Rising in the East (OOC)

Rising in the East
Its always rising in the East
IC Thread

It was the year 1859 anno Domini, the 6th October in the Julian calendar and Tsar Nicholas I was clinging on to life and rein even as his breath was getting slower and his royal blood was getting more and more replaced by alchemical toxins that his German court alchemist mixed for him. Meanwhile his Holiness the Patriarch had to travel to the Winter palace nearly every week because the Tsar was convinced that the Ghost of his mother was close by and was going to kill him just like she had his father. His Imperial Majesties fear of death (and his mother) was only matched by his fear of undead -not that any arcane scientists would ever dare something like that- and he wanted to be burned as quickly as possible, even going so far as to have one of his guards follow him with a flamethrower just for this purpose. How the poor man was able to wield such a heavy and unwieldy "weapon" was truly a question for the court scientist.

It was also the 14 Vendémiaire LXVIII after the introduction of the new "religious-free" calendar that the French Republic was using – as well as the surrounding countries that were still under the control of the revolutionary councils and bureaus that were holding on to control in the name of Paris. Consul Bonaparte, great-nephew of the legendary General and Consul that had helped to rescue the republic was the silent moderniser of the Republic, his patronage extending to promising soldiers and mechanists – making him one of the great minds behind the new mechanical army of the republic: life sized dolls as other called them – small generators ticking inside of them and harnessing electricity from their very surroundings to make them walk, talk, fire and reload a musket in record time. New harbours were dug by mechanical workers and giant machines dug the tunnels and fieldwork that connected Paris with each of its territories and "brotherly" neighbours.

On the other side of the Channel the British were once more indulging in their island-mentally, patting their own backs as their red coated armies and auxiliaries worked each day to expand and hold the largest Empire in human history. Something that was greatly helped along by the help of the royal mages and their telepathic disciplines, that allowed nearly instantiations communication through the Empire and by this alone gave it an edge that nearly no other faction could match – even before the colonisation of Africa and Asia brought in a whole lot of new disciplines thanks to the shamanistic traditions in the new colonies. The downside of this – at least in the opinion of the London High Society- was their youths' fascination for shamanistic cults and rituals that was steadily establishing itself as a new sort of parallel culture to the prim and proper Victorian attitude of their parents. How this was going to go in the long run is still to be seen – but todays visitors to the capital of the Empire will have no choice but to listen to the drums of "the movement", in which the youth of poor and rich communicate with and through spirits.

In between those large powers the remaining German Principalities were a power that was often neglected and only officially aligned in Unity through the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria, the Benign, whose policies might be labelled weak by some, but had lead the Empire of his house into a state of peace in which the interests of the different ethnicity were balanced against one another. But while the childless Ferdinand seemed gentle and harmless to the world, Austria – which had borne the brunt of the revolutionary wars and had French troops march through Vienna three times- was on its steady way back to a Great Power thanks to the works of his Nephew Franz Joseph and the two most prominent members of the haunting Court of Vienna: The Ghosts of Metternich and Schwarzenberg. While the latter two were often at odds and had their own respective factions in the haunting Court that advised the Emperor, their gathered intellect and experience were as sharp and deadly as the touch of a haunting noble and the only reason Italy hasn't been completely lost to the Danube monarchy.

But the Austrians weren't completely unopposed in their role in the Centre of Europe or even in their own Holy Roman Empire – which was neither roman, nor holy nor an Empire. "Liberated" from the French by the Prussian Armies and their huge number of alchemists, the norther principalities of Germany had slowly but steadily fallen under the sway of their bigger neighbour: Prussia. Famous for its discipline, its frugality and the extent to which it copied the French reforms to improve its own standing, the Kingdom of Prussia is stronger than ever before and more than enough of a match for Austria's armies and the French revolutionaries that are always eagerly looking at moments of weakness on the German side of the Rhine. With the end of the restrictive guilds, the number of alchemists in Prussia and the other North German territories as risen steadily – high enough to form their own military units at and after the end of the Revolutionary wars in 1823. They might not have the sheer power of a Russian witch, the durability of a French Clockwork soldier or the utter deadliness of an Austrian Ghost…. but to engage an alchemist in closer quarter is to be drowned, burned, poisoned and shot – at once. Their concoctions are able to heal wounds, to set enemies ablaze and to improve their own bodies to survive bullets and stabs for some minutes at least. That nearly everyone with only a hint of arcane energy in their body could become an alchemist is part of their new role in the Prussian military ranks. If you run into a solider in the Prussian blue and with a face-mask that covers his mouth, noses and eyes – in short his whole face- on the battlefield: never close on them, always keep your distance and hope they don't have an eagle-eye potion.

As for the Ottoman Empire…their military might be unable to match those of the greater European Powers, but it was still holding on to its territories: not with an Iron grip, but with a womanly touch…and the sweet taste of poison. While the Elite of the Austrian intelligence service was not only transparent but also able to tear the mind of a person apart with their own spectral hands…the hands of an Ottoman intelligence agent were far better manicured and far softer to touch when she gives you a massage. Bathing Houses and Coffee Café's lines Europe into all directions and the special agents of the Sultan are present in all of them…as well as the houses of the nobles, officers and parliamentarians – either in the evening hours or in the afternoon when their wives want to be entertained with juicy stories and details of the things they should not know about. This strategy has kept the Ottomans are harmless but exotic neighbours…and their soft hands make sure that no other voices gain any sway in such matters.

]From the perspective of your commander[
The situation you were in was…. peculiar you could muse as the droning of the "experimental airship" could be heard in the background, the seat you were sitting in padded luxuriously and the dark mahogany table holding not only a huge assortment of cigars, but also hiding a small cabinet of precious spirits that was just waiting to be opened by their owners. Which in this case seemed to be you – a most peculiar birthday gift, especially as it was given to you by a shade in a female shaped and seemingly composed of stars without numbers, that had thanked you quite dearly for the many fun games…and then left you in this strange you found yourself in. Shifting a little in the chair you could look down to see the dark green of the Russian Imperial Army on yourself, the golden epaulettes on your shoulders and the heavy sabre that was clicking with your every movement…at least the heavy hat was settled on the tables surface for the moment. Still…. you had also gotten a full impressive Imperial beard to go with your new Rank as Lieutenant General of the First Expeditionary Corps – even if that left you with little to no idea of just what you were commanding. From what the Star-Lady had said the troops you were commanding were still in flux…a reminder of this was the small hidden pocket on your table, opening up to expose a modern looking tablet, which was able to access the sides on which you had always presented your games…and was now giving you a simple choice: to choose with whom you wanted to share this "adventure". If that woman truly had been a ROB, then most likely one with little understanding of humans…


A knock caught your attention and after a moment the door of your cabin was shoved open, giving you a view of the hallway leading towards the observation deck in the front of the airship and standing inside of it a tall redhead was giving you a bemused look. She was wearing a green officer uniform with a straight infantry sabre and a pelt lined coat and fur hat that was quite surely not standard issue, just like the feathers that were playfully hanging on its side. She was your liaison to the witch covens under your command…and old enough to be your grandmother even if she looked thirty at most and had fought in the Seven-Years-War from what you had gathered so far. Giving you a salute that was just sharp enough to follow regulations and at the same time connected with a mocking smile that hardly conveyed the same sense of respect, she called out:

"Closing in on the Aerodrome at Vilyuysk Lieutenant-General….do you want to observe our landing from the observation platform?"

"Yes, by all means, why don't we go and enjoy the view." I replied while gathering my possessions, slipping the PDA into a coat pocket.

For now, some time to explore will be necessary. And then?

Then perhaps a few extra souls to see what this world had to offer.

Giving you a short nod with a bemused smile on her lips, the witch who goes by the name of Lyudmila holds the cabin door open, the reinforced door able to hold bullets should it ever come to a mutiny or something like this. Outside your door you can see two nervous looking Air-Soldiers, their green uniforms nearly identical to the infantry and already wearing the new short-shakos of French type that had replaced the monstrosities of tall helmets that came before…one of them is somewhere in your luggage for parade purposes. Your cabin was set in the back of the upper part of the airship, overlooking the land the machine was leaving behind on your flight from Sankt. Petersburg to Vilyuysk and stepping out you had to climb down a small set of stairs to reach the level of the other officer cabins, with a few of them under your command and others part of the airships crew. Seeing you they salute quickly, before hurrying on to whatever task that was at hand…while even more nervous glances were thrown at your red haired companion, who was merely smiling at the sort of attention she was getting, striding confidently just slightly behind you.

"A truly impressive piece of technology…even if the engineer has told me that it was a German Design that was gifted to them. Seems like those small principalities have some interesting thinkers that weren't yet recruited by the French."

She noted absently as your steps echoed over the wooden floor beneath your boots, heralding your arrival at the observation deck, the already present people saluting for a moment…till they resumed their various duties. It had taken a few minutes but you had just walked straight through the whole length of the airship, or at least the length it had in its upper quarters and now you could look forward and down through a huge glass observation shield that was shielding you and the others present from the wind and cold outside. Below you was the Vilyuy River, its wide stream moving underneath you and parting just at the height of the town of Vilyuysk. This formed a small peninsular of some kind – one that was a hive of activity: you could see hundreds of green clad soldiers moving all over it, cut down forests spreading outwards from it and the beginning of field work appearing all around it, while wooden palisades were pulled up. The slowly constructed fortress was connected over a bridge with the settlement, that seemed quite small and quaint from above and had only a few stone buildings.


"Sometimes, great talents can be found in unexpected places." I commented while staring out at the view, "With luck, perhaps a few will come my way rather than to other places." I spared a glance towards my magical companion, "I trust the flight was pleasant for you?"

