TFW you say you won't write HP fics and then less than a week later you have 3k+ of content for a HP longfic
Rip me, I guess
Anyways this is very AU to the point where I almost put a crossover tag (with the Endless) and the only reason I didn't is that I'm not planning on having them be actual characters in the fic, just connections through Family Magics.
Sirius Black isn't the only one returning to the wizarding world now.
Not a whole lot to say here- my first chapter notes tend not to be super long.
It started, as these things usually do, with one person in the right place at the right time (or wrong, if one is so inclined).
You see, Dora Tonks (even so much as writing down her full name will get her to render you down into something unfit for polite company) wasn't exactly enthusiastic about her prospects for the future. This is not to say that those prospects are nothing to be enthusiastic about- after all, a soon-to-be seventh year outside of Slytherin in the Hogwarts class of 1992 would be hard pressed to hold down the NEWT classes needed to earn a guaranteed position in the Auror academy, between Snape's… Snape-ness and the rather inconsistent nature of Defense Against the Dark Arts instruction. Catching the eye of the soon-to-be-properly-retired Mad-Eye Moody was… well, in one sense not particularly hard, given the man's particular propensity towards paranoia, but in the sense that Dora had done so, was even more impressive.
That said, some niggling feeling inside of her told her that being an Auror wasn't for her.
So, she did what any self-respecting person who had emerged from her gender crises and the development of her Metamorph trait would: she looked for options.
None of the other options really spoke to her. The closest two were some sort of position in the legal field (which would lead to her following in her father's footsteps) and an apprenticeship with one of her mother's coworkers at Saint Mungo's- both quite respectable positions, and in another life, she probably would have been willing to take either, but some feeling whose source she couldn't quite pin down drove her to keep digging, to find that perfect fit.
That perfect fit came in what was one the least likely sources that she could have named when asked, somewhere in the general vicinity of such unlikely actions as "pulling it out of a fortune cookie" or "getting career advice from the Bloody Baron".
Namely, it came from a run-in with Lucius Malfoy at the Ministry of Magic.
While not quite Lord Malfoy yet, it was common knowledge that his father, Abraxas, was ailing with Dragon pox and unlikely to last out the month, and so his son was acquainting himself with the matters that his family was to be concerned with (namely, applying gold to political pockets until his way was had).
Somehow, that got Dora ruminating on the nature of the Black family that her mother had formerly been a member of. You see, dear reader, the most recent Lord Black, a thoroughly political man named Arcturus, had passed on some months ago, officially of natural causes but unofficially of political causes that formerly followed a man whose nom de guerre rhymed vaguely with "moldy shorts", and his Heir Black was currently moldering away in Azkaban Prison, despite the fact that he had never been given the trial he was doubly due (since, due to the fact that Wizarding Britain was controlled almost entirely by an old boys' club, almost literally, the Heads and Heirs to the Noble Houses were entitled to far grander rights than the everyday witch or wizard, which included right to the more favorable of two trials- one by jury of their peers, the other by jury of Peers).
In fact, Dora was willing to wager that that's part of what Malfoy was doing here- he was very likely attempting to arrange things so that his son, Draco (whose mother happened to be her maternal aunt, Narcissa, who she had never met) could make a claim on the headship of House Black, and all the monies and properties entailed therein, likely to continue applying gold to political pockets to continue a certain political agenda espoused by the aforementioned man whose assumed name (for there was no way that any parent was willing enough to tempt the gods to strike their child down by naming them "flight from death", nor their English peers by doing it in French) bore said aforementioned similarity to "moldy shorts".
"Well then," Dora said to herself, "can't have that, now can we?"
Over the next several weeks, she coordinated with her father (Eduardo Tomás García Tonks, descendant of a Spanish mundane family with communist leanings who had fled Franco's regime before its fall and taken with it a disdain for fascists), a gregarious man whose ruddy, round face concealed a keen legal and political acumen, and made frequent visits to the legal archives of the Ministry, as well as 12 Grimmauld Place when she could get the wards to let her and her father through.
They finished their plot just in time to make it into the August session of the Wizengamot, where, when asked for new business, Dora stood up. "I have new business regarding the House of Black."
