Running in Novigrad (Witcher/Shadowrun Crossover fic)

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Meet Jesse. He's your average Asian, who's been promptly dumped into Novigrad.

In any other circumstances, he'd be dead. Right now though he's had the good fortune of running into some good people. Watch Jesse run around Novigrad. Maybe he'll run into his way home.
Chapter 1
AN: So I've been sitting on this for over a year now, and with the release of the series on Netflix I figured why not release this fic out into the wild. Thanks to @Massgamer and @RedrumSprinkles for the help on this.


You know you're going to have a bad day when you've had a bucket of piss dropped on you first thing in the morning.

You know you're going to have a shit day when that bucket had some actual shit in it.

That was how I started mine, violently woken up by the horrific sensation of fluids from god knows who being dumped on me in the middle of some fucking alley. It was God's own mercy that none of it ended up in my mouth.

Of course, none of that fucking explains why the fuck it happened in the first place.

Naturally, as the shock of that wore off, I immediately figured out why. Instead of the sunnily oppressive tin shacks of where I expected to be, I was staring at something straight out of some medieval town in Europe; cobblestone streets, ancient timber and stone homes and … well a gutter flowing with what I hoped wasn't bodily waste.

Where the fuck was I?


It took a bit of stumbling before I found anyone willing to even talk to me. To be fair, I wouldn't even give someone the time of day if they came up to me reeking of piss and shit. No hard feelings there. It'd be a whole fucking lot easier to remedy that situation if I could find a place where I could reasonably clean myself up.

Wherever I am, it's obviously medieval, and judging from the presence of that ever so reliable fantasy stereotype of the bearded dwarf, I'm pretty sure I'm not anywhere near home. This just narrowly narrows down where I am to a gazillion possible places. And that the place reeked. Wherever I started, it was probably the better side of town, since I had migrated from cobblestones to muck wet with god knows what. All the while, presumably, within the city's walls.

To top everything off, whatever sent me here just had to send me straight on from the office awards night. So my absolute best is now all ruined. Hope this is a place with magical laundry or shit. Most everything I've got is useless; a phone, charger, keys and wallet. Nothing that will hopefully get me out of this shithole.

The one good thing so far is that I can somehow understand the locals, speaking some sort of English. At least I hope so. Hopefully they understand me as well.

"Oi!" I heard as I turned around to face three mountains of men, easily a good head taller than me, and the stench of rum strong off them. "You look a little lost lad? Far away from yer noble parents?" they guffawed.

Well that confirms one theory. I had steadily been following the fresh breeze, hopefully away from the stink. Figured it might lead to a gate or river or something, and well... looks like this is a port town by the sea. Logically where there are ports there are sailors. Where there are sailors, there are inns and brothels.

Of course, there are good sailors and bad sailors, but these guys firmly looked like the shank you for hooker and beer money and leave you to rot kind. How can I tell? The dreadfully sharp looking daggers they were sporting kinda hinted towards that.


"Fuck," I muttered before I turned around and rabitted, running straight into one real big bastard.
He made the other three look tiny in comparison, hills to his Mountain. Easily 7 foot tall, and he looked like he would mutter "I must break you," any moment from now.

"Looks like he's got something to hide boys!" one of them roared as they approached me knives drawn. "Gut 'im and toss him in the sea! We'll be doing the world a favor, ridding you of you ponce."

I grew up in a bad neighborhood. There was no negotiating at this point. Only the run. I've nothing valuable, and some people will shank you for not having anything valuable at all.

Instinct took over as I rolled to my right, hitting the alley walls but narrowly dodging the Mountain's grapple. The other three didn't see it as any sign to rush so I desperately searched around for anything that could be a weapon. I settled for a bit of loose timber, an old and rotted that thing looked like it could come apart with one swing.

The thugs looked about as confident as I felt like I had a chance with my makeshift weapon. Not like I had a choice. In the narrow street, I found myself in, the thugs blocked both ways out and I didn't see anyone coming my way to help me.

Every bone in me screamed to fight. It was the only way I'd get out of this alive. Fear gripped me though as I struggled to keep my hand still from… well everything.These thugs trying to kill me, being fucking stuck in some back asswards town, and just not knowing what the fuck was going on. Fear, adrenaline, anger… all of it coalesced into one overarching goal that entered my mind.

Survive. Answers come later.

The loud one who'd kept talking went first, wildly swinging his dagger at me. I stepped back as everything just became… clear. He was an ugly man, scarred and tanned from many years under the sun, with a look of pure joy on his face as he charged forth with the dagger.

Before I knew it, my left fist sprang and hit his throat. Lucky shot. He dropped his knife and fell to his knees as his two other friends charged, hoping to overwhelm me.

I saw them coming from a mile away. I felt myself roaring wordlessly as I wove between the two knife wielding thugs. In their drunken attempt to knife me, one ended up stabbing the other in the leg, sowing confusion among them. I took the opportunity to dash out of the alley, running past the screaming the thugs as the giant chased after me.

For what felt like forever, I ran through a maze of muddy roads and stalls until I found myself in a large square, bustling life and music. People were hawking goods and services of all sorts and it felt like it was safe enough to rest and catch my breath. Then I turned around, and found myself face to face with a woman with blonde hair, striking blue eyes… and a pair of pointed ears.

"You're not from around here, are you chummer?"

"What's it look to you?" I panted as I tried to catch my breath. If she wanted me dead, I'd be dead I guessed so conversation was the way. Not like I expected trouble. We're out in the open, with witnesses and shit. No one's that stupid… I hope.

