Rolling Stone (JoJo/Worm [AU])

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In 1939, a group of archeologists discovered ancient Aztec ruins deep within the Mexican Lacandon Jungle. Within this temple were a series of stone masks and arrows, all found within a chamber containing a perfectly preserved man within a pillar made of stone.

In 1982, a golden man appeared, hovering above the pacific ocean. Following the appearance of Scion, reports of humans suddenly developing superhuman powers began to spread all across the globe.

In 2011, the life of one young girl is irrevocably changed, and the fate of the world forever altered.

Indeed, what awaits Taylor Hebert and the Undersiders is, without question, a truly bizarre adventure.

(Co-Written with SkyRig, author of Devil Trigger)
Paint It Black 1.1


Of course you realize, this means war.
Take a Guess!
Stranger: I can't believe I let you talk me into this. Come on, man, I already have enough stories as it is.

SkyRig: Oh, don't be a baby. It's just one more story.

Stranger: Yeah, but that's how it always starts! "Oh, it's just one more story, it won't hurt!" But that thought keeps popping up, again and again, whenever someone gets a new idea! Only this time half of this is your fault!

SkyRig: Hey, I'm not the one who dropped into the rabbit hole that is JoJo.

Stranger: Just do the disclaimer, you douche.

SkyRig: Fine, fine. Neither of us owns JoJo nor Worm. Both series belong to Araki and wildbow respectively. Any relations to characters and events from real world history are purely coincidental.

Stranger: Now, on with the show!

July 20th​, 1939

The air was hot, not helped by the time of year. Summer was in full swing and the rainforests of Mexico were unforgiving. The sun bore down on them in all its angry glory.

Dario Brando, age fifty-two, wiped the sweat from his brow. His clothes were sticking to his skin, causing no small amount of discomfort. He had been here two weeks and they still made no progress. No matter how much they dug, no matter how far they went, all they found were sand, dust and empty chambers.

"I'm so tired," the man next to him said. His face was red. "How long have we been at this now?"

"Couple of hours," Dario answered. "My back is killing me."

The team arrived barely even a month ago, tasked with uncovering ruins and bringing back any artifacts and priceless treasures found within by the British Museum of Antiquity and Ancient History. The pay was good, and for every artifact found in good condition, they would get a sizable bonus. The only downside was that they could not damage the ruins too much.

Dario felt they made little progress, having broken into three chambers in the time they were here. Worst was that all the chambers they broke into were empty.

"How big do you suppose this place is?" the man asked. "Feels like we've barely scratched the surface."

Dario scoffed. "Hell if I know. I just want this fuckin' job to be done and over with. My granddaughter's waitin' for me to come home, and her birthday's around the corner."

"Oh, right. What's her name again? Maria? How old is she turning?"

"Oi, you lot!" Dario and the man winced when they heard the archeologist in charge of the exploration shout at them. "Hurry up and get moving! We're movin' on!"

Dario grunted as he pulled himself off the stone pillar he was sitting on earlier. He followed the archeologist and the rest of the excavation team. They set off once more, delving deeper into the ruins.

Pickaxes swung through the air repeatedly, smashing and breaking into walls and stone doors. Dario grunted each time he swung his pickaxe, muscles bulging and sweat pouring down his skin. He wanted this job to be finished so he could return home. He would rather be reclining on a chair, sitting in the living room with a book on his lab while watching his six-year-old granddaughter play with their dog.

He swung it down one final time. The cracks in the wall gave way and crumbled, leaving behind a sizable hole. "Finally," he muttered irritably and set his pickaxe down. Carefully, he stepped through the hole and into the chamber. Like all the others before it, it was empty and covered in a mix of vines and plant growth. Vines draped all across the walls and vegetation covered the floor. The only thing worthy of note was the mural on the wall at the far end of the chamber, depicting what looked like a man wearing a mask with a bow and arrow in his hands.

"Anything in there, Dario?!" someone called out from outside.

Dario spat on the floor. "Nothing, same as the rest of 'em! No gold, no coffin, no nothin'!"

He stomped on the ground in anger, which proved to be a mistake. The ground gave way from underneath him, sending him falling into darkness. It was a short fall, but no less painful on his aging body. Landing flat on his back, Dario groaned and wheezed, struggling to get up.

"Bloody hell! Dario, are you alright?!"

"I—" he coughed. "I'm fine…" He pushed himself off the floor, stumbling back to his feet. He looked up at the ceiling, finding a newly made hole right where he once stood. The roof of the new chamber he was in was unusually high, compared to all the others. "What in the world…?" He furrowed his brow, noticing thick, stone-like tubes running all across the ceiling and the floor. The room was took dark to see properly, but Dario could faintly make out what looked like a pillar in the middle of the room. "Hey, someone get a light down here! I think I might've found us somethin'!"

A few minutes later, the excavation team entered the chamber, propelled by a line of rope. Lanterns were lit up to reveal the chamber in full. To the amazement of the team, they found that the room was bizarre. Stone-like tubes encroached the entirety of the chamber, all leading and merging into a single pillar sitting in the middle. There were no entrances or exists, meaning there was no other way into the chamber except by digging into it.

Three things caught the attention of the excavation team. The first were the assortment of stone masks hanging from the walls of the room, each different and bearing an impression in the middle of the forehead. The second were the arrows stuck in the ground, surrounding the pillar. The last, and most important, was the humanoid figure within the stone.

Dario gasped when he saw it. It was no carving, he knew that much. It was too immaculate, too perfect. No, this was no stone portrait or mimicry of the human form. There was someone inside the pillar. Frozen for hundreds of thousands of years.

"What is all this?" he asked breathlessly.

The archeologist next to him smirked. "History, Dario. Glorious history."

Deep within the Lacandon Jungle of Mexico lays an ancient temple, preserved by the annals of history and time and defended by the jungle's ferocious nature.

In the year 1939, a group of explorers, hired by the British Museum of Antiquity and Ancient History, were tasked with excavating artifacts and priceless treasures from these ancient ruins.

They did not find treasure, but something else. Something that would forever alter the course of history.

At the time, none could have imagined what this discovery meant. Not until the advent of the existence of parahumans…

Worm × JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
"Paint It Black" Arc

March 25th, 2011

Lieutenant David Cunningham looked at his wristwatch, watching the hands slowly tick away at time. His foot tapped impatiently as he glanced at the elevator. "Come on, come on…"



The doors slid open. Stepping out of it was a man clad in blue-and-silver armor from head to toe. Most of his face was hidden behind a helm with a black visor, exposing only his mouth and thinly trimmed beard. Behind him was a woman wearing an army fatigue jacket over a green tank top and cargo jeans, a bandana bearing the American flag draped over her mouth.

"Sorry we're late," the woman with the bandanna apologized, stepping past her armored companion. "Apparently, Hookwolf and Cricket decided it was time for a rematch."

David grunted. He figured it was something along those lines, and at this point, he could not bring himself to care. Cape battles had become so ingrained in the city that the only real excitement was when the villains stayed in jail.

"So, what do you have?" the woman, Miss Militia, asked. "Any details you can give us about what happened?"

David nudged his head, becoming the two heroes to follow him. "Around 10 a.m. this morning, we got a call from the manager of the hotel saying that one of his guests was complaining about a disturbance," he explained as they walked down the hall. "The manager went to see what was going on and found the room locked. He knocked a couple of times to see if anyone was inside and heard some strange noises. Said it sounded like someone was in pain. He opened the door and found the vic strung up from the ceiling, beaten black and blue. Twenty minutes later, paramedics arrived and took him in. Guy's in a medical-induced coma and sporting more injuries than a wrestler."

Armsmaster hummed. "What do you know about the victim?"

"Married, forty something, has a twelve-year-old kid. He got fired from Medhall a while back, something about embezzling funds or something. There were some rumors going around he was abusing his wife or something. He was on vacation here with his family, but for some reason, he was the only one in the room."

The room in question, 307, was located at the end of the hall. David ushered them in. As was expected from the top floor where the penthouse was located, the room was luxurious and no doubt cost a lot of money to rent. Red velvet lined the walls, decorated with portraits of landscapes and abstract paintings. At the far back of the room was the veranda, separated by a glass entryway. It was incredibly spacious and had a second floor, accessible via a stairway on the right side. Below the stairway and second floor was the kitchen, which was teaming with investigators.

"We're looking for the wife and kid as we speak," David continued. "We found no signs of forced entry. The door has an automatic lock so only someone with the master key or with the ID card could have gotten inside. The manager always keeps the master key on his person on all times so it doesn't get stolen, and the ID card was inside the room when he went to check on the victim. It's possible someone could have rappelled themselves down from the roof or climbed up the building with some kind of equipment, but so far, we've found jack."

Miss Militia looked around the room, noticing the camera in the upper corner. "I didn't realize the Watts Hotel had cameras in the guest rooms."

"They didn't, but half a year ago, there was an incident involving some psycho who lived in the hotel. Sick bastard posed as a taxi man, picking up anyone going to the hotel and killing them mid-transit. He chopped up their bodies and placed them in suitcases." David grimaced as he remembered the specifics, stomach churning uncomfortably. "When the guy was finally got and we raided his room, we found severed limbs stuffed in the fridge. Toes and fingers were neatly cut and put in containers."

Armsmaster's stoic expression faltered for a moment. "How many victims?"

"Thirty, including children. Fucker was executed not long ago." David sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, after that shit show, the owner of the place decided to install cameras in every room, said he didn't want another incident like that to happen ever again."

"I assume you've gone over the footage?" Miss Militia asked. "You wouldn't have called us here if you didn't think there was parahuman involvement."

David nodded. "Yeah, we did. The perp entered the room, but they didn't use the veranda or the front door." He shouted at one of the officers on the upper floor. "Hey, Lawson! You got that thingamajig?"

"It's called a hard drive, sir," the officer corrected. He was a little young looking, freckles splashed over his cheeks and hair tied into a lion's tail. "And I have it right here. I double-checked the footage just to be safe."

Lawson handed the USB stick over to Armsmaster. The tinker took it and tapped a button on his gauntlet, causing a panel to open and reveal a port. He slid the USB stick into the port. Seconds later, his visor lit up and his HUD began playing the footage. To his chagrin, the footage did not have any audio, but he could make do with by analyzing body language and lip movements even if his lip reading was not very good.

It started off normally, showing the man who Armsmaster assumed was the victim interacting with a woman and a child around twelve years of age. The boy resembled the woman a great deal, sharing her red hair and deep green eyes. There were subtle cues in the body movements; the man expressed dominance and superiority, subtly threatening a woman who was afraid for herself and her child.

Abusive undertones, reactions suggest common occurrence, Armsmaster thought. The woman has a slight limp in her left leg, and her hand rubs her left elbow several times within the span of two minutes. Emotional and physical abuse, maybe?

The footage continued and showed the woman and her child preparing for bed. The man was sitting on the sofa with a drink in his hand. Just as the mother and child went upstairs, the lights went out.

Armsmaster immediately paused the video. "The lights went out at 2:32 A.M. Was there a power outage at that time in the hotel?"

Lawson flipped through the pages on his clipboard. "Give me a sec… Yeah, there was. It says here the power on the twelfth and eleventh floors went out for about twenty minutes, then came back on. The cameras run on a separate power grid, so they weren't affected by the outage."

"That must have been when the perp entered the room," Miss Militia surmised before frowning. "But why was the victim discovered seven and a half hours later?"

Armsmaster shrugged and resumed the footage. As to be expected in an unusual situation, there was panic. The man pointed a finger at the woman and child, ordering them to stay put. He was going to the entryway when he was suddenly pulled into the kitchen by what appeared to be black tendrils coming out from the wall.

He paused the footage again and turned to Miss Militia. "Parahuman activity. Black tendril-like appendages sprouted from the wall."

David suddenly spoke up. "Now that you bring that up, there was something up with the way the vic was strung up."

Miss Militia looked at the detective. "How do you mean?"

"He was hanging from what looked like threads or wire, but they were weird. They were black, and they felt wet. They were tough to cut through too! We kept a sample in a plastic bag, protocol as usual when handling evidence, but the stuff suddenly dissipated into nothing."

"Do you still have the bag? There is a chance there may be some residue left inside."

"Yeah, sure. Hey, Lawson, go grab Harley for me, would ya?"

Armsmaster ignored them and went back to the footage. The man was screaming, confused and angered and struggled against his bonds. Once again to the hero's chagrin, the cameras placed throughout the room did not have every angle covered. A black clad individual who he assumed to be the parahuman stepped into frame, back turned and wearing a black heavy trench coat with a hood, leather pants and boots.

The victim went flying into a rage, screaming profanities and demanding to be released based on what Armsmaster could gather. The parahuman made no movements. It seemed as if they were simply staring at him before they turned to find the woman and child, having come to investigate what was going on and staring in shock and horror.

From there, things turned interesting. The angle from the camera in the kitchen showed the woman going through a mix of emotions. First there was fear and apprehension as she looked at the parahuman and at her husband. Minutes later, there was hesitancy and uncertainty. Another minute and the woman took her child back upstairs. The parahuman turned their attention back to the man whose anger skyrocketed.

They're allowing them to leave, Armsmaster guessed based on what he could make out from the man's lip movement. The husband is not happy. Threatens to hunt them down and kill them when he escapes. That suggests the husband was the target of the attack.

The mother and child came back into frame, the former carrying a suitcase of luggage and holding her child's hand, flying out of the room and out the door. With the woman and child gone, the man was left to the parahuman's mercy.

What happened next was unclear, but it was yet more evidence of the parahuman's capabilities. The man began spitting blood, crying out in pain as he was suddenly assaulted by some invisible figure, battering his body at a rapid pace. For ten seconds the unseen wailing continued until the man's body went limp. His face was unrecognizable, nose bent at an angle, cheeks puffed, eyebrow swollen and lip busted. Based on the blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth, there was possible internal bleeding.

The tendrils shifted in shape, crawling up the ceiling and turning into strings that held the beaten man up. Having accomplished their work, the parahuman turned around to leave, revealing a white featureless mask under the hood.

When the parahuman left the frame, presumably having left the room the same way they came in, Armsmaster shut down the footage and removed the USB stick from his gauntlet. As he did so, Miss Militia returned. "What did you find out from the footage?"

"The husband was the target of the attack," he told her. "They allowed the wife and child to leave. Evidence suggests the rumors of him abusing his wife are true. The woman was scared out of her mind. Her face was clearly shown in the footage, so we should be able to track her down easily with facial recognition. On a more minor note, I believe we should investigate the husband's relationship. Based on what I saw, there may be truth to the rumors of his abuse."

Miss Militia nodded. "In that case, I'll handle the husband. I'll talk with Brandish and see if she would be willing to have Panacea come by and wake him up."

With everything said and done, patrol ended quickly. As usual, Armsmaster returned to Protectorate HQ with minimal fanfare, occasionally greeting PRT troopers and Protectorate suits as he made his way back to his lab. It would take some time for Dragon to find the wife and child, and Miss Militia was in the middle of talks with Carol Dallon. This left him time to work on the current project sitting in his workshop. If all went well, he could get it approved for field-testing.

He entered the hallway where his lab was located and stopped a moment to greet the recent addition to the Brockton Bay Wards. "Grace."

"A-Armsmaster, sir!" The white-clad Ward snapped into a salute.

Katherine Oldershaw, AKA Grace, was a member of the Chicago Wards. She joined only a year ago, but within that time, she became a valued member. She was here in Brockton Bay alongside a fellow Chicago Ward, Wanton, as part of a training program for the two to gain more combat experience. From a tactical standpoint, it made sense. Brockton Bay's skewed ratio of normal-to-parahuman conflicts was way above acceptable parameters, with cape fights occurring on an almost daily basis.

Another reason why the two were sent to Brockton Bay was due to a villain from Chicago being sighted in Brockton Bay. It only took them two weeks to apprehend them, but it seemed that the Director of the Chicago Protectorate branch believed Grace and Wanton could use the work experience, hence the training program.

Director Piggot was certainly not complaining. The extra help was more than welcome, and in his opinion, having more heroes in the city improved morale on both sides. In spite of the short time they have been in Brockton Bay, they already made fast friends with their fellow Wards here in Brockton Bay. Grace in particular seemed to have found camaraderie with Vista, which was beneficial for the latter. It also helped that Grace treated Vista in a way the younger girl craved. Wanton, on the other hand, was seemingly content with lounging in the background, though Assault mentioned he found the robed Ward conversing with Kid Win and Clockblocker on occasion.

"At ease," Armsmaster told the girl. "Have you finished your patrol?"

"Yes, there wasn't much trouble on our end," Grace replied before frowning. "That said… I have to ask, but has Shadow Stalker always been so...?"

"Difficult?" He felt the corner of his lips tug upward. This was hardly the first time someone complained about the girl. "Shadow Stalker does have trouble working with others. I trust she did not act too badly?"

She shook her head. "No, but she certainly wasn't one for conversation. She also has the worst potty mouth I've ever heard."

"You'll find that plenty of people tend to swear like a sailor here," Armsmaster shrugged. "For what it is worth, Shadow Stalker is competent, if a little overzealous. It may be difficult at first, but once you get to know her, you find ways of dealing with her."

"With all due respect, sir, I don't think we'll ever get along."

I'm all too aware of that, Armsmaster thought to himself.

Shadow Stalker's behavior certainly did not endear her to the older capes within the PRT, much less the Wards. Director Piggot herself did not care much for her, considering her a potential risk. Her recruitment was sung like some kind of gold-star redemption story, though in truth it was anything but. Although she complied with her orders, she never did so without making some sort of complaint. Her relationship with the other Wards was rough, for lack of a better word.

"Be that as it may, she is still a member of the team," he reminded Grace. "The best you can do is to grin and bear with it. That said, if she does do anything that may cause some concern, be sure to report it to myself or Miss Militia."

"Of course, sir!"

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me…"

He bid the Chicago Ward farewell and entered his lab. The door slid shut behind him while the room lit up, revealing his workshop in its entirety. Countless pieces of machinery, failed projects and gadgets awaiting approval scattered about in organized piles. Resting on top of a raised table was his halberd,disassembled with its insides exposed.

Armsmaster removed his helmet, but kept his armor on. While he was technically off the clock so to speak, there was a chance he would have to deploy back out into the field. It was more efficient to keep his armor on in case of such an event.

He grabbed his tools and immediately went to work, though not before he punched in some keys on his command console.

I see a red door
And I want it painted black
No colors anymore
I want them to turn black

"God dammit, Ethan…"

Every now and then, Assault got it into his head that Armsmaster should 'loosen up' once in a while. With such thoughts in mind, the red-clad villain-turned-hero occasionally snuck into his lab and played around with his computer. On the one hand, Armsmaster did appreciate listening to music once in a while as he worked. Studies showed that listening to music did have a psychological boost in morale and helped the individual focus. On the other hand, some of Assault's choices left much to be desired.

Before the tinker could remove the damn song from his console, one of the monitors nearby lit up. "I never knew you were a Rolling Stones fan," Dragon commented with a cheery smile.

"I'm not," he grumbled irritably. "I'm more of a Dylans' fan. Ethan's taste in music is awful."

"I wouldn't go that far," Dragon said. "Everyone has different likes and dislikes. The Rolling Stones are one of the few bands from the 1960s that are still incredibly popular."

He really did have to ask why she knew such trivial facts one of these days. Armsmaster stopped the song and went to work. Soon, sounds of sparks and cutting filled the workshop. As he worked, he and Dragon began to converse.

"I ran a background check on the victim of the Watts Hotel case you're on. His name is Floyd Raymond, a long-time office worker with Medhal pharmaceuticals before he was fired for embezzlement. The strange thing about him was that he had an otherwise spotless record."

"People change over time. Maybe Raymond got greedy?"

"It's possible, but I doubt that. The wife's name is August Casey. Straight A student from when she was in high school, high scores all around in college, even took a history class about Aztec culture. She married Floyd in 99, around the same time she gave birth to her daughter, Audrey. From everything else I'm reading they seem like the picture-perfect couple."

Armsmaster tilted the halberd to its side, carefully angling the edge of the blade so it was propped up against the surface of the table. The halberd's shaft opened up, revealing the circuits, wires, and modulars inside.

"I take it there's a but somewhere in there."

"Around a year ago, sometime after he was fired from his job, August was admitted to Brockton General Hospital after suffering a major head injury. Floyd claimed she fell down the stairs and hit her head on the way down, but looking at the x-rays, the shape and size of the indenture in her skull resembles something made by a golf club. Floyd has a Gold Membership card for the Wyman Gentleman's Golf Club."

Armsmaster hummed thoughtfully. "If he turned abusive right after he was discovered for his embezzlement, and he sent his wife to the hospital… Is it possible she was the one who reported the embezzlement?"

"That is what I believe," Dragon nodded. She was about to continue when she suddenly stopped. "Oh, that's the alert I prepped. I found August and Audrey. It seems they're in the Commercial District. Address is 7391 Cobbler Avenue."

"A roach motel," Armsmaster scoffed. He briefly moved away from the table and went back to his console, contacting Miss Militia. "Miss Militia, we've found the wife and daughter. They're in a roach motel in the Commercial District. Address is Cobbler Avenue, 7391."

"I know which one you're talking about," his colleague said. "I'll head over right away."

"Any word on the husband?"

"I was able to get in contact with Brandish. She agreed to have Panacea have a look at him. I told her to wait until you were finished on your end."

He smiled in appreciation for her foresight. "Thank you, I'm on my way now."

When Armsmaster arrived at Brockton General Hospital, he found it in a state of disarray. Patients on stretches carried to and from rooms, some in medical garbs and others in street clothes. The battle against Hookwolf and Cricket came to his mind, but he dismissed the possibility almost immediately. The battle involved next to no civilians, and any that were present were smart enough to stay the hell away. By the look of it, their injuries stemmed from accidents.

