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Burning houses and the blood of humans.

That is what you woke up to that day.

Not your alarm...


Grand Idiot of the Universe
Burning houses and the blood of humans.

That is what you woke up to that day.

Not your alarm clock. Not the scent of your daisies on the window sill.

Just rotting flesh, smoke, and death.

Sitting up from your position on the cold, hard ground, you open your eyes, rubbing them blearily. Acrid smoke fills your nostrils, but you do not cough. The sight of corpses envelops your sight, but you do not vomit. Instead, it serves to make your stomach rumble, and before you can help yourself you're already grabbing an arm from one of the nearby human bodies and tearing off a hunk of flesh, biting into it. Crimson liquid fills your mouth, and your mind and body are instantly rejuvenated, throwing away the limb as your brain finally catches up with your surroundings.

You look down at your hands, already starting to decay, thick pustules and boils dotting your greenish-black arms. Your lanky frame is hidden underneath the baggy t-shirt and jeans that now adorn you, and when you look into a piece of cloudy, broken glass, all you see is a marred, disgusting face, with yellowed teeth and bluish eyes.

You are now a zombie, it seems.

For some reason, you're taking all of this quite well.

Character Generation
[X] Choose a Name for yourself
[X] What Strain are you?
Physical - A straight-forward approach, the Physical Strain relies on a balance between offense and defense, often having abilities that aren't very flashy or special, but are good for getting the job done. +1 to all stats, start with Quick Strike (deal 100% of Strength as Damage, 30% chance of double-hit) and Regenerate (recover 40% Vitality as Health). Bonus [+/-] 10% Starting Humanity. Choose to raise or lower during the Voting.

Fire - An utter powerhouse in battle, the Fire Strain makes use of high-crit-chance abilities and powerful hits to end fights before they can begin. However, the Fire Strain lacks in recovery options. +5 Strength, start with Fire Strike (Deal 200% of Strength as Damage, 30% chance to inflict damage over time) and Phoenix Soul (critical strikes recover 60% of Vitality as Health).

Frost - Contrasting Fire, the Frost Strain uses highly defensive abilities to make its users a walking tank. Ice Strain users have a wide array of slows and stuns to debilitate their foes in battle. +5 Defense, start with Arctic Strike (Deal 80% of Instinct as Damage, 20% chance to slow victim) and Aqua Shield (recover 30% of Vitality as Health, regenerating health over time).

Nature - A recovery-focused strain, Nature users are often passive, taking delight in out-healing their opponents while watching them melt from their array of nature's finest weaponry. +5 Vitality, start with Savage Strike (Deal 70% of Strength as Damage, 15% chance to lower victim's Defense) and Synthesis (Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the beginning of every turn).

Lightning - An extremely versatile strain, Lightning users often outpace their opponents by a large margin, making use of high burst damage and crowd control to leave victims spinning like a top. +5 Agility, start with Electro Bolt (Deal 65% of Instinct as Damage, 30% chance to increase Instinct) and Arc Flash (Deal 120% of Instinct as Damage with +15% Critical Chance. +150% Critical Damage if affected by a Lightning buff).

Shadow - An unconventional choice of evolution, Shadow Strain wielders make use of a wide array of debuffs to manipulate their opponents right to their deaths. +5 Instinct, start with Shadow Bolt (Deal 100% of Instinct as Damage, ignores Defense) and Curse (Deal 50% of Instinct as Damage, reduces healing on target by 70%, and dispells a random buff).
[X] Allocate your Stats
12 Free Points
HP: 25/25
Focus: 50/50
Strength: 5
Vitality: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 5
Instinct: 5
Humanity: ???
HP = 5*Vitality, Focus = 10*Instinct.
Focus is required to use most abilities.
Strength is a measure of your overall physical power.
Vitality is a measure of your endurance and life.
Defense is your own protection and helps negate damage.
Agility is a measure of speed and can help in dodging enemy attacks.
Instinct is used for many abilities and dictates your Focus meter. Will also assist in decision making and intellect.
Humanity is how separated you are from other zombies like yourself. If your Humanity is low, you sacrifice your morals and ethics in exchange for the power that comes from being an Undead.
You may decrease your base stat values for extra Free Points, down to 1.

