Rise of the Techno-Barbarians Fandom Tread

Rise of the Techno-Barbarians

Terran era of Strife
The Unification Wars

It is the beginning of the Age of Strife. Earth has been decimated by war. As the fallout settles human civilization begins to re-emerge on the surface.

Terra, 28 millennium

By M28, Earth government broke down completely and the planet divided into dozens of inter-warring nations. After two and a half thousand years of continuous warfare little remained of the once sophisticated civilisation of the past. The planet had become a battleground fought over by techno-barbarian warlords and their warrior hordes. This was a dark time for the people of Earth -- a time dominated by brutal rulers like Kalagann of Ursh, Cardinal Tang, and the most infamous of all, the half-mad/half-genius Narthan Dume Tyrant of the Pan-Pacific Empire. The world was wracked by never-ending conflict as one tyrant displaced another. Petty empires rose and disintegrated; tribes formed, were destroyed and re-formed as diminishing, brutalised shadows of lost glories and forgotten triumphs. Uncounted billions died unknown and unremembered, while whispered names such as the Unspeakable King and the Seven Neverborn left legends to terrify generations to come. Anarchy and bloodshed was lord over all.

Techno barbarian: Techno-barbarians is the name given to the warriors who battled over the ruins of Terra during the Age of Strife. They formed the troops of the warlords who dominated Terra during the period, and were equipped with a primitive form of powered armor which would become the basis for the developments of Space Marine armor.

This is a fanon project to increase the information on Terra history during the Age of Strife. Originally, I was hoping to run a Grand Strategy game in order to develop the history of the polity and people within this ear, but having talked with many here on this site I think having a open discussion would be better and more fun in the long run.

I am aware of the old Unification War game on this site and I have taken inspiration from it. I will not take the information from the game unless I am invited to do so. If you would like to include your work Please feel free to submit any characters or polities in this thread below for discussion.

Some ground rules;
  1. Although based in a working framework of the warhammer 40k universe, this is fanfiction.

  1. Additionally, the Age of Strife is a time of myth and legends so overlap of events and hyperbole is ok to an extent.

  1. Please be civil.

Have fun and work together to create an interconnecting world for future exploration.
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Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Old Albia - will be conquered by Emperor not by using force, but thanks to his talent of persuasion. He will convince the lord of Albia to join his side, and it will work so perfectly, that soon this lord will become one of the most ardent supporters of the Unification.

Albyon (British Isles) - Albyon was a polity on Old Earth during the Age of Strife and the Unification Wars, presumably located in what had once been the British Isles, and was known in ancient times as Albion. Its ruler, the tyrannical Uilleam the Red, was defeated by the Emperor's forces and imprisoned in the dungeon of Khangba Marwu in the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains.

Britonnica - Celtic Brittany and wales

Franc (France) - The lands of the Franc were based in the territory of Western Europe, largely in the territory of the ancient nation-state once called France. The people of Franc were known as the Frank, a fractious people before the Unification that did not take kindly to invaders.
Havuleq D'agross was the last independent ruler of the Franc, leading a rebellion against Imperial rule and killing the Emperor's appointed territorial governor. His rebellion began in the city of Avelroi, but rapidly spread until he could muster a force of 50,000 rebels, which was largely composed of unskilled militia. They eventually fought the Emperor's forces at the Battle of Gaduare, a line of high hills by the ruins of Guaduare Bastion. There, they were wiped out by a force of less than 5,000 Imperial troops, including an early generation of Space Marines from the Dusk Raiders Legion (the name of the Death Guard Legion before the rediscovery of the Primarch Mortarion).
Ref: high fashion, bright colours, musketeers, knights

Jermani - is one of the few countries, that have preserved the culture of their ancestors. A rarity in the world of techo-barbarians, whose aspirations are often reduced to the robbery and glorification of their leaders. Jermani was a small techno-barbarian state composed of the territory of the ancient Central European nation of Germany.
-ref: Nazis, Germanic tribes, Heavy Industriale

Nordyc (Scandinavia) - Nordyc was a techno-barbarian state located in the lands of what had once been Scandinavia. According to detailed extant records preserved in the Trans-Nordyc Akashic archives, a few thousand proto-Astartes of the newly created Thunder Legion and a companion guard of thirty Custodians bearing Guardian Spears, clad in augment-armour and personally led by the Emperor Himself, participated in the assault against the formidable Maullan Sen Confederacy. Despite being outnumbered seven-to-one and suffering several thousand casualties, the Emperor's forces ultimately triumphed over the horde of genetically-altered warriors, witch-marked men and zealots that followed the Priest-King of Maulland Sen. The Priest-King was captured by the Custodians, and after the battle the Emperor carried out his execution and held aloft his severed head to the baying cheers of His Thunder Warriors. In the aftermath of this campaign's climactic ending, it came to be known as the "Battle of the Red Frost." Crushing the last resistance within this region, Nordyc was soon brought into Imperial Compliance.