If it isn't cape violence, it's the city itself causing problems, he thought wearily. He walked over to the nurse's station while his eyes roamed the reception room. Even in a safe place such as this, he felt a need to keep vigilant.

"Excuse me," he said to the nurse behind the counter. "I'm looking for Floyd Raymond's room."

The nurse ("Maria" her nametag read) typed away at her computer without looking up. "One moment," she said. A few keystrokes later and she looked back up. "Room 201, second floor, east wing. Brandish and Panacea are waiting for you."

"Thank you," he said as he bowed his head.

After a few wrong turns and asking for directions, Armsmaster finally arrived at the victim's room. He made sure he had the right one by looking at the nameplate and the nametag before knocking. "It's Armsmaster."

"Come in," he heard a woman say from the other side.

Armsmaster opened the door and stepped inside. Floyd Raymond lay in his bed, bandages wrapped around his face and all across his chest, an oxygen mask strapped over his mouth. He found Panacea sitting at his bed side, reading a book while her mother loomed over like some kind of hawk.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule," he began as he shook hands with the New Wave hero. "I apologize for any inconvenience."

Brandish shook her head. "It's fine. Miss Militia already informed me of the situation. This man was the target of a parahuman crime?"

"Yes, though we currently have no leads on the parahuman in question. So far, all we have is speculation, and the only thing we know for certain is that they can create shadow-like tendrils that evaporate after nine-to-ten hours. I will send you the relevant files later, if you want."

"That would be greatly appreciated in case we run into your mystery cape," Brandish nodded before looking at Floyd's comatose form. "Will this man be problematic? I understand that he is potentially engaging in abusive behavior against his wife."

"There's evidence to support those rumors, but for now, I'm curious as to why he was attacked. Is it possible for Panacea to wake him?"

The aforementioned healer, who up to this point was silent, finally spoke. "It shouldn't be too difficult," she said while bookmarking her page. She set the book down on the table next to her and stood up. "The medical stuff already told me what I'm looking for. A couple of bust ribs, partial caved-in skull, hairline fractures, and at least six different broken bones. I can purge the drugs in his system and heal him back up, but going by what I've been hearing about him so far, I don't think he will be in a good mood."

Armsmaster considered that point as well. From what little he saw of Floyd Raymond's character from the security footage, the man was terribly unpleasant. On the other hand, his tone would change if he was in the presence of two well-known heroes, one being a lawyer.

"I believe I shall manage," he said after a moment of thought. "If anything, I believe he will be in a mood to cooperate with Brandish around."

Carol nodded in agreement and looked at her daughter. "Do it."

Panacea gently removed the oxygen mask from Floyd's face before placing a hand on his arm. It was times like this the tinker wished he knew what was happening inside a person's body when Panacea began healing them. Panacea's power was one of the few in the world capable of healing on top of being incredibly potent. Even if the person she was healing was missing a limb, a portion of their brain, or even organs, she could heal them back to tip-top shape. She earned her name and then some.

It only took a few seconds before Floyd began stirring. His eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly and adjusting to the light before he took notice of Armsmaster and Brandish.

"W-what? What the fuck? What's—" He shook his head. "Where the hell am I?"

"You are currently in Brockton General Hospital," Brandish said evenly in spite of the impressive glare she directed at him. "You were in a medically induced coma until my daughter healed you. I believe we do not need an introduction?"

Floyd gulped, realizing whom he was dealing with. "W-what can I do for you?"

"At 10:06 a.m., you were discovered by the Watts Hotel manager, beaten and rendered unconscious." Armsmaster went straight to the point, recounting information he considered relevant. "Upon being treated, you were placed in a medically induced coma. Had Panacea not treated you, you would likely be spending several weeks, if not months, in the doctors' care. That is irrelevant, however. The reason I am here is to ask you about what led to you being assaulted."

Floyd turned flabberghasted. "I was—what? Why the hell was I found hours after that bitch beat the shit out of me?!"

At least his memory is intact, Armsmater noted idly before pausing. "Your attacker was female?"

"I think so," the man grunted. "I couldn't tell what they looked like behind the mask and coat, but I definitely heard a woman's voice." He turned his head to the side, scowling in anger and muttering under his breath. Armsmaster's helmet heard every word. The man was definitely not happy if his "colorful" vocabulary was any indication.

"We checked the security footage in your room," Armsmaster continued. "And when police searched it, they found no signs of forced entry. Do you know how your attacker managed to get inside your room?"

"Power bullshit, that's how. She just came crawling out of the shadows!"

The Protectorate hero leaned in. "Please elaborate."

"I was going inside the kitchen to see if I could call the manager and ask if there was a power outage. Second I get inside, these black tentacles suddenly sprout from out of the wall and dangle me in the air. Next thing I know, the freak comes walking out from the corner! I know for a fact she wasn't hiding there! It was like she just showed up out of nowhere!"

Breaker, possible mover as well, he thought. Her power must be similar to Shadow Stalker's then. This would explain the blackout and how she entered and left the hotel room without being seen. She turned off the power on the upper floors and turned into a shadow to sneak inside the room, then left the same way she came in.

"Mr. Raymond," Brandish said. "Do you have any idea why you were attacked by this unknown parahuman?"

Floyd scoffed. "Hell if I know. The bitch didn't tell me a thing."

Armsmaster's HUD flashed red. "You're lying."

The man balked. "W-what?"

"My helmet is outfitted with a lie detector. Just now, when you said you have no idea why you were attacked, you lied. Why?"

"I—that's—" Floyd's face turned red. "Look, does it matter?! Isn't it your job to find this bitch and cart her ass off to jail or wherever it is you freaks belong?!"

Brandish's face turned stony. "Does this have anything to do with your wife?"


"We know you've been abusing your wife," Armsmaster said. "We also suspect it was she who reported your embezzlement."

"Where the fuck do you—"

Armsmaster stepped forward. Floyd clammed up when he saw the armored hero standing over him. "Mr. Raymond," Armsmaster said coldly. "It would be in your best interest to explain why you were targeted by this unknown parahuman. If you have yet to realize, you are not in a very good position." He leaned down and looked Floyd in the eye. "Now, please… Start from the beginning. Before this gets ugly."

Floyd gulped, earlier anger and bravado forgotten. Internally, Armsmaster smiled to himself. Possible PR backlash aside, intimidation really did go a long way. He was sure to catch hell from his boss if she learned about it, though. A problem for another time.

"Hnrgh… F-fine, fine. I'm not sure if it's actually the reason why the bitch attacked me, but a little while ago, a buddy of mine came to me with a business deal. Said he could score me a job that paid well. All I had to do was deliver stuff for him on occasion."

Brandish narrowed her eyes. "Narcotics?"

"I got no idea. When the shadow bitch showed up, all she said was, 'Stop what you're doing, or you can expect another visit from me'."

"Then you have no idea what sort of packages were asked to deliver?"

"Didn't ask. Thought it was better if I didn't know."

Armsmaster looked at Brandish. An unspoken conversation occurred between them and they nodded, the former taking his leave. He stopped just outside the door when he heard Brandish begin her own interrogation. He did not pity Floyd in the slightest, not when he was scum. He was no gang banger or villainous cape looking to dominate the city, but he was part of the rot infesting Brockton Bay.

It felt good dealing with problems that often went unnoticed, even if they didn't earn him as much prestige as he would busting criminals.

In the meantime, he had leads to pursue. If this unknown parahuman targeted Floyd for his deliveries, then the first place to start looking into them would be finding out what it was inside the packages Floyd delivered.

Armsmaster tapped the button on the side of his helm, opening up communications between him and his colleague. "Miss Militia, this is Armsmaster. I've spoken with Floyd Raymond."

"What did you find out?"

"First off, our mystery cape is female with powers similar to Shadow Stalker. For the moment, I'm classifying her as a mover/breaker. Floyd believes she attacked him for possible drug trafficking. After his termination from Medhall, a friend of his offered to hook him up with a new job in exchange for delivering parcels. Floyd has no idea what was inside the packages."

"Are you sure its drugs?"

"It is a possibility, but there's also a chance it could be something else. Did you find August Raymond and her daughter?"

"I did. She was the whistleblower."

"Did she have any idea why our mystery cape let her go?"

"Apparently, she told August that half of her husband's assets were transferred to her bank account. She was also given a plane ticket for Hawaii, which is scheduled to take off two hours from now. From the sounds of it, our mystery cape is a vigilante."

Armsmaster grimaced. "My favorite kind of cape… Perfect."

He could already tell this was going to be troublesome…

Stranger: …god that was painful.

SkyRig: What was? Writing this with me?

Stranger: No, looking after my roommie. Let me tell you, watching someone suffer from covid is painful for a lot of reasons, especially if its someone you know. She's getting better, thankfully.

SkyRig: Well, that's good at least. Anyway, before people start raising questions, Armsmaster isn't the protagonist.

Stranger: God, no. No offense to discount Iron Man, but he would make a boring protagonist. He's simply one of the POV characters we have in mind for the opening arc. The next chapter will focus on Taylor. By the way, you're turn, Sky.

SkyRig: Suh-weeeeet~
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Paint It Black 1.2
TheStranger: …you gotta be kidding me. A double tap?

SkyRig: Well, you do remember the guy we focused on last chapter was Colin, and he's not very exciting to write.

TheStranger: I wouldn't say that.

SkyRig: If you say so. Anyway, here's some Taylor-y goodness!

TheStranger: On with the show!

March 23, 2011

I stood in front of the building, staring at the sign with trepidation. There was a knot in my stomach I couldn't quite place. Was I anxious, worried? I suppose I was. Nothing's ever really felt the same for a long time. I finally found a routine, a motion that I could repeat, but the scars were still there.

I took a deep breathe and steel my nerves. I walked up to the door, gently pushing it open. Music from when Dad was my age was playing on an old worn-out radio on the reception desk. Stacy was there like always, flipping through a magazine about boy bands Emma would have been interested in.

"Hi, Stacy, I'm here for my appointment."

The receptionist barely even looked up at me as she pressed a finger on the receiver on her desk. "Mr. Merrick, Taylor's here to see you."

"Send her in!" the man on the other end ordered.

Stacy let go of the button, finally looking up at me. "Head on up, sweetie."

I hated how she called me 'sweetie' when she didn't even mean it. Then again, that was how she was; whenever I saw her interacting with other people here to see Mr. Merrick, she'd address them with the same bored, bland tone and expression. I don't think she knew how to smile.

I gave a curt nod and made my way up the stairs. Mr. Merrick's office was on the second floor, same as always. The office was quiet save for the music blaring from the old radio downstairs, and there was no one around. It's not surprising, though, given how early in the morning it is.

I knock on Mr. Merrick's door three times and wait. The door opened shortly after, revealing one of the few adults that actually gave a damn about me.

"You're a little early, aren't you?" Mr. Merrick asked me.

He's not much older than my dad, and looked just as disheveled as he did some days. His hair was an absolute mess, his shirt wrinkled and his necktie hanging lower than it should. Sometimes I think he actually slept in his clothes.

I followed him inside. "I didn't have anything better to do," I shrugged. "Plus, I don't have any school today."

"No plans to hang out with friends?"

"I…haven't made any yet."

Mr. Merrick made a noise of some kind, but I couldn't make it out. He closed the door behind me and moved to his usual seat. I sat myself down on the dingy old couch across from him. I took notice of the open window in the far back of the room and half-eaten cup of noodles on his desk.

"Excuse the mess, I was having breakfast before you came," he smiled slightly as he took out his recorder. "Is it alright if I record today's session?" I nodded. He pressed the button on top of the recorder, prompting the light to flash red. He then set it down on the coffee table. "Okay, then. Let's start off with the same question I ask you every time we do this song and dance. You can choose not to answer it if you don't want to. All I ask is that you please be honest. Now, how are you feeling?"

I closed my eyes to recount my thoughts. The sneering laughter was still there, but it was distant, just as it was before the last time I came here.

"…dealing. I'm dealing with it, day by day, same as usual."

"And how are things at school?"

"They're…good, I guess." It was the truth. School was going good so far. The teachers weren't treating me like I was fragile and respected my boundaries. "My grades are better than they used to be, and I don't have to look over my shoulder every five seconds. People barely even notice me."

"What about friends? Have you made any?"

A few faces flashed through my head; a blonde-haired girl with a smile so bright it could light up the room, a red-head with a Cheshire smile, and other friendly faces. I pushed them away when their smiles began turning more malicious. I always thought that, if I let my guard down, they showed who they really were. It was so hard to think otherwise. They meant well, I knew it, but every time I think I can open up, their fucking faces show up.

"…I'm not sure," I answer honestly. "There are these people who ask me to hang out with them. One of them's really pushy. She keeps trying to rope me into these group events."

Mr. Merrick jotted something down on his clipboard. "Do you think she's being annoying?"

"Sometimes, but she knows when to give up. She stops if she thinks she's being uncomfortable or if I want to be left alone." I sink into the couch. "I… I really do want to be friends with her, it's just…"

"When you think about friends, the first thing that comes to mind is Emma, right?" I grimaced, but nodded in affirmation. "Thankfully, I've never been in your shoes or experienced what you have, but I can imagine that being betrayed by someone you thought of as a sister hurt you deeply. Those sorts of wounds don't heal overnight. They take time to heal, and only if you let them heal. If you ask me, the fact that you want to be friends with this girl is a sign of progress."

I frowned. "It doesn't feel like I'm moving on, though."

"You're taking baby steps, Taylor. That's all that matters," Mr. Merrick said warmly. "Now, about this girl… What makes you want to be friends with her?"


Many things about her drew me in, though the most glaringly obvious reason was that she was not Emma. Sure, she was popular and had a social circle big enough to fill a classroom, but she was not stuck up. There were times she acted haughty, but it was all in good fun. She had ability, and she used it to look after her friends and others. She was the exact opposite of Emma.

None of that was what drew me in, though. It was the simple fact that—

"…she's nice," I said. "When we first met, she asked me if I liked Arcadia better than Winslow." I snorted. "Not that that's hard to do."

Mr. Merrick's lips curled into a wry grin. "I imagine so. Actually, speaking about Winslow, have you heard the news?"

"How can I not? Dad's been pretty vocal about it."

My relationship with my dad was never the best after Mom died until recently. He threw himself headfirst into his work, barely paying attention to anything else and working himself to the bone to give me an education and better future. Of course, that also meant he missed the blatantly obvious signs of the bullying, like the stains on my clothes or the amount of backpacks I went through. That was not to say he was entirely at fault; half the reason he never noticed was that I never told him how bad things were getting. I mean, how could I tell him that my former best friend suddenly made it her life's goal to make me as miserable as possible?

After the incident, Dad sobered up. Things were still tense, but he was making the effort to mend the damage, and Mr. Merrick encouraged me to do the same. How was Dad supposed to be able to do anything if I didn't trust him to go the extra mile? The early days of counseling and therapy were parent-and-child sessions, with Mr. Merrick helping me every step of the way. To be honest, I wasn't keen on the idea at first, not until I met the man in person and went through one session. He was not pushy or condescending. He was patient and listened to what I had to say.

Dad did go the extra mile, and he did not do it by halves, either. He lit the powder keg Winslow had been sitting on for years, and he did so by rallying every parent and talking to the Brockton Bay School District. He even managed to hire a lawyer to help him file a lawsuit against the school. It was not going to be easy by any means, but Dad wanted to make sure everyone knew just how bad things at Winslow were.

"Blackwell's managed to fight off some protests and allegations, but even she'll have to be sweating bullets," Mr. Merrick noted. "Are you happy about that, considering all you've gone through?"

I did not smile. "Not really," I admitted to him. "I mean, I'm glad the school's getting a bloody nose thanks to this, but it's not going to change the fact that the Trio get to walk scot-free."

"Perhaps, but you know never what the future holds. Assuming this whole thing goes through, Blackwell and some teachers may be forced to resign."

"No offense, Mr. Merrick, but I'm not holding my breath."

After all, there was no guarantee the possible new teachers and principal wouldn't repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.

Perhaps he sensed this was a dead end or this was making me depressed, but Mr. Merrick wisely changed topics. "How are things at home? Are things still tense between you and Danny?"

For once, I give a genuine smile. "They are, but I know he's trying his best. The other day, we went through some of Mom's things. He…" I stopped and shook my head. "We never set foot in the basement since Dad packed away all her things and put them down there. We were still hurting, and thinking about her was… It was painful. We weren't ready."

"I take it you were this time?"

"No, but… We had to do this, I think. It felt like…"

It felt like closure, in a sense. Maybe even reconciliation. Ever since that day in the basement, I could never forget the sight of my Dad, the iron pillar of the DWU, crying while holding the photograph of his wedding day. Seeing Mom in a snow-white wedding dress drove me to tears. The thought of it almost made my eyes misty.

"It'll be a while before we ever get things back to how they were, but I think we're making progress."

Mr. Merrick smiled warmly. "You must feel happy about that."

"I do."

He jotted something down again. Idly, I wondered what it was he was writing on his clipboard. "Aside from school and things at home, what have you been up to? Have you taken up any hobbies, like I suggested?"

"I haven't found a hobby, but I did land myself a part-time job," I said. "The pay's good, and the co-workers are nice."

"Are your co-workers good people?"

I nodded. "They are. One of them has been helping me learn the ropes and taught me some stuff. There's this one girl who's a little rough around the edges, though. She's not a bad person, but she's…" How do I put this? "She's not what you call a people person, I guess?"

"Most aren't people persons," Mr. Merrick joked. "They just need to surround themselves with people they are comfortable with. Like you and that girl you want to be friends with."

"Try telling her that," I said with a shrug. "There's another co-worker that's kind of hard to deal with, if only because she's a know-it-all. She likes riling people up for no reason, except maybe for amusement's sake."

At this, Mr. Merrick grew concerned. "Is she—"

"She's a good person," I interjected quickly. "She has her flaws, but she's a good person. She's the one who's been showing me the ropes at my new job."

"I see…" He didn't seem very convinced. "If you're certain. I doubt I need to tell you this, and far be it from me to tell you how to live your life, but you should be cautious about who you make friends with."

He did not have to tell me that. I knew that better than anyone. In a way, he was right about the people I should put my trust in. Although I said my co-worker was a good person, she was also ruthless.

…then again, so was I.

Mr. Merrick glanced at the clock on the wall. "We still have plenty of time before you go. Is there anything in particular you want to talk about? Perhaps over another game?"

"What did you have in mind?"

He rose from his chair and went to the shelf next to the door. "You have your choice, Jenga or Uno."

I give him a wry smile. "What, no chess?"

"Oh no, not this time. I've learned my lesson after the last few times you've kicked my ass."

My therapy session with Mr. Merrick lasted all the way until noon. The worries still fluttering in my stomach were still there, but they lessened considerably. I had a good, clear idea of what it was I should do. In fact, I have already resolved myself to it.

As I bid Stacy goodbye and leave the building, my phone goes off in my pocket. I pull it out and see the caller ID. I answer it moments later. "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Taylor," my father—Dany Hebert—greeted back. "Where are you? I went to ask if you wanted breakfast, but you weren't in your room."

"I went to go see Mr. Merrick," I told him. "I'm sorry, I should have told you."

"No, it's fine, honey. I should have realized you had an appointment with him today. So, how did it go?"

"Pretty good, all things considered. We were playing Uno for a while. I told him how things were going at school."

I could practically hear Dad's smile over the phone. "Was he surprised when you told him you were friends with Glory Girl?"

"I told him we weren't friends, just acquaintances."

"The stories you tell me since you started at Arcadia tell me otherwise."

I rolled my eyes as I walked. I had a meeting with my co-workers at the mall today, and the last thing I wanted was to be late. "Dad, I sat with her only one time."

"Yeah, and you were smiling about it." Dad went silent for a moment. "Honey, I know it's hard to trust people after what happened with…" He took a shaky breath. "With Emma, but look at the person who wants to be friends with you. Victoria Dallon's a superhero for god's sake. I sincerely doubt she would want to be friends with only to stab you in the back."

I knew Dad was right. Victoria was a hero, her job was to help people. She made it clear that her public persona was just as well-meaning if she was going out of her way to try and befriend me.

I really am trying my best, but every time…


I repeated the motions; breathe in and out. "…she wants to hang out with me after school on Monday, take me out for some girl talk."

Dad sounded hopeful. "Did you…?"

"I'll give it some thought."

He accepted the compromise for what it was. "That's all I'm asking for, sweetie. I know it can't be easy for you."

"That's what therapy is for," I replied cheekily. "Speaking of, Mr. Merrick, I have another appointment in two weeks."

"Alright, I'll be sure to mark it down on the calendar. Are you on your way home?"

"No, not yet. Lisa said she wanted to hang out." There was a brief silence over the phone, making me worry. "Dad?"

"…and you said you weren't making any friends."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Love you, Taylor."

I closed my cell phone and stashed it away in my winter coat. What is it with fathers feeling the need to tease their daughters…?

I arrived at the mall to find it unusually crowded. At this time, it was usually the Walking Dead with hardly anyone around the employees looking as though they had not slept in days. The front entrance in particular was crowded, though I soon saw why.

A familiar mocha-colored teen was standing over a skinhead, who was currently nursing a bloody nose. Behind was Alec, sporting a black eye and a busted lip.

"Y-you motherfucking—"

Brian silenced him with a quick kick in the face. Myself and the crowd winced, hearing the abnormally loud 'crack'. The skinhead fell to the ground in a groaning, unconscious heap, blood dribbling from a bent nose.