As I waited for an answer, I carefully wracked my head for any details. Briefings, random trivia, something to tell me why I was out here and in command of a force that had covens, plural, of witches under my command.

What was I doing out here that required multiple covens of witches? Was magic weak or was I about to undertake something that required a significant amount of magical firepower? I grimaced as I looked out at the work below.

"Well…it is far more pleasant than riding naked on a broom to Germany.", she said with a face that made it quite hard to guess if she was joking or meaning this in earnest. Taking a few steps forward, she pulled off her right glove and pressed the hand against the glass, a small smile playing over her lips: "Still…I would have never imagined to fly without the help of magic…a few of my sisters who spend decades learning their arts in manipulating the wind are now rather…cross."

Faint memories started to stir in your mind as you tried to get this knowledge, most likely another part of your "birthday present" as your eyes rested on the witch for a moment. Magic was indeed weak and the number of people who had at least a tiny spark that was enough to become an alchemist was close to one in a thousand and the potential to become a witch like the woman before you was….rare to say at least, with the basic studies taking decades and the strongest witches being able to harness a chosen element, be it water, lightning, wind, earth or fire with enough concentration to turn into a one woman artillery piece, create fieldworks in a matter of minutes or to burn a field of man after hours of preparation before a battle. Still: why would you not get one or two, but nearly two dozen of them attached to your corps?

It all came down to the question: What purposes would the First Expeditionary Corps have? Created on the orders of the Tsar himself it was pulled together from regiments of the whole Imperial Army and lead by officers underneath you that had just as little knowledge about what was going on as you. One of the rumors had been that the corps would be send to Alaska to defend the further region of Russia against the British – something akin to a suicide commando with the weeks it took for a Russian Messenger to reach the Tsar, while the same message would only take hours to reach London. But the troops were getting pulled together at Vilyuysk and not in the far East harbors.

As you looked down the ground was coming closer and closer, already ropes were being thrown down and people on the ground started to fasten them securely as the airship was slowly but steadily pulled down, touching the floor with a gentle thud that vibrated through the floor.


"What will be less pleasant is why we're all out in the middle of nowhere." I grumbled as I moved to get ready to disembark, wondering if now was the time to start bringing more souls for the extra eyes and ears, "Call it paranoia, call it instinct, but something about this does not sit right with me Lyudmila."

I waited until we were further away from the crew, "It's one thing for the common soldier to not know what is happening, but a senior officer should at least have an idea for his goal, at least so I know how many lives to spend in pursuit of it."

A scowl, "For all I know we're about to be sacrificed for some dark pagan god's amusement or about to find the gates of Heaven."


"While I would find the later quite amusing…especially to see how many of our Tsars and holy Patriarchs are waiting up there for us, I fear that we won't have such a heavenly destination, General."

Her words are whispered back as you start to descend the stairs that lead you out of the passenger part of the airship and give you a glimpse of the real work as air-navy sailors and engineers move from machine to machine, tending their dozens of different tasks as the large propellers behind the zeppelin came to a stop and were secured after the landing. A few steps further and you could already see the welcoming committee that was waiting for you: most were officers from the regiments had already arrived, but you could also see a number of witches in their own small group – easy to identify as they were the only females in -slightly modified- uniforms. But one figure stood out even from that group and you could feel the witch on your side stiffen for a moment, before she whispered alarmed: "An Elder."

The woman that had created this reaction was…. old and most likely far older than she looked like right now: her hair was white just as her eyes and her whole body was small and shriveled from old age. On a normal woman you would have guessed her age at a hundred, but this one must surely be thrice as old – not that many witches survived that long. Supported on a cane she seemed to wait patiently till your boots touched the ground and then started to slowly move forwards, flanked by four quite similar looking blonde witches, cutting the military officers off from advancing to you as they shied away from the group. The elder was now coming closer and she croaked a small "Lieutenant General.", as greeting before giving you a wide toothless grin: "I take it that you are here to inspect the ruins? I can guarantee that my daughters coven have restored them as good as they could…just as our dear fatherly Tsar ordered."


I was careful to show the woman the proper respect owed to her, "I'm sure they are as pristine as the day they were built. Please, by all means let us see what has been restored." After waiting for the woman to lead the way I motioned for the officers to move in behind me so they didn't have to be near the woman who made them so nervous.

An Elder Witch? If Lyudmila was the norm for a strong magical talent, then it spoke volumes as to the potential power of the old woman in front of me.

This was getting concerning. Dozens of witches, an Elder Witch, hand-picked forces from across the Imperial Army? What was going on? For all I knew the Czar had a vision of the Bolsheviks summoning the Devil himself as a loyal follower of Communism, and we were going to stop the ritual.

For all I knew, I was about to lay witness to anything from the Holy Grail to the sleeping body of Cthulhu himself.

"Lyudmila." I whispered after making sure we were out of earshot of the older woman, "How concerning is this?"

"Very.", she pressed out with her lips forming a thin line as she looked at you, letting out a small breath she had been holding as they came into the presence of the Elder, who was still moving with a strength and certainty that was astonishing for her age. "That's Elder Vasillia and those with her are her four daughters, all witches.", she said with a bit of awe at the sheer chance that all female children had gotten the spark of magic…strong enough to lead their own covens.

"She's an expert when it comes to Vodyanoy ruins…. Katherina the Great has given her and her coven the first pick in all ruins of them found, giving her a near monopoly on all success and progress when it comes to those extinct beings."

Half way through your conversations you had moved away from the landing field that was just outside the fortress and towards the newly build fortress, the half-finished palisade towering above you with guards that respectfully saluted you in their dark green uniforms, before you were moved inside…and nearly stumbled back in shock.

The interior of the fortress was…well…the floor was made solely out of stone and not tiles: smooth and seemingly unbroken stone that stretched from the wall behind you to the wall on the far away corner of the fortress the walls and buildings clinging to them build in such a way that they were just off the stone and covered not even the tiniest bit: for the whole surface was covered in the script of the Vodyanoy with their frog-like visages staring back up to you with wide weathered eyes. Next to you Lyudmila let out a string of French curse words and nearly all officers that came with you had similar looks of astonishment on their face as the Elder let out a cackling smile:

"Welcome to the Gateway of Vilyuysk General Gideon – The place at which the Vodyanov first touched the ground and water of our world more than four thousand years ago!"


Outwardly, I hoped I had regained my composure, because in my mind there was only one thought, 'What manner of insanity am I involved in...'

"An impressive edifice. I'd even call it a marvel despite the fact that the Vodyanov built it out here in this wilderness." I replied as calmly as I could manage. Those eyes...I didn't like those eyes, "But elaborate script and ancient architecture is lost on a soldier like me, so I ask you to educate me; what has been found out about this place?"

I spared a glance at the other officers, making sure to note their ranks when I could spot them, before focusing my attention on the Elder and her daughters, all damn near identical as far as I could tell, so I wouldn't miss a detail. An elder race? Likely one worshipped in pagan rites long ago, or perhaps still venerated now.

Perhaps finding R'lyeh would have been less concerning than this place that made the back of my neck tingle like tiny static shocks and chilled my blood despite, or because of, the grandeur.

I needed to speak with my officers, my direct subordinates, I needed to know the situation on the ground before something happened to prevent that.

But for now, I had a history lesson to learn.

The elder cracked a small smile and took a few steps forward, swinging her cane and putting it down on the floor…on a small part which suddenly started to sink in with a tiny crack, smoothly sinking down as a golden flow started to appear in the cracks, starting to sink into millennia old lines.

"Once upon a time there was no magic on Earth or at least none of us would have been able to use them. Then the Vodyanov arrived."

The golden light was flowing outwards from the point the elder had touched, your officers and even some of "your" witches fearfully moving aside as the magical lightly brushed past them, underneath their boots and seemed to fill pictograms, pictures: a large frog like creature being illuminated with its large eyes seemingly staring right up at you as you were left standing on its belly.

"They are no-humans, instead they seem to share more with the frogs we know and thanks to dear Charles I'm also quite sure that they are no prior step of humanity on the ladder of evolution…instead they were foreign to this world and arrived from their old lands."

She pointed at another pictogram and before your eyes the golden light filled them out and you could see dozens of froglike creatures moving over a bridge…a bridge made out of golden light that was connecting two orbs….and one had a freighting accurate representation of the continents you knew on it, while the other was completely…foreign.

"The point of their arrival was here…right on the very stones we stand on: this is one point of a bridge connecting their old ones with ours. A bridge that me and my daughters were able to awaken from its slumber, the magic of the rivers and water around us keeping it stable since ages…and now connecting it once more with the home the Vodyanov left behind because of some natural disaster that had threatened them."

Maybe it was your imagination but for a moment her eyes seemed to be filled with the same golden light that had flooded the ground below you, even the soldiers on the walls were staring at it in awe or saying their prayers as the Elder looked at you with a grin on her lips and said softly:

"And by the Orders of Tsar Nicholas the First, you General and all your troops are ordered to cross this Bridge to take possession of the land, magic and artifacts on the other side for Russia, for the glory of the Tsar and for the Glory of God. His Imperial Majesty is eager to read your reports of success in gaining new territories that not even the English can threaten with their telepaths."


There was only one thing to say to such a command, I turned to the officers assembled behind me and cleared my throat, "Once I have settled in, I want you all assembled for a meeting on how to best fortify this facility, and mark my words, this is no longer some ruin or temple or whatever this damn place is, it is now a military facility of the Russian Empire and a possession of Czar Nicholas. That means I want this gateway guarded against anyone attempting to use it, from both sides."

