Running in the 90's [Harry Potter / Multicross]

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It's... funny. The way that we humans think that we know everything that there is nothing hidden...


Dual Aurora Wave

It's... funny. The way that we humans think that we know everything that there is nothing hidden from the eyes of science, and rationality.

Or at least it was funny.

Until that fateful day. That day when we received a reminder.

On that Day, Humanity received an important reminder. They had lived blind, behind that wall they called normality.

But that wall has been ripped away, the secrets that mankind has kept hidden for so very long have been shown to the whole of the world.


Most of the world.

For there is a part of the world that has managed to keep it's head down. To avoid this reminder.

But given that they had hidden themselves away behind their wards and their enchantments. Perhaps it isn't so strange.

They saw nothing. For they did not look without.

They heard nothing, for they were covering their ears and speaking only to themselves

They said nothing, for they would not speak to those who were different.

At least... For the most part. There were those who did notice that something had changed, but they were those who had their fingers in every pie, and without the time to explore this new event. They were the fools in power who burrowed their heads in the sands and refused to even look in case there was something that they did not like.

And they were the young, who knew not of the happenings of the world, instead preoccupied by how the changes affect them and theirs.

This... is one such story.

But before this story can begin, there are questions that must be answered, questions about our young hero.

[ ][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[ ][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her

Sometime recently, something strange happened...

[ ][CHNG] One particularly windy day, our hero found a strange card, blown in on the winds. Covered in beautiful and complex artwork.
[ ][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
[ ][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light
[ ][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.

Mind you, this is a story of the whole of the world, and perhaps should you not choose an option... another will meet that particular fate.
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her
[X][CHNG] One particularly windy day, our hero found a strange card, blown in on the winds. Covered in beautiful and complex artwork.
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her

[X][CHNG] One particularly windy day, our hero found a strange card, blown in on the winds. Covered in beautiful and complex artwork.
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.
[x][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[x][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.

Not quite sure what this quest is about yet. Combining multiple 90s franchises that are all suddenly revealed to be real? I guess I'll wait and see if we're primarily in franchises that are familiar to me. ^_^

Also hoping for a more comedy-ish take, since the power level differences could turn everything grim really, really fast. Just my sensibilities, though.
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[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light.
Please no girl!Harry
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.

Vote Tally : Crossover - Running in the 90's [Harry Potter / Multicross] | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-10]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
Task: HP
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her
[X][CHNG] One particularly windy day, our hero found a strange card, blown in on the winds. Covered in beautiful and complex artwork.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light
No. of Votes: 2
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 9

Maybe you notice a small problem.

Everything is tied.
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her

[X][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light

I hadn't even thought about it. I use NetTally and in my other quests I have everything set up by...

Why are you set up by Plan instead of by Task?
*face palm*

Of course, right. While I was dealing with IRL stuff for a moment, the votes get actually tied up.

Vote Tally : Crossover - Running in the 90's [Harry Potter / Multicross] | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-18]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
Task: HP
[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
No. of Votes: 6
[X][HP] A young girl, living with an aunt and uncle who hate her
No. of Votes: 5

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: CHNG
[X][CHNG] Our hero, while out playing, was nearly struck by a strange object that fell from the sky. A fist sized crystal filled with an internal light
No. of Votes: 3
[X][CHNG] Our hero has been plagued by horrible, terrible dreams. A city aflame, running, screaming, being saved. The savior dying, and being ripped asunder soon after.
No. of Votes: 3
[X][CHNG] One particularly windy day, our hero found a strange card, blown in on the winds. Covered in beautiful and complex artwork.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 11
Ah screw it, no one's voted in a while, and the change is tied. I'll just roll a die.

And vote is locked then.

Young Hari Harry Potter was out playing one day, when he nearly got struck by a goddamn meteor.

Lol. Okay dice.
Lunaryon threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: tiebreaker Total: 1
1 1
Lunaryon threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Meteor Total: 4
4 4
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[X][HP] A young boy, living with an aunt and uncle who hate him
[X][CHNG] One night, there was a great rumbling that shook the world, and since then, our hero has been feeling strange... tingly. Faster, and stronger.

Edit: Looks like I just missed it...
Character Sheet - Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Gender Male   Age 8
Height 48'' (4'0'')   Weight 50.5 lb (22.9 kg)
Aliases None      
  Base Bonus Equipment Total
Health 10 +0 +0 10/10
Sanity 100 +0 +0 100/100
Strength 7      
Dexterity 14     * Tagged Stat
Constitution 6      
Intelligence 10      
Wisdom 9     * Tagged Stat
Charisma 13     * Tagged Stat
Status Effects
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Why does the fact that the Sanity row is filled in and not Mana fill me with dread?

What was the Meteor option then?