Ruby the Ripper (RWBY x Fate/Apocrypha)
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When she was 10 years old, Ruby Rose was kidnapped by a serial killer hellbent on sacrificing her to summon up a hero who could save the world from the Grimm. Ruby survived the experience, but she didn't come out of it unchanged or unscathed. Not even close.
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Yang followed her dad and uncle Qrow as they raced through the storm drains of Vale. She urged her tired legs to go faster and her burning lungs to breathe deeper, but aura couldn't replace physical fitness, only enhance it, and they were more fit than she was. That went double when you weren't used to using aura, and Yang had only had hers for a day. That was why they were in Vale. Her dad had finally said that she was old enough to start training as a huntress, and they were here to celebrate.

Coming to Vale was stupid. Yang knew it was stupid, but she'd still insisted. She saw the news about kids going missing here, but didn't think anything about it. It would be fine! It was daytime, she had her aura now and was about to start training, and most of all, they had both their dad and uncle Qrow with them. Who would try to mess with two of the best huntsmen around? It should have been safe, but this was the second time that Yang's stupidity had almost gotten Ruby killed. Might still get her killed.

Ruby had been there one second, ogling the guns in the weapon shop while her dad and uncle talked with the owner, then Yang turned around to check out their ammo and her sister was gone when she turned back. It took twenty minutes for them to realize that she hadn't just wandered off somewhere.

They only found out where Ruby was because she somehow got a hold of her scroll about an hour ago and called Yang. She had sounded alright when she told them what happened and where she was, but she sounded too alright, like she didn't even know that she was supposed to be scared. Then she hung up and didn't answer when they called back.

Yang was a hundred feet behind her dad and uncle when her they reached the door. She had now idea what it was doing down in the storm drains, maybe it led to an access tunnel or stairway or something like that, but the fact that it looked like it was made out of solid steel didn't stop her dad from kicking it in.

The two grownups surged inside and Yang dug deep to speed up, calling out Ruby's name and followed them into the room beyond.

"Yang, no!" Uncle Qrow yelled, but it was too late.

Later, Yang wouldn't even be able to describe what the room looked like. All she could remember was Ruby sitting, covered in blood and wearing only her underwear, in the middle of what looked like a demonic summoning circle, next to the body of a woman with a slit throat and multiple knives sticking out of her body. She was humming a song that Yang had never heard before while stitching up a gash that ran from one side of her stomach to the other. Against the concrete wall behind her was a pile of dismembered and rotting…

Yang stumbled out of the room and threw up.

"Hi dad! Hi Uncle Qrow! Hi mommy!"
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1

"Is that The Man With Two Souls?"

The girl that Yang was asking was one of the dozens that were bedding down for the night in the ballroom at Beacon Academy the night before their entrance exam. She seemed like standard huntress-in training fare, fit with a trim build that suggested a fighting style more like Ruby's than Yang's. She was also seemingly trying to hide the fact that she was a faunus, unless there was some other reasonable explanation for why she decided to stuff her ears into a giant black bow that she apparently intended to wear to bed. That couldn't be comfortable.

Most people probably wouldn't have noticed, but Yang shared a home with Ruby Rose, and anyone who did that learned to pay attention to the little details, like the way that this girl's bow twitched slightly every once in a while, usually right after a loud noise.

Her hair was jet black and fell in long wavy locks that stood in stark contrast to her pale skin, and that same theme carried over to her clothes, white with black accents for her sleeveless shirt and black with white accents for her pants.

The girl looked up from her book with a small frown and Yang almost decided to apologize for interrupting and then wander off to talk to someone else, maybe step in and stop that short white-haired girl from murdering the blond boy who was trying to flirt with her, Weiss and Jaune if she had caught their names right, with Pyrrha Nikos, the famous athlete standing by. The faunus girl smoothed out her frown though, and closed the book on her finger to save her spot.

"It is," she affirmed. "You've read it?"

The girl still looked a little put out at being interrupted, but that was still just as good as any invitation Yang had ever heard! It looked like Operation Pump the Bookworm for Nerd Stuff was a go. She grinned and plopped down next to her.

"Yup," Yang said brightly. "A few times actually. What about you? I don't wanna spoil it if it's your first time."

"I… No, I haven't read it before. She hesitated for a second and then nodded politely. "I'm Blake."

"Nice to meet you Blake. Yang Xiao Long. So, where you at?"

Blake eyed her warily, maybe worried about spoilers, or maybe still not completely on board with the whole talking thing.

"Artin and Jamond just arrived in Mistral, looking for the artifact that merged them together."

Yang whistled appreciatively. "Nice! You're just getting to the good part." Blake glared and Yang put her hands up placatingly. "Which I'm not gonna talk about!"

That girl had one hell of a glare.

"That kinda sucks though," Yang sighed. "It's honestly the only part that I actually like."

Blake raised an eyebrow at that. "You… don't like it? Then why did you read it more than once?"

Yang smiled ruefully. "Nope. It's way too dense for me. I know it's got a ton of symbolism and crap, but I'm a video games and action movies kind of girl. I don't even notice half of that stuff and can't figure out most of what I do. Makes me feel dumb. And most of it's suuuper depressing too.

"It's my little sister's favorite though, so I thought why not try to figure out why she likes it so much?" She snorted. "No luck there. I'm on my fifth read and still don't get it.

"Hey, what did you think about the part where they got to the sea after spending weeks in the desert? It's boring as hell so it's got to be one of the symbolic parts, but all I've got is that it could represent their fight over who gets to be in control. Doesn't feel right though."

Blake blinked, a little surprised about the sudden shift. "I, uh, don't know. Why don't you just ask your sister?"

Yang grumbled internally about nerds who couldn't be counted on to be nerdy enough. What kind of bookworm doesn't think about symbolism?

"I did! Between her motormouth and the way she goes off on weird tangents every thirty seconds, I came out of it more confused than when I went in! Honestly? I'm not even sure if she knows why. It's nothing like the stuff she normally likes. She doesn't even usually read that much." Yang cocked her head. "Well, she doesn't usually read fiction. She loves weapon magazines and other stuff like that.

"I was hoping it'd help me figure her out a little. She's always thought a bit different than the people around her, and it only got worse after—" Yang shut her trap when she realized what she'd just been about to dump on a total stranger.

"Jeeze, sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that."

"No," Blake said a little hurriedly. "It's fine. Sounds like you really care about her."

"Yeah," Yang agreed softly. Then she felt a sudden surge of frustration and pounded her leg. "But I don't get her! The whole reason I picked up that stupid book is because I thought it might help me get into her head a little, but noooo! She thinks Then Man With Two Souls is a freaking comedy!"

"What," Blake said as her expression fell flat, seemingly lost for anything else to say.

"Exactly!" Yang threw her hands up in the air. "I just about drove myself crazy trying to find the jokes before I realized there weren't any. Where's the freaking jokes Ruby!

"And you," Yang turned her eyes back to Blake. "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that Ruby is just some edgelord who thinks it's cool to laugh at dramas and tragedies, but that's not what I said. I said she thinks it's a comedy.