Now... Where do you go?
[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
[X] Have yourself a little breakdown. It's never good to bottle things up. [Save your sanity a bit.]
[X] Join the feast of flesh and blood. [Decreased Humanity, off-the-bat stat boost]
[X] You're disgusted by this massacre. Flee the area and enter the woods surrounding the town. [Increased Humanity. Begin your Adventure]


This takes place in the Sonny universe developed by Krin. Gonna be honest, I have no idea where I'm going with this, and I'm mostly doing it for fun while I wait on things to update. Hopefully it doesn't crash and burn.

Suggestions, criticisms, discussion, and everything in between is entirely welcome here! I enjoy improving myself and seeing people talk about the quest, it's almost as fueling as coffee.
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Character Profile
Level: 3 [44/200]
HP: 24/80
Focus: 90/160
Humanity: 40%
Cash: $100

Strength: [7][+1] 8
Vitality: [13][+3] 16
Defense: [8][+1] 9
Agility: [7][+3] 10
Instinct: [13][+3] 16
Crit Chance: 5%
[1/5] Synthesis - Nature
  • Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the start of every turn [+4 HP]
[1/3] Runner - Physical
  • Gain +5 to rolls involving escaping or sprinting.
[1/3] Survivalist
  • Take 15% less damage from Nature attacks.
  • 20% chance to resist Stuns.
  • 20% chance to resist Nature debuffs.
[1/5] Savage Beatdown - Nature
  • Deal 100% Strength as Damage [8 Damage]
  • Recover 50% damage dealt as Focus
  • 25% Chance to inflict Breach [-50% Defense for 2 Turns]
  • Focus Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 0
Scoped Shot - Physical
  • Deal 200% of Instinct as Damage [30 Damage]
  • 30% chance to Stun [Victim cannot act for 1 turn].
  • Ranged Attack
  • Consumes 1 Rifle Bullet
  • Focus Cost: 20
  • Cooldown: 2 Turns
[1/5] Toxic Spit - Nature
  • Deal 120% of Instinct as Damage [18 Damage]
  • Inflict Venom [Deals 50% of Instinct as Damage every turn for 4 turns].
  • Ignores Defense.
  • Ranged Attack.
  • Focus Cost: 20
  • Cooldown: 3 Turns
[1/5] Haze - Nature
  • Deal 80% of Instinct as Damage [12 Damage]
  • Inflicts Blindness [Enemy Accuracy is reduced by 50% for 3 Turns].
  • Ranged Attack
  • Targets all enemies
  • Focus Cost: 50
  • Cooldown: 5 Turns
Torn T-Shirt - A ragged, white t-shirt, with multiple rips and tears. Doesn't do much to cover you up, but you kinda like it.
  • Body
  • +1 Vitality
Ratty Jeans - Hole-filled denim pants, makes you feel tougher. Somehow.
  • Legs
  • +1 Strength
Running Shoes - White running shoes that have somehow survived your shift in settings.
  • Feet
  • +1 Agility
Farming Hat - Should keep the sun off your face.
  • Head
  • +1 Defense
Hunting Rifle - A definitely well maintained hunting rifle, used for shootin' dem varmints and critters. Could also blow a hole in someone's head.
  • Two-Handed Weapon
  • +3 Instinct
  • +2 Agility
  • +2 Vitality
  • Scoped Shot - Physical
    • Deal 200% of Instinct as Damage
    • 30% chance to Stun [Victim cannot act for 1 turn].
    • Ranged Attack
    • Consumes 1 Rifle Bullet
    • Focus Cost: 20
    • Cooldown: 2 Turns
29 Rifle Bullets - Ammunition for a rifle of some sort. Useless without the gun to fire it.

