Road to Burning Legion is paved with small steps [WoW quest]

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In a world of constant rivalry between the Horde and the Alliance, both sides need skilled commanders to lead them against each other, as well as external threats.
Character genetaion, 1
The Alliance faced one of the darkest years in its history when the Third War began. It was perhaps even more difficult and deadly than the Second War against the orcs. The undead were nothing like the enemies we were used to. The undead hordes were also plagued by disease, the undead were tireless, and possessed seemingly endless power.

Victory in that war was achieved by the heroes in Kalimdor - Thrall's Horde, Jaina Proudmoore's allies, and the night elves, who worked together to defeat the Burning Legion. You essentially lost that war.

However, the Alliance now seeks to rebuild, and gradually become more powerful than ever before. Stormwind protects all of the people of the Alliance, and has been able to defeat threats such as the Defias Brotherhood, worgens and orcs. The dwarves of Ironforge have clashed with their schismatic brethren from Shadowforge, and while the feud between them has never ended, there is hope for a resolution. The gnomes have lost their home, but are willing to support the Alliance even as refugees. We have lost many great kingdoms such as Lordaeron, Stromgarde, and Quel'Thalas, but the high elves still accompany us, and the draenei and night elves have also joined us.

Now, all of Azeroth faces a new, massive threat that requires a response - demons have opened the Black Portal from Outland, invading Azeroth. Although the Alliance and Horde managed to stop them and retake their foothold, it was decided to launch a counterattack on Outland.

This is accompanied by the simultaneous appearance of the lost prince Kael'thas in Silvermoon, who has contacted his people and promised a quick solution to their problems, for which he has given the regent a rich gift, the nature of which is kept secret. At the same time, the Draenei have contacted the Alliance after their arrival on this world, reporting that Kael'thas has conspired with Illidan, who has become the tyrant of this tormented land.

The Burning Legion and Illidan both pose threats that we absolutely cannot ignore. So it is time to send a large-scale Alliance expedition into the shattered world so that we can destroy these threats and ensure the safety of Azeroth. The Alliance council has decided to appoint you as the leader of this force, but who are you?

One option wins:
[] - Mycroft Bridgehouse. Your childhood was spent in the constant chaos of the First and Second Wars. Your most vivid memory is of the burning Stormwind, from which you fled on one of the last ships. For many years, you wandered Lordaeron, greedily absorbing stories of the Alliance soldiers waging war against the orcs. And even when the time came to return to the reclaimed Stormwind, you were convinced that you would tie your life to the royal army. In the end, this is exactly what happened when the Alliance needed new fighters during the Third War, and from that moment your own military career began.
[] - Alicia Siltura. For you, as a noblewoman from Lordaeron, the future seemed completely secure and bright. Large parts of your kingdom were never touched by the Second War. You were ruled by a wise and respected king. Your family had wealth that others thought impossible. It all ended during the Third War. You were on the streets of the capital when Arthas committed bloodshed. You were lucky enough to escape Lordaeron during those years, penniless. You had an incredible education, but your status meant nothing anymore. You wandered throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, living in Kul Tiras and Stromgarde before enlisting in the Stormwind army, where you immediately became an officer, albeit a lowly one.
[] - Ioriel Silurion. For high elves, life moves extremely slowly compared to other races, with one century being but a brief moment by your people's standards. You were nothing more than a young apprentice when you turned two centuries old, and time seemed slow in your homeland. Everything changed when the Second War broke out and you found yourself drafted into the army. You fought against the Amani trolls, and then in the final stages of that war as a common fighter. So when the Second War ended, you decided to stay in Stormwind and find a new life here as it was being rebuilt. And when the Third War happened and Quel'Thalas fell, you made the most important decision of your life and committed yourself to the Alliance.
[] - Magrim Silverhand. Ironforge may seem like a single city, but centuries of gradual dwarven exploration have created countless corridors and tunnels that extend deep into the earth. Growing up during the Second War, your only access to the world was this labyrinth of tunnels. When the Second War finally ended and you were able to leave Ironforge, you found Khaz Modan devastated by the war. You decided to do your part to ensure that such a thing would never happen again, and that any threat would be crushed before it could be brought to bear, and you trained hard to join the Alliance army.
[] - Malrisa Duskarrow. Living in a night elf society can be a challenge for someone with ambition and youth. In a society where the leaders of society still remember the reign of Queen Azshara, you, at forty years old, had virtually zero authority. So after the Third War, you almost immediately broke away from the lands of your people, heading for the open world. You spent some time wandering Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms before joining the Alliance army. Since then, you have found yourself in an unfamiliar position, where you are looked upon with incredible respect, expecting from you the experience of many thousands of years, as is normal for night elves.

Your first large-scale battle occurred as a captain. It was a large-scale battle for Stranglethorn Vale. The jungles south of Stormwind were, de jure, neither Horde nor Alliance territory, and therefore both factions sought to expand their influence in these areas. So a long and tiring war for hegemony in the jungle broke out between you, which was only made more tiring by dinosaurs, heat, and disease.

In these battles, you missed the true threat to both the Alliance and the Horde. The Gurubashi trolls of Zul'Gurub were plotting to resurrect Hakkar, the Loa of Blood, their sinister deity. In response, the Alliance sent an army into the jungle to fight through the Gurubashi forces and allow a group of heroes to break into their vast capital and stop their plans to reclaim Hakkar. You were assigned to lead one of the cover squads that was supposed to confront the trolls.

Your unit then had an entire army of trolls against them, which had to be held back from attacking the flank of the main force. An important task that was vital to the execution of the plan. Against you were numerous troll warriors, their massive juggernaut warriors, masters of loa magic, and dark mages. What did you use to hold this flank?

One option wins:
[] - You unleashed a firestorm created by your magic on the troll position. The jungle burst into flames from your power, creating a curtain of fire between your troops and the advancing troll forces. [Give you Mage class]
[] - You called upon the Light to infuse new strength and hope into your wounded and weary warriors. With this new strength, your warriors were able to push back the troll advance and hold their ground. [Give you Priest class]
[] - You rushed forward armed with a sword and shield, leading a group of brave warriors to engage the troll commander in single combat. With the troll chieftain dead, the rest retreated, allowing you to recuperate. [Give you Warrior class]
[] - You didn't have to do anything, as everything was falling into place according to your preparations. Once the trolls were in the right place, you simply unleashed your prepared traps on them, causing chaos. [Give you Rogue class]
[] - You ordered the second line to draw their weapons and begin firing, drawing dwarven and gnome rifles, human crossbows and elven bows. The trolls could do nothing against such a barrage. [Give you Hunter class]
[] - You gave the order to send in the battle golems that had been trained for this very purpose. These mechanical and magical fighters do not tire and do not need healing, so the trolls' attack was repelled. [Give you Tinker class]

Unfortunately, at the most crucial moment of the battle, you were stabbed in the back by the Horde. The orcs, trolls, tauren, and undead decided to take advantage of the moment and stab the Alliance forces in the back to break into Zul-Gurub themselves in order to seize its riches for themselves, as well as take the glory of the victory over Hakkar and the alliance with the Zandalar trolls.

In that battle, another Horde commander opposed you. Since then, you have heard about his crimes against the Alliance more than once, and sometimes cooperated with him out of dire necessity and orders from your superiors. But what's worse, as you now know, he will be commanding the Horde forces in the expedition to Zarpedelje.

One option wins:
[] - Markush Blackskull. This orc has an extremely bad reputation in the Alliance, and for good reason. Before the First War, he was only an apprentice shaman, but under Gul'dan's tutelage, he became a zealous warlock. He fought against the Alliance in the First and Second Wars, committing many crimes, and then spent years in hiding before traveling to Kalimdor and joining Thrall's Horde. He claims to have always been loyal to the Horde, and only wants to help the new Warchief create a new world for the orcs. You know that's a lie. The villages he burned are ample proof of his crimes.
[] - Nazgar Amani. One of Orgrim Doomhammer's Amani troll allies who fought against the Alliance during the Second War. He had no fearsome feats on the battlefield, but you have heard of his past crimes. When the orcs and trolls conquered new lands, they enslaved those who failed to escape. Nazgar was the most ruthless bureaucrat, caring only about the Horde forges supplying the troops with weapons. His "labor hunter" squads raided civilians, taking hundreds of them into slavery. He was never caught during those turbulent years, and then joined the Horde after the Third War.
[] - Agmar Greenhorn. A young tauren who joined the Horde during the Third War and covered himself in glory during the Battle of Nordrassil. One might expect the tauren to be relatively friendly to the Alliance, but he seemed to be one of its most ardent haters after the battle with Lord Admiral Proudmoore. Since then, he is completely convinced that humans, dwarves and high elves can never leave their stupid and blind hatred towards the New Horde. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that they will never be able to start a new war against the peoples of the Horde, even if it means taking drastic measures.
[] - Jorah Brownspike. Many of the Alliance soldiers know the legends of the glorious knight Jorah Brownspike. One of the paladins who fought during the Second War under the command of such legends as Uther and Turalyon. The number of his exploits is endless, as are his victories. Even his death was incredibly honorable - he defended the inhabitants of Lordaeron from Arthas's forces until his last breath. But his resurrection as an undead broke something in him. There was no longer a noble warrior, but only a bloody butcher who enjoyed the suffering of others. He refuses to take any prisoners, and it seems that death itself follows him on his heels.


Did I think enough before starting this quest? I'm not sure, but I have a desire to do something similar.

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