"She thinks it's supposed to be funny. Even the author couldn't convince her when we went to that book signing. She just thought he was keeping up the joke and ended up laughing so hard that they kicked us out of the building!"

"What," Blake repeated, somehow managing to be even flatter.

"And I'm pretty sure the poor guy almost had an aneurysm when he overheard her saying that he's the greatest comedic genius of our generation on the way out."

Blake didn't even bother to say anything this time. Her expression was more than enough to convey her feelings about that little story.

"Anyway," Yang said, changing the subject with grace. "I promised myself that I wouldn't stress out about going off to beacon and leaving her with just Dad to keep her out of trouble, so let's talk about something else. I'm from Patch Island, how 'bout you?"

"Oh, I came from back east," Blake said with forced casualness and a carefully blank expression.

Okay. Probably Menagerie then, and something she didn't want to talk about. First try at trying to change the subject failed, time to try again.

"Oh, uh, cool. Sounds like a nice place? By the way, do you know what they're doing for the entrance exam? Nobody would give me a straight answer," she sarcastically imitated her dad's voice and made air quotes. "To preserve the mystery."

"No," Blake said with a small frown. "I didn't get the chance to—"

Yang saw something and hopped to her feet. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back."

She casually but quickly sauntered over to the trio she'd been keeping her eye on and plopped her arm down across Jaune's shoulders, making him freeze up and stop saying whatever it was that had Weiss looking like she was about two seconds away from dropping the prim and proper act and just decking him across the jaw.

"Hey girls. Sorry to interrupt, but do you mind if I borrow Jaune for a minute?"

Weiss scoffed. "Please. Do. Seriously, please."

Funnily enough, Pyrrha actually seemed a little put out, though she didn't say anything. It looked like she might actually prefer talking with Jaune over dealing with Weis's blatant ass-kissing, meaning that Yang would probably have to step in again at some point. It might actually be easier to just bring them all over to join her with Blake, but she had a feeling that the faunus girl wouldn't like that.

"Thanks, we'll just be a second," Yang said over her shoulder as she steered the frozen boy away. Pyrrha smiled a little at hearing that his absence wouldn't be permanent, but Weis's scowl just deepened. Thankfully, she scoffed again and turned away without saying anything instead of making a fuss.

When they were far enough away that Yang was pretty sure they couldn't hear, she broke the ice with Jaune. The ice that was keeping him from doing anything while she bulldozed right through his flirting attempts, that is.

"Jaune… Jaune, Jaune, Jaune."

"Uh, do I know you," he asked nervously.

Oh cool, he found his words again!

"Nope!" Yang popped her lips on the word. "I'm Yang, Yang Xiao Long. Nice to meet you Jaune. Now, you want to take a guess why I just pulled you away from a pair of pretty girls? And no, I didn't fall for one of your cheesy lines and suddenly get insanely jealous of them."

"Uh, no?" Jaune's response was more of a question than an answer.

"Hmm." Yang tapped her chin with her free hand, pretending to think. She already knew what she'd say if he answered her next question with a no, but she really hoped he said yes. It would be hilarious.

"You got any sisters, Jaune? You look like a guy with sisters."

"I, uh, do actually. Seven." How did you know that? And what does a guy with sisters even l—"

Yang suppressed her laughter and held a finger to his lips, shushing him while she angled them so he could see Pyrrha and the still fuming Weiss without directly facing them.

"That's not what we're talking about. Take a look at Weiss over there."

"Oookay? Yeah, I see her."

Yang beamed. "Great! Now tell me, Jaune. What would it mean if you saw one of your sisters making that face at you?"

Jaune's own face lost most of its color and he gulped.


"Yeah, that's what I thought. Now, I can't fault you for taking a shot, but you missed big time and you were starting to cross the line from annoying to creepy. That's why I stepped in."

Jaune deflated under the weight of her words and her arm.

"Dang it, I really screwed up didn't I? I don't get it, my dad said—"

Yang had no interest in whatever his dad had said that convinced some poor woman to pop out eight kids for him. It was clear that Jaune had missed the point of whatever it was anyway, so she cut him off with a squeeze.

"Eh." She waggled her hand back and forth. "I've seen worse."


"But if you want to salvage this, you need to go back over there and apologize for bugging them and then leave them alone. Girls like guys who can apologize for being wrong."

Jaune perked up.

"Really? You think I still have a chance?"


Yang pulled her arm away from his shoulders and shrugged.

"Dunno, but you definitely won't have one if you don't tell them you're sorry." She turned him back towards the two girls and gave a shove. "And don't ignore Pyrrha, you dumbass."

Her mission finished, Yang walked back over to Blake, who was staring at her for some reason, and sat down against the wall next to her.

"What was that?"

"Hmm?" Yang tugged her gaze away from the trio. "Oh, sorry. I was just making sure that Jaune didn't accidentally pick a fight."

"No, I mean…" Blake closed her eyes for a second. "How did you even hear what they were saying? I couldn't hear them! And why do you care if they fight, aren't they strangers?"

Yang froze up, then groaned and lowered her face into her palms.

"No, I couldn't hear them. I just caught them talking when I came in and kept an eye on them in case Jaune did exactly what he ended up doing. It's a habit."

"Habit," Blake said, deadpan.

Yang had to hand it to her, she was really good at deadpan.

"You did all of that, out of habit. Got the names of a group of total strangers in passing and watched them closely enough, while having a completely separate conversation of your own, to step in when it looked like things were going to go bad, out of habit?"

Yang groaned again. "Yes. When you live with Ruby, you learn to stay on top of stuff like that, and I had to ride herd on her for years!

"Dammit, I promised myself that I wouldn't do this! Ruby's a big girl and she doesn't need me watching over her shoulder every second, but here I am doing the same thing I always do and freaking out inside about not being there to check on her anymore. She's supposed to be the clingy one, not me!"

"Hey," a high-pitched and very familiar voice objected. "I'm not clingy!"

Blake practically hit the ceiling and let out a squeal that would have been humongously funny coming from the reserved faunus if Yang hadn't been too busy squeezing her eyes shut to fight off an impending migraine and grinding her teeth to keep from saying something that she couldn't take back.

"Where did you come from," Blake asked in a perfectly calm and not-at-all shouty voice.

"Patch Island," Ruby answered cheerfully. "You?"

Yang opened her eyes. Oh look, everybody was staring at them. For how proud her sister could be about her stealth abilities, that sure was an aggravatingly familiar experience.

Ruby leaned across Yang's lap and sniffed Blake. "You smell like sand and cats."

"Ruby," Yang growled, grabbing her sister by the shoulders and forcing her away from an increasingly spooked-looking Blake. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

And that was enough to trigger the babbling.

"Well, I followed you to make sure that nobody tried to kidnap you on the way to Beacon," Ruby said, seemingly unaware of how apocalyptically angry Yang was. "I mean, I know you can defend yourself if you have to, but you won't have to if I get the kidnappers first. There weren't any, by the way. I was going to go home after that, but then I figured why not stay and watch you take your entrance exam so that I know what it'll be like when I take it and maybe also stab someone if they say you're not good enough to go to Beacon, but then I also figured why not just see if I can get in now? So I filled out an application form and snuck into Professor Ozpin's office and left it on his desk, then came back down here. Did you know that his office has a huge clock with gears big enough to pop someone like a water balloon if they fell inside? No knives though, which is weird because he's supposed to be a really good huntsman, right? Every huntsman should have backup knives even if they're the boring kind who use guns most of the time."

