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Based on the Rise of the Reds mod for Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour by SWR Productions, this timline recontextualizes the Generals universe with everything that has happened since the game was originally released in 2003, also expanding on the events of the mod canon and bringing it to what I personally believe is its logical conclusion: nuclear armageddon.
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Chapter 1: Loss of Innocence
Somewhere in California
Hey, there. I'm BNSF1995, a newcomer around these parts. I first heard of Sufficient Velocity while reading about Strypgia's Neon Genesis Evangelion stories on TV Tropes, namely A Crown of Stars and Advice & Trust.

Now I have made the decision to create a story here. Not really a story, more like a sort of strange alternate history/future history timeline based on the Rise of the Reds mod for Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour, one of the best game mods ever created.

I had first started writing a timeline like this on the SWR Productions Forum, but I had multiple issues. First off, their forum used outdated software that was incompatible with IPv6, always throwing out a "Could not determine your IP address" error. Turning off IPv6 allowed me to actually access the forum and download the RotR 1.87 public beta, but as I was writing my timeline in the fiction subforum, the forum just completely conked out. Not even turning off IPv6 allowed access anymore. So, I joined the SWR Productions Discord and learned that the forum had been completely abandoned.

I was lost as to where I should restart the timeline. My first choice was Alternate History, but since the early timeline involves what they consider "current politics" (IE Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Brexit, the persecution of the Uyghur people, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, mass shootings, and the Israel-Hamas War), I wasn't sure which forum to post it on, Fandom AH or Current Politics.

Rather than take the risk of posting in the wrong forum and getting yelled at by CalBear, I at first sat on things. That is, until I discovered that a Current Politics timeline had been rebooted here on Sufficient Velocity, and a little poking around convinced me to make this site its new home.

Now that my long and incredibly-boring backstory is out of the way, I present to you...


Chapter 1: Loss of Innocence

Fear. Paranoia. Mistrust.

These are the words to describe the main themes of the 21st century. The dawn of the new millennium was a time of optimism. The 1990s had seen the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the internet. The world was rapidly becoming more and more connected. The human race looked towards the 2000s with bright eyes and a sense of unity.

But then it all came crashing down.

The morning of September 11, 2001 seemed like any other normal Tuesday. Kids were in school, people were at work, the heartbeat of society was strong. The biggest news story that morning was Michael Jordan returning to the NBA.

In New York City, French-American filmmakers Jules and Gédéon Naudet were filming a documentary about New York firefighters, following a rookie, or "probie", through his experiences at the academy and into a firehouse. On this particular morning, Jules accompanied several firefighters investigating a reported gas leak from a storm drain in Lower Manhattan. At 8:46 AM, Jules and the firefighters had stopped at the corner of Lispenard and Church Streets when a plane flew right over them. Jules picked up his camera just in time to catch the plane flying right into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Soon, the news media was all over the story. At first glance, no one knew exactly what had happened. There was much conjecture, mainly regarding the size of the plane. Some eyewitnesses said it was a small commuter plane, while others said it was a 767. From all accounts, though, this appeared to be a terrible accident.

Then, at 9:03 AM, the unthinkable happened. A second plane flew straight into the South Tower. Unlike the North Tower hit, of which there is very little video, every network and plenty of amateurs caught the crash from every possible angle. A few people in denial believed that there was a massive glitch in air traffic control that was directing planes over the New York skyline, but the general consensus was one many had feared when the first plane crashed:

The United States of America was under attack by terrorists.

The Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001

The attacks didn't stop there, unfortunately. At 9:37, a third plane hit its target, in this case the Pentagon. At 9:45, American airspace was completely shut down, and the Federal Aviation Administration commenced Operation Yellow Ribbon to divert inbound international flights to Canada (as seen in the hit musical Come From Away).

A fourth plane had been hijacked, the intention being to crash it into either the United States Capitol or the White House. The passengers onboard, however, rebelled, and forced the plane to crash in a field in Somerset County near Shanksville. Even if the plane had reached the White House, President George W. Bush was at an elementary school in Florida reading The Pet Goat to a class. He was informed of the attacks just as he was about to start reading, and pressed on to avoid alarming the students. By 9:14, he was in another classroom commandeered by the Secret Service to use as a makeshift command center, contacting everyone he could to get any scrap of information.

The terror wasn't over yet, though. At 9:59, the South Tower collapsed catastrophically, its unconventional construction making it highly susceptible to fire. At first, there was some confusion as to whether it was another explosion or a part of the building falling off, but it quickly became clear that the entire building was gone. The North Tower followed at 10:28 AM.

There were seven buildings in the World Trade Center complex. Buildings 1 and 2 were the Twin Towers, both of which were the main targets. Building 3 was a Marriott hotel, Building 4 was the South Plaza, Building 5 was the Deutsche Bank Building, Building 6 was US Customs, and Building 7 was rented by multiple tenants. Aside from the Twin Towers, Buildings 3, 4, and 6 were smashed by the collapsing towers, Building 5 partially collapsed and had to be demolished, and Building 7 was set aflame by the North Tower's collapse, collapsing itself at 5:21 PM.

On a flagpole in the ruins of the World Trade Center, three FDNY firefighters raise the American flag in a show of defiance against terrorism

The attacks, and their aftermath, had a profound effect on not just the United States, but the world, and would set the tone for the geopolitics of the 21st century. Immediately, the FBI launched the largest criminal investigation in history, quickly uncovering the culprit as pan-Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, and its leader, the notorious Osama bin Laden, who had long been plotting to attack the United States for, among other things, supporting Israel, putting troops in his home country of Saudi Arabia, putting sanctions on Iraq during the Gulf War, damaging the environment, among others.

For the first and only time, Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty was invoked by the United States. The CIA discovered Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, and the United States ordered them to hand him over. At that time, however, Afghanistan was run by another pan-Islamist organization known as the Taliban, and they were equally as unfriendly to the United States. On October 7, 2001, the United States and a coalition of allies launched Operation: Enduring Freedom, seeking to take out Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and remove the Taliban from power. Related anti-terrorism operations also occurred in the Horn of Africa, Philippines, and Georgia, and was later expanded to include the Caribbean and Central America in 2008.

In all, Operation Enduring Freedom marked the beginning of the war on terror, formally known as the Global War on Terrorism.

A map showing major US special forces operations during the early days of Operation Enduring Freedom

One war often lumped in with the war on terror was the Iraq War. The only tangential connection was that Iraq was in the Middle East. The war came about after Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was accused by President Bush of possessing weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations never confirmed that Iraq had an active nuclear weapons program, but the United States was adamant that they did, and on March 19, 2003, they, along with a coalition, launched a "shock and awe" campaign involving a decapitation strike seeking to kill Hussein. They were unsuccessful in killing "The Butcher of Baghdad", but was an effective display of US military capabilities, using a mix of stealth bombers and cruise missiles. Coalition ground forces had a "running start" and commenced a land invasion.

Shock and awe campaign in Baghdad, heralding the start of the Iraq War

On May 1, President Bush declared an end to major combat operations. A new democratic government was installed, and the United States, along with the United Kingdom and a Multi-National Force that, at times, included troops from Ukraine, Mongolia, and even Tonga, commenced a long military occupation fraught with insurgency, and not just from pro-Hussein insurgents. The coalition had quickly taken Iraq, and Saddam Hussein was executed by the new government on December 30, 2006, but the insurgency proved just how ill-equipped the United States was to deal with insurgencies. They had already failed against the Viet Cong in the 1970s, and the Sunni and Shia insurgents were no different. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found during the course of the invasion, leading many to suspect that President Bush wasn't acting in the interest of global security, but rather, in the interest of Big Oil.

As the first decade of the 21st century marched on, so too did the hardship. Terrorist attacks still plagued the western world, though nothing on the scale of 9/11, fortunately. Among the more notable attacks included a coordinated bombing of commuter trains in Madrid on March 11, 2004, a London Underground station on July 7, 2005, the US Army post in Fort Hood, Texas (now Fort Cavazos) on November 5, 2009, the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015 (specifically because they had drawn Muhammed), a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California on December 2, 2015, a gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016, and Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017. And terrorism was no longer limited to Islamic extremism, either, with the rash of mass shootings in the United States.

Climate change also started presenting a major issue. Hurricane Katrina in September 2005 ravaged the Gulf Coast of the United States, and President Bush's slow response to the disaster didn't help. Scientific consensus was that humans were responsible for climate change, mainly through the burning of fossil fuels, but fossil fuel producers such as oil conglomerates heavily lobbied for such research to be suppressed to protect their profits. Many members of the Republican Party also spread misinformation regarding climate change, mainly because they had interests in fossil fuels and were desperate to protect these.

If the September 11 attacks set the tone for the geopolitics of the 21st century, the Great Recession of 2008 set the gears of war into motion. The most severe economic and financial meltdown since the Great Depression resulted in a serious disruption of normal international relations. The mismanagement of the crisis by the Bush administration decided the 2008 presidential election, with Democrat Barack Obama defeating Republican John McCain.

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States (2009-2017)

The 2010s began with the hope that it would be better than the 2000s, and it seemed to start that way. Under Obama, the US economy recovered, and he pulled the remaining US troops out of Iraq. But it was December 17, 2010, that saw an event of great consequence in the form of the Tunisian Revolution, in which the corrupt Ben Ali government was overthrown in favor of a democratic government. This led to wider pro-democracy protests and revolutions, collectively known as the Arab Spring. While the protests in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia were brutally put down, Egypt's dictatorship installed by the CIA in 1952 was overthrown, while Libya and Syria both descended into civil war. The Libyan Civil War saw dictator Muammar Gaddafi killed by his own people, while the Syrian Civil War quickly became a proxy war between NATO and Russia that at several points threatened to escalate to World War III.

Protests in Tahrir Square against Mubarak on February 9, 2011

Amidst the Arab Spring, several figures who would become notorious the world over appeared. One of these was the son of a Libyan tribal leader, Prince Kassad, who organized several terrorist attacks against the Gaddafi regime. Another was Rodall Juhziz, an Al Qaeda sympathizer who had a knack for explosives from childhood, who executed several bombings, including a package bomb at the US embassy in Egypt amidst the revolution, and the USS Independence, the lead ship of the Independence-class littoral combat ships, in the Red Sea in 2012. The ship was severely damaged in the bombing, and ultimately had to be scuttled.

2011 was also a year of celebration for the American people, as on May 1, SEAL Team Six landed at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where Osama Bin Laden was suspected to be hiding. Sure enough, he was indeed here, and he was gunned down. The news soon broke ahead of an official announcement by Obama. Geraldo Rivera of Fox News proclaimed "Happy days!", fans at a baseball game between the Phillies and Mets chanted "U-S-A!", to the confusion of players and officials on the field, John Cena announced that Bin Laden had been "caught and compromised to a permanent end" at Extreme Rules 2011 after defeating The Miz and John Morrison for the WWE Champioship, and YouTube users started posting videos of Bin Laden's face superimposed over the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz while "Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead!" played in the background (one user even edited the Lollipop Guild to look like they had done the deed).

As the 2010s wore on, terrorism began to evolve. One viral YouTube video released in 2016 by five revolutionaries in the Middle East was a literal step-by-step tutorial on how to build a crude armored fighting vehicle using off-the-shelf tools, metal scraps, and a truck engine. Most preposterously, the guide suggested that an externally mounted camera connected to a consumer-grade television and a re-wired video game pad (the video recommended using a third-party Logitech controller due to being easier to modify for this purpose than a PlayStation or Xbox controller; said guide also recommended against using any controller made by Nintendo) could be used to monitor the vehicle's surroundings and help control its movement. A Jordanian immunologist known only by his online pseudonym "Dr. Thrax" (in a phone conversation intercepted by the CIA, he admitted he had gotten his degree from a mail-order college) also posted tutorials on the dark web about creating chemical and biological weapons.

But terrorism wasn't the only area experiencing change. Vladimir Putin's time as President of Russia starting innocuously enough, but by the 2010s, it was known far and wide that he was hellbent on dragging the world back to the age of imperialism. He expressed revanchist ideas, and dreamed of rebuilding the Soviet Union, by force if necessary. Belarus was already effectively a Russian puppet, and the FSB (the Russian equivalent of the FBI) had interfered in the 2016 United States presidential election by spreading misinformation to ensure Trump's victory, also effectively making the United States a Russian puppet. But it was in 2014 where Russia's true ambitions were uncovered, when, in response to the Euromaidan revolution that ousted the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, with American help, Russia invaded Crimea and funded separatist movements in Eastern Ukraine, starting the Russo-Ukrainian War, and leaving many in fear of World War III. The "war", however, remained in a very lowkey state for eight years, and by 2021, many had forgotten it.

Asia was another area of interest in this period. China made its intentions to invade and annex Taiwan very clear, but it lacked the naval and amphibious capabilities to do so. The two Koreas were still in a bitter feud that, at several points during the 2010s, threatened to escalate into a Second Korean War. Japan, still feeling the effects of the Lost Decade, had grown into a cultural powerhouse, with anime becoming more and more popular in the west, especially in the United States when the American animation industry began to stagnate; the renewed global popularity of the Godzilla franchise in the wake of the 2014 American remake by Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures, and the continued popularity of Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Street Fighter, and Final Fantasy, helped to cement Japan's virtual takeover of global pop culture.

2017 is often the year where the answer to the question "where did we go wrong?" can be pinpointed. That year, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan merged several resorts of their governments and formed the state union of Aldastan, despite violent opposition. Little did anyone at the time know just how consequential this event would be.

A Kazakh warlord by the name of Mohmar, also known as "Deathstrike", denounced the move as a blatant concession to foreign imperialists and created the Global Liberation Army, initially a loose amalgamation of fundamentalists, local nationalists, and tribal groups.

The next year saw another event of great consequence, namely the partial collapse of the Chinese real estate bubble amidst a three-month long skirmish at the Korean DMZ. Alexis Alexander of the United States Marine Corps. served as a logistical staffer during this event. After North Korea failed to make any advance of any kind into South Korea, Kim Jong-un pulled all forces back, and South Korea followed suit.

The damage was done, though, namely to the Chinese economy. The real estate bubble burst sent tremors around the world, and resulted in open infighting within the Chinese Communist Party. Budget cuts within the government during the crisis resulted in decreased monitoring of the Uyghur people in Xinjiang.

Meanwhile, in the Middle East, a terrorist organization known as the Brotherhood of the White Falcon, on the run from the United States after a shooting rampage in Dubai using a bus, sought refuge in Kazakhstan. Here, they met up with "Deathstrike", and pledged loyalty to the GLA.

On the dark web, "Deathstrike" began recruiting his coalition. Juhziz was first to join, bringing his demolitions expertise. Next was Prince Kassad, who ensured the GLA could effectively fight a guerilla war by making units invisible even to enemy radar. Dr. Thrax was the third to join, bringing his chemical and biological weapons to form a core part of the GLA's doctrine.

Abdul bin Yusuuf was another member of "Deathstrike's" inner circle, having been the leader of the Brotherhood of the White Falcon. He brought with him fanatical followers and fundamentalist zeal.

The reduced monitoring of the Uyghurs was an opportunity "Deathstrike" couldn't pass up. Since 2014, they had been persecuted by the CCP, officially to prevent terrorist attacks, but in truth, it was racially-motivated, born out of a desire to assimilate Turkestan into Chinese culture, as well as general Islamophobia, and suppression of political dissent (which was a common theme under the CCP, mainly out of paranoia that anything could trigger a pro-Taiwanese uprising). It came as no surprise when, in early 2019, the GLA started recruiting Uyghurs. They even went as far as to liberate entire "reeducation camps", with the CCP either being unable to spare any resources, or just no longer caring.

It probably would have been better if they did care.

Uyghurs in a "reeducation camp" in Xinjiang. Most of the men in this picture would participate in early GLA operations in China.

With less monitoring, the GLA practically operated with impunity in Xinjiang, and they soon came into possession of a large fleet of vehicles that they set to work converting into war machines. Among these were cars, pickup trucks, and vans converted into "technicals" with a mounted machine gun, tracked farm tractors that were converted into armored fighting vehicles given the reporting name "Scorpion", larger tanks built using the 2016 tutorial that had been removed by YouTube on orders from the NSA in 2017, but was widely circulated on the dark web, which were given the reporting name "Marauder". farm tractors converted to shoot "Dr. Thrax's" wicked biochemical weapons, given the reporting name "Toxin Tractor", motorcycles and snowmobiles that could be equipped with a large variety of weapons, buses that infantry could fire out of, dump trucks packed with explosives, pickup trucks that laid down so-called "demo traps", and dune buggies equipped with rocket launchers.

By late September, the GLA had enough strength to make its move. "Deathstrike" had a plan to make a big statement, one that would involve insiders within the Chinese military. On October 3, 2019, a five-kiloton tactical nuclear warhead was moved out of a bunker outside Beijing for what was considered "maintenance". This wasn't seen as suspicious at all, as such maintenance was routine. The plan would be put into motion on October 5, the 70th anniversary of the end of the Chinese Civil War.

A day that would forever alter the course of human history...

And there you have it. The first chapter of Rise of the Reds. Feel free to leave a comment. If there's anything offensive in this, let me know, and I'll edit accordingly.
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Chapter 2: The Dragon Awakens

Chapter 2: The Dragon Awakens

October 5, 2019. A day that would change the world forever, even moreso than September 11, 2001.

It was late morning in Beijing, capitol of China. It was a day of great celebration, as October 5 was the anniversary of the end of the Chinese Civil War. A grand military parade was being held in the Forbidden City. Not only was the parade a celebration of 70 years of the Middle Kingdom, it was also a showcase of the latest military technology possessed by the People's Liberation Army. Of particular note this year was the ZTZ200 Overlord, a quad-tracked, twin-barreled tank that was, at the time, the largest tank ever built. Making it even more spectacular was that this tank was being mass-produced.

One unit set to take part in the parade was waiting at a small forward operating base erected at the Beijing train station. This unit was dressed in period uniforms from the civil war and carrying Type 56 battle rifles, a Chinese variant of the SKS designed by Soviet small arms designer Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov in 1945. They were to march in the parade as part of a special part of the parade in order to honor the heroes of the red revolution and pay tribute to the historical roots of the People's Army. Among the men in this unit was Chen Hongbing, who had grown fed-up with the Chinese Communist Party, and was planning to make a statement by unfurling the Taiwanese flag when marching in front of the party leadership at the Palace of Heavenly Purity. Nobody knew he had the flag, mainly due to budget cuts in citizen monitoring in the wake of the real estate bubble.

As the parade was passing the Palace of Heavenly Purity and Tiananmen Square, a large truck with a container suddenly cut into the parade. For reasons still unknown, most of the men and vehicles in the parade were carrying live ammunition, and began firing on the truck. But it was too late. The Chinese Central Television feed caught the truck, then immediately went dead-air.

Those near Tiananmen Square froze when they saw a flash and heard a boom. Many instinctively ducked and covered, while others ran for shelter. After the blast wave passed and the windows stopped shattering, people emerged from cover and witnessed a horrifying sight.

A mushroom cloud.

Communications were in chaos following the explosion. Nobody knew what was going on or who was giving orders, as nobody could reach any CCP leadership. The commemorative unit was immediately dispatched to the scene, a group of men and three of the new Dragon Tanks, the world's first viable flamethrower tank. Following the attack, men with AK-47s and technicals with machine guns began attacking the unit, as did explosive-laden cars on suicide runs. These were easily swatted aside by the Dragon Tanks. The unit was ordered to respond to the scene of the explosion and watch out for further hostiles.

Meanwhile, CCTV was hijacked on a national scale by a group calling itself the Global Liberation Army, who immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. They laid out their manifesto of anti-imperialism and Islamic extremism, specifically calling out the CCP for its persecution of the Uyghurs, and that they had more nuclear warheads to detonate.

The commemorative unit soon reached Tiananmen Square. The telltale signs of nuclear attack were plain, but the geiger counters only picked up normal background radiation. A later audit of the Chinese nuclear stockpile would reveal that the warhead used by the GLA was an experimental pure fusion warhead, a type that produces little, if any, radioactive fallout.

The unit was ordered to search for survivors, being able to find two Overlords, two Dragon Tanks, and seven Type 88 Battlemasters. No other survivors could be found, and the remains of multiple party members were found at the scene, including those of President Xi Jinping. Worst still was that the CCP had no "designated survivor" like the United States did, meaning the Chinese Communist Party was left completely decapitated, and many in the unit feared a new civil war.

But Chen had other ideas. He told one of his comrades to start filming with his iPhone, as he climbed onto what used to be the Gate of the Heavenly Palace, and raised the Taiwanese flag. He was prepared to be sentenced to hard labor to get his message across, but with the CCP now a headless horse, there was no one who could really stop him now.

The video of Chen raising the flag was livestreamed on Baidou, and quickly went viral worldwide. But there was no time to lap up the adulation, as they had new orders. The GLA had taken control of a bunker outside of Beijing, and was preparing to use more nuclear weapons. Chen and his unit marched east on Jiannei Avenue, meeting resistance from the GLA instead of parade patrons. BTR-80-derived "Troop Crawlers" loaded up the "Red Guards" for the trip out of the city. Jiannei Avenue turned into the Jingtong Expressway, which the GLA had, in their rush to secure the FOB at the train station, failed to secure, giving the army a fast, easy route.

Along China National Highway 102, the army encountered more GLA resistance, mainly men with AK-47s, technicals, and crude tanks. Near the bunker, the army would have to go off-road, but was given the order to hold position, as a column of GLA forces was approaching. Such organization from terrorists was unheard of, and the army was rather intimidated. However, help came in the form of a squadron of Chengdu J-20 fighters, which had entered service with the PLAAF two years earlier. The four fighters effortlessly destroyed the column, allowing the army to move forward. The bunker, located on a hill, was quickly surrounded and secured, with the surviving GLA forces surrendering.

With the CCP completely decapitated, it was expected that lower-level members of the party would start jockying for power. The present crisis with terrorists running rampant across China, however, was a much more pressing matter. They weren't happy with Chen raising the flag of a renegade province in Beijing, but they chose not to arrest him because they needed ever able-bodied person they could get.

Unfortunately for the surviving members of the CCP, however, they were a bit TOO open and honest. The video of Chen raising the Taiwanese flag reached Taiwan itself, and a spokesperson for the CCP fully admitted that the party leadership had perished in the attack. With the Ministry of State Security unsure who was giving orders, and the PLAAF completely focused on hunting down the GLA, Taiwanese government aircraft crossed the strait on the evening of October 5, and made a beeline towards Beijing. When they arrived around 10 PM, they flew over the site of the attack and saw the extent of the damage.

Landing at Beijing International Airport unopposed due to a full ground stop, Taiwanese government officials were picked up by a Troop Crawler from Chen's unit and driven to the Great Hall of the People, where President Tsai Ing-wen exited the crawler and walked straight in, encountering zero resistance. Most members of the CCP, who had only joined to save their own hides, just stood back and allowed Taiwanese government officials and soldiers to enter. A televised address was hastily thrown together, with Tsai having typed up a speech herself prior to departing Taipei.

At 11 PM, with most Chinese people glued to their television screens waiting for any scrap of information regarding what was now a land war on Chinese soil, Tsai appeared, speaking in Traditional Chinese. She blamed the CCP for growing lax and complacent in its security, stating that they had pivoted too hard in their budget priorities in response to the real estate bubble bursting. She revealed that the remaining CCP members had completely stood down, and announced the dissolution of the People's Republic of China and the return of the Republic of China to the mainland.

Yet another massive shockwave was sent around the world. The last major bastion of communism was gone, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, there truly was only one China. Even more shocking was how it happened. Communist hardliners called the CCP members who brooked no resistance against the Taiwanese "spineless turncoats" who would sell the people out to an American puppet regime, but they were soon sent underground (a select few even chose to join the GLA out of spite).

Overnight, the Democratic Progressive Party began working to "de-Maoify" the country. Among the more notable actions included completely shutting down the Great Firewall of China, completely emptying the prison camps (those who had committed violent crimes were sent to regular prisons to serve out their sentences), heavily cracking down on child labor, and instituting freedom of speech.