"Miss Tonks," said Prof- Chief Warlock Dumbledore, twinkling merrily at her. "You have the floor."
"Thank you, Chief Warlock. Now then, as is my right as a Metamorph child of the Black line-"
"Objection!" snapped Lucius Malfoy, standing from his place in the visitor's gallery. "Andromeda Tonks is no child of the Black line, so neither she nor any child of hers claim rights due to a child of the Black line!"
"She was expelled by Walburga Black, who lacked the authority to wholly disown her, Heir Malfoy," said Dora, eyes flickering to the jaundiced form of Abraxas Malfoy sitting in his seat up among the other Lords. "Arcturus Black did not expel her wholly from the Black family, nor did he cut her off from the Family Magics, and as such she and therefore I remain children of the Black line."
Malfoy, who looked rather like someone had added an unexpected spoonful of salt to his tea, sat down.
"As I was saying, as is my right as a Metamorph child of the Black line, I stand before the Black Family Magics, with the Wizengamot as my witnesses, to lay claim to the Headship of the Black Family!"
The ceiling of the Wizengamot chambers abruptly vanished, being replaced by an endless field of stars gazing down on the room with disdain- that is, most of the room. The Chief Warlock had the impression that something much larger than him was looking down at him in much the same way that an arsonist would regard the front door of a house with the incantation for Fiendfyre upon their lips.
In contrast, Dora Tonks felt nothing so much as a rush of gratitude from the family magics, before they rose up with a sense of apology to take control of her mouth.
Sirius Black, held unlawfully in Azkaban these ten years, is Head of the Black Family," came a voice with the chilling danger of an exterminator who found a termite infestation in his own house. "
He will be released from Azkaban and… compensated for his suffering, unless this august body would like their heirs to be accused of crimes and imprisoned without trial."
The starfield winked out, replaced by the ceiling of the Wizengamot chambers, as Dora Tonks shuddered and drew in a long breath.
A great many people started talking quite loudly all at once.
By the time Sirius Black was liberated from Azkaban and fit to see visitors, it was September 1, 1991, mere hours before Dora had to leave for her last year at Hogwarts.
"Look at you," said the gaunt form of Sirius Black, not quite skeletal but still with the pallor of bone about his face. "Little Dora, all grown up."
"Sirius, you look…" Dora winced.
"Yes, yes," Sirius croaked, deliberately adding both a quaver and vocal fry to his speech. "Old Man Black isn't dead yet, what a surprise, kids these days are so impatient, yadda yadda yadda." He coughed twice, then grimaced and sipped from a glass of water by his bedside. "Merlin, I wish I could get up and just… roam around, but even the Family Magics aren't that strong."
"How bad is it?" asked Dora.
"Survivable," Sirius grimaced. "I should be ready for PT in a couple weeks and I might be discharged by December."
Dora's eyebrows rose. "That soon?"
Sirius chuckled. "Yeah, well, even if the Family Magics couldn't reach me there, I had… something else in my corner, and they're definitely helping me along now."
"Glad to hear it." There was an awkward pause.
"Look, Dora, I called you here for… well, for two reasons."
"What are those reasons?" she asked, somewhat warily.
"Well, for one-" a constellation flickered to life on his forehead as he drew on the Family Magics, here- "-
I, Sirius Orion Black, Head of the House Black, designate you, Nymphadora Aquila Black Tonks, the Heir to the House Black, by blood, by magic, and by right, under the aegis of Le Fay."
Dora shuddered as she felt that place in the back of her head where all of her best instincts seemed to lie expanded, reaching out with an odd painless burning to permeate her entire body as the Family Magics took up permanent residence there. "That was… uncomfortable."
"Sorry about that," replied Sirius. "There's really no way to reasonably warn you about that, given how exactly this works."
"Yeah, okay."
"And, uh, the other thing… it is 1991, now, right?" Sirius asked, eyes distant with the thought of the decade that had been torn from him.
"Yeah, why?"
"That means it's my godson's first year at Hogwarts…" Sirius trailed off momentarily, then shook himself in, ironically, a catlike manner. "Right, yes, it is. Please, please watch out for him- I haven't gotten around to finding much out about him, but what I have heard… the existence of those dratted books is bad enough. Please, keep an eye on him, keep him as safe as you can."