Ruby leaned over Yang again and asked Blake, who was still wide-eyed and staring, "Hey, do you want to see my knives?" She patted a large suitcase sitting next to her. "I brought my whole collection. You know, in case of kidnappers."

Blake made a choking noise and Yang pushed Ruby back again.

"Ruby, I swear to God. If I fail this exam because of your stunt, me and dad yelling at you is going to be the least of your problems."

Ruby, suddenly noticing Yang's mood, gulped.

"And how come this is the first I'm hearing about this? Dad should have noticed you were gone and called me by now."

"Ah, hah hah," Ruby nervously laughed and failed to meet her eyes. "I, uh, might have told him I was going to a sleepover. And he was so happy about it that he forgot to ask any questions."

Yang glared at her.

"What?" Ruby asked sullenly. "It wasn't a lie. This is a sleepover."

"You know what? No," Yang declared. "I'm not going along with this. I'm calling dad right now to let him know where you are. Meanwhile, you are going to march back up to Professor Ozpin's office and take back that form before he sees it and has you arrested for breaking and entering."

"I believe it's rather too late for her to do that," someone said.

Yang and Ruby both froze and slowly looked up. Standing over them was a silver-haired man in a black suit and dark green scarf, wearing an inscrutable expression and leaning on a cane, professor Ozpin. Next to him was a severe-looking blonde woman in a white blouse and half-dress half-pencil-skirt glaring at them and tapping a riding crop against her palm.

"If you two would please come with us, I'd like to speak with you in my office."

Alternate story blurb: When she was 12 years old, Yang Xiao Long started getting really stressed out.
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You can almost feel the Migraine Yang is getting from this Ruby pulling her antics

Also Blake quickly realizing just why Yang here got solo very good at being observant

Also if Ruby can still pull the rose petal stuff she is going to be utterly terrifying as an interpersonal Combatant
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

As they filed into Professor Ozpin's ridiculously big office with its ridiculously big clock and the open section of wall with its ridiculously big gears, that he at least had enough sense to wall off with glass, Ruby was starting to think that they might have screwed up somewhere. They couldn't quite put thei— her finger on it though. Well, there was the part where th— she fell for Yang's obvious bait, calling her clingy. That was just embarrassing. But that was what got her caught, not what Yang was actually mad about.

She hates us!
Mommy hates us!

That's why she left!

Yang would tell th— her why she was mad when this was all done though, when they were alone. Ruby was lucky, most kids didn't get to have a nice mo— sister like her. But since she didn't need to worry about why Yang was angry right now, she was free to turn her attention to more immediate problems, like surviving the next couple minutes.

They want to hurt Mommy!
We have to stop them!

Hurt them first!

Figuratively, not literally. Th— she was pretty sure that Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch wouldn't actually try to murder her and Yang. They were huntsmen after all, they protected people.


Nobody did, until Mommy came.

But if they did try, Ruby was ready. They had all of their knives with them, the ones in their suitcase, the ones strapped to their ankles and their calves and their thighs, the ones hidden in their sleeves, the ones in their cloak. Most important of all, they had the ones that nobody could ever take from them. Two curved, double-edged daggers, as long and wide as their forearms, hung at their sides and four other knives of different kinds were tucked into sheaths on the back of their belt, underneath their cloak. Those four were their strongest Noble Phanta— Semblance ability.

They could only use Maria the Ripper once before collapsing from aura exhaustion, but Goodwitch was a woman. They could fulfill all three conditions if they attacked her and used their other Nob— Semblance ability. The night, the mist, and the woman. Goodwitch would die to The Holy Maiden of Dismemberment as surely as the birds to the mist.

Use it!

Use it!

Use it!​

Use it!​

They just needed to make sure Ozpin was dead first, or Mommy would have to fight him on her own.



We can't leave Mommy alone!

"Ruby Rose," Professor Ozpin said as he rounded his desk and sat down.

Professor Goodwitch used her Semblance to telekinetically pull a set of chairs in front of the desk so that Ruby and Yang could sit down, and Professor Ozpin opened the hidden compartment where he kept his cookies and hot chocolate - not poisoned, Ruby knew from her previous visit - and pulled out a plate and offered some to her and Yang, then pulled out a mug of hot chocolate for himself. Yang took two cookies, so Ruby only grabbed two too. It was alright though, she'd already gotten some before so two was enough for now.

While she was reaching for the cookies, he leaned close and looked into her eyes.

"You have… silver eyes."

He knows!
He knows about the eyes!

He'll take them away!

He'll gouge them out!

He'll send us back to that place!

We won't let him!
Send him there instead!

Gouge out his eyes instead!

Eat his heart!

Send him to hell!

No, bring it here!

Bring the city here!

Bring hell here!

We can do it with the eyes!

Bring him the gutters that ran with our blood!
The mists that burned our lungs!

The rain that seared our skin!

The mothers who didn't want us!

Who murdered us before we even got to live!

Bring him the river where they threw us away!

Show him how awful this world is!
Show him what he didn't protect!

We can do it with the eyes!

Ruby edged away from him, with her cookies well in hand of course, feeling scared and angry for reasons that she couldn't put into words. That happened a lot, but she knew how to deal with it. Yang taught her; she couldn't decide how to feel, but she could decide what to do with those feelings.

"What's wrong with that? My mom had silver eyes too, that's how genes work! Besides, they're pretty and they match my hair!"

See? Perfectly polite despite how much she didn't like him right now!

"Ahem!" Yang pretended to cough into her fist and glared.

Ruby blushed. Okay, maybe not perfectly polite, but still a lot more than her feelings wanted her to be.

"Sorry," she mumbled before cramming a whole cookie into her mouth so she didn't say any more stupid stuff.

Professor Goodwitch glared at her too, but she wasn't anywhere near as scary as Yang. It was hard to be intimidated by someone when you knew you could kill them and they couldn't do anything about it, so Ruby just ignored her. Ozpin chuckled.

"I didn't mean anything like that. I knew a woman with silver eyes once. She looked a lot like you." He took a sip from his mug while that statement sank into Ruby and Yang. "I thought that you might be related since you also have the same last name. Her name was Summer Rose."

Ruby heard Yang's breath hitch, but she was too stunned to pay attention. For the first time that she could remember since she was kidnapped, her feelings hushed, like something that had always been shouting deep inside her had suddenly stopped. A moment later, they came rushing back in a torrent that left her dizzy.

"You… knew my mom?" Ruby's voice was raspy and she could feel tears welling up inside.

"I did," Ozpin said gently. "She was one of my students at Beacon, and her team did some jobs for the school after they graduated. I was saddened to hear of her passing."

Ruby sniffed and Yang, for once, didn't have anything to say.

"I'm sorry," Ozpin said. "I didn't mean to bring up such a painful subject."