The military also began undergoing serious reform. Tsai was so impressed by Chen's daring action at the Gates of the Heavenly Palace that she ordered the formation of a new military unit that would be known as the Red Guard.

Disconnected from the infamous student movement of the Cultural Revolution, the new Guard was meant to serve as a massive military auxiliary unit that would also accept volunteers that fell outside the requirements of the regular Army. In order to galvanize the popular sentiment of defiant nationalism, the Red Guards were issued the same olive, brown and khaki colored combat fatigues and Type 56 and 63 battle rifles as the historical PLA. The irony of the ROC using the equipment of the PRC wasn't lost on anyone, but the new government's military doctrine called for mobilizing China's vast population and industry to flood the field with men and tanks.

International reaction to the fall of the PRC was complicated. Donald Trump publicly made no comment, but in private, he was freaking out. A good portion of his platform had been built on the threat posed by China, and now the government in Beijing was one that was friendly to Washington. He also had no idea what to make of the GLA, unsure whether to thank them for taking out Xi Jinping or condemn them for hurting his reelection chances.

North Korea plunged into a state of disarray, now that it was surrounded by US allies, and had lost its benefactor in the CCP. The DPP, hours after taking power, completely shut down the border with North Korea, and Tsai made a phone call to South Korean president Moon Jae-in giving him a blank check, and her blessing, to do as he will with Kim Jong-un.

But the most consequential effect of the 10/5 attack was one of grave concern. It was the first time a nuclear weapon had been used in anger since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. The "nuclear taboo" had been irrevokably broken, and worse still, the ROC chose to inherit the PRC's "no first use" policy (another area of concern was that the ROC had inherited the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world). The general consensus in the DPP was, "they fired first, we have nukes now, might as well use them". Public opinion regarding the use of nuclear weapons against the GLA was overwhelmingly positive; most of them didn't care which government was in power, they just wanted revenge.

But revenge wouldn't come so easily, as the GLA's incursion into China was now spreading across the country like cancer. The newly-renamed Chinese Ground Force (CGF) secured the border with Vietnam to stop any GLA forces from invading that country (and/or inspiring any Viet Cong copycats), and also moved quickly to secure its stock of ICBMs to ensure the GLA couldn't launch a DF-41 at Beijing or Shanghai. But the GLA was now setting up makeshift FOBs with their own vast tunnel networks all over the country, not seeking conquest, but simply to draw the Chinese into setpiece battles to (hopefully) expose their weakness to the world.

The first major post-10/5 engagement occurred in Hong Kong on October 9. The GLA had occupied the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and taken hundreds of civilian hostages to use as meat shields. A large CGF column made the long trek over the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, but on the last leg, a bomb on the bridge detonated, causing it to collapse and leaving only a few survivors. A small FOB was quickly erected on a sporting field, from which infantry were staged and sent out, and vehicles quickly assembled using new modular construction techniques the PRC had stolen from the United States. The CGF quickly regained its strength after the bridge detonated, and swept through the Wan Chao district and towards the HKCEC, also having to deal with tractors spraying a bizarre biochemical weapon and suicide car bombers. By the time CGF forces reached the HKCEC, all civilian hostages had either been killed or radicalized, and the commander in charge of the operation was given authorization to destroy the convention center, doing so using long-range artillery strikes and tanks.

In the aftermath of the battle, it was discovered that the entire Hong Kong city government had been killed by the GLA. Any attempt to institute an interrim military rule pending a new city election became moot when the people of Hong Kong, angered that the government had failed to protect them, began tearing down PRC flags and replacing them with Union Jacks. It was effectively an open invitation for the British to come back. The DPP, not wanting to create more pro-GLA radicals, contacted 10 Downing Street and asked if they wanted Hong Kong, to which Boris Johnson said "yes" without hesitation. Hong Kong would be returned to British control on January 1, 2020.

The next major setpiece battle came on October 11, when the GLA launched an attack on Hubei. In the morning, a CGF garrison in the area was ambushed, decimating the base and sending survivors fleeing. One of these survivors was a member of the Black Lotus, the codename for an all-women electronic warfare unit that was declassified following the fall of the PRC. This agent, in desperation, gave the order for the survivors to destroy the Three Gorges Dam, viewing it as the only chance to stop the GLA. This was carried out, sweeping away a good portion of the attackers.

And also leading to thousands of deaths as there was no time to give any evacuation orders. After the dam was destroyed, a new FOB was quickly erected, and the GLA's presence in Hubei was wiped out using just three helicopters, these being the brand-new Type-102 Han Gunship that the CGF had no choice but press into service before it had completed testing; its spectacular performance in Hubei was enough to convince all units in the CGF to widely adopt the helicopter, displacing the aging Kamov Ka-29 (NATO Reporting Name Helix-B). The CGF's usage of modular weapon systems extended to the Han, with one being equipped with EMP rounds to shut down vehicles and defenses, one equipped with dual flamethrowers that fired napalm, and one, worryingly to international observers, I might add, equipped with tactical nuclear weapons.

The DPP was quick to provide a cover story regarding the destruction of the Three Gorges Dam, blaming the GLA (partially true, as the GLA also fired on the dam, unaware that some of their forces were still along the river bank). This was more than enough to fan the revanchist fury of the population. Subsequent to this, the ranks of the CGF, CAF (Chinese Air Force), CNF (Chinese Naval Force), and Red Guard swelled.

The GLA wasn't constantly on the backfoot. One notable battle in Wuhan saw the Wuhan Institute of Virology taken over on the orders of "Dr. Thrax" to steal virus samples for use in his biochemical weapons. The CGF and CAF quickly responded, destroying the entire campus with thermobaric weapons before the GLA could steal too many virus samples. One notable sample confirmed destroyed in the bombing had been marked "SARS-CoV-2", a virus that a former WIV scientist later admitted, had the GLA used it, likely would have caused a massive global pandemic.

The war continued through the winter into 2020 with no end in sight. By now, this was considered by the media to be a massive escalation of the Global War on Terror.

On January 13, a Black Lotus agent led an operation to stop the GLA from pumping toxic chemicals into the Yangtze River, succeeding in doing so by clearing out all of the so-called "Stinger Sites" (makeshift nests from which three men armed with American-made FIM-92 Stingers would fire at both ground and air targets; Stinger Sites were often used to defend GLA FOBs, and were the bane of pilots everywhere) and allowing recently-refurbished MiG-23 bombers to drop their napalm payload.

I should take this time to mention that yes, China was engaging in widespread chemical warfare, chiefly napalm. In their defense, however, the GLA was also engaging in chemical warfare and even biological warfare, utilizing a biochemical weapon that was a mixture of anthrax, acid, and other assorted chemicals and viral agents that we'll probably never know about.

By March, the GLA had been pushed out of China following a brutal "Scorched Earth" campaign involving the liberal use of napalm and nuclear weapons. On March 19, a CGF FOB was established in Balykchy, Aldastan to liberate the city from GLA control. For this operation, President Trump, seeking to save his flagging approval rating ahead of the election in November, authorized B-52 Stratofortress bombers to provide air support. The GLA presence was ultimately wiped out, but large portions of the city were rubble thanks to American carpet bombings and Han Gunships equipped with tactical nuclear weapons. The fact that hundreds of innocent civilians were killed by American bombing raids did not help Trump's approval rating in the slightest.

Slowly but surely, the Chinese pushed into Aldastan, pushing the GLA further west and away from China. By this time, the DPP had established itself as a firm ally of the west, much to the consternation of Russia. North Korea, now surrounded by American allies and with Russia unreliable, somehow became even MORE authoritarian than it already was, completely cutting off all communication with the world except for Iran and, suspiciously, GLA-occupied Aldastan, and carrying out indiscriminate extrajudicial killings to cow the population into submission. On top of that, North Korea also began ramping up production of nuclear weapons, seeking to ensure the United States, China, and their allies would never invade without facing nuclear wrath.

One particular operation in Aldastan saw a Black Lotus agent blow up a bridge to cripple GLA logistics, as much of Aldastan's railway system was under direct GLA control. This engagement saw the first battlefield use of the ZTZ202 Shenlong, a variant of the Overlord trading the dual 140mm cannons for two heavily-armored, high-pressure flamethrowers, described by tank crews as "the Dragon Tank on steroids". One of the Shenlongs was equipped with mortar launching tactical nuclear shells, which by this point was unsurprising, and the normalization of the use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield was cause for alarm.

On April 14, the CGF finally entered the Aldastani capital of Dushanbe, which the GLA had taken as their own "capital". This brutal engagement saw heavy casualties for the CGF and CAF, but they paled in comparison to the casualties sustained by the GLA. The Battle of Dushanbe saw the first use of the "Nuke Cannon", a self-propelled nuclear artillery with a 280mm cannon launching tactical nuclear shells. Large swathes of Dushanbe were destroyed, but most of the population had already either been killed or radicalized, anyway, and many had managed to escape; several of these refugees who were interviewed admitted that having their homes destroyed was actually preferable to living under GLA rule.

For the rest of the year, the GLA went further and further west, as the CGF continued pushing towards Kazakhstan. Russia, having seen what the GLA was capable of, wisely kept its complaints over a US ally running rampant in its backyard to itself.

Soon, November came, and the United States presidential election with it. This particular election was the most contentious in the nation's history, as supporters of Donald Trump insisted that the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, was planning to steal the election through mail-in voting and other forms of election fraud. The GLA was a big part of the election, with both candidates having their own views. Trump didn't seem to care if the GLA ran rampant, instead using them to justify his Muslim ban, as well as to further his anti-immigration rhetoric and try to gather support for his vaunted border wall by claiming Mexican drug cartels could join the GLA any day and directly invade the United States. Biden, meanwhile, correctly saw the GLA as a threat to global security and stability, and laid out a comprehensive plan to deal with them, utilizing new post-Iraq military doctrines involving rapid deployment, prefab structures to quickly build up FOBs, usage of drones and laser weaponry, and improved survivability for infantry and vehicle crews.

Trump tried platforming on fossil fuel production, but in early 2019, a fusion power plant near Niagara Falls was activated for the first time. The herculean effort between the United States and Canada to create viable fusion reactions had culminated in this momentous occasion, and all over the country, power plants powered by coal, oil, and natural gas were shut down. The oil companies lobbied heavily against fusion power, trying to portray it as dangerous, though their efforts were in vain when public demonstrations of fusion power showed it was even safer than traditional nuclear power, producing zero radiation, requiring no water for cooling, and producing very little waste. Coal-fired power plants soon became extinct, and coal was moved by rail only for export to other countries. Oil companies managed to survive thanks to fusion reactors not yet being small enough to be used in vehicles, though there were plans to re-power all aircraft carriers and submarines in the Navy with fusion reactors to improve their speed.

Ultimately, November 3 came, and the polls opened. After several days of recounts, on November 7, Joe Biden was declared the winner, and Trump immediately cried election fraud while refusing to concede. A wave of political violence followed, culminating in what can only be described as a coup attempt on January 6, 2021. Several members of the mob that breached the US Capitol confessed to being GLA sympathizers, and wanted Trump to stay in power to prevent the United States from sending troops overseas against the GLA. The insurrection was a failure, and on January 20, Joseph R. Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States.

His first act: seek authorization from Congress to attack the GLA. In the single-most bipartisan decision in recent memory, every single member of Congress, even those still loyal to Trump, approved, and gave Biden a blank check to do whatever was necessary to stop the GLA.

Around this time, however, the GLA had licked its wounds and was ready to strike back...
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Appendix: Chinese Arsenal

State of the Chinese Combined Forces during the Global War on Terror

In this sidestory, we'll be examining the doctrines, equipment, and technology of the Chinese Military during the Global War on Terror.

Doctrinal Overview

One of the consequences of the fall of the People's Republic of China following the 10/5 attack was a major change in the doctrine of China's military. During its exile in Taiwan, the Republic of China had a doctrine of "active defense"; instead of taking control of enemy territory, they would deny the enemy the ability to take territory. Mission kills and attacking the enemy's operational centers of gravity instead of an attrition fight were in order.

After the Republic of China rather unceremoniously retook control of the mainland, they had to quickly scrape together a doctrine to combat the terrorists now carving a path of destruction through their lands. A quick shift to a war economy was well in order, as most of the country's industrial capacity was intact and secured, as these were located in large cities where the GLA couldn't operate with impunity.

Rapid deployment was the main priority of the newly-renamed Chinese Combined Forces (CCF). Most technological innovations created under the auspices of the People's Liberation Army were put on the backburner, and the doctrine shifted to flooding the field with massive amounts of infantry and vehicles; Hearts of Iron IV players will recognize this as the Mass Assault Doctrine. Instead of the latest weapons and vehicles, the CCF would field weapons and vehicles that were individually weak, but in large groups, would be nigh-unstoppable. Common weapon types used included thermobaric weapons, electromagnetic pulse, electronic countermeasures, and, most worryingly, tactical nuclear weapons.

Red Guard

The Red Guard, formed by the Democratic People's Party on October 7, was the main core of the CCF's new doctrine. Over the course of the Global War On Terror, the Guard grew bigger and bigger, absorbing hundreds of thousands of patriotic citizens into its ranks. These men operated independent of the Chinese Ground Force (CGF), though the two branches of the CCF were closely linked.

The primary infantry fighting force of the Red Guard was, of course, the Red Guard itself. These men, at a glance, resembled the PLA soldiers of the revolution, wearing the same olive, brown, and khaki combat fatigues, and carrying the same Type 56 and 63 battle rifles, complete with bayonets. Underneath, however, these men wore the latest combat armor, and their guns had been upgraded to use the latest firing mechanisms that were more efficient than the original rifles.

The Red Guards were often deployed from their barracks in pairs, with some often deployed in groups of four; given enough time, 40 Red Guards could be deployed to the battlefield in roughly a minute. While western media often spoke of infantry being thrown at the enemy until results were achieved (what this author likes to call "Zapp Brannigan Tactics"), actual Red Guard doctrine calls for all men in a formation to fire at once, an odd throwback to the line infantry tactics involving massed volleys of musketfire during the Colonial Age; the Type 56 rifles used by the Red Guards meant they could keep firing without having to carry out a slow reloading operation that would leave them vulnerable to counterattack, which in turn improved their survivability.

But the Red Guards weren't the only type of infantry within their titular branch. Another was the Tank Hunter, a specific class of infantry (this coming around the time militaries around the world began simplifying infantry roles and assigning them simple, easy-to-remember names such as "Missile Defender") meant to combat vehicles, both on the ground and in the air. Part of the new CCF doctrine was a reduced reliance on missiles due to the prevalance of missile-jamming technology (including the CCF's own) that could cause friendly fire incidents, and the Tank Hunters was one of the more visible reminders of this. Instead of missile launchers, Tank Hunters carried recoiless flak rifles. While anachronistic, these proved to be just as effective as modern anti-tank and anti-air weaponry, and the Tank Hunters lived up to their name. In addition, Tank Hunters carried satchel TNT charges.

Presented at the Beijing Anti-Terrorist Trade Show in 2009, the Hua Qing minigun was designed as a six-barrelled 7.62mm Gatling-type machine gun for Chinese infantry forces. Ever since then, the PLA had taken a great interest in rotary cannons and developed many indigenous designs that were often 'inspired' by American models and internationally marketed as the 'Gattling' series. Many US weapon manufacturers have filed lawsuits against what they perceived as a blatant intellectual property violation while the Chinese designers churned out model after model.

During the Global War On Terror, the CCF saw rotary cannons as a natural element of their mass assault doctrine, and began widely adopting them wherever they could. The Minigun Team was perhaps the simplest of these, being three Red Guards lugging around a portable minigun that they had to set up and then break down in order to transport it. Once set up, however, it would mow down enemy infantry and even tear apart lightly-armored vehicles such as the GLA technicals.

The fourth and final "infantry class" in the Red Guard was the Pyro Technician, a fancy term for flamethrower infantry. If you were born tall and assigned to the Chengdu region, chances are you would be picked to attend pyrotechnics specialization and carry one of these flamethrowers into combat. They were capable of spewing liquid flames that could light enemy soldiers and structures ablaze with a special napalm fuel mix. They were, however, quite unstable, and did not react very well to enemy fire. Seasoned Pyro Technicians became prone to developing mental disturbances, and normally sought psychiatrist treatment at some point.

In terms of vehicles, the Red Guard used at least four types. The most ubiquitous was the Type 88, otherwise known as the ZTZ88 or the Battlemaster Tank. Compared to other tanks, the Type 88 was nothing special, but their quick, cheap construction meant they could be fielded in large numbers. Later variants of the tank would add explosive reactive armor (ERA) and depleted uranium shells for ammunition. The newer Type 96 and 99 tanks were largely mothballed due to being expensive and complex, pending investigations into which systems could be integrated into the Type 88.

A more visible demonstration of rotary cannons in the CCF came in the form of the ZTZ100 Gattling Tank. The term "tank" is contentious in this case, as the armor on the Type 100 wasn't as thick as on a traditional tank, mainly due to the weight of their rotary cannons. Regardless, the ZTZ100 became an invaluable part of any Red Guard armor column, as they could fire at both land and air targets, and were lethal against infantry, lightly-armored vehicles, and helicopters.

Clocking in at a mere 6 tons in weight, the Type 110 was oddly reminiscent of the historical tankette vehicles that were developed between the First and Second World War, when the true military role of armored vehicles had yet to take shape. Affectionately called the 'Hopper' by the Red Guard for its amazing agility and comical shape, the new vehicle entered service very recently. While American military experts were quick to dismiss it for its anachronistic role and "ridiculous" design, the CCF liked to point out that a single one of these vehicles was still more resource-efficient and quick to produce than a Humvee, to the point where Hopper Tanks were always built in pairs. This allowed China to complete 10.000 units in a single year, which began serving in the ranks of the Red Guard and a number of domestic police units by October 2020.

The Hopper could use its stubby 75mm cannon to destroy lightly armored targets and draw the attention of heavier adversaries away from the actual battle tanks. Its armor was capable of resisting bullets, but didn't stand much of a chance against larger calibers, let alone dedicated anti-tank weapons, making the Hopper a vehicle best used as part of a massive offensive. The crew consisted of only two people: A driver and a commander, who also served as the gunner. True to vehicle's function as a scout, the commander could peek out of the hatch and spy ahead with his binoculars, aiding in reconnaissance at the cost of not being able to attack until the commander has re-assumed his position behind the gun. Amazingly for an otherwise low-tech vehicle, the Hopper Tank could also be equipped with depleted uranium shells.

The final part of the motorized element of the Red Guard was the previously mentioned "Troop Crawler", really a domestic version of the Soviet BTR-80 that had been modified to remove its gun. The Troop Crawler served two roles, as an armored personnel carrier (APC) and to detect enemies that couldn't otherwise be picked up on radar.

One element of the Red Guard that often goes unmentioned, even by Chinese war propaganda, is the Volunteer Squad. Seasoned soldiers of the Red Guard were taught since their enlistment to not fear death, and do anything to defend China not only against foreign invaders, but from the remaining communist hardliners licking their chops in anticipation of a new revolution. These soldiers, in order to inspire other Guards to do what was necessary, voluntarily joined together in large groups to assault enemy positions head-on and show that now, China would go on the offensive. It was proven effective time and time again in convincing less-experienced Red Guards to brave their own lives and defend China from hostile aggressors with whatever it takes, and while casualties were high, the victories were even higher.

The regular Chinese Ground Force viewed them as nothing but cannon fodder, indicative of the shortcomings of the mass assault doctrine, and quickly took to calling them "volunteer squads", as they "volunteered for death".

Chinese Ground Force

The regulars of the Chinese Ground Force distinguished themselves from the Red Guard by having more advanced weapons and vehicles. Most of the normal frontline infantry had been reassigned to the Red Guard, leaving the CGF to rely on more specialized infantry and vehicles.

In terms of infantry, the CGF only had two classes to call its own, these being the Nukeneer and the Disruptor Team. The Nukeneer was criminally simple yet highly effective, being a siege soldier carrying a mortar launching sub-kiloton nuclear warheads, very similar in concept to the American "Davy Crockett" recoiless smoothbore gun developed and deployed during the Cold War. The Disruptor Team, meanwhile, was an anti-tank team using the PF-98 120mm rocket launcher that could fire either flak or EMP missiles.

Vehicles were the specialty of the CGF. In the second chapter we talked about the ZTZ45 Dragon, ZTZ200 Overlord, and ZTZ202 Shenlong, but these deserve a closer look, because all three caused quite a stir among military planners worldwide.

The Dragon was, as mentioned, the world's first viable flamethrower tank. Both the Dragon and the Shenlong were identical in design philosophy and usage, but the sheer terror of these weapons cannot be overstated. Any enemy unlucky enough to catch the attention of these tanks' crews were often left unidentifiable.

Larger vehicles of the CCF emphasized modular weapon systems that could change the role of a vehicle. The Overlord and Shenlong fell into this category.

The Overlord had three modular addons that could be installed. The first was a bunker that five infantry could occupy and fire out of. The second was a dual rotary cannon that enabled the large, slow Overlord to effectively engage infantry and aircraft, making the Overlord virtually unstoppable. The third was, confusingly, a loudspeaker system that would play inspiring messages that had a perplexing effect on surrounding units, namely making them fight harder; Overlord operators were also known to use these loudspeaker for psychological warfare or for their own amusement; in one notable instance, an operator used the loudspeaker on their tank to shout "我现在就是你的神了!把你的处女给我带来!"

Which translates to:


As for the Shenlong, it, too, had three options for modular addons. The first was a missile launcher armed with EMP missiles (EMP technology was another major element of the CCF doctrine) that could disable vehicles and perimeter defenses. The second was a secondary flamethrower, the same design used on the Dragon Tank, that protected the Shenlong from infantry and light vehicles that managed to flank it. The final was a mortar launcher armed with tactical nuclear shells.

The ECM Tank was one of the reasons the CCF largely eliminated missiles. The tank produced a jamming field that caused enemy missiles and rockets to lose their lock and go off in other directions, but unfortunately, the field was unable to distinguish between friendly and enemy missiles, leading to numerous friendly-fire incidents during testing.

In terms of artillery, the CGF had two main types, but they were types that mattered. The Inferno Cannon fired 155mm incendiary rounds that could, in groups, start large firestorms that would decimate the enemy, though this was, understandably, not used in urban areas. The other artillery type was mentioned in Chapter 2, the "Meteor", otherwise known as the Nuke Cannon. Around 2028, the Nuke Cannon was upgraded to fire enhanced radiation (or neutron) shells that would kill the occupants of enemy vehicles while leaving the vehicle unmolested, though these were banned following the Budapest Convention of 2037.

In Chapter 2, we talked plenty about the Type-102 Han, so refer back to that chapter to learn about the CGF's close air support.

For stationary ground assets, the CGF had various standard building patterns. Forward operating bases were, shockingly, powered by small nuclear fission reactors that resembled miniature nuclear power plans with a single cooling tower. The GLA often targeted these first, and would use any materials they found in their "Bomb Trucks" to create dirty bombs. Supply Depots were critical in gaining funds for the army. Supply docks, created by the United Nations in the early 2010s following the Great Recession, were often loaded with everything local commanders needed to arm their infantry and construct their vehicles and structures, and these became vital to military powers worldwide; even the GLA exploited these.

For defending FOBs, the CGF had two options. One was the "Turtle", a sturdy bunker from which five infantry could fire out of without having to worry about anything that could snuff them out. The other was a dual-barreled rotary cannon, identical to the ones that could be mounted on Overlord Tanks. A common strategy used for defending FOBs was for the rotary cannons to handle infantry, light vehicles, and aircraft, while the bunkers would be loaded with Tank Hunters.

Chinese Air Force​

The Chinese Air Force also underwent major changes following 10/5. Large portions of the old People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) were mothballed, simply because the new CAF didn't have the resources to keep them running.

There were two primary aircraft used by the CAF: the Chengdu J-20 and the MiG-23, colloquially known, respectively, as the MiG Fighter and MiG Bomber. The J-20 was used as an air superiority fighter (propaganda portrayed the GLA as having a nonexistent air force, but the truth will be revealed when we examine the GLA arsenal and doctrines in the next sidestory), while the MiG-23 used thermobaric weaponry. Both aircraft were chosen to be the primary aircraft types of the newly-reorganized CAF because of their low costs, simplified systems, and ease of use.