With the show over and done with, the crowd started to disperse. Brian was busy checking up on Alec when I made myself known, approaching the two while keeping a careful eye on the downed neo-Nazi. "What the hell happened?"

"Mr. White Supremacist tried to make a show, what else?" Alec hissed as he touched his lip.

"I mean, how did you let him hit you? Normally you'd be dancing around pricks like this."

Alec turned his head and whistled innocently, completely ignoring me. Brian suddenly found the store across from us to be a more interesting sight despite it being closed down. I sighed and shook my head, wondering how in the world these guys became the first friends I made since Winslow.

…then again, for all their faults and quirks, they were the ones who helped me when I needed it.

"Whatever," I said. "Where's Lisa? Is she here yet? What's this all about anyway?"

Brian nudged his head to the side. "A new job came in for us. Lisa's talking with the client."

"The pay's really good this time," Alec said with a grin. "And from the sounds of it, we might be seein' some action."

I narrowed my eyes. "Cape?"

"Worse," Brian grunted. "Come on, Lisa'll explain it us when we get there."

TheStranger: This is oddly short.

SkyRig: Well, of course it is. I'm teasing the audience while painting a picture, one section at a time.

TheStranger: Of course you are. *rolls eyes* Well, my turn then. Hold on to your butts, everyone. We're going back to discount Iron Man.

SkyRig: Do we have to? Can't we just skip to the good stuff?

TheStranger: You do remember what happened when you tried to do that with your new fanfic
Re;cursion don't you?

SkyRig: Hey, it'll catch on eventually! I just have to show it constant love and attention.

TheStranger: Riiiiight…
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Paint It Black 1.3

TheStranger: See, this is what happens when you set time aside and when you aren't working on anything really important at the moment. Or when your roommie isn't trying to kill herself.

SkyRig: Oof. She still has covid?

TheStranger: Oh no, she's on the fast track for recovery. It's her clumsyness that's the problem. She nearly killed herself by tripping over a stack of books and hit her head on the desk.

SkyRig: Ouch. That must've hurt.

TheStranger: She has a huge ass bruise on her forehead. She jokes she got it from a war with her desk, though. Anyways, that's enough banter.

SkyRig: On with the show!

March 26, 2011

The call came in early in the morning, far quicker than what Armsmaster was expecting. He was expecting it days later, though he was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He left his lab and went to the garage, hopped on his bike, and made his way toward the police station.

When he arrived, Detective Ruby Teusday was waiting for him. The last he saw her was a year or so ago during a joint operation against an Empire warehouse, and since then she sprouted a few gray hairs. She was at least 53, and in spite of that, she was a blue-blood down to her bones. Her sense of justice was comparable to a hardened Protectorate cape veteran, honed and refined from thirty-plus years of service and coming from a family of distinguished cops.

"Armsy," Ruby greeted with a lopsided grin. "Been a while!"

Armsmaster nodded his head in return. "It has. I'm surprised you haven't retired."

"The only way that's happening is when I'm a foot in the grave, and not a moment sooner. As much as I would like to catch up with you, I'm pretty sure you're here for business." Ruby jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. "We got him squared up in the interrogation room. Follow me."

He entered the BBPD headquarters, trailing after the older woman while ignoring the mixed looks he received from the other officers.

The relationship between the Brockton Bay Police Department and the Protectorate East-North-East was always tense. The police officers who gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend the city to the best of their ability were almost always outmatched by the gangs and capes that ruled over it. If it was not that, then it was the fact that they were almost always upstaged by the heroes. There was a feeling of jealousy and animosity brewing there, hidden beneath the guises of cooperation and civility.

The number of officers who worked with the PRT with no such problems were few, but they were excellent officers nonetheless. Ruby and Cunningham were perhaps the most exemplary, though in the case of the former, she had been around since cape first appeared. She was here for some of Brockton Bay's wildest events, such as the Teeth driven out, the fall of Marquis, the inception of Kaiser's reign, etc.

Perhaps it was because of her familiarity and understanding of parahuman conflicts that Ruby held no such feelings of animosity towards the Protectorate.

"How did you find him so quickly?" Armsmaster asked as they entered an elevator. "I was expecting you to take at least two or three days."

Ruby smirked. "A little bit of luck and a lot of coincidence. Your friend's the suspect of an ongoing investigation. Around three months ago, sometime after the holidays were over and done with and schools started back up, a new type of drugs have been hitting the market. Not sure where it came from or who made it, but somebody's been distributing the stuff ever since. Shit's worse than heroin if you ask me. Lab can't make heads or tails of it, either. The way they described it, half the stuff its made of is custom-made."

The tinker hummed thoughtfully. "Is there a chance it could be a cape product?"

"That's what I've been thinking myself. It's also why I asked you to come to the station instead of doin' it over those damn computer screens."

Armsmaster smiled wryly. "I see you are still inept with technology."

"Hardy har har, laugh it up, tin man."

The elevator came to a stop, reaching their destination. Ruby led Armsmaster down a dull gray hallway, passing by several steel-plated doors with no windows. Above each door was a light – a warning system meant to sound off in case something went wrong. They reached the end of the hall, stopping in front of the last door. Ruby opened it and ushered the man inside, following after him.

It was an observation room, adjacent to the interrogation room. A one-way viewing mirror was fixed on the wall, showing the room in question. The walls were dull gray and the only light source was a light fixture in desperate need of repairs. Its sole occupant was an obese man wearing a short-sleeved v-neck two sizes too small, exposing his stomach and denim jeans that hugged his hips. Copious amounts of sweat poured down his skin in waves.

"That him?"

Ruby nodded. "Dwayne Caspar, ex-member of the Merchants. From what I heard, Skidmark kicked his ass out of the gang and beat the ever-loving shit out of him when he found out he was sampling the merchandise. Broke his knee and four of his fingers to get the point across."

Figures, Armsmaster scoffed. A man involved in narcotics was part of the Merchants.

He paused at that line of thought as an idea occurred to him, unlikely as it was. "This new drug, is it possible Skidmark is the distributer?"

"If he was, he woulda announced it to the whole damn world," Ruby snorted in amusement. "And if word on the street's right, he's fucking livid somebody's been selling drugs without his say so, much less that they didn't let him in on it."

"And you're certain Dwayne Caspar is the one who asked Floyd Raymond to deliver the drugs?"

"He's got Floyd's number in his cell, made numerous calls over the past month, and the two have a history together. Ol' Dwayne here was the best man at his wedding."

Armsmaster could not help but wonder how in the world a man who fell into drug abuse was friends with a white-collar worker. There was some sort of inconsistency, something he could not make out.

"Has he said anything?"

Ruby shook her head. "Not a thing, but I imagine he'll change his tune when you walk in there. Let me know how it goes, yeah?"

"You won't be staying?"

"I have to report to my boss. He's not real happy I brought you in, even if this case has parahuman bullshit written all over it." Ruby walked over to the door, only stopping when she had her hand wrapped around the doorknob. "Try not to make him piss all over himself. Despite how it looks, cleaning that room is a bitch."

He smiled in amusement and nodded. When Ruby left, he made his way into the interrogation room. The moment he stepped inside, Dwayne's face rapidly paled to the point he looked like a corpse.

"Hello," he said gruffly. "I am Armsmaster of the Protectorate. I have questions for you."

Guiltily, he thought of how he never got tired of watching poor bastards like these shit themselves in fear of him.

The moment Armsmaster started the interrogation Dwayne started singing like a jailbird. He fully admitted to the hero that he gave a courier job to Floyd Raymond, albeit leaving out the part that he was dealing drugs. Unsurprisingly, however, Dwayne himself did not know what was in those drugs and only came into possession of them very recently. He knew nothing of the other distributors nor what sort of effects the drugs had on people. The only reason he even had the drugs was because someone approached him for a job offer.

When Armsmaster returned to headquarters, the first thing he did was go to his lab with the unknown narcotics in tow. He set up a connection between himself, Dragon, and Director Piggot. He believed this was a more efficient means of informing her of what was going on instead of submitting a document.

"We've analyzed the components of the narcotics Armsmaster obtained from Detective Teusday," Dragon began. "A third of the chemicals and compounds are typical in drugs like cocaine and heroin, but the rest is not producible by normal means."

Director Piggot narrowed her eyes. "Define normal."

"I count at least 24 compounds that should be lethal to humans," Armsmaster said. "Yet simulations show no hostile reactions. There are also 17 compounds that affect hormones by a significant margin. These compounds amplify specific parts of the brain to unsafe levels."

"The drugs seem to be designed to simulate the feeling of OD," Dragon continued. "That alone is dangerous, but that is not even the worst of it."

"From what you just told me, this drug is trying to artificially cause whoever takes it to overdose. What could possibly make this worse than it already is?"

Dragon grimaced. "If mine and Armsmaster's analysis is correct, the drug is designed to not only artificially cause an OD, but to attack the brain. A specific part of the brain."

Realization dawned on the Director's face. "…they're targeting the Corona Pollentia. Is whoever distributing these drugs trying to cause people to Trigger?"

"Results are inconclusive, but the possibility is there. Another possibility is that the drug is meant to target rogue capes, parahumans who would rather live a normal life rather than the cape lifestyle. We're still studying the narcotic, but preliminary investigation suggests the drug might possibly be designed to cripple the Corona Pollentia, sabotaging possible Trigger events. If we look at it this way…"

"Then it's possible the drug is ro try and cripple anyone who can Trigger, i.e. everyone in this city," Piggot groaned. "When you know everything about this damn thing, I want that report on my desk the second you do and not a moment sooner. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a call to make."

The Director cut the connection, leaving the two heroes by themselves. They shared a meaningful look of concern. "I imagine she will be calling Chief Director Costa-Brown," he guessed. "So far, these drugs have only been distributed in Brockton Bay. If this is capable of what we think it is, there's a high chance this won't remain an isolated incident."

"At least now we know why Skidmark isn't involved," Dragon said. "It's dangerous to parahumans and anyone that hasn't undergone a Trigger Event."

"Which makes sense for it to be distributed here of all places."

In all the time he spent in Brockton Bay, it never ceased to amaze him how corrupt the city was. Gangs all but controlled it, the heroes were struggling to make a dent, and cape conflicts were a daily occurrence. The city had become a time bomb waiting to happen. In his opinion, it was a wonder how there were not more Triggers happening.

"Did Dwayne ever saw who approached him to help distribute this drug?" Dragon asked.

"Funny you should mention that." Armsmaster tapped a few keys on his console, bringing up the footage from the Watts Hotel. "It seems the mystery thickens. If what Dwayne said is true, then our mystery cape is the one who came to him about the drug distribution."

Dragon's eyes widened. "Are you positive? Based on Floyd's testimony and from what Miss Militia learned from August Raymond, that makes no sense. Why would our mystery cape attack someone distributing his drugs?"

"I don't know," he admitted with a shrug. "But I intend to find out."

When analysis on the unknown narcotic substance dubbed "Sting" was complete and submitted to the Director's desk, Armsmaster went back out on the streets. He went about his routine patrols, though much to his chagrin, he was with the Wards this time. If it was just Clockblocker, he could deal. Though his sense of humor was not the best, inappropriate at times, Armsmaster appreciated the boy's attempts at lightening the mood.

It was not Clockblocker Armsmaster had to deal with, but the Wards' resident problem child.

"Can't believe this shit…"

Armsmaster gave Shadow Stalker a warning glare underneath his visor, all but daring her to try something. The Ward was on thin ice ever since the PRT went to investigate a potential crisis point case. During a power outage, an unknown assailant, suspected to be a gang member, stabbed some poor girl inside the girls' washroom. The wound was not fatal, but she was in the hospital for quite some time. As was usually the case with possible Trigger Events, the PRT coordinated with the police and found some rather disturbing details.

Among those details was the revelation that Shadow Stalker was part of a bullying campaign, and the actions taken in said campaign were nothing short of horrendous, both on the Ward's part and on the faculty. It was at that point Armsmaster believed allowing Shadow Stalker to continue her education at Winslow to be a mistake. While he was not thrilled to have her join the Wards, he did recognize the potential of having a Ward in Winslow, which was a ripe gang recruitment center for underage youths. Her hostile attitude, problematic on all accounts, could serve as a deterrent and keep them in line.

Miss Militia, who was the first to learn about the campaign, relayed it to Director Piggot. The Director was far from happy. She did not want to get rid of Shadow Stalker, but she did not intend to let her go with something like a slap on the wrist or a scolding. Her handler was ordered to keep an extra close eye on her and report directly to the Director if there was even the slightest bit of misbehavior. The second there was, Shadow Stalker would go straight to Juvenile Hall.

It was yet another thing Armsmaster sorely despised about being a Protectorate hero. Morality was a secondary objective. Maintaining trust with the public and keeping up good appearance would always be the main directive.

"If you have time to complain," Armsmaster said in a warning tone. "You have time to move out. We're patrolling the Downtown Coast area."

Clockblocker smiled and saluted. "Roger that, Armsmaster, sir!"

"Fine, fine. Let's get this over with. Sooner we get this done, the better."

Downtown Coast was Azn Bad Boys territory, sitting right between Empire and the Protectorate. If the rumors were accurate, it was where Lung consolidated most of his power, a rumor with substantial weight given the amount of ABB-Empire conflicts within the borders. Cape fights, gang skirmishes, etc. It was for this reason the PRT regularly scheduled patrols in the area, though success in the Downtown Coast area was a mixed bag. The people living there, used to the violence and living under Lung's thumb, were too scared to say anything. Those that did met with grizzly fates.

Countless buildings were defaced, most of it by the ABB. Japanese, Korean and Chinese words written in spray paint, some translating into unflattering words obviously meant for the Protectorate and its heroes. Other symbols held imagery from the Empire, obviously meant to provoke the ABB into open conflict.

As Armsmaster walked about, the two Wards not far behind him, he noticed an elderly couple standing across the street. He caught them giving wary glances in his direction, no doubt wondering if a fight was going to occur. The tinker would not be surprised if Oni Lee suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked them for daring to set foot on ABB territory.

"There ain't a lot of people around," Clockblocker noted as he looked around. "Lots of shops are closed down too. Did they go out of business, or are they just scared?"

Shadow Stalker grunted. "It wouldn't surprise me. We are sitting right between the ABB and the Empire's turfs, after all."

Armsmaster gave another look around the street. Immediately, his HUD lit up and brought his attention to the mouth of a nearby alley. Standing inconspicuously was an Asian man wearing a beanie and a green parka jacket. He was giving the hero an expectant look before walking further into the alley, making him frown.

"Clock," he turned to the time-themed hero. "You'll continue on the patrol route until I return. I won't be long."

Clockblocker did not question his superior, merely nodding. Armsmaster noticed the glare Shadow Stalker shot his way and ignored it, merely giving her a warning stare. He walked away from the teenagers and made his way over to the alley. If the open streets were chaotic, the alley was even worse. Muck, dirt and grime caked the floor along with discarded piles of trash, overturned garbage bins, and puddles of discolored liquid he dared not touch.

The Asian man from earlier was leaning against the wall behind him, keeping his hands warm by holding them up against a barrel holding a fire.

"You know, burning garbage requires having a permit in California," Armsmaster said as he approached.

The Asian man chortled. "Good thing we aren't in California," he replied cheekily, his accent thick. "Long time no see, Armsmaster."

"You as well, Dazai."

Oba Dazai was one of the many homeless men inhabiting the alleys of the Downtown Coast's Little China. He and his fellows kept their ears to the ground, typically staying as far away from cape and gang violence as possible while avoiding the gangs themselves. They were also excellent informants, so long as they were paid. Dazai was one such informant, having helped the Protectorate on numerous occasions, though nine times out of ten he demanded booze rather than money.

"I don't have any alcohol on me at the moment, so I'm afraid you are out of luck."

Dazai shook his head. "I won't be asking for pay this time, not for this." His face was uncharacteristically tense, glancing back and forth across the alley as if afraid there was someone with them. "If you do want to pay, you can do it on your next visit."

"What do you mean?"

"There's talk in the ABB. A tinker came to Lung, offering her services. Says she builds bombs. You heard of the incident at Cornell University over in New York?"

Armsmaster nodded. "A recent Trigger planted numerous bombs across the campus and held the students and staff faculty for ransom. She was stopped by the Protectorate, but she evaded capture." His eyes narrowed sharply. "Are you saying she's joined the ABB?"

"Lung is giving her a test, what I have no idea. She's not the only new recruit, either. There's a rumor Oni Lee has a new protégé. I have no idea if it's true or not."

Just what we need, two more capes for Lung, and one of them is a goddamn Tinker, Armsmaster thought grimly.

Tinkers were always a hot commodity. Their ability to create equipment from everyday materials varied from person to person, but give them access to high-grade materials, they could create something incredible. Squealer was a textbook example of what a tinker could manage with parts pilfered from cars, stores and the junkyard. Crude as her designs and machinery were, they were effective as he could attest to. Her more recent creation, an invisible tank of all things, was certainly worth praise. It was a shame Skidmark got to her first.

Compared to Squealer, who the PRT had knowledge of, the Cornell bomber was an unknown variable. Worse still, Armsmaster had a good idea she already knew what her specialty was. When it came to tinkers, their true potential lied in what they were good at. Kid Win, talented and driven as he was, still had yet to find his specialization, thus his equipment, while functional, lacked in certain areas. Without knowing what you were supposed to build and how you built it, your equipment was likely to break down or explode in your face.

"Thank you," Armsmaster said gratefully. "I'll be sure to tell whoever patrols here next to give you some spirits."

Dazai's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Heh, I'll look forward to it."

The armored hero left the alley, quickly rejoining the Wards before they got into trouble. He found them further up the street, Clockblocker helping an elderly woman across the street while carrying her things while Shadow Stalker impatiently tapped her foot and giving her fellow Ward a look saying, "Will you get on with it?"

As Armsmaster expected, patrol in the Downtown Coast area turned violent. Forty minutes after reuniting with the Wards, the ABB had taken notice of them and engaged. Cape activity was a no-show, which meant no Oni Lee or Lung. Dealing with petty gang members was easier than dealing with other parahumans. Clockblocker stopped bullets the second they touched his armor and kept the goons stationary long enough for Armsmaster to knock them out and slap the cuffs on them. Shadow Stalker did not use her crossbow bolts, relying more on her fists and feet. She was swift and brutal, but did nothing that warranted a talking to.

In all, twenty ABB gang members were arrested and handed over to the police. The Wards and Protectorate hero returned to the Rig. When they went their separate ways, Armsmaster immediately set about writing his report to Director Piggot about what happened while out on patrol. He also looked into the Cornell University incident and see if there was any information about the bomber. If they were outed, it would make tracking them down easier.

"Melissa Chang, age 22, born on September 15, 1989. Her father was Chen Chang, a refugee from the Chinese Federation, died three years ago due to heart complications. Her mother is Delilah Chang, a Brockton Bay native who moved to Boston after graduating from high school. Both were working class parents, and they were well off, so there's no sign of poverty or monetary troubles playing a part in her Trigger. Melissa herself is a straight A student, graduated from middle and high school with full honors. She was Class Valedictorian her senior year and received a full scholarship in engineering. She was in her third year at Cornell University when, for reasons unknown to the faculty, she planted bombs all over the campus and held everyone inside for ransom unless her demands were met."

Director Piggot hummed. "Any idea what her Trigger event was?"

"I asked Dragon to see if she could contact her teachers. They got back to her only a few moments ago. Apparently, Melissa began to struggle during her second year at the university. She still received high grades, but there was a noticeable dip in quality. Nothing about her home situation suggests she was having problems with her parents, so it's likely she merely hit a wall. Fast forward to the present day, and apparently, before she tried to turn the university into a smoldering crater, she received a B- on her last assignment."

For a moment, the Director looked stunned. "You mean to tell me she Triggered over something as mundane as a low grade?"

"You do recall how Glory Girl Triggered, yes?" Armsmaster reminded her. "On the outside, yes, her Trigger condition may seem absurd, but look at it from her perspective. She's a natural genius who was hitting her limit and was struggling to keep up, and then as she's nearing the finish line, she stumbles hard."

"…I see your point. Still, if this Melissa Chang gets on Lung's good side, there's a chance we'll have a tinker making bombs. The ABB with Lung and that damn teleporter of his are dangerous enough. What of this supposed protégé of Oni Lee's? Anything substantial?"

Armsmaster sighed. "Nothing so far. Dragon is looking to see if the Guild can track Oni Lee's movements after the past few weeks and see if he did discover a potential recruit, but as of now, all we have is hearsay." He took a moment to pause and organize his thoughts. "What's the word of the Sting situation?"

"Chief Director Costa-Brown's given her orders," Director Piggot said with steel in her voice. "Unless Melissa Chang's debut here in Brockton Bay is tomorrow, you are to find out who's making Sting, who is distributing it, and shut them down. Our Wards from Chicago have opted to extend their stay until Sting is off the streets. Heartthrow's already agreed to it."

"Understood, ma'am."

March 27, 2011

Today is a good day, Armsmaster thought to himself.

Patrols and investigations were by no means unpleasant work and were necessary, but Armsmaster preferred being left to his devices. His workshop was buzzing with activity, machines whirring and metal slamming against metal. He had three projects going on all at once, two of which related to his customized bike and the other involved upgrades to his armor. These three projects were done in tandem via automated process, leaving him free to work on the task at hand.

The chemicals and compounds of Sting were as weird as when he saw them last, but a deeper look into the drug made the tinker realize he and Dragon barely scratched the surface. As they thought, 49% of Sting was made using tinker-grade chemicals; a literal cocktail of compounds that should not be possible. Some of the chemicals he recognized in boosters and placebos, though how and why that was possible, he had no idea. What concerned him the most was the simulations he was running on his computer.

