[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.

I'll get the vote started.
Struggling as you went to climb the very steep path, you began to move up, holding to Grey's lessons and your own experience to try and hide and were even feeling pretty confident in yourself.

Until you came face to face with a yawning Glasge, taking a puff on a cigarette whose eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as you appear, looming out of the darkness.

And so he screams, and as he does he inhales his cigarette and as he does that he coughs...and he screams more.
Spoopy hahah

[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.

Beat 'em up, yeah!
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.

I can understand maybe half of what that guy is saying
Inserted tally vote is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Doomed Wombat on Aug 25, 2019 at 3:09 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Lady Ghost
    -[X][Hit] Arthur's Seat: The Glasge are proving everyday that they may not be as established as the Consortium, but they're even more ruthless to make up for it. While its likely Temple will attack them, the fact remains that they're intent on staying and as long as Kisser is here that's not going to be changing.
    -[X][Name] Lady Ghost
    -[X][Costume] Short black dress that looks fancy, but is practical to move about in with masquerade mask plus a short cloak which wraps around her shoulders that has a hood to hold in her hair alongside practical gloves and boots.
    [X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
    -[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
    --[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.
Assault III
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.

-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.

--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.

"Leave. NOW...lest my vengeance falls upon you."

You haven't really...spoken, while you've been in your ghostly form, but as you advance upon the Glasge you do so and it's...not normal. It is almost as if there's a chorus of voices speaking with you, or rather a single voice, Grey's. Just overlapping your own as you

And then you're amongst them, and simply step through one of them, the man turning pale as death and shivering like a sheet in the wind as one of his comrades takes a swing at you and it goes through your head, slamming into another thug with a dull thud.

They start running from you, dragging each other away as they do so, until a hoarse bellow from above them stops them in their tracks, Kisser standing with a sneering glare, deliberately and slowly unclasping a metal skull cap from his side and fastening it to his head as he spoke, the cold glint of steel reflected in the pale moonlight.

"A'body runs, mind this. "I ken whaur ye bide, ah ken whaur yer families bide 'n' ah ken whaur yer mukkers bide 'n' none o' thaim ur safe fae me. If ye'r feart o' a deid wifie, jalouse whit a living me kin dae tae thaim."

As incomprehensible as it is to you it makes them pause for a second and you could see why. You remembered all too well his head coming down towards your throat and his easy tossing of a man through you and here he was flanked by his Toughs who looked just as solid as he did. It was a chilling sight, but made all the worse by an eery gleam that burned behind his eyes. But at the same time it stopped the group only for a second, as you seize one by the throat and slam your fist into his stomach, angeling it just so that he regurgitated his guts all over the wet grass, thankful that it simply passed through you instead, pointedly reminding them that despite his threat you also were there, and at the moment you were a far more real threat than Kisser at the moment.

"I am the wrath of all those you have hurt. I am the weight of your sins crashing down upon you, not some petty low life!" It wasn't exactly an inspired speech, but in the heat of the moment, the yell of yourself and Grey seemed to amplify the words, sending them echoing across the craggy hill side, echoing all around them as they penetrated the ears of the Glasge standing there simultaneously enthralled and stiff with fear.

And so they ran.

It wasn't like a dam breaking, with all of them fleeing at once, more like an avalanche, with at first one peeling off, then another and another until at last the entire lot of them started, bolting towards exits as fast as they could manage it, stumbling over rocks and each other in the dark as they went, leaving behind those already unconscious and Kisser, who to your surprise simply looked irritated, and sighed.

"Ah weel. " Spinning around he pushed his Toughs towards the fleeing men and yelled, a manic gleam appearing in his eyes.

"Forgoat th' ghost, grab thae boggin' bastards, doc'll fix something up tae let us deal wi' her efter."

At his words the Toughs reacted, almost sluggishly, but with gathering speed as they started to charge straight at you, and you lashed out as they passed, managing to slam one in the temple has hard as you could, sending the man staggering, but not much else. Worse still they ignored you entirely, the tough carrying on without even registering the blow as they moved towards their real target...the fleeing criminals.

Kisser seems to have realised that fighting you head on is impossible and so is...capturing them for some reason?

Whatever he is doing he cannot be allowed to carry it out, but if you're current performance is any indication you're not going to be bringing down the Toughs quickly. You can't rely on getting in lucky hits to get them, but you can wear them down...but if you do,what will they do in the meantime?

They may be criminals, but nobody deserves to die.

[] [Reaction] Continue as is. There are risks these criminals will get badly injured and give the Toughs time to scatter, but you won't put yourself at risk.
[] [Reaction] Swap to Grey and Bobby. With an extra helper and greater skill from Grey you maybe able to take down the Toughs and then focus on Kisser.
[] [Reaction] Write-in.