I spared a glance at the gateway, "We will begin sending through the first pathfinders and engineers to construct a base camp once we have secured this side. Until then, this gateway remains closed."

I quickly made my farewells, dismissing the officers to their own duties while motioning to Lyudmila to follow me. Once I was certain no-one was listening, I calmly asked, "I ask you, Lyudmila, will we find some great prize across that bridge? Or will we only find what caused a race far mightier than us to flee for these wild lands and beyond?"

Regardless of her answer, I remain silent, this is a lot to take in, and for now, some vodka and a meal would hopefully relieve this headache brewing in my temples.

]From your perspective[

Welcome to "Rising in the East" and I hope the small RPed Intro made with @Gideon020 has primed you a little for the mood and task this RP is going to give you. Thanks to the Shenanigans of a certain ROB you find yourself in the bodies of a cadre of Imperial Russian Officers who are tasked with nothing less than to cross a bridge through time and Space...to colonise the world on the other side. You are going to field troops, specialists and science from a low fantasy/steampunk/beginning Dieselpunk world on a campaign that will take you into a more magic-enriched world to secure resources, room and subjects for the Tsar. Or as my sole Beta Reader said so eloquently:

And of course... its a gateway by which a creepy group of beings first made their way to earth. This is the point where anyone with any genre sense would start running away screaming.

So what do you need to do when you haven't started running yet? Well for one a small creation of your character, the officer you are going to be playing....at this point one might say that you are allowed to play female and male officers, but please keep in mind that neither should be able to use magic right away...alchemy maybe at most. After you have done that...well I hope you enjoy the Regiment costumisations I came up with and if you have your own ideas just give me a poke.
Character Creation





Stats: (You can assign 2,2,1,1 to them)

Strength –
(Regimental Bonus to Melee, Hero Actions that demand Brute Force)

Agility – (Regimental Bonus to Ambushes, Hero Actions with a subtler touch)

Intelligence – (You can understand half of your scientist's gibberish)

Charisma – (Moral Bonus, Diplomacy)

Talents: (to be earned)

Regiment Creation:

Number & Name:

Points Available: 50

(Just one)
Active Reservists (-5)
890 000 recruits are given to the Tsar, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Russian Army, by his dutiful subjects every year – but from those only 240.000 young man are conscripted to serve their country from their 20. To their 43. Year. Naturally they aren't in the standing army for the whole time, instead they serve only for five years -the most skilled only for a year- before they are sent to the active Reserve. They only had a rudimentary training and most only fired a dozen or two shots per year for training. They have much to learn and start out with a disadvantage that can be balanced out by real life experience – if you don't shoot them yourself when you see them discharging their rifles in a 45 grad arc into the sky when trying to hit the enemy.

Combat Rating – 10%
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 5% Combat Rating
Second Veteran level will upgrade them to Trained Conscripts


Moral: 2d6
Combat rating: 0.6 per soldier
Trained Conscripts (0)
Even in peacetime there were at least 862 Battalions of active Infantry always available and a good part of them consisted out of the conscripts that hadn't yet been send back home to the reserves. Those young man are freshly trained and still didn't have the time to forget what they learned. As such they are more battle ready than the reservists…but most of them have only seen the dust of the training fields and not the blood of the battlefield. They might be more professional and had more training recently – as such they are reliable…but still need to be bloodied.
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 0% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +1
Combat rating: 0.8 per soldier
Penal Regiment (Infantry Only) (0)
In the military there are still those that would commit acts against the law. Thieves, brutes, dissidents and other such unsavory characters that while bad, don't require the hangman's rope just yet. These men are sent to the unwanted or dangerous jobs to serve out time for punishments, and they all know that this is their last chance. Who knows? Maybe they'll actually become something useful.
Second Veteran Level will upgrade them to Trained Conscripts
They are restricted to smooth-bore muskets only.

Morale 2d6-1
Combat Rating: 1 per soldier

Veterans of the Crimean War (10)

The war between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire with France and Great Britain on its side, first saw the use of many "scientist" weapons and the first scout dirigibles were used right next to the poisonous gases of Hanoverian Alchemists that the British brought with them. Russia…was at a disadvantage, as Tsar Nicholas always had "his" victory against Napoleon in the middle of Europe in mind and never modernized the army and always tried to manage military matters even when his decisions were…less than stellar. Regiments who went through this war are some of the best the Empire can offer, having learned to fight with modern and not so modern weapons – or at least to survive them. They are the army's Elite and know it.

When shooting with rifled Muskets + 5% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +2
Combat rating: 1.2 per soldier
Veterans of the Revolutionary Wars? (5)
These man are old and in many cases are just a few years away from being transferred from the active militia to the >Opoltschenije< or Militia. They aren't too old yet to be of no use but heavy marching or work might lead to some of them falling out for some time – still: their experience might be a bit outdated, but they are proud of their history in the great wars and eager to once more march for their Tsar. They won't take a step back no matter how frightening the enemy is and they won't disobey any order given to them – after all they served in the time of direct chargers and are still alive to tell the tale.
When shooting with smoothbore Muskets +5% Combat Rating
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 5% Combat Rating
When attacking in a melee charge +5% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +3
Combat rating: 1 per soldier

Cossacks (5) – Light Cavalry & Dragoons only
The Cossack hosts are moving freely through the large open areas of the Russian Empire – nonetheless because many covens are moving with them and act as buffers between them and the central powers should it come to conflict. In the army of the Tsar they are known was premier scouts, skirmishers and ambushers…but at the same time they are less disciplined than regular cavalry and less capable in open field battles. Still thanks to the advice of the covens they aren't merely broken up into smaller units and given to other regiments as scouts – instead they are here as full regiments: of specialists.
When acting in ambushes or skirmishes: +10% Combat Rating
When attacking in open combat -10% Combat Rating

Moral: 2d6 +1
Combat rating: 1 per soldier

(Just one)

Land (0)
Your soldiers are regular peasants, fearing God and the Tsar and seeing the duty in a military as just one more thing to be afraid off. They are not the best educated for sure, but they form the firm backbone of the army and more than a few of them are still motivated into service to thank the Tsar that led them out of serfdom.
When in melee + 5% Combat Rating
City (5)
Life in the cities might be less demanding than the life on the land, but people tend to be quite healthy and far better educated than the peasants in the army. As such they are able to grasp obscure principles like "trajectories" and are able to handle modern weapon far better than their rural comrades.
When shooting with rifled Muskets + 5% Combat Rating
When shooting with Artillery Weapons + 5% Combat Rating
When fighting in "scary" forests or similar -1 moral modifier

Sea (5)
Fishers and Sailors that couldn't get on a ship quick enough when the yearly conscription came: no matter. These soldiers still have the sea in their blood and bones and water is the element of which they know quite a bit. As such they are the people you turn to when you want to cross a river…or defend it.
When attack across a river +2 on their own attack Throw
When defending a river -2 on enemy Attack Throw​

(Just one)

Line Infantry (0)
The Infantry is slowly but surely doing their best to show the cavalry that they are not to be forgotten and the Crimean war has shown that even the simple infantry man if only positioned well enough can hold their own against magic and cavalry charges. Your Regiment is part of the Line Infantry – and the name really says all: you are the line that holds the army's formation and your soldiers give salvo after salvo off into the smoke clouds that obscure the battlefield before charging forward to finish the enemy with your bayonets.

Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when opposing the Line
Enemy Cavalry -60% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults

Equipped with Smoothbore Muskets

Regimental Strength: 4.000 Soldiers in 4 Battalions with 4 companies each.​

Light Infantry (5)
While the Tactics of the Line Infantry wouldn't look amiss in the early Revolutionary Wars, the soldiers of the Light Infantry are organized following the ideal of the French Skirmishers and are far more…independent than their more rigid comrades. They might not put up the same Volume of fire per meter like the Line Infantry but thanks to the rifled muskets they are far more accurate and able to hit targets the Line Infantry couldn't even scratch. The Downside would be that the smoke of their guns sooner or later reduces visibility far too much and that their dispersed formations are more prone to cavalry attacks, even if that can be changed.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in range combat / +1 Evasion
Combat Rating Bonus to up to 40% when in a defensive position
Needs a turn to face enemy cavalry in a closed formation, then up to -40% modifier on their combat rating.
Can attack in Medium Range
Combat rating: +0,2 per soldier

Equipped with Rifled Muskets

Regimental Strength: 3.000 Soldiers in 3 Battalions with 4 companies each.

Line Infantry with Rifled Muskets (10)
Nearly the same as the regular Line Infantry, these Regiments are still a bit…experimental after the Crimean War first saw rifled muskets being used on both sides of the conflict. In the right circumstances the new rifling will make this Infantry far more deadly than their smoothbore using comrades and even in close quarters they can at least match the smoothbores. It's not a wonder weapon, but at least gives your soldiers a far better chance in winning ranged engagements.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in range combat
Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when opposing the Line
Enemy Cavalry -60% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults
Combat rating: +1 per soldier

Equipped with Rifled Muskets

Regimental Strength: 4.000 Soldiers in 4 Battalions with 4 companies each.​

Lancers/Light Cavalry (0)
On fast and little burdened horses, the Light Cavalry is designed for only one thing: speed, speed and even more Speed to bridge the distance between themselves and the enemy…or to further it as quickly as possible. After the attack of the Light Brigade -thanks to a garbled telepathic message after a Russian Witch set the telepath on fire- on a fortified position was shattered by organized Infantry and Artillery, their role has changed a lot. They are now mostly used as skirmishers or screening for the advancing Infantry, but also to make deep strikes into enemy territory – they are highly mobile, but shouldn't be send out on their own against the enemy.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in melee combat
Equipped with Lances & Sabers
Combat rating: + 2 per soldier
1 Additional Hex Movement on the Campaign Map.