"You ever hear of Seattle?" she whispered as she drew close.

"Oh thank God," I breathed. Someone here was from somewhere on Earth. "Listen-"

"Not here." she shushed. "Follow me. I've got a place we can talk. Safely."

I nodded immediately. Sounds like whatever town this was, it wasn't a place one could talk without being listened in. A veritable hive of scum and villainy I bet.

With that understanding I followed her down the winding streets and alleys of this medieval city, careful to try not to attract any more attention than before. Eventually, the elf brought me to a wooden gate, sandwiched between two townhouses.

She led me on, motioning to keep my trap shut. I nodded wordlessly as she rapped her knuckles on the door. In moments a gruff man opened a small panel, and grunted.

"Sheep swear on the Pontar," my elven guide answered promptly. With a nod, he smiled and opened the gate.

"Welcome to the Putrid Grove," she smiled as she led the way in.


Name suited it frankly, beggars of all sorts hung around, from the legitimate cripples to the con artists, not to mention the thugs with sharp looking swords on their belt. Place stank of too many people living all together in one place, like sweat, piss and heat all coming together in one unearthly musk. This was a place for those who had nowhere to run, a home of last resort. The name of the place rang a bell, though I couldn't figure out why.

Either way, my elven saviour led the way towards a little out of the way corner townhouse, really more of a shanty as we drew in closer. The door itself leading inside looked the most solid part of the building. Inside the building didn't raise much more hopes. The ground floor was empty save for a dusty table and two chairs, and the stairs up creaked alarmingly as the two of us made our way upstairs, gradually escaping the smell of it all.

Things changed when we got up. Whoever my guide was, she was definitely not from a home I knew. A katana hung on one side of the wall, right next to an assault rifle and pistol. A bed, richly furnished with pillows and blankets stood on one corner, with a desk and chair beside it.

"Welcome to my humble abode," she smiled. "Honestly, you look corp through and through but I'm just happy to meet someone from back home instead of the shithole that is Novigrad." she sighed as she settled herself on the bed.

"Uh yeah… corp." I muttered taking in what she said. Novigrad… that meant the Witcher. The most important thing right now would be to figure out just when exactly are we. Radovid's purges and shit wouldn't be something I'd like to be caught unprepared for… but most importantly there might just be a way home. Ciri. The Lady of Space and Time, might be able to get me out of this shit hole.

If we're in the right time.

I turned my attention towards the elf who led me here. Tall, and certainly pretty, once she relaxed, she seemed like your stereotypical elf… with the attitude of someone who was God's gift to the Earth. Course with someone I can vaguely relate to, I'll gladly do whatever she wants for now. Then I took a closer look at what she had on her, from the weapons to her mannerisms.

Chummer, Seattle… and the weapons. Familiar yet not, they looked like something out of a sci-fi movie… and it clicked.

"You're a Shadowrunner," I muttered.

"How'd you guess chief?" she snapped her fingers. "What you're seeing was the haul from my last job before I ended up here. Supposed to just be a milk run but…" she shrugged. " Irony is I'm rubbish with all of those here. I'm a mage, and the only thing I was supposed to nab was the sword. Some mystic blade for some gang leader who was plenty willing to pay good nuyen for it. All of it to be stolen from a fake mage's shop with more credits than sense. Everything else was just gravy for me… and insurance. That with my Astral Sight and", she clicked her tongue, "nothing's safe."

"I understood like half of what you said. Like the fuck is nuyen?"

"You know… money? Where are you from anyway?"

"2019, last I checked." I replied. Don't know how that'd be taken in by her. "And the shit over there is literally nothing I've ever seen. And I've never heard of elves on Earth before… but-"

"You're from 2019 post-Awakening, but never heard of Mages… which means we're both not only displaced in time, but dimensionally." She muttered as she grabbed a notebook. "Locals write in a totally different alphabet, cost me a job's worth to get one of the local mages to teach me the drek they have as a system," she muttered as she grabbed a tome from beneath her desk. "Come on, you've heard of shadowrunners even way back then so list what you know in your time. I'm no historian, but I know enough of the basics to get some idea of how dimensionally fucked over the both of us are."

So I told her. Top of my head, most important stuff from war on drugs, terrorists, Facebook, Apple, tech news shit like that. Not to mention the shit politicians.

"You have something that can prove you're not running high on BTLs or other drek?" she asked as she drew out what looked like a futuristic Blackberry, complete with keyboard. I nodded and handed her my own phone as she took a look at the device, fascinated in both its familiarity and alienness.

"We've definitely diverged somewhere further than just the Awakening," she muttered as she twirled it around her palm. "Technologically, this thing you're holding is about as powerful as a deck if I'm not mistaken. Not really my forte of course, so I'm probably wrong but it's certainly ingenious in its user friendliness. All glass touch screen? No need to plug your head in to access the database in its fullness? Not to mention… Huawei? Something this good came out of a company that I've never heard of before… Your story both doesn't and does add up."

"I'm just telling God's truth friend," I shrugged as I tinkered with her PDA. "Meanwhile your PDA's… very old school in design, though I'd wager it's tougher than my own phone. Though of course you guys have the whole cloning, cyborgs, and 3D shit going on so who am I to judge on where tech's gonna go."

"What do you expect? Betcha corps spy on you through the phone for research,"

"Not a bad guess," I shrugged as I caught my phone. "Information is key. They call it Big Data now, sifting through millions of bits of data to sell everything better."