"Yo, Armsy, you in?" Armsmaster turned away from the terminal, finding Assault (or Ethan he supposed, since he was out of costume) entering his lab, carrying a bag of Fugly Bob's and a soda. "I got you some grub. Thought you might need it, since you'll probably be workin' overtime."

The tinker hero raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

Ethan gave him a flat look while he set the soda and bag down on a nearby table. "No offense, but unless you're talking shop with Dragon, you kind of forget to feed yourself when you have the whole day to yourself and in your lab, and when you talk to Dragon, she has to remind you eat."

Armsmaster wanted to rebuke those statements, but found himself unable to on further examination. To his embarrassment, he realized he did get so engrossed in his work he occasionally forgot to eat. While he did appreciate his colleague's gesture, though, he did have to wonder why it had to be junk food. It was unhealthy and unbalanced, especially the god-awful fries.

Still, far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth, Armsmaster shrugged.

"So, how are things going with this drug Piggot's got you looking into?" Ethan asked, taking a fry out of the bag and popping it into his mouth. "That stuff's supposed to be dangerous for parahumans in general, right?"

Armsmaster opened the bag, grabbing the first thing he saw. The burger was greasy, but no less appealing in spite of his earlier thoughts. He did make a mental note to request less mayo, though. "It is, though as I've started to learn, that's the after-effect. Our initial estimates were slightly off."

"How so?"

"I needed a second opinion about my findings, so I sent the data over to Dragon for some cross-reference. Based on preliminary investigations and simulations, though, Sting is a double-edged sword." He gestured Ethan over to the terminal and brought up a screen showing the make-up of the drug. "It's tinker-grade stuff, and some of the chemicals are used placebos and boosters, mainly things like adrenaline shots and ampoules."

"You do realize this kind of stuff goes over my head, right?"

Armsmaster rolled his eyes. "I am well aware, Ethan, but even so, you should pay close attention to this. When Sting enters the body, the first thing it does is amplify hormonal levels and slowly raise bodily functions, increasing electrolyte count by triple, stimulating the muscles and so on. Endorphins are triple after the ten-minute mark. It's around this point that things get dicey."

"How do you mean?"

"About fifteen minutes after ingestion, Sting begins to affect the Corona Pollentia." He switched the screen over to a simulative scan of a brain; a recreational event of Sting already working its magic. "Pay close attention."

Ethan watched as Sting's effects began to show. A portion of the brain was highlighted and pinging blue waves before it steadily began to encompass the entire mess of gray matter. Once it covered the whole brain, the pinging waves started to shrink until it only covered the Corona Pollentia. The hero then noticed what it was that Armsmaster was talking about as the organ began to swell.

"What in the hell is going on?"

Armsmaster explained. "The Corona Pollentia typically only begins to swell and expand during a Trigger Event, contributing to the black-out period. However, the maximum size of the swelling during a Trigger Event is twelve centimeters. The swelling caused by Sting reaches around fourteen to sixteen centimeters. Data suggests that, during this time, the abilities of the parahuman ingesting Sting are increased for a short duration of time."

Ethan blinked and stared at the image, his gaze lingering for several seconds before slowly turning to Armsmaster. "Are you telling me this shit is a cape boosting drug?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. After forty minutes post-ingestion, the Corona Pollentia begins to shrink until it is approximately 32 centimeters smaller than normal. The chemistry of the brain is also hampered by a significant margin, enough to cause some serious, lasting damage."

His colleague shook his head. "Let me get this straight… Someone's putting out a drug that can boost cape powers, but soon as the stuff wears off, they get fucked over? The hell?"

"I have similar thoughts as well," Armsmaster admitted.

What he did not say was how curious he was to know how Sting was being manufactured. If the process in which it was created could be replicated to some extent, was it possible to create something similar, but without the side-effects? Such a thing would be an obvious boon for the Protectorate if it could distribute power boosting placebos. How could such a thing affect tinkering?

He quickly shook his head when he realized where his thoughts were going. No matter how good it all seemed, there was a catch. Nothing in this world was free, and there was always some sort of danger involved when it came to good opportunities. Past battles and events taught him as much, especially in his early days.

For now, all he needed was to focus on the task. Tomorrow, he would head out on patrol, buy two bottles of spirits and speak with Dazai if he knew anything about Sting. When this Sting business was over and done with, he would move on to the more pressing issue and see what information there was about Oni Lee's recruit and Melissa Chang.

Inwardly, he smiled wearily. Never a dull moment in this city, is there?

TheStranger: No, Armsmaster, no there is not. Slightly shorter than the last Armsmaster chapter, but I think we're getting ready for the big one.

SkyRig: After this we've got, what, three, four more chapters?

TheStranger: I think so? I mean, we do have some stuff planned out, but for the most part, we're just making this up as we go along. I think we've got about 50% of the first half all worked out, but the rest we can fill out as we go.

SkyRig: Yeah, well, let's just hope we don't end up shooting ourselves in the foot when we do that, yeah? In other news, my turn! You guys are getting a new Taylor-centered Chapter, and we're introducing a JoJo character on top of that!

TheStranger: …I get the feeling this arc will all be wrapped up by the time I post it.

SkyRig: Most likely.
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Paint It Black 1.4

TheStranger: That is the wrong reference and you know it! And secondly, as you can probably guess, this arc is probably gonna be done and done in one go. Which is…amazing, to be honest.

SkyRig: Indeed it is, amico. And now, on with the show!

March 25, 2011

Classes went by agonizingly slow. The clock on the wall ticked in slow motion, taking longer to reach the next mark than it should. The teacher's lecture seemed to drone on and on with no signs of stopping. I felt like I was going to go crazy. How long was this going to—?

The bell abruptly rang, stopping Mr. Cartney in his tracks. He almost seemed offended that the bell stopped him before he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "That will be all for today. I expect no less than three page documents in 12 sized font written in Times New Roman with double spaces on my desk tomorrow, understood?"

We all chorused in agreements, however begrudgingly. I packed my notebook, textbook and binder into my backpack and followed the dense pack of students out of the classroom.

It was almost hard to believe at first. I was so used to looking over my shoulder and staring at everyone in suspicion in dirty hallways. The kids at Winslow were a mixed bag, but a third of the student body was all rookie gang members proudly displaying their colors. Many students, myself included, believed the wannabe gang members ruled Winslow, what with the copious amounts of graffiti and gang slurs decorating the school grounds and gymnasium.

Arcadia had none of that. The halls were clean aside from the occasional splatter of liquid and gum. If they were any kids in the school who were part of the gangs, they were smarter than the ones in Winslow and did not wear their colors publicly. Then again, I doubted they were that stupid since the Wards attended Arcadia. The troublemakers and bullies were always under the scrutinizing eye of the teachers, sometimes being scolded and other times dragged to the headmaster's office.

Needless to say, I love this school.

I arrived at the cafeteria, a place that I became intimately familiar with over the last few months. It was still odd to know I could eat my lunch in peace without anyone trying to start something.

It was odder still that there was someone waiting for me.

"Yo, Tay, over here! Get your tight ass over here and help me win a bet!"

"Hey, what have I told you about your fucking cursing?!"

A pair of blondes shouted, one wearing her champion-like smile and the other looking irritated. Surrounding them were fellow teenagers, i.e. their usual posse. The group of people who went out of their way to try and become friends with me.

I didn't object, knowing it was futile. Victoria could be quite stubborn when she wanted to be, though she did at least know when not to push. I humored her and walked over to the lunch table, taking a seat next to Dennis.

"Mind telling me what's going on before I agree to anything?"

Dean sighed tiredly, slumping on the table. "Vicky and Kath are up to their usual game. This time, they're betting on who would win in a fight: Grace or Glory Girl."

"And like I keep saying, I can totally kick Grace's butt," Victoria said smugly. "I got the Alexandria package."

Kath rolled her eyes while folding her arms. "Remind me, between the two of you, who has the least amount of destruction of public property on their resume?"

Victoria spluttered. "W-what does that matter?"

Chris snickered into his hand. "Honestly, I think Grace has you beat."

"Wha—Chris!" The heroine sounded betrayed.

"No offense Vicky, but Grace knows karate. Everyone knows the story of David and Goliath, only in your case, it's karate girl versus supergirl. And when you bet on who would win a fight, you always bet on Bruce Lee."

Kath gave Victoria a smug grin, preening almost while Victoria growled. "W-well, I'm invincible 24/7! Grace isn't!"

"Didn't you get your ass handed to you by Lung last year?" I resisted the urge to laugh at Amy's barb. The look on her sister's face was priceless, shocked by Amy's seeming betrayal. It was one thing to have Chris against you, but your sibling was another story.

"Okay, okay," Dean, ever the peacekeeper when things started to get out of hand, leaned over the table and waved his hands in a placating manner. "Come on, let's settle down before this gets blown out of proportion. Why don't we call it a tie between you and Grace and leave it at that?" Victoria looked as though she wished to protest, but settled on looking away with a pout. It was amazing how easily her on-again off-again boyfriend cowed her. "Cape talk aside, how was class for you guys?"

I grimaced at the reminder. "Mr. Cartney wants us to write a three-page essay about the impact of cape culture in the early 2000's. It's not a group project, but as usual, he's being a hard-ass and telling us to cover different things and docking points for going over similar subjects."

"That's Mr. C for ya," Dennis groaned. "Seriously, he's so anal retentive about that kind of stuff."

"I don't think he's that bad. He's a step up from Mr. Gladly at least."

Kath perked up in interest. "He's the guy who tried to pass himself off as one of the cool kids at your old school, right?" I nodded. "Ugh, I can't stand people like him. What's so great about being a cool kid? The only popular kids at school are cheerleaders and jocks, and both are assholes."

"Oh boy, here we go…" Chris muttered next to me.

"We're well aware, Kath." And there's Dennis to the rescue, stopping yet another long-winded rant against girls in skirts and boys in helmets. I made a mental note to give him meatloaf next time I saw him. "Cheerleaders are nothing but sluts and bad girls who are only interested in getting laid, and jocks are muscle-heads who only have boobs on what's left of their brain. We've heard you talk about this before, you know. Not that I don't disagree, but not all jocks are like that."

The red-head casted a knowing glance at Dean, who waved a hand in dismissal. "I was only on the team for a year, Dennis."

"Yeah, but you weren't a meathead," Dennis said simply. "Also, I would like to take a moment to refute your claims of cheerleaders and jocks being popular. There are other popular, cooler students, especially here in Arcadia."

Kath looked skeptical. "Oh yeah, like who?"

Dennis grinned as he spread his arms out. "Duh! Us, of course! You got two out of the four members of the Junior New Wave, yours truly the court jester, you the black belt, a master genius of video games, and finally the toughest girl in Winslow."

Although it was honest praise, I couldn't help but flinch. I pushed the sneering faces out of my mind. "I'm not that tough," I insisted. "I just survived is all."

"You make it sound like you were in a war," Amy huffed, taking a bite out of the croissant in her hand.

"She may as well have, with how bad that school is," Kath spat in disgust, surprising me. "When I moved here, my parents wanted me to go to Winslow at first."

"No shit?"

It was obviously the first time any of us were hearing of this. I could not help but wonder what my life at Winslow would have been like if Kath was there with me. Would we be friends, or would she just be another bystander in the crowd? She was not like that, of course. If anything, I was certain Kath would despise Sophia with a passion, but it was always there in the back of my head, the paranoia from Winslow hanging over my mind.

Kath continued with her story. "We went to the school to see what it was like, had a tour and everything. Not even halfway through the tour did I see this trio of girls picking on this poor girl named Charlotte. I told 'em to back off or I'd kick their butts all the way to Antartica."

Was she…? No, there's no way she was talking about… "What happened?" I asked almost eagerly.

"One tried to take a swing at me. I laid her ass flat and broke her nose." Kath's smile was toothy and vicious. I resisted the urge to hug her then and there. "Of course, the teacher saw this and told me not to do it again, saying it was uncalled for. My pop, who by the way was watching all this happen, got up in the teacher's face and said I was defending myself since it was the girl who took the first swing. Not ten minutes later, we're walking out of Winslow."

"Shit, Kath, you go girl!" Victoria was grinning from ear to ear. "God, I wish I could have been there to see it. That must have been amazing."

"What was amazing?" I heard someone speak up from behind. I looked over my shoulder, finding Yoshi approaching us with a tray of food.

Dennis waved. "Hey, Yoshi. Kath was just telling us about how she put a bully in Winslow in her place."

"I thought I told you not to call me that?" Despite the clear annoyance on his face, there was no hint of irritation or anger in his voice.

Before long, the group falls into the same routine. When I first started hanging out with these guys, I was struggling to keep up with them. It was so weird, having people to talk to you with zero ulterior motives. I still don't know whether I consider them all friends, though. They're just people who's names and faces I know who want to hang out with me, even though we know next to nothing about each other. Well, most of us. Everyone knew who Victoria and Amy Dallon were.

It felt nice.

My plans to return home were dashed by the reminder of what I promised Victoria the other day. She caught me at the front entrance, her Aura practically at full blast, joined by Kath and Amy. I wanted to make up an excuse, I really did, but when Victoria got excited and blared her aura, it was very hard to say no. Amy, for her part, was exasperated by the whole thing and berated her sister for using her aura without realizing it for the umpteenth time.

We reached the mall in record time. I had been here before not that long ago, yet unlike when I hanged out with Lisa and the others to talk about work, there were a lot more people wandering about, some stopping to take out their phones and take photos of Victoria.

If the blonde heroine gave any indication she was annoyed by the attention, she showed no sign of it and dragged the three of us to the nearest clothing store.

"Now then, let us commence Operation: Hebert makeover!"

I blinked and stared at her in shock. "Excuse me?"

"I agree with Taylor," Amy said, equally as dumbfounded. "Did you seriously invite her so you can play dress up with her?"

"Of course not, we're doing a girls' day out here," Victoria huffed, sounding almost offended. "Step one is getting this girl into fashion."

"My clothes are fine," I insisted.

Obviously, she disagreed. "Taylor, no offense, and I really do mean that, but your clothes are the kind of thing a guy would wear, not to mention they're kind of, I dunno, ratty?"

Well, it was not as if she was wrong. Years of getting food and drinks spilled over my clothes had done a number on my wardrobe. I still felt uncomfortable with the idea. New clothes sounded good, and the stuff on the racks all looked amazing, but they just didn't fit. They felt wasted on a girl like me.

"Hey, none of that," Kath put her hands on my shoulder. "I know that look, Taylor. Trust me when I say that you would look good in anything we can find. Just trust us."

"What she said," Victoria nodded. "I won't force you, but come on, you can't tell me you haven't thought about wearing something you really want."

"I…" I wanted to protest, but the looks on the two blondes silenced them. Instead, I could only sigh and look to Amy for assistance. Sadly, even the freckled girl appeared to agree with them. I submitted in defeat. "Okay, fine."

"Sweet! Pick something that catches your eye and try it on. I'll pay for everything!"

I choked. "A-are you sure?! I mean…!" I glanced at some of the price tags. They were far from cheap.

"Ah, don't sweat the details. I got enough cash to buy this place out and then some!"

On the one hand, I was fairly certain she probably could. The royalty fees of New Wave merch raked in a whole lot of cash, but on the other hand, I knew Victoria did not have nearly enough space in her closet for all of this.

I spent what must have been an hour going through clothes, grabbing anything that looked decent. I tried on blouses and skirts, but every time I did, I threw them back on the pile. The person staring back at me in the mirror was a plain girl trying to look pretty. A "pretend princess", some might say. The moment the thought passed my mind, I scowled in frustration. I should be over all this, but they're still there, those stupid thoughts from Winslow.

"Healing takes time," I remembered Mr. Merrick telling me. "But only if you let it heal."

"And when's that supposed to be?" I muttered bitterly.

A knock broke me out of my train of thought. "Everything okay in there, Tay?"

"Y-yeah, give me a sec!" I hastily called back before looking at the pile of clothes. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, grabbing random articles of clothes and throwing them on. I then proceeded to step outside the dressing room and present myself to an eager-looking blonde duo. "So… How bad is it?"

Victoria stared. "Bad? Bad? Taylor, did you even look at yourself?"

She seemed more offended by my question than my choice of clothes, so I guess I managed to pick out something decent. It was hardly anything eye-catching, just a black-and-white striped v-neck under a black windbreaker with a hoodie and dark-gray jeans. The jacket had white-striped stars along the left side, going down the sleeve and wrapping around the side of my waist. A larger striped star sat under my right shoulder.

"What's important is what you think, not our opinion," Kath said. "So, is it something you'd want? That the only pair of clothes you want?"

"Well, there's…"

It felt like they were babying me. I hate it when people do that. I know they were not doing it intentionally, and Victoria's aura helped push some of the more angry thoughts out of the way, but I still hated it. I was not fragile dammit.

Amy did a little bit of prodding, and eventually, we left the shop carrying bags full of clothes. Fresh, new clothes that did not come from a thrift store.

I wonder what Dad was going to say when I showed it to him.

Unfortunately, Dad was not home when I arrived. There was a note on the fridge explaining his absence. As an apology, there was a tray of meatloaf sitting in the fridge, though he warned me ahead of time it was a little burnt. It had been so long since Dad made meatloaf, so it was natural he would be out of practice. The last time he made was when Mom was still alive.

I grabbed the meatloaf in the fridge and threw it in the microwave to heat it up. While waiting for it to finish, I turned on the TV.

"—on the cape scene, a new, as-of-yet-named parahuman makes their debut in shocking fashion in Brockton Bay, Massachusetts. Earlier this morning, police and Protectorate officials found one fifty-two-year-old Floyd Raymond in his hotel suite, brutally beaten by an unknown assailant. The investigating is currently ongoing, and details are scarce, but from what little information the Protectorate offered news stations, the assailant entered the hotel suite via a Mover ability relating to shadows. Reasons for attacking Mr. Raymond are unknown, but the Protectorate urges anyone with information regarding this parahuman to come forward."

*ring ring ring, ring ring ring*

I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller ID. I flipped it open and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Are you watching the news?" I could practically hear the smug grin on Lisa's face. "Alec's laughing his ass off."

"I can imagine that," I said dryly. The microwave dinged, letting me know my meatloaf was done. "Did you manage to get anything useful off his computer?"

"Still going through everything, but it looks like Mr. Raymond has more than a few skeletons in his closet. You know, it's still amazing how an ex-Merchant drug addict managed to give a guy like this a job involving the drug trade of the century. Speaking of, word on the street is that Skidmark is pissed about some quality stuff going around that he's not having."

"I thought the Empire and ABB were involved in drugs too?" I asked in confusion.

Lisa chuckled. "Drugs are just pocket change compared to their main trade. Lung has his casinos and whore houses, Kaiser has personal connections to the black market and a finger in the slavery pie. When it comes to drugs, it's mostly just Skidmark."

"Then how come they're only having third-parties distribute this stuff? Wouldn't it make more sense to have Skidmark hand it out?"

"It would, yeah, but do you really think he'd keep it on the down low?" Lisa snorted. "As incompetent as the Protectorate is, they would find out about this stuff eventually. The only difference is that they found out about it later because it was being sold off by people other than Skidmark. If it was that sleazy douchebag, he would have announced it to the whole fucking world."

I bit into the meatloaf. It was not as good as I hoped it would, but it's still edible. Seven out of ten, Dad. "Fair point. So, what's next?"

"I need some time to go over what I found out, so in the meantime, have fun playing with Glory Hole and Friends. Oh, and by the way, Taylor?"

Uh-oh, I know that tone. "Yes?"

"You have a very nice ass when you wear jeans." Click.

I dragged my hand down my face. I did not have to look in a mirror to know I was beat red. See, this is the thing about Lisa that I don't like. She's confusing, hard to get a read on, and she makes it very hard to know whether she's straight, gay, bi or everything else in between. Worse still is that it was very to tell if it actually was teasing or her giving a genuine complement.

…still, we do agree on one thing.

Brian has fantastic abs.

TheStranger: I can't believe you just did that.

SkyRig: Oh, come on, you cannot tell me Tattletale isn't some kind of tease. Have you seen what she wears and heard some of the stuff she says?!

TheStranger: I've seen fanart of her clothes, yes. Still, are we really doing this?

SkyRig: What, you don't approve?

TheStranger: Oh no, I was just going to ask if you're gonna go overboard on the lecherous comments with Tats.

SkyRig: Nah, if I did that, people would have my head on a pike. Anywho, we're getting even closer to Taylor and Armsmaster's stories linking up. 1.5 and 1.6 will be the last chapters of the arc, followed by an Interlude.

TheStranger: Alright, my turn again. Allons-y!
Last edited:
Paint It Black 1.5
SkyRig: I've just realized something. 2021 is a baaaaaaaad year for my wallet, man.

TheStranger: How so?

SkyRig: We've got Tales of Arise and Lost Judgment coming out next month. The NIS Classic Vol. 1 is getting released pretty soon. And in November, there's Shin Megami Tensei V. Little iffy on the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game, though.

TheStranger: Speaking of, don't you have an idea for a Worm/GotG crossover?

SkyRig: Oh, please. That thing isn't seeing the light of day anytime soon, especially since all I've got for it is either Taylor's joined the crew via cosmic or QA bullshit shenanigans, or Taylor herself is Star Lord. Or, well, Star Lady in this case.

TheStranger: I see… Well, anyway, here's 1.5.

SkyRig: On with the show!

March 28, 2011

Armsmaster returned to the Downtown Coast area bright and early, flanked by the Wards of Chicago on either side. The decision was thrust upon him by Miss Militia, who was supposed to take the Chicago Wards out on patrol herself until an incident requiring her attention came up. He did not mind it, having grown used to the two. It was a shame they would be leaving Brockton Bay after Sting was finally gone and out of the streets. They integrated well into the Brockton Bay Wards, Vista in particular being quite fond of Grace.