Ruby wiped her nose with her sleeve and mentally shook herself back to the here and now.

"No, it's okay. We were just surprised. Right, Yang?"

"Yeah." Yang shook her head in the same way that she always did after Ruby had gotten the drop on her. "Yeah, just surprised is all.

To Ruby's amazement, she felt like Professor Ozpin was probably telling the truth when he said he was sorry. Normally, she had a really hard time figuring out that kind of thing.

Even Professor Goodwitch looked sad underneath her hard face. Yang would probably say that was normal because she was a huntress. That meant that Professor Goodwitch probably still wanted to save people even if she didn't look like she did.

It's a lie!
She doesn't want to save anyone!

She wants to hurt mommy!

But Yang didn't know how awful the world really was. There were huntsmen and huntresses who didn't care about saving people, who just wanted money, or to fight, or even to hurt the people they should be protecting.

Ruby didn't think those kinds of people wanted to be teachers though. She would try to trust them, for now.

"Professor Ozpin," Goodwitch said. "If you don't mind, I think we should return to the matter at hand."

"Yes, I think you're right."

Ruby and Yang stiffened in their seats as he leaned over his desk and clasped his hands together.

"Miss Rose, you have handed me quite the dilemma. On the one hand, you have demonstrated extraordinary skill and expertise tonight. I can count the number of huntsmen and huntresses who could successfully infiltrate my office on one hand and still have fingers left over."

Ruby beamed at that.

"I'm sad to inform you that you are not one of them."

Ruby stopped beaming.

"We did manage to catch you on one of our security cameras, after all."

"You did not," Ruby exclaimed indignantly and leaping to her feet.

Professor Ozpin pulled out a tablet and pressed it in a few different places, then turned it around and slid it across the desk for Ruby to look at. There, as plain as day, was a picture of herself in one of the ground floor corridors. It was blurry, but the cloak that the figure wore was unmistakably hers.

"To be fair," Professor Ozpin continued, not caring to give her any time to absorb this blow to her professional pride. "We have a lot of cameras at Beacon Academy, and you apparently only missed one of them. On top of that, we also didn't discover your intrusion until after you had already left my office. You are still easily one of the top ten infiltrators I have ever met, and i have met a lot of them."

Yang groaned and muttered, "Don't say that, she'll just get a big head."

Ruby folded her arms across her chest and flopped back down into her chair. She didn't have a big head!

"Yeah, well, I would have been number one if I'd used my Semblance," she grumbled. Despite her grumpiness, though, she couldn't quite suppress a little smile.

Yang snorted and professor Goodwitch notched up her glare. She really seemed to like glaring for some reason. Professor Ozpin just hummed and then kept on talking.

"On the other hand, you broke into a secure facility that holds a great deal of sensitive and even classified information, violating several laws in the process. Then you proceeded to, very publicly, advertise it for an entire new year to hear.

"You may have the physical skills to be an effective huntress, but you also demonstrated a frankly astonishing lack of good judgement and sense. Even if we set aside the crimes, I have to wonder if I should ever let you take the entrance exam, let alone take it early. You could be a great asset to any team, but you could also be an anchor that drags them to their deaths, and I will not allow such a student in my school.

"What do you have to say to that?"

"Hey! Yang jumped to her feet. "You can't just—"

"Miss Xiao Long," Professor Goodwitch snapped. "We have not thrown you out yet because it's clear that you didn't help or condone your sister's actions, but do not think for a second that that can't change if we decide that you are unfit for this academy. Miss Rose will answer for her actions, whether you object or not!"

Yang looked like she was going to explode, and Ruby was right behind her. They couldn't treat her mo— sister like that! Professor Goodwitch was scowling even harder too, which didn't make any sense because she was the one who was being rude, but Professor Ozpin stopped all of them with an upraised hand and a firm look.

"Glynda, thank you, but I will take this."

He turned his unreadable gaze back to Ruby as she and Yang reluctantly sat back down.

"Miss Rose, Miss Xiao Long, it's clear that you care for each other deeply, and that's very admirable. But, Miss Xiao Long, huntresses shoulder the responsibility for the safety of everyone around them. If Ruby wants to become one, then she will have to demonstrate that she is able to handle that responsibility. Right here and now, that means answering for her mistakes, without your interference. If she can't stand on her own, then she is not fit for this job.

"Miss Rose, the same is true for you. Yang will protect the people of Remnant, but she can't do that if she is spending all of her time and effort trying to keep you out of trouble. If she can't focus on her mission without needing to worry about you, then she can't be a huntress, no matter how skilled she is."

Ruby watched as Yang's face shifted through a lot of different expressions that th— she couldn't read. Then she locked her eyes on her hands and the bundles of skirt clutched in a white knuckle grip when she realized that she didn't want to know what feeling Yang settled on. It would hurt no matter what.

Ruby knew that Professor Ozpin was right. She couldn't just keep relying on Yang to fix everything for her, but…

He wants to take Mommy away!
No! He can't have her!

He smells like secrets and lies!

Cut out his tongue before she believes him!

But he was wrong too. Yang was the only person who got them, no matter how much she claimed she didn't. Dad and Uncle Qrow tried, but they just didn't. They kept expecting them to just know things, like why it wasn't okay to hurt people sometimes but it was other times. Yang didn't do that though, she noticed when they didn't get it, and then explained it until they did.

They would make mistakes without her, big mistakes like tonight. Maybe even bigger ones, the kind of mistakes that would make them a bad person, that would make their family not want to be family anymore.

She'll throw us away!
She'll hate us!

"Okay," they said, voice just barely more than a whisper.

They felt Yang grow still even though they couldn't bring themselves to look away from their lap. They felt Professor Ozpin's gaze sharpen too, and even Professor Goodwitch felt like she was listening.

"Okay?" Ozpin questioned.

Droplets of water started falling onto the backs of their fists.

"Yang's always wanted to be a huntress, and we won't take that away from her. We won't give up on becoming one either, there's too many people that we need to protect. We will be a huntress, no matter what. But…"

They squeezed their eyes shut as tight as they could.

"But we still don't understand what we did wrong. We'll do our best to learn, and we'll leave Yang alone too, but we… we need help. We'll do it w-without Y-yang, but we still need… need… We still need help."

They won't help!
They can't help!

They never help!

The silence was deafening. It felt like the mists from their dreams, the ones from that hellish city that their Noble Phantasm could only imitate. The mists that stole the whole world away, that choked their lungs so that they coughed and coughed and coughed until their throats tore open and they drowned in their blood, that turned the biggest, busiest city in the world into a lonely, silent hell. It felt like London.

"Well then," Professor Ozpin said at last. "I think that is enough for me to decide."

Ruby looked up, but they still couldn't see his face. It was too blurry.

"I will allow you to take the exam tomorrow."

They couldn't see the sharp movements that Yang and Professor Goodwitch made, but they did hear them.

"Professor," Goodwitch butted in. "Are you sure—"

"But," Ozpin said, cutting her off. "Even if you pass, you will not be allowed to serve on the same team as your sister. You can meet with her and take classes together at school, the same as any other students, but not in the field. You will need to learn how to work with your team on your own.

