, just in time to evade the cruel, cold liquid known as water. Yes, after nearly two years with a Jusenkyo curse, water has begun setting off your danger sense. Truly yours is a dark and miserable existence.

After that panicked, desperate dodge that sent pillows flying (actual pillows this time) and blankets askew, you gain enough sense of your surroundings to realize that you are in... what appears to be a war zone, actually. The wall on the opposite side of what looks to have once been a very nice hotel room has been destroyed, and you can hear explosions in the distance, as well as someone yelling in French (probably). On the bed you were just in lies a vase, having apparently been thrown across the room when part of it blew up.

Oddly, through a hole in the side of the room, you see a maid go by. Despite the chaos that seems to be going on not far from you, she seems completely unperturbed. Or at least, significantly less disturbed by the situation than you would expect. Strange, that.

Now what?

[] Investigate the maid.
[] You can hear someone yelling for help! And it's in Japanese!
[] Investigate the explosions.
[] You can hear someone yelling! And you don't know what they're saying because it's not in Japanese!
[] Time to get lost.
[] Try to find the Tendo Dojo.
[] Write-in
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Part 5
You can hear someone yelling for help! And it's in Japanese! And in the direction the explosions were coming from!

Quickly, you rush to your fellow countryman's aid. Or at least you try to. As you run down the halls, you notice that the cries are getting quieter, and that they're now coming from behind you. Turning around, you run down the war-torn halls in the other direction. But somehow, you seem to have ended up in a room. As you briefly wonder if this is actually a maze disguised as a war-torn hotel, another explosion rocks the labyrinth, and the cries of the guy who had been calling for help transform into begs of mercy and forgiveness.

You increase your pace and discover a guy begging on his hands and knees while a pink-haired girl yells at him in French. Somehow, the scene seems... familiar. The Japanese guy then proceeds to slip a rather unflattering description of the girl into one of his apologies, and another explosion follows. 'Wait a minute! This is just some idiot who stuck his foot in his mouth in front of his martial artist girlfriend!'

What now?

[] Just go back to your room. Clearly this guy isn't actually in any danger.

[] Ask the pink haired girl to go easy on him. You might not actually know him, but he's still the only other Japanese man you've met since you arrived in France.

[] The guy was talking to the girl in Japanese. Attempt to communicate.
-[] Say what?

[] It's a long way back to Japan. Start walking.
[] Wait, where's your pack?
[] It'll be longer if you don't know which way you're going. Ask for directions.
[] Try to find the Tendo Dojo.
[] Other. {Write-in}
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Part 6
As much as you'd like to be on your way, you don't actually know which direction Japan is in. Fortunately, it seems that you've come across two people capable of speaking Japanese, despite being in France.

"Excuse me," you say, getting their attention. The pink haired girl says something, but it's in French (probably), so you don't understand it.

"I think so," replies the Japanese guy. Oddly enough, he answered the pink-haired girl's question in Japanese instead of French. Then he turns to you. "Finally awake, are you?"

"Er... Do I know you?" you ask, before recognition dawns. "Wait, you're the guy that landed on me, earlier!"

"You remember that? I mean, uh, landed on you, what are you talking about?"

The pink haired girl suddenly starts talking to the Japanese guy in French again, and it quickly turns into an argument. But again, you don't speak French, so you have no idea what it's about. The Japanese guy seems to be confused, as he keeps answering the French girl in Japanese instead of French. However, his answers don't shed much light on what they're talking about.

It is around this point that you realize your pack is missing. You look around the room, but you're not where you woke up at, and your pack quite plainly isn't on your person at the moment. 'Shoot. It's probably in the room I woke up in. I could try to go back and get it.' You look back at the heavily blasted labyrinth hallway you came up. 'I'd better not,' you decide. It then occurs to you that you could just ask for directions to the room. And you've got the perfect way to do so without making your poor directional sense obvious.

"Excuse me," you say, in an attempt to get the attention of the bickering duo in front of you. It doesn't work, and the two continue to bicker. Then the Japanese guy starts barking. 'What the hell?'

Looks like they're too busy arguing with each other to answer your questions.

[] Wait patiently for them to finish.

[] You don't have time for this. Break up the argument with a show of force.
[] You might not understand what the French girl is saying, and you might not be the most socially capable person around, but barking at an angry girl is about as unsubtle an implication as you can get. Fellow countryman or not, this guy's asking for it. Teach him a lesson.
[] Find your way back on your own. You can make it (probably).
[] Try to find the Tendo Dojo
[] Something else {Write in}
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Part 7
Oddly enough, the Japanese guy's barking seems to diffuse the situation, although the duo continue to ignore you to converse with each other. You decide to wait patiently for the two of them to finish.