Wanton floated beside Grace while the latter remained vigilant, occasionally glancing down alleyways as if expecting a gang member or a cape to show up at any moment. The robed Ward glanced at the plastic bag in Armsmaster's hands.

"Excuse me, Armsmaster, but what's with the bag?"

"This?" He raised the bag up. "Bottles of vodka and gin. An informant in this area prefers booze instead of money, though why is anyone's guess."

Grace perked up in interest. "An informant? Are they the one who told us about Sting and the ABB's new recruits?"

"His name is Oba Dazai, one of the many homeless living in Brockton Bay. He and his fellows offer information to the PRT in exchange for things of value, such as money, clothing and other items. In Dazai's case, he prefers strong spirits."

Wanton nodded in understanding and said no more.

Armsmaster and the Chicago Wards arrived at Dazai's preferred hangout. They reached the mouth of the alley, only for the tinker hero to stop dead in his tracks. The plastic bag dropped from his hands, the bottles of alcohol inside shattering on impact and spilling across the grimy concrete pavement. His halberd unfurled in his hands, blade cackling with electricity.

Standing over a fallen Oba Dazai was the mystery cape who attacked Floyd Raymond.

"Step away from him and put your hands behind your—" The cape gave Armsmaster a fleeting glance before rising to their feet, bolting down the alley. He immediately gave chase. "Grace, stay with Dazai! Wanton, with me!"

Wanton trailed after him, already in his breaker state and scooping up bits of discarded trash, concrete and bricks around him while Grace rushed to the homeless man's aid. Armsmaster charged after the unknown parahuman with the intent of capturing and interrogating them. He did not expect to run into them so early into the investigation, much less find them standing over Dazai, nor did he care. All he cared about now was capturing them.

The parahuman was fast, staying ahead of them. Wanton sought to rectify that by throwing the objects around his orbit at them. Bricks and bits of concrete flew past Armsmaster and at the black-clad "vigilante", only for them to dart around the corner. Armsmaster smirked. That path was a dead end. They were trapped.

He slid to a stop as they reached the diverging path, ready to arrest the cape on the spot. He faltered when he saw nothing but a brick wall.

"Where did they go?" Wanton asked as he looked around. There were no fire escapes, no ladders or even signs that the parahuman climbed up the walls. Armsmaster switched his HUD to thermal, believing they turned invisible.

He scowled as the results turned up negative. He swore under his breath. He touched the side of his helmet and opened communications with Grace. "Grace, this is Armsmaster. We lost them. How is Dazai?"

"…dead." Armsmaster's lips curved into a scowl. "There's a hole in his neck. I think he was injected with something. There's a syringe lying under his shoulder."

"Understood. I'll contact BBPD and have them retrieve Dazai's body. Wait there, we'll rendezvous with you." He switched channels, contacting whoever was on duty. "Console, this is Armsmaster. I ran into the mystery cape from the Raymond case. They disappeared shortly after discovery, and I have a dead informant. Anything on your end?"

"This is Console," Velocity reported. "Nothing on our end, but if I were you, I would get out of there as soon as you can. ABB is out, and Lung's with them."

This day just keeps getting better and better, the tinker thought bitterly with a grimace.

Oba Dazai was sixty-two when he died. In Leviathan's assault on Kyushu in 99, Dazai lost his whole family. His wife, daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren all died in the attack. The only reason he alone survived was because he was sick and had to stay home that day. Depression and heart complications eventually led to him being let go from his workplace, and he sold away his home when he saw the ghosts of his family began haunting its halls.

Armsmaster met him around the time he became the leader of the Brockton Bay Protectorate. It was another routine patrol with zero incidents, a peaceful day on all accounts. He found the man lying on the curb, drunk out of his mind with a bottle of booze in one hand and a dirty rag in the other. The hero gave him no thought and would have moved on were it not for Dazai calling out to him, asking for booze in exchange for information. Armsmaster was not sure what exactly made him humor the drunk, but he bought him rum from a nearby convenience store and handed it over.

That meeting was how Dazai became an informant. His information proved invaluable and led to the PRT and police busting one of Lung's many whorehouses. It hardly put a dent in the gang's operations, but it was enough for Armsmaster and the Protectorate to realize the value of having an information network outside their own. The tinker hero spent countless hours on the street, not once thinking of the people he passed by. His meeting with Dazai made him wonder how many people heard what kinds of things, and what they were willing to do with that information.

He was no fool, though; Armsmaster knew that being an informant for the Protectorate came with its own dangers. If anyone learned what you were doing, telling the heroes about gang activities, you were likely to end up with a target on your back.

He hoped that Dazai would not become one of them. The corpse of a good man, sitting on a metal slab in the mortician's lab, mocked him for his optimism.

"The coroner was able to deduce the cause of death well before they got around to properly examining the body," Miss Militia said as she read off the report on her tablet. "Discolored lips, the faint scent of almond…"

Armsmaster's lips curled into a scowl. "Cyanide, injected directly into the jugular vein. He died in an instant."

"Odds are likely Oba Dazai was killed by our mystery cape to keep him silent. We already knew about the Cornell Bomber being recruited and the possibility of Oni Lee recruiting a new cape into the ABB, but what other kind of information did he have that would require our mystery cape to silence him?"

Armsmaster glanced at the broken remains of a phone sitting on his lab table. An ordinary mechanic would claim repairing it was impossible, but for a tinker, it was a trivial task. The answer to Dazai's murder lay within the phone as its broken remains were in his hands, implying a dying message.

"I believe we can change our view on the parahuman from the Floyd Raymond's cape to villain," he said. "I found him standing over Dazai's corpse."

"I don't think that's the case." Armsmaster looked at Miss Militia. She handed the tablet over to him. "According to the coroner's report, Dazai died around 5:35 A.M."

"That would mean… He died six hours ago?" A new question wormed its way into his head, now more confused than ever. "Then why was our cape over his body? Was he checking to see if Dazai was still alive? Or was it to wipe away any evidence he left behind?"

"If that were the case, then wouldn't they have made sure to completely destroy the phone or take its remains?" Miss Militia pointed out to him. "He was holding it in his hand. That should have made it clear it was a dying message of some kind. Everyone in this city knows you're one of the best tinkers in the Protectorate. Repairing that phone is like building a dinosaur out of LEGOs."

Armsmaster raised an eyebrow at the odd analogy, but she was not wrong. The mystery cape had to know the phone must have a clue, but did not collect it. The most likely scenario in his mind was that he caught the mystery cape just as they arrived, but something was off. It felt as though he was missing an important piece of the puzzle, but what?

He sighed and rubbed his temple. He swiped a finger across the monitor screen, removing Dazai's still corpse, and focused on what was important. Fixing the phone was his top priority as well as recovering what sort of data may be on it.

Hopefully, Dazai really did find something…

A few hours later, when the sun began to set over the horizon, the Protectorate hero stepped away from his table. The phone was as good as new, the casing replaced and the screen repaired with only a few slight touches and one or two applications of tinker-made glue meant for mundane projects. Repairing the phone was not actually important in the long run, but it was an item of sentimental value to Dazai, containing photos and images of his late family before Kyushu sunk to the bottom of the ocean. There was no one to inform of Dazai's unfortunate passing, having no extended family, but at the very least he could settle on burying the man with his only memento.

He inputted a timer and note on his console to remind him of the funeral procession date, then went over to his console. As he began expunging the data from Dazai's phone, one of his monitors beeped and lit up.

"Is this a bad time?" Dragon asked.

Armsmaster shook his head. "You're fine," he assured her. "I just started combing through the data on Dazai's phone. I take it you have good news?"

"I managed to track Oni Lee's movements these past couple of days, and suffice to say, Dazai's information may be on the mark. Sometime last week, he left Brockton Bay via plane and arrived all the way in Seattle."

"Seattle? What in the world was he doing there?"

"Recruiting," the Canadian tinker replied. The screen she inhabited flickered before showing what looked like a profile, including a photo, name, age and other important information. "This is Yurei, real name unknown. We have next to no proper information about him, aside from past criminal activities. When he triggered or how he came into contact with the ABB is also unknown. All we have is his powers and picture, as well as his earliest actions as a cape."

Armsmaster looked at the photograph. The cape wore a black hood with a kitsune mask over his face, a sword strapped behind his back. "What are his ratings?"

"Brute 2, striker 5 with shaker undertones," Dragon said. "He has enhanced physical prowess and a minor regenerative ability, though there's no evidence to suggest he is capable of regrowing limbs or organs. His Striker power is, more or less, to 'separate' whatever he slices with his sword." An image appeared on screen, showing the ability in action. Yurei swung his sword down on a man aiming a gun at him, cutting the limb clean off. To the tinker's curiosity, there was no blood, severed flesh or bone. Instead there was only a hazy, black shroud over the stump. "The victim was able to move his arm and fingers with no problems despite it not being attached to his person. He does not actually need to cut something to activate his power, as he was able to separate the limbs of numerous people inside a bank, though the placement of the 'separation' appears to be random and is limited to 3 meters."

"In short, he creates inter-connected portals on whatever he attacks," Armsmaster frowned. "If this Yurei is Oni Lee's protégé, I'll have to think up a good strategy to counter him."

"Close-quarters combat is obviously a bad idea, given the nature of his powers. I can send you over a more detailed list about him."

"Thank you, I—" He was cut off when his console beeped and the display flashed.

"What was that?"

"That was my computer finishing its analysis on the data from Dazai's phone," Armsmaster replied. "Let's see if our friend found something…"

As he sifted through the data, the hero grew more and more disturbed until finally, having read everything on Dazai's phone, he contacted the Director.

"I'm sorry," Dauntless raised his hand in the air. "I think I must have misheard you for a second. Did you just say we might be dealing with the mafia?!"

For once, Armsmaster shared in his colleague's disbelief. He did not dare believe it, yet the data spoke for itself. "You did not mishear me, Dauntless. According to Dazai's information, a crime syndicate situated in San Marino, Italy, is distributing the booster drug Sting. Sometime before he died, Dazai managed to take a photograph of what appears to be a meeting between a member of the syndicate and who I believe to be a drug dealer."

With Piggot's permission, he displayed the image in question. The quality was not the best on account of the outdated phone, but it was clear enough to give them a good look at the mafiaso's face. An expensive-looking pinstripe suit, black gloves, a white fedora with a feather, a red tie, and a neatly trimmed beard. Cobalt eyes smiled underneath the hat.

"The man you see in the photo is Cutugno, Lucio, a member of the Caponi Famiglia. The family rose to prominence in 1989 thanks to rise of parahuman culture, hosting two capes who wiped out the competition. Fortunately, in 2007, both capes were killed in action in an Endbringer attack on Naples."

Battery's face scrunched up, shoulders sagging. "I remember that clusterfuck," she said bitterly. "I was still a Ward back then. Leviathan practically wiped out the whole city. He would have dragged it to the ocean floor if Scion hadn't shown up when he did."

Emily squared her shoulders while glaring at Armsmaster. "And where is Lucio now?"

"I contacted the BBPD, though whether the bastard is still in the city is up in the air."

"And we know for certain the Caponi Famiglia is the one distributing Sting?"

Armsmaster showed another photograph, this one showing Lucio displaying the contents of a briefcase to the dealer. Inside the case were vials containing dark bluish-purple liquid.

"The vials match the ones we recovered from Dwayne Caspar's residence. Even if they are not the actual distributors, they are at least involved."

The Director was not happy about this revelation, far from it in fact. If anything, she was more infuriated by the fact a foreign element made itself known in her city.

"Why did they pick Brockton Bay of all places?" Velocity asked in confusion. "Why here?"

"It makes sense when you think about it," Assault said. "The Bay has the largest amount of capes in the U.S., even if there are more villains than heroes. Plus, with how much of a hellhole Brockton Bay is, triggers are bound to be a dime a dozen. Any one of the kids out on the street could be a cape waiting to happen."

Armsmaster nodded in agreement. "What Assault says has merit. It is possible Sting was introduced in Brockton Bay precisely because of the skewed human-to-cape ratio. Regardless, we now know who is responsible for Sting." He turned to Emily. "Director, your orders?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Her next words were iron-clad and resolute. "Search and destroy. Find every fucking drug dealer, gang affiliated or otherwise. Coordinate with the police and track down every sick son of a bitch selling Sting. And when you find Lucio Cutugno, I want him dragged to the Rig and put in the Maximum Security Cell, where we can have a nice, long chat."

March 31, 2011

The last few days were nothing short of hectic. Never before had the Protectorate and the Wards partaken in such an operation; it was not the most grandiose of jobs or the greatest, but it was no less important. The Brockton Bay Police Department raised no complaint, offering their full cooperation. Cape and police officer scoured the city, looking for every drug dealer in the city regardless of what colors they flew. Three days of non-stop patrols and searching, and in those three days, they rounded up at least seventy-four drug dealing scumbags, a third of which all belonged to gangs.

To Armsmaster's dismay, however, Lucio Cutugno was nowhere to be found. The man was last seen in his hotel suite—the Watts Hotel of all places! A PRT troop went to apprehend him, but when they barged into the room, there was no one inside. There was no hint as to his current whereabouts, nor if he was still in the city. Regardless, all law enforcement agents kept a close eye out in case he showed his face.

Armsmaster cruised across Bay Central near the Docks, unburdened by the Wards. He was running completely on auto-pilot, going through the motions without really thinking on everything that was going on at the moment. He captured drug dealers, threw them to the BBPD, listened to the interrogations and gave the occasional input, then rinsed and repeat. By now, word of the crusade on the drug dealers reached the ears of the public, though they were under the misunderstanding that they were tackling the Merchants rather than a lethal drug. Some reporters attempted to stop and ask him for comments, which he ignored in favor of his job.

Despite the countless drug dealers they rounded up over the last few days, they were still no closer to finding Lucio or the distributors. Worse still, the gangs took notice of their operations and stepped up their game. Some drug dealers had help, goons with guns and baseball bats and other implements. Useless in the face of parahumans, but still just as effective against the police. Reports of officers wounded out in the field were becoming more and more common the longer this went on.

Then again, violence on this level was nothing new. It was slightly disturbing, he admitted to himself, how desensitized he became to the level of violence in Brockton Bay. The gang wars and cape skirmishes were an almost daily occurrence that became part of his routine. Every criminal he squared away was likely to come back shortly after, either having broken out of jail or posted bail. It felt like nothing the Protectorate and the capes did actually helped stabilize the city. The villains and gang bangers were like cockroaches.

The recent years of his career were not the best, especially since the number of villains still outnumbered the heroes, but at the same time, the Protectorate and the New Wave were not done yet. There was still life in them, and when there was a will, there was a way. It was why Armsmaster was determined to find and bring Lucio Cutugno to justice. The man was threatening a delicate, already disturbed balance by throwing a lethal drug into the mix. The sooner he was found, the better.

He imagined the prestige it would bring, the validation it would mean for him. People were looking to the younger, stronger generation. Parahumans like Glory Girl, Dauntless, Vista, and other popular up and coming cape heroes. The older generation, those like him, were fading from memory. For a man like Armsmaster, who strived to reach the gold standard set by Hero, who despised how his limits, it was unacceptable. He wanted his existence, his feats to be remembered just as Hero's were.

Perhaps he was vain in that regard, but so were other, lesser men. Armsmaster believed he dreamed more than most, illogical though it was.

His bike slowly came to a stop at the red light, taking a moment to look at his surroundings. Civilians came and went, some taking photos and others pointing fingers. He ignored them all in favor of keeping his mind focused. There were no suspicious individuals or civilians acting in an unusual manner, no awkward motions or tell-tale signs.

The light turned green and he sped away. His visor blinked and he frowned.

It was an unknown number.

Quickly, Armsmaster made a series of motions and blinks so the program managing his internal software began tracing the call and linked up to one of Dragon's own programs, giving her a clear, one-sided connection. Once he was certain the connection was made, he answered the call.

"This is Armsmaster of the Protectorate. Identify yourself."

A man chuckled on the other end. "You're as tight-lipped as I heard you were, Uomo di Latta."

The tinker hero bared his teeth. The words were Italian, "tin man" in English. "Lucio Cutugno, I presume."

"Si, amico. You know, I was expecting you stronzos to come looking into our product eventually, but you guys work fast. I see you even started cracking down on the guys I gave free samples to."

"Where are you?"

"Patience, eroe. See, I want to make you an offer." Armsmaster raised a brow. Was he seriously trying to— "I want you and the rest of you Protectorate cagne to stop, otherwise you'll find yourselves in some deep shit. See, the stuff you're so intent on destroying? It's just a prototype. It's not refined just yet, hence why we're selling it to the kids out in the streets. I'm sure you already know what it can do, right? Just imagine what you and the rest of the capes in the world can do if you got the finished product."

He was. He was actually trying to bribe him. He would have laughed were it not for the bubbling anger in his chest. The corpse of one Oba Dazai remained fresh in his mind. "You expect me to believe that?"

"Well, it's not like you've been having a lot of success lately. Tell me, Armsmaster, of the dozens of cattivi in this city you've arrested, how many actually stay behind bars?" Silence. Luio chuckled. "Nothing to say, hm? Just think about it. If you back off and let us do our job, you'll be the first to get our product. Think of the potential, amico. Imagine what you would be able to build, what Miss Militia could do, if could boost your powers."

He did. And each time, a corpse came to mind. His teeth grinded against one another. "Where are you?"

Lucio sighed. "You'll find me in Warehouse Five, over by the Docks on Welston Street. Do give my offer some thought before you get here, hm?"

The call dropped. The trace came back and found no lie in Lucio's words. The man was exactly where he said he would be. He swerved in a half-circle, pulling into the adjacent lane, then sped right past several cars.

His program immediately connected him to Dragon when she called him. "I notified the PRT. Are you really going after him? This could be a trap."

"I'm well aware," Armsmaster replied gruffly. "But we may not have a chance like this ever again."

"At the very least, wait for back-up!"

"Can't do that."


He forcibly ended the call. He understood his friend's concerns, but he needed to do this. He had to be the one to bring in Lucio. Maybe then…

He arrived at the warehouse in record time. He disengaged his bike and hopped off, brandishing his halberd. There was no one nearby, not even a security detail, and the doors leading into Warehouse Five were open. The sign that this was a trap became blatant, yet even so, Armsmaster pressed forward. He carefully made his way inside, passing through the entrance.

Stacks and piles of shipping containers filled the warehouse in its entirety. The sounds of working machinery filled the air like a hazardous chorus. Only a few strobe lights were still working and provided enough illumination for Armsmaster to spot his target.

Lucio Cutugno, in all his glory, leaned against the railing up above on the catwalk, sporting a toothy smile. "Saluti, Armsmaster."

He did not bother with a response. He pointed the tip of his halberd at the Mafioso and pressed down on the button on the shaft. A burst of electricity erupted from the blade and launched toward Lucio. It did not reach him as it was blocked by shadowy black tendrils. The tendrils were destroyed on impact, dissipating into smoke, but soon regenerated quickly afterwards.

The tinker hero felt his heart race when a familiar black-clad figure wearing a featureless white mask appear from behind Lucio, tendrils sprouting from his back and languidly dancing around him.

"I do believe this is the first time you've met, isn't it?" Lucio patted the villain on the shoulder. "Allow me to introduce my enforcer, 『Cold World 』. You'll find he's quite capable in dealing with seccature like you."

The now-named Cold World leaped over the railing, landing in a crouch. As he stood to his full height, the tendrils receded into his back. Now that he saw the villain personally, he noticed how the trench coat seemed wet, writhing almost, as if it were alive. The sleeves were far too long, extending past the man's fingertips.

This makes no sense, Armsmaster thought. If this guy really is Lucio's enforcer, then why did he attack Floyd Raymond? There was nothing to suggest he betrayed Lucio, so was there some other reason?

He filed the question away later, realizing he could simply ask the man himself after he hauled him in. "You have one chance to put your hands behind your—"

Cold World charged, his sleeves morphing into axes. His arms elongated as he swung, bringing the ax down upon the hero. He blocked with his halberd, sparks flying on impact. He slid the ax off his weapon and met the cape with an assault of his own. He spun on his heel, rotating 180 degrees and swinging his halberd in full. Electricity cackled along the blade as the halberd clashed with the ax blocking the attack.

A Changer! Armsmaster grimaced as he backed off, only to be find himself on the defensive as Cold World swung his elongated arms at him like a madman possessed. And from the looks of it, a Brute as well!

He side-stepped, evading a downward swing. The ax was half-buried in the concrete, breaking it up on impact. Cold World dragged the ax along, ripping up the ground and swinging the embedded ax upward. Armsmaster jumped back, evading the attack before retaliating with an electrical shot. The blast struck the cape dead center in the chest, causing them to stumble.

Perfect, that should—!

The thought died as Cold World raised his arm, as if pointing, and watched as the sleeve twirled and thinned until it became like a spear. It shot forward like a bullet, with the intent of skewering him on the spot. It was only thanks to years of combat honing his reflexes that he managed to evade having his head impaled. The spear grazed his helmet, creating a tiny nick.

"How?!" Armsmaster gritted his teeth and fell into his combat stance. "The amount of power I put into that electrical shot is enough to paralyze Lung… How is he even…?!"

The electric stun shot was one of his more recent creations, designed with the intent of paralyzing Lung's motor functions for a few seconds, even in a powered state. When used against anyone else, it was a terrifyingly effective stun gun. It was still possible for further refinements, but Armsmaster believed it had value even in its current state. For it to fail utterly against his opponent…

He re-evaluated the situation. He had to defeat Cold World now, no matter what.