"You will also take extra classes tailored to your needs and undergo regular psychological evaluations. If you fail either of those, you will be expelled immediately.

"And finally, there is the matter of your punishment, which I will decide at a later time. We won't press charges, but you will have to make it up in other ways that will be both arduous and public. We can't have our other students coming to believe that they will just be rewarded for breaking the law."

Ruby wiped her tears away with her sleeve and gave him a watery smile, then said the only thing that she could think of.

"Thank you."


"Sir," Glynda exclaimed after the girls vacated the office. "You can't possibly think it's a good idea to let that girl into Beacon, she is severely mentally ill! She'll be a danger to herself and everyone around her!"

Professor Ozpin hummed in that frustratingly vague way of his. "All things considered, she's doing much better than I would expect from someone with her background."

"What background could excuse," Glynda gestured towards the door with The Disciplinarian. "All that?"

"Tell me, Glynda. Do you know anything about the series of murders in Vale about five years ago?"

"Of course I do, who doesn't?" She scoffed. "I don't see what that has to do with letting a girl like her into Beacon."

He took a sip from his mug. "Humor me, what do you know?"

"Several women were found dead and dismembered, displayed in egregiously macabre ways, over the course of two weeks," she said, condensing it all down in a way that only her years as a teacher allowed. There was simply too much to do justice to how bad it had been in a summary. Back then, every question that the media found the answer to just revealed new depths to the horror. It got so bad that they had to recall dozens of huntsmen and huntresses from the field to handle the extra Grimm that were being drawn towards the city.

"The media started calling the culprit Jack the Ripper, only finding out later that she was a prostitute named Maria who went insane after her child was killed by a Grimm.

"Over a dozen different children went missing at the same time. The authorities suspected it was the same person, but were only able to confirm it after one of the children she took tried to escape and managed to kill her in the struggle. That kid was the only surviv…"

Glynda felt a wave of dizziness when the implication hit her.

"Oh. Oh, that poor girl…"

"Indeed," Ozpin said placidly. "I saw the aftermath myself. That kind of experience would have shattered most adults, let alone a child, but she came out of it with an iron determination to protect the people around her. I honestly doubt if we, or anyone else, could convince her to give up on her resolve to become a huntress.

"More than that, should we? She has overcome so much already, do we have the right to doubt her ability to keep going?"

Glynda looked down at her feet, unable to keep from voicing her reservations.

"Even so… I don't think she's safe. There's something off about her, something wrong. Beyond what we just saw."

Ozpin just hummed at that.
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Ahh pusedo servent or maybe Demi servent ruby rose as jack the ripper? Well this will indeed be a bloody revolution alright
Honestly, I'm not sure. It was actually kind of difficult for me to figure out the difference because Fate just has to dress it's worldbuilding up in nigh-inpenetrable purple prose. I think I've got it figured out here though, she's kind of a hybrid while also not really being either.

She's like a Demi-Servant in that a full hero was stuffed into the body of a pre-existing, living human, with the human being the one in control. But she's like a Pseudo-Servant in that their bodies and (kind of) minds are merged together, without the transformation or time limits that come with being a Demi-Servant. The only things that allowed her to survive such a thorough blending of the two are her Aura and the Silver Eyes.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

It was morning, all of the applicants were putting on their combat gear in a shared locker room at Beacon Academy, and Weiss had finally managed to pin down Pyrrha Nikos again to recruit her as her partner. Then she was interrupted by the absolute last person she wanted to see walk up and open his mouth.

"Hi Weiss. Hi Pyrrha," said the blond idiot.

Pyrrha turned away from Weiss and returned his greeting. "Hello Jaune."

Weiss certainly had to give it to Pyrrha, she was one talented actress. She looked genuinely happy to see him, and she put up the facade instantly. That was no doubt a result of the champion fighter's extensive experience with dealing with surprise encounters with fans and the media, but Weiss couldn't help but feel frustrated that her future partner wasn't dropping the act here. The PR training that told Pyrrha to be warm and friendly to her fans would only backfire at Beacon because it just encouraged people like Jaune to waste her time.

Weiss would have to have a talk with her about it, but later. There was a time and a place for that kind of thing, the time being after they officially became partners, and the place being somewhere private.

Expression of cool neutrality fixed in place, Weiss also turned and greeted him. "Hello Jaune."

Jaune scratched the back of his head and shifted from one foot to the other. "Uh, hi Weiss," he said. Again. He hesitated momentarily. "Hi Pyrrha."

"Hello Jaune," Pyrrha said. Again. "Are you all ready for today?

Why? Why did Pyrrha keep engaging with him!

"Oh, yeah!" Jaune stopped fidgeting and puffed out his chest while jabbing a thumb at it. "I was born ready! You know, there's still room on my team if you want to join."

Pyrrha laughed at his ludicrous offer, as she should. Weiss, however, didn't feel amused and wasn't about to deal with any more beating around the bush.

"That sounds—" Pyrrha started, only to be interrupted by Weiss.

"No thank you," she said frigidly. With where and how she grew up, she could do frigid well. "We're not interested. Let's go Pyrrha, we don't want to be late."

Jaune winced. "Wait! That's not why I came over here. Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment."

Weiss figured that she could at least humor him long enough to endure whatever new idiocy he was about to spout since he had actually apologized last night, so instead of leaving, she crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot while raising an eyebrow.

Jaune winced. Again.

"I, uh, wanted to apologize again. For last night I mean. And for right now too, I guess. Sorry."

"Thank you," Weiss primly accepted. "Your apology is appreciated. Now, if you don't mind, we need to—"

"Hey, we have the same scar!"

Weiss, Pyrrha, and Jaune all jumped when the faunus criminal from last night's incident suddenly revealed that she was standing right next to them. Weiss and Pyrrah clutched at their chests while Jaune jumped backwards shrieking like a little girl and drawing the attention of everyone still in the locker room.

"Where did you come from," Jaune asked hysterically.

"Patch Island, you? Wait no, scars!"

Suddenly, the girl was right in Weiss's face, eyes wide and grinning creepily. Weiss found herself mentally apologizing to Jaune for her uncharitable thoughts earlier. It turned out that he was not, in fact, the last person that she wanted to see.

"Look, same eye." The girl pointed at an ugly vertical scar that started most of the way up her forehead, skipped over her left eye just a little outside of center, and then continued a few inches down her cheek. "Same spot and everything. Well, almost the same, mine's centered a little better. But still, we're scar sisters! Wanna be my partner?"

"Absolutely not!" Weiss didn't reject her politely or even frostily. There was no way in hell she was going to partner up with this psycho, and she would damn well make sure that she knew it. "And don't ever sneak up on me like that again! Better yet, don't ever speak to me again!"

The girl cocked her head quizzically, tilting so far over that her body began to follow along until she was standing on one leg.

"Huh? I didn't sneak up on you. I've been here the whole time, I came with Jaune."

"Don't lie to me! I certainly didn't see you come with him," Weiss said heatedly.

"Yeah," Jaune backed her up while Pyrrha nodded along.

The creepy girl blinked rapidly, looking back and forth between all three of them while their audience gathered closer around.