You stand by this decision for all of ten seconds before boredom starts to kick in. Deciding that you might as well train while you wait, you bend over, plant your hands on the ground, and raise yourself up into a handstand. You then lower your head down to the floor and push yourself back up in a handstand push-up. After a few of them, you switch to one-handed vertical push-ups. Then you raise yourself up onto one-finger.

Without your heavy pack and umbrella weighing you down, it's more an exercise of balance than strength training, but it'll have to do. You don't want to go into anything too extreme right now, since you'll be leaving as soon as you find out where your pack is. After a few one-fingered vertical push-ups, it occurs to you that the room has gone completely silent.

Looking up, you find that the Japanese guy and the French girl are both staring at you with something resembling confusion. 'I suppose a hallway is kind of an odd place to train,' you reason to yourself. You perform one last vertical push-up, then launch yourself into the air with the push, landing easily on your feet.

"Uh," says the Japanese guy, but nothing more comes out. The French girl says something, but again, it's in French. "Maybe," the Japanese guy replies, again giving you no hint as to what the girl said.

You decide to cut them off before they go off into their own little world again. "So, I seem to have misplaced my traveling pack. I don't suppose either of you have seen it?"

The girl responds first, but asks the guy something in French instead of answering your question.

"He was asking where his backpack is," the guy replies. Apparently, the girl can't understand Japanese and needs him to translate your question.

"So, do you know where it is?" you ask.

"It should have been in Tiffania's room," the guy replies. "The room you were sleeping in," he clarifies.

"Right," you reply. "Where is that?"

"Seriously?" he asks. "It's right down the hallway you just came up."

You try to look back down the hallway, but end up looking into a destroyed room instead.

"This way," the guy says, and the duo start leading you toward the room you came from.

...Wait. When the girl asked what you said, the guy answered in Japanese. And she seemed to understand what he said. What the heck?

[] Ask why the girl is pretending not to understand you.

[] Just follow them to the room.
-[] Pay close attention to where you're going.
-[] Don't pay attention to where you're going.
[] Try to find the Tendo Dojo.
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Part 8
For a moment, you suspect the girl is merely pretending not to understand you for some reason, but then you relax. 'I've been spending too much time around Ranma. Not every unfamiliar girl I run into is out to get me. Clearly there's something going on here that I just don't understand yet.' Just to be sure though, you eye the back of her head, carefully looking for any signs of of a pigtail poking out from under a hypothetical wig. There are none, and the three of you walk in silence for a few more seconds before the Japanese guy decides to break the ice.

"I'm Saito Hiraga," he says. "Who are you?"

"Ryouga Hibiki," you reply.

Then the French girl says a very long sentence. "She says she's Louise Valliere," Saito translates. This earns him an irritated scolding from Louise, at which point he reintroduces the girl as "Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere."

"...That is a very long name," you reply.

The girl asks something, to which Saito replies, "He said he likes your name."

As you walk, you talk with your guide. The pink-haired girl seems to lose interest in your conversation, as she eventually stops bothering to have him translate.

"So, how is it you two can understand each other when you're speaking Japanese and Louise apparently doesn't understand it?"

"Screwed up silencing spell," he replies. "Everyone can understand me."

You tense slightly at the mention of magic, but don't say anything about it. Instead, you decided to change the topic. "Wait. You mean you're not Japanese?"

"No, I am," he replies.

It's at that point that he leads you through a hole in the wall that presumably used to contain a door. There, toppled over and covered with soot, sits your pack. Your umbrella lies next to it. Walking over to it, you easily heft it up and slid your arms into the straps. You then pick up the umbrella and slip it onto the top of your pack. "So, uh, thanks for the help, Saito, Louise. Anyways, I guess I'll be heading off, now."

"Where are you going?" Saito asks.

"Home," you reply. "Or possibly the Tendo Dojo." With that, you set off.

"Wait!" Saito says. "There's something you need to know!"

You pause. It's at this point that you remember the thing you were going to ask before you realized your pack was missing. "Uh, you wouldn't happen to know which way Japan is, would you?"

Saito simply points out a hole in the wall to the night sky.

"Right, thanks," you reply as you begin heading in the direction he pointed (for once in your life).

"No, I don't mean Japan's that way! The sky! Look at the sky!"

You do. It is night.

[] Saito has a point. I suppose I should wait until morning to set out.

[] Hmm... Looks like it might rain. Better wait.

[] Seems like a nice night to trav-Why are there two moons?
[] Is that the Tendo Dojo?
[] Something else {Write-in}
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