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Dragoons (5)
While their reputation might often have been less than Stellar, the dragoons in their heavier incarnation have found a new role on the modern battlefield – forming shock Infantry that is able to move rapidly, before attacking the enemy on foot with carbines that are only barely less dangerous than their heavier counterparts. They can also be used as "normal" cavalry and even fire their weapons mounted if they need to.
When mounted:
Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in melee combat
Combat rating: + 1 per soldier
When on foot:

Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier

Enemy Cavalry -20% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Heavy Cavalry (10)
Some might call them obsolete, but a fully equipped Cuirassier charging at you is still something quite impressive, especially as their armor it not only for show…even if it is quite unlikely to help against direct hits. The sheer weights of their mounts is often enough to be able to break through at least barely trained and experienced infantry – even if no one in their right mind would send them out against enemies that aren't at least busy with something else. Still: the time is working against them and people are already talking about folding them in with the dragoons, but for now the heavy Cavalry is still up and riding.
Combat Throw Bonus of +3 in melee combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when charged
Armor Rating: +1
Equipped with Sabers & pistols

Combat rating: + 3 per soldier

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Smoothbore Artillery (10)
It goes, you push it down as far as possible…and then quickly take a step back before your comrade fires off the artillery gun and sends the payload hurrying towards the enemy. The Queen of the battlefield is and stays the artillery – of course only as long as the enemy isn't allowed to close up and pay back the favor with bullet and bayonet – but that's what the rest of the army is good for, or?

Combat Armor Malus of -8 when in melee
Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in ranged combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when under fire and unable to shoot back
Moral Modifier -4 when under enemy rifle fire
Equipped with cannons & Howitzers

Combat rating: + 1 per soldier at long range
Combat rating: + 2 per soldier at medium range
Combat rating: + 4 per soldier at close range

Regimental Strength: 1.000 Soldiers spread out on multiple batteries, 40 pieces' total​

Rifled Gun Artillery (15)
More accurate – and slightly harder to reload- the rifled artillery is the way of the future if you can believe some on the scientists and engineers working on them. They are far more accurate than their smoothbore counterpart, but in return are also of smaller calibers for now. This makes them prefect for destroying more distant structures and units, but gives them a slight disadvantage when it comes to using them as giant shotguns in close ranges.

Combat Armor Malus of -8 when in melee
Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in ranged combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when under fire and unable to shoot back
Moral Modifier -4 when under enemy rifle fire
Equipped with cannons & Howitzers

Combat rating: + 2 per soldier at long range
Combat rating: + 2 per soldier at medium range
Combat rating: + 3 per soldier at close range

Regimental Strength: 1.000 Soldiers spread out on multiple batteries, 40 pieces' total​


Alchemist - Grenadier Company (20)

Alchemists might not be as prominent in Russia as they are in Germany, but even a dozen of them are enough to produce a steady supply of different kinds of grenades whose effects are…less than pleasant and can be used by every other soldier- as long as they remember to throw them far enough before taking cover and holding their breath. A special Grenadier company might give a Regiment just the troops it needs to take over fortifications or to blow apart enemy lines. Of course the downside is that you need to get close enough to throw the grenades at the enemy.

Requires: Close Range and then gives +3 Boni on Combat Throws & Allows to ignore up to 40% of Defense Positions
Diminishing Returns: Combat Throw (3-1-1) and Defensive negation (40%-20%-10%)

Alchemist - Field Apothecary (15)

It stops the blood from flowing out of your wounds, it strengthens your hands when your rifle is slipping out of them and it patches you up when death is closing in on you. The wonders of modern medicine are not as …fickle as the effect of the alchemist's craft – but neither are they as fast and easily applied – even in the heat of the battle.

Saved 5% of your loses of one combat throw, per turn.
Diminishing Returns: (5%-2,5%-1,25%)

Alchemists – Close Combat Troops (15)

One sip to give them the strength to tear apart a man, another to let them survive the first bullet that strikes them. By the power of the chemicals flowing through their vein and those that follow them into battle, they throw themselves at the enemy with sword and sabre to tear him apart.

Combat Throw Bonus +4 in close combat.

Diminishing Returns: (4-2-1 Bonus on Attack Throws)

Coven - Wind Scouts (15)

It's neither a bird nor a dirigible – these women, flying through the air with their wide clothes billowing around them, have spent decades on mastering their art of controlling the current around them. While they had once been primarily used to overcome obstacles and as curriers -because even their rather small (an hour or two per day at most) time of flight is quite handy for this – they are mostly working as spotters today. A Coven or at least a group of witches added to a unity can easily spend the whole day flying up regularly as long as they take turns.

Boni to Scouting and Reconnaissance

Artillery long & Medium Range Attack Throws +2

Can only be taken once.

Coven – Earth Witches (10)

The cleaning of the fields, the supporting of dams and the help for those buried under Earth after a sudden movement of said Element – all opportunities at which the Witches specializing in this element have often helped the peasants of Russia. In the war their specialty is used otherwise and more than often enough enemies have tried to take back positions Russian Troops had taken, only to find themselves facing enemy infantry that was suddenly deep inside of trenches and firing at them out of cover – as if the fieldworks had appeared by witchcraft.

Twice per Day they can use their powers to create trenches big enough for a whole Regiment to take cover in them.

Can only be taken once.

Coven – Fire & Lightning Artillery (20)

Fire has something…primal around it – it does make you feel safe…and endangered at the same time: the heat luring you in as long as it's comfortable and the fire burning the unwary. Some Witches specialize in disciplines that are clearly set out to be used to burn and kill the enemies of the Tsar and their hands let out streams of fire and lightning against the enemies of Russia – no matter if they are burning down a field of lightly clad peasants or kill a knight through the metal on his body. It's better to not annoy this warlike coven when they are in your care…

Every two turns either a flame attack of combat Rating 300 + Throw Bonus 6 up to Medium Range or a lightning strike combat Rating 100 + Throw Bonus 3 + Anti-Armour -2 up to long range.

Scientists – Scout Balloon (5)

A curiosity only a few decades ago the balloons of today are rather sturdy and simple machines, that can be easily repaired in the field by someone with a needle and a few mundane chemicals. It's doing quite the same as the Wind Witches – only that it can stay longer in the air – with a few downsides like being unable to move and an easy target for enemy fire.

Artillery Long Range Attack Throws + 1

Can only be taken twice

Scientists – Mitrailleuse (10)

Having fallen into Russian hands more than often in the Crimean War. The French Mitrailleuse was a machine thought up by the devil and created by a toymaker. Set on three wheels with place for a single Computron placed inside that was able to keep track of the uniforms of its own side and the one of the enemy – quite a feat and one of the reasons French uniforms were brighter than ever before. Twice as tall as a man a huge toy soldier like contraption came on top of the wheels that allowed to be shoved around by a few soldiers, it bristled with rifles on every side, looking out of its belly, its sides and the small towers with even more rifles that it had instead of arms and which were topped with golden epaulettes. Truly a garish French invention…and able to shoot the salvo of a hundred soldiers.

Increase Combat Rating by 500 every time a salvo is given in close range.

Too slow to be taken along by cavalry.

Scientists – Clanker Company + Engineers (15)

Tall and wiry with a clicking and clanking interior that resounds at every step the Clankers modelled after looted French models are hardly renowned for their stealth. Instead they exhibit a flair for sharp maneuvering that others would only pull off on a parade ground and reload with the efficiency of veterans. They are also quite armored under their uniforms and can be repaired after battles as long as spare parts are available.
Clanker Company
Combat Rating: 300 (1 per Clanker)
Armor Rating: 2
20 Causalities can be repaired per day
Always the first 300 looses of a battle

Scientists - Gatling Gun Battery (10)
The Gatling Gun is an American invention, designed to deliver a blistering barrage of fire not unlike the Mitrailleuse but unlike that clanker device, the Gatling Gun is manned by a crew of three soldiers and can deliver a constant stream of heavy .58-caliber bullets from gravity-feeding hoppers, unlike the brief salvos of the french-based clanker device.

Increases combat rating by 400 at medium and close ranges.
Can only be take along by Line Infantry or Artillery Regiments.

Mundane – Field Hospital (5)

A soft bed, clean instruments and the serious faces of a few nurses and doctors, together with one bored Alchemists. Survival chances after a battle have never been better for our soldiers and its nearly perfectly mundane.

Up to 40 % of battle causalities are able to make a full recovery.
Can only be taken once.

Mundane – Military Priests (5)

Guns are blessed, rifles fired by a holy man with a smile – mass given for the living and sermons told to remember the death. No army truly can be functioning without at least a few people of the cloth and these priests live in the barracks and battlefields with their sheep.

Morale Modifiers +1 at every occasion

Can only be taken once.

Mundane – Improved Supply Train (5)

Shoes and Food, ammunition and steel. An army needs many things and not a lot of them will be coming along with you to the new or the old world. As such they will have to be transported with you and a good baggage train of wagons and craftsman to keep them going will bring you quite a step further.

1 Additional Hex Movement on the Campaign Map.

Can only be taken once.
Pioneers (10) (No Cavalry):
Всегда готов! Always Prepared. Those are the words of the men who exchanged the Rifle with the Shovel. A group of Pioneers to direct the efforts of the Regiment can lead to long-term wonders and much a battleplan has only suceeded because of the hard work of ingenious men with enough sense in their head to build bridges before an enterprising officer would force his troops to swim.