Other aircraft type within the CAF included the KJ-2000 (an AEW&C aircraft), the Xian H-6 (used to deliver napalm bombs), Xian H-8 (used as a strategic bomber), Xian Y-7 (used to drop air-mines to create minefields), and Shaanxi Y-8 (used for logistics).

Chinese Naval Force

One part of the Global War on Terror that often flies under the radar was the naval element. The GLA actually had quite the navy that they used to harass civilian shipping, and also had plenty of modified cargo ships flying its flag as privateers. It would come to be called the Silver Age of Piracy, and caused untold damage to the global economy. The exact nature of the GLAN will be explored in the next sidestory.

The merging of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) and Republic of China Navy (ROCN) into the Chinese Naval Force (CNF) went smoothly, all things considered. Taiwan's navy was an odd mix of ship designs from around the world (including a pair of old American submarines that had fought in World War II!).

As for the PRC's navy, it was quite advanced, but still dwarfed by the United States Navy, a problem the CCP had sought to rectify with a large naval build up and development of amphibious invasion capabilities to ensure a future invasion of Taiwan would go smoothly. This ended up being for naught following 10/5.

The centerpiece of the CNF were its two aircraft carriers, the Liaoning (which had originally been laid down by the Soviet Union in 1985 as the Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier Riga), and the Shandong (built to a modified version of the Kuznetsov design). The Shandong was undergoing sea trials at the time the CCP was destroyed, and was actually scheduled to begin its eighth sea trial ten days after 10/5. The CNF carried the remaining two sea trials to completion, and commissioned the ship on December 17, 2019. A third carrier, the Fujian, had been laid down in 2015, built to a new design. The original order was for a single carrier, but the CNF, impressed with the design and seeking to increase its power projection, increased the order to five carriers, renaming the Type 003 class to the Fujian-class.

Aside from these, there really isn't much to say about the CNF that you can't find on Wikipedia. I'll talk about the battleships in a later chapter.

Chinese Global Strike Force​

No analysis of a superpower's military would be complete without examining its nuclear arsenal. The DPP approached the topic of nuclear weapons with great trepidation, as Taiwan as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Now in possession of the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal, and with terrorists running rampant around the country who had used a nuclear weapon and plenty of dirty bombs in combat, the Chinese Global Strike Force, reorganized from the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force, was fully mobilized.

For the duration of the Global War on Terror, most of China's ballistic missiles remained unused. ICBMs were simply overkill, and besides which, these were being reprogrammed to strike targets in Russia, now that China was firmly in the United States' corner. One missile, however, would see widespread use and become one of the most famous ballistic missiles in the world.

Introduced in the year 2011 and famed as an "aircraft carrier killer" designed to challenge US naval capabilities in the Pacific, the DF-21 was a silo-based missile that was extremely fast, accurate, and virtually impossible to shoot down. Many decades after the end of the war against the GLA, the DF-21 remained in service with the CGSF, as a key part of its tactical nuclear arsenal.

In order to facilitate easier set up and maintenance, DF-21s were housed, assembled and fueled inside mostly above ground missile silos, with only the nuclear warheads being stored underground for protection. Despite the advantages, such an arrangement was less well protected than housing the missiles almost entirely underground, even though the silo housing the missile was heavily armored to allow it to withstand multiple air and artillery strikes.

Though nothing compared to the strategic nuclear weapons, the tactical nuclear warhead employed by the DF-21 was nevertheless a devastating weapon. The warhead had a variable yield with three settings of 200, 300, and 500 kt; against the GLA, 200 kt was the preferred yield to reduce the amount of radioactive fallout.

Black Lotus​

The Black Lotus was the least-visible branch of the CCF, but played a very important role. It specialized in electronic warfare and surveillance, including the use of satellites and the aforementioned KJ-2000 for reconnaissance.

The Black Lotus used two infantry classes and a single vehicle type. The Hacker was an infantry class that carried innumerable unfortunate connotations. One of their functions was to disable enemy buildings and communications, but their primary function was to fund the Chinese war effort. The hacktivist group Anonymous said these hackers were breaking into bank accounts worldwide and draining them using various backdoor methods developed by the old Ministry of State Security.

After these accusations, the Black Lotus released a video on YouTube showing Hackers plugging away at their computers in specialized "Internet Centers", showing that yes, they were stealing money, but they were stealing it from the GLA; others weren't even stealing money, but merely mining cryptocurrency.

The main Black Lotus agents were women, highly trained in all manner of electronic warfare. They carried high-powered laptops that could hack into buildings to put them under the direct control of their army, and could also hack into enemy supply centers to steal money, and disable vehicles using a powerful virus. Agents were also capable of hacking into enemy communications channels, allowing them to spot enemies not visible on radar, and also carried signal transmitters that would monitor the area and could be overloaded to produce an EMP effect.

For their sole vehicle type, the Black Lotus had the Listening Outpost, an unarmed truck used for scouting and to detect units not visible on radar.

Specialized armies​

During the Global War on Terror, at least four different generals within the CCF fielded armies with unique equipment that reflected the doctrines of their generals.

Ta Hun Kwai​

Ta Hun Kwai was fascinated by tanks during his youth, and quickly rose through the ranks to become a general in the PLA. To him, the coming of the ROC represented nothing more than a change in management, and the new doctrine adopted by the CCF gelled very well with his preferences.

In terms of infantry, Kwai only used Red Guards and Tank Hunters in areas where tanks couldn't efficiently operate, usually for house-to-house fighting. Otherwise, his entire strategy revolved around armored dominance. His tanks had various improvements over other armies and divisions, namely the Autoloader, developed by Kwai himself.

Kwai also had a few unique tanks that no other divisions or armies had, one of these being the Type 96, which he called the War Master. His most notable tank design, however, was the ZTZ200G Emperor Overlord, which had much more advanced subsystems than the baseline Overlord; after the Global War on Terror, the Emperor Overlord was mothballed, while its advanced subsystems were incorporated into the entire ZTZ200 fleet.

To combat anti-tank missiles, Kwai had a more advanced version of the ECM Tank with a much larger jamming field and even high-powered microwave weapons capable of shutting down vehicles.

In terms of aircraft, Kwai used a variant of the old Helix that was modified for heavy transport (including tanks), but was still armed. He lacked any air superiority fighters, as his modified ZTZ100 Gattling Tanks could quickly clear the skies of enemy aircraft, though he did have the Xian JH-7, which he referred to as the "Razor Bomber".

Finally, Kwai's stationary defensive rotary cannons had single barrel as opposed to the standard two, but his cannons fired armor-piercing bullets. He also had the unique Ramjet Cannon, which fired anti-tank shells at high velocities.

Tsing Shi Tao (AKA "Shi Tao, The Nuke")​

Tsing Shi Tao had a morbid fascination with nuclear war, religiously watching films such as The Day After and Threads until he could recite every line by memory. Upon becoming a general in the PLA, his army became focused on all forms of nuclear weaponry. Tao was involved in a rather serious scandal prior to the Global War on Terror; in 2014, a seemingly innocuous train crashed a few kilometers outside Mudanjiang in Northeast China. Moments later, the residents of the city outskirts were shaken awake by a bright flash and the sound of a massive explosion. The military was quickly dispatched to lock down the surrounding area and recover the wreckage while official Chinese news agencies merely reported of a conventional gas explosion.

However, leaked internal reports later revealed the disturbing truth to the world: The train was actually carrying an entire arsenal of experimental sub-kiloton nuclear shells, designed for short-range tactical delivery by means of a heavy infantry mortar (the later Nukeneer). Shockingly, the weapons were only equipped with the most basic safety mechanisms, one of which had now failed catastrophically.

Tao quickly realised that this disaster could cost him his entire career. In a surprising move, the man who would later become a hotly-debated figure for his liberal use of atomic bombs against GLA holdouts in Central Asia donned a protective suit and organized the entire recovery of the remaining shells himself from within the blast zone, averting what could have easily become one of the most devastating nuclear disasters in history on the same level as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

After the 10/5 attack and the fall of the CCP, Tao was worried that the new government wouldn't allow him to use his nukes. He felt like a kid in a candy store when the DPP gave him full clearance to use them.

For infantry, Tao's Red Guards fired radiation-tipped bullets and also carried radiation grenades. His Tank Hunters were among the few to actually use missiles instead of flak guns, and they could set up small nuclear charges. Instead of Nukeneers, Tao had Siege Soldiers who fired nuclear mortar shells. Finally, his Hackers and Black Lotus agents carried suitcase nukes.

For vehicles, Tao had made numerous modifications. All of his tanks, instead of turbine engines, used nuclear engines (which the Red Guard and CGF would adopt as an option for normal armies in time for the Battle of Dushanbe). His tanks could also fire radiation shells. One vehicle in Tao's arsenal has, to date, never been confirmed to exist, this being the R.A.D. Tank, often nicknamed the "Desolator". Allegedly, this tank was his version of the Dragon Tank, firing a concentrated beam of gamma radiation instead of napalm. There were reports of this terror weapon being able to melt human beings into piles of radioactive goo, but, like I said, its existence has never been confirmed.

A tank that WAS known to exist in Tao's arsenal was the Devastator, a twin-barreled tank that fired tactical nuclear shells. These tanks had zero radioactive shielding, and at the time of writing, there are no surviving Devastator crews, all having perished of radiation poisoning or cancer.

For artillery, it should come as no surprise that Tao heavily fielded the Nuke Cannon. Instead of the Inferno Cannon, Tao had his own Siege Cannon, which fired radiation shells; there are rumors that, in groups, these shells could produce a self-sustaining nuclear reaction.

Tao's air force was, unsurprisingly, nuclear-focused. His Chengdu J-20s were armed with radiation-tipped missiles, while his Chengdu J-7s were armed with tactical nuclear bombs. His Helix helicopters were often equipped to also drop tactical nuclear bombs. His H-8 bombers would often drop nuclear cluster bombs or perform carpet-bombing runs with tactical nuclear bombs.

That's the long version. The short version is that Tao was batshit crazy.

Shin "The Anvil" Fai​

Fai (pronounced "Faye") was Kwai's opposite. Instead of flooding the field with tanks, Fai preferred to flood the field with infantry. He immediately pledged his loyalty to the DPP when they announced the new mass assault doctrine, as it was perfect for him.

Fai's infantry were his strength. His normal Red Guards weren't any different than normal, but he also had Mini-Gunners equipped with miniguns that could mow down infantry and turn helicopters into swiss cheese. His Tank Hunters utilized dual-barrelled missile launchers. Fai's Black Lotus agents received an extra level of training, making them Super Hackers and Super Lotus. He could even deploy entire squads of infantry that were commanded by an officer, something no other army in the CCF had.

Despite his focus on infantry, Fai didn't neglect his vehicles, and indeed, they were built around his preferences. His Troop Crawlers were modified with fireports so infantry could fire out of them, hewing closer to their BTR-80 progenitors. Instead of the Type 88, Fai used the Type 63A light tank, which he referred to as the Tigershark. His Gattling Tanks were heavily modified to be able to transport two infantrymen. He was unique in that he fielded an MLRS system, known as the Berzerker, which was used in lieu of the Nuke Cannon. And in lieu of the Overlord, he had the Battle Fortress, which had a single Gattling Cannon and space for eight people, who could fire out of the tank. Finally, his Listening Outposts were upgraded to Attack Outposts, having all of the same stealth-detecting capabilities of the regular vehicle, but with the added capability of fitting six people in the back who could, yes, fire out of the vehicle.

Fai used the bog-standard J-20, but his Helix helicopters were designed with the capacity to transport infantry who could then fire out of the helicopter.

Leiong Leang​

Leang was perhaps the highest-ranked general in the CCF. She had no care for politics, and saw the ROC as merely new management. Fortunately for her, the DPP was willing to throw money at all of her projects, if only to centralize all of the technological innovations under her without affecting the larger CCF and its new doctrines.

Leang specialized in all sorts of special weapons, but she stood out from all of the other commanders by not having any nuclear technology. She had sworn off anything remotely resembling such technology after her sister was killed in the 10/5 attack, and she became a major spokesperson for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). As a result, she developed all forms of bizarre weapons, and powered her FOBs by burning coal instead of using nuclear fission reactions.

Her infantry were very different from those fielded by other armies. Her Red Guards carried the other Type 56, an assault rifle derived from the AK-47. Her Tank Hunters took after the regular Tank Hunters in forgoing the use of missiles, though her's used anti-tank grenade launchers instead of flak. She also had the Pyro, an earlier version of the Pyro Technician that she never got around to upgrading.

Vehicles were where her bizarre technological advances were on full display. She took in the Type 99 tanks after the Red Guard standardized on using the Type 88, referring to them as the Ravage. Her Troop Crawlers were equipped with a multi-purpose missile launcher, and also carried combat engineers to repair vehicles; it carried two less people than the normal crawlers, but also moved faster.

Her Gattling and Dragon Tanks were also very different in appearance from the mainstream, with her ZTZ100G Advanced Gattling Tanks having two rotary cannons, one pointed ahead and one pointed at the sky, enabling the tank to engage both ground AND land-based targets at the same time. Another tank in her arsenal was very bizarre, the Anvil Tank. Instead of firing shells, the Anvil used a "seismic thumper" to literally shake the earth.

Her artillery was also nothing like the norm. Instead of Inferno Cannons, Leang used the Grinder Cannon, which fired fletchette canisters instead of incendiary shells. And instead of the Nuke Cannon, she had the Hammer Cannon, which fired either normal long-ranged shells, or shells that would penetrate the Earth and caused tremors. Finally, her Listening Outpost was armed with an anti-air rotary cannon.

For aircraft, Leang again broke from the norm. Instead of the Han or Helix, she used the Kamov Ka-50 Blackshark, armed with a pair of auto cannons. And instead of the MiG-23, she had the Sukhoi Su-35, which she referred to as the Phoenix Bomber. For air superiority, Leang elected to just use the normal J-20.

For her FOBs, Leang had several defense options. Her stationary rotary cannons, the Sentinel Cannon, operated on the same principle as her Advanced Gattling Tanks, with the added benefit that the anti-air gun could operate without power. She also had the Firestorm Cannon, a stationary cannon that fired napalm shells.

Leang's disdain for nuclear anything extended to her refusal to use the DF-21. Instead, she developed a long-range artillery known as the Earth Shaker. Housed in a large temple complex known as the Temple of Gaia, the large gun hidden inside would fire a single shell that would set off a massive earthquake, causing severe damage to anyone unlucky to be caught in it

And there we have it. An exhaustive look at the doctrine changes of the Chinese military after the October 5 nuclear attack. In the next sidestory, we'll take an equally-exhaustive look at the Global Liberation Army, its doctrine, weapons, infantry classes, vehicles, and bizarre navy.
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Chapter 3: Black Rain

Chapter 3: Black Rain

The first months of 2021 were mainly focused on newly-minted American president Joe Biden fixing the damage done by his predecessor. During this time, China began setting up bases all over Kazakhstan, effectively putting the entire country under military administration due to the Kazakh government having been eviscerated by the GLA. It seemed wherever the GLA went, death and destruction followed.

In February, however, the GLA saw an opportunity for revenge. The CCF had spread itself too thin in the region, presenting an opening for the GLA to retake the initiative. This resurgence started in Shymkent, where the Chinese had dug in around a recently-opened hydroelectric dam. The GLA saw the Chinese as "spreading their vile propaganda among simple fishermen", and sought to free the region.

The operation began around 2 PM local time with an attack on a small CGF FOB, using technicals, tanks, and explosive-laden dump trucks, as well as men with AK-47s. Not all of the bomb trucks were expended in this attack, and one was loaded with radioactive material from a destroyed nuclear power plant in the FOB. Afterwards, the force arrived at a small GLA base hidden in the hills to repair and rearm. Nearby was an arms dealer, who provided crude, homemade rockets for the "Scorpion Tanks". A few minutes later, the force moved into the village center, killing every Chinese unit they came across and destroying the speaker tower broadcasting anti-GLA propaganda. The men living in the village rallied around this, and picked up arms to join the GLA force.

A small CGF FOB overlooked the dam, and was destroyed in short order. After this, the bomb truck loaded with fissile materials positioned itself next to the damn and detonated, destroying the dam and sending forth a wall of water.

I should take this time to talk about Europe. See, the Global War on Terror had terrible effects on the global economy, initially because of the shock, and then because of the GLA itself. As a result of pirates (which I'll get into in the next appendix), the global economy went into a freefall. This prompted the United States to join the fight against the GLA on a full-time basis. Europe, meanwhile, was in huge trouble. The debt crisis had already done a number on the euro, but now the markets were in a seemingly-uncontrollable tumble. France and the Balkan countries (the latter of whom had recently been admitted to the union) were hit especially hard, being left on the verge of bankruptcy. The only European country unaffected by the euro crisis was the United Kingdom, which had left the European Union on January 31, 2020, mainly due to concerns over sovereignty, immigration, the economy, and anti-establishment politics. Even when it was in the EU, the UK never adopted the euro, stubbornly sticking to the pound sterling. The UK was always closer to the United States than Europe, but this didn't stop the UK's participation in NATO.

To prevent impoverished regions from falling under GLA influence, the United Nations commenced aid operations in Kazakhstan. One operation in Almaty, however, would end in disaster. The GLA, in desperate need of funding, raided these shipments, which often consisted of a single truck escorted by two Humvees. The GLA even went as far as to gun down any civilians who tried taking the supplies for themselves. In the first major engagement between GLA and American forces, the United States Marine Corps. erected a small FOB near the village. With the constant raids on the convoys, the UN quickly switched to delivering aid using C-17 Globemasters. This didn't work, either, as the GLA brought in Quad Cannons (AZP-23 Amur cannons mounted on open flatbed half-tracks) to shoot the planes down. If that wasn't enough, the GLA even laid waste to entire parts of the village, leaving nothing but rubble and piles of dead bodies. The USMC FOB was also destroyed, which was not a good look for the United States.

But the true face of the GLA would be uncovered in April. Zhambul, Kazakhstan was a major population center under Chinese military control, and the GLA had deemed the people here "corrupted" by Chinese propaganda. Therefore, the decision was made to "cleanse the treason from their souls", using the infamous "Toxin Tractors". This operation was less of a battle and more of a genocide, even though the GLA did build a FOB and battled the local Chinese garrison. In all, an estimated 300 civilians, possibly even more, were killed, mainly by Dr. Thrax's biochemical weapons. Much of the region was also poisoned by the destruction of a pharmaceutical factory, and the GLA even dropped an anthrax-laced bomb on a large group of civlians. Overall, this was one of the single-most sickening actions carried out by the GLA, and made the United States double down on fighting them.

A few days after the Zhambul Genocide, Abdul bin Yusuuf worked his magic and incited a massive, massive riot in the Kazakh capitol of Astana. Mobs of rioters laid waste to the city, killing everyone who refused to join, shooting at both police and American and Chinese military forces, taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and levelling entire city blocks; the local GLA FOB even provided the rioters with AK-47s and Molotov cocktails, and set them upon the airport, which the United States had commandeered to bring in forces; all facilities were destroyed before any substantial reinforcements could arrive, leading the GLA to believe the United States didn't have the stomach for true battle. The nearby Chinese base was also laid waste to. By the time morning came, Astana had effectively ceased to exist as a city, and the valuables looted during the rioting were used to fund the GLA war effort.

These operations had a much larger effect beyond proving how morally-empty the GLA was. Other terrorist groups took notice of what the GLA had accomplished, and figured their best chance of achieving their goals was to join them. Following the Sundering of Astana, Al Qaeda pledged loyalty to the GLA. Other groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, Abu Sayyaf, Boko Haram, the Houthis, even the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the latter of whom had attempted something similar to what the GLA was now doing in 2014, all joined the GLA, expanding the organization's reach to unimaginable levels.

With much of Europe destabilized after the economic collapse of Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Cyprus in the previous decade, euro-skepticism and anti-capitalism were on the rise across the entire continent. Protests and violent clashes became a common reality, with the Paris Riots standing out as the bloodiest example by far. Most prominently, a left-wing extremist by the name of Tahar Ibrahiim became the target of a major manhunt after he sent poisoned letters to several politicians and financial executives.

After the Sundering of Astana, GLA activity largely went quiet, though they did have one more major victory. The Taliban resurged in Afghanistan, seeking revenge for Enduring Freedom and soon occupying half the country, causing plans for a total American withdrawal from the country to be scrapped. By this time, the Taliban were part of the GLA, meaning the GLA now effectively controlled TWO nations: Kazakhstan and Afghanistan.

2022 opened with another major GLA victory, this time all the way in Turkey. Seeking to cripple US power projection in the region, the GLA mounted a devastating attacking against Incirlik Air Base near Adana. This was one of the first times the F-35 Widowmaker saw use in combat, and the GLA's strong anti-air cover saw many of them shot down.

Later, in the summer, the United States launched an attack on an ex-Soviet biochemical laboratory on the island of Vozrozhdeniya, Kazakhstan. Despite taking losses, the GLA repelled the Americans and recaptured their bunkers.

When the GLA wasn't in the news, however, Russia was. On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin declared a "special military operation" to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine. Throughout 2021, Russia had been building up forces along the border with Ukraine, claiming these were military exercises. By December, it was very clear that Russia was planning to finish what they started in 2014, but they continued insisting it was nothing more than military exercises. Then, on February 24, a full-scale invasion of Ukraine commenced.

Most expected Russia to win easily, and the war to be over in three days. It ended up lasting six years, as Ukraine won shocking victory after shocking victory. Russia's economy soon began to suffer under sanctions, and Putin was forced to turn to the Wagner Group for help. Not only was Ukraine winning, but severe flaws in Russia's military were exposed, namely just how deep systemic corruption ran in the country. Soldiers were poorly trained, generals had chosen to spend their funds on personal luxuries, armies used outdated Cold War tactics, and vehicles quickly ran out of fuel, leading to the famous image of a large line of tanks meant to capture Kyiv sitting dead on the road. Ukrainian farmers even pulled tanks off the roads using their own tractors. Several Russian ships in the Black Sea were sunk, including the cruiser Moskva, the largest warship to be sunk since the Falklands War.

Another factor was in which targets both sides hit. Russia was focused on hitting civilian infrastructure, aiming to make life for civilians hard and force the Ukrainian government to surrender. Ukraine, meanwhile, focused on targets with actual military value, such as supply depots, oil refineries, and convoys.

Towards the end of 2022, the head of the Black Lotus, Bao Jin, manipulated a Kazakh GLA leader to change sides. This resulted in a brief internal purge among GLA forces, including one notable battle where a force loyal to "Deathstrike" captured several trucks carrying tactical nuclear warheads, and used these to destroy the rogue commander's base.

2023 was largely quiet in terms of the GLA. The world seemed more focused on the ongoing war in Ukraine, which settled into a grinding stalemate. European politics were of more interest this year than either Russia or the GLA. In the UK, Labour won the British general election by a landslide. The party rejected further concessions to the European Union, and enacted a policy of increased cooperation with the United States instead.

As for why they rejected further concessions, that was easy. Prior to the general election, the leaders of the EU had signed the Treaty of Vienna, which merged all members of the EU into a single nation. I don't need to tell you how horrible an idea this was, made worse by the fact that opinion polling was against such an arrangement, but the leaders said "fuck the will of the people, we can do whatever the hell we want", and went through with the union anyway.

All of the old nations became mere rubber stamps representative of the new regions in the country. The formation of a single EU nation also saw the dissolution of NATO, as there was really no further need for it, but the United States still maintained a sizeable military presence in Europe, mainly in the face of continued Russian aggression and Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Needless to say, the people of Europe were not happy. While rioting was rather common in modern Europe, it soon escalated out of control as people took to the streets, protesting the new oppressive regime. The European Domestic Security Directorate, created by the former German chancellor Juergen Burkhard, cracked down on the protestors in ways reminiscent of the Nazi SS. Several countries descended into civil war, regions broke away from the governments, it was an absolute clusterfuck. All the while, the Britsh just sat back and laughed, going on their merry way renationalizing the railways and adopting fusion power.