"But I was out in the open, and I had my Semblance off. Are you sure you want to be huntsmen? If you're this bad at paying attention to stuff, you're probably going to die screaming while a Beowolf pulls your guts out through your belly buttons. Hey, did you know that belly buttons are scars?"

Weiss stared, dumbfounded, along with Pyrrha, Jaune, and everyone else around them. She had no idea what to say to all of that. Or even to some of that.

"Aaand that's enough of that!" The yellow-haired girl from last night pushed through the crowd and grabbed the creepy girl by the back of her cloak then started dragging her away. "Come on Ruby, we don't want to be late."

"Hey!" The creepy girl, who was apparently named Ruby, whined and flailed her arms as she was hauled backwards. "Yang, I was making friends! You can't just…" Her voice faded away as they left the room and let the door swing closed behind them.

Weiss, Pyrrha, and Jaune looked at each other dumbfoundedly, at a loss for words until finally Jaune, of all people, broke the silence.

"So… Should we head out too?"

"Um," Pyrrha ventured. "I think we could afford to wait another minute? Or two? What do you think, Weiss?"

"Yeah!" Weiss nodded enthusiastically. "We've got plenty of time, two minutes is fine! I'll bet we could even wait five minutes and still show up early!"
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Lol she is going to drive them up the wall with the hole popping up out of thin air but apparently was there the whole gods be damned time

Also if they ever find out about the Multiple Souls thing it would probably put her bullshit but also why she is Somewhat Unhinged into perspective

Namely that the thought process inherently is fundamentally Alien and more Crowded and inherently sharing Limited Headspace causing Problems
Ah, so presence concealment is not, in fact, part of her semblance. That means that they both are here...
Remnant is going to explode... Or saved from everything in the process of their studies.

Never thought that I need murderhobo gremlins in any story, but well...
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Blake had left Kuo Kuana a long time ago. Even before that, she had been familiar with the kingdoms through her activist work, but that didn't stop her from comparing them to her home. The rest of Menagerie might have been a dangerous, desolate wasteland, but Kuo Kuana couldn't have been more different. It was a tropical paradise, a lush place built against the sea and filled with trees and sunshine and people, a place where Faunus could walk openly without fear of discrimination. Beacon Cliffs compared well against those memories.

The cliffs towered over the Emerald Forest, so high up that the lands near the horizon were tinged with blue. Spread out below them was a sea of verdant green that occasionally rippled as a breeze blew across it, ripples that hinted at dark and dangerous depths below the otherwise still the surface.

The initiates were gathering atop a row of launch platforms nearby Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch while they waited for the last of the stragglers to arrive. The weird girl from last night, Ruby, was one of those and Blake couldn't help eyeing her up and down as she stepped onto her own platform a little ways down the line. She wasn't the only one staring either.

"I can't imagine for the life of me why they're allowing her to take the initiation exam," Weiss Schnee said as she stepped up next to Blake. "She broke the law, and got caught doing it. She should be in jail, not here with us!"

Moment ruined, Blake rolled her eyes. Leave it to a Schnee to worry more about getting caught breaking the law than about the law itself. Honestly, she was a little surprised that she cared about Ruby's illicit activities at all, given the hypocrisy. It wasn't like the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, an Atlas-based Dust-mining mega-corporation which exploited its Faunus workers with rock-bottom pay and horrifically dangerous working conditions, would be unfamiliar with breaking the law after all. 'Rules for thee, but not for me,' at its finest.

"And she's obviously too young too! Some of us had to work to get here, you know, so why does she get special treatment?"

Weiss looked exactly like Blake would have imagined her. She held herself haughtily despite her short stature, with her long white hair done up in a ponytail that still managed to reach down past her butt. The outfit she wore was an expensive, thigh-length white strapless dress that flared out into a poofy skirt with a matching sash wrapped around her waist and an ornamental long-sleeved jacket over her shoulders which couldn't be closed in front and had a bottom hem that barely fell below her bust line. On her hip was an even more expensive-looking rapier with a rotating drum with a different kind of dust in each chamber. And, to top off the princess look, she was wearing a literal tiara. Not on her forehead, because that would be unfashionable of course! She was using it as a scrunchie.

Blake wanted to disagree with the heiress on principle - she had certainly had the red carpet rolled out for her too, after all - but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Ruby's look was almost the exact opposite, which ironically enough, made her look like she was Weiss's emo little sister. Little being relative, they were actually about the same height.

Her dress was a similar thigh-length and poofy affair, but black with dark red trim, long sleeves, and a half-corset. She had a black leather belt with a silver rose emblem buckled around her waist and two curved daggers that could almost be called short-swords hanging from it. Her legs were clad in a pair of thigh-high black stockings and her shoes were a pair of relatively sensible, dark red Mary Janes. Over it all, she wore a hooded cloak, dark red tattered. If her outfit wasn't enough to make them look related, Ruby's short, silver-white hair and the scar over her left eye was. Ruby had another scar on her face though, starting about an inch below her right eye and running diagonally down and across her cheek towards her jawline. If Blake didn't know better, she'd be tempted to say that the girl was a discarded bastard of Jauques Schnee. It certainly seemed more plausible than her being related to Yang Xiao Long by blood.

Come to think of it, did she know better? No. No, that was just delving into conspiracy theories. Jauqes Schnee would never touch a Faunus woman.

"And she actually sniffed you! I know Faunus aren't human, but literally acting like an animal?"

And there it was. Blake was wondering when the famous Schnee racism would show up. She wished she could say she was surprised that it only took something like three sentences.

"Did her family just throw her into the forest and let her run feral?"

Somehow, Blake found herself reluctantly… very reluctantly, agreeing with the heiress. Despite her… Schnee-ness, she had a point. Ruby's actions last night fed into the belief held by some that Faunus were closer to being the animals that they took their traits from than they were to being civilized people. It was a stereotype that was extraordinarily damaging to the Faunus rights movement despite having no basis - Blake had believed until now - in reality. She honestly couldn't figure out whether she was more angry at Weiss for her naked bigotry or Ruby for validating it.

Blake gripped Gambol Shroud's hilt tightly to keep herself from snapping back at the heiress. She was posing as a human specifically to avoid having to deal with that kind of racism, and she wouldn't just throw it away for this. Luckily, she didn't have to endure the conversation any longer because the last of the initiates were finally arriving.

"For years, you have to trained to become warriors," Ozpin began, drawing everybody's attention. "And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Professor Goodwitch took up the presentation next. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of 'teams.' Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates… today.

Everyone's attention sharpened, but Blake couldn't help but notice that Ruby looked exceptionally tense, even compared to that Jaune Arc guy.

Ozpin switched out with Goodwitch again, saying, "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

It was random!?

No, it wasn't quite that bad. Blake just needed to track down someone she could stand quickly and without letting anyone else get a glimpse of her. She glanced at the white-haired girl next to her and then at the other one further down the line. She especially needed to keep an eye out for those two because there was no way in hell she would be able to work with either one. Thankfully, white was easy to spot against a forest background. Even the sneaky girl wouldn't be able to catch her off guard out there.