Armsmaster charged and changed modes on his halberd. The blade separated from the shaft. He stopped halfway and thrusted, sending the detached blade forward. Cold World knocked the halberd's blade aside and attempted to skewer Armsmsater on the spot, only for the tinker to grab the extended appendage and pull. Cold World stumbled, giving him the opening he needed. The blade retracted and returned, and Armsmaster struck again. This time, the flail connected in a series of swings, all electrified.

Cold World morphed his left arm into a shield, knocking the flail away. Armsmaster changed modes again. The halberd shortened in length, becoming as long as a typical dollar-store wrench, but the blade lit up like a Christmas tree. He assumed that, if Cold World was resistant to his stun blasts and electrical attacks, the use of his plasma blade was safe. He would deal with the Director's complaints later.

Once more, he engaged Cold World and struck at the shield. Each strike was calculated and precise, aiming to test defenses and probe for weaknesses. Whenever his plasma blade would hit the shield, it would ripple and writhe, but maintained a cohesive form. The same could be said for other weaponry made by the cape's powers.

He dodged and parried a stab, swinging at Cold World's leg. To his surprise, his plasma blade met resistance. The coat shared the same effect as the weapons the cape made. He jumped back and avoided turning into a pincushion again.

I think I am beginning to understand…

Cold World changed his arms into blades. Armsmaster increased the size of his halberd, grabbing the bottom half and splitting it in two. A second plasma blade erupted from the butt-end of the shaft. The two lunged and clashed, dancing in some twisted recreation of a Dance Macabre. Cold World's movements were sporadic, but swift. Armsmaster's were precise, but defensive. Neither one could gain ground over the other.

In truth, the reason for this engagement was not to gain ground, but to study. Each strike, each parry, each movement Cold World made, the closer Armsmaster was to finding an opening.

The arms changed again, turning into beach ball-sized morning stars bearing wicked spikes. Cold World raised them up high, then brought them down. Armsmaster fell into a backwards somersault, evading the blow and swiftly changing his weapons back into their original state. He clenched his halberd tight, keeping his stance low and his eyes trained on his opponent.

"I think I've figured it out…" Cold World tilted his head. "Your trench coat. It's either tinker tech or a byproduct of your powers."

From above the catwalk, Lucio mockingly clapped his hands. "A brilliant deduction, Armsmaster! I think you're the first to get so close to the truth. Sadly, you're just a tad shy off the mark. Cold World! End this farce so we can get on with our lives, would you?"

Armsmaster braced himself, ready to counterattack.

He did not have the time.


It happened so quickly he did not realize it until his body slammed into a cargo container. Within the span of a second, the tendrils from earlier emerged from Cold World's body, coming straight out of his torso and pummeling into his body like a train at top speed. He was pinned against the freighter, two tendrils wrapped around the arm holding his halberd, three more grabbing his legs and wrist, and the last punching a hole clean through his torso.

His HUD was flashing red, warnings blaring across the screen. [Suit Integrity Compromised].

He gritted his teeth and struggled against his bonds. The tendrils were iron-clad and refused to budge, keeping him pinned. Cold World slowly approached him, like a predator creeping on its prey. One of his arms changed into something long, sharp and serrated.

I-I can't move. The electric pulse isn't working either. Bastard must have damaged it. Shit!

This was bad. This was very, very bad. He had to pull away, he had to get out of here. What the hell was he thinking? There was no way he could defeat this guy on his own. He should have called for backup. Maybe then he would have…

What's the use? Even if I did have back-up, what good are the Wards against someone like this? If I couldn't beat him… No, what was I thinking? Of course I couldn't beat him! I've already hit my limit.

Cold World stopped just a few meters away from Armsmaster, staring at the tinker hero impassively while rearing their morphed arm back in preparation.

I'm not as young as I used to be. No matter how hard I work, I'll never be able to compete. Chris'll surpass me some day, and Dauntless… Tch, what's the point in competing with someone like that?! In a few years, he'll be stronger than me! Better! What the fuck! All the work I've done, all I've worked for… It's also so useless!

The villain thrusted their arm forward. Armsmaster saw none of it, too overwhelmed. He could only await the end in blissful ignorance.


He heard a familiar girl's voice roar a battle cry, followed by the sound flesh striking flesh. The tendrils holding his body went slack and he slid to the ground, flopping almost comically to the ground. His mind went ablaze as a warm, pleasant feeling flowed through his body. The dark thoughts wrapped around his mind shattered like glass.

"What was…?" He shook his head and stood back up to his feet. "I was…"

"Sir, are you alright?!" Armsmaster looked up, finding a familiar silver-armored figure standing next to him almost protectively, looking like some kind of knight.


"Dragon forwarded your location to us," Grace said. She was in a battle stance, fists raised and hopping on her heels. Not far away was Cold World, lying prone on the ground. "No offense, sir, but that was fucking stupid. I get you're a big wig, but wouldn't it be easier to fight with people to watch your back, rugrats or no?"

Armsmaster stared at the Wards for a moment, then stood straighter. "…thank you both," he said genuinely, joining her. Gallant fell in behind them. "I take it you used an emotional burst on me, Gallant?"

"Your emotions were pretty dark," the Ward told him apologetically. "I've never seen you like that before."

"Blame this asshole," he nudged his head to Cold World, who rose to his feet. "He has a Master effect. Don't let the tendrils touch you."


Lucio scoffed. "One or two brats won't change anything," he yelled. "The end result is the same! Cold World has never lost a battle! You stronzos' fate were decided when you turned your blades against my Famiglia!"

Grandstanding and boasting, different words with the same meaning, repeated by the same kind of scum he was used to dealing with. Armsmaster ignored him in favor of focusing on Cold World. The villain was back up on his feet, one arm turned into a shield and the other into a serrated blade.

"Be careful, you two!" he advised the Wards, preparing to engage.

For a moment, all was still. Tension was thick as one side waited for the other to make a move.

And then…


SkyRig: You know, if not for the fact that we're releasing this in one burst, this could easily be a bastard of a cliffhanger. You realize that, right?

TheStranger: Oh, I'm fully aware. What's the word count after this?

SkyRig: Eh, little over twenty thousand I think? The second to last chapter for this arc is up next, and it's almost time for Escalation Girl to make her debut to the Protectorate proper.

TheStranger: And, of course, to deliver the JoJo series tradition of a no-holds-barred beatdown. Shame we won't be doing a 7-page Muda style beatdown for a long while.

SkyRig: Vocal percussions on a whole 'nother level, coming from my mind~!

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Paint It Black 1.6
SkyRig: Aaaaaand here we are, the penultimate chapter of the arc.

TheStranger: And now, on with the show!

March 30, 2011

"Thank you, Young. Onto a hot topic of discussion is the recent string of takedowns by the joint efforts of the Brockton Bay Police Department and the PRT. Within the past few days, countless drug dealers belonging to the gangs, as well as other third parties, have been taken into custody. Armsmaster, who is spearheading the operation, has gone on record to state that their focus is to eliminate a new drug that is incredibly lethal. Specifics have not been given, but the intensity and determination shown by our city's finest and the local parahumans illustrates how dangerous this drug must be."

The news anchor droned on with her report. It was news most of us heard by now, having kept our ears to the ground. It was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan, but this was still the calm. The storm was over the horizon, and it was getting closer every day.

It was just starting to dawn on me that, depending on how things went, this was going to be my first real debut in the cape world. Up until now, I stuck to the background, helping from behind the scenes while providing support. My stomach churned uncomfortably at the implications. It was not the situation itself that had me worried, but rather who we were dealing with.

We already knew who was distributing Sting thanks to the information provided to us by our employer. The Caponi Famiglia, a minor crime family in Italy. Even when they had capes at their beck and call, they were still low on the totem pole in spite of getting rid of the competition. When they lost their capes in the Endbringer battle in Naples years ago, they effectively lost what little power they had and found themselves cornered by rival families. Our employer did not know how they made Sting, though they believed it was made using tinker abilities or by an unknown source.

I remember the picture Lisa showed me, of one of the victims of Sting. Blood dribbling from the corner of their mouth, leaking out their eyes, pink pigment saturated deep in their irises. The scans of their brain were not much better. It was like someone put a grenade inside their skull and set it off. The worst part was that the damage was not intentional; Sting boosts powers, but in its current state, all it did was cripple them.

Lucio Cutugno did not seem to care much about the deaths caused by his hand. If anything, he saw the people of Brockton Bay as test subjects for something profitable, something that would help restore the Caponi Famiglia to its former glory.

I looked away from the TV, going back to the pita wrap in my hands. It was quickly growing cold, and the last thing I wanted was for it to go bad. Just as I took a bite out of it, though, I heard a bestial roar come from the kitchen.

Doppio stomped out with a look promising bloodshed and murder, veins bulging across his throat and forehead. "Alright, you dipshits, which one of you ate the last slice of pizza that was in the fridge?!"

"You mean the disgusting one with all the anchovies and bacon on it?" Alec called out from the couch. As usual, he preferred playing on his PSP than doing anything else. "Who the fuck would touch that nasty-ass shit you call a pizza?"

"What Alec said," Lisa chimed in agreement, not looking away from her computer. I took a quick glance over her shoulder and saw she was browsing through PHO. "I wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole."

"Well, somebody here ate it!" Doppio insisted. "Who else knew it was there?! Somebody better fess up or else I'm going to start tearing assholes a new one!"

Brian sighed. "Vinny, none of us touched your pizza. We know how you get whenever somebody takes stuff from you."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Darcy flinch and rub her jaw. She was still new to the team, so she had no idea how violent Doppio got whenever he found out someone touched his stuff without permission. The severity depended on the object; if it was something he could replace, he'd just scream at you, then apologize and promise to make it up to you. Which he almost always did unless the person in question (*cough*Alec*cough*) pissed him off. If it was something personal, like the photograph that sat on his nightstand, he would take a knife to your face and threaten to gouge out your eyeballs.

Darcy made the honest mistake of touching his photograph. It took Rachel and Brian to calm him down, though things did wind up getting violent when he pulled out a knife. She apologized after he calmed down, and he did feel pretty bad about it. It was still jarring to see how quick Doppio could change attitude at the drop of a hat. When I first met him, he was so meek and unassuming. I doubted whether he was really part of the Undersiders. Then I saw him blow his gasket, and knew for a fact he belonged with this crazy bunch of misfits.

I tuned out the argument, aware things would be resolved in the traditional Undersiders manner in favor of scrolling through the texts on my phone. Ever since that day in the mall with Victoria and Kath, the latter started texting me more than usual. She was excited when I told her I was taking up martial arts classes to defend myself, after which I learned Kath was a hardcore kung-fu movie buff and offered to teach me some pointers. I accepted of course, and following that, she dropped by the gym to help me perfect my form or whatever. As it turned out, Kath knew not only karate, but judo and taekwondo.

She was very enthusiastic to teach me about the last one.

The latest text was an apology. We were supposed to meet up later today by the gym, but something came up at the last minute. I did not hold it against her, typing, "We can try again later."

While waiting for a response, I heard Doppio yelp in pain. I looked over and found him hopping on one foot while cradling the other. Rachel, who just came back from walking her dogs, gave him the world's dirtiest look. "You're too loud. Shut up."

"Motherf—why'd you stomp on my foot?!"

"Like I said, you're being too loud."

"I'll quiet down when I found out who took the last slice of pizza!"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I fed it to Brutus."

"You what?!"

Lisa snickered. "Called it~"

"Hey, Brian!" Alec smirked. "You owe us ten bucks!"

Darcy stared at the two in confusion. "When did you two make bets?"

I sighed and closed my phone shut. Any second now, Doppio was going to lose his shit and start a fight with Rachel. The only way that was going to end was with bloodshed. Unlike Alec, I really didn't want to hear Brian bitch about bloodstains in the carpet. Right as the pink-haired teen was about to lunge at Rachel, I used my power to grab his arms and reel him back.

"Doppi, calm down." He opened his mouth to protest or scream in profanity, only to quiet when I gave him a look. "It's just pizza. I'll but you another one if you drop it, okay?" It really said something about how he viewed me when, whereas he would gouge out the eyes of whoever tried to order him around, he only grumbled and backed off. I heard Lisa giggling to herself, mimicking the sound of a whip cracking before I looked to Rachel. "Find anything?"

"Angelica tracked down the scent. It's over by the Docks, warehouse district." She threw her phone over to Lisa, who caught it without even looking. "I took a lot of pictures. There was this really important-looking guy there, too. Looked like a douchebag."

Alec scoffed. "Sounds like everyone else in this city. So, Tats, what's the word?"

Lisa scrolled through the photographs one by one, scrutinizing every detail, every inconsistency, every feature shown. I could see the gears in her mind working overtime. "Are these all the guards you could find?"

"Only the ones roaming around outside. Brutus couldn't smell anyone inside the warehouse. Too many disgusting smells masking the others."

"That's not uncommon. Recently, drug dealers have been cooking up ways to fool dogs trained to sniff out drugs like cocaine and heroin. Looks like they applied it to the whole factory. Let's see, Ak-47s, Desert Eagles, standard issue military-grade explosives, Kevlar vests and riot gear… Better protection than I was expecting, but it'll do jack shit against parahumans. Forty in all, sixteen positioned along the waterfront, thirteen along the main entrance, and the rest are scattered around the area. Some are positioned up on the rooftops, snipers by the looks of it."

Brian walked over and leaned on the table, looking at the pictures with her. He was looking for someone, someone who was the biggest concern for us. "I don't see that freak anywhere. Is he inside?"

"Seems like it. Lucio paid big bucks to hire this guy to protect his ass and his investment. Our mobster's practically risking his asshole and balls with this deal, and buying a hitman to help ensure his product hits the streets can and will bite him in the ass once we bust his operation."

I frowned in concern. The job our employer had in mind was simple. All we had to do was take out Lucio Cutugno's operations, stop Sting's distribution, and deliver him to the specified location. It was meticulously planned out, even going so far as to put pressure on Lucio by involving the Protectorate. By attacking Floyd Raymond and exposing his connections to the drug trade involving Sting, thus exposing the dangers of the drug early, Lucio would find himself cornered by us and the heroes. It was ingenious, but at the same time, it worried me.

It was not the fact that I was going to be playing a huge part in this operation, but rather the questions needing answers. Lucio didn't make Sting, nor was he involved in the process of making it. Someone contacted him, paying huge amounts of cash to distribute its incomplete state out into Brockton Bay so as to gather data. It was sickening, and the bodies we found along the way made my blood boil. I would take great pleasure in beating the shit out of Lucio when I got my hands on him, but as far as I was concerned, he was a two-bit player in the grand scheme of things.

Our employer did not know who Lucio partnered with, only that they boasted considerable influence. Lucio was the only person who had information about Sting's creator. I wanted to know who they were.

Getting to Lucio was easy enough, especially since he almost never left the warehouse. The problem was the 'freak' that had Brian worried. Lucio's bodyguard and enforcer.

"Cold World's probably somewhere inside the warehouse, not far from Lucio," Lisa surmised. "Considering that warehouse is the central hub of Sting's distribution and where it's delivered, it makes sense for him to be there."

Cold World, a 'parahuman' of some renown in the criminal underworld. No one knew where he came from, or what his real name was. All anyone knew was that he offered his services to the highest bidder. Famed for his brutality and ruthlessness, his powers involved creating weapons from his trench coat, though that paled to the real terror.

Cold World was a Master. By touching someone with the tendrils created by his powers, he could infect them with soul-crushing despair. Warp their mind, drag them down to their lowest point, pull them through the mud and fuck them up so horribly they would not even see their death coming. Of the few Masters I knew who could manipulate emotions, he was the worst by far.

Aside from emotion control, Cold World's ability to fashion weapons from his own clothing was worrisome, but compared to the "despair grab", it was easier to deal with. The only worry we had was whether Cold World was susceptible to Alec's own powers.

"Did you remember to plant the cameras?"

Rachel scoffed at Lisa's question. "Of course I did." She handed the blonde girl a USB stick, to which the latter happily grabbed and slid into her computer's port. In a few seconds, her screen filled up with a clear view of the warehouse, all from different and various angles. "I wasn't able to plant all of them. One of those assholes almost caught me."

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him," Alec commented.

"Street was too crowded. Too many witnesses."

Darcy balked at the answer while Lisa smiled to herself. "It's fine, Bitch. You got all the good spots, so that's all that matters." My phone rang, causing a few people to look at me. I looked at the caller ID. As I was about to speak up, Lisa smiled and waved a hand. "It's fine, Taylor. You can head on back. I think we're pretty much done on the strategizing front. I'll ring you up in case something happens, alright?"

"Thanks." I got up from the couch and walked out of the room, flipping my phone open and answering the call. "Hey, Dad…"

Dinner was a little uneventful for the most part. Dad was tired, more than usual, so he all but went to bed after eating. The DWA was undergoing a restructuring, which involved layoffs. Dad was not in charge of the DWA, but he was the most adamant about ensuring those in the Association had jobs. I imagined what it must have been like for him; sitting in his office, calling people up and informing them they're no longer employed by the DWA because of something as mundane as reorganization and resource management.

I went up to my room and did homework for a while before shuffling off to PHO. People were still talking about the Protectorate's rampage on drug dealers. Given that we were after the same person, I wondered if it meant I would run into the heroes at some point. On the one hand, getting to see them up close was like a dream come true. On the other hand, given how they were plenty of vigilantes who took to villainy, I half-expect them to try and apprehend me.

There was not a lot of talk on the cape scene, though that did not mean people talked about recent events, such as the rematch between Miss Militia, Armsmaster, Hookwolf and Cricket not long ago. Now that I think about it, that was when this whole Sting business started, wasn't it? It hasn't even been that long, and yet it already feels as though we've been at this for months.


A notification popped up on my screen. A smile formed over my face as I opened it, taking me into a certain thread on PHO, just as a live feed was starting.

Goooooooood evening, Brockton Bay! It's been a hell of a week, wouldn't you say? The Protectorate's taking a break from fighting the scum of the city in favor of the god-awful drugs, and not the ones Skidmark's been selling'! And speakin' of the gangs, what's the craphole that is our beloved city like these days, huh?

Well, not a whole lot's changed on the Empire front! Still a bunch of white supremacist pigs with hate-boners for anyone who isn't white! My condolences to blacks everywhere for having to put up with the goddamn Neo-Nazis. Hookwolf and Cricket broke out of jail after losing yet another fight to Armsmaster and Miss Militia, so I'd say it evens out. Honestly, I'm not sure what's more embarrassing; the amount of times the Protectorate locks up a cape only for them to bust out the next day, or that the Empire keeps getting its ass kicked.

I wish I could say the same about our resident Azn Bad Boys, though! It's been a while since we last saw our angry dragon boi go on a rampage, and word on the street is that the ABB's got two new members. That's right, boys and girls, the gangs are still growing, and our city's still got the most capes in the whole fuckin' United States. Now, I don't know jack about who the new kids on the block are, but let's face it, we'll probably be seein' them real soon.

As for the Archer's Bridge Merchants… (sigh) Yeeeaaah, the Merchants are still the Merchants. The grass is green, the sky's blue, the birds are singin', and Skidmark still smells worse than my dog's shit after it's been left out to burn on the sidewalk in summertime.

Moving away from our infamous gang overlords, let's talk about the independent scene, shall we? Now, we all know about New Wave and Glory Girl,
especially Glory Girl. She's the only girl I know who can pull off the whole She-Ra look, but hey, that's my opinion. The other day, they went to town on Victor and Krieg, and while both evaded custody, there is some prime footage of Krieg gettin' his balls smashed. I see the memes over the horizon, don't tell me you don't see 'em!

But, like I said, we all know about New Wave. Let's talk about some fresh blood, hm? Like, say, the Undersiders. These crazy sons of bitches been 'round for a year or so now, and boy oh boy, have they been pissin' people off. I don't think any of us remember Regent's debut. My sources still say Rune wants to beat the ever lovin' shit out of him for that stunt, and Krieg wants his head on a pike. Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but I've been hearing talk 'bout a new member. Seems like it ain't just Lung who's looking for new hires.

Tensions are running high between the Empire and the ABB, though, as Oni Lee continues to piss on Purity and those crazy ass twin bitches of Kaiser's. Brickston Street and the whole city block got turned into a goddamn war zone, and the fires are still goin' on. Sure glad I don't live in the Downtown Coast area. Purity's been fighting the ABB for a solid year now, and we're still no closer to seein' her or Lung's boys go down. If you ask me, it's only a matter of time before those two get into a big ass pissin' match.

You want my advice when that happens? GTFO, stat. And make sure to bring some marshmellows when you do, cuz hot damn the fire's gonna be gnarly. We all know it's going to happen sometime, folks. You know it, I know it, hell the goddamn PRT knows it, even though they've been bustin' ass to make sure it don't happen.

But war's a comin'. And when it does, the city is gonna be changin', for better or for worse.

That's all the time I've got on this week's podcast for BB's Nighty Booze! Same time next week, everybody!

The podcast ended not long afterwards. It was barely a year old, but it was pretty popular, mostly on account of the host. @Septic_EYE was a veteran member of PHO, as evident by his tag, on top of having his own unique tag titled "Verified Nutjob" (rumors of how he got it varied, though most agreed he just asked for it). He was a critic of capes in general, bringing up the pros and cons to heroes and villains. He held no punches, and criticized the Protectorate more often that not, though he did sing a few praises on occasion. He also made fun of villains, even when they managed to escape custody.

Victoria was the one to introduce him to me, and while I did disagree with a few things, he was pretty funny. Sometimes he did more than cover cape stuff.