Among the regions who broke away from their countries included Catalonia from Spain, Brittany from France, Bavaria from Germany, and all of Southern Italy and Sicily.

In October 2023, however, the GLA resurged again, this time launching a large invasion of Israel from Palestine through Hamas. This started a whole new war in the Middle East, one that threatened to spiral out of control due to Hamas being an Iranian proxy, which in turn, made Iran a GLA proxy.

2024 was another lean year in terms of the Global War on Terror (outside of Israel and Palestine), but this was also the year a major scandal broke out. Russia, desperate to fund its flagging war effort in Ukraine and seeking to stick it to the United States, began selling weapons to the GLA, including the BM-21 Grad. In April, American special forces were secretly inserted into Iran, and discovered many of the weapons being used by the GLA could be traced directly back to Russia. This resulted in massive anti-government protests in Russia, which Putin, as was typical at this point, brutally put down. But this time was different, in that the people wouldn't be cowed into submission. One opposition leader, Nikolai Suvorov, saw an opportunity to oust Putin and the post-Soviet oligarchy, but he had neither the support nor the resources to pull it off yet.

In the United States presidential election, Joe Biden easily won a second term, defeating Donald Trump, who had a dire agenda of revenge, integration of church and state, and interning all Muslims on US soil to prevent GLA attacks. The Electoral College college was a bloodbath for Trump, so much so that Trump, instead of claiming that the election had been stolen, conceded defeat and disappeard from the public eye, passing away from dementia on May 25, 2026, and leaving behind a lesson on how not to be president.

The GLA would explode back onto the scene in 2025, this time in a major setpiece battle. In 2018, Russia had opened a new space center, the Vostochny Cosmodrome, in the Russian Far East, primarily to reduce dependence on the aging Baikonur Cosmodrome, which by this point only existed to launch crew to the International Space Station, a program that would be coming to an end in 2026; the United States was already planning its next space station, the Pennsylvania, to be launched using the new Vulcan-Centaur rocket, with crew rotation handled by the SpaceX Cargo Dragon and Boeing CST-100 Starliner, and resupply by the SpaceX Cargo Dragon and Northrop Grumman Cygnus, effectively the same setup NASA had for the ISS in a post-Space Shuttle world. Basically, commerical companies would service the space station while NASA focused on returning humans to the moon.

Back to the GLA, the facility had a heavy American and Chinese military presence, something the Russians were not happy about, but Kazakhstan's government was GLA-run in this day and age, so they had no leg to stand on. The battle was brutal, and losses on all sides were heavy, but when the dust settled, the GLA was in full control of Baikonur. Not only was the launch facility and ground control center under GLA control, they also had a stock of Soyuz rockets. And, instead of destroying the American and Chinese bases, the GLA elected to capture them instead, giving them access to untold amounts of technology, including American drone and laser technology, Chinese napalm, EMP, and nuclear technology, as well as various nuclear warheads due to the CGF having erected a DF-21 silo at Baikonur.

Shortly after securing the facility, a Soyuz rocket that was preparing to launch a Progress spacecraft to the ISS was moved back to have the Progress removed and replaced with a biochemical warhead. The rocket was launched, but instead of reaching orbit, it was used as a ballistic missile; ironically, the Soyuz rockets were descended from the R-7 Semyorka, the world's first ICBM. In response to the continued fighting in Palestine, the GLA launched the rocket at Tel Aviv, Israel. The warhead hit in the downtown area, killing thousands and levelling the entire city center; the warhead also had several viruses onboard created from cultures stolen from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2019, causing a widespread epidemic that nearly depopulated Tel Aviv.

Following the attack, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu retaliated against the GLA by deploying nuclear weapons against Palestine, and also enacted authoritarian policies for the security of the state. Netanyahu no longer cared about the civilians living in Gaza; to him, they were all GLA, and deserved to be wiped off the face of the planet.

The attack on Tel Aviv had far-reaching consequences. Panic gripped the European Union, and once word got out that the GLA had possession of nuclear warheads and what were effectively ICBMs, the United Kingdom actually started distributing Protect & Survive information, ordered the BBC to put the Wartime Broadcasting Service on standby, and hastily ordered tens of thousands of outdoor sirens from Federal Signal and American Signal Corporation to rebuild its old siren system.

The United States also scrambled to reestablish civil defense. Cities began overhauling or replacing their derilict Cold War-era siren systems (areas in tornado-prone areas were all set), and old nuclear attack safety films were widely aired, even if the advice was now horribly outdated.

The GLA had rewritten the rules of war, being a stateless actor in control of several states. Former ISIS fighters, now with full GLA backing, toppled the pro-American regime installed in Iraq following the Iraq War, undoing George W. Bush's entire legacy. The United States was, as a result, left with no choice but to invade Iraq for a third time, this time under a Democratic president.

Thus began "Operation: Final Justice"...
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Appendix: GLA Arsenal

Appendix: Arsenal and Doctrine of the Global Liberation Army

The Global Liberation Army was, in the early days of the Global War on Terror, considered a terrorist group. After absorbing most of the major Islamic terrorist groups and taking over Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, and Iraq by 2025, they graduated to rogue state. Of all nations represented in the United Nations, the only countries who recognized the GLA were Iran and North Korea, mainly to advance their anti-American interests.

Doctrine-wise, the GLA knew it couldn't take on the armies of the world in a head-to-head fight, so they relied largely on guerilla warfare, though they would often gather enough strength for a setpiece engagement. Common weapons used by the GLA included demolitions, suicide bombers, biochemical weapons, stolen nuclear weapons, and basically anything they could get their hands on, including weapons, equipment, and vehicles stolen from the enemy. The GLA also utilized rudimentary stealth technology that, nevertheless, made them invisible to most radar systems.

As a rogue state with an informal military structure, the GLA did not have any branches. Therefore, GLA units are grouped by their type, not their branch.


The GLA's military structure wasn't completely informal, as it did adopt the infantry class system that was becoming popular worldwide at the time of its formation.

The GLA had a large corps. of slave labor, referred to as Workers, who served two purposes: collecting supplies from UN Supply Docks, and constructing GLA forward operating bases. "Deathstrike" had such a low opinion of these slaves that they would work only wearing pants and hats, but Sulaymaan quickly convinced him to give them actual shirts, understanding that the Workers were the main reason the GLA could function, and that without them, the entire cause would be for naught. As for shoes, this depended on how generous a GLA commander felt, though more often than not, these commanders would give them shoes because it improved productivity.

The common frontline infantry of the GLA had the apt name of Rebel. These men were armed with AK-47s, and also carried Molotov Cocktails. Some Rebels also carried proximity explosives that would explode when an enemy tried to enter a building or capture a neutral "tech structure" such an oil derrick or hospital, a "booby trap" of sorts.

The Tunnel Defender was named so because their original purpose was to defend the tunnel networks, though they were quickly adopted as the GLA's primary anti-tank infantry. Armed with RPG-7s, Tunnel Defenders were effective against both vehicles and aircraft, and could also plant TNT charges.

Anarchists were, to put it plainly, lunatics. They were mad bombers who threw all variety of hand grenades with one goal: total anarchy. They were utterly devoted to their goal of "no gods, no masters". In addition to throwing explosives to destroy structures, they also deployed improvised explosive devices (IEDs) for area denial.

Hijackers were simple. Armed only with a knife, their purpose was right there in the name: to hijack enemy vehicles. Not even tanks were safe from these masters of larceny, though construction vehicles were one nut they could never crack due to construction workers being hard men carrying tools.

Pulled from the masses of thousands of troubled cities, the Angry Mob was one of the most troublesome unit types on the battlefield. Their destructive capabilities were first witnessed by the GLA in Astana during the Global War on Terror, and thereafter, the GLA hired many of these angry citizens to wreak havoc on the enemy. Many of the partisans had lost all their hope for better life and were just in it to see the ones that created their suffering die in a pitch-black fire. Even to this day, the Angry Mobs can be spawned from any city by the GLA propaganda, and all are still willing to fight for the GLA's cause. Normally, Angry Mobs were armed with machine pistols and rocks, but many GLA commanders provided them with AK-47s and Molotov Cocktails. Nothing was safe from Angry Mobs save aircraft, and even then, many planes were destroyed while still on the ground.

The Stinger Soldier was always a common fixture of the GLA, usually being used in Stinger Sites or on Ural Trucks, but many also fought on foot. These men were trained specifically to shoot down aircraft and helicopters, and their only defense against ground-based attacks was typically a Glock 17.

The aptly-named Terrorist was a classic, the ubiquitous suicide bomber that most associate with Islamic terrorism. These religious fanatics were ready to blow themselves up and go to Paradise for an eternity with 72 virgins. They would run at their target with bombs strapped to themselves. During the Global War on Terror, they would also steal civilian vehicles and pack them with explosives to use as car bombs, but by the 2040s, they were given drugs to make them run faster.

Partisans were typically veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom or the Iraqi insurgency. They could deploy a radio receiver to detect enemies that couldn't be detected by normal radar systems, but most GLA commanders elected to take advantage of their long-range bolt-action rifles and use them as snipers. A typical tactic was to put five Partisans in a civilian building with five Tunnel Defenders that, more often than not, formed an impenetrable defense against everything the enemy could throw at them (except weapons designed specifically to clear garrisoned buildings such as China's thermobaric weapons and the United States' high-powered microwave weapons).

In addition to their normal infantry, the GLA also hired a variety of mercenaries from Africa. These were grouped into three classes:

Mercenary Runners could run fast enough to make Usain Bolt jealous. They specialized in close-quarters combat, using either a machete or a pump-action shotgun.

Mercenary Gunners were provided with various types of assault weaponry, typically the Vektor R4 assault rifle and the SS-77 machine gun. When using the SS-77, they had to go prone because of the rifle's weight, but with the Vektor R4, they were essentially identical to the Rebels.

Mercenary Grenadiers were big, deep-voiced men carrying the Miikor 40mm grenade launcher, effective against vehicles and buildings.

Finally, there was one man who fought on the ground who was also part of "Deathstrike's" inner circle, that being a marksman named Jarmen Kell. Despite being part of the GLA, Kell didn't care about their ideology, just money. He would often say "I don't care who they are" and "business is business", suggesting he took no pleasure in killing his targets; indeed, Kell held a great respect for the "American Sniper", Kyle Rittenhouse. During the Global War on Terror, Kell could snipe out a vehicle's crew, leaving them open for capture, but after an IED injury, he lost half of his right hand, rendering him unable to achieve the steady aim required for such a task, though he quickly adapted and otherwise remained a highly-lethal sniper. In addition to his Dragonuv sniper rifle, Kell also carried an FIM-92 Stinger that he could aim well enough to destroy multiple helicopters with a single missile. His aim is also still steady enough to be able to blind a vehicle crew by firing into their vision slits, leaving them vulnerable to Hijackers.


The GLA's ground-based vehicles typically fell into one of two categories: improvised civilian vehicles, or ex-Soviet weaponry. GLA vehicles were typically weak when first built, and would become stronger by sifting through the remains of destroyed vehicles for anything useful, customizing their vehicles with stronger weapons.

During the Global War on Terror, the GLA would utilize "Radar Vans" to provide commanders with radar coverage. After the war and the GLA settling in Central Africa, these were rendered obsolete when old prison trucks, built in huge numbers but never used, were converted into Mobile Command Trucks that could easily provide radar coverage. Sulaymaan, ever resourceful, converted the now-obsolete Radar Vans into Observation Vans, used a scout units.

Their most basic vehicle was the Technical, a civilian vehicle with a machine gun mounted on the back. These were typically built from pickup trucks, but cars and vans were also common. The standard machine gun was a .50 caliber gun, but many gunners often salvaged equipment from destroyed enemy vehicles to fashion a DShK machine gun, and just as many would go even further and fashion a recoilless rifle that gave Technicals an added punch against even tanks.

The Combat Cycle was even more basic than the Technical, being a motorcycle (in snowy environments, snowmobiles were used instead). What set them apart from the Technical, however, was their modular weapon systems that allowed them to take on the weapon of whatever infantry class was riding them:

  • Rebels would use machine guns
  • Tunnel Defenders (which Combat Cycles often exited an Arms Dealer with) used RPGs
  • Anarchists used grenade launchers
  • Terrorists used suicide packs
  • Partisans used dual bolt-action rifles
  • Jarmen Kell, whenever he rode a Combat Cycle, would use a sniper rifle and FIM-92 stinger
Combat Cycles were very useful, since they could jump up and down cliffs with ease and ambush enemies from directions they weren't expecting.

The light tank of the GLA was the Scorpion, an old tracked farm tractor with souped-up armor and a small-caliber gun, that allowed the Scorpion tanks to move and fire at a rapid pace. U.S. tank commanders mockingly nicknamed them "armored rats" during the brush fire wars in the South African savannahs. In their stock form, they were unsuitable for direct tank-to-tank combat, but many crews salvaged destroyed vehicles, going for a larger-caliber gun, or even two guns. Crude, homemade rockets were also often attached to Scorpions to provide extra punch against enemy armor.

The Marauder was the subject of viral 2016 video showing how to build a homemade tank using nothing but off-the-shelf tools, metal scraps, and a truck engine. The GLA used this video (even after it was removed from YouTube at the demand of the FBI) as a template for its Marauder, a medium tank. Though American and Chinese propaganda often depicted Marauders as self-propelled assault guns, in truth, Marauders were genuine tanks with rotating turrets. Normally, they were armed with a makeshift 130mm cannon, but by salvaging destroyed enemy vehicles, this would be replaced by a 235mm cannon, and with enough salvage, they would be equipped with TWO such cannons, turning the Marauder into a mini-Overlord that moved and fired faster.

The Quad Cannon was one of the weapons sold to Sulaymaan by the Russians. They were modified AZP-23 Amur systems taken off of ZSU-23-4 Shilka, modified, and mounted on the back of an open-flatbed half-track. Quad Cannons were lethal to infantry, lightly-armored vehicles, and aircraft, and in large enough groups, could even put enough holes in a tank to render it unable to function. Quad Cannon crews were very triggerhappy (a favorite phrase among them was "I'll puncture the next thing that moves"), but also very proud of their weapons. They, too, would often upgrade their weapons by salvaging destroyed enemy vehicles, making them even more lethal.

Of all the vehicles in the GLA's arsenal, none was more feared and more sickening than the Toxin Tractor. These were farm tractors (the GLA seemed to prefer New Holland tractors) converted to spray Dr. Thrax's wicked biochemical weapon. The recipe for this deadly concoction remains a mystery to this day, but known ingredients included anthrax, acid, petroleum, nightshade, oleander, black lotus (something not lost on Dr. Thrax in regards to the Chinese Black Lotus agents), and chlorine. Anyone exposed to this biochemical mixture for long enough would die an agonizing death, so much so that the Pentagon quickly began issuing CBRN suits to infantry. The use of acid in the mixture meant that vehicles weren't safe, either, and in large enough groups, tanks would be corroded into uselessness. Toxin Tractor operators were not right in the head IN THE SLIGHTEST. In addition to the sprayer, Toxin Tractors were also equipped with a "sprinkler" that would contaminate an area, with operators often shouting "RUN THROUGH THE SPRINKLERS".

The Rocket Buggy was the subject of debate among the GLA regarding its role. Depending on who you asked, it was either a fast attack vehicle or an artillery vehicle. Regardless, these dune buggies were equipped with rocket launchers launching 80mm high-explosive rockets, though they could also quickly switch to a 165mm mortar cannon. Some commanders elected to pile even MORE rocket launchers onto the buggies, giving them even MORE firepower. Rocket Buggy drivers were often known to honk their horns incessantly to annoy their enemies.

For every ten vehicles that the GLA took in, nine would become Technicals, and one would become a Demo Truck. These trucks were used to lay down "Demo Traps", barrel-shaped explosives that were designed not to show up on enemy radar very easily. When required, Demo Trucks would also serve as suicide bombers (though due to how fast they were, many Demo Truck drivers would just put a brick on the gas pedal, bail out of the truck, then slip away in the chaos and find their way back to base where, more often than not, they would be put into a better-armed vehicle).

The Demo Truck's big brother was the Bomb Truck, a dump truck laden with explosives. Commanders could upgrade them with either an HE bomb or a bio-bomb, and under the right circumstances, could even load them with fissile material to create a dirty bomb or even an entire nuclear warhead. Bomb Trucks also had sophisticated electronics that allowed them to spoof their radar signature to look like another vehicle, either an enemy vehicle or a neutral civilian vehicle (in one amusing instance, a Bomb Truck driver disguised his truck as a taxiing Cessna 172, and the American radar overseer thought it was normal; needless to say, said radar overseer, rumored to have been named Scotty, was fired for his gross incompetence).

To the untrained eye, the Ural Truck looks like a normal supply truck. In truth, hiding underneath the canvas tarps is a trio of Stinger Soldiers. When deployed, Ural Trucks would become invisible to normal radar. Clusters of Ural Trucks were often stationed near critical targets to defend them from enemy aircraft, quickly becoming the bane of pilots.

Compared to other vehicles in the GLA arsenal, the Battle Bus was simple, being a bus that up to eight infantry could be loaded into and fire out of. And if a bus had its wheels blown off (which was often), they could still function as makeshift bunkers.

With the betrayal and subsequent execution of Prince Kassad, the GLA lost its go-to expert in the field of stealth techniques. Thankfully for GLA commanders, what little knowledge and technology was recovered from the remains of Cobra Cell was studied and successfully recreated, and one of the results was the Scrambler Track, a modified M113 APC. With the sophisticated GPS Scramblers in place, the Track created a field of radar interferences around itself, turning all friendly vehicles within the radius invisible to enemy radar.

During the Global War on Terror, the primary artillery unit of the GLA was the R-300 Elbrus, otherwise known as the "Scud Launcher". This was the launch plaform for the Scud, a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM). The original Scud missile was developed by the Soviet Union as a battlefield nuclear weapon delivery vehicle, but in the hands of Middle Eastern dictators and warlords, they preferred to use conventional warheads. In the GLA's hands, Scuds used either explosive or chemical warheads.

As the war raged on, a troubling trend was observed: Scud missiles were easy to intercept. American and Chinese stationary perimeter defense systems could easily shoot them down, and there were even reports of the point defense missile on the American Paladin tank shooting down Scud missiles. When Russia began selling weapons to the GLA to fund its flagging war effort in Ukraine, one of the weapons sold was a new artillery, the BM-21 Grad, a self-propelled 122mm multiple rocket launcher. Compared to the Scud Launcher, the Grad was an utter nightmare to fight against, as they spewed forth a ton of missiles that were incapable of being intercepted by anti-air systems or American point-defense lasers. Grad operators would often say "Don't get mad, get Grad!" Even after the Scud Launcher was retired, the Scud missiles themselves stayed around, as GLA FOBs often had ramshackle stationary launch pads known as Scud Storms that would launch nine anthrax-laden Scud missiles at once, causing massive damage and contaminating an area.

Finally, we have the Recycler. These rugged, heavy duty engineering vehicles were typically used by GLA salvage parties, informally known as "scrap vultures" in the African territories, who scoured the battlefield at night after the fighting had moved on in search for anything valuable that might be extracted from vehicle wreckage such as armour plates, weapons, munitions or machine parts. The GLA was known to inspect these components with great curiosity and reconfigure them for their own use against their previous owners.

Recycler operators were typically Millennials, and as a result, were hip to modern pop culture. The Recycler had two purposes: to repair vehicles, and to salvage technology from enemy vehicle wreckage. The Recycler was a truck and a trailer, making it highly-customizable; modifications to the Recycler included:
  • Turning the Recycler into a drone hive that would control four modified drones salvaged from an American WASP Hive with improvised weaponry, including four taped AK-47s, two drum-fed PK machine guns, a beer box re-purposed into a mortar, and a literal helicopter rocket pod
  • Putting air control equipment on the Recycler to trick American A-10 aircraft into attacking their own side
  • Mounting a fast-firing five-barreled flamethrower in the truck-bed of the Recycler
  • A "long-range, jet-powered, electro-magnetic cannon... thing", as the Recycler operator put it, a a ghetto, literal jet-propelled, cannon, which lobbed EMP shells at a respectable range that disable any vehicles and structures in the impact area
  • A larger trailer that would dispense salvage for other GLA vehicles to use
  • A tanker filled with Dr. Thrax's biochemical mixture that turned the Recycler into a suicide unit that could also open a valve to contaminate an area with anthrax
  • A crude Tesla generator that turned the Recycler into a discount Tesla Tank (we'll get to the Russian arsenal at a later date)
  • A large rotary cannon similar to the Russian Tremor AGAS
  • A penetrator quad gun that fired penetrative anti-tank rounds at a high velocity (again, we'll get into the European Continental Alliance's arsenal at a later date)
  • A literal microwave deathray
It wasn't just the Recycler that benefitted from salvaged technology. Other vehicles were refitted with salvaged technology:
  • Scorpion and Marauder Tanks could be jury-rigged with a crude hover drive reverse-engineered from those on the Crusader II, as well as rocket pods off of a Rocket Buggy (in the event that a GLA commander went rogue, which was common), and improvised reactive armor
  • BM-21 Grads could have their rocket pods replaced with a single large guided missile
  • Terrorists, Bomb Trucks, Demo Trucks, and Demo Traps could have napalm or cluster bombs installed in their payloads
  • The Technical and Quad Cannon had several upgrade options, including unstable nuclear engines, suicide packs, and canister rounds
  • Ural Trucks could have their Stinger Soldiers replaced with a dual SA-3 missile system
In all, what the GLA lacked in raw strength, they made up for in sheer ingenuity.


Yes, you read that right. American and Chinese propaganda portrayed the GLA as having no air force to speak of beyond a few Tu-4 bombers, but the hard truth is that the GLA actually DID have an air force. Not a modern air force, but an air force, all the same.

The GLA had two aircraft types and two helicopter types. The Su-17 (NATO Reporting Name Fitter) was referred to as the Hyena Bomber, equipped with two 30mm autocannons and two UB-32 rocket pods. The Hyena was useless in a dogfight with the F-35, J-20, Harrier III, and Su-47, but helicopters were sitting ducks. Making the Hyena more troublesome for the enemy was the fact it didn't have to return to an airfield to reload, allowing them to loiter and maintain air superiority for longer periods, limited only by fuel.

The MiG-15 (NATO Reporting Name Fagot) and MiG-17 (NATO Reporting Name Fresco) were so similar that the GLA grouped them as a single aircraft type, known as the Vulture Bomber. These were simple, armed with a pair of 250kg HE free-fall bombs.

The smaller of the two GLA helicopters was the Plague Duster, a modified Bell 47 (AKA the first commercially-available helicopter) that sprayed toxins on an area, and was also armed with a pair of unguided rocket pods and a pair of FIM-92 Stinger missile launchers for shooting down other helicopters. The larger of the two, meanwhile, was the Mil Mi-6 (NATO Reporting Name Hook), which was built by the Soviet Union as a transport helicopter. The GLA used it for transport, too, but mainly used it as a heavy gunship. Hook pilots would often say "Nobody expects the GLA Air Force!", and they were right.

For air logistics, the GLA constructed crude, wooden copies of the Tupolev Tu-4, itself a ripoff of the B-29 Superfortress (the bomber that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Because they were made of wood (sans the engines), and held together by Flex Seal and sheer willpower, they were quick and cheap to produce, being used to transport troops and drop the Anthrax Bomb.

Eventually, the existence of the GLA Air Force was publicly leaked, but all this did was make the American and Chinese air forces look more impressive.


One part of the Global War on Terror that frequently goes unmentioned is the naval war. You'd think the GLA would have a next-to-nonexistent navy, but in truth, they had a navy whose size rivalled the United States Navy. This all came about after "Deathstrike" came into contact with an Iraqi arms merchant named Anwar Sulaymaan, who quickly gained the nickname "Death Merchant".

Since the US withdrawal from Iraq, Sulaymaan had been gathering quite the fleet of warships by setting up multiple shell companies disguised as breaker yards. Navies would sell their old ships to these yards, and then they would be towed away to a "secret" yard in Africa to avoid any spies getting information on naval technology. In truth, this so-called breaker yard was actually a place where ships were taken to be refurbished and modified.