"See? I told you," a pink-haired girl said to the quiet guy next to her.

"You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation," Professor Ozpin continued. "You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path, containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

The blond boy raised his hand. "Yeah, um, sir?"

"Good! Now, take your positions," Ozpin said, ignoring him.

Everybody, excepting Jaune, braced themselves.

"Uh, sir? I've got, um… a question."

The platforms started flinging their occupants over the cliff edge, starting at the far end and working their way down the row.

"So, this landing… strategy thing…"

Blake's platform went off and she was suddenly flying through the air.

She might have had a difficult time of things if the landing zone hadn't been a forest filled with giant trees, and she hadn't spent her childhood playing in the canopy of Kuo Kuana, and she hadn't had nearly thirty seconds of airtime to scout her touchdown spot, and her weapon hadn't been specifically designed to grab onto objects and spool out thirty feet of ribbon for her to swing from. In summary, the anding was trivially easy.

Blake crouched in the bushes and began to survey her surroundings immediately upon touching down. The forest was quiet, save for some crashing sounds in the distance which she chalked up to the other initiates making their dynamic entrances. Once she had determined that the coast was clear, she set off northward, silent as a shadow. Ears perked to catch any hint of rustling foliage and eyes peeled for any flashes of white, Blake couldn't help but think that it sure was convenient that both the Grimm and the people she wanted to avoid were marked with the same color. Appropriate too.


Weiss held two fingers together in front of her, pulled her hand back, and thrust Myrtenaster forward with the other hand to summon one last shining white glyph for her to bound off of before landing delicately on the forest floor and took two steps forward while she examined her surroundings. She had never been deep into a forest like this before, so she needed to be careful, especially since there were Grimm and Faunus criminals around.

When nothing burst out of the brush to attack her, Weiss let out a sigh and sheathed her rapier. Then she squared her shoulders and strode off into the forest.

She needed to hurry and find Pyrrha Nikos before anybody else did.


Pyrrha braced her shield in front of her to absorb the impact as she crashed through several branches and then landed on a bough high up in a tree that towered over most of the forest. She had noticed Jaune trying to ask Professor Ozpin about landing strategies right before she launched, so she started scanning the skies as soon as she landed, just in case. Luckily, it wasn't hard to spot him arcing (she suppressed a little laugh) through the air due to all the flailing and screaming, and it was equally as hard to realize that he wasn't going to stick the landing unless she did something. She quickly raised her thumb to judge the distance, switched Miló from its rifle form to its javelin form, and launched it into the distance to pin Jaune to a tree trunk by his hoodie right as he fell beneath the canopy.

"Thank you," his voice echoed out of the distance.

Pyrrha waived in his direction. "I'm sorry!~"


Yang, seeing that Pyrrha had Jaune all handled, fired her gauntlets and propelled herself north above the canopy, whooping and laughing. Why trudge through the woods when she could fly, after all? Well, besides the fact that she was wasting ammo. She let herself fall below the tree tops and bounded from trunk to trunk to bleed off her speed before landing with a tuck-and-roll.

"Nailed it," she quipped smugly as she sprang to her feet and converted her remaining momentum into a forward run.


Lie Ren hooked a tree trunk with StormFlower, his pair of jade-green handguns with dagger blades hanging from the tips, and spiraled his way down to the ground. On the way down, he caught a glimpse of Nora's vibrant pink hair coming in somewhere ahead of him, but then just as quickly lost sight of it as she crashed deeper into the forest.


The minutes crawled by as Weiss marched through the forest, following the moss which she had heard only grew on the north side of trees. She tried to keep her poise as she moved through the rough terrain, but that was becoming more and more difficult as she gradually became aware of just how quiet it was.

The trees were so tall that she couldn't hear their leaves rustling in the breeze, and the air down below was still and suffocating. She knew that the forest wouldn't be like the busyness of Atlas, but she had still expected to find something. Squirrels, deer, anything really. But the forest was empty. She didn't see any squirrels running along the branches or deer walking between the trees. There were no birds singing in the canopy or insects buzzing in the bushes. There was no cracking of twigs to warn her about the approach of other students. For all that she was surrounded by an explosion of plant life, Weiss couldn't help but feel like she was walking through a crypt. There weren't even any Grimm.

That was what spooked Weiss the most. She knew that this forest was teeming with Grimm, but she couldn't find so much as a single footprint. The smothering silence would have at least made some sense if they were around to scare the wildlife into hiding, but they were just as absent as everything else.

The minutes turned into half an hour, and then half an hour into an hour as Weiss's anxiety escalated. Something was wrong. Even if she was lost, which she wasn't, she should still have encountered something by now, a Grimm, another student, anything. She was almost certainly too late to partner up with Pyrrha by now, and she was slowly starting to wonder if she would get the chance to partner up with anyone at all. Where was everyone? Her question was answered in the worst possible way when she walked around yet another massive tree.

Standing in the shadows, with her face obscured by her hood and a dagger ready in each hand, was Ruby.

Weiss swallowed and pulled herself up into a proper stance as she placed her hand on Myrtenaster's hilt. She had always suspected this day would come, the day when she would face down a White Fang assassin on her own, but she hadn't thought it would come during her initiation into Beacon Academy.

Ruby stirred, lifting her head just enough for Weiss to get the sense that she was looking at her, but not enough to see her eyes.

"Hello Weiss, I've been waiting for you," she softly said.
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5

30 minutes earlier:

Yang was almost starting to get worried about the lack of Grimm. She had known there would be less than everybody else expected, but not that they would be completely gone.

The Grimm were what really drove it home for Yang just how badly the kidnapping messed Ruby up. It wasn't the mood swings, or the clinginess, or the disturbing and violent things she sometimes said, or even the night terrors. It was the way the Grimm swarmed to her.

Everybody knew that Grimm were attracted towards negative emotion, but the zeal with which they went after Ruby wasn't normal. It shouldn't even be possible for one person to feel strongly enough to attract them like that. The only explanation she could think of was that it was yet another part of her sister's strange, convoluted, and downright terrifying Semblance. If your Semblance was a reflection of your soul, what did it mean that enough fear and anger had been written onto Ruby's that it lured in monsters from miles around? It was all the proof that Yang needed to know that even five years later, beneath Ruby's odd but cheerful facade, there was still a broken little girl who hadn't and probably never would recover from what happened to her. And that was Yang's fault.

Yang swung her fist at a tree as she passed, tearing out a splintered chunk of wood and bark with the blow.

It was one thing to expect fewer Grimm, but another thing entirely to experience it while miles deep in a forest that you knew for a fact was crawling with them. This was just plain creepy, and it probably meant that they were going after Ruby even harder than normal. That… wasn't really surprising, if she was being honest. After last night, she probably wasn't doing well, emotionally speaking. Physically speaking, Yang had no doubt that she'd be fine.

Nobody in their family was happy when Ruby demanded that they teach her how to fight, but they couldn't deny that she had a talent for it. That girl had been an absolute terror from the first moment she picked up a knife. When she combined that talent with her single-minded fervor to become a huntress, the resulting training had spat out a huntress-to-be who could kick Yang's ass nine times out of ten and even give Uncle Qrow a run for his money.