Dora's hair and cheeks both reddened with not undeserved anger. As it happened, in the wake of the disruptive Wizengamot session at the start of August, a number of procedural irregularities surrounding both Sirius Black and Harry Potter and their legal status. Among other things, Harry had never gone through the Wizarding Orphans' Agency, meaning that, as far as the Wizarding World was concerned, he had disappeared.
Harry was almost certainly okay- as the only remaining member of the House of Potter who could lay any sort of claim to their Family Magics, they would protect him viciously, and while the Black Family Magics were equal to the Potter Family Magics in raw power, the Potter Family Magics were… far more overt in their actions, especially when not directed by any witch or wizard.
That said, there was a vast threshold of things that could have gone wrong with Harry that didn't merit the overt involvement of the Family Magics, and there were things that could subordinate them or occupy them with other tasks. Not many, granted, but it was possible.
"Of course," Dora said, wrestling her temper under control. "He's family too."
Dora did not, unfortunately, find Harry Potter on the platform.
She was forced to get onto the train before he arrived due to the volume of arrivals, although fortunately being of age allowed her to shrink her trunk and place it in her pocket.
It was times like these that she thanked her lucky stars for not being made prefect by Sprout- while she had the grades for it, wrangling the brats would have cut into her time for studying, or pranking, or (in this case) hunting down wayward cousins.
A solid half hour of roaming the train later, she saw Draco Malfoy and two other boys entering a carriage just ahead of her, instead of just looking in the windows as he had been, and moments later, she saw why.
There were two boys sitting in that carriage. One of them was tall for his age, with a shock of red hair and pale skin who gave the impression of an upside-down, partially bleached carrot between those traits and his many, many freckles.
The other was shorter, to the point where if Dora had run into him off the Hogwarts Express she wouldn't have been too surprised to learn that he was perhaps eight years old. That impression wasn't helped by the way he seemed to be swimming (poorly) in his ratty clothes, washed-out and hole-y fabrics implying uncharitable things about his caretakers.
That didn't bode particularly well for where Harry Potter had been for the last decade, Dora thought absently, recognizing his eyes from a picture of Lily Evans she'd been shown after Sirius asked her to keep an eye on his godson.
Something about his scar struck her as odd, to the point where at the first opportunity she got she would be casting a diagnostic charm on it.
" must be a Weasley," said Malfoy, in a manner that conveyed a much more overt sneer than his father. In fact, his whole demeanor appeared to be similar to his father, in much the same way that an antique earthquake detector resembled a mundane heart monitor: one of the two was clearly far more refined, even if both were serviceable at their intended tasks and the outputs looked somewhat similar at a glance.
Given how the presumable Weasley's face was reddening, the cabin was in for an eruption of Mt. Carrot, and as amusing as that might be, she rather got the impression that it would disrupt her ability to discuss things with Harry.
"What's going on in here?" Immediately, the three standing boys turned around, their attempts to loom falling flat as they registered the seventh year witch (at least, at the moment) standing head and shoulders taller than them.
"Er, nothing, ma'am," said Malfoy, visibly quailing- not that he'd ever seen a quail, or even heard the word applied to the bird directly, the poor boy. "Just… trying to wish Harry Potter a warm welcome to Hogwarts in advance."
"How kind of you," said Dora, enough sarcasm in her voice to drown a fish. "Ordinarily that duty is reserved for the prefects, but your initiative is appreciated. That said, I do have to discuss some things with him that I do not think are the kind of thing that should be discussed with people outside the family, so if all of you rugrats would run along, I'd much appreciate it."
Malfoy and his two bookends took the opportunity to depart the cabin with some grace. The Weasley was somewhat more reticent, but a brief glance at Harry had him obediently trooping outside the door to stand guard like a schnauzer puppy- far more bark than bite, but loud enough to draw the attention of the scarier dog who was actually the guard dog (or, in this case, badger).
Once the carriage door slid shut, Dora let herself make eye contact with Harry. "Hi, Harry, my name is Dora Tonks. I'm… well, our exact relationship is complicated, but I bring greetings from your godfather."