Thanks to Sulaymaan's efforts, he now had the largest private navy in the world. "Deathstrike" found out about the navy, and was very impressed. But it wasn't just naval vessels that Sulaymaan had in his possession. He also had old Soviet weaponry and aircraft, giving the GLA an actual air force.

The Global Liberation Navy (GLN) was made up of old frigates, destroyers, corvettes, cruisers, submarines, Sulaymaan had even managed to get his hands on three of the four Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carriers and all of the Forrestal-class carriers, giving the GLA seven aircraft carriers, almost as many as the United States Navy. In addition to a "commissioned" fleet of warships, the GLA also issued letters of marque to anyone who wanted them. Letter holders had their vessels modified with weaponry from destroyed Chinese and American vehicles, turning freighters into makeshift warships. It was a bizarre throwback to the days of piracy, and this era came to be known as "The Silver Age of Piracy". Merchant vessels once again found themselves being boarded and plundered, with entire crews being killed and ships being sunk after being picked clean.

Specialized armies​

The higher echelons of the GLA had their own unique arsenals that matched their preferred tactics.

Prince Kassad​

The son of a Libyan tribal leader, Kassad carried out several attacks on the Gaddafi regime during the First Libyan Civil War. He brought with him vast knowledge of how to hide anything from most radar systems.

For his personal arsenal, everything was designed to be hidden from radar or otherwise blend into the environment. His workers were dressed to look like normal civilians, for example. His infantry was nothing special, all just being stealthed by default whereas most commanders had to pay for this option for their own infantry. One unique unit that came out of the barracks wasn't even a human being, but a literal bomb strapped to an RC car. chassis (Tamiya chassis seemed to be preferred).

For vehicles, Kassad had several unique options. Instead of the Scorpion Tank, he had the Cobra, a wheeled attack vehicle with a light cannon. His Quad Cannons were modified with more range and sniper rounds. He also had the unique Chameleon Tank, which, as its name implies, would become invisible to enemy radar when standing still. And instead of the Scud Launcher or Grad, Kassad had the 2K6 Luna (NATO Reporting Name Frog), a launcher that was infamously deployed to Cuba in 1962.

All of Kassad's buildings were capable of being hidden from radar, all of them, even his perimeter defenses and his Scud Storms.

Dr. Thrax​

A Jordanian immunologist, Dr. Thrax provided the GLA with his wicked biochemical weapons. He was darkly humorous, but also paranoid, and never really liked his commanders. In a phone conversation intercepted by the CIA, he was even heard saying "Perhaps I shouldn't have gotten my degree from a mail order college", indicating he wasn't even a real doctor). Thrax went a step further regarding for his own army, and outfitted most of his units with toxins in one form or another.

All of his infantry used toxins. His Rebels were like Toxin Tractors on foot, his Tunnel Defenders fired toxin-laced rockets, his Terrorists released toxins when they detonated their bomb vests, any Angry Mobs he fomented were provided with gas masks and respirators, and he had a unique Toxin Grenadier.

For vehicles, all of them used toxins in one form or another. His Technicals traded their machine guns for toxin sprayers, he used the New Holland T9 for his Toxin Tractors, meaning they were bigger and carried more toxins, his Bomb Trucks couldn't use high explosive bombs, his Python Flak Tank (used in lieu of the Quad Cannon) fired toxic flak, his Tarantula APC (used in lieu of the Scorpion Tank) fired toxin shells, and instead of the Scud Launcher, he had the Scourge, which fired two toxin-laden ballistic missiles.

Upon his death in 2027, his loss was felt, but his recipes were fortunately preserved by his protege, Tahar Ibrahiim, who continued his research (though all notes for the Anthrax Gamma strain were lost).

Rodall Juhziz​

The GLA's demolitions expert, Juhziz threw stealth completely out the window in favor of just blowing everything up. He would often tell enemy generals that their base had been "marked for demolition", and usually made good on that, as his attacks were relentless and hardly gave his enemies any breathing room.

Juhziz wasn't a mad bomber, though, as he was very meticulous in his selection regarding his own army. Because of how many explosives were in his FOBs, he provided his Workers with flak helmets.

All of his infantry, and I mean ALL of them, used explosives in some way, shape, or form. His Rebels had demo charges, his Tunnel Defenders had anti-tank rockets, his Terrorists had more explosives than normal, any Angry Mobs he fomented were armed with rocket launchers and grenades, and whenever he employed Jarmen Kell, the marksman was provided with C4 charges.

His vehicles also threw all caution to the wind. There was nary a drop of toxins to be found in his army, so instead of the Toxin Tractor, he had the Camel, which fired shrapnel. He used old British Centurion tanks (referred to as the Mantis) instead of the Scorpion, and the ZSU-57-2 Sparka instead of the Quad Cannon. He also had the Roach, a fire support vehicle armed with a long-range, wire-guided missile launcher. His Combat Cycles exited Arms Dealers with Terrorists instead of Tunnel Defenders. His Battle Buses could drop demo traps. His Bomb Trucks were equipped by default with HE bombs, which could be further upgraded with a TACTICAL NUCLEAR WARHEAD.

And finally, instead of the Scud Launcher, Juhziz was living proof that the Russians were selling weapons to the GLA, as he had RT-2PM Topol (NATO Reporting Name SS-25 Sickle) missiles. These were designed as ICBMs, but the Russians had stripped them of their nuclear warheads and told Juhziz he could only put a small amount of fuel in the first stage, effectively turning the missile into an SRBM. While this seemed like a waste of a good missile, it didn't change just how hard it hit.


The leader of the GLA himself, Mohmar, otherwise known as "Deathstrike", had initially created the GLA in response to the formation of Aldastan, but his plans soon became much, much grander. His recruitment pitch told of a world where the poor ruled over the rich, where the meek were raised up by the strong, where no man had to answer to a corporation, a congressional committee, or an oligarchy.

In truth, however, Deathstrike just wanted to drag the world back to what he saw as its natural state: one of constant war. To him, humans were inherently evil, selfish creatures with an insatiable need to dominate everything and destroy whatever they can't control. Therefore, he figured, why not appeal to human nature? He planned to do so much damage that the world would be gripped by hyper-militarization, unchecked nuclear proliferation, neo-colonialism, and constant fighting.

That's one theory as to his motives. The other is that he was just a omnicidal maniac who wanted to watch the world burn.

His personal elite army made heavy use of salvaged weapons and vehicles. His Workers were provided with actual welding equipment and associated safety gear.

For infantry, it wasn't special, but his Terrorists didn't blow themselves up immediately and would throw grenades before going in for the finishing blow.

His vehicles really showed off his affinity for salvage. Instead of Technicals, he had the Badger, which could transport four people instead of five, but had heavier armor. His Quad Cannons were mounted on tank bodies instead of half-tracks. Instead of the Toxin Tractor, he had the Krait, which fired toxin shells and phosphorus rockets. His Scarab Tank had more armor and a better gun than the Scorpion, but couldn't use the Scorpion rocket. Instead of the Rocket Buggy, he had the Latrun, an agile artillery vehicle with a long-range cannon. The Combat Buggy was similar to the Combat Cycle, so let's leave it at that. He also had trucks equipped with the BM-13 Katyusha, a Soviet rocket artillery weapon system dating back to World War II. There was also the Gadfly, a heavy anti-air vehicle armed with large anti-air missiles, and the Basilisk, a heavy assault gun armed with an anti-tank cannon and machine gun.

Believe it or not, unlike the other generals, Deathstrike actually did have aircraft. He had the Mil Mi-8 (NATO Reporting Name Hip), used as a transport and optionally upgraded with air-to-surface missiles, turning it into a gunship. The other aircraft was what he called the "Desert Fly", which was actually the P-61 Black Widow, a fighter that had been developed during World War II and was the first American warplane developed as a night fighter.

Instead of a Scud Storm, Deathstrike was further proof of Russia selling weapons to the GLA, in that he had Soyuz missiles with a chemical nuclear warhead. When several of these launch sites were uncovered, these bases were prioritized for immediate destruction before a nuclear attack could occur on American soil, though more often than not, Deathstrike just used them as SRBMs to attack enemy FOBs.

And so we reach the end of another exhaustive look at the doctrine and arsenal of a faction. Join us in the next appendix when we look at what the United States had in its toybox.
DEFCON Warning System Update 10/5/2019
The following entry shows an update by the DEFCON Warning System, a private enterprise monitoring global nuclear threats since 1984, on October 5, 2019, the day of the 10/5 attacks in Beijing.

This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 7 A.M., Saturday, October 5th, 2019. Condition code is Red. DEFCON 1.

A nuclear attack is in progress or is considered to be highly likely.


A terrorist group calling itself the Global Liberation Army has attacked a military parade in Beijing, detonating what is now confirmed to be a five-kiloton nuclear warhead. Radiation reports suggest that this weapon was an experimental pure fusion, or clean, nuclear weapon.

It has been confirmed that most, if not all, of the Chinese Communist Party leadership is unaccounted for at this time. Based on the location of the explosion, and the viewing box of the CCP leadership, we can only assume that the entire CCP has been wiped out in one stroke. The Chinese leadership situation is currently fluid, and China may descend into civil war.

The terrorist group known as the Global Liberation Army, or GLA, hijacked all television signals in China, and stated that they have more nuclear weapons that they are preparing to use. However, reports state that a detachment of the People's Liberation Army that was meant to take part in the parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Chinese Civil War has secured this bunker.

At this time, we can only speculate as to what is happening in China. Reports from the region suggest that the attack in Beijing was not an isolated incident, and that the GLA is currently conducting a full-scale insurrection within Chinese borders. This is an unprecedented and extremely dangerous situation. The DEFCON Warning System would like to stress that there is no imminent nuclear threat to the United States or Europe. However, the threat in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan cannot be dismissed. All residents in these countries are advised to take immediate steps to prepare for a nuclear attack, as there is no way to know how any new Chinese leadership will react, or if the GLA will come into possession of longer-range nuclear weapons.

The DEFCON Warning System is a private intelligence organization which has monitored and assessed nuclear threats by national entities since 1984. It is not affiliated with any government agency and does not represent the alert status of any military branch. The public should make their own evaluations and not rely on the DEFCON Warning System for any strategic planning. At all times, citizens are urged to learn what steps to take in the event of a nuclear attack. If this had been an actual attack, the DEFCON Warning System will give radiation readings for areas that are reported to it. Your readings will vary. Official news sources will have radiation readings for your area.

For immediate updates, go to Breaking news and important information can be found on the DEFCON Warning System community forum and on the DEFCON Twitter feed DEFCONWSAlerts. You may also subscribe to the DEFCON Warning System mailing list. Note that Twitter and YouTube updates may be subject to delays. The next scheduled update is 7 P.M. Pacific Time, October 5th, 2019.

This concludes this broadcast of the DEFCON Warning System.
Chapter 4: Final Justice

Chapter 4: Final Justice

Throughout 2023 and 2024, American military action against the GLA increased and escalated, with more frequent attacks against known GLA bases and cells. However, 2025 was the year when the United States took full initiative against the group.

The main impetus for this was Iraq. After the GLA absorbed ISIS and other like-minded terrorist groups, they now had operations everywhere, and these cells quickly adopted GLA doctrine and equipment. The former ISIS cells, in particular, now had the men and resources to take over Iraq, succeeding in doing so when the Iraqi military, horribly outnumbered and outgunned, was annihilated. It wasn't just ex-ISIS fighters who participated, however. Volunteers from Iran, veterans of the Gulf War and Iraq War, and those still loyal to Saddam Huessein, also participated. It soon became clear that Iran was using the GLA as a proxy to challenge US interests in the Middle East, though there was much debate as to whether the GLA was an Iranian proxy, or Iran was a GLA proxy.

The fall of the Iraqi government, and threats by the GLA against Turkey, prompted President Biden to make the reluctant decision to once again invade Iraq. The European Union was in no position to assist, but the United Kingdom, ever the stalwart ally, stood ready to dive headfirst into the conflagration. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait also joined the coalition.

The GLA's occupation of Iraq was brutal. Foreign journalists were captured and killed, and foreign citizens were used as test subjects for Dr. Thrax's experiments. The Kurdish population was targeted for genocide, which caused Kurdistan to completely declare itself an independent country. Kurdistan had little military to speak of, but aid soon arrived from Saudi Arabia, turning the coming war into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Other pro-government insurgent groups soon popped up, and these, too, were propped up by the Saudis.

On April 3, 2025, the United States commenced Operation Final Justice, the third invasion of Iraq by western powers in a 35 year period. Public support for an invasion of Iraq was highly in favor, as many American citizens were being held captive by the GLA.
The operation commenced with another "shock and awe" bombing campaign, this time aimed at GLA FOBs and any building occupied by GLA forces (which the GLA had egotistically marked by flying a large, green flag over these buildings, basically painting a big bullseye that said "HIT ME"). This operation was carried out overnight, and by morning, American, British, Saudi, and Kuwaiti ground forces had crossed the borders into Iraq.

The bombing campaign was a shock to the GLA, as many FOBs were wiped off the map. This left the remaining forces woefully unprepared for advancing coalition forces. Basrah fell on April 5, and by April 8, coalition forces, travelling on Freeway 1, had reached the outskirts of Baghdad. Unlike most of the cities thus far encountered, however, Baghdad had been turned into a veritable fortress with a vast anti-air network. Unable to bomb these positions effectively, the coalition was forced to instead besiege the city.

The Siege of Baghdad exacted a heavy toll on the GLA, though coalition forces weren't unscathed, either, as several F-35s were shot down. By April 10, however, most of the anti-air defenses had been chipped away at by special forces such as the Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and Delta Force. Coalition FOBs surrounded Baghdad by this point, and one FOB, commanded by General Jeremiah Bradley (often nicknamed "Treads"), had the honor of being the tip of the spear.

On the morning of April 10, a well-publicized engagement took place, in which a column of GLA Scorpion tanks were met by American Crusader tanks. The entire line of Scorpions was wiped out, while the Crusaders suffered zero losses. Quickly joined by Humvees, this armor division quickly entered the city. This, however, was when a major atrocity unfolded.

The local GLA commander, having been informed the the coalition was making its move into the city core, panicked and launched his Scud Storm at Bradley's FOB. However, his panic caused him to grossly misaim, and the missiles instead rained down on a market full of civilians. A nearby citizen with an iPhone that hadn't been confiscated by the GLA shot video of the attack, and, after the internet blackout imposed by the GLA had been lifted, posted it to YouTube, where it gained millions of views before being removed by the NSA (how it managed to stay up on YouTube, a website with draconian Community Guidelines meant to kowtow to advertisers and corporations who would otherwise drag YouTube to court for hosting copyright-infringing material, for as long as it did, remains a mystery). After waiting for at least two minutes for clouds of anthrax to disperse, the division continued onward, meeting Rebels, Technicals, and Scorpions.

The battle soon devolved into heavy house-to-house fighting, with American infantry being dropped into buildings held by GLA infantry from CH-47 Chinooks. By noon, coalition forces had reached the Green Zone, where the seat of the Iraqi government was located. By this time, the people of Iraq were in open revolt against the GLA, forcing Deathstrike to confront the reality that not everyone was as inherently selfish and evil as he was led to believe. The Radwaniyah Palace. Al Zaqura Building, Baghdad Convention Center (where the Council of Representatives met), and other government buildings were secured in short order, usually by "Ranger Drops" (the aforementioned infantry drops from above; the Ranger was the frontline infantry class of the United States by the time of their entry into the struggle against the GLA, which we'll look at more closely in the next sidestory).

Shortly after the Green Zone was secured, Bradley's army was ordered into the nearby hills to take out the Scud Storm and its support base. They faced a literal uphill battle, and suffered several casualties, but ultimately, all GLA forces were swept aside, and the Scud Storm destroyed.

After the Fall of Baghdad, the remaining GLA forces within Iraq, which included Sunni and Shia fighters, continued fighting on, forcing the coalition to fight for every inch of land. Over the next few days, however, all border checkpoints at the Iraq-Iran border were secured by the coalition, cutting off the GLA from its primary supply base in Kazakhstan. The occupation quickly began falling apart due to a lack of ammunition, food, and supplies, and most GLA forces surrendered to coalition forces by April 22, Earth Day. The third invasion of Iraq was even shorter than the second.

Afterwards, the decision was made not to install a new, independent Iraqi government. The GLA was just gonna rearm and topple any further governments, so President Biden signed an executive order installing a puppet regime in Baghdad. Domestic reaction was mixed; progressives accused Biden of being a neo-colonialist, while conservatives applauded Biden for taking the necessary steps to ensure the stability of the region (mainly, they were in it for the oil profits, but they couldn't complain about Biden's show of strength).

But just because the GLA had been removed from Iraq didn't mean they had been removed from the Middle East. They were running amok in Yemen, mainly ex-Houthi fighters. However, the CIA managed to locate the former Houthi leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in Al-Hanad, and Bradley and his forces were dispatched to the area. The manhunt went awry, however, on May 8, and three Comanche helicopters were shot down by Stinger Soldiers. The pilots ejected, but were captured and held prisoner all over Al-Hanad.

al-Houthi having slipped through their fingers, Bradley was instead ordered to rescue the pilots. Aiding him in this mission was a colonel, John Burton, who was more akin to a super-commando, fighting with experimental weaponry and being an absolute unit of a man, the quintessential "American Badass" who featured heavily in propaganda. Burton and a few Microwave Tanks successfully rescued the pilots and brought them back to base, also sweeping aside any opposition with little effort.

Throughout the month of May, American forces attempted to retake key locations in Afghanistan, but the GLA was too well dug-in, and many American FOBs were destroyed. Following one particular ambush in the Hindu Kush mountains, which ended badly for American forces (though they managed to take several high-profile prisoners in the process), sending them into full retreat towards American-controlled territory. Seeking to thin out American presence in Afghanistan and deliver a PR blow to President Biden, Deathstrike ordered the ambushers to pursue.

But one American general, Malcolm "Ace" Granger, had a plan. Constructing a FOB near the Salang Pass, Granger deployed several RAH-66 Comanches to cover the retreating US forces. He would consider 100 men and vehicles escaping to be a success, but he over-achieved, and the Comanche, after their embarrassing defeat at Al-Hanad, proved itself to be perhaps the greatest attack helicopter ever conceived, as not only did retreating US forces suffer minimal casualties, four Comanches alone massacred the entire pursuing army; not even the Quad Cannons could shoot them down before they were destroyed by the Comanche's AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles. In total, over 135 American infantry and vehicles were able to escape towards Pakistan, which had joined the anti-GLA coalition.

Following the battle, the United States Army swiftly decommissioned the AH-64 Apache, an aging relic of the Cold War that the Comanche had initially been designed to support as a recon helicopter, but was now its replacement.

With Iraq secured, the United States commenced Operation Stormbringer, a massive amphibious invasion of Caspian Sea coasts, which GLA training camps dotted. The largest training camp was located in Aktau, and General Bradley was assigned to take this one out. The invasion was staged at Bandar Anzali, Iraq, and involved the use of hovercrafts (American propaganda depicting the battle erroneously showed Atlanta-class battleships bombarding the shore at Aktau, but this would be physically impossible, as the Caspian Sea is landlocked). On June 2, American and British forces stormed the beaches of Aktau, the battle very much resembling the D-Day invasion, though losses were nowhere near comparable. After a hard-fought amphibious assault, the beaches were secured, and a FOB was erected. Using the new Tomahawk Launchers (made possible after President Trump withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Forces, or INF, Treaty in 2019), all GLA training camps in the area were wiped out, and Aktau was liberated, though much of the city's population had been radicalized, leading to a month-long battle with heavy house-to-house fighting.

With losses mounting on both sides, the United Nations sent an appeal to Deathstrike to negotiate a peace settlement of some sort. President Biden was insistent that this was a very bad idea, but the UN forged ahead. A "city" constructed by the GLA for its more privileged members, Kabara City, was chosen as the meeting location and designated as a DMZ. The US Army, along with elements of the Red Guard and Chinese Ground Force, were on hand to provide security.

The peace summit occurred on July 12, 2025. The UN ambassador (whose name I wasn't able to find) arrived in the morning to meet with Deathstrike. However, as he reached the meeting location, car bombs destroyed his Humvee escort, and his limo was destroyed by GLA vehicles. The ambassador stumbled from the wreck, where he met the cold, steely eyes of Deathstrike. He told the ambassador that the only peace treaty he would accept was the total surrender of the world's governments, before shooting the ambassador in the head with a Desert Eagle. Deathstrike made a quick escape, but several Technicals were cut off by Battlemasters and Dragon Tanks. Chinese general Ta Hun Kwai, personally commanding one of the Battlemasters, ordered the Technicals to surrender, but the drivers just sneered and attempted to escape. They were killed for their quite-frankly dumb decision.

With the DMZ hot, Bradley's forces were mobilized to take out a GLA FOB on the other side of the river. Instead of destroying it, however, Bradley elected to capture the base, which was actually a major windfall, because it would allow the Americans and Chinese to study in-depth how the GLA's Tunnel Networks worked, and what made their vehicles tick.

All Workers in the FOB were immediately given proper shoes and had thousand-tenge checks slung at them, and enthusiastically worked to rebuild the base under Bradley's command. But the GLA, desperate to keep their luxury city, chose to make life harder for Bradley by destroying a hydroelectric dam that supplied Kabara City's power, destroying the bridge that linked the captured FOB to Bradley's main FOB. The larger GLA base nearby began attacking the captured FOB, desperate to keep their secrets out of enemy hands. Bradley, however, fought fire with fire and used the GLA's own vehicles against them, destroying the base and capturing several key GLA leaders.

Shortly thereafter, Bradley was redeployed to Almaty, which had been captured by the Chinese in 2023, but the brigadier general in charge of the occupation, Ismail Khan, had defected to the GLA out of solidarity with the Uyghur people. This was in spite of the fact the Democratic Progressive Party had completely ceased monitoring and imprisoning the Uyghurs, but Khan, it seemed, just wanted to see the world burn. Khan had the works, including a DF-21 missile silo that Khan was poised to use against Chinese-occupied Bishkek.

Many were expecting an epic struggle between American and Chinese armor, but in the end, Colonel Burton singlehandedly wrecked everyone's shit. Khan was apprehended and extradited back to China to stand trial, a trial that was watched by most of China. During this trial, Khan confessed that he was the insider who allowed the GLA to steal the nuclear warhead used in the 10/5 attack. For this, Khan was sentenced to death, and executed by firing squad, though many pro-Taiwanese citizens also propped up Khan as the one who freed China from communist tyranny. Overall, Ismail Khan remains a controversial figure in China to this very day.

As 2025 wore on, the United States and China gained more and more ground in Kazakhstan, and the GLA suffered more and more losses. By October, a joint Sino-American taskforce led by Bradley and Kwai reached the Akmola region, the capitol of Kazakhstan, which was under total GLA control. On October 8, Bradley and Kwai's forces engaged the GLA in a massive setpiece battle. Astana, which had been renamed to its old name of Akmolinsk by the GLA, was still a smoldering ruin after the Sundering of Astana in 2024, but the outskirts were home to the GLA's "central government" in Kazakhstan. The battle was one of the fiercest of the war, with heavy casualties on both sides, but a major deciding factor was Bradley calling in an A-10 strike on a Scud Storm while it was still under construction. As Bradley and Kwai's forces closed on the main base, Deathstrike and his lieutenants (Dr. Thrax, Prince Kassad, Rodall Juhziz, Anwar Sulaymaan, and Abdul bin Yusuuf) fled the city aboard a Tu-4.

The battle was a decisive victory for the Sino-Anglo-American coalition that was now the primary force combatting the GLA all over the world, and left the GLA scattered and disunited. Although nominally serving the same cause, the resulting GLA warlords struggled to find a balance between cooperation and pursuing their personal interests. Prince Kassad was among those who broke ranks from Deathstrike, and holed up in Cairo.