A regiment with Pioneers can choose to build during their movement action if they give up one hex of movement in return. If the "built street" option is taken, units (of any faction) moving along built streets have to only spend one movement for two tiles. The Hex retains other features.

Otherwise Pioneers can also be used to fortify tiles for a higher Defensive bonus. This can not be done after movement but only before it - shrinking the movement range down to a single hex. If two fortifying actions are spend on the same hex, it becomes a permanent fortification instead of only a temporary one.

By decree of the GM, circumstances, time, battles and outside forces, a hex can revert to normal.

Can only be taken once.
Look to the Horizon (10) (Cavalry only):
"Fight Harder, Boys!" "Sir, look there! Look!" "What, another enemy Regiment?" "No, Sir, the other direction!" Stunned Silence before next line. "Oh thank god."

A Cavalry unit can choose to appear in an adjacent hex where an allied Unit is in battle. This can only be done once/turn and commits the Cavalry unit to that battle and thereby makes them unable to move in the turn after - because of the quick ride they can also only use 90% of the CR.
The GM is not required to give full/accurate information to the Regiment Leader before he/she has to choose.

Can only be taken once.
Band of Rogues (5):
Every Army marches on its stomach. This particular group of inventive young men have learned to make side-treks and become the bane of Farmers, Wildlife and otherwise. Or maybe they just are secretly hiding a Distillery with a friendly Alchemist. Whatever the reason, being on the move means to enrichen themselves for these Troops.

+1 Morale due to plundering while crossing through settled or at least fertile terrain. -1 Morale when entrenched or out of supplies​

If you really want more Points

Etymology (-5):
Superstition before what they do not understand terrifies the troops. They are normal men and women, seeking to serve the Tsar and the Motherland. But then there are... those.

If the Regiment contains a Coven, Morale is lowered by 2. If a Coven (even an allied one) is within 1 hex, lower morale by 1​

Soldiers of a 100 Nations (-5) (No Veterans):
The Regiment has been recruited from a particulary strange and far-off Place in Russia. They barely can communicate with their fellow soldiers and their habits are queer to others. Who is the enemy?

The Regiment inflicts a -1 to morale towards allied units in the same encounter. When gaining Veteran-status, this flaw disappears as the men have accustomed themselves to each other.​

Unpopular Officer (-5):
The Regiment (and their commander) is settled with an unpopular officer from a noble house. Of course, the Commander can not dismiss that person due to his/her status and somehow has to manage to balance between keeping the troops in order and the Officer in line. If that Officer were to die... Someone in Russia with large influence would be unhappy.

-1 Morale to the Troops. If the Commander somehow gets rid of the Officer (voluntarily or not), the GM can open a whole different can of worms. Mayhaps the Regiment suddendly is at the bottom-list when it comes to supplies and reinforcements or something else, private and tragic, occurs....​

History of the Regiment:
Currently - Accepted Players
  1. @UbeOne (Line)
  2. @whydoyoubother (Art.)
  3. @Rinasoir (Light Inf.)
  4. @Ceslas (Dragoons)
  5. @Unlucky Bibliophile (Line)
  6. @Zedalb (Heavy Cavalry)
Waiting List
  • Everyone else for now~
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Game Mechanics
Movement & Combat

Campaign Movement

Arriving at your destination you will...have literally no idea where you are and before you are getting propelled through this magical device you won't even know what's awaiting you on the other side. Still: depending on your unit type and whatever recon attachments you have taken with you, your view of the known world will expand with each turn, leaving you to slowly but steadily make sense out of your surroundings.

The World Map is made up by regions (so if you finish one or reach its borders I can drop you into the next~) which are populated by different kinds of terrain, settlements etc. Its all organised in a hex map. As such your standard speed would be:

Artillery: 12 miles per day/ 2 Hex
Infantry: 18 miles per day/ 3 Hex
Cavalry: 24 miles per day/ 4 Hex


Now to the part that everyone is most likely already looking forward too: how are you going to use your Regiments to shoot things. To keep things easy and smoothly moving -and after shocking Gideon with my initial idea- Battles will get simplified and more or less done automatically by me. You will be able to do a few decision in the beginning and in the end - and some in the middle if multiple Regiments are taking part in it- but for the most part it will be up to me to roll a few thousand dices. Now you are hopefully asking yourself - thousands of dices? Here's why:

Combat Rating

Looking down from above you are most likely already asking yourself, just what Combat Rating or CR is. Its simply the amount of people you can kill/wound with your attacks per turn. For an Infantry Line Regiment that would mean that a CR of 4.000 could potentially kill 4.000 enemies and because of this lead to 4.000 Attack Throws being rolled for you.

Attack Throws

Now lets take a look at just what attack rolls are. An attack roll is the chance that an attack is going to connect and create a hit. This is done by rolling a d20 with the natural TN being > 16. Of course you have multiple ways of tweaking this to your favour, either by increasing your Combat Rating and by this the amount of Attack Throws you have, or by getting Boni on your attacks that will lower the TN...or by armouring your troops or getting cover to lower the enemies Combat Rating and increase the TN.
This means that the formula for me rolling out combat turns looks like this:

(CR x CR-Boni) d20 > 16 (+/- Boni on Armour and the like)

As I haven't found a site yet that lets me roll out 4000 d20, I have made a little program to do that with a friend and...well its not really random as its a computer and as such there's very little chance of all 4000 or no shoots connecting.

End of a Battle

There are three ways battles can come to an end:

Voluntary Retreat

An Regiment or the whole Army can decide to either evade a battle or in a battle can try to retreat from it. In both cases this gives the victorious army the chance to pursue the retreating foes with light infantry or cavalry - letting them do one Combat Turn against the enemy with a TN of 11 (Cav.) or 14 (Inf.), without giving them a chance to fight back. Of course this is harder when the retreating army still has their own cavalry intact.


Now we come to the moral rolls: the standard would be a 2d6 + Modifier + Charisma of the officer, which are asked once after a whole unit for an Army or a Regiment is destroyed. If at least a third of an Army is destroyed its units will have to do a moral check every turn.

Unit Morale Roll:
- Rout
3-5 - The unit flees and needs one turn to compose itself again
6-8 - Waver - CR gets halved in the next turn
9-11 - Stand Firm - no effect
12+ - Rally - CR increased by half in the next turn


If your officers Charisma is quite high, it might even happen that units don't flee and instead stand their ground to the last man....or if they have no morale at all. In that case the battle ends with the army utterly destroyed to the last man.

[Lots of mechanism's taken from the Domains at War - Free Edition]
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This looks interesting. I'll try to come up with a character sheet.
Interesting concept and setting. Seems pretty cool. I'll look into stitching a character together.
UbeOne - Orel Petrov - 23rd Rifle Regiment "Eagle Eyes"
- Name: Orel Petrov
- Age: 27

- Description:

- Bio:

He comes from a family line that has close ties to the military, with many of its members serving in it, whether as enlisted soldiers or as officers. Like his father before him, and inspired by such, he applied to be trained as an officer. Finishing his education at the outbreak of the Crimean War, he was assigned to the 23rd Rifle Regiment, a newly established unit which received the recently made rifled muskets and Clankers, as well as a coven of Earth Witches. It was an experimental regiment of sorts, composed of new technology and new people, and he was eager to make it work.

He grew with the regiment, training them and with them with a steady hand, to be a rock in the midst of the storm, to shoot straight and true, and to stand firm in the fires of war. He was like an older brother to them. They learned from him, and he learned from them.

There were no particular feats associated with him, but he led his regiment well, protecting their comrades in battle, and sniping their enemies as they marched. He was a reliable presence in the field.

After the war, he stayed on with his regiment, which fortunately survived intact despite the reshuffling of many units.

Now, as he finds himself in a new world, he hopes to forge his own legacy as a person, to step out of the shadow cast by his family, and to move forward with his brothers and sisters in arms.

- Stats:
1. Strength (1)
2. Agility (1)
3. Intelligence (2)
4. Charisma (2)

Regiment: 23rd Rifle Regiment "Eagle Eyes"
1. Veterans of the Crimean War (10)
2. Land (0)
3. Line Infantry with Rifled Muskets (10)
4. Scientists – Clanker Company + Engineers (15)
5. Mundane - Field Hospital (5)
6. Coven - Earth Witches (10)

- History:
They were one of many regiments which participated in the Crimean War, being a newly established unit when the war broke out. They consider their service back then, and their survival of such, as a baptism of fire, and a mark of pride.

During the war, they found themselves in the thick of things, holding the line against their foes, and acting as an anchor and bulwark for their mobile and vulnerable comrades, all with the help of friendly Earth Witches who made trenches for them. Their emphasis on good healthcare, as shown by their field hospital, served them well too as they fought battle after battle. Their Clankers, meanwhile, proved to be reliable comrades, taking hits for them, again and again, yet the clockwork soldiers get up every time, ready for more. Many in the regiment attribute their survival to all three, whether it's the cover of trenches, the medicines of medics, or their enduring mechanical companions.

They eventually called themselves the "Eagle Eyes" for their focus on sharpshooting, training diligently to snipe their marks from as far away as possible, exploiting the superior range and accuracy of their guns.

At one point during the war, however, the regiment found itself rather short on supplies (the delivery was delayed), and outmaneuvered by the enemy, trapped in a pocket by numerous light infantry, forcing the regiment to take cover in trenches. They tried their best to hold steady, firing volley after volley at their foes. It was rather easy to aim since they had targets all around them. However, morale slowly dropped over time as casualties mounted, with the remaining riflemen being mostly kept afloat by grim determination.

When they heard the sound of cannons firing, they silently prepared for the end...

