Rom-Com book recommendations please!


The Authentic Fake
I just finished watching You're the Worst (which is awesome, if you haven't watched it yet what are you waiting for?) and I'm finding myself with a weird craving for Rom-Com books. I don't just want any Rom-Coms though, I'm after good shit. Therefore, because I don't have the patience to read through forty different books searching for one that isn't crap I'm asking for recommendations.

To give a brief insight into my taste things I generally enjoy are:
- Good quality writing - I don't want no 'panicked frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement'
- Realistic characters - I like characters to be at least two dimensional, though I prefer three
- Good quality plotting - you know, the normal stuff - decent foreshadowing, actions have consequences, etc. Basically I don't want 'I forgot I already killed that character off so I resurrected him to kill him again'
- Interesting storylines - anything different from 'boy meets girl, fall in love, have a fight, break up, get back together, credits roll' is nice
- I'm not a huge prude so I don't mind sex scenes, large amounts of swearing or whatever. Hell, I'll even read outright erotica as long as the writing, characters and plot are up to speck
- I'm always up for a good subversion of the standard cliches and structures, it's one of the things I liked most about You're the Worst
- Nothing absurdly dark - I don't mind some darkness where it creates drama/conflict but if you guys recommend me a novel where some girl is kidnapped, repeatedly raped and slowly falls in love with her rapist we're going to have issues.
Well... you are on a Science Fiction forum there can only be one answer!!!11

Shards of Honour by Lois McMaster Bujold

There is also Saga of the Skolian Empire by Catherina Asaro, though I can't remember anymore which ones were the romance centric, ..all of them?
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Kyou no Kerberos is a good one. It's a manga and it starts out a bit slow, but the characters are all really endearing except for one which felt a bit underdeveloped, and the story actually explores other things beyond just romcom stuff.
Do you mind regency? Cuz if not... you can't go wrong with some Georgette Heyer! Fair warning: her worldview is ...a little dated, and a lot of her couples have weird age gaps. I'd try Frederica for flat-out fun, Cotillion for subversion (but it's best if you're familiar with regency romance tropes already and the cant is really over the top in this one), and Friday's Child for sheer farce. The Grand Sophy is also a general favorite for many readers, but any rec of it should come with a heavy antisemitism warning. If regency isn't for you, I thought Heyer's Behold, Here's Poison (essentially a country house mystery) had some killer lines and a relatively sweet romance.