"And make more money for corps," she mumbled. "Guess you're on the way to that still… But something's not adding up. I can feel it."

"There's one more thing…" I hesitated. Bandage out now might be better. "Fuck it, I know about Shadowrunners because your world is like an RPG setting for us."

"What, like something straight out of some holovid?!"

"I guess? More like video game or pen and paper sort of shit." I shrugged.

"The Sixth World is a drek place for escapism," she started. "There's fresh air here, I haven't had soy anything in forever and I've seen animals that I can reliably be sure will end up as my meal versus me being its." she smiled before scowling… letting that hang in the air. "Still… the fact that you know a lot about my world and I know nothing about yours… I mean…. There are infinite universes out there, infinite possibilities. Juist never considered my life being a fucking RPG setting would be one, but hey, there are bound to be weirder things around.." she sighed. "Still though… something about your world's familiar. I just can't quite place it yet."

Probably something related to ancient history for her. Like chances are at minimum she's at what, 2060? In the Sixth World? 40 years is a long time by any measure. Besides, shitty early history to her, is my everyday.

Or at least it was. Hopefully soon, it will be again.

"It could be worse," I shrugged.

"How?! You saying that most of the places outside these walls is infested with magical critters that will make mincemeat in so many seconds?"

"Well yes, but I was more on gonna say was that it can always be worse." I shrugged again. "For instance we're here now in Novigrad, ground zero for the next anti-human pogroms.."

"Oh fuck me." she muttered. "Humanis just has to be fucking everywhere?! Just something to add to my list of problems."

"Well the anti-human bit is more for your benefit really. On top of that, they also don't like magic users, so you're a twofer right there. The local cult, the Eternal Fire, fires of hell blah blah blah, long story short they use this anti-magic material called Dimeritium. It works wonders on the local sorcerers, but I have no clue if what you and they do are remotely similar."

"Fuck. Problems on problems…." she grumbled before turning to face me. "Wait… you know things about this world that I don't and I've been stuck here a month already."

"Easy, it's a video game to me. I'm more worried at your mention of problems. How bad are they? And do they mean you're fucked if you leave town?""

"Short answer, yes. Long answer, we may owe money to a crime boss here… A lot of money."

"... who's we?"

"See, one reason beyond me picking you up, was that as a fellow from the Sixth world, I figured I could use your help. Even if you were a corp wage slave, I figured you could run circles businesswise with my help to make the money I need… With you instead being what I'll call dimensionally distressed…"

"I'm not seeing a reason why I can't take my chances outside…"

"Not true, you've just told me the future after all." she grinned. "You know what's out there. I'm a, unknown and known quantity. A mage to your squishy non magical self. And worst comes to worst, someone who has a gun," she smirked as she lifted her leg showing an ankle holster and the mean looking pistol in it. "Don't worry, it's protection for both of us. Not a threat. It's protection against just about any creepy crawly you can imagine. Ares' has got to be right about that."

"Okay… where do I come in?"

"You know the local landscape better than I do. That should be enough. If along the way we find you've got other useful skills or talents, that's a bonus."

"Only if I can figure out when we are. I mean, is Radovid even King of Redania? Because if he isn't we're up shit creek."

"Bald, possibly mad? He most definitely is."

"I need more than that, has Foltest been assassinated? Have they caught the killer?"

"Yep. Word is people from all over are gathering at a place called Loc Muinne to discuss the fate of Temeria. It's all the Town Crier's been raving about in the market."

"Then we've only a few months before the pogroms against non-humans and mages really start. Soon after that summit, mages there will be massacred, then Nilfgaard begins it's war for the North and then on top of all that I mentioned earlier, the surrounding area will become a battlefield as both sides vie for control."

"So where's the safest place for us to run then? Soon as we get rid of the debt, right quick, we flee."

"We can't leave. Not if we want to leave this world." I sighed.

"What do you mean? Then what the fuck was all that warning about then? Oh no all these peasants with their torches and pitchforks are all gonna have me burned alive somewhere if we don't leave. Let's stay here and have them all cook us alive."

"The warning was well, a reminder to not show off and advertise what you are. We can't have attention from either the still powerful sorcerers or local priests. We need to wait because soon, our way out of here will arrive. We help her in her quest, we can probably get her help home. "

"Quest? Are we about to make a deal with a dragon? Because if so I'm out and the door's-"

"No, nothing like that. It's just Prophecy." I sighed again as I took a chair and settled myself in. "We help her achieve her Destiny, save the World blah blah, point is she can get us to any world out there that isn't here. She's got that power. And of course problems along the way."

"Fucking Prophecy? And how's that any better?"

"I kinda know who and what's involved. So we'll have some guarantees. Can even avoid some of the nastier monsters to come. Like we do not want to be in Velen at all. There's another one to avoid, but if he comes, we'll know and you'll know it's the same deal with Dragons with him."

"Got it."

"So who do you owe money to anyway?"

"Whoreson Senior," she shrugged. "The how's don't matter. What matters is we need coin fast. About 1000 orens."

"That's… a lot of money," I gulped. "I've no idea where we can get that amount without pissing off someone. And there's the fact you owe money to Whoreson. "

"Ah but maybe you do. I'm a Shadowrunner. I do deniable jobs for money. For that, we need a Johnson, and a Fixer. You know what those are right?"