Sturdy Bone - A pretty large formation of UNBRIDLED CALCIUM. Might be usable as a weapon, or as food.
  • One-Handed Weapon
  • +3 Instinct
  • If Eaten: Gain +1 Vitality and heal for 20% of your HP
Well-Kept Hatchet - Whoever owned this before must've been keeping his tools in good condition. Shame he isn't around anymore.
  • One-Handed Weapon
  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Vitality
  • [1/3] Chopping Strike - Physical
    • Deal 100% of Strength as Damage [8 Damage]
    • 30% Chance to inflict Bleed [Victim takes 30% extra damage for 3 turns]. Does not stack.
    • Focus Cost: 30
    • Cooldown: 2 Turns
    • Requires Hatchet.
Black Golf Shirt - A decently kept collared shirt with three buttons on the neck area. Dark. Should be useful during the night.
  • Body
  • +2 Vitality
  • +1 Defense
  • +5 to Hiding
Personal Reputation
Infected Elite - An Undead ZPCI Elite found in Untrussel's ZPCI Base. Doesn't seem to hate you as much as the others.
  • Reputation: -35
  • Status: Disliked
Faction Reputation
Infected - Zed. Zombies. Undead like yourself. They're everywhere, and seem... connected, in a way that you don't quite understand yet.
  • Reputation: -40
  • Status: Unfriendly
  • +20% chance to be attacked by Infected faction
  • -10 to Persuasion rolls on Infected faction
ZPCI - An organization built upon hunting down Zombies like yourself. Here's hoping they're willing to turn a blind eye.
  • Reputation: 10
  • Status: Neutral
  • No positive or negative effects.
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[X] Leon

[X] Nature - A recovery-focused strain, Nature users are often passive, taking delight in out-healing their opponents while watching them melt from their array of nature's finest weaponry. +5 Vitality, start with Savage Strike (Deal 70% of Strength as Damage, 15% chance to lower victim's Defense) and Synthesis (Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the beginning of every turn).
[X]+6 Vitality, +4 Instinct, +2 Agility

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
Backstory and Lore is lovely stuff to find out
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[X] Nikos
[X] Fire Strain
[X] +5 to Agility, +4 to Strength, +3 to Vitality
Boost agility so we can run away, more power in strength to hit even harder, and some vitality so we don't fold like a deck of cards and we can recover some more.

[X] Join the feast of flesh and blood. [Decreased Humanity, off-the-bat stat boost]
Don't be lame, have a heart made of something other than gold.
[X] Orcus
[X] Shadow - An unconventional choice of evolution, Shadow Strain wielders make use of a wide array of debuffs to manipulate their opponents right to their deaths. +5 Instinct, start with Shadow Bolt (Deal 100% of Instinct as Damage, ignores Defense) and Curse (Deal 50% of Instinct as Damage, reduces healing on target by 70%, and dispells a random buff).
[X] +6 Instinct, +4 Vitality, +2 Agility

[X] Join the feast of flesh and blood. [Decreased Humanity, off-the-bat stat boost]

[X] Leon

[X] Nature - A recovery-focused strain, Nature users are often passive, taking delight in out-healing their opponents while watching them melt from their array of nature's finest weaponry. +5 Vitality, start with Savage Strike (Deal 70% of Strength as Damage, 15% chance to lower victim's Defense) and Synthesis (Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the beginning of every turn).

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
I thought I'd never see the day. Also, we're totally gonna end up with the strain and stat increase opposing each other.