It had taken them a hell of a long time to drive it into her skull that she actually had to learn how to fight fair and square instead of just relying on her Semblance all the time though. Funnily enough, it wasn't the thought of encountering someone with a Semblance that could counter hers that did it, it was the fact that she wouldn't be able to be part of a team if all she knew was ambushes and stealth. After all, they had said, appealing to her pride, a group was only as stealthy as its clumsiest member, and how likely was it that she would find teammates who were as good at sneaking as she was?

Yang just hoped that the hasty advice she'd given Ruby on the way to the cliffs would be enough to help keep her from scaring off any potential partners. She did not want her sister to make a repeat of that fiasco in the locker room without Yang there to break it off.

Dang it, she was doing it again.

So yeah, Yang was almost starting to worry about Ruby, but she wasn't actually worrying. She was just a little… antsy is all. Who knew what the little gremlin would do when left to her own devices?

"Come on Yang," she muttered to herself. "Get your head in the game!"

Was it wrong that she was more worried about who Ruby'd end up partnering with than— Yang interrupted that train of thought by decking herself in the side of the head, which she immediately regretted.

"Ohhh, Fu…uuudge," she groaned as she crouched down and clutched at her skull with both hands. Why the hell did that hurt so much, she'd taken harder hits falling off her bike! Was this what a traumatic brain injury felt like? "Son of a…"

Yang aborted another curse just in case Ruby was watching and staggered back to her feet. She took a couple of unsteady steps forward, and then a couple of totally voluntary and perfectly balanced steps sideways as she caught her… balance. Then a pack of Grimm charged out of the brush.

Yang barely managed to clumsily dodge beneath a horizontal swing as a Beowolf reared up on its hind legs and swiped at her. It didn't take but a moment for her to activate Ember Celica, and she was already feeling much better as she felt her metal bracelets unfold into a pair of bright yellow gauntlets with shotguns built into the wrists.

God, her weapon was so cool.

The second Beowolf ran right into Yang's rising uppercut, and was rewarded for its diligence with a quick and painless death when its head was turned into a fine mist by a shotgun blast, followed shortly by the rest of its body as it disintegrated.

"You want some," Yang shouted as she spun around, took a sideways step, and sent the first Beowolf flying into a tree with a left hook to its ribs as it came back around and charged on all fours. "Then come and get some!"

The next few seconds were a flurry of blows as Yang dodged a bite here, used her aura to tank a swipe of the claws there, and returned every attack back at it with a punch to the gut or a knee to the side of its skull. If only Grimm had balls to kick, but alas, she would just have to make do with snapping its spine with a falling axe kick.

Yang took a moment to get her bearings and only realized that that was a mistake when she heard a deep roar right behind her. There was a third one. She whipped around and crossed her forearms over her head, bracing to take the impact on her gauntlets, but the attack never landed.

The Beowolf's roar cut off and it froze mid-rear before turning into a black mist that then parted to reveal the weapon that had done it in. It was a hooked knife-gun, attached to a long black ribbon, which hung in the air for a moment before its owner jerked it backwards and caught it in the palm of her hand.

Yang stared at Blake, and Blake stared back at Yang. That was some awesome timing.

Despite Blake's silent brooding personality, Yang couldn't actually think of anybody she'd rather have as her partner. Their conversation last night had been a bit fun, and she'd been hoping that maybe she'd managed to make a new friend. She just hoped that everything else hadn't soured the Faunus girl on her too much.

"Heeey Blake," Yang said. "Good to see you partne—"

"Nope," Blake said flatly and turned around to walk back into the forest with long strides.


"Oh come on," she said, darting after her new partner. "She's not that bad!"

"Nope!" Blake's second denial was a little more heated.

"Professor Ozpin said I'm not allowed to be on the same team as her anyway."

Blake paused at that, looking for a second like she might actually reconsider it, but then she resumed her march. "Nope!"

"I can cook?" Yang offered. "How do you feel about trout?"


"I've been watching you, Weiss," Ruby solemnly pronounced from beneath her hood. The words hung heavily in the air for a moment, then she raised the back of her hand - knife still held in its grip - to her mouth and giggled, "You're lost, aren't you? Wandering around in circles and circles and circles, no idea how to find your friends or where you're supposed to go."

"What do you want," Weiss snapped as she tightened her grip on Myrtenaster's hilt, ready to draw it and counterattack at the first sign of movement.

Ruby giggled again, the sound seeming to fill the forest despite its softness. "I don't want anything, I'm just here to help you. You should hurry, Weiss. If you don't… well, I don't think there'll be anyone else left. And just so you know…"

Ruby moved and Weiss drew Myrtenaster and swung it to intercept the incoming blow, but the blow never came. Instead of assaulting her, Ruby ducked underneath the swing of a Beowolf's claws as it charged out of the bushes on hind legs with another one hot on its heels. In that same instant, she reversed her grip on her daggers, stepped in between the attackers, and drove a blade into each of their throats as they ran past on either side.

"...I can't protect you forever," she intoned as she stepped back and disappeared into the black mist released by the dissipating Grimm.

The mist cleared a moment later to reveal that Ruby wasn't there anymore. Weiss spun around, eyes darting back and forth from tree to tree as she tried to figure out which angle the attack would come from while her heart thudded loud in her breast.

Another giggle caressed her ears. "Just so you know," Ruby said mockingly, her voice seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. "Moss doesn't grow on the north side of the trees. It grows on the wet side."

Something small arced out of the bushes to Weiss's right and she almost cut it in two by reflex, but she realized at the last moment that it was probably a distraction and so she kept her rapier at the ready and her eyes scanning the forest while she caught the object with her off-hand.

"Hurry, Weiss," Ruby's haunting voice urged her, sounding fainter than before. "You're running out of time."

Weiss whipped around again, turning in quick circles with Myrtenaster up as she tried to catch Ruby's attack, but all was quiet. Slowly, it dawned on her that Ruby had actually left for some inexplicable reason, and so she dared to take her eyes off the forest long enough to glance down and see what it was that she had caught.

What did the White Fang want to give her so badly that they'd throw away an excellent chance for a surprise attack? Was it a message for her father? A threat? Maybe they stole something from the mansion back in Atlas and brought it to her in order to demonstrate that they could get her and her family whenever they wanted and there wasn't anything they could do about it? Weiss had a strong hunch that if Ruby could break into Professor Ozpin's office at Beacon, she would probably be able to make it past her father's security. As messages went, that would be a powerful one, and…

It was a compass.
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Yeah, if she inherited the living grudges of the children of London Jack had…yeah she'd be a bonfire of semi-involuntary negative emotions.
I wonder if any of the students aside from Yang will notice Ruby drawing in Grimm like moths to a flamethrower. A reaction that abnormal could potentially prompt even Weiss to reevaluate somewhat, but I'm not sure if any student aside from this Yang is observant enough to notice this quickly (maybe Ren and Nora? Didn't they have some backstory about getting orphaned by grimm killing a whole town and that? If someone survives that I could see them being pretty good at noticing Grimm behavior).
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