The Maulland Sen Confederacy - was a Human nation in the Nordic region of Terra during the Age of Strife. Founded by the Priest-King of Maulland Senwith originally pure intentions to help his tribe, eventually the Confederacy unwittingly degraded into Daemon worship and forbidden genetic manipulation. During the Unification Wars the Confederacy was crushed by the forces of the Emperor in the Battle of Maulland Sen. While the Priest-King was personally executed by the Emperor, his tribe was allowed to survive.

Skandians - The Skandians were known to be raiders who often attacked the other regions of the continent of Europa in pursuit of plunder. They refused to accept Unification under the Emperor's rule and were exterminated by His forces as a result.

Slovakia - small but daring feudalistic empire.

Moravia - here the leader of Brotherhood of Singularity was born. Czech Republic

Bukurest - found in the area of modern-day Romania

Rus - Its capital is Bilgorod.
Ref: Russian thugs/gangsters, USSR army, Stalkers game

Europa (South Central Europe) - Europa was a powerful techno-barbarian state composed of the territory of much of south central Continental Europe, including the Mediterranean Sea lands.
Ref: caesar's legion, rome, more skin, gladiators

Spain - ?

Boeotia - (under the rule of Yeselti dynasty) will successfully maintain its independence from the newborn Imperium of Man, thanks to its competent diplomacy. Emperor will give it 150 years to voluntarily become a part of Imperium, but after the expiry of the term Boeotia will refuse to integrate and will get invaded.
Located in Greece/Turkey
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Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Pan-Pacific Empire (East Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands) - The Pan-Pacific Empire was a techno-barbarian state composed of the Pacific Islands and what had once been the territories of parts of East Asia, Australia and the Japanese islands that flourished during the Age of Strife. In fact Panpacific Empire controls only half of a claimed territory. Occasionally on its lands are even found some small techno-barbarian states, who don't know that they are part of an empire, that is a size of a half of the world. Narthan Dume, Tyrant of the Panpacific Empire during the Unification Wars at the close of the Age of Strife, was the most infamous of all the tyrannical rulers who dominated Terra during that dark period. He was described as "half-mad, half-genius." Although some in the Emperor's service wanted to imprison Dume in the dungeon of Khangba Marwu, he was instead executed at the urging of Constantin Valdor shortly after his capture. Many of his lieutenants, however, were imprisoned in Khangba Marwu.

Vhnori - During the early years of the Great Crusade after ca. 800.M30, alliances and oaths were still fresh, untested or half-formed. Even as the Imperium of Man extended beyond the Sol System for the first time, the domains left in its wake were often of questionable stability and loyalty. Attempted rebellions and conspiracies were common. The Imperium usually put most of these insurrections down swiftly and without fanfare. However, occasionally a few rebellions required a different response; not simply subjugation but retribution. Vhnori was a Terran city enclave, a natural fortification built into the walls of a series of chasms for easy defence that had once been a part of the Pan-Pacific Empire. Vhnori had been one of the last of the tyrant Narthan Dume's domains to fall during the Unification Wars. The people of Vhnori did not take easily to the Imperial yoke, as they submitted to the Emperor's rule in sullen silence. This changed, however, with the coming of the Crimson Walkers, a cabal of psykers, gene-splicers and warlords who had once served the last great Terran tyrants of the Age of Strife. Bit by bit they had gathered followers and resources, spreading a secret web across Terra. The centre of their resurgence was Vhnori. It seemed the Crimson Walkers were determined to pull a part of Terra back into the nightmare of the recent past. When the Emperor heard of the rise of this reborn threat, He is said to have spoken three words: "Send in the Eighth!" The VIII Legion did not respond right away, as its force within the Sol System at that time only numbered a little over 500 warriors: a large force of Astartes but not one that could overwhelm a city of millions. When the VIII Legion began their campaign of fear, it started with an orbital bombardment falling from the night sky which lasted for six solar hours. Following the bombardment, the artificial darkness remained. Soon a heavy downpour thick with chemicals rained upon the millions of fearful inhabitants from the seeded clouds above. The VIII Legion arose from the abyss on jets of flame, butchering any who crossed their paths. The screams of terror and battle echoed through their drug-weakened minds. The Crimson Walkers responded by unleashing an army of mutant monstrosities, but still the VIII Legion came on, slicing abominations apart with lightning-sheathed claws. They screamed with the voices of the dead as they fought, their speaker grills shouting out the recorded sounds of suffering, pain and loss. When the chasms were blazing like the mouth of a mythical hell, the Drop Pods fell. The reinforcements converged on the chasms, cutting their way through the city sprawl, killing any they found. Soon, the remaining Crimson Walkers faced their doom fragmented, harrowed and cut-off from one another, until they were cornered by the figures in midnight blue Power Armour. Those who reached the blasted border surrounding the city found themselves hunted by the VIII Legion's Seeker Squads. It is said that the VIII Legion allowed many to run, before hunting them down through the long hours of the artificial night, maiming but never killing, until dragging their broken quarry back to the chasm. With Vhnori screaming and burning, the VIII Legion performed their last duty. Alive, and healed so that they were conscious, they threw the Crimson Walkers into the chasm. Then they detonated charges along the cliff edge, severing the hanging city from the cliff face, the screams of the ten millions who had sheltered from the fighting in the cliff-bound buildings reaching up to the sky as they followed the Crimson Walkers into the black depths of the Earth. The VIII Legion left the decimated city before dawn came again, cementing their reputation for the use of fear and terror as effective weapons of Imperial retribution and control. Principality of Archangelus will swear to insurgents of Vhnori, hoping for ability to restore own independence.

Mariana Trench - is now called Mariana Canyon and is jam-packed with hundreds of merged hive-cities. One of them is Vhnori, that will be the last city to fall during the Emperor's conquest of Panpacific Empire. But its citizens will not surrender internally. While Emperor's troops will fight in space, Vhnori will become a center of an extensive terrorist organization, that will raise one of the bloodiest uprising of the millenium. The city will be destroyed by a huge landslide, arose from the collapse of the canyon slopes as a result of the exposion of the powerful bomb.
Principality of Irkutsk is the satellite of Pan-pacific Empire. It is a huge hive-city, that fills the whole Baikal canyon.

Brotherhood of Singularity - prepares for its defeat after a long and exhausting uprising. Its leader is going to flee to Mars.

Yndonesic Bloc - is an ethnarchy ruled by religious tyrant Cardinal Tang, who wishes to "return the world to a pre-technological age" burning scientists, mathematicians and philosophers. Paradoxical as it may seem, but he is also a huge fan of eugenics (that is kind of science), so the country is overflowing with death camps for "undesirables". Soon he will be overthrown by his own people.
Ref; indonesia, Kingdom of Majapahit

"The Union" a.k.a the First cantons - the very first territories conquered by the Emperor. At the moment he has already created his first regiments of Thunder Warriors and is preparing for a large-scale blitzkrieg against technologically backward and scattered techno-barbarian states.
Ref: Nepal, bhutan, tibet

Nay Monggol - during the campaign against this country, Emperor's troops faced formidable genetically modified giants.

Chine - ?

North of the Sibranian steppes stretches Taiga - the last forest on Terra, inhabited by mutants and savages.

Achaemenid Empire - is one of few allies of Emperor in this war. Its population is surprisingly clean from many genetic gefects, which had affected other tribes, so many of them will be recruited to become the first Astartes of the Thousand Sons Legion. Has a strange cult of its ancestors' mystical powers.
Ref: Persia, Iran

Terrawatt Clan - is the first power of Terra, that has sworn to the Emperor. The country is famous for its mountain-sized forges.
Located in the Ural Mountains

Caucasus Wastes. - Ruled by the "Ethnarchy" The conquest of the of this lands will start quite early, but it will last until the end of Unification Wars, entering the number of final battles of the conflict. Practices eugenics.

Ursh - the most powerful and aggressive techno barbarian empire of Terra, ruled by a brutal tyrant named Kalagann. Quite bacward in technology, but compensates for this shortage by a HUGE number of troops and the ruler's connections with forces of Warp, which he uses as some kind of magical weapon. Deemed to be a Chaos Gods' puppet.

The Kingdom of Urartu - will become a successor of Ursh after its fall. There, near the Ararat mountain, will happen the famous battle, that is deemed to be a final clash of Unification Wars. De jure.

Land of Gyptus - famous for its huge crater Cebir.

India - ?
Referred to as Ind in 30k as well

Zion - Israeli kingdom

Arabia - ?
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Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Nordafrik Conclaves (North Africa) - The Nordafrik Conclaves were comprised of the territory of much of the northern portion of the continent of Afrik (Africa) and thrived during the Age of Strife. The Chronicles of Ursh, an ancient volume dating back to the millennia before the Unification Wars, describes the long and brutal conflict fought between the Nordafrik Conclave and the state of Ursh (Central Asia). The Conclave was eventually defeated by their erstwhile rivals. The Chronicles also described the use of the dark powers of the Warp by both sides.

Timbuk and Nama Gola - nation within africa

Gyptus (Egypt) - Gyptus was a small techno-barbarian state located in the northeastern portion of the continent of Afrik (North Africa) in the territory of the ancient nation of Egypt.

Deserts of Afrik are inhabited by afrites - filthy savaged who rot alive. Pathetic spectacle.
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North America

Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Merica - Merica was a massive and powerful techno-barbarian state composed of the hive cities located on the Nord Merican continent (North America). It contained vast areas of radioactive wastelands. Merika, perhaps the world's richest and most developed state, and the third most populous (second if its vassals to the north are counted), claims a continuity going back to the ancient Usah empire. It is true that a regional identity of sorts has continued throughout many millennia and multiple changes of world government, and during periods of disunity some sort of North American state has reemerged more than once, but by the late 29th millennium the USA exists as little more than a myth of good government, prosperity and freedom (freedom being imperfectly understood). Still, it is a powerful legend, and the colossal capital of New New Yawk (which has more people than the entire 2012 USA) was built where what was assumed to be the "statue of liberty" was uncovered during a mining operation. (The statue actually dates to the 21st millennium, is made of starship hull-metal, and was built closer to old Boston than old New York, but it did have a kinda sorta liberty theme, so there's that). The Merikan government is essentially a military dictatorship, but the swarming billions are mostly left to live their lives without much interference from the central government (not that there aren't plenty of petty local tyrants in the hive cities, but their power too is limited). Of course, much of the prosperity, and the fact that Ursh hasn't dared attack in half a millennia, may have a lot to do with the fact that the most powerful Psycher in all of human history, the man who will be the God-Emperor of Mankind, is currently hiding out as a humble member of the government and manipulating things behind the scenes.
-East Coast City = mega city 1
Home of the most powerful families of North American
-Religion of the Foundering Fathers
-secret societies, spy/spec-ops
-West Coast City = New California Republic
-biochemical scientist
-South/Texas city = confederacy, great border wall
-military cults

Calbi or Greater Alba – Canada area
-Northern Nomadic tribes
Large fresh water deposits

Greenland nordic tribes


Mexico -

Caribbean - Cuba

Cephic Hives - ?
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South America

Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Hy Brasil (Brazil) - Hy Brasil was a powerful techno-barbarian state centred in the former territory of ancient Brazil on the continent of Sud Merica (South America). Hy Brasil was considered the most powerful of all the Sud Merican cantons. During the Unification Wars it was ruled by the despot Dalmoth Kyn, "one of the last tyrants to hold out against the Emperor's forces." Once he was defeated by the Imperial Army, rule of Hy Brasil passed to Lord Pherom Sichar, a direct descendant of Kyn. Through the direct intervention of Malcador the Sigillite, it was determined that Sichar would never have a seat on the Council of Terra that preceded the establishment of the Senatorum Imperialis as the rulers of a united Terra and the Imperium. Hy Brasil was ruled from the Planalto, a massive hive city cluster or conurbation. Its government was based in the hive city of Sao Paol. The hives of the Planalto drew their power from a series of massive Plasma Reactors buried in the heart of the main conurbation, whose heat exchange processes mean that the reactor district is caked in thick sheet-ice all year round, forming a gigantic frost park 30 kilometres square. This area was known as the "Winter Fields" and was used for recreation by local inhabitants. Although controlled by the Lord of Hy Brasil, the area (at least following the Unification) also possessed a bicameral parliament. The parliament was divided into upper and lower chambers and was located at the Parliament House on the edge of the Winter Fields in Sao Paol. The building was described as "a splendid structure built from filaments of silvered steel and pylons of a pale stone." The military forces of Hy Brasil were known as "the Dracos" and were allowed to maintain their existence even after the establishment of the Imperial government. The Dracos were known to wear green scaled armour. Elements drawn from the Dracos may well have made up the regiment called the "Ouranti Draks," an Imperial Army regiment that campaigned with the Word Bearers Legion during the Great Crusade. They are described as "swarthy-skinned fighters exclusively recruited from the desiccated jungle regions of Sud Merica" and wore scaled cloaks and reptilian helmets.

Chili -

Columbia -

Argentina -

Falklands -
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Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

( there isn't anything I could find so I put down some brainstorming ideas)

Zealand -

Queensland -

Pacific kingdoms -
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Known Polities gathered from Canon and fanfiction;

Orioc - religious city-state built in a huge rock, whose inhabitants believe they are only true owners of whole Terra. Located in Antarctia

The Saragorn Enclave - was a polity on Terra during the Age of Strife known for their psy-breeding experiments. During the Unification Wars, the Enclave surrendered to the forces of the Emperor but still carried on the experiments in secret. When the Emperor discovered this defiance, he dispatched the VIIIthAstartes Legion (later known as the Night Lords) to bring his retribution. The Enclave was viciously destroyed.

States of Atlan - union of enormous hive-cities, scattered throughout what once was the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.

Mutants and other terrors
Rampaging hordes or warbands that might not fit in the other categories;

Abhuman Hordes

Mutant Beast

Servitor Zombies

Alien Terrors

Most of the former oceanic floor on Terra is endless wasteland, inhabited by single gangs of mutants looking for caravans to rob.
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