Harry scowled. "I don' have a godfather," he said, making an admirable attempt to conceal the pain that talking must have caused him.
"You do, he was just falsely imprisoned for getting your parents killed until this month, and he's in the hospital right now," Dora replied, heart already sinking. "He asked me to keep an eye on you while I could."
Harry gave her a skeptical look.
"No, really." Dora raised her left hand, exposing the wand holster pressed to her forearm. "Puff's honor."
Dora sighed. "Look, we're not gonna get anywhere like this. Can I just cast some diagnostics on you and then leave you be until you feel ready to talk some more?"
"You're not gonna leave me alone until I do, right?" Harry asked, eyes all but glowing with intensity.
"…fine." He sat back in the bench, folding his arms over his chest like a particularly petulant pageant parent (which, for those with the fortune to have escaped exposure to, have most definitely earned their reputation as being… less than pleasant).
"Glad to hear it, kid." Dora withdrew her wand from its holster- slowly, so as to not startle the skittish boy in front of her- and then started moving it in what her mother had taught her as a standard diagnostic charm pattern.
It was not, in fact, a standard diagnostic charm- it was, in fact, a conduit, to allow the Black Family Magics to feed information to the caster.
A brief aside, on the nature of the Black Family Magics.
Like all of their counterparts in their world, the Black Family Magics were born to a purpose. That purpose was to keep the Earth safe from those who would endanger it as a whole.
It was a Black (or, at least, an ancestor of the family's) who ended the threat that Akhenaten's reign over Egypt brought, with its devotion to a creature whose very existence was papered over and replaced by Aten, a representative of the sun.
It was a Black that excised Herpo the Foul's soul from its refuge, guarded by the basilisks he created, and prevented the
thing he traded himself to from entering reality.
It was a Black (Arcturus Black, in fact) who destroyed Grindelwald's fanatic section of the Thule Society before they could bring down the walls between here and Elsewhere in retaliation for their lord being brought low by Albus Dumbledore and Newt Scamander, dooming the planet.
For the sake of brevity, I will refrain from listing the full pedigree and abilities of the Black Family Magics and merely offer what is relevant for this chapter of our story.
The Black Family Magics were, during periods of more active use, renowned for their abilities to allow their wielders knowledge beyond even the most powerful of Seers, only matched by the knowledge granted by other Family Magics within their own spheres of influence. This boon from Destiny enables its wielders to more ably defend their world- after all, one could not kill a dark wizard if they did not know where that dark wizard was. As such, it is what enabled Dora Tonks, Heir to House Black, to detect the Horcrux being held back from overtaking Harry Potter only by the strength of the improperly connected Potter Family Magics (and, at times when the Potter Family Magics fail, a different, far more ancient power), within mere moments of meeting him- first subconsciously, by way of the unease she felt towards his scar, and then consciously, by way of being fed the information (as well as a great deal more information on the history of Harry Potter, as it wrote itself upon his body like carvings on a monument) through her channeling exercise.
The Black Family Magics are also nearly unrivaled in their abilities to interface with energy flows and differentials- enchanted items, spells, flames, lightning, the like- and have used this to great effect in the past, both in the more direct execution of their duties and elsewhere. This, in turn, allowed Dora Tonks to tear the not-quite-Horcrux from Harry Potter's head and consign it to the nothingness it deserved.
Of course, not even a boon granted by the eldest of the Endless was perfect, especially when it wasn't properly directed. As such, no wizard living knew of the yet-to-be-placed mark that had been upon his back since he was born- not since Lily Potter gave her life into the care of another of the Endless for the sake of her son's.
The mark took the form of a cross with a looped top, which contained within the loop what some would call the symbol of the Deathly Hallows and others the Peverell crest.
And that's that!
I don't think the next chapter of Incense is gonna be super super soon, since I've got a bunch of half-written first chapters I want to polish up and publish as some stuff I'm working on elsewhere picks up steam, but I do know where it's going.
I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff I know I wanted to say but them's the breaks I guess
And, uh… yeah, that's it! Read, review, enjoy, and have a nice day!