I logged out of PHO and turned in for the night, hoping we would bring an end to Lucio's operations soon…

March 31, 2011

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing off the hook. It was Lisa, and much to my dismay, she had bad news.

"What do you mean Lucio's going to kill Armsmaster?" That was the first thing that came out of my mouth as I jumped out from the shadows in the corner of the room and leaped into the Undersiders' base. "Moreover, how did Armsmaster find out where Lucio even is?"

Lisa pulled up the camera feeds Bitch put around the warehouse. "I caught the fucker on cam, talking on his phone. He flat-out told Armsmaster where he was and tried to bribe him. As you can see, Armsmaster would rather put his ass behind bars than accept a bribe, especially when said bribe involves a completed Sting. He's planning on having Cold World execute him, and failing that, he's got all his men on standby. They'll bust inside and help kill him if it looks like he's putting up a good fight."

"Why did he even call Armsmaster in the first place?" Brian asked with a frown. "He could have continued to stay silent, but he went and called him personally. Why?"

"Part arrogance and part terror," Lisa replied. "He knows it's only a matter of time before Armsmaster catches up to him, so he wanted to end him himself. That, and if what I'm reading is right, whoever's backing him more or less told him to get rid of Armsmaster or risk losing a couple fingers and maybe his balls."

Some of us blanched while Alec whistled. "Damn, I think I like whoever's helping Lucio. So, where is tin man anyhow?"

"En route to Warehouse Five." Lisa looked at Brian. "Your call, Grue. What do we do? If Armsmaster survives this, which odds are he won't, and he captures Lucio, we lose our only lead as to who's making Sting."

We all looked at Brian. Even though he didn't want the position, he accepted and took to it like fish in water. He was a natural leader, even if he didn't want to admit it. Some of us trusted him more than others; Alec occasionally disagreed, Darcy was still new and Bitch really couldn't care unless it involved her dogs. Even so, even they admitted Brian could do a better job than them.

I could see the wheels in his head turning, brow creased in thought. I worried that he would leave Armsmaster for dead, thinking that if we intervened, it would tip Lucio off and we would lose our chance. It was understandable, but it would leave a bad taste in my mouth.

After a minute, Brian made his decision and turned toward me. "Have you, Lisa and Vinny been practicing on navigating the Corridor?"

I smile.

We geared up and traveled through the Corridor, reaching Warehouse Five in no time at all. Doppio guided me and Lisa pointed me in the right direction, leading us to emerge in an empty alley across from Lucio's base of operations. We gathered up on the roof and surveyed the area. There were no guards out front, but just because we didn't see them did not mean they weren't around.

"So, what's the play, Grue?" Al-Regent asked, tapping his scepter against his shoulder. "Aside from being big damn heroes, I mean."

Grue's voice was ironclad and stern. "We take out the guards. If Armsmaster can handle Cold World, we need to keep pressure off his back. Stick to the shadows and don't tip him off. I don't want to risk being caught, even if we are vigilantes. Tattletale, Eulogy, hack into the security system inside the warehouse and see what's happening. Bitch, Regent, Spitfire, you three are going to handle the guards. Shade, you're with me. We're going to sneak inside and help Armsmaster if things get dicey. Remember, none of you can be seen by the heroes unless you can't help it."

"Roger that, boss man," Tattletale gave a mock salute before turning to Eulogy. "Coming, dear boy?"

Eulogy grinned and went after her as she departed the rooftop. Bitch grunted and leaped atop one of her dogs. As Spitfire hopped on one of the others, she turned and glared at our newest member. "Burn Angelica and you die."

"Y-yes, ma'am!" Spitfire squeaked.

Regent patted her on the shoulder. "Try to keep up, newbie."

Bitch and her team went about their task, leaving Brian and me. Without Eulogy or Tattletale, navigating the Corridor was a pain in the ass, so we had to go about it on foot. We coordinated with Bitch, her dogs sniffing out the guards and Tattletale informing us where each one hid. No one noticed as he slipped inside the warehouse. As soon as we were inside, Grue covered us in darkness, and I used the shadows to ensnare us. It was different than using the Corridor, as we were more or less surfing along the surface of the shadows and using Grue's darkness to hide us.

It reminded me just how scarily compatible our powers were in spite of being so radically different. I could bend shadows to my whim, while Grue created total darkness.

…I really hope Tattletale doesn't read my thoughts, otherwise the jokes about "soulmate" are just going to be so, so much worse.

Armsmaster had yet to arrive, much to our relief. Part of me hoped he would change course and inform the Protectorate, but Regent dashed such hopes as he called in. "I see tin man cruising down the street as we speak. He's got no back-up."

"He wants to handle this himself," Tattletale informed us. "Thinks he can do this solo. Hm, guilt complex, got someone killed because they were fishing for info… Ah, and he thinks this'll help bolster his career!"

"Seriously?" Spitfire sounded just as aghast as I felt. "Since when do heroes care about fame?!"

"Sadly, that only applies to people who don't have an inferiority complex."

"What's there to be inferior about? Sure, he's no Dragon, but he's one of the best tinkers in the world, isn't he?"

I grimaced, feeling the admiration and image I had of the Protectorate leader slightly break. "Key word is 'one of the best'. I'm guessing he can't settle for second or third place." I would have continued, but I saw a man strode out from the office on the top floor up on the catwalk. I recognized him instantly by the pinstripe suit and white fedora, Cold World striding not far behind him. "Lucio showed up, and he's not alone. Cold World's right behind him."

"Tattletale, are you in?" Grue asked.

"Ooooooone second, and… Hah! I'm in!" I swore I heard her grin over the earpiece. "Let me see here… Arrogance, confident a mile long, scared out of his mind if this goes south, yep, that's our scumbag."

"The guy behind him, are you certain he's Cold World?"

"You mean the guy Shade ripped her look off of?" I glowered indignantly. I did not rip off his look, it was pure coincidence we wore similar outfits! Also, I'm wearing a raincoat! There is a distinct difference between a hooded trench coat and a raincoat! "I can confirm it's him, but… Oh." Worry seeped in. It was rare for Tattletale to sound concerned. "Oh shit."

Grue shifted anxiously, looking ready to bolt. "What's wrong?"

"Cold World's not a parahuman." My body froze. "He's a cape, but he's not a parahuman."

"You mean…" Grue tilted his head toward me, then back at Cold World. "Fuck, are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm getting' all kinds of mixed signals, half of which don't make any sense."

"As enlightening as this all is, Armsmaster's pulling up," Regent cut-in. "We're almost done on our end, but I think they're starting to catch on."

I looked at Grue. "What do we do?"

If Cold World was like me, then this changed everything. If he was a parahuman, things would be easy. Parahumans were rational, easy to predict to an extent so long as you knew what they were capable of. You could fight parahumans on even ground, even if you didn't have powers.

Capes like me, on the other hand, were another story.

"…we stick to the plan," Grue said. "If shit goes south, we go in, save Armsmaster's ass, then get the hell out. If need be, use your power, but remember, you cannot let him see you."

I nodded slowly.

Armsmaster finally made an appearance. He looked exactly as he did on television and in the newspapers; clad in blue-and-silver armor, a helmet almost completely encompassing his face, save for the area around his mouth. In hand was his halberd, the blade covered in blue electricity.

Lucio made himself known, making his reveal a grand spectacle of things. I had to admit, it was a little funny seeing Armsmaster attack him almost immediately, but seeing Cold World use his power up close finally helped it sink in. Just looking at those tendrils made my skin crawl, a soul-crushing dread cascading down my back and wrapping around my neck. Grue put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, and for a moment, I felt the dread lessen.

Armsmaster engaged Cold World soon after. For a while, it looked like an even fight. Although my opinion and awe of the hero dampened upon learning he was aiming for fame rather than justice, I still marveled at how versatile his arsenal was. I watched his weapon change forms, first a flail, then a plasma blade, and then a pair of dual blades. Cold World was no slouch, as he could change the appearances of his weapons with ease.

For a while, it seemed like they were evenly matched. I almost cheered him on in spite of the dangers, only for that joy to turn to shock when I saw Cold World summon his tendrils, catching Armsmaster off guard and pinning him against one of the cargo freighters.

Tattletale swore. "Armsmaster's breaking down. Grue, if you're doin' this, do it now!"

"Hold that thought!" Spitfire's shout stopped Grue before he could give the order. "Reinforcements are coming!"

A man clad in futuristic knight armor and a girl dressed like a martial artist wearing a domino mask leaped into action, the latter delivering an excellent dive kick against Cold World and knocking him aside. Gallant made a motion with his hand, and I saw a shimmering light envelop Armsmaster. I had a feeling I knew what he did, and I knew then Cold World met a perfect counter to his "despair clutch".

"I guess we won't be needed after all." Grue's shoulders sagged with relief. "Eulogy, anything 'bout to happen we should be worried about?"

"Cold World's gonna get serious," our pink-haired Thinker replied. "Grace's gonna get skewered through the shoulder. Not life-threatening."

I looked back at the blonde Chicago Ward, who along with her superior and fellow teen cape got ready to engage. Armsmaster changed the side of his halberd once more, turning it into the staff with a second blade forming along the bottom of the shaft. Cold World responded in kind by spawning several tendrils, some as sharp as needles, and turning his arms into claws.

This was a good opportunity. We could snatch Lucio in the middle of the confusion, use Grue's darkness and the shadows to grab him before he could make a peep. The Wards and hero wouldn't notice a thing. Yet as I looked at the Chicago Ward, something bubbled in my chest. It might have been my imagination, but she reminded me of Kath. She certainly had the same glare. When the thought crossed my mind, a sudden chill went down my spine and fear grabbed me by the heart. Rumors of the Wards attending Arcadia were all anyone talked about, with everyone guessing who's who.

If Kath was Grace…

Grace's gonna get skewered through the shoulder.

Eulogy's forecast repeated in my head. It was not life-threatening, but…

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I looked to Grue, who stared at me in understanding. I could hardly see his face behind the tinted visor of his helmet, but I could make out a hint of frustration. He knew what was about to happen, and I was sure to get hell for this later, but he made no move to stop me. Instead, he gave me a grim nod and slowly covered himself in darkness.

"Really, Shade?" Tattletale sounded exasperated with me.

I made a mental note to apologize later as I withdrew the gun strapped to my leg from its holster, undoing the safety.

"Wait, what's happening?" Spitfire asked in confusion.

Regent sighed dramatically. "And once again, chronic hero syndrome strikes again."

"Fuck 'em up, Shade." Well, at least Bitch was supportive.

I stood up and took aim at the lights. My finger squeezed the trigger.

It was time to paint these fuckers black.


SkyRig: I see a red door, and I want it painted black~ No colors anymore, I want them to turn black~

TheStranger: Have you been listening to that song on repeat as you wrote this?

SkyRig: What, it helps me get in the mood. Besides, you have no room to talk. How many times have you listened to JT Music's "No Hero" as you were writing Latrotoxin?

TheStranger: …touché, Capitan.
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Paint It Black 1.7
TheStranger: The home stretch. I do believe this is the first time I've ever posted so many chapters in a single burst. I doubt I will be doing this again, especially not when I am so busy IRL.

SkyRig; Saaaaaaaame. I'm back to online classes in college, and so far they suck balls. But hey, at least we got some sweet, sweet action. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the JoJo standard tradition of a Stand-debut no-holds-barred beatdown, complete with a Stand Cry.

TheStranger: Thinking up one for Taylor was a bitch in of itself, especially since we can't use Muda!Muda!Muda! or Ora!Ora!Ora! seeing as how she's not a Joestar or a Brando.

SkyRig: We will also be posting the stats for the Stands at the end of the chapter, as well as a comprehensive list of their abilities. On a side note, special thanks to my longtime partner Daemon of Wrath who agreed to cook up some juicy, juicy Stands. Cold World is one such creation of his, as is another Stand that will be featured in the next arc.

TheStranger: WHICH, I should point out, will not come out for a long while, as I will explain in a moment. For now… On with the show!

April 1, 2011

Today was April Fools, a day of celebration and mischief. No one knew exactly how it started or if it had any kind of religious meaning, but people celebrated such an event and day full of trickery and pranks for centuries.

For the Protectorate, more accurately Director Emily Piggot, there were no such acts of tomfoolery. The older heroes were assembled in front of her, all brought for a meeting in light of yesterday's events. The meeting should have happened when he returned following his encounter with the cape known as Cold World, but her schedule that day prevented her from doing so. Dominos were tipping over in Brockton Bay, events in motion that she dreaded. Signs of trouble were brewing, and everyone could see it.

The purpose of the meeting was not just to talk about Armsmaster's encounter with the vigilante group that dealt with Cold World. The meeting was also to discuss Lucio Cutugno and his apparent backer.

"I assume everyone's already been briefed about yesterday, so let's not beat around the bush. Yesterday, Armsmaster, you stubbornly went after the one who's been spreading Sting around this city alone, without any back-up, and fought a cape whose powers you had no knowledge of. A cape with Master powers that nearly did you in." Armsmaster's face looked as though it was made of stone, but the others could tell he was shrinking in on himself. Piggot long since learned the technique of how to cow capes into submission, especially the insubordinate ones. "Had it not been for Gallant's timely arrival and his negation of the effect, we would not be having this conversation."

"My apologies, ma'am. It won't happen again," Armsmaster told her, his words practiced and cordial.

Emily did not believe him for a moment, but there were more pressing matters to attend to. "What do we know about this Cold World individual?"

"I reached out to some of my old contacts from my Madcap days," Assault began. He wore a rare expression, his usual easy-going smile noticeably absent. "No one knows who he is or where he came from, other than one day he showed up and offered his skills to the highest bidder. He primarily works as a hitman, targeting high-profile targets such as business tycoons, CEOs, and even capes, hero and villain."

Miss Militia went next. "The first known sighting of Cold World was in 1997 in Hollister, California. It's a small, rural town near the bay area, but following the appearance of parahumans, the city was overtaken by the criminal element. A gang calling themselves The Death Gods single-handedly wiped out the police force and claimed the city as their territory."

"What happened?"

The bandana-wearing cape frowned. "The reports at that time were rather hazy, but there were numerous eye-witness accounts claiming they saw a figure matching Cold World's description slaughtering them in droves. I've seen the photographs, Director. It is not a pretty sight."

Emily stared at the woman for a moment before she sighed, sinking into her chair. "And, of course, he shows up here in this god forsaken city." She shook her head despondently; feeling more fed up with Brockton Bay than ever. "Were we at least able to capture him?"

"He is currently being held in a maximum security cell and pending transfer to the Birdcage. All that's required is your signature, ma'am."

"Send me the paperwork, and I'll have it done in a fucking heartbeat." Miss Militia nodded. Emily turned her sights back to Armsmaster. "Now, about the vigilantes you encountered, were you able to identify them?"

He nodded. "I only encountered two, but one of them was familiar to me. His attire matches the one worn by Grue of the Undersiders."

Ah, right, those upstarts, Emily thought with a grimace.

Vigilantes were loose cannons among independent heroes to begin with, refusing to abide by the rules in favor of taking justice into their own hands. Unsurprisingly, there were far more vigilantes-turned-villains than the opposite. Emily preferred independent heroes, as unlike vigilantes, independents signed on not as official members of the Protectorate and the PRT, but as collaborators. The Protectorate and PRT could reign such independents in, and on more than one occasion, manage to recruit them.

Of all the vigilantes Emily knew, the Undersiders were arguably the worst. The Think Tank and her aids believed some could potentially join the PRT, but the other members were of dubious backgrounds. Regent's powers bore an eerie similarity to known villain Hijack, one of Heartbreaker's children. There were countless rumors of how controlling Heartbreaker was over his children, who all took to villainy (though the jury was out on whether it was of their own free will), and she was none too pleased to entertain the idea one of his kids was in her city. Hellhound, or "Bitch" as she referred to herself as in the reports, had a troubled history. Her Trigger Event could not have been worse; an abusive foster mother, leading up to the ill-fated event where the girl's power surfaced at that moment and mutated a dog she brought home into a monster.

There were plenty of arguments to be made about Bitch's case, but Emily was of the opinion that, even if she did join the Wards, she was going to be just as volatile, if not worse, than Shadow Stalker. Her interactions and mannerisms suggested she viewed socializing in a non-human way, likely a result of the terrible nature of her Trigger Event.

As for Regent, there was not a chance in hell. If even half the rumors of how "protective" Heartbreaker was of his kids were true, she would rather cart him off to another city, if not the Birdcage if possible. The further away that bastard was from her city, the better.

The remaining members held a higher chance of accepting a position in the Wards, two of whom Emily reluctantly agreed on.

Tattletale, smug nuisance that she was, was one of the most scarily accurate thinkers Emily knew of. Details of her power were still uncertain, and she claimed to be a mind reader, though there was not much evidence to support those claims. The girl was arrogant, annoyingly so, though she had every reason to. As her name suggested, she dredged up people's deepest, darkest secrets and held it in front of their faces. It would not surprise Emily in the least if Tattletale brought up their Trigger Events, just to get a rise out of them. A sound strategy; anger them, get them to trip up, but if she was not careful, she was likely to end up in a ditch.

Grue was the Undersiders' leader, or at the very least, the closest they had to one. His powers involved blanketing the surrounding area in thick, choking darkness. The darkness he created could block electronic signals, airwaves and signals, even light. Analysts claimed he had a minor brute rating, noting a physical strength slightly higher than most and increased stamina. He was at the forefront of every operation the Undersiders undertook, seen giving orders to the other members. He was arguably the most level-headed of the bunch, and even worked with the Wards on the rare occasion.

The remaining two members of the Undersiders were new to her. "These two," she pointed to their pictures. One was a figure wearing a black raincoat and a featureless white mask, attire eerily similar to Cold World's, and the other was a woman wearing a skin-tight black-and-red bodysuit with a modified gas mask. "Who are they?"

"If I am correct, the cape in the raincoat is likely the same one from the Floyd Raymond incident. The other is a relatively new parahuman," Armsmaster said.

Battery chimed in. "I recognize her. I ran into her while I was out on patrol and submitted a report of our encounter. I believe it was last month. She said her name was Spitfire. Word on the grapevine was Faultline wanted to recruit her, but it looks like the Undersiders scooped her up first."

"I had troopers survey the warehouse after Cold World was apprehended, they found scorch marks along the ground. Some of the men on Lucio's payroll suffered from second to third-degree burns. We've asked for Panacea to come by the Rig and assess the damage. If it isn't life-threatening, they can live with a few scars."

Although she wasn't exactly pleased to hear about yet another vigilante, she supposed it was better than a villain. Of course, the real question now was how long it would be before they turned to crime. Filing that thought away for the moment, Emily continued with the meeting. "And what of this one?"

"For now, I suggest assigning her the temp name 'Dark' due to her attire and her powers," Armsmaster suggested. "Her powers appear to be a mix of striker and breaker. She demonstrated the ability to manipulate shadows and turn them tangible. I should also raise the possibility of the Undersiders having another undisclosed member with stranger capabilities. In both the Floyd Raymond case and the encounter with Cold World, both were viciously assaulted by an invisible figure." He paused for a moment. "Alternatively, it is possible Dark is capable of psycho-kinetic attacks. I would have to review the footage from mine, Gallant, and Grace's cams to be certain."

Emily nodded and leaned back in her seat. "Very well, then. I will confer with the Think Tank and make a formal rating and threat assesstment for Dark and Spitfire. For now, we'll keep information about the Undersiders' involvement on the down low, as we have with this case. While you're at it, see if you can pump as much information from Cold World as you can. With how long the bastard's been operating, I can hardly imagine what sorts of people he's been in contact with."

Armsmaster frowned. "That…may be a problem, Director."

"How so?"

Wordlessly, the man showed Emily a picture. It was Cold World with his hood pulled back and his mask removed. He was older than she expected; thinning gray hair, deep wrinkles and sunken cheeks.

When she saw what the hero meant, Emily grimaced. "…I see what you mean."

Armsmaster, or rather Colin Wallis as he was finally out of armor for the first time since the start of the week, retired to his lab after the meeting concluded. He did not sink himself into his work as he normally did, rather pulling up the camera footage from his and Gallant's helmets, as well as the mini-cam installed on Grace's domino mask.

He did not make his thoughts known to the Director, feeling she would not understand or blow him off. The encounter with Cold World felt off, least of all how the man's powers seemingly worked. It was too unnatural, foreign. In the years he served the Protectorate, he learned to trust his instincts, even if they often led him to unsavory situations. The damnable mess that was Maine certainly did not help matters, even if Chevalier looked back on it fondly whenever it was mentioned.

Another thing that concerned him was Dark's abilities. Similar to Cold World, they felt odd. He did not know why it was, only that something was telling him to pursue this train of thought. He believed going through the footage was the best way to satiate this itch, to solving this damnable mystery plaguing his mind.

His console beeped a few times. Without looking, he inputted a few commands into the holographic keyboard on the station next to him and connected Dragon to one of his monitors. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he assured her. "Yesterday was… I apologize for being rash, Dragon."

His Canadian friend smiled warmly. "It's fine, Colin. You were running off four hours of sleep, three cups of coffee, and the mastermind behind this whole thing was right in front of you. Having said that, you should have called for help."

"In a manner of speaking, I did receive help." He was not exactly thrilled to learn the one who saved him and defeated Cold World was a vigilante, but it did give him a good idea as to what sort of person Dark was. "What are your thoughts on Dark?"

"Not enough information, but given their ability and the Undersiders' history, I believe she is a good person."

Colin blinked. "She?"