[X] Shadow - An unconventional choice of evolution, Shadow Strain wielders make use of a wide array of debuffs to manipulate their opponents right to their deaths. +5 Instinct, start with Shadow Bolt (Deal 100% of Instinct as Damage, ignores Defense) and Curse (Deal 50% of Instinct as Damage, reduces healing on target by 70%, and dispells a random buff).
[X] +6 Instinct, +4 Vitality, +2 Agility

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
[X] Leon

[X] Nature - A recovery-focused strain, Nature users are often passive, taking delight in out-healing their opponents while watching them melt from their array of nature's finest weaponry. +5 Vitality, start with Savage Strike (Deal 70% of Strength as Damage, 15% chance to lower victim's Defense) and Synthesis(Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the beginning of every turn).
[X]+6 Vitality, +4 Intent, +2 Agility

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
Backstory and Lore is lovely stuff to find out
Voting has Closed!
Here are the results!
Leon the Nature Strain - 3 Votes
[X] Leon

[X] Nature - A recovery-focused strain, Nature users are often passive, taking delight in out-healing their opponents while watching them melt from their array of nature's finest weaponry. +5 Vitality, start with Savage Strike (Deal 70% of Strength as Damage, 15% chance to lower victim's Defense) and Synthesis(Recover 25% of Vitality as Health at the beginning of every turn).
[X]+6 Vitality, +4 Intent, +2 Agility

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
Backstory and Lore is lovely stuff to find out
Orcus the Shadow Strain - 2 Votes
[X] Orcus
[X] Shadow - An unconventional choice of evolution, Shadow Strain wielders make use of a wide array of debuffs to manipulate their opponents right to their deaths. +5 Instinct,start with Shadow Bolt (Deal 100% of Instinct as Damage, ignores Defense) and Curse(Deal 50% of Instinct as Damage, reduces healing on target by 70%, and dispells a random buff).
[X] +6 Instinct, +4 Vitality, +2 Agility

[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
Nikos the Fire Strain - 1 Vote
[X] Nikos
[X] Fire Strain
[X] +5 to Agility, +4 to Strength, +3 to Vitality
Boost agility so we can run away, more power in strength to hit even harder, and some vitality so we don't fold like a deck of cards and we can recover some more.

[X] Join the feast of flesh and blood.[Decreased Humanity, off-the-bat stat boost]
Don't be lame, have a heart made of something other than gold.

Thank you for participating! The next post will be up momentarily!
The Memories
[X] Start by figuring out where the hell you are and how you ended up here. [Discover lore and backstory]
-Bonus Action: [X] Join the feast of flesh and blood. [Decreased Humanity, off-the-bat stat boost]

You... you remember now. That's right. This village is called... Untrussel? You were a farmer here, and an avid nature enthusiast, always watching to see how things grew both with and without your influence. Your name was Leon, you recall as you finally stand, staring out at the crowd of undead busily devouring a pile of corpses. This village was a quiet one, away from a majority of the Zombie Infestation, with ZPCI keeping the Zed out the few times they attacked. You and your fellow townspeople simply farmed your crops and bred animals for food, made armor and tailored clothes, just did what you could to live and get by. But now it seems that time has come to an end.

You're starving.

You quietly approach, the zombies ignoring you as you drive your claws into the pile, tearing out a hunk of flesh and biting into it. Your remaining humanity screams at you, telling you to not do it, but you're so... hungry. Rational thought is put aside as you take part in the feast, licking your rotting lips as your teeth bite down into the skin and muscle of what was once a fellow human, perhaps even a neighbor, metallic-tasting crimson fluid and chunky, jelly-like meat flowing into your mouth and finally into your stomach.

Devoured humans.
-10% Humanity
+2 Strength
+3 Vitality

Afterwards, with several other zombies dispersing and leaving only a pile of half-eaten bodies, you've had your fill. For now. Stepping backwards, you crack your neck, letting out a quiet moan as you flex your arms. They are stronger now, sturdier, and new life invigorates your body. You feel powerful, now. The question is... what do you do next?