"Yeah… I don't have any scores, but maybe… maybe I know someone who can help us at a reasonable cost." I replied, tenting my hands.


"The King Of Beggars," I smiled. "He's one of Whoreson's rivals, and is a cleaner and smarter sort of criminal in my opinion. Maybe we can help each other out. Best part is,if I recall correctly, we're in his territory right now, so paying respects is just proper."

"Good job," she smiled as she tossed me a blanket. "You're welcome to stay here omae. What's your name anyway?"

I hesitated before replying. "Jesse. You can call me Jesse."

"Get some rest Jesse. I'm Jackdaw. Tomorrow we look for criminal royalty."
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Huh. Pretty interesting. I wonder if they'll try to help the mages and non-humans? Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
This sounds great! I can't wait for more.

I like the idea with the combination of an SI and a second franchise, you don't see that too often. I also like both main characters, they have a distinctive character to them. I can't wait for more.
Chapter 2
AN: Thanks again @Massgamer and @RedrumSprinkles for this. I've got another part ready to go by tomorrow.

First thing in the morning, we both started asking around. Jackdaw had been here longer than me at this time, so she led the way out looking for the the types she found, in her words 'practically VITAS infected' as our lead. We started by asking the beggars, Novigrad's finest source of first hand information. If they don't point us in the King's direction, they'll maybe at least send word along.

True enough, it didn't take long to find ourselves someone who was willing to entertain us. A couple of bandanna clad thugs, wry with muscle, and already sizing us up, cornered us in an alley. They weren't brandishing their weapons but it was definitely implied with how they rested their hands on the pommel of their wicked cleavers.

"Word is you've been looking for us," the lead one started.

"Well with a title like King of Beggars, it makes it easy to pass a message along." Jackdaw shrugged as I gulped. When we left she only handed me a nasty looking knife for protection with explicit instructions to run when possible. Smart all things considered. I'm more likely to get myself hurt than anyone else with it.

"What does an elf and her lover want with the ragmen?" he continued

"Work," I gulped. "We're looking to make some coin. Seeing as we've made ourselves at home in your territory, we figured it respectful to pay tribute… and ask for directions."

"What do you two have to offer," he growled as he walked up towards us, eyes squinting.

"Easy," Jackdaw smiled as she performed a little light show in her palm, lights sparkling above her hand. "How many mages do you know are looking to get their hands dirty?"

"Huh," the grunt muttered as he took a step back. He turned around and motioned to his mates, muttering amongst themselves before they turned back towards us. "That would definitely be useful… and the King's left instructions for one of your type. I think. Come with us then. He'll want to have a word."

We followed them further into the Grove, a winding maze of both deserted and crowded alleyways. Small markets with merchants hawking whatever they 'found' while other citizens of questionable repute advertised their services. On occasion, you'd even see an outsider looking for something they'd rather not be seen with, furtively looking around, hood covering their faces as they scurried about for whatever they sought.

They finally led us into a townhouse no different from any other. A knock and a few whispered words, and we were led inside to meet the man himself at the table. Francis Bedlam, aka the King of Beggars.

"Hello sir…" I started hesitantly.

"Mr Bedlam, please," he smiled as he motioned towards a pair of chairs. "Please sit. Would you care for any refreshments?"

"None thanks," Jackdaw smiled, taking the lead as we both settled in. "Mr Bedlam, my associate and I are newcomers to the grand city of Novigrad. Seeing as we settled down in your territory, I figured it wise to pay my respects. Learn the rules so to speak."

Mr Bedlam smiled as he motioned one of the guards. "That's interesting. I've certainly never heard of a criminal elven mage. Definitely not one here in the Northern Realms. Maybe they're all dealt with in-house eh?" he chuckled.

"I'm not with any guild or group. I'm self-taught." Jackdaw grinned. "You won't find anyone like me in all the world I bet."

"Which would explain why you've racked up a debt with Whoreson Senior," he continued, a smile plastered on his face as my hair practically jumped. "No mage I know would risk thinking he could get away with it. Seeing as he has his own friends within the magical community. Much like myself."

Jackdaw froze at this. Figures the man with eyes everywhere would figure that out.

"My associate has been here longer than me yes, and in her haste, may have run afoul of them." I continued,silently praying he'll be amenable. "But Whoreson's competition. This is you, we've come to pay respects to. A man of discretion, and knows the value of it."

"True, so very true. I find Whoreson to be far too brutal for my tastes. He's bound to bring down unwanted attention or worse if he keeps this up." he paused as he stood up and paced.

Jackdaw was still quiet, I mean who wouldn't? The country bumpkins figured her out after all. Not too terribly surprising to me, especially with all the eyes and ears Bedlam had. He was bound to have heard something. Even something as vague as a blonde elf and he would be smart enough to put two and two together once she came in looking for work.

"Alright. Prove you're a mage." he started pointing at Jackdaw. "My men saw lights, but I want to see it myself. Let's make sure you're as advertised."

"Easy enough," she said as she popped a fireball into her hand. "No worries," she continued as the guards reflexively drew their swords. Everywhere I knew, the rules were the same. Geek the Mage first.

"Alright. How're you on the alchemical front?" Mr Bedlam continued.

"Honestly weak. I'm at my best slinging spells and rituals. Similar but not alike."

He stroked his chin again before settling his gaze on me. "And your friend? What does he bring to the table?"

"A brain and two hands. He's gifted that way." she smirked. Looks like she's regained her composure.