Except the cannonballs didn't hit them. They hit their surrounding enemies instead. Quite accurately, in fact. Realizing that reinforcements had arrived, the riflemen rallied, aiming to shoot their way out of their predicament. The attacking skirmishers were eventually forced to flee.

After the battle, the regiment received supplies from their saviors, which turned out to be the famous Supply Runners, lifting their spirits. They could now afford to regroup, recover, and resume their advance. That moment, they would never forget.

Eventually, the war came to a close. During the years after, they stayed on as a regiment, honing their skills and tactics. They were now considered elite due to their experience and their stellar performance.

They were one of the few regiments to volunteer for the expedition. As they begin their mission, they will continue to do what they do best: to shoot far, to hold the line, and to protect their comrades.

They will boldly go where no Russian has gone before.
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whydoyoubother - Gregory Vinji - 17th Pioneer and Support Regiment
Name: Gregory Vinji



Bio: Two Generations ago a charming Prussian Baron made a Liaison with a Russian Noble Woman who could successfully argue that she was only 5 steps away in relationship with the Tsar himself. The Marriage was happy and produced 5 Children. Gergory's Father went to Russia with his Family and joined the army there, marrying another Russian noblewoman as this became a theme for the male heirs of the family.
Gregory is the third child out of five (again) and, coincidently, the third-born son. Originally attempting to join the Cossack Dragoons, this idea was shattered at the age of 17 when an accident happened with a horse kicking out. Gregory's right arm was shattered and, albeit having mended enough to to utilised, is a crippeling defect which bars him from effective front-line fighting for the rest of his life.
Being a minor noble with no use except for the military, his family pulled some threads and made sure that he was assigned to support and logistics-groups far behind the frontlines. He showed himself to be an able and, additionally, well-liked administrator, caring for the well-being of his men and their mission.
He married at the age of 23. It was a loving marriage and Gregory was left heartbroken when his wife, Katarina, died 6 years later. The couple left no children and Gregory has made no attempt to re-marry. He carries her picture with him always in his pocket-watch.
He was recommended at three different opportunities for "going byond the call of duty" and aiding an ailing allied batallion with his own, showing that his men, albeit not geared for front-line duty, were brave and spirited. He leads his Regiment with a firm, but kind hand and has gained the nickname "Little Father" amongst his troops.
Comments: "You may march today or eat tomorrow." "Fire all the Cannons. I desire to be done here before they come anywhere close to our lines." "FIRE!" "Gott im Himmel, i have never seen a more sorry state of Troops. Attention!"

Strength –
(Regimental Bonus to Melee, Hero Actions that demand Brute Force): 1
Agility – (Regimental Bonus to Ambushes, Hero Actions with a subtler touch): 1
Intelligence – (You can understand half of your scientist's gibberish): 2
Charisma – (Moral Bonus, Diplomacy): 2

Talents: (to be earned)

17th Pioneer and Support Regiment
Rifled Gun Artillery-Regiment (15) (1000 Soldiers at 40 Batteries)
-Trained Conscripts (0)
-Land (0)
-Scientists: Scout Balloon (5)
-Coven: Earth Witches (10)
-Mundane: Field Hospital (5)
-Mundane: Improved Supply Trains (5)
-Mundane: Pioneers (10)

Bio: Hastly thrown together almost 20 years ago, the "Supply Runners" as they were originally called were understaffed with 300 Soldiers, marching forth and back between the Frontlines and the Supply Deposits. In a grueling up-hill battle, Gregory Vinji lobbeyd, demanded and straight-up "accquired" the necessary supplies over the years to create a fully-staffed well-geared supply-battalion. They brought relief, ammunition and supplies to any units and were constantly on the roads (or pioneering their own). Eventually, in exchange for services rendered, a thankful commander conveniently failed to mention several captured enemy artillery which became the hailmark of the Supply Runners for years.
Oftentimes, they now brought relief in the form of cannon-fire, shattering the enemies morale who had not expected the fast-moving troops. Vinji was stunted in the military command and, realising that, attempted to re-form his Regiment into a combat-unit. When he got his wish two years ago, with it came a rather nasty shock of bureucratic barbarism: The most experienced of his men were "re-integrated" into other units and he was left with only a handful of Veterans and hundreds of new conscripts incapable of the feats he had drilled into the Regiment.
After two years, the men have become comfortable with their (not front-line) duty, but Vinji is still angry about what happened.
The 17th does not win larger engagements by itsself, but it enables a greater unit-group to take the victory.
Their Motto is: "Spades and Balls. We carry both." The 17th are used to making make-shift pathways to travel and use Spades, Hammers and Pickaxes more often than regular rifles. The latter part of course refers to the Cannonballs they deliver towards the enemy.
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i had an idea and i sat down in a nearby coffee shop to write it down before i would forget. Any comments on usefulness or anything i am missing?
3. Light Infantry (5)
4. Dragoons (5)
5. Rifled Gun Artillery (15)

Don't want to disappoint you UbeOne, but your Regiment can only be one of the above. I know its mostly there to simplify things and might be a bit disappoint that you can only do one thing...but you are part of a larger force here, as such each Regiment will have its tasks and hopefully the support of the others. If you could decide for one of these only please?

Regiment Creation:

Number & Name:

Points Available: 50

(Just one)
Active Reservists (-5)
890 000 recruits are given to the Tsar, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Russian Army, by his dutiful subjects every year – but from those only 240.000 young man are conscripted to serve their country from their 20. To their 43. Year. Naturally they aren't in the standing army for the whole time, instead they serve only for five years -the most skilled only for a year- before they are sent to the active Reserve. They only had a rudimentary training and most only fired a dozen or two shots per year for training. They have much to learn and start out with a disadvantage that can be balanced out by real life experience – if you don't shoot them yourself when you see them discharging their rifles in a 45 grad arc into the sky when trying to hit the enemy.

Combat Rating – 10%
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 5% Combat Rating
Second Veteran level will upgrade them to Trained Conscripts


Moral: 2d6
Combat rating: 0.6 per soldier
Trained Conscripts (0)
Even in peacetime there were at least 862 Battalions of active Infantry always available and a good part of them consisted out of the conscripts that hadn't yet been send back home to the reserves. Those young man are freshly trained and still didn't have the time to forget what they learned. As such they are more battle ready than the reservists…but most of them have only seen the dust of the training fields and not the blood of the battlefield. They might be more professional and had more training recently – as such they are reliable…but still need to be bloodied.
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 0% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +1
Combat rating: 0.8 per soldier
Veterans of the Crimean War (10)
The war between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire with France and Great Britain on its side, first saw the use of many "scientist" weapons and the first scout dirigibles were used right next to the poisonous gases of Hanoverian Alchemists that the British brought with them. Russia…was at a disadvantage, as Tsar Nicholas always had "his" victory against Napoleon in the middle of Europe in mind and never modernized the army and always tried to manage military matters even when his decisions were…less than stellar. Regiments who went through this war are some of the best the Empire can offer, having learned to fight with modern and not so modern weapons – or at least to survive them. They are the army's Elite and know it.

When shooting with rifled Muskets + 5% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +2
Combat rating: 1.2 per soldier
Veterans of the Revolutionary Wars? (5)
These man are old and in many cases are just a few years away from being transferred from the active militia to the >Opoltschenije< or Militia. They aren't too old yet to be of no use but heavy marching or work might lead to some of them falling out for some time – still: their experience might be a bit outdated, but they are proud of their history in the great wars and eager to once more march for their Tsar. They won't take a step back no matter how frightening the enemy is and they won't disobey any order given to them – after all they served in the time of direct chargers and are still alive to tell the tale.
When shooting with smoothbore Muskets +5% Combat Rating
When shooting with rifled Muskets – 5% Combat Rating
When attacking in a melee charge +5% Combat Rating


Moral: 2d6 +3
Combat rating: 1 per soldier

Cossacks (5) – Light Cavalry & Dragoons only
The Cossack hosts are moving freely through the large open areas of the Russian Empire – nonetheless because many covens are moving with them and act as buffers between them and the central powers should it come to conflict. In the army of the Tsar they are known was premier scouts, skirmishers and ambushers…but at the same time they are less disciplined than regular cavalry and less capable in open field battles. Still thanks to the advice of the covens they aren't merely broken up into smaller units and given to other regiments as scouts – instead they are here as full regiments: of specialists.
When acting in ambushes or skirmishes: +10% Combat Rating
When attacking in open combat -10% Combat Rating

Moral: 2d6 +1
Combat rating: 1 per soldier

(Just one)

Land (0)
Your soldiers are regular peasants, fearing God and the Tsar and seeing the duty in a military as just one more thing to be afraid off. They are not the best educated for sure, but they form the firm backbone of the army and more than a few of them are still motivated into service to thank the Tsar that led them out of serfdom.
When in melee + 5% Combat Rating
City (5)
Life in the cities might be less demanding than the life on the land, but people tend to be quite healthy and far better educated than the peasants in the army. As such they are able to grasp obscure principles like "trajectories" and are able to handle modern weapon far better than their rural comrades.
When shooting with rifled Muskets + 5% Combat Rating
When shooting with Artillery Weapons + 5% Combat Rating
When fighting in "scary" forests or similar -1 moral modifier

Sea (5)
Fishers and Sailors that couldn't get on a ship quick enough when the yearly conscription came: no matter. These soldiers still have the sea in their blood and bones and water is the element of which they know quite a bit. As such they are the people you turn to when you want to cross a river…or defend it.
When attack across a river +2 on their own attack Throw
When defending a river -2 on enemy Attack Throw​

(Just one)

Line Infantry (0)
The Infantry is slowly but surely doing their best to show the cavalry that they are not to be forgotten and the Crimean war has shown that even the simple infantry man if only positioned well enough can hold their own against magic and cavalry charges. Your Regiment is part of the Line Infantry – and the name really says all: you are the line that holds the army's formation and your soldiers give salvo after salvo off into the smoke clouds that obscure the battlefield before charging forward to finish the enemy with your bayonets.

Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when opposing the Line
Enemy Cavalry -60% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults

Equipped with Smoothbore Muskets

Regimental Strength: 4.000 Soldiers in 4 Battalions with 4 companies each.​

Light Infantry (5)
While the Tactics of the Line Infantry wouldn't look amiss in the early Revolutionary Wars, the soldiers of the Light Infantry are organized following the ideal of the French Skirmishers and are far more…independent than their more rigid comrades. They might not put up the same Volume of fire per meter like the Line Infantry but thanks to the rifled muskets they are far more accurate and able to hit targets the Line Infantry couldn't even scratch. The Downside would be that the smoke of their guns sooner or later reduces visibility far too much and that their dispersed formations are more prone to cavalry attacks, even if that can be changed.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in range combat
Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
Needs a turn to face enemy cavalry in a closed formation, then up to -40% modifier on their combat rating.
Combat rating: +0,5 per soldier

Equipped with Rifled Muskets

Regimental Strength: 4.000 Soldiers in 4 Battalions with 4 companies each.

Line Infantry with Rifled Muskets (10)
Nearly the same as the regular Line Infantry, these Regiments are still a bit…experimental after the Crimean War first saw rifled muskets being used on both sides of the conflict. In the right circumstances the new rifling will make this Infantry far more deadly than their smoothbore using comrades and even in close quarters they can at least match the smoothbores. It's not a wonder weapon, but at least gives your soldiers a far better chance in winning ranged engagements.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in range combat
Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when opposing the Line
Enemy Cavalry -60% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults
Combat rating: +1 per soldier

Equipped with Rifled Muskets

Regimental Strength: 4.000 Soldiers in 4 Battalions with 4 companies each.​

Lancers/Light Cavalry (0)
On fast and little burdened horses, the Light Cavalry is designed for only one thing: speed, speed and even more Speed to bridge the distance between themselves and the enemy…or to further it as quickly as possible. After the attack of the Light Brigade -thanks to a garbled telepathic message after a Russian Witch set the telepath on fire- on a fortified position was shattered by organized Infantry and Artillery, their role has changed a lot. They are now mostly used as skirmishers or screening for the advancing Infantry, but also to make deep strikes into enemy territory – they are highly mobile, but shouldn't be send out on their own against the enemy.

Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in melee combat
Equipped with Lances & Sabers
Combat rating: + 2 per soldier
1 Additional Hex Movement on the Campaign Map.

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Dragoons (5)
While their reputation might often have been less than Stellar, the dragoons in their heavier incarnation have found a new role on the modern battlefield – forming shock Infantry that is able to move rapidly, before attacking the enemy on foot with carbines that are only barely less dangerous than their heavier counterparts. They can also be used as "normal" cavalry and even fire their weapons mounted if they need to.
When mounted:
Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in melee combat
Combat rating: + 1 per soldier
When on foot:

Combat Rating Bonus to up to 50% when in a defensive position
When in melee + 1 Combat Modifier

Enemy Cavalry -20% Combat Rating on Frontal Assaults

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Heavy Cavalry (10)
Some might call them obsolete, but a fully equipped Cuirassier charging at you is still something quite impressive, especially as their armor it not only for show…even if it is quite unlikely to help against direct hits. The sheer weights of their mounts is often enough to be able to break through at least barely trained and experienced infantry – even if no one in their right mind would send them out against enemies that aren't at least busy with something else. Still: the time is working against them and people are already talking about folding them in with the dragoons, but for now the heavy Cavalry is still up and riding.
Combat Throw Bonus of +3 in melee combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when charged
Armor Rating: +1
Equipped with Sabers & pistols

Combat rating: + 3 per soldier

Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders​

Smoothbore Artillery (10)
It goes, you push it down as far as possible…and then quickly take a step back before your comrade fires off the artillery gun and sends the payload hurrying towards the enemy. The Queen of the battlefield is and stays the artillery – of course only as long as the enemy isn't allowed to close up and pay back the favor with bullet and bayonet – but that's what the rest of the army is good for, or?

Combat Armor Malus of -8 when in melee
Combat Throw Bonus of +2 in ranged combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when under fire and unable to shoot back
Moral Modifier -4 when under enemy rifle fire
Equipped with cannons & Howitzers

Combat rating: + 1 per soldier at long range
Combat rating: + 4 per soldier at medium range
Combat rating: + 8 per soldier at close range

Regimental Strength: 1.000 Soldiers spread out on multiple batteries, 40 pieces' total​

Rifled Gun Artillery (15)
More accurate – and slightly harder to reload- the rifled artillery is the way of the future if you can believe some on the scientists and engineers working on them. They are far more accurate than their smoothbore counterpart, but in return are also of smaller calibers for now. This makes them prefect for destroying more distant structures and units, but gives them a slight disadvantage when it comes to using them as giant shotguns in close ranges.

Combat Armor Malus of -8 when in melee
Combat Throw Bonus of +4 in ranged combat
Enemy Moral Modifier -1 when under fire and unable to shoot back
Moral Modifier -4 when under enemy rifle fire
Equipped with cannons & Howitzers

Combat rating: + 4 per soldier at long range
Combat rating: + 3 per soldier at medium range
Combat rating: + 3 per soldier at close range

Regimental Strength: 1.000 Soldiers spread out on multiple batteries, 40 pieces' total​


Alchemist - Grenadier Company (20)

Alchemists might not be as prominent in Russia as they are in Germany, but even a dozen of them are enough to produce a steady supply of different kinds of grenades whose effects are…less than pleasant and can be used by every other soldier- as long as they remember to throw them far enough before taking cover and holding their breath. A special Grenadier company might give a Regiment just the troops it needs to take over fortifications or to blow apart enemy lines. Of course the downside is that you need to get close enough to throw the grenades at the enemy.

Requires: Close Range and then gives +3 Boni on Combat Throws & Allows to ignore up to 40% of Defense Positions

Alchemist - Field Apothecary (15)

It stops the blood from flowing out of your wounds, it strengthens your hands when your rifle is slipping out of them and it patches you up when death is closing in on you. The wonders of modern medicine are not as …fickle as the effect of the alchemist's craft – but neither are they as fast and easily applied – even in the heat of the battle.

Saved 5% of your loses of one combat throw, per turn.

Alchemists – Close Combat Troops (15)

One sip to give them the strength to tear apart a man, another to let them survive the first bullet that strikes them. By the power of the chemicals flowing through their vein and those that follow them into battle, they throw themselves at the enemy with sword and sabre to tear him apart.

Combat Throw Bonus +4 in close combat.

Coven - Wind Scouts (15)

It's neither a bird nor a dirigible – these women, flying through the air with their wide clothes billowing around them, have spent decades on mastering their art of controlling the current around them. While they had once been primarily used to overcome obstacles and as curriers -because even their rather small (an hour or two per day at most) time of flight is quite handy for this – they are mostly working as spotters today. A Coven or at least a group of witches added to a unity can easily spend the whole day flying up regularly as long as they take turns.

Boni to Scouting and Reconnaissance

Artillery long & Medium Range Attack Throws +2

Coven – Earth Witches (10)

The cleaning of the fields, the supporting of dams and the help for those buried under Earth after a sudden movement of said Element – all opportunities at which the Witches specializing in this element have often helped the peasants of Russia. In the war their specialty is used otherwise and more than often enough enemies have tried to take back positions Russian Troops had taken, only to find themselves facing enemy infantry that was suddenly deep inside of trenches and firing at them out of cover – as if the fieldworks had appeared by witchcraft.

Twice per Day they can use their powers to create trenches big enough for a whole Regiment to take cover in them.

Coven – Fire & Lightning Artillery (20)

Fire has something…primal around it – it does make you feel safe…and endangered at the same time: the heat luring you in as long as it's comfortable and the fire burning the unwary. Some Witches specialize in disciplines that are clearly set out to be used to burn and kill the enemies of the Tsar and their hands let out streams of fire and lightning against the enemies of Russia – no matter if they are burning down a field of lightly clad peasants or kill a knight through the metal on his body. It's better to not annoy this warlike coven when they are in your care…

Every two turns either a flame attack of combat Rating 300 + Throw Bonus 6 up to Medium Range or a lightning strike combat Rating 100 + Throw Bonus 3 + Anti-Armour -2 up to long range.

Scientists – Scout Balloon (5)

A curiosity only a few decades ago the balloons of today are rather sturdy and simple machines, that can be easily repaired in the field by someone with a needle and a few mundane chemicals. It's doing quite the same as the Wind Witches – only that it can stay longer in the air – with a few downsides like being unable to move and an easy target for enemy fire.

Artillery long & Medium Range Attack Throws +2

Scientists – Mitrailleuse (10)

Having fallen into Russian hands more than often in the Crimean War. The French Mitrailleuse was a machine thought up by the devil and created by a toymaker. Set on three wheels with place for a single Computron placed inside that was able to keep track of the uniforms of its own side and the one of the enemy – quite a feat and one of the reasons French uniforms were brighter than ever before. Twice as tall as a man a huge toy soldier like contraption came on top of the wheels that allowed to be shoved around by a few soldiers, it bristled with rifles on every side, looking out of its belly, its sides and the small towers with even more rifles that it had instead of arms and which were topped with golden epaulettes. Truly a garish French invention…and able to shoot the salvo of a hundred soldiers.

