I don't know what's going on, neither do y'all. I'll try to respond to questions in "character"...
User | Total |
Pandemonious Ivy | 4 |
Wind-Up Citrus | 1 |
Zaealix | 2 |
PopeHonda | 1 |
n = nachos. T is... some kind of space ship or like Hand of God or something. YEAH! YEAH! T is something which came down in a ), and we've already established that ) is a method of conveyance capable of floating.##########ITititit
[X]The Dummy of least favorite colour's opposing colouration begins to bleed into the clouds.
Infinite arena, whatever your favorite color is: Test dummy directly in the center, the inverse color.
Surround them in a box of clouds.
The box is three units deep.
Everything that exists is fully interactive, aside from the narrative force somehow holding all of this together.
~=what happens next?