Deathstrike wouldn't be so easily defeated, however. The GLA was still in control of Baikonur Cosmodrome, and still had Soyuz rockets and biochemical warheads to use. On January 3, 2026, a Soyuz rocket was launched from Baikonur with a biochemical warhead, this time aimed at Haakonsvern Naval Base, where several American naval ships, including the USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19), were docked as part of a naval operation against GLA privateers in the North Sea. The missile wiped out the base and sunk the Mesa Verde at anchorage, killing much of the base's staff and causing an epidemic that killed half the population of nearby Mathopen, though the spread was arrested before it could reach Bergen. After the attack, the EU government declared a state of emergency, and the British government once again began distributing Protect & Survive information and prepared to pass an Emergency Powers Act.

Still dealing with the PR fallout of the Sulaymaan-Baluyev Affair, Vladimir Putin decided to create the illusion that he was doing something about the GLA, while still selling weapons to them. He was prepared to commit an army detatchment to the Mount Elbrus region to make it look like he was taking out one of Dr. Thrax's toxin laboratories, but Minister of Defense Andrey Belousov, increasingly fed-up with Putin supporting terrorists and his obsession with Ukraine, arranged for radar systems in the region to be shut down and make it look like a blackout so a Sino-American spec-ops force could take out the lab instead on January 5. Colonel Burton and a Black Lotus agent were inserted into the region, and successfully destroyed the lab, confirming once and for all that Russia was indeed supporting the GLA, and that the Global War on Terror was effectively a proxy war with Russia.

In a kneejerk reaction, Putin launched a military operation in Kazakhstan on January 9 to retake Baikonur to make it look like this was all going on behind his back, but Deathstrike anticipated this and defeated the attacking Russian forces. A second battle followed, this time involving the CCF, but they, too, were defeated.

The third time was the charm, though, and a joint Norwegian-American task force assaulted Baikonur in retaliation for the destruction of Haakonsvern Naval Base. The force mainly consisted of US infantry and vehicles, though they managed to find a few abandoned Chinese tanks, including an Overlord. The CIA had intelligence that the GLA was preparing to launch another rocket, this time with a nuclear warhead aimed at Whitehall, the center of British government, causing the British government to take over editorial control of the BBC and shut down motorways to use as Essential Service Routes for evacuations.

A small American FOB was erected just outside Ayteke Bi, a town still under GLA control. The task force swept through the town and eliminated all GLA presence in the town, liberating it. The main objective, however, was the Kazalinsk train station, where train carrying a Soyuz-2 rocket bound for Baikonur was scheduled to stop. The task force quickly took the station, and fifteen minutes later, the train arrived, being stopped by putting the Overlord on the tracks and aiming its cannons at the train, causing the engineer, who was a GLA Technical driver, to quickly dump the air and apply the emergency brakes. The train came to a stop mere inches from the Overlord, and the engineer was dragged out and arrested. An American soldier who was also a certified locomotive engineer took control of the train (he was lucky the locomotive on the train was a GE TE33A, meaning it had identical controls to the GEVO locomotives back home). The plan was to sneak forces into the heart of Baikonur Cosmodrome to take the GLA garrison by complete surprise.

Once the train was fully loaded, it departed Kazalinsk, and eventually reached Baikonur. The ambush was beautifully executed, and all Stinger Sites around the last remaining active launch pad, Site 1/5 (also known as "Gagarin's Start", as this was where Yuri Gagarin was launched on Vostok 1 on April 12, 1961), allowing a B-2 Spirit carrying a GBU-43/B (AKA the Massive Ordinance Air Burst, or Mother of All Bombs, or MOAB, or the most powerful non-nuclear bomb ever created) to destroy the launch pad. By this time, the International Space Station program had ended, and the station itself and been deorbited over the Pacific Ocean in a spectacular fiery finale. Meanwhile, the first module of the new Pennsylvania space station (now referred to by its finalized name, Starlab), had been launched on a Vulcan-Centaur rocket, and the first Crew Dragon had reached the station shortly thereafter. With Russia's new space station, the Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS) being prepared to have its first module launched from Vostochny Cosmodrome in 2027, Russia ended its lease of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, as the only reason they had continued using it was so the first ISS module, Zarya, could be launched into an orbital inclination that the Space Shuttle could reach. Of course, there was really no Kazakh government to end the lease with at the moment, but Putin had a few ideas...

Regardless, the GLA ICBM threat was finally ended, but the war continued.

To say the GLA was very popular in Somaliland was an understatement. The unrecognized country had declared independence from Somalia in 1991, and with the GLA now making massive waves around the world, they felt they had the means to overthrow the government of Somalia. A nationwide insurrection commenced on March 8, 2026, quickly overtaking the national government and putting Somalia under total GLA control. Piracy off the coast of Somalia spiked, with the pirates now possessing GLA "letters of marque" and being provided with cargo ships armed with actual weaponry, a far cry from the pirates depicted in Captain Phillips.

Maritime shipping in the region came to a complete standstill, as merchant ships were plundered and sunk, providing the GLA with no shortage of riches, and the western world with a severe shortage of everyday products. The Chinese Naval Force had to start escorting ships travelling from China to the west via the Horn of Africa and Suez Canal, which managed to cut down on piracy, but a few Chinese destroyers and frigates were actually sunk by GLA naval ships and privateers.

With the global supply chain now in mortal danger, the United States had no choice but to invade Somalia and dismantle the pro-GLA government. While there were many amphibious landings along the coast of Somalia, the biggest battle was in the capitol of Mogadishu, where General Bradley was provided with an entire naval task force to provide offshore support, including four of the six Atlanta-class battleships (these being USS Rochester, USS Salem, USS Baltimore, and USS Astoria), and the USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79), a Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier primarily using F-35C fighters.

The main objective of the operation in Mogadishu was to establish a beachhead to take the capitol, but to help the soften the blow of the devastation the invasion would inevitably bring, trucks full of aid would be brought to a warehouse owned by the WFP Department store that American forces had captured.

The operation commenced on March 25, with the four battleships heavily shelling the docks, leaving it a sea of flame. Jets from the John F. Kennedy also bombed the GLA FOB on the docks, sending GLA forces fleeing inland. An infantry squad led by Colonel Burton was paradropped in, at which point Burton reported that there were occupied bunkers along the route that would be taken by the trucks.

General Bradley quickly constructed a FOB to support the trucks, and built up a sizeable ground and air force. The trucks soon began to arrive, and the GLA targeted these to make the US' occupation harder, in the event that they threw the GLA out of Mogadishu. Despite the efforts of GLA forces, the trucks reached the warehouse and were safe.

After this, Bradley was ordered by the Pentagon to destroy the GLA presence in Mogadishu. The battleships and carrier-based aircraft heavily bombed GLA positions all over the city, and heavy house-to-house fighting left entire city blocks in ruin or completely levelled. Over three days, American forces slowly but surely liberated Mogadishu from the GLA, aided by the citizenry taking up arms against their oppressors. On March 29, Mogadishu was declared liberated. Bradley's forces, however, were needed elsewhere, so General Alexis Alexander and her forces took over the occupation while forces up and down the coast continued pushing inland, catching a major break when Ethiopia intervened and assisted American forces.

Following the Third Gulf War, tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran had escalated, as fighting in Iraq began anew, this time between coalition forces and Iranian-backed GLA forces. The CIA had uncovered disturbing information regarding Dr. Thrax in Mogadishu, namely regarding his biochemical weapons and his new strain of anthrax, which he had named "Anthrax Gamma". Toxin shipments were soon traced to Kermanshah, Iran, leading the United States to directly accuse Iran of collaborating with Dr. Thrax to manufacture biochemical weapons to use against the west. It was a known fact by this time that Iran had missiles capable of reaching the US Eastern Seaboard, so this was of grave concern.

Around this time, though, Iran was also in open civil war, as the GLA effectively running the Iranian government was the straw that broke the camel's back. Southern Iran declared independence and formed the Republic of Persia, a pro-western democracy. The United States, seeking an opportunity to stabilize the Middle East in one stroke, declared support for Persia and intervened in the Iranian Civil War, escalating it to the Great Middle Eastern War. Of all the wars that occurred under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror, this was one of the most intense, as the United States was largely fighting the regulars of the Iranian military, though GLA FOBs dotted the countryside. Saudi Arabia was soon dragged into the conflict when Saudi airliners were shot down over Iranian airspace.

One particular engagement during the war occurred in the Amisbad oil fields. These fields had been given to Dr. Thrax by the Iranian government to fund his schemes, as by this time, most of the GLA saw him as de facto leader, completely ignoring Deathstrike's authority. Taking place on July 15, this battle was one of the most brutal and bloody of the entire war, and saw at least three CIA agents taking part. Ultimately, though, General Bradley and his forces triumphed, taking the oil fields and cutting off Dr. Thrax from his funding.

The USS Ohio identified a large GLA base on the coast of Oman, where Dr. Thrax was preparing to launch Topol ICBMs provided by Juhziz carrying biochemical warheads at Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. General Bradley was aided by a rogue GLA commander who believed Dr. Thrax was taking things too far, and was prepared to aid Bradley in exchange for a pardon, a deal that was accepted. Ultimately, this combined force destroyed all of the launch pads and the entire base, and Dr. Thrax's body was found in the wreckage. One of Deathstrike's top lieutenants was dead, and with him most of his biochemical research. Samples of his toxins survived, however, and the United States took these to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California to be studied.

By the end of 2026, the GLA had been largely expelled from the Middle East, and Central Europe was completely liberated from GLA control. Most of the surviving GLA leadership and their forces invaded Central Africa, toppling the governments such as Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. But these forces were also tearing each other apart. The United Nations quickly declared Central Africa terra nullius, a no-man's land. The GLA, it seemed, was destined to disappear into obscurity, having left a major mark on the world by breaking the nuclear taboo and creating humanitarian crises all around Eurasia, but now consigned to the history books.

But Deathstrike had other plans, plans that would forever alter the world order...
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Appendix: USA Arsenal

State of the United States Armed Forces during the Global War on Terror

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States stood alone as the sole global superpower, the newly-formed Russian Federation being too destitute to recapture the glory of the USSR. Throughout the 1990s, however, military spending continued at Cold War levels, as the United States sought to maintain the post-Cold War global order by any means necessary.

Following 9/11 and the commencement of Operation Enduring Freedom, American military power became a mixed bag. While Afghanistan was a success story, Iraq was a long, hard occupation. The number of soldiers killed overseas in the Middle East by terrorists grew, and NBC Nightly News ran a running tally of these deaths, leading to calls for the United States to pull all troops out of the Middle East. Barack Obama made good on his promise withdraw from Iraq in 2011.

Amidst the Trump adminstration, the United States Armed Forces experienced a few embarrassing incidents, such as a destroyer colliding with a Philippines-flagged container ship near Tokyo, calling to question the state of the military. Trump, on his part, wanted a military parade, which set off alarm bells in many regarding his dictatorial ambitions, but such a parade never materialized.

Upon taking office, Joe Biden oversaw a massive modernization of the military. Among the improvements made were increased usage of drones, introduction of advanced computer systems and lasers, and improving surviveability for vehicle crews and pilots.

A note about lasers​

United States Army​

The primary ground force of the United States Armed Forces, the US Army greatly benefitted from the modernization efforts under the Biden administration. The introduction of drones was met with some trepidation, as several far-right politicians cried out that Biden was replacing humans with robots, though they were outnumbered by the Republicans who saw the value of reducing human battlefield casualties.


The United States was the first nation to get the ball rolling on the Infantry Class System (ICS), aimed at simplifying infantry roles by assigning them a fitting a name. Every military around the world, even the Global Liberation Army, adopted this system.

The basic infantry of the United States Army was the Ranger. Prior to the introduction of the ICS, the US Army Rangers were not basic infantry, but highly-trained personnel who fell under the umbrella of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Their standard equipment included the most up-to-date combat armor, and the M16A5 assault rifle, the latest revision of the tried and true M16, which also had an optional M203 Grenade Launcher that fired flash-bang grenades to subdue enemy infantry and capture them for intelligence. Compared to other notable basic infantry classes around the world such as the Red Guard, Rebel, Felin Rifleman, and Conscript, the Rangers undoubtedly had the best training, relying on superior training instead of superior numbers or specializing in a certain role.

The Missile Defender was the standard missile infantry of the US Army. In the past, American anti-tank infantry had used weapons such as the M72 LAW and FGM-148 Javelin (the latter quickly becoming a "saint" of sorts in Ukraine during the Russian invasion), but by the time the United States committed its forces to battling the GLA, the military had to take drastic budget cuts in order to continue fielding armies with portable anti-armor weaponry. With more advanced enemies appearing on the horizon and with a decline of volunteers for the mobile infantry, the U.S. Armed Forces had a dilemma. They needed to consolidate the amount of heavy weapon specialists in each regiment, meaning they had to carry more weapons if they were to engage both ground and air targets.

The solution was the FGM-172 SRAW, a weapon that had been designed in the late 1990s to complement the Javelin, but procurement was cancelled in 2003 after Congress questioned the similarity between the Marine Corps SRAW and Army Bunker Defeat Munition programs. By 2023, however, the SRAW was back in production and sent into the fold. The SRAW fired a SACLOS missile that could be fired and guided upon any type of target, be it tank, helicopter, or in some cases, even jets. The warhead used was not the heaviest nor most efficient one, but its versitality in use compared to any other system made it popular among the Missile Defenders.

Drones formed an important part of the United States military from the 2020s onward, with all branches implementing them in some form. Army infantry had the Vanguard, a class with a few tricks up its sleeve. The Vanguard carried three types of drones: the AQ-51 Dragonfly, which fired missiles, the M20 "Rolling Ricky", a mine drone, and the Bomb Drone, which would kill all infantry inside of a structure. For self-defense, the Vanguard carried the Atchisson AA-12, an automatic shotgun that could blow enemy infantry's heads off at point-blank range.

The Pathfinder was the sniper class. Typically, these men would cover themselves in camouflage and lie in wait for several days without moving and with little supplies, patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to shoot or observe. Pathfinders were armed with the Desert Tech SRS, a bolt-action sniper rifle with an optional silencer attachment. Not only were the Pathfinders some of the most elite snipers in the world, they were also great for recon. Notorious GLA marksman Jarmen Kell had nothing but respect for these men, and considered going up against them to be an honor.

Although Missile Defenders used the SRAW, the Javelin was still in widespread use. Often, they would be carried by two people, and then deployed in a fixed position to fire at enemy armor. Simple, yet effective, as the Javelin was still the best anti-tank missile in the world.

One class that sort of went under the radar was the Enforcer. Colloquially referred to as the "Grenadier", the Enforcer was equipped with the M25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, which had previously been used for field evaluations between 2010 and 2013, having had its funding cut after a misfire during a live-fire training event in Panjwai, Afghanistan on February 2, 2013. The Army signed a memorandum officially terminating the XM25 program on July 24, 2018, after settling the lawsuit with Orbital ATK that gave the military intellectual property rights to the weapons and ammunition. In 2021, however, the program was revived under President Biden, and all reliability issues were ironed out, producing a reliable grenade launcher. The 40mm grenade could be programmed with a timed or proximity fuse, based on the situation.

Two classes were grouped under the Army Special Forces. Founded in 1952 as the original special forces of the United States Army, the Green Berets took part in covert operations around the entire globe. Highly proficient in the use of the enhanced M16A5 assault rifle, these elite warriors struck fear into the heart of every infantryman faced with the prospect of fighting them, and they could use their under-barrel grenade launchers to fire powerful 40mm high-explosive/fragmentation grenades to obliterate foot-soldiers and lightly armored vehicles with ease. Essentially, the Green Berets were the Rangers on steroids.

Delta Force wasn't just the name of a movie starring Chuck Norris whose main theme was closely associated with the Indianapolis 500, it was a special operations force within the US Army. Members of the 1st SFOD-D were among the most elite soldiers in the United States military. As the most secretive and well-trained special forces unit of the US Army, the Deltas achieved an unparalleled degree of mastery in the use of countless weapons. Their heavy gunners served as fire support specialists and wielded a combination of weapons that enabled them to deal with any sort of threat: Their primary armament was the Mk.48 Mod 3, a machine gun that spewed out lethal 7.62mm rounds at an amazing rate of fire, allowing the Operators to rip through infantry, light vehicles and even low flying aircraft with ease. In addition, they carried a lightweight 60mm commando mortar whose advanced precision guided shells made up for their lack of explosive punch through nigh-pinpoint accuracy.

And finally, no look at the infantry of the US Army would be complete without talking about Colonel John Burton. This absolute unit of a man was a one-man army, able to take out anything that wasn't airborne with deadly efficiency. In combat, he wielded the XM29 OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon), a prototype weapon that was meant to replace the M16, but never left the prototype stage. The OICW had two configurations: assault rifle, which allowed Burton to shred infantry and tear through light vehicles, and grenade launcher, which allowed Burton to take on tanks and structures. In addition to his gun, Burton never left the barracks without bringing plenty of explosives. He had two types at his disposal: timed demo charges, which exploded after ten seconds, and remote demo charges, which Burton could trigger on command. And finally, he had his combat knife, which he could use to take out enemy infantry without popping up on enemy radar.


If infantry were the hammer of the US Army, vehicles are the anvil. With the largest tank fleet in the world, the United States also had the most advanced vehicles that, while more expensive than their Chinese, Russian, and European counterparts, were incredibly versatile and had better crew surviveability.

The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV, colloquially referred to as the Humvee) was, for years, an essential part to the arsenal of American forces. The newest Humvee model, the M1200 series, was very different from its predecessors. First, its machine gun was replaced by a higher caliber model that delivered superior performance, capable of mowing down infantry and light armored vehicles with ease with the latest technology in electronic targeting thanks to its powerful onboard computer system. The new model could also be fitted with a manned TOW launcher, capable of reducing armored targets to mere scraps. The launcher could be easily and quickly assembled, even in combat conditions, with minimal set up time. The TOW launcher left no room for the machine gun and its electronic sensors however, only allowing generals to customize their Humvees for a single role; this was in sharp contrast to the M1165 Up-Armored HMMWV used early in the Global War on Terror, which could mount the TOW launcher on top of the machine gun.

Another difference with the M1200 series was the lack of fireports. With the M1165, infantry could fire out of the vehicle, but after several lethal accidents, this practice was banned; consequently, quite a few disgruntled commanders submitted complaints to the Pentagon regarding the ban, as a viable strategy they had frequently employed was filling a Humvee with Missile Defenders, allowing the Humvee to handle any threat sent its way, including tanks and aircraft; a Humvee loaded with Pathfinders was also viewed as the most-efficient way to deal with Stinger Sites.

Many M1200s were modified to serve as ambulances, a self-explanatory role. But what set the M1200 Ambulances apart was their "gun", which shot a special foam known as the CBRN Foam (CBRN standing for "chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear"). This foam is shot over a contaminated area, and neutralizes chemical and biological agents, as well as forcing alpha, beta, and gamma radiation to decay in seconds. This proved very useful against the GLA and their biochemical weapons, but it was of grave concern for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, as the ability to stop radioactive fallout made nuclear weapons much more accepted as normal parts of a nuclear arsenal (the adoption of pure fusion nuclear weapons contributed to this line of thinking).

Experience from the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan had a profound effect on US military doctrine, leading to the introduction of the M4A1 Crusader, a lighter, more economical tank much more suited for rapid deployment. Equipped with a 125mm cannon, the Crusader was well-armored for its weight, often being considered the most-lethal tank in the world.

The United States' other main tank during the Global War on Terror was a new upgrade to the venerable M1 Abrams tank. The new variant was called the M1A3, with the System Enhancement Package upgrade, improved networking capabilities, and a new powerplant. A small number of M1s were further upgraded with a laser atop the turret that could shoot down missiles and inflict lethal burns on any infantry that got too close. Other improvements included the Ramjet Assisted Penetrator rounds and an AI suite that allowed the tank to be crewed by a single crewmember. This version was so different and superior to the M1A3 that it was designated as the M1A4 Paladin. The new tank naming convention involving religious names instead of the names of generals wasn't lost on anyone, though it did gain President Biden support from the Bible Belt, because in their minds, the fight against the GLA was a fight against "pagan worshippers".

Ever since the turn of the millennium, unmanned weapons had become a mainstay counter-insurgency tool in the Middle East and Africa. The WASP (Weaponized Assault, Security and Patrol) Hive was the first breakthrough made by current generation drone technologies, the result of billions of dollars worth of research and their increasing importance to US military operations. Although a plain Stryker APC on the outside, its passenger compartment was completely redesigned to shelter advanced computer systems and a console. Besides the driver, the only other crew member was the drone operator. Thanks to advanced computer assistance controls, the operator functioned more as a "drone commander" than a "drone pilot" as he ordered an entire swarm of WASPs to fight for him and protect the vehicle if necessary. The technology had its limitations, however. Although the operator had what seems to be an unlimited swarm of drones at his disposal, the computer couldn't control more than three drones simultaneously. Due to the expendable nature of the WASPs, the Hive was designed with drone losses in mind and could quickly a replace a drone that is shot down by making a new one with a 3D printer, making it excellent for harassing enemies and supporting more valuable units at a long distance; there was some debate as to whether or not the WASP was considered as a fire support vehicle or self-propelled artillery. Little is known about the drone operators themselves, other than they required to have a high resistance to fatigue due to extended active duty and patience to conduct operations that could last days in scouting, acquiring and neutralizing a single target.

The Microwave Tank, officially referred to as the M12 Templar, was a rather unique weapon. It was a directed-energy weapon using microwave frequencies, but in ways never used before. Instead of being used as an irritant against rioters or to shoot down enemy missiles, the Microwave Tank had a high-powered microwave (HPM) pulse emitter that was powerful enough to shut down any electronics, be they vehicles, structures, or base defenses. The microwave pulse was so powerful, it could set humans aflame; this was quickly exploited to its natural conclusion, as Templar operators would just leave the microwave pulses at their highest latent setting and just let enemy infantry walk within the microwave's radius. The effects of the microwave pulse emitter at its highest latent setting was horrifying, as a person would be set on fire and then literally explode into a pile of bloody limbs, leading many to question if using the Templar in this way constituted a war crime. On a lesser note, the microwave pulse could also disarm mines, and could clear out garrisoned buildings.

The BGM-109M Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) began life as a naval-based cruise missile that could carry a wide range of warheads, including a nuclear warhead. By the time the US faced the GLA, it began test to deploy the Tomahawk missiles onto ground mobile platforms, the second time a ground-based version of the missile had been deployed (the first version had been withdrawn in 1991 under the terms of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which had been controversially nullified by the Trump administration months before the start of the Global War on Terror). This, however, was horrible. The launch platform, based on the chassis of the M4A1 Crusader, was slow and poorly armored, the missile didn't provide any advantage over comparable artillery systems, their slow speed made them susceptible to interception even by Stinger missiles, and their range was abysmal compared to the Tomahawks deployed on Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. However, due to the cost of the initial project, the Department of Defense, now free of the constraints of the INF Treaty, gave the project another shot in 2023.

The new version of the Tomahawk was more mobile, more cost effective, and came with a new fire system based on a new chassis design. In its normal mode, the missile travelled fast, being able to hit the target before AA systems could shoot them down, at least when 2-3 Tomahawks were firing. This fast mode also enabled the Tomahawk missile to track its target, guaranteeing a hit and enabling the missile to hit armored columns to devastating effect. In cruise mode, the missile sacrificed speed and tracking for extended range. This enabled the Tomahawk to hit targets well beyond most artillery systems. This range was easily countered by the fact that the missile could now be easily shot down, but the range boost was impressive.

The All-Terrain Vehicle - or simply ATV - was a lightweight, air-droppable modification of the M1200 which incorporated some design features of the vehicles that were at some point intended to replace the entire Humvee fleet altogether. It was fast, very manoeuvrable, and armed with the M268, a lighter triple barrelled successor of the original 7.62mm Minigun that made it an ideal support vehicle for airborne raiding operations. It also had a UAV in the form of the PDL drone, which intercepted incoming missiles, but the drone self-destructed after a short period of time. ATVs would be deployed with Green Berets and Delta Force Operators already aboard.

Late in the Global War on Terror, the United States Army took delivery of another new tank: the M8 Acolyte. This tank was even lighter than the Crusader, light enough to be safely airdropped. Armed with a 90mm smoothbore cannon, the Acolyte was usually dropped in groups of three from a C-17 Globemaster.