Increase Combat Rating by 500 every time a salvo is given.

Too slow to be taken along by cavalry.

Scientists – Clanker Company + Engineers (15)

Tall and wiry with a clicking and clanking interior that resounds at every step the Clankers modelled after looted French models are hardly renowned for their stealth. Instead they exhibit a flair for sharp maneuvering that others would only pull off on a parade ground and reload with the efficiency of veterans. They are also quite armored under their uniforms and can be repaired after battles as long as spare parts are available.
Clanker Company
Combat Rating: 300 (1 per Clanker)
Armor Rating: 2
20 Causalities can be repaired per day
Always the first 300 looses of a battle

Mundane – Field Hospital (5)

A soft bed, clean instruments and the serious faces of a few nurses and doctors, together with one bored Alchemists. Survival chances after a battle have never been better for our soldiers and its nearly perfectly mundane.
Up to 40 % of battle causalities are able to make a full recovery.

Mundane – Military Priests (5)

Guns are blessed, rifles fired by a holy man with a smile – mass given for the living and sermons told to remember the death. No army truly can be functioning without at least a few people of the cloth and these priests live in the barracks and battlefields with their sheep.

Morale Modifiers +1 at every occasion

Mundane – Improved Supply Train (5)

Shoes and Food, ammunition and steel. An army needs many things and not a lot of them will be coming along with you to the new or the old world. As such they will have to be transported with you and a good baggage train of wagons and craftsman to keep them going will bring you quite a step further.

1 Additional Hex Movement on the Campaign Map.

History of the Regiment:
Accepted Players
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
Waiting List
Dovahsith- Artyom Orlov - 65th Dragoons "The Zmey Gorynych's"
Name: Artyom Orlov

Age: 32


Bio: Born into a family of minor aristocrats, he joined the army at a young age as per family tradition. His family of course has served the the motherland since the grand old days of Catherine the Great and has yet to be found wanting. Securing a commision within a cavalry regiment after being raised upon the tales of his Grandfather's war against Napoleon he has made it to his current rank through ability, ambitious drive and sheer stubbornness as a true Russian should. This expedition is yet another way to showcase his ability to his superiors and perhaps gain another promotion in rank.


Strength –

Agility – 1

Intelligence – 1

Charisma – 2

Talents: (to be earned)

65th Dragoons "The Zmey Gorynych's"

  1. Trained Conscripts (0)
  2. Land (0)
  3. Dragoons (5)
  4. Alchemist - Field Apothecary (15)
  5. Coven – Fire & Lightning Artillery (20)
  6. Mundane – Military Priests (5)
  7. Mundane – Improved Supply Train (5)
Regimental Strength: 2.000 Soldiers in eight squadrons of 250 Riders

Bio: The 65th Dragoons has been raised based upon a new concept. Russia, though generally conservative, has manpower to spare for experimentation in regiment make-up if you phrase it right to the correct people. In this case, the intention is to make the cavalry, a wing of the army slowly becoming out of date, relevant in a modern world of science. The answer of course being the ingrained Russian spirit. The inclusion of a coven of very irritable and incredibly destructive witches also helps matters, the regiment being acceptable bodyguards to allow them to be deployed where needed to a greater degree of security.

Though unblooded by battle and fresh from the training grounds, these men are intended to locate and punch through enemy lines, creating a breakthrough and allowing for a swift advance of the infantry behind them. All that remains is to prove this in practice as well as in theory.
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Will work on sheet when i have the time. Thinking we ought to get some cav to run the enemy down with.
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Gunman - Werner von Reinoldt - 21st Foreign Support Regiment
Name: Werner von Reinoldt



Bio: Born as the fourth son of his family, he knew he'd never inherit the titles of his family. Out to make a name for himself, he initially joined the Prussian military where he learned a middling amount of alchemy and engineering. In the six years he served, he failed to gain any glory, with Prussia either not being at war or being assigned to garrison duty. When his contract expired, Werner packed his bags, took a stipend from his family and went to Saint Petersburg. He had spent a few years running a shop with modest success selling potions and repairing any mechanical devices brought to him. But it wasn't enough to sate his ambition. He wanted notoriety and prestige, and when he heard the Russian military was willing to give him the same equivalent rank he had in the Prussian armed service and a slightly higher income, he closed down his shop and enlisted without hesitating. Werner hopes that with alchemy being relatively more exotic than in his homeland, he"ll earn enough glory that he won't find have any trouble marrying a Russian daughter on the track, or a matriarch who already has inherited titles and lands to her name.

  • Strength – 2
  • Agility – 1
  • Intelligence – 2
  • Charisma – 1

21st Foreign Support Regiment
  • Trained Conscripts (0)
  • Land (0)
  • Alchemist - Grenadier Company (20)
  • Alchemist - Field Apothecary (15)
  • Scientists – Clanker Company + Engineers (15)
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Rinasoir - Leo Milian - 42nd "Wilderness" Regiment
Name: Leo Milian

Age: 25

I couldn't find a picture I liked, so I'm just going to add a description unless you really want a picture. Leo is a tall, thin man with short dark hair and a pair of brown eyes. He doesn't have any distinguishing features.


Leo was born the oldest child of a young couple in 1834 and would doubtless have lived a happy loving life in rural Poland if it weren't for his parents dying of dysentery. Leo survived the outbreak and was adopted by his Uncle who was a goldsmith in Warsaw, and was raised by both his Uncle and his Aunt alongside their five children in a loving, if somewhat cramped, home. However no matter how kind his relatives were, Leo was never able to shake his feeling of not truly fitting in. He displayed no interest in following his Uncle into his trade, nor did he show any interest in joining the Church. He did show a serious knack for schooling however, and while at times he had to miss school to help bring in some money, the results he displayed to his teachers were more often than not exemplary. Without any other particular fields to choose from, the principal of the school recommended that he enter academia and try to become a teacher himself, but Leo had other ideas, and instead managed to successfully apply to enter the Cadet Corps and would receive military instruction inside Russia itself.

While fluent in Russian from his education, Leo was quickly singled out for being not just of a lower social class, but of being Polish quickly by his fellow Cadets. Luckily for him though, years spent running through the streets of Warsaw with his cousins meant he was normally able to outpace or avoid any trouble that his fellow Cadets might stir up, and typically when he couldn't outrun them he could outsmart them. This harassment gradually began to cease as both the futility of it, and the exacting standards of their instructors, began to shape the young men and women into a group of ideal Russian officers, as well as leaving them too tired to actually get up to any trouble. Leo managed to graduate from the Cadet School at both the top of his class and without a single demerit to his record, although some suspicion was still in place with regards to an issue involving a Duchess, a prize racehorse, a substantial sum of money, two feuding gypsy bands and three volumes about shamanism in British India. It was also during his time in the Cadet Corps that Leo developed his strong egalitarian streak as he began to dismiss such things as race and sex as being reasons to discriminate against his fellow man and woman, instead it was replaced with a firm believe that those who could not live up to his exacting standards should be brought up to them, and those that did manage to meet such standards should be praised regardless of their background. He went on to study at the General Staff Academy and again excelled at his studies and had all the makings of a fine career as a staff officer until politics interfered.

Leo's first assignment as a Captain in the Russian Army saw him serving under a Colonel engaged in corrupt practices up to, and including, selling off his men's supplies and ammunition to feed his opulent lifestyle. This would have been a cut and dry issue if the Colonel in question had not been in possession of the surname "Romanov" and a cousin of the Tsarevich. The anthill that Leo kicked over with his actions put the military in a quandary as while yes, the Colonel was indeed stealing from them, he was still a member of the royal family and as such was beyond their reproach. Eventually a solution was found as the Colonel was promoted and honorably discharged with the pension of a General and Leo was given the "privilege" of commanding the 42nd "Wilderness" Regiment along with a brevet promotion to Colonel.

Stats: (You can assign 2,2,1,1 to them)

Strength –

Agility – 2

Intelligence – 2

Charisma – 1

Talents: (to be earned)

Regiment: 42nd "Wilderness" Regiment

  1. Trained Conscripts (0)
  2. City (5)
  3. Light Infantry (5)
  4. Alchemist - Field Apothecary (15)
  5. Mundane - Improved Supply Train (5)
  6. Coven - Wind Scouts (15)
  7. Mundane - Military Priests (5)
  8. Soldiers of a 100 Nations (-5)
  9. Mundane- Field Hospital (5)
History of the Regiment:
The 42nd Regiment is not a Regiment with a glorious past. It was formed after the Crimean War, making it an extremely young regiment in the history of the Russian military, and in its brief existence it has served as little more than a borderline punishment posting. The task of the 42nd is to patrol the frozen wastes of Siberia and the islands to the East of Yakutsk that are the site of the border between Russia and Japan, and to the poor soldiers from the cities of Warsaw, Moscow, Helsinki and others, the change in scenery is not one that is particularly welcome.

Also not particularly welcome is the new commanding officer, a young officer who like them is here not because of glory, but because he has annoyed the powers-that-be without breaking the law. Since the arrival of the new Colonel, the regiment has found itself being whipped into shape from the lazy comfortable complacency it had enjoyed until now, after all the regiment surely wasn't supposed to take its duties at the arse end of the empire seriously now was it? Instead this new commander appears a year ago and starts to put them through drills and exercises, personally admonishes blemishes on uniforms and rust on weapons, and acts with the sort of cold-fury that a Drill-Sergeant and the Siberian Winter can only envy. Outside of the Coven of Witches, nobody in the Regiment truly cares for the new commander, nor the standards that he sets for them.

Yet they still strive to match those standards, if for no other reason than to show him they can.
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