Two thugs unconcious the rest fleeing
Toughs are ignoring you
Tough Aon is at -1 toughness dazed
Tough Dha is unharmed
Tough Tri is unharmed
Kisser is at -1 toughness

Lady Ghost: 17+2 = 19
Thugs: 13+2 = 15

Punch and make a point.
Unarmed DC12: 15+11 = 26, Successful Hit.
Toughness DC17: 11+3 = 14, Incapactiated.

Convince them to Flee.
Intimidation Check, DC25: 18+10+2 DC 20=30 Two degrees of success.

Punch and emphasise a point.
Unarmed Attack, DC12: 11+11 = 22, Successful Hit.
Toughness Check, DC17: 9+3 = 12, Incapactiated.

Kisser threatens them.
Intimidation Check, DC30: 11+11+5 = 28, 1 Degree of Failure.

Toughs: 13+2 = 15
Lady Ghost: 5+2 = 7

Lady Ghost attacks Tough Aon.
Unarmed attack DC15: 20+11 = 31, Success Critical Hit.
Toughness Check, DC22: 6+9 = 15, 2 DoF, Dazed & -1 toughness penalty.


Give him credit Kisser can adapt quickly to a new situation. He's realised that he can't go after you directly, so he wants to capture those he was trying to recruit why who knows? How are you going to get out of this one without it being a washout?

Praise @Oshha
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[X] [Reaction] Continue as is. There are risks these criminals will get badly injured and give the Toughs time to scatter, but you won't put yourself at risk.

The appearance of invincibility is what we need to keep for noe
Veekie has a good point. Keeping up the illusion of being invulnerable is more important than keeping these criminals unharmed and alive. But that is hardly the heroic thing to do.

[X] [Reaction] Swap to Grey and Bobby. With an extra helper and greater skill from Grey you maybe able to take down the Toughs and then focus on Kisser.
[X] [Reaction] Swap to Grey and Bobby. With an extra helper and greater skill from Grey you maybe able to take down the Toughs and then focus on Kisser.
[X] [Reaction] Continue as is. There are risks these criminals will get badly injured and give the Toughs time to scatter, but you won't put yourself at risk.
[X] [Reaction] Swap to Grey and Bobby. With an extra helper and greater skill from Grey you maybe able to take down the Toughs and then focus on Kisser.

Pow, right in the Kisser!
Trying to figure if theres anything in variable that would be more helpful...
Don't think so, if they were out of range we could try and get Move Objects and throw things at them like a Poultergeist. 3 Ranks in Variable and Move Object (Damaging) is 3 points per rank so we could effectively get a rank 5 damage effect which is higher than just punching them, and it would keep them out of reach so we could shift back if they turn around, but I suspect it would require a skill in thrown or something so dropping our ranks in unarmed for an untrained skill would make it very difficult to hit. The rule book says it can be used for strike attacks but it doesn't say if it would continue to use the same ranks we would normally. And we'd also lose Bobby and extra actions per round are valuable.
Inserted tally alright vote closed, travel may interfear with the update a bit but I'll get it done ASAP
Adhoc vote count started by Doomed Wombat on Aug 27, 2019 at 5:52 PM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
    -[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
    --[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.
    [X] [Reaction] Swap to Grey and Bobby. With an extra helper and greater skill from Grey you maybe able to take down the Toughs and then focus on Kisser.
    [X] [Reaction] Continue as is. There are risks these criminals will get badly injured and give the Toughs time to scatter, but you won't put yourself at risk.
Assault IV
[X] Fight: You're uninjured and have an overwhelming advantage in insubstantiality, or you can bring out Grey and Bobby.
-[X] Fight Kisser and the Toughs: The leader and undoubtedly the largest threat here.
--[X] How do you fight?: Attempt to scare the thugs into fleeing by posing as a vengeful ghost lady before beating up Kisser and those that remain.

This isn't working...but you're not out of options yet. Those giant lugs aren't going to get away from you just yet.

"Grey, Bobby? Let's bring them down!"

"Thought you'd never ask lass!" "WOOF WOOF!"

The mists that had surrounded your form billowed upwards and settled about your shoulders, solidifying and consolidating around yourself as you stepped forwards raising your fists, your cloths seeming to take on the old garb of a watchman.

Coming out from under your legs was Bobby, the small dog billowing with insubstantial light himself as he growled menacingly at the Toughs, who turned blinking confusedly as you charged them, raising their arms to throw their punches despite their orders from Kisser, who screams at them from a distance, starting to move towards you himself as you and Bobby bare down upon the already injured Tough.

The Tough still reeling from your attack swipes blindly at you, his fist flying just past your nose so close that you felt the air distort around it, but you move in regardless, Grey's skill flowing through your mind as you kick him in the knee with a sickening crunch, the man merely grunting at your effort but dropping visibly lower.