One vehicle that didn't see much, if any use during the Global War on Terror was, surprisingly, the M2 Bradley. This infantry fighting vehicle was upgraded to the M2A4 in 2022, upgraded with with an improved 25mm chain gun, advanced TOW missile launchers, modular composite armor and, most notably, the same point-defense anti-missile laser (PDL) that was successfully introduced and field-tested by the Paladin Tank, making the "new" Bradley an ideal supplement in combined arms mechanized warfare thanks to its mobility, firepower, protection, and infantry transport capabilities. However, these same upgrades were its downfall, as the Humvee and Paladin rendered it redundant. As such, the M2A4 Bradley didn't see much combat against the GLA.

First fielded in the early 1990s, the M1097 Avenger was conceived as a light-weight, short-range anti-air system based on a modified Humvee. However, the missiles that acted as the vehicle's primary armament for almost three decades started to show their age in the later stages of the Global War on Terror, often proving wholly inadequate when it came to defeating the infamous Scud missiles launched by the GLA.

It was at this time when General Gregory "Pinpoint" Townes, the head of the Army's R&D branch for laser technologies, came up with a quick and efficient solution in the form of the 'Avenger-L', which replaced the aging missile system with a powerful high-energy laser, supported by a rangefinder and protected by a more powerful version of the same point-defense lasers that were successfully introduced by the M1A4 Paladin tank. The new platform proved to be effective in combat and what was initially meant to be an interim solution until the full-scale deployment of dedicated tactical lasers quickly became a mainstay weapon system of the US military which received further performance upgrades as the years went by.


Of all the militaries in the world, the United States had the largest and most versatile fleet of helicopters. At the time of the 10/5 attacks, the main helicopter gunship of the United States Army was the AH-64 Apache, a beast of a helicopter, but fast becoming an aging relic of the Cold War. By the time the United States threw itself into the Global War on Terror, however, it had a new fleet of helicopters of different types.

The Apache found itself fully retired by the RAH-66 Comanche. Initially, the Comanche was designed as a support helicopter for the Apache, meant to designate targets for it. The helicopter's development history was cursed, so much so that the project was actually cancelled in early 2004. However, in 2021, the decision was made to give the project another whack, mainly by stripping the expensive stealth technology from it. The project bore fruit in 2023, creating perhaps the finest attack helicopter ever. Its primary armament consisted of the Turreted Gun System with a 20 mm XM301 three-barrel rotary cannon, and its internal bays could either hold 6 AGM-144 Hellfire missiles, 12 AGM-92 Stinger air-to-air missiles, or 24 70mm Hydra 70 air-to-ground rockets; the Comanche was also designed with optional stub wings that could hold 8 Hellfire, 16 Stinger, or a whopping 56 Hydra missiles (these stub wings were eliminated in early testing). The Comanche quickly established itself as an absolute death machine, and became feared among GLA as a harbinger of death.

But the Comanche wasn't the only helicopter in the US Army. The AH-1Z Viper was introduced in 2010, a descendant of the AH-1 Cobra. It was much more agile than the Apache and Comanche, armed with the 20mm M197 three-barreled rotary cannon in the A/A49E-7 turret and two AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles; it could also be optionally equipped with Hydra 70 missiles. The typical role of the Viper was as an escort for the Comanche; typically, an Army Helicopter Group would consist of three Comanches and two Vipers, and would park over the path of an army. The Comanches would lay waste to ground targets, while the Viper would shoot down any enemy helicopters (enemy aircraft would be dealt with by other assets).

One helicopter that entered service late in the Global War on Terror was the AH-6 Little Bird, a light helicopter gunship meant for recon and special operations. Its armament left a bit to be desired, but it was a speedy little thing, and in the hands of a skilled pilot, it could be used effectively for aerial harassment.

The UH-60 Blackhawk operated in many scenarios all over the globe and proved time and time again, it was an excellent transport helicopter. Not only could it sweep the landing zone clean, it could also lay down a barrage of covering fire for its passengers. The Blackhawk tactical transport helicopter was the army's unrequited quintessence of infantry insertion deep into enemy territory. During the Global War on Terror, the multifunctional CH-47 Chinook had been used to this same end. However, this unarmed and expensive helicopter sustained heavy losses to enemy RPGs and Stingers, and was better suited for logistics. With the Osprey being impractical due to the fact that it, too, was unarmed, the Blackhawk was uncovered and reassigned to the army of General Thorn to guarantee enemy inquietude. It mounted an anti infantry minigun, and arrives with eight Rangers, ready for aerial insertion.

Speaking of the Chinook, as I mentioned, it was mainly used for transport and logistics, collecting supplies from UN Supply Docks. By the time of the Third Gulf War, however, the helicopter was showing its age, another relic of the Cold War, so the Chinook was largely mothballed and replaced by the V-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft that was otherwise functionally-identical to the Chinook.


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) had been part of the United States military for years, with the General Atomics MQ-1 Predator gaining notoriety for its use in assassinating high-profile terrorist leaders. But when President Biden began modernizing the United States Armed Forces in the early 2020s, he greatly increased the number of drones being used in all branches, even the Coast Guard. Many conservatives attacked the notion of widespread drone use, believing they were taking jobs away from flesh-and-blood humans, but when they saw just how much the military drone industry was worth in gross revenue, they quickly embraced it.

The first drones used by the Army were simple enough. All vehicles would be assembled with one of two drone options loaded inside, though only one could be deployed at a time due to control signal limitations.

The most-commonly seen drone was the Battle Drone. These simple hover drones were armed with a shortened .30 caliber machine gun that was effective against infantry, providing tanks with critical anti-infantry capabilities. Its most notable use, however, was repair. First tested on light vehicles deployed in Afghanistan, the repair rate of the drones was so effective, every dent and holes was patch up in minutes, as if it was fresh out of the factory. This made field engineers redundant, but nobody lost their jobs, and instead became drone mechanics. Battle Drones were not only used by the Army for their vehicles, but also by the Navy for their surface ships.

Another option was the Scout Drone, which was used for reconnaissance and detecting enemies invisible to radar. These drones, however, couldn't repair their parent vehicle, and thus were seldom used. Later in the war, they were replaced with the Targeteer Drone, which resembled a consumer drone, but was equipped with a target-designation laser, in addition to inheriting the Scout Drone's recon role.

One option introduced late in the Global War on Terror was the Hellfire Drone. This small, delta-winged drone was, as its name implied, armed with a Hellfire missile. The drone could only hold a single Hellfire missile at a time, and after firing it, had to return to its parent vehicle for reloading, and the parent vehicle could only hold so many missiles before it had to be resupplied. After "Zero Hour", this drone was swiftly retired and never saw the light of day again.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding drone warfare in the Army. We're just getting started.

When a new FOB was erected, there would be two units: a construction dozer as part of the Army Corps. of Engineers, and an Oracle Forward Reconnaissance Drone. Otherwise known as the Recon Drone, this drone was the result of the United States Army requiring a fast, easily-deployable eye on the ground. Airborne drones had the disadvantage of being easy prey for anti-aircraft fire, and Recon Drones could be deployed en masse to frontlines to provide crystal-clear reconnaissance for ground teams. Furthermore, Recon Drones were equipped with a targeting laser that could relay information to distant strike bombers and artillery crews. Its sensors could also detect mines hidden in the soil, and a robotic arm could extend and disable them.

One of the first drones aside from the Battle and Scout Drones to be deployed was the Sentry Drone. This particular model came from a long line of failed prototypes. Billions of dollars were pumped into the development of the perfect scout. The first prototypes produced used to be as expensive as a tank and used to break down often. The second line were cheaper, however, they had to be remote controlled by somebody within a hundred miles, and were typically only used as bomb disposal robots by SWAT teams. The third and final version was cheaper, was capable of accomplishing its mission even without supervision, and could operate for over a week without maintenance. The Rottweiler Sentry Drone has been a workhorse of the United States military since the Global War on Terror, and has been given another systems upgrade to keep up with the times. The primary purpose of the Sentry is to detect enemies invisible to radar, and are equipped with a machine gun that can optionally be replaced with a minigun.

The Guardian Drone was a breakthrough in drone warfare, being an anti-tank drone armed with a 40mm cannon. While individually, it will get wrecked by a tank, the Guardian is much cheaper than a tank (and indeed, the Guardian is often considered the American equivalent to the Chinese Hopper), and can be produced in large enough numbers to take on enemy armor columns. The Guardian has the unique ability to dig into the ground; while it is completely immobile in this state, it is also MUCH harder to destroy, and can shoot faster. This makes the Guardian ideal for area denial against enemy vehicles.

If the Guardian was the anti-vehicle component of drone warfare, the Mule was the anti-infantry component. The Mule Ammunition Drone's primary purpose is to bring fresh ammo to infantry in the field, but is also armed with an M134 Minigun and an array of flare launchers to draw anti-aircraft fire away from friendly aircraft and helicopters.

The Repair Drone is simple, repairing other drones. It can also be upgraded to repair vehicles (useful for when a vehicle crew opts to deploy a Targeteer Drone), and with a point defense laser to shoot down missiles.

The AT Drone (Anti-Tank) is...weird. This quadrupedal drone has one goal: to destroy all enemy vehicles and structures in sight. The AT Drone can run at 70 MPH, scale vertical cliffs, and are equipped with a plasma torch that burns through steel at over 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. They can also burrow into the ground and then pop up to ambush the enemy. There is a very good reason Russian tank crews often referred to them as Terror Drones.

The Termite Drone is an area denial drone equipped with a smaller microwave pulse emitter than the Templar. It digs in, and when an enemy comes near, it emits a microwave pulse, shutting down vehicles and frying infantry. In other words, a glorified landmine.

Air Force​

The United States' main strength was its air force, the largest and most-advanced in the world. Descended from the United States Army Air Forces formed in 1941 months before the Attack on Pearl Harbor dragged the United States into World War II, the United States Air Force was a critical component of the Armed Forces, often being part of the opening strike to clear the way for the Army and Marines.

The Air Force fielded a wide variety of aircraft, from cargo planes to strategic bombers, and everything in between. At the outset of the 2020s, the United States had a large variety of aircraft of different types, but by the time of Operation Final Justice, shrewd cost-cutting had pared this down to a more manageable number. A good example of this was fighters. By the time of the Third Gulf War, most fighter types had been retired from USAF service, including the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon; the F-22 Raptor was undoubtedly one of the most advanced fighters in the world, but it was also extremely costly, making it impractically expensive to deploy in bulk. A variant known as the F-22B was introduced in 2021; although it had a larger radar cross section and reduced performance in some other areas, the F-22B was much more economical than the A-variant, and retained most of its capability.

Despite this, the F-22B didn't see as much service during the Global War on Terror as was expected, as around the time of the Third Gulf War, the F-35A Widowmaker entered widespread service. While the F-22B was a fantastic aircraft, the F-35A blew it out of the water. As a multirole fighter, the Widowmaker (named so for early, and thankfully false, concerns about the aircraft's survivability in contested airspace, the name soon gaining a new meaning of making widows out of the enemy) could be used for a wide variety of missions, including air superiority, interception, close air support, logistics strike, naval strike, and port strike.

The Widowmaker had a wide variety of weapons: for guns, the fighter had a single 25mm GAU-22/A 4-barrel rotary cannon, and for hardpoints, it had 4 internal stations, 6 external stations on the wings with a capacity of 5,700 pounds internal, and 15,000 pounds external, for a grand total of 18,000 pounds total weapons payload. These hardpoints were loaded with a wide variety of missiles depending on the mission; the Widowmaker could also carry bombs, including the B61 Mod 12 nuclear bomb, thus making the F-35A a tactical nuclear bomber.

The usage of drones extended to the Air Force, with the AQ-360 UCAV, otherwise known as the Hunter-Killer Drone. This is the world's first fully autonomous military aircraft. Introduced in 2025 amidst the AI revolution, the HK Drone is armed with four HGM-65 Maverick missiles. Although a fantastic ground strike aircraft, the AQ-360 was not designed for dogfighting, meaning there was still a need for crewed fighters and bombers.

During the period of modernization of the US Armed Forces under the Biden administration, the USAF requested a design for a new optionally manned strike bomber. The demands were that the new aircraft would be at least as stealthy as Northrop Grumman's B-21 Raider and less expensive than the F/B-40 Aurora (more on that disaster below), and would be carrier-capable. Lockheed Martin and Boeing submitted two final designs: a less expensive but slower variant for the US Air Force and a higher speed penetration bomber for the US Navy. The first model was named the A-19 Nighthawk II, a successor to the F-117 Nighthawk that, by the time the United States committed fully to fighting the GLA, had been largely retired, with four aircraft demoted to trainers. Its blended wing body design and advanced jamming devices made it extremely difficult to detect with nearly any radar or infrared system, and the Nighthawk II in both variants was capable of carrying up to the heaviest forms of JDAMs, missiles, and laser-guided munitions. To save costs, both variants of the Nighthawk II used off-the-shelf avionics from the F-35, and the A-19 variant used high-bypass versions of the F/A-18E's F414 engine.

And now to address the elephant in the room, the F/B-40 Aurora. An outgrowth of the secret Aurora program from the 1980s, the F/B-40 was designed as a supersonic bomber with terrible dogfighting capabilities, but the Air Force gave it an F-designation because they wanted aggressive fighter pilots to fly the thing to its limits. This proved to be a terrible idea (much like the design choices of the Alienware gaming PCs named after the 80s project), and the aircraft was rushed into service against the GLA before it was ready. The Aurora carried a single bomb that, admittedly, did rather well against enemy air defenses, and before dropping its payload, would fly at hypersonic speeds, fast enough that no anti-air weapon system in the world could hit it; a few savvy commanders exploited the hell out of this, and used the Aurora not for destruction, but to distract enemy anti-air while Comanches went in for the kill. Still, the Aurora suffered horrendous losses, quickly becoming very unpopular among pilots to the point that entire squadrons went on strike rather than have to fly what was effectively one-way missions (many of these pilots were detained for insubordination before the Air Force realized just how bad the issues with the Aurora were), and after Zero Hour, it was deactivated without haste, never to see the light of day again.

All of these shiny new planes were all well and good, but there was still plenty of use for the old guard. The A-10 Thunderbolt II, more commonly referred to as the Warthog, was among the oldest aircraft in service of the United States Air Force. After the turn of the millennium, the plane was originally meant to be phased out in favor of the more versatile F-35A. However, perpetual design disputes, technical issues and overflowing costs resulted in a severe scaling down of the Joint Strike Fighter project in the late 2010s. While the F-35 project eventually bore fruit and created an excellent multirole fighter, the A-10 fleet was brought back from the boneyard and refurbished for service during the Global War on Terror. The Warthog was armed with a single 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger rotary cannon, the sound of which was often considered one of the scariest in war, but only for the enemy; for allies, it was a wonderful sound. It could be armed with a wide variety of missiles and bombs, though against the GLA, it was commonly armed with six AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missiles, capable of wiping out entire armored divisions.

For bombers, the United States had some of the most famous in the world. The oldest was the B-52 Stratofortress, originally introduced in 1955 to drop nuclear bombs on the Soviet Union, but also widely used for conventional carpet bombing missions, like in Vietnam. The "Big, Ugly, Fat Fucker" proved to be just as lethal as ever during the Global War on Terror, carpet-bombing GLA FOBs to dust and also dropping various fuel air bombs. Quite a few B-52s were shot down by the GLA, but most made it back to base just barely holding together; one crew that survived this way rechristened their aircraft "Old Ironsides".

The B-1B Lancer was another Cold War relic. This supersonic variable-sweep wing, heavy bomber was meant to replace the B-52, but ironically, by the time of The Sundering in 2052, no Lancers were being used as nuclear bombers, while quite a few B-52s were, and the B-1B had been demoted to conventional bomber. Not that it didn't do this job well, as its speed meant it could survive a bombing run much more easily than other bombers.

The B-2 Spirit was the quintessential stealth bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses. It, too, was designed as a nuclear bomber, but was introduced into service in 1997, too late for the Cold War. Despite this, the B-2 was still often loaded with nuclear bombs, but was usually used for conventional bombing. And boy, was the B-2 good at this. Its nickname was very fitting: too fast to see, too fast to hear, and too hard to defend against. During the Global War on Terror, B-2s carried the GBU-43/B MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Burst, or Mother of All Bombs), often purported to be the most powerful non-nuclear bomb ever created (though Russia claimed its "Father of All Bombs" was even more powerful, though as of today, this claim has never been proven). The B-2 was used more often for conventional carpet bombing, however, as its speed and stealth meant anti-air fire couldn't reliably hit it.

Around the time the Global War on Terror began, the Air Force was knee-deep in developing its next strategic bomber, the B-21 Raider. It first flew on November 10, 2023, but was too late to join the fight against the GLA. By the 2040s, however, it had completely replaced the B-1B and 20 B-2s as strategic nuclear bombers.

First flown in combat during the hunt for Dr. Thrax, the AC-125 Spectre II was the US Navy's ambitious attempt at producing a jet-powered gunship that was faster and lighter than the Air Force's aging AC-130. Adding emphasis on rapid global deployability, the new plane was equipped with variable-sweep wings which made it compact enough to be stored on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. However, the complicated engine and wing setup were prone to mechanical failures. Soon after the war, the USAF, now the only branch that was still in any position for technological adventures (due to doctrine changes and the budgetary issues of the branches), came forward with its own idea of a new gunship which was eventually adopted to replace all previous models.

Based on the C-17 Globemaster transport plane, the AC-17 Spectre III was more economical to produce, as it was merely an elaborate re-fit rather than an entirely new air frame. Despite no longer being carrier-capable due to its enormous size, the swing wings were kept and improved, as they allow the plane to perform its approach at breakneck speed. The larger hull carried enough weapons to devastate an entire division of tanks: A massive 155mm howitzer and pair of 25mm Equalizer cannons. In addition, the new Spectre had external hardpoints for several missiles which were rapidly fired at ground and air targets of opportunity by an automatic computer system.

In addition to combat aircraft, the USAF had plenty of unarmed support aircraft. By the Third Gulf War, the USAF was in the midst of phasing out the aging C-130 Hercules in favor of the C-17 Globemaster III. The Globemaster was used for all forms of logistics, from supply delivery to airdropping troops and M8 Acolyte tanks.

United States Navy​

The largest navy in the world, you would think the United States Navy saw little use during the Global War on Terror, but that's where you're wrong. The Global Liberation Navy (GLN) saw a LOT of action against the USN in battles that often resembled the close-range gunfights of old. With a complete and total lack of sonar technology, GLN privateers would often meet their end at the hands of an attack submarine.

There's not much to say about the USN, but one area that's worth looking at is...battleships. Yes, you heard right, battleships. The early 2010s saw the naval gunfire support debate reach its conclusion. For two decades, there was much debate over the type of ship to use in the role, either destroyers and submarines or the aging Iowa-class battleships that had been built during World War II specifically to counter Japanese battleships. These had last been used during the Gulf War to bombard Iraqi positions, and all four had been struck in 2006. In 2013, however, a decision was made: a new class of battleships would be built. Known as the Atlanta-class battleship, it was designed first and foremost to bombard inland targets, but also had a sophisticated anti-air weapons suite utilizing lasers.

Two years prior to the battleship decision, a 29-year old US Army captain, Gregory Townes, resigned from his guest scholarship at West Point to accept a new position in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) new R&D department for laser weaponry. Townes, a bright individual, developed viable anti-air lasers that would first be deployed on the Atlanta-class battleships. These lasers could shoot down both aircraft and missiles, which gave the Navy the idea to upgrade the class from merely being floating artillery pieces to reviving the idea of a ship of the line, now that guided missile destroyers and carrier-based aircraft would be completely incapable of doing anything. The era of aircraft carrier dominance, it seemed, was at an end.

The new battleships were known as the Atlanta-class battleships; US Navy tradition was to name battleships after states, but this tradition had been transferred to submarines, amphibious assault ships, and littoral combat ships, so the new ships would instead by named after cities. Design-wise, they were more akin to the "pocket battleships" used by Germany during World War II, only having two gun turrets, each with three 16-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 guns, but also armed with several Vertical Launch System (VLS) cells launching RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles or RGM-109 Tomahawk Ship Attack Missiles (TSAM), and the aforementioned lasers designed to shoot down aircraft and missiles. There were six ships in the class:

  • USS Atlanta (BB-65)
  • USS Rochester (BB-66)
  • USS Salem (BB-67)
  • USS Baltimore (BB-68)
  • USS Astoria (BB-69)
  • USS Tuscaloosa (BB-70)

Coast Guard​

The Coast Guard often goes unmentioned in retrospectives about the Global War on Terror. GLA privateers were like weeds; you sink one, and six more would pop up, and the waters around the Continental United States were no different. No civilian ship was safe from privateers; one incredibly tragic and sickening attack was against a cruise ship, the Carnival Elation was attacked by a GLA privateer; the ship was boarded, all passengers and crew were killed (the bodies of many young women showed signs of rape), everything valuable onboard was looted, and, instead of sinking the ship, the Elation was used as a bomb ship to attack Jacksonville, Florida. Fortunately, the Coast Guard had received a distress signal from the ship, and a cutter intercepted and boarded it before it could reach Florida. The ship was returned to Carnival Cruises, who promptly converted the ship into a floating memorial for those killed in the attack.

After the Elation disaster, several "pirate havens" in the Caribbean were uncovered by the CIA, and the United States carried out amphibious invasions of these bases that brought an end to piracy in the Caribbean.

Space Force​

Created by the Trump adminstration in 2019, the Space Force was indicative of a new frontier of combat. At its outset, the Space Force was ridiculed for having a name that screamed "1980s Saturday morning cartoon", and its insignia was considered a ripoff of the Starfleet emblem from Star Trek. Despite this, the Space Force proved to be a very important branch of the United States Armed Forces.

The Space Force primarily operated spacecraft across various programs such as GPS, Space Fence, military satellite communications constellations, X-37B spaceplanes, U.S. missile warning system, U.S. space surveillance network, and the Satellite Control Network. Although linked in many ways, the Space Force was independent of NASA, which was mainly concerned with scienctific research and exploration. The Space Force often flew under the public's radar, but one element would become one of the most famous "superweapons" in human history.

In 2020, the United States publicly unveiled the revitalized Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a project dating back to the 1980s under the Reagan adminstration and often nicknamed "Star Wars" after the popular science-fiction franchise. Publicly, SDI was dissolved in 1993, its goals too lofty and its actual purpose being to trick the Soviet Union into trying to match it, ultimately being a contributing factor to its collapse in 1991. In truth, development on SDI never ceased. Now, in 2020, "Star Wars" had become a reality.

The new SDI was a multi-layered system, employing ground based Patriot missiles, orbital kinetic interceptors, and airborne and surface based chemical lasers to intercept any ballistic missiles calculated to be on a trajectory bound for the continental United States. The centrepiece of the new SDI was the "Particle Cannon Uplink Network", a system of surface based installations and orbit based reflector satellites, to be the first line of defence against any ICBM attack. The orbital reflectors were launched over a series of Delta IV Heavy launches.

In 2025, however, the Strategic Defense Initiative proved to be far more than just a defensive system, when Chinese general Ismail Khan defected to the GLA. The United States subsequently responded by employing a Particle Cannon installation to wipe out the rogue general's forces and his stockpile of nuclear weaponry. Subsequently, the US military would go on to employ the Particle Cannon network against the GLA on several occasions, and soon became a common fixture in US FOBs, being used as a precision weapon to efficiently eliminate high-value targets with minimal collateral damage.

Global Strike Command​

One part of the United States Armed Forces that went completely unused during the Global War Terror was, unsurprisingly, the Air Force Global Strike Command. This Major Command (MAJCOM) of the USAF, descended from the Cold War-era Strategic Air Command, had one mission: nuclear deterrence. Despite a few scares, there was ultimately no need for them in the Global Strike Command, being more focused on deterring Russia from doing anything rash during their invasion of Ukraine.

As mentioned above, the AFGSC had the B-52 and B-2 bombers at their disposal, but their best-known weapon was the LGM-30G Minuteman III, which was, at the time, the only ICBM in use by the United States. At the time of the 10/5 attack, the United States was in the midst of designing and developing the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD), later known as the LGM-35 Sentinel, a brand-new ICBM to replace the aging Minuteman.