"I cross-examined her proportions based on the footage you sent me. She's of average height, if slightly taller than most females, and given the requirements of the average cape lifestyle, she has a slight athletic build," Dragon told him, sounding rather smug for having gotten one over him. "I can't give you an exact age, though I believe the rough estimate is somewhere between mid to late teens at the youngest, and young adult at the oldest."

The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Odds are high she's a teenager, like Tattletale and Regent are." He scratched the back of his neck in wonder. What was it about teenage heroes trying to do things on their own? Was it part of the whole 'teen rebellion' phase he heard about? If so, all the more reason for them to join the Wards. Granted, they were stern, but fair and could be a guiding hand. "What about her powers? I'm not sure why, but something feels…"

"Unusual about them?" He nodded. "Truth be told, I felt the same. I've been giving some thought to that theory you had, about the psycho-kinetic attacks. Perhaps they are part of her power. I've gone through various filters and toyed with audio cues, but for the most part, I've yet to find anything that indicates to a hidden member with Stranger abilities."

"Have you tried thermal imaging?"

"Yes, and there was nothing."

Perhaps they were off and there was nothing wrong. Perhaps he was just tired and grasping at straws. Colin should have written the whole thing off, but leaving this mystery unsolved left a bitter taste in his mouth. It was like admitting defeat. Maybe he was just being stubborn, but he could not find it within himself to leave it be. He examined the footage, focusing on the instances when it looked as though Cold World were fighting an unseen force. The shadows were tangible and could change shape, turning from hands to spikes to spiked clubs, etc. It was versatile and powerful, but obviously dependant on shadows. It was most likely why the lights were shot; Dark needed more shadows, more darkness for her power to be at its strongest.

The footage reached the part where Cold World was ensnared by black wires, held in place long enough for an unseen force to deliver a brutal beatdown, far worse than what Floyd Raymond suffered. Armsmaster paused the footage, rewound it, then replayed it frame by frame. Carefully, he watched the points of impact.


"…Dragon, is it my imagination, or does it look like Cold World is being punched?"

Dragon was silent for a moment, no doubt verifying things on her end. After a moment, she answered. "You're right… The points of impact look like fists. With the rapid pace and the depth of the impact, the blows themselves aren't terribly strong, likely a low brute, but I count at least 1,792 hits. It certainly explains the broken bones and fractures."

"I wonder…"

Dragon frowned. "Colin? Is something the matter?"

It was unlikely to be the case, but if it was…

Colin rewound the footage and applied a specific filter. To Dragon's shock, the unseen figure was revealed in all their glory.

"What in the… Colin, what filter are you using?"

"The SPW Filter," Colin answered grimly. "Excuse me for a moment, Dragon. I'll have to make a phone call to the Speedwagon Foundation."

The Director was probably not going to like having outside forces get involved in the case, but it was officially out of their hands now. It had been so long since he encountered one of their kind that he almost forgot they existed. Unlike parahumans, theirs was less spoken of, if not rumored.

His hand reached to his side, feeling an old scar ache.

Dragon was confused at first. Realization dawned on her soon afterwards. "You mean…"

"Yes. Dark is…"

[Taylor P.O.V]

Six shots, almost a full magazine, and all used to destroy the lights. The warehouse turned dark, with the only light source being the light pouring in from the front entrance. Shadows encroached the interior, turning the whole area into my territory. Grue made a move to help, but I held up a hand and stopped him. This was all I needed to defeat Cold World.

I took a deep breathe and focused myself. This would not be like when I fumbled and scrambled to survive against Extinction. I was stronger and held a better understanding of what I could do.

"Change of plans, Tattletale…"

Grue's voice faded as I jumped down atop one of the containers, my footsteps muffled by the shadows under my control. Despite being able to attack from virtually anywhere now, I had to be close enough to actually beat the bastard into the ground. Armsmaster and the Wards were getting ready to charge in. I was certain they could handle themselves, but staying on the sidelines and doing nothing felt wrong.

I took another deep breathe and let my power roar in full. I felt it form behind me, hovering almost protectively.

"Let's go… 『Paint It Black 』."

Paint It Black curled its fingers into a fist, and slammed it straight down. "KURAI!"

The shadows rippled and writhed, falling under my command. With a flick of the hand, numerous dark hands sprouted from the ground and ensnared Cold World, pulling him into the air and throwing him harshly into one of the nearby containers. The metal box crumpled beneath the impact, creating a sizable dent in its side. I did not give Cold World a moment to rest or counterattack, creating bladed tendrils that went straight for him. Cold World's tendrils, wrapped around the blades and preventing them from getting closer, caught them all. His arm changed shape, becoming a blade and slicing straight through the bladed tendrils.

I followed up by sending a swarm of spikes up through the containers, piercing through the contents. Cold World jumped off, somehow sensing the attack coming from below. I changed the spikes' direction, intercepting him. He swung his mutated arm again, but only managed to destroy some of the spikes. The rest managed to impale him through his left leg and arm. The spikes morphed into strands, grabbing him and pulling him straight down into the ground. I needed to restrict his mobility as much as possible, or at the very least cripple his ability to fight back.

"W-what the fuck?! Hey, who's doing this?"

Oh, right, for a moment I forgot the heroes were here. I was pretty sure I was still out of sight, but considering Armsmaster's present…

My concentration broke for a moment thanks to Grace's startled exclamation. As a result, Cold World broke free. Blood leaked from his thigh and arm. I noticed he created some tendrils to wrap around his wound like makeshift bandages.

Eulogy shouted at me through my earpiece. "Shade, jump back!"

Cold World turned his head. For a second, I froze. He was staring right at me. His arm turned into a gigantic, barbed spear and sent it right at me. I followed up my friend's advice, jumping off the container right as the barbed spear skewered straight through it. Actually, scratch that, he ripped it apart with a single thrust.

If I hadn't moved a second earlier, I would be dead.

Paint It Black caught me, gently setting me back on the ground. Now aware of my presence and deeming me a more important target, somehow leaped atop the ruined container, his arms in the form of claws. He lunged toward me and was repelled by Paint It Black, grabbing him by the wrists and throwing him to the side. She countered and leaped toward him, fist reared back.


Cold World dodged into a roll, letting the fist sail over him and into the wall behind him before lashing at Paint It Black with his claws. I could not see his face, but I was certain he fully expected to see the damage inflicted on Paint It Black to transfer back to me. His claws ripped right through her torso. For a moment, it looked as though he won.

Unfortunately for him, Paint It Black had no actual body to speak of. All she was in her current state was a living mass of shadow and darkness.

In other words, intangible.

The damage repaired itself in no time flat, strands of shadow pulling itself back together. Cold World recoiled. Before he could flee, Paint It Black tore through the wall and smashed her fist straight into his chest with a bellowing "KURAI!" Cold World, knocked off his feet and into the air, managed to regain his balance mid-air, turning his arms into spears and halting his airborne retreat. I sent several shadowy spears his way, but he changed his arms again into serrated blades and swung, destroying them.

Red stains seeped through the living mass covering his body. Even if he was using his tendrils as makeshift bandages, he was losing blood and fast. I considered putting him in the ground, but if I did that, the Protectorate would label the Undersiders as villains and go after us. There was also the fact that he probably had a lot of information for the Protectorate.

"Hey, I found 'em!"

I cursed under my breathe, hearing familiar voices behind me. Not helping matters was what Eulogy said next. "He's about to skewer you!"

If I dodge, that would put them in the line of fire. If I didn't, I would be affected by his powers and get turned into a pincushion.

Paint It Black moved well before I gave the order. She slammed both hands into the ground, creating a wall of darkness, separating the heroes and us. In that same move, more bladed tendrils exploded out from the wall, circling around me and ready to intercept. They quivered and launched into action the moment Cold World released his own tendrils. Some intercepted, others skewered. One of his tendrils got dangerously close to me, about to wrap around my neck, but Paint It Black destroyed it before it could latch onto me.

Some of the bladed tendrils hit their mark, piercing into Cold World's right shoulder, left calf, and side. I worried whether I stabbed him in the lung by accident, but his movements suggested otherwise as more tendrils erupted from his body, grabbing the impaled shadowy blades and destroying them with ease. His body trembled and shook. I did not have time to question what was happening before his arm began to twist and bend in ways it should not be capable of doing.

"What the—?!"

His arm extended differently than it had before. Bones were snapping and breaking apart. Faster than I expected, his hand grabbed me by the throat and…and I…


Paint It Black brought her arm down in a karate chop, slicing the arm clean off and spraying blood. The hand relaxed its grip and fell to the ground, twitching and spasming before sinews of black liquid reattached the limb.

"Are you shitting me?" Tattletale sounded queasy. "I thought his power just extended to his clothing!"

I choked and struggled to get my breathing under control. "You mean… He actually put it inside his body?"

"Yeah, and it's tearing him apart from the inside! He's getting desperate. Shade, you gotta end this now!"

Grue yelled over the earpiece. "Eulogy, do you have Lucio?!"


Okay, now I need to end this quick before Eulogy kills Lucio.

Cold World lumbered forward, blades exploding out from his body. I threw up every defense I have, the shadows around me rising to defend. The wall behind me, keeping the Wards and Armsmaster safe, warped and twisted to join with the rest. Paint It Black grabbed me and threw me into the air, evading a lashing storm of blades. I grabbed the railing of the catwalk. Cold World jumped after me, arm extending to grab me and pull me back down.

I smirked beneath my mask.

Got you.

Black strings snapped out from every corner of the warehouse, ensnaring and wrapping around Cold World, locking down every inch of his body. The blades that sprouted from his body pressed back against the strings, but no matter how hard Cold World pushed, they would not relinquish their hold.

Paint It Black manifested below, leaping onto the catwalk.

"You're in range," I said as I pointed a finger at him. With three words—a name—I sealed his fate. "『Paint It Black 』!"


The first punch shattered all the blades growing from his chest. It was but the first salvo of thousands, as in the next second, Paint It Black screamed and let loose. Her arms were a blur, moving so quickly I could not see every punch.

All I saw was a savage, no-holds barred beatdown.

(SkyRig Note: Warning. Stand Cry beatdown in three, two, one)


With a final bellow, Paint It Black delivered a lariat to Cold World's neck. The wires holding him up snapped and sent him flying, straight into a cargo container. Rather than crumple and bend under the weight, the container was knocked off the pile, crashing down into a earth-shuddering clatter. Cold World lay on top of it, battered, beaten, and broken. The dark trench coat he wore lay in tatters, ripped apart from the furious beaten he received moments ago.

Armsmaster, Grace and Gallant stared in shock, unsure what exactly happened. I waited for a few seconds, waiting for Cold World to get back up and continue fighting. When he made no move to, I slunk into the shadows, Paint It Black dissolving and falling back into my territory.

Cold World: Badly beaten and captured by the Protectorate.

The footage was paused exactly at the moment Cold World was defeated. His mask was shattered, revealing his aging face. It was a ghastly site to behold; eyes and lips sown shut, scars marking almost every inch of his wrinkly form. That was not what had Colin's attention, however. Rather, it was the "invisible parahuman" who defeated him with a rapid fire, savage barrage of fists.

It was humanoid, tall and lanky, easily two or three heads taller than Colin himself, clad in a dark-gray bodysuit with black accents, leather belts wrapped around almost every inch of its body. Its face was hidden behind a black mask, menacing in design with what looked like mandibles decorating the sides. Polished, narrow yellow lenses made up the eyes, the design making it look as if they were glaring. Flowing black hair poured from the top of its scalp like water, fluttering about. Black flakes and motes of shadowy light peeled away from its form, its body occasionally rippling.

Before, he assumed it to be parahuman, but its appearance, and the fact it was revealed through a special filter, one developed by the Speedwagon Foundation, told him one thing:

"Dark is… A Stand-user!"

"Paint It Black" Arc

『Paint It Black』
User: Taylor Hebert
-Destructive Power: C
-Speed: B
-Range: D
-Persistence: C
-Precision: C
-Developmental Potential: E

『Cold World』
User: Real Name unknown
-Destructive Power: B
-Speed: C
-Range: C
-Persistence: A
-Precision: C
-Developmental Potential: C

TheStranger: At the time of this writing, four days have passed since the death of Rolling Stones drummer Charles Robert Watts. Rest in peace, Charlie. You will be dearly missed.
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So, a few things to get out of the way now that you guys just got a full fucking arc in one sitting.

When planning began for this story, it was initially a solo project and I knew nothing of the JoJo manga. Any knowledge I had of it came from the anime series up to Part 5. There were several ideas and plans, such was what Stand to give Taylor, whether it should be a parahuman power or not, and what have you. I wrote several drafts, though none of them actually panned out because I was not sure where to actually take the story. I want Rolling Stone to be different from my other ongoing fanfics in that, rather than update when I have the time or when I feel like writing, I want to update it on a schedule, which I am planning to do with my other fanfics such as Parabellum.

Back to the draft thing for a moment. It was really hard coming up with a story revolving around potential ramifications and alterations to the plot with Taylor gaining a Stand. The closest I got was "In the Court of the Crimson King". As the title implies, it was meant to be Taylor having King Crimson, a premise previously done over on Spacebattles, though I can't recall the title of that particular fanfic.

During this time, I eventually asked SkyRig, who I have been a fan of since he first wrote Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R-eset, about potential ideas. Instead of writing a fanfic around Taylor having a Stand, he asked me about writing a fanfic where Stands were part of the setting.

Things snowballed from there, as you can see. We have the Stand Arrows. We have the Stone Masks. We have the motherfucking Pillar Men. And all you've seen so far is just the tip of the iceburg. There's still a whole lot more we want to show you, but at this time, "Paint It Black" is currently the only arc that has been completed and the full story of Rolling Stone is roughly around eighty percent complete.

College has also started back up again for me, and there are real world obligations I have to contend with as well, which hamper my writing somewhat. With that in mind, I hope everyone will be patient.

Now that Paint It Black is finished, though, you can expect this thread to be rather quiet from myself and SkyRig unless we feel answering any non-spoiler questions you all may have. The reason for this is because we will be writing the rest of the chapters while finishing up what remains of the story. Once all chapters have been written and completed, we will be looking for a beta-reader to go over the chapters and point out any errors that need correcting.

If anyone is willing to take up such a position, please contact either myself or SkyRig.

That will be all for the time being. In the meantime, why not re-read "Paint It Black" and see if you can spot some musical references in what we have so far. I can give you two for free: The receptionist in 1.2's name is derived from the All-Time Low song "Dear Maria, I'm Coming In," and Dr. Merrick's name is in reference to British music producer and songwriter Chris "Merrick" Hughes. I believe Taylor's Stand is self-explanatory.

You can expect quite a few Stands with names taken from The Rolling Stones's songs.
How is Dario Brando alive in the 1930s? He died in 1880 at either 52 or 53, due to his son, Dio Brando, poisoning him.
How is Dario Brando alive in the 1930s? He died in 1880 at either 52 or 53, due to his son, Dio Brando, poisoning him.
It's an alternate timeline. Also, you completely missed the part where Dario has a daughter instead of a son. That should have clued you in on how history has diverged on the JoJo side of things.
Welp, that was an amazing ride in the first arc. I loved the fight between Cold World and Taylor. Initially thought to be a recurring character, but SkyRig assured me he wasn't.
Lol, are there the Stone people from part 8 going around?.

I really like this!,Now the Oni lee recruit remind me of law from one piece, but i remember there was ajojo character with that power.

From what i read they got kira? Nice. My only problem is that his ghost is now somewhere, but meh no my problem.

Because idk what stuff you are using from jojo, i can also asume, that Hamon and the spin in here?

btw after i saw the title i began to have flashbacks of jojo part 5, and was waiting from literally [Rolling Stones] to go and kill someone.
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Armsmaster explained. "The Corona Pollentia typically only begins to swell and expand during a Trigger Event, contributing to the black-out period. However, the maximum size of the swelling during a Trigger Event is twelve centimeters. The swelling caused by Sting reaches around three to four inches. Data suggests that, during this time, the abilities of the parahuman ingesting Sting are increased for a short duration of time."

Ethan blinked and stared at the image, his gaze lingering for several seconds before slowly turning to Armsmaster. "Are you telling me this shit is a cape boosting drug?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. After forty minutes post-ingestion, the Corona Pollentia begins to shrink until it reaches about 32 centimeters smaller than normal. The chemistry of the brain is also hampered by a significant margin, enough to cause some serious, lasting damage."

I think you have a measurement wrong in here because 12 centimeters is already 4.7 inches, and 3-4 inches of swelling in the brain is.... a lot, plus 32 centimeters is like, over 1 foot in length. I don't think there's enough space for that in a human skull.

"So, what's the play, Grue?" Br-Regent asked, tapping his scepter against his shoulder. "Aside from being big damn heroes, I mean."

Unless Regent suddenly swapped names with Grue, I'm pretty sure that Br- is supposed to be an Al-

I sealed his face. "『Paint It Black 』!"

Fate, not face. I think.

Cold World: Badly beaten and captured by the Protectorate.

"Dark is… A Stand-user!"

I think there's supposed to be a scene transition in the middle here- I'm assuming the Taylor POV segment is a flashback from another angle. Not super necessary, but it'd be easier to parse that way.

That's everything I noticed on a first readthrough. Story's very interesting so far, keep it up!
Happy. That describes me rather well right now. Thank you for posting this. It was a pleasure to read!
Back to the draft thing for a moment. It was really hard coming up with a story revolving around potential ramifications and alterations to the plot with Taylor gaining a Stand. The closest I got was "In the Court of the Crimson King". As the title implies, it was meant to be Taylor having King Crimson, a premise previously done over on Spacebattles, though I can't recall the title of that particular fanfic.
For the record, I would have loved to see this kind of story, if only just to see how Coil would react to having a fellow secretive villain. Assuming King Crimson would affect Taylor that way.

The receptionist in 1.2's name is derived from the All-Time Low song "Dear Maria, I'm Coming In,"
I think you mean 1.3. The receptionist Merrick has is named Stacy, in reference to "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne.

Lol, are there the Stone people from part 8 going around?.

I really like this!,Now the Oni lee recruit remind me of law from one piece, but i remember there was ajojo character with that power.

From what i read they got kira? Nice. My only problem is that his ghost is now somewhere, but meh no my problem.

Because idk what stuff you are using from jojo, i can also asume, that Hamon and the spin in here?

btw after i saw the title i began to have flashbacks of jojo part 5, and was waiting from literally [Rolling Stones] to go and kill someone.
At the time we were writing this sumbitch, Part 8 had yet to finish, so we made no plans to include the Rock Humans. Hamon and Spin are currently being debated, but as things stand, they will not be featured at the moment.

Honestly, the whole reason the fanfic is named Rolling Stone and Taylor's Stand is named after a popular song by that same band is partially cuz of me. Of the many, many old bands my father was a fan of, I grew attached to Rolling Stones the most. Some story important characters unrelated to JoJo will have their Stands named after songs and albums from the Rolling Stones, though.
I'm quite surprised at the low stats for 『Paint It Black』, especially the developmental potential. I'd have expected a seemingly flexible stand like that to have it higher.
I'm quite surprised at the low stats for 『Paint It Black』, especially the developmental potential. I'd have expected a seemingly flexible stand like that to have it higher.

Well you see the thing about Stand Stats is that they're useless bullshit that don't really make any sense at all as a proper power scale, considering that Gold Experience is stated to have a Destructive Power of C and yet it effortlessly smashed a whole bunch of cars into pieces in relatively short time.
*perks up noticing Jsyrin in the thread. Looks at profile and notices new story. Will read later but happy Jsyrin is still writing.*

On topic, I do agree that I was a little disappointed at the low Development Potential for Paint It Black.
AAAAAAAAaaaaaaand...... Watched. I don't know how, but you two always manage to make quality work I enjoy, especially together. Overall, I enjoyed this arc.
A highlight for me was, oddly enough, Taylor's counseling scene in Chapter 2. As someone who's been attending counseling for the past 3 years or so, it's good to see something like that. NGL, it reminded me way too much of some of my own sessions, but that's just how it works out I guess.
Another highlight is definitely 「 Paint It Black」's debut. The music choice helped it pop, for lack of a better term. I could picture the scene so much better with it playing.
Sooooo fucking watched! Two of my favorite authors collaborating? Hell fucking YES!

I hope reality settles and more time is freed up, because dear god this is going to be a delightful story.

I can only imagine what the PRT's reaction to Stand Users are. Especially how they will be affecting the world and both hindering and helping its development of cape society.

I fully expect the next meeting to be absolutely fascinating though. Especially with Armsmaster explaining about Stands and the fact that Dark, or rather Shade, is in the city. Considering the relative power of some Stands and how obviously synergistic she and Grue are? They could probably take out any cape in the city save perhaps Lung.

And now Cold World won't be around to confuse the heroes, and they can start interacting more directly.

Makes me wonder about Coil in this universe. Still the same sleazeball or something else...

...and the thing Taylor mentioned surviving from, and Taylor's whole event this time.

I mean... is she a Stand Using Parahuman? In which case... oh fuck indeed. But they're treating the Undersiders like Vigilantes, which is interesting, and Piggot is a lot more reasonable.

And hell, if the Speedwagon Foundation rolls into town to talk to the new Stand User... funfunfun!

And hell, when the Pillar Men show up... I kinda am imagining Kars ripping an Endbringer in half and punching the Core out into deep space right now.
So based on her stats, Taylors got a fairly weak to midling stand, with either little room for growth, or she's already fairly close to mastering. Its a good job she has a strong team and that I imagine [Stands] go up against most mid level Parahumans fairly well.

Wonder what other experiences the PRT have with stand users, and whether Taylor and the Undersiders are aware of them.

I'm going to guess she got her power through one of the arrows? Or did she naturally awaken?

Really enjoyed the story and arc, thanks for posting.