Then Bobby, the small ethereal dog leaps at him with impressive ferocity for a creature that size, snarling as the Tough is brought to the ground, mauling him viciously, but most importantly holding him in place.

Standing over him, the man struggling against the dog, already injured severely the criminal lives up to the title of Tough bestowed on him, as you punch him in the head over and over again, each impact like hitting iron until at last he goes limp.

But in the mere twelve seconds it took to finally bring down the thug the other two Toughs have been at work, bringing down several more of the fleeing criminals and worse Kisser having run right past you joined them.

Between them all of the lesser criminals are unconscious or wish they were, moaning in total agony from their broken forms and the Toughs are picking them up and slinging them over their shoulders. Kisser turns to you seeing his downed subordinate and snarls, the light glinting off his blood spattered skull cap.

"A'm aff tae gilravage ripping ye appart. See ye aroond ye boot."

Without another word he's off his two remaining subordinates in hot pursuit with their cargo of unconscious thugs, sprinting down the mountain as you stagger to your feet, panting as they charge away.

They'd be invisible in the darkness, but to your eyes they stand out clear as day, and with Bobby's nose tracking them would be easy but...looking at the carnage they've wrought on the Glasge you can't help but pause.

It would be so easy to abandon them, but the thugs are in an awful state...broken limbs, shattered faces and clear cranial trauma are scattered all around. Permanent damage is the best most of these men can hope for if they survive and for most of them that's not looking likely…

You wanted to become Lady Ghost to stop people's suffering. You've studied first aid and medicine to save people's lives in case of situations like this…

Can you really call yourself a hero and just walk away from them even if its in pursuit of someone like Kisser?

[] [Decision] After Kisser: A criminal and a monster, Kisser and his Toughs cannot be allowed to escape, and you have the tools to track them down. You may be outnumbered, but you have powers...they don't.

[] [Decision] Remain: You've already struck a crippling blow at the Glasge by cutting deeply into their recruitment and shattering the supposed invulnerability of the Toughs at the time when the Consortium will be resurgent. Now is not the time to over extend, now is the time to save lives, for most of these men will not survive if they do not get immediate medical attention. And maybe you can ask some questions while treating them?

Here's Doggy!
Persuasion, DC14: 15+12 = 27, Three Degrees of Success.

Bobby: 10+2 = 12
Kisser: 15+2 = 17

Kisser and the Toughs against mooks.
Unarmed, DC12: 19+12 = 31 Successful Critical Hit.
Unarmed, DC12: 17+12 = 29, Successful Hit.
Unarmed, DC12: 15+12 = 27, Success Hit.
All mooks incapacitated several severely wounded.

Tough Aon does not like.
Unarmed Check, DC17: 4+12 = 16, One Degree of Failure.

Lady Ghost retaliates against Tough Aon.
Unarmed Check, DC15: 13+12 = 24, Successful Hit.
Toughness Check, DC17: 13+8 = 21, One Degree of Success.

Bobby bites Tough Aon.
Unarmed Check, DC15:19+7 = 26, Successful Critical Hit.
Toughness Check, DC25: 2+7 = 9, Four Degrees of Failure, Tough Aon is Incapcitated.

Does Kisser see you're vulnerable?
Perception, DC20: 4+6 = 10, 2 Degrees of Failure.
Current Condition

One Tough downed

Kisser and two Toughs fleeing carrying six captured mooks

Other mooks all varying degrees of severely injured

Still just uninjured, but it was close. Now decisions decisions eh?
[X] [Decision] After Kisser: A criminal and a monster, Kisser and his Toughs cannot be allowed to escape, and you have the tools to track them down. You may be outnumbered, but you have powers...they don't
[X] [Decision] Remain: You've already struck a crippling blow at the Glasge by cutting deeply into their recruitment and shattering the supposed invulnerability of the Toughs at the time when the Consortium will be resurgent. Now is not the time to over extend, now is the time to save lives, for most of these men will not survive if they do not get immediate medical attention. And maybe you can ask some questions while treating them?

Lives first
[X] [Decision] Remain: You've already struck a crippling blow at the Glasge by cutting deeply into their recruitment and shattering the supposed invulnerability of the Toughs at the time when the Consortium will be resurgent. Now is not the time to over extend, now is the time to save lives, for most of these men will not survive if they do not get immediate medical attention. And maybe you can ask some questions while treating them?
Hey, we've got a feature for this ;)

Gotta admin, I was not expecting the mooks to require a critical fail for the toughs to not beat them up.
And even then there were 50 of them. And it only took three guys 12 seconds to beat them all up...
[X] [Decision] After Kisser: A criminal and a monster, Kisser and his Toughs cannot be allowed to escape, and you have the tools to track them down. You may be outnumbered, but you have powers...they don't.

Strike while the iron is hot.