We'll come back to the nuclear arsenal of the United States and other nations in a future sidestory.

Specialized armies​

It should come as no surprise by now that the United States, too, had generals who fielded their own special arsenals matching their preferred tactics.

Malcolm "Ace" Granger​

Malcolm Granger was a career general, whose service history stretched back to the First Gulf War, when, as an Air Force Lieutenant, the aircraft under his command destroyed four SAM sites in a single afternoon during SEAD operations around Baghdad. By the Global War on Terror, he was one of the top generals in the USAF, and his fondness of using aircraft reflected this.

None of Granger's infantry were any different from standard United States Army commands, though he only used Rangers, Missile Defenders, and Pathfinders, and Colonel Burton often fought under him.

His ground vehicles were also indicative of his preferences. His only tank was the M551 Sheridan, which had been retired in 1997, but Granger reactivated them to serve as a backup in case his aircraft and helicopters weren't ready yet. And instead of the Tomahawk Launcher, he had the Hurricane, which launched long-range cluster missiles.

As you can infer, Granger wasn't much for using infantry and vehicles, only doing so if he absolutely had to. His primary strategy involved filling the air with eagles. Granger was resistant to adopting the F-35, and instead used his own F-22C King Raptor, which had a bigger payload than the F-22B; certain King Raptors in his arsenal were even equipped with point-defense lasers that could shoot down any missile that came their way, much to the frustration of every Stinger Soldier.

His Comanches were also upgraded to King Comanches, which had the stealth capabilities promised in the original project. After the retirement of the F-117 Nighthawk, Granger took them in, and upgraded them into King Stealth Fighters.

His F/B-40 Auroras were called "Hypersonic Auroras", and were a lot more surviveable than the regular basket case Auroras. And finally, Granger's army was the only one in the United States Air Force that used the Panavia Tornado, taking all of the Tornados that had been retired by the Royal Air Force months before the 10/5 attack.

Granger also had a variety of helicopters beyond the King Comanche. Instead of the Chinook or Osprey, he used the Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low for logistics and transport, but also had the Acolyte Drone (not to be confused with the M8 Acolyte tank) for the same purpose, albeit with a rotary cannon for self-defense. Granger's Blackhawks were designated for medivac, and were also often used as air ambulances in disaster-stricken areas.

Despite using the Pave Low for logistics, Granger still used Chinooks, but with a different purpose in mind. His Chinooks were Combat Chinooks, modified with Chinese-style fireports to allow up to six infantry to fire out, as well as with a rotary cannon. He was particularly proud of the Combat Chinook, and used it for a good portion of his attacks. His favorite strategy involved three Combat Chinooks, with two being loaded with Missile Defenders, and one being loaded with Pathfinders. The Missile Defenders would destroy every vehicle, aircraft, and structure they came across, while the Pathfinders would rip apart infantry and clear out Stinger Sites. It was a nearly-unbeatable strategy.

One unique helicopter in Granger's arsenal was the Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane, which he would often use to assist in constructing FOBs.

Alexis Alexander​

As a logistics staffer in the Second Korean War, Alexander attracted the notice of her superiors with her ability to acquire almost anything. Alexander harnessed this ability further to win a scholarship, followed by a long and distinguished career in the Marines. During the earlier stages of the Global War on Terror, Alexander developed a tiered system of defenses that did not allow a single strike on her supply columns. Alexander became known for her strong emphasis on resource acquisition and defense in the early stages of a conflict, going on the offensive only when she has overwhelming firepower that was untouchable by the enemy.

Alexander was all about various superweapons, though the definition of "superweapons" in this context is contentious.

For infantry, Alexander had multiple options. One unique class in her arsenal was the Biohazard Tech, who were equipped with handheld nozzles that shot the above-mentioned CBRN foam. Her Rangers and Pathfinders were no different from the norm, neither was Colonel Burton whenever he fought under her, but her Missile Defenders were provided with EMP Missiles that would shut down enemy vehicles; aircraft would just drop out of the sky, making her a menace to GLA pilots.

In terms of vehicles, Alexander had some rather unique options. Her's was the first army to use drones to a large degree, namely the Medic Drone (which carried medical equipment) and Repair Drone (this early version repaired vehicles), but this extended to her tanks, with the Robo Tank and Enforcer Drone replacing the Crusader and Paladin tanks. The Enforcer, in particular, fired plasma shots or a steady plasma beam; in groups, these plasma bolts had a tendency to cause what Alexander called "unstable effects", namely a ball of plasma that would travel a short distance in a random direction and then explode; people who witnessed this phenomenon, present company included via a video online, called it one of the coolest thing they ever saw. Her Humvees were armed with a mortar launcher instead of a machine gun or TOW launcher (which could be optionally swapped out for a minigun), her Tomahawk missiles had experimental plasma warheads, her Avengers fired plasma beams instead of lasers, and she also had the unique Lockdown MLRS, which fired HE or EMP missiles.

For aircraft, Alexander had two unique options. Like Granger, she tried to make sense of the Aurora, creating the Aurora Alpha, which used a fuel air bomb that made it much more lethal. Her other unique plane was the Support Stealth Bomber, which was like the normal F-117 Nighthawk, but also dropping medkits. For some reason.

While most FOBs used the Protector Missile System, and Granger toughed it out with the older Patriot, Alexander had the EMP Patriot System, which shut down vehicles and literally one-shot aircraft. Her Particle Uplink Cannons were enhanced to deal more damage, but as a consequence, were much more power-hungry and had a shorter firing cycle.

Gregory "Pinpoint" Townes​

An early champion of laser technology in the USA Armed Forces, "Pinpoint" Townes developed comprehensive offensive and defensive strategies for the 21st century around laser-based weapons. However, Townes found academic life too slow and returned to a battlefield command in 2010. Relying on inexpensive, powerful laser technology throughout his forces and his unique knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses, General Townes consistently received superior marks during war games and live-fire actions. This four-star general continued to push the technology envelope in harnessing energy and improving power efficiency throughout the Global War on Terror, and the Army counted heavily on him.

Townes used lasers wherever he could. His Rangers carried laser rifles instead of the M16A5, his Missile Defenders had their SRAWs equipped with a passive laser guidance system, and Colonel Burton, whenever called upon by Townes, would be given a laser rifle to use instead of his OICW (though he could still use his grenade launcher). His Pathfinders used the standard Desert Tech SRS.

His vehicles went hog-wild with lasers. His Crusader and Paladin tanks had their cannons replaced with lasers; the Crusader had a normal laser cannon, while the Paladin had a laser beam cannon that fired continuously, in addition to still having the standard point defense laser. His M1200 Humvees had the normal machine gun, but instead of a TOW launcher, it could mount a laser cannon on top of the machine gun. His Templar Microwave Tanks were similar to Kwai's ECM Tanks, having a larger microwave pulse radius. Instead of the Tomahawk Launcher, Townes used the Railgun Artillery. And finally, he had the old Avengers with anti-air missiles instead of the newer lasers, though it still had the targeting laser.

Even Townes' aircraft had lasers. His Comanches used laser cannons instead of Hellfire missiles, he took in the cancelled FB-22 project and created a ground attack bomber with laser-guided munitions, and he had a unique stealth bomber armed with two rapid-fire autocannons.

Unsurprisingly, Townes' perimeter defenses were lasers, and instead of the Particle Cannon, he had the Laser Cannon, which did less damage than the Particle Cannon, but was less power-hungry and therefore could be fired for longer.

George D. Ironside​

A rather enigmatic general, Ironside was Ta Hun Kwai's American counterpart, also dealing in tanks, but also ballistic weaponry.

Ironside, unlike Kwai, didn't neglect his infantry. His Rangers had better combat armor, and used the Colt Automatic Rifle instead of the M16A5. Instead of Missile Defenders, he had Javelin Soldiers, similar to the Javelin Teams of the main Army, but carried by a single man. He also had the Blue Arrow Defender, an anti-air infantry. And finally, when called upon by Ironside, Colonel Burton would use an anti-tank sniper rifle instead of his normal OICW.

Tanks were Ironside's specialty, and unlike Kwai, his tanks were truly exotic, being so completely unlike anything in not just the US Army, but the world. Ironside was not one to abandon the M2 Bradley so easily, using it instead of the Humvee. Instead of the Avenger, he used the M14 Gladiator, an anti-air tank equipped with four autocannons; unlike the Avenger, the Gladiator could attack ground targets and was rather effective against infantry. He also had the Stryker, but instead of turning it into the WASP Hive, he used it as an armored ambulance. His standard tank was the Wraith, similar in concept to the Crusader, but optionally equipped with Sabre missiles that gave it extra punch. The Predator Drone was an early version of the Guardian Drone, unable to burrow. The Vulcan Tank was an anti-infantry tank equipped with an M61 Vulcan rotary cannon that absolutely shredded through infantry; a single Vulcan Tank could completely neutralize a Stinger Site in seconds by killing all Stinger Soldiers within.

In lieu of the Tomahawk Launcher, Ironside had the M109A7 howitzer. He also had a half-track Tank Destroyer of indeterminate model.

But Ironside's biggest, baddest tank was, without a doubt, the Mammoth Tank. Designed as a direct response to the Overlord, the Mammoth was a dual-barrel, quad-tracked tank that could be upgraded with Sabre missiles and a shield that would negate incoming missiles and rockets. It was an absolute beast, and many opine that the GLA wouldn't have been able to cause as much damage as it did in Europe had they been present.

Ironside didn't neglect his aircraft, either. His was the first army to accept delivery of F-35, and he brought the F-16XL out of retirement, correctly forseeing just how bad the Aurora was. His only helicopter was the V-44 Starlifter, a transport helicopter that could transport twelve infantry or several vehicles; in the 2040s, the Army at large would adopt the Starlifter for aerial vehicle transport.

His FOBs were also different from any other FOB. Instead of Chinooks, Ospreys, or Pave Lows, Ironside used trucks for logistics. His defenses were also unlike any other. His primary defense, when first erected, looked like a simple concrete slab, but in truth, it was a defense module that could be equipped with either an anti-tank Guardian Turret, an anti-infantry Vaporizer Turret, or a Gazer Turret that would detect stealthed units and assist air defenses with a targeting laser, also being equipped with a Federal Signal Model 2 siren to warn the base of incoming air attacks (which, against the GLA, was actually more often than you think). For anti-air defense, he had Phalanx System, which used bullets instead of missiles, and was therefore immune to aerial countermeasures.

And finally, completing the theme of mold-breaking, Ironside had a missile silo that launched a missile (whose designation I have found zero record on) with a cluster munition payload.

And so our exhaustive look at the United States Armed Forces during the Global War on Terror comes to an end. In the next sidestory, we'll be looking at advances made by the United States, China, and the GLA in their military arsenals following the war, and how it shaped geopolitics in the 2030s and 2040s...
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Chapter 5: Sneak Attack
Not a problem, also looking back at my comment I now feel like an asshole for not being more polite about it. Sorry about that.
To err is to be human.

Chapter 5: Sneak Attack

As mentioned at the end of the last chapter, the Global Liberation Army seemed destined to fade into the history books, as the most-notorious rogue state in history, now reduced to a group of squabbling warlords constantly fighting each other. But Deathstrike had other plans. Having been sent on the run following the retaking of Baikonur by American forces, he had been all but supplanted by Dr. Thrax as GLA leader. But with Thrax now dead, Deathstrike began reassembling his coalition to reassert control. Rodall Juhziz, Anwar Sulaymaan, and Abdul bin Yusuuf had remained loyal, but Prince Kassad viewed Deathstrike as weak, and plotted to take over. But like Starscream, Kassad was also a coward, and wouldn't dare take Deathstrike head-on.

On April 19, 2027, Deathstrike emerged from hiding in Aden, Yemen. The United States had been hunting down surviving GLA leadership, and had eyes everywhere. Now, Deathstrike was out in the open, and the United States pounced. The United States Navy commenced a bombing campaign in the morning, just as two Humvees were pursuing Deathstrike's limousine, escorted by two Technicals. The chase was rather comical, all things considered, with one of the Humvees ramming straight into a loaded tanker truck, one of the Technicals being destroyed by a Humvee that got a lucky shot on the gas tank, the second Technical crashed into a tower, and the second Humvee was crushed by the tower that the second Technical had crashed into and toppled over. Deathstrike escaped, unscathed, and rendezvoused with a few loyalist forces whom Sulaymaan, who was now Deathstrike's second-in-command, had managed to round up, including two Technicals, two Quad Cannons, and six Combat Cycles. Wreckage was strewn about the area, allowing the Technicals and Quad Cannons to quickly upgrade their weapons.

The primary goal of the operation was to get Deathstrike to Aden International Airport and aboard a C-130 Hercules to take him back to the new GLA homeland of Central Africa. The local American garrison commander had advanced knowledge of this plan thanks to the CIA, but he grossly underestimated the GLA, and only posted a few patrols, which Sulaymaan's forces easily swatted aside. Eventually, they reached a former GLA base that had been one of the central bases for the Houthis, killed all American forces occupying it, and retook control, putting the Workers to work repairing and expanding the base.

The Combat Cycles possessed by Sulaymaan had a mix of Rebels and Tunnel Defenders riding them, so he sent them to launch a flank attack on the American FOB outside of Aden International Airport. The American commander was caught completely off-guard, and his entire base and its garrison were destroyed, and the commander was killed when the command center was destroyed. With the remaining American forces around the airport now completely cut off, they were also quickly slaughtered, and Deathstrike made it to the airport, boarded the C-130, and made his great escape.

The primary objective of the American operation, that being to capture or kill Deathstrike, had failed, but they didn't leave empty-handed, managing to finally capture Abdul-Malik al-Houthi after having failed to do so in Al-Hanad two years prior.

Deathstrike, meanwhile, had landed in Central Africa, and set to work reuniting the GLA. Most of the warlords quickly fell in line, but Prince Kassad and his Cobra Cell remained belligerent. Worse still was that Kassad had multiple stealth technologies such as Sneak Attacks (which involved quickly deploying an entrance to the Tunnel Network anywhere) and GPS Scrambler (pretty self-explanatory), and he would only share these with the rest of the GLA if leadership was handed over to him.

Deathstrike had another idea: take it all by force, and eliminate a general who had outlived his usefulness. Cobra Cell had practically taken over Cairo, and along with it the Egyptian government, and Kassad had named himself pharaoh. When he heard rumors that Deathstrike had reunited the GLA and was out for his blood, however, he became extremely paranoid and began having his men shoot at everything that moved; thousands of civilians were killed in this manner, and needlessly so.

But on May 22, 2027, Deathstrike's forces, commanded by Sulaymaan, had reached Cairo, and immediately set to work building a FOB. After an incident in which a loyalist Rocket Buggy was destroyed by one of Kassad's Cobras while on patrol, Sulaymaan's forces mobilized, engaging in brutal, Chinese-style "Scorched Earth" tactics to completely flush out Kassad and his forces, also capturing two of the three command centers that now basically functioned as the "seat" of Egyptian government, as two of these were holding the technology Deathstrike desired. The third command center was Prince Kassad's personal residence, and was a absolute fortress. Sulaymaan, however, was a smart man, and through judicious use of Grads, he cleared out the Stinger Sites and Demo Traps, and captured Kassad's command center.

With Cobra Cell in ruins, Kassad was paraded out of the command center and brought before Deathstrike. Like the coward he was, Kassad pathetically begged for his life, but Deathstrike's patience with Kassad's antics had run out, and besides which, he had outlived his usefulness, so Deathstrike just shot Kassad in the head and dumped his body in the Nile.

With all of the late prince's stealth technology now in loyalist hands, Deathstrike took the opportunity to install a GLA puppet government in Cairo, putting Egypt under full GLA control. A small US Army squad consisting of five Crusader tanks, two Humvees, and some Rangers, had been in Cairo at the time as an advanced scouting force, but was wiped out by Kassad's forces.

Cairo itself was largely left in ruin, though the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx were, thankfully, unmolested, as Deathstrike and Sulaymaan both had an appreciation for ancient history, and saw these as important to their religious heritage. Not even Kassad had made a move against these, preferring instead to treat them with the dignity they deserved.

By this time, public support for the war in the United States was starting to wane, mainly war weariness and exhaustion, not to mention the sight of veterans of the Global War on Terror who were horribly mutilated or traumatized. GLA sympathizers in the United States relayed this information to Deathstrike via the dark web, giving him an idea.

An AWFUL idea.

Deathstrike had a wonderful, AWFUL idea.

With the GLA now reunited (and it felt so good), they released a video on the dark web outlining an intricate plan to invade Europe and bring the European Union tumbling down. For this plan to work, it would require obtaining samples of some of Dr. Thrax's more-advanced biochemical weapons, which were being held at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California. But there was no way the GLA could get to them at this juncture, because the term "Fortress America" existed for a VERY good reason.

Therefore, Deathstrike and Sulaymaan devised a plan to cripple the United States Sixth Fleet and divert the Third Fleet from defending the Western Seaboard. The plan would be carried out upon the Crete Naval Base, where Carrier Strike Group 5, consisting of the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), three of the Atlanta-class battleships (USS Salem, USS Baltimore, and USS Tuscaloosa), and several destroyers, were currently docked following a particularly-intense engagement with a GLN Carrier Group led by GLS Kitty Hawk and GLS Ark Royal, during which all three of the battleships had their anti-air and point defense lasers disabled by stolen Chinese EMP missiles, allowing for the aircraft carriers to launch their Vulture Bombers and deal heavy damage to them. Normally, Carrier Strike Group 5 was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, but was in the Mediterranean assisting in anti-piracy operations.

The operation was carried out on August 13, 2027. Phase 1 of the operation involved capturing a Particle Cannon Uplink station. But this was easier said than done, as the local GLA cell's base was very visible, and F-35Cs were dispatched from the Ronald Reagan to destroy it. A few forces survived, however, and linked up with some of Sulaymaan's forces. This force set upon the Particle Cannon, which was much less defended than it should have been. As a result, Sulaymaan's forces captured it with little trouble, and Stinger Soldiers were stationed to defend it from aerial incursions.

Phase 1 was easy, but Phase 2 would be harder. Buildings in GLA FOBs were designed not to require power (if they actually were hooked up to power, their productivity improved), meaning they had no way of powering the Particle Cannon. Fortunately, a cluster of cold fusion reactors was nearby, as were a few GLA structures such as a barracks and a chemical lab, which Jarmen Kell was hiding inside of, and some unoccupied Quad Cannons and Toxin Tractors. With the assistance of Hijackers taking control of some Crusaders and Tomahawk Launchers, these were liberated, and Kell was able to come out of hiding.

The reactors were defended by several Fire Bases and a few Crusaders, which the captured Tomahawk Launchers destroyed with zero effort. More than enough reactors were captured so as to provide some redundancy in case the Americans destroyed any, and, as luck would have it, a few anti-air "tech structures" were right next to the reactors, turning the whole area into a no-fly zone.

Phase 3 was to liberate the command center, but defenses here were heavier than they were around the Particle Cannon and reactors. One pass leading towards the command center was lined with garrisoned bunkers, so Sulaymaan, instead of sending his men on a mad suicide dash through, decided instead to utilize the Particle Cannon, destroying the bunkers and leaving all inside unidentifiable. With the pass clear, Sulaymaan's forces moved in, eliminated the occupiers, and brought the base back under full GLA control.

At this point, the fourth and final phase commenced: laying waste to Crete Naval Base and sinking the Ronald Reagan with the Particle Cannon. The bulk of the fighting at the naval base, surprisingly, wasn't carried out with the regulars of the GLA, but by insurrectionist mobs whom Yusuuf had quickly riled up, made up of refugees from Central Asia who felt abandoned by the EU. At least three such mobs were successfully formed and sent against the base, and oh boy, did they ever tear the place apart. While they took losses, they just kept coming and coming, completely overwhelming American and Greek forces. While the mobs burned Crete Naval Base to the ground, Sulaymaan used the Particle Cannon on the docks, destroying the Salem, Baltimore, and Tuscaloosa at anchorage. Several other ships docked in the base, including the entirety of Destroyer Squadron 15 (which consisted of ten Arleigh Burke-class destroyers), were also wrecked by further Particle Cannon shots.

With all opposition swept aside, the Particle Cannon fired one last time, this time at the Ronald Reagan. The cannon hit amidship, cleaving the supercarrier in two and destroying the nuclear reactor. Pilots in their F-35s on the flight deck desperately attempted to take off, but the catapult system had lost all power, and they had insufficient speed and velocity to take off, falling right into the sea (though most pilots successfully ejected and were later rescued). The two halves of the carrier quickly sank, with most of the crew who survived the initial explosion going down with it; a select few sailors were later found in air pockets and rescued.

The destruction of the nuclear reactor released dangerous amounts of radiation, leading to a massive air evacuation of all civilians on the island of Crete. But this was paltry compared to the larger effects the sinking had. For the first time since World War II, an American aircraft carrier had been sunk by an enemy; hell, Carrier Strike Group 5 ceased to exist, as the GLA was thorough in its destruction of all ships docked at Crete Naval Base that day, even destroying the group's underway resupply ship. The only surviving ships were two Ticonderoga-class cruisers, the USS Antietem (CG-54) and USS Robert Smalls (CG-62), as these were out at sea at the time on an anti-pirate patrol, and were on hand to rescue survivors of the Ronald Reagan.

The sinking of the Ronald Reagan would prove to be a fatal morale blow to the American home front, as the images of one of the supposedly-unsinkable supercarriers flooded news channels. Anti-war protests exploded around the country, but initially, it seemed like these "pinkos" would be ignored like they always were.

That was, until October 15, 2027, when the GLA launched an operation they referred to as "Jarmen Kell and the Forty Thieves". This was the big operation the GLA had been preparing for, the one to steal toxins from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. GLA sympathizers all over Northern California were called upon over the dark web to gear up and assist in the operation, and as it turns out, there were plenty of them, mainly Mexican immigrants angry at the Republican Party wanting them all deported. They began creating Technicals, building Scorpion and Marauder tanks in barns and garages, converting tractors into Toxin Tractors, and packing their cars with explosives.

The day arrived. Jarmen Kell and some Hijackers arrived at Golden Gate National Recreation Area in the dead of night aboard a small, inconspicuous fishing boat launched from the GLS Ranger, hijacking a Crusader tank and two Humvees to drive to Livermore without suspicion. In the morning, Kell took out guards surrounding the laboratory, and then gave the signal. All over Livermore, Technicals had their guns uncovered, Scorpion and Marauder tanks smuggled in overnight burst out from hiding, and Toxin Tractors made themselves known. Several trucks were loaded with samples of Dr. Thrax's more advanced toxins, and the convoy moved through Livermore and out onto I-580. GLA forces in the city itself began exacting their revenge against the "decadent west" in the worst terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11. Every building in site was incinerated, and every civilian not actively joining the attack was killed without mercy. Many people began attacking civilians, indicating the GLA that they were on their side; one person stabbed a young boy to death, and a Rebel handed him an AR-15, telling him "Welcome to the GLA, brother". The Livermore Massacre quickly caught the attention of United States Northern Command.

The closest air force base to Livermore, Travis Air Force Base, had no combat wings, and the nearest combat squadron was the 194th Fighter Squadron of the California National Guard at Fresno Air National Guard Base, made up of 21 of the older F-15 Eagles. The 194th arrived roughly fifteen minutes after the Livermore Massacre commenced, but were unable to do anything before they were shot down by Stinger Soldiers.

An hour after the operation commenced, Livermore had basically ceased to exist, now a smoldering ruin littered with dead bodies. Along I-580, the GLA convoy headed west, destroying every vehicle they came across. When they reached the 580-680 interchange, the convoy turned south along I-680, while GLA forces stayed behind to destroy the interchange and raid the nearby Dublin Place mall, killing hundreds, stripping the mall clean of valuables, and then burning it to the ground.

The convoy continued along I-680, heading south. Yusuuf whipped up plenty of Angry Mobs and Insurrection Mobs, which were set upon cities along the route of the convoy. Pleasanton, Verona, Sunol, Fