Rising in the East (OOC)

Maria would be unstoppable if it were 1880!

Leo would be dead during the uprisings in Congress Poland in 1863.

But on a different topic, I'm curious if the main point being cut off is going to affect us regiments that have so far avoided the attention of the Frogs? I mean apart from normal campaign wear and tear, we haven't even fired off a single shot yet.
Leo would be dead during the uprisings in Congress Poland in 1863.

But on a different topic, I'm curious if the main point being cut off is going to affect us regiments that have so far avoided the attention of the Frogs? I mean apart from normal campaign wear and tear, we haven't even fired off a single shot yet.

It would. Eventually, you're gonna run out of supplies.
Straight from the German playbook, @Vinji!

But with less blitzing and more enveloping.

Then again, the whole "blitzkrieg" as the journalists called it, is the modernized version of maneuver warfare and mission-type tactics first developed by the Prussians.
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its the same principle as the Wehrmacht used in WWII, yes, but it comes from a more original playbook written by prussian kings/generals based on:
Prussia is always severely outnumbered when tangeling with much larger, more numerous nations.
Prussia cant sustain a long war and needs a few decisive victories in order to force the enemy to surrender.

It failed, arguably, when the Wehrmacht made an ass out of themselves in russia and got bogged down in a war of attrition (bad for a smaller nation) in addition to treating the civilians/prisoners like ass and became the boogey-man so scary that people would rather fight for Stalin than surrender to the Germans.
Post is up. I'm also unashamedly stealing the idea that traveling through the magical portal might have an affect on the individual involved.

Also an internet cookie to the first person that figures out where Leo was dreaming of.
Ivan Drilled his men morning, afternoon, and night. Each man was pushed to their limits. Countless hours of Firing, Bayonet fighting, and marching. Each man did so knowing that their honor, the honor of their Commander, and the honor of their Tsar all came down on them. So throughout the Regiment not a single one gave a mutter of complaint they simply did their duty and continued.​
I've had an idea, but I'm not sure exactly how to propose its implementation.

Basically what I'm thinking of is a Forced March mechanic where you can move an additional hex at a cost to combat effectiveness. Not sure of the mechanics of the idea, but curious for feedback on the general idea.
How long would the penalty to combat effectiveness last?
Okay, I was hoping that Gideon would give clear orders or my witch would have given me a situational update by now. I'm wondering if I should relocate further from the swamp so we aren't wiped out by a night attack.
I think @Gideon020 still has to assign specific orders to each of his regiments, like where they will defend. All he said so far is to hold the line and send an artillery barrage on the biggest concentration of frogmen.

Also, what will the Salt-Blooded do? I'm assuming that they would be following whydoyoubother's plan.
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How long would the penalty to combat effectiveness last?

I'm thinking until the next time your soldiers can rest. I'm mainly thinking that it could be a real last ditch thing, when you need to get that one extra hex.

@Zedalb I need some OOC clarification on your IC post. It doesn't really seem to build of off mine at all and honestly I'm confused as to what it is trying to say. Are you saying that you will continue to follow my lead in this part of the expedition? Or that there is more to follow? Just if it is the former then what you have written doesn't really give that impression, if the latter then I apologies if I look like an ass and of course take as long as you need.
Basically what I'm thinking of is a Forced March mechanic where you can move an additional hex at a cost to combat effectiveness. Not sure of the mechanics of the idea, but curious for feedback on the general idea.

I would say....that the mechanic could be useful...but at the same time we have the "Look to the Horizon" perk that your regiment could have gotten and which more or less has the same function as the forced march you propose - at least as seen from a battlefield perspective.

But well...movement-wise you could be up to something, so maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of your manpower gets left on the march and you will be unable to move the next round, making it necessary to wait till the next round to gather them up once more.

Okay, I was hoping that Gideon would give clear orders or my witch would have given me a situational update by now.

...sorry...might write something tomorrow, currently not in the mood to be honest.

like where they will defend.

...that's correct.
I'm thinking until the next time your soldiers can rest. I'm mainly thinking that it could be a real last ditch thing, when you need to get that one extra hex.

@Zedalb I need some OOC clarification on your IC post. It doesn't really seem to build of off mine at all and honestly I'm confused as to what it is trying to say. Are you saying that you will continue to follow my lead in this part of the expedition? Or that there is more to follow? Just if it is the former then what you have written doesn't really give that impression, if the latter then I apologies if I look like an ass and of course take as long as you need.

It was me coming to knock on your tent, because I have no witches and am dealing with magic.

OOC When your unit rolls out I'm going with you.

IC I was asking you to have you witches take a look at the magic sword.
Yeah, right now I'm busy getting a new laptop configured. Not only that, I don't think I can handle this game considering I don't even know what I should be doing.
Yeah, right now I'm busy getting a new laptop configured. Not only that, I don't think I can handle this game considering I don't even know what I should be doing.
You could choose which regiments to defend which side of the camp. Have the infantry and dragoons take cover in the trenches, and have the artillery fire at will.

Oh, and try to restore supply lines to the outer regiments too.
I am honestly not feeling this game anyway, not even roguelikes toss you into a massive fight so early.
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...To be honest, I was expecting piecemeal resistance until they get their act together, not a well-coordinated strike like this.
It was me coming to knock on your tent, because I have no witches and am dealing with magic.

OOC When your unit rolls out I'm going with you.

IC I was asking you to have you witches take a look at the magic sword.

Well that just reads like you didn't even read my post at all then. I'm sorry to say this, but the whole purpose of my post was to speed things up by having Leo arrive late to the debriefing on the magical stuff so that we could move on and plan the next turn.
I am honestly not feeling this game anyway, not even roguelikes toss you into a massive fight so early.


...but its not like you have to fight...

...To be honest, I was expecting piecemeal resistance until they get their act together, not a well-coordinated strike like this.

Well there isn't a piecemeal resistance because of...plot-reasons or rather: historical ones in this world. Let's not forget that....well, there are things you don't know about the ancient and recent history of this world, which are responsible for the way certain factions and actors are going to react to your appearance - based on their prior experience. And form my perspective even this large number of Frogs should be less of a challenge than they might appear to be, because you are simply far better armed than them....to compare: their standard units have a CR for 0.3 to 0.6 per frog. With every hit of yours you kills 1-3 of them.