"I just read the way the winds blowing." I shrugged playing along. In truth any job I'm on, I'm more liability than anything at this point, but Jackdaw can't run solo on these runs. She'll need help soon.

"I may have a job then. Enough to cover your debt with Whoreson… but you work for me. Exclusively."

"No jobs with any of the other Bosses I take it?" I asked.

"No. Nothing for them. I don't mind jobs for others, you're mercenaries, it's your nature. But I won't tolerate my competition being helped out. If you help some merchant rough up another then who am I to judge?"

"Gotcha, Saeder-Krupp rules from here on out." Jackdaw replied

Mister Bedlam paused in confusion before nodding. I figured he pickled up the same idea as me. Jackdaw's a professional she's got this down pat. At least I think so, Bedlam's no Dragon after all.

"What's the job then?" I asked.

"Simple. I need a carriage robbed. Leave survivors if you wish, I don't care. What's important is you get the things inside."

"Who's the target?" Jackdaw continued as she brought out her notebook.

"Here's the tricky bit or I would've done this myself." he smiled as he brought out a map of the area.

It was certainly a well crafted map, detailing many of the surrounding villages and the city proper, even extending all the way into Velen. He pointed out an area near the Pontar River, between Novigrad and Oxenfurt.

"The Nilfgaardians are sending a large detachment of both men and materials up north to their embassy here in Novigrad. This itself wouldn't be unusual, it's an embassy after all. What's curious about it is that they're sending it over land, not sea."

"I'm not seeing the significance of this," Jackdaw grumbled. "So what?"

"Nilfgaard's hundreds of miles and several Kingdoms away that's what. Aedirn, Temeria, Redania… that's a lot of territory to send through for something important. Which can only mean it's picking things up in between."

"You're right, he is smarter than he looks." Mr Bedlam clapped. "I have it on good authority that the caravan is passing Loc Muinne before heading to Novigrad. If it were to befall an attack on the way… well Nilfgaard won't be too surprised if some of their former allies, the Scoia'tael, would still be angry at their betrayal. They'll demand retaliation of course from the Northern Kingdoms and they'll dally until NIlfgaard puts its foot down. As you're both new, I can provide a guide towards the ambush site when the time comes… but me thinks you need to prepare. Even a mighty mage needs their preparations after all."

"Yeah," Jackdaw sighed. "I'll need muscle… which you aren't providing I guess… which leaves me with my partner, and whoever else I can scrounge up."

"I can send someone who can… educate him on how to fight if you wish. Consider it a gift." he smiled. "You'll need it. The caravan will only have one chest worth taking, containing from what my sources tell me are the Ambassador's personal reports, and of course, whatever the family's sent up north. We don't know what else is in the caravan, but rest assured, you will get what you need to pay Whoreson after this job, whether from my own pocket or Nilfgaard's, with a little bonus even."

"Thank you," Jackdaw smiled just a tad bit to enthusiastically for my taste. "You can send him tomorrow. I'm sure you know where we've settled in by now."

"Anything we should know about security?" she continued. "Numbers, who's running it, equipment, magical support?"

"They say he participated in the slaughter of Cintra," Mr Bedlam started. "The leader that is. Which means that by now he's a veteran of both Northern Wars, Commander Vreede var Nemris. A cousin to the Ambassador, without any of the subtlety I'm afraid… and a lot of hate for mages and non-humans. Something about how he feels the Scoia'tael not accepting their lot in life I hear. I don't expect any of Nilfgaard's court mages to be around for this though, otherwise I wouldn't even risk suggesting this job."

"And we have how long to prepare for this?"

"Last we heard they're still south of Sodden, so I give it a month or so before they reach the border."

"We'll need another meeting with details on what route they'll take into the city. From there I can plan the finer details. For now this is enough." Jackdaw nodded as she motioned towards the map. Mr. Bedlam nodded and handed it over.

"Consider this a test of sorts Jackdaw. Do this well, and we'll be doing more business afterwards… and the protection that comes with it. Fail, and I'll leave you be. We're professionals here, things do go wrong after all. But I can't help you when it comes to Whoreson without something."

"Naturally," she sighed. "Thank you Mr Bedlam. A pleasure."

"No, no, the pleasure was all mine." Mr Bedlam smiled before he had us led out the door.

Soon as we were out Jackdaw whispered in my ear two words I dreaded contemplating as we got out of earshot.

"We're fucked."
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Yep they are fucked. Bedlam is certainly not saying everything he knows, and its a fools errand to lay an ambush when you don't know how many you're ambushing. Doubly so, when you don't even know what your target is.
Well... I'm getting bad vibes on all of this. And the MC might want to look into seeing if he has any potential for magic. Maybe the dimensional energies that he was exposed to while traveling here changed him in some way. Because right now he's a squishy human with an education that beats the education of royalty. Which is good. Very good, even. But hard power --violence, physicality, raw danger --is a must in the Witcher world.
I can see him trying to reach a deal with the Nifguardian by selling them some of the meta knowledge but that run the risks of changing things.
Chapter 3
AN: Thanks to @RedrumSprinkles for her help on this bit! I'd love to hear from you guys your thoughts on this, especially with the direction I'm taking it here.

Jackdaw explained it when we got home. It had gotten dark enough that she had to light a lamp as she settled me in her little kitchen and sat down. "Numbers alone have us screwed," she started as she sighed, rubbing her temples. "If what Bedlam had described was accurate, we're facing at least a couple dozen men in heavy plate under the command of an experienced commander with a hardon against non-humans. I've got good nuyen on the idea that he's got something for magic in his pockets, just in case. Not to mention the probably thousand and one things Bedlam's not saying. He knows I'm desperate, and either way he loses nothing if we get this job done or not."

"What about the guns?"

"Guns screw with the idea that it's a hit by locals. Unless you wanna have us marked forever, i'd like 'em as a last resort. Like if they have a mage with them."

"What do you mean?"

"Any mage worth his salt will be able to tell what killed who. Unless I literally distenegrate all of them, and I'm good but not that good, they'll find something doesn't add up. If this Empire's got as many resources as even a grade B corp back home, that's enough for them to figure it out, I think. Let's not risk painting an even bigger bullseye on us after the job's done eh?"

"And without this job, Whoreson will fuck us up. How'd you even get into debt with Whoreson?"

"Firstly, none of your business. I owe him for... robbing the wrong person. He was kind enough to leave me with a warning… and a deadline." she sighed as she pulled up her arm revealing a brand, The Ace of Spades.

Fucking animal. I could see where Junior got it from. I knew he's had access to magicians, so it makes sense that some would've tracked down who stole from him… which led to Jackdaw's predicament.

"I figure he's got a worse fate for me than you, the closest thing I've got a friend here. You just die, hopefully, I'm heading for one of his many whorehouses."

"It's nice that you consider me a friend, but… no offense, I'd rather not be considered yours in this context."

"None taken." she sighed. "We need muscle. We need a Sammy and a local at least because frankly in a fight you're useless. With a Sammy, I can be reasonably sure I won't be geeked.. Meanwhile in the chaos, someone, possibly the local, maybe even you, goes and takes the chest. A local without any issues hitting Nilfgaard and knows the ground? Absolute must if we're laying an ambush. With that we come to something close to a crew."

"So what, during the heist I just sit here and twiddle my thumbs? I kept my nose... mostly clean throughout my life. Nothing worse than small bribes to the right places. Not punching out cops!"

"Usual corpo talk blah blah." Jackdaw mimed with her hand "Nah, we don't need that. We'd need a lookout. You can do that. Either way, I need muscle to keep em off my back while I work."

"Any leads?"

"Just one…" she sighed. "Some visiting knight from Toussaint. Supposedly the toughest son of a bitch to come out of that place. Slays monsters as a hobby, rides better than anyone, etcetera etcetera."

"A genuine one?" I asked.

"Oh I think she's real enough to try and bring her in. Supposedly for someone from Toussaint, she's not actually from there. She just made her fame there. Heard a bard sing about her wandering knight routine as she wandered north and drek. Not a lot of excitement over the novelty of it up here, she's no Queen Meve after all. Heard she's over in The Kingfisher. Has golden Lilies as a coat of arms, and always faithful to her Lady… whoever she is."

"Huh," I grumbled. "Sounds strangely familiar."

"Anything related to our mutual metaphysical displacement?"

"No. I would've said she's a witcher but… well, it's a she. There aren't any women witchers besides the one we're looking for, and she's trying to hide. No, something about the description is throwing me off. Like… I feel like it's familiar somehow. Anyway, how are we supposed to get her onboard then? We need to save money, not spend it."

"The promise of glory?" Jackdaw sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Honor? Revenge? I don't know. Stories say she doesn't slay for money, so she's our only option. At least options we can afford anyway. We go there, try and get her measure, then see where things go from there."

"Well… it's something to do." I sighed, shaking my head. I mean, what choice did I have? Theoretically I could just sit here and dawdle my thumbs, but standing still didn't sit right with me. Besides, something about her familiarity told me I should be there.Toussaint and the Lady? Maybe she's involved with that Lady in the Lake in Toussaint somehow. "Lead on McDuff."

Jackdaw led the way, careful to keep her hood up as we navigated the winding streets and alleys of Novigrad. I took the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of a genuine medieval city. People just… lived. Doing business, chatting, finding love. If it weren't for the smell, I wouldn't find it so bad. After all, we could just be in the poor part of town. The smell cleared up as we moved towards the better part of town.

Just a bit though. I could see the appeal in perfumes now.

It didn't take too long for us to get to the Kingfisher, the fanciest inn in town if I recalled. Judging from the horse covered in golden lilies I figured it was the right spot for our knight. If I just sauntered in, pretending like I owned it, I might even be able to get more clues as to what our mystery Knight was like. I walked over towards the giant of a horse before a man quickly warned me.

"I wouldn't go near it if I were you, friend. Not even the elf there deserves to be mauled by that monster," he shivered.

"What do you mean?" Jackdaw asked.

"Damn thing bit off poor Darlan's fingers. Was just trying to feed him and then it took his fingers! Chewed them like it was a carrot! A damn monster it is." he grumbled.

"Huh," I muttered. Something with that was starting to build a strangely familiar picture in my head. "Hey Jackdaw, you getting any… weird vibes from that horse?"

She paused, eyes closed probably taking a look see with that Astral sight she had. "It's certainly different. It's definitely not an ordinary horse. Not sure what else I'm seeing here though. It's been through a lot."

"Keep an eye out. Something about this is reminding me about something," I sighed as I moved instead towards the inn. No need to risk my extremities.

The Kingfisher was as fancy as I remembered in the games. Clean and orderly, not as rowdy as one would expect a medieval tavern. Surprisingly well lit, with a live band to boot. Its patrons were a lot cleaner than the average citizen of Novigrad, dressed in finer and more colorful clothes too.

Our mark of course stood out like a sore thumb. Dressed in a red and blue tabard with golden lilies, covering a full set of plate. She was tall, even seated, and was quietly drinking from a goblet. Some bard was by her side, probably angling for inspiration for a song.

"You see anything from here Jackdaw?"

"Astrally? Not much, other than the fact that our knight's quite attached to her horse. Lots of genuine affection there." she shrugged.

"Huh," I said as we began our approach. "Let me take the lead on this if you don't mind. Something about this is too familiar."

"In what sense?"

"I think we may not be the only dimensionally displaced people around is all," I said as I settled down beside our knight while Jackdaw shooed of the bard with a glance.

Up close, she was certainly prettier than I expected from a warrior. Sharp, almost elven features with a pageboy cut for her auburn hair. Other than that, she seemed as tall as any man from home, and in all that armor, looked like she could smash them without effort.

"Greetings-" I began.

"I am not in the mood for conversation stranger," she started, her accent so stereotypically Parisian you could feel her turn her cheek.

"I think you'll make conversation with someone familiar with fair Bretonnia," I whispered, voice low, taking a shot in the dark.

Her eyes widened in shock before smiling and pulling me into a bear hug I could feel my bones creak.

"Finally!" she smiled as she let me go. "Come now, and bring your friend! I have a room where we may discuss more in private."

She led the way up, with more than a few eyes staring at us in curiosity. I mean, a famous knight hugging someone like an old friend? Probably have some tongues wagging already.

Naturally, this was all glossing over the fact that, me and Jackdaw weren't the only dimensionally distressed people around anymore. What's worse is that it's someone from The Old World. Was Chaos involved? And if so, should I be accelerating the whole 'get out of dodge' plan and proactively find Ciri? Enough to risk Velen? Maybe reach out to other magical practitioners?

I didn't know. First step in running was to pick a direction afterall. Had to figure that part out.

When we arrived in her room, she grabbed two chairs and motioned us to sit, smiling broadly. "You are from Cathay no?" she began. 'I've heard tales from the merchants of Bordeleaux of that mythical land but to meet someone from Cathay here?"

"I'm afraid not," I started as I leaned back into my chair. The room of course certainly spoke of her means, I mean the room was big enough for a small table and armoir. One could have an intimate party here for close friends. "I'm Jesse, and my elven companion here is Jackdaw. I think we both know we're not in the Old World."

"Oh aye. On that we agree. The moon alone told me when I found myself here months back." she started.

"Then… how did you come to be here, fair lady?"

"I don't know," she sighed as she served herself a little wine. "I am Juliet de Aimier, Baroness of Aimier. When my father died without a son, I took control of his lands. Rather than let it be defenseless, I took command of the levy, took grandfather's armor and weapons and went off to slay the Gorebull that deprived the realm of father... I think no visiting knight challenged that. Certainly none of them were worthy of being Knights of the Realm, let alone being my suitor and eventually the new Baron."

"For a year, I guarded the barony, tending to the duties as the lady of the Barony. Until one day, after I led the levy against an orc incursion I made camp amongst some ancient ruins that had always been on our lands. When I awoke, my steed and I were transported to this world."

"For a time, I wandered in the land I now know as Toussaint. They claim they follow a chivalric code much like home, bah! I've yet to see any of them be worthy of even calling upon the Lady in passing. So despite having sworn not the oaths, I went out and did what I could to drive the vile taint of evil from the lands, like the questing knights."

"How's that going?" Jackdaw asked.

"Oh well enough," she shrugged. "Many beasts abound, but none of them intelligent. I've yet to meet anything with the cunning brutality of the greenskins or the taint of the Dark powers, Lady be praised. At least this world does not have that foulness plaguing this country… only the normal depravity of man, and wild beasts and monsters. I need not fear Winter's Eve, for it's been a year now here, and no sign of it has come."

Huh. Well, at least she's been around town so to speak. I wonder what her stance on the local magical practitioners is?

"I've heard tales enough of Bretonnia and The Old World," I began as I leaned forward. Time to dig. "I know enough of the reputation of your fair kingdom that all it's knights are peerless warriors. They do not earn the title without earning it in deed."

"Even a few of the ladies," she shrugged. "It is more common than… politely spoken of to outsiders. A man dies without male heirs, but rather than let the lands fall into someone else's hands, the daughter takes up arms, disguises themselves as a distant relative until a new heir is quietly born. The Lady understands such circumstances."

"And now? Even here, farther away from home than humanly imaginable, you follow the Lady's commands?"

"Of course! These may not be my peasants, but they are innocents who need protecting. Where there is evil, the flower of Bretonnian chivalry is duty bound to fight it."

"Would you then, be amenable to help us then?" Jackdaw asked. "I've word on a… particularly vile man who's needlessly slaughtered men and women."

"Oh?" she leaned forward and took the time to gaze into Jackdaw's eyes. "How is this man worthy of death? I know you are not of Ulthuan, you've not the casual disdain they have for us humans, but I will hear you out nonetheless."

"Oh, we mean to confront him." I shrugged. "Our elven friend here is a mage, but I'm afraid I'm not much of a fighter. We know he is a man who participated in what they call here the Slaughter of Cintra, the indiscriminate slaughter of women and children-"

"Say no more!" Juliet snapped, smashing her fist on the table. "The Slaughter of Cintra, an entire city razed to ashes." She spat, eyes alight with rage. "The Lady would surely approve of me taking up arms against this man. Who is he?"

"A Nilfgaardian by the name of Vreemde var Nemris. We're planning to ambush his convoy." Jackdaw supplied. "The world may not be at war yet, but we're not sworn to any nation here. What we're doing is... profitable Justice."

"To be transparent," I added. "Jackdaw here wants to get something he's escorting. We're providing you, hopefully a worthy target for the flower of Bretonnia." I supplied. "And then, if after this you find it amenable to work with us again… I think I have a way for each of us to either return home to our homes, away from this weird continent… or go somewhere better."

Juliet was silent, staring at us both for a while. What was running in her head? I mean, she didn't strike me as particularly bright. Probably liked things direct and to the point. Going north made some sense. Monsters equal Glory, but this? There's no way she's taking us at our word alone.

"Truthfully I've heard of Nilfgaard's reputation for wanton brutality even in Toussaint.," she began after a while. "They themselves are a vassal state to them, and yet the peasantry would on occasion mention their thanks that they bent the knee to them years back. Not worry about their lands burned, and thrown out for Nilfgaardian settlers."

"Wholesale slaughter shouldn't sit well with anyone," Jackdaw spat.

"Naturally," Juliet replied. "But how will we go about this? I may seek worthy foes, but even I know better than to charge forth against an Empire alone."

"I am a mage of some power," Jackdaw cut in. "However, as I'm sure you're aware, just because I control magic, doesn't mean a sword won't end me. All it takes is for one lucky bastard and -" she mimed her throat being cut.

"I am to be your guardian then, your shield."

"Well, my plan calls for something more than that. You can go and do that knightly thing of yours. Really lay into them and then have them chase you."

"And if they do not? If they stand and hold, with fear of their commander overruling the fear of their better?"

"If you're as good as advertised, then you can hold them off for me to incinerate them."

"I'm more willing to bet it'll be the latter happening," I butted in. "Nilfgaardians see Northerners as barbarians. They're more likely to begin throwing bolts at you than entertaining the idea of running away form a single Nordling. Especially as there will be no equipment disparity."

"Either way the idea is to draw attention to her, not me. With them distracted I can eliminate the major threats and then if all goes well we scamper into the night, our good deed done."

"And if not? If things go wrong?"

"Then we run," Jackdaw shrugged. "It's a job, a job we need done, but we can still come up with ways to intercept them."

"It's a plan. A rough one, but circumstances considered, a plan." Juliet began. "It stings at me a bit that we're not formally challenging them… But, this is an honorless cur. I do not think he is entitled to formalities… But none of us know the terrain. I can handle any monster that we may happen upon, but I would not trust myself with setting up this ambush without true knowledge of the land."

Jackdaw gave me a look. I had no idea what it meant, but I figured from the way she rolled her eyes at me it was 'Told you so.'

Smartass. Well that's a problem for later. Besides, there's no way Juliet is telling us everything. I mean, a Lady Knight of Bretonnia? I don't recall that happening. And why the fuck is she here in Novigrad in the first place? There's nothing remotely familiar up here, maybe ancient elven ruins but that seemed a stretch.

Mysteries on mysteries.

"What about you, my Cathayan friend?"


"I understand you are not martially inclined. However, with only the two of us we need you to at least be able to defend yourself. We cannot look after you if anything should go wrong."

"Oh we've got that covered," Jackdaw grinned. "I've managed to get someone sent to teach him enough that he won't accidentally cut the wrong person."

"Oh?" Juliet asked, eyes raised as she leaned forward. "I would like to see this. See if what they teach you true fighting."

"I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning. We can enjoy the show," Jackdaw said faster than I could object. The devilish grin on her face spoke too much about how she looked forward to tomorrow.

"Truthfully I'm hoping he'll display the mystical arts of his homeland," Juliet snickered. "They say there are men there who have fists as hard as steel, and fast as lightning."

"Oh we'll see tomorrow," Jackdaw shrugged.

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she pulled up her arm revealing a brand, The Ace of Spades.

Fucking animal. I could see where Junior got it from. I knew he's had access to magicians, so it makes sense that some would've tracked down who stole from him… which led to Jackdaw's predicament.

End goal: kill all the crime lords.

"I think you'll make conversation with someone familiar with fair Bretonnia," I whispered, voice low, taking a shot in the dark.

No idea who she is and no idea where that's from. For as honorable as she seems, and as bound in ritual and tradition as she seems, it strikes me a little unlikely that she'd agree so readily to stabbing a guy at night just to rob him. I mean, shouldn't her code of honor demand that she challenge him, no matter the guy's sins? To preserve her own honor, if not guy's. I get that she's been in the Witcher for a while and that that world has a way of eroding even the most ironclad of morals... but it just feels like there should be a touch more hesitation, a bit more regret/resignation, you know?
No threadmark?

Also, bringing all these people from such not-fun grim dark worlds all into Witcher-verse...

What appears to be Fantasy Warhammer? I am not certain, but it certainly sounds like it.

I am almost concerned as to where you are going to pull someone from next at this rate.
No threadmark?

Also, bringing all these people from such not-fun grim dark worlds all into Witcher-verse...

What appears to be Fantasy Warhammer? I am not certain, but it certainly sounds like it.

I am almost concerned as to where you are going to pull someone from next at this rate.
This shall be the last of the dimensionally distressed for the foreseeable future. I've no plans for more