Untrussel Ruins
[X] Explore the Village (30% Chance of Attack, find loot and new areas).
[X] Go looking for a fight (100% Chance of Attack, increased XP gain).
[X] Head into the forest (15% Chance of Attack, find a new location).
[X] Write-In (Custom action).
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[X] Explore the Village (30% Chance of Attack, find loot and new areas).
[X] Explore the Village (30% Chance of Attack, find loot and new areas).
[X] Explore the Village (30% Chance of Attack, find loot and new areas).
-Attack: 1d100 = 31 <Barely Made It>
-Looting: 1d20+9 = 25 <Good Equipment>
-Exploration: 1d20+7 = 17 <New Area>

You just barely manage to scrape past the other Undead, who have been eyeing you hungrily ever since the humans were consumed. Something in you, your shreds of Humanity perhaps, just makes it difficult to identify yourself as a fellow Zombie. Shaking your head, you scrounge about Untrussel, searching for something good to use. Perhaps a weapon? Some spare armor? Finally, you come across a farm, and in it, a well-kept hatchet. Well, it's better than nothing, you suppose.

Equipment Gained
Well-Kept Hatchet - Whoever owned this before must've been keeping his tools in good condition. Shame he isn't around anymore.
  • One-Handed Weapon
  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Vitality

Settling down, you plan out your next move. The farm seems more infested with Undead than the rest of the village, unsurprisingly. The amount of workers it would've taken to maintain a plantation of this size would mean several corpses for feeding.

Untrussel Farm
[X] Explore the Farm (40% Chance of Attack, find loot and random events).
[X] Go looking for a fight (100% Chance of Attack, increased XP gain).
[X] Head back into the village (30% Chance of Attack).
[X] Write-In (Custom action).
Yay, Sonny quest! The nostalgia is strong in this! :)

[X] Explore the Farm (40% Chance of Attack, find loot and random events).

Let's go look for friends!
[X] Explore the Farm (40% Chance of Attack, find loot and random events).
I'd say we're more in need of a damage dealer for an ally, considering that the nature strain focuses mostly on healing and debuffing, with some damage capabilities.
Barnyard Brawl (Round 0)
[X] Explore the Farm (40% Chance of Attack, find loot and random events).
Attack: 1d100 = 58 (Brushed by)
Loot: 1d20+9 = 22 (Basic Item)
Random Event: 1d2 = 2 (Negative Event)
>Event: 1d100 = 49 (Angry Crow Thing)

You make your way through the farm, quietly brushing past the rows upon rows of torn-up crops as you move. The zombies seem to largely ignore you, although some of them leer as though imagining your skull in their teeth. Shivering, you grip your hatchet tighter and make your way to the barn, using your weapon to gently creak the door open. Entering the building, you spot an item on the ground. After dusting it off a bit, you find that it is in fact a straw hat.

Equipment Gained
Farming Hat - Should keep the sun off your face.
  • Head
  • +1 Defense

At that point, however, it seems that you've been, ah... noticed. A screech echoes throughout the barn as a massive, feathered form lands on the ground in front of you, cawing angrily. A heavily-mutated crow, standing at well over eight feet tall with four wings and two heads, the twin pairs of eyes staring at you with undisguised hate. Seems you've stumbled into its nest. Blood cakes its beaks as it lets out another screech, stamping the ground angrily.

Well, shit.

Fighter Status
Leon: 85/85 HP, 90/90 Focus
Mutant Crow: 75/75 HP, 150/150 Focus

[X] Take his fucking shoes! (Attack)
[1/5] Savage Strike - Nature
  • Deal 70% of Strength as Damage [7 Damage]
  • 15% chance to apply Breach [-50% Defense for 2 turns]
  • Focus Cost: 0
  • Cooldown: 0
Throw The Hatchet At It! - Physical
  • Deal 100% of Strength and 100% of Agility as Damage [17 Damage]
  • 20% Chance to apply Bleed [Victim takes +30% damage for 3 turns]
  • Lose hatchet, must take a turn to retrieve it.
[X] Stand fast (+20% Defense, +20% Agility, take no action).
[X] Run like Hell! (Agility Check to escape).
[X] Focus and observe (Reveal stats of the Mutant Crow).
[X] Write-In


Combat posts will come quickly. Write-Ins can form plans if you want to skip some of the turn-based aspects, or if you have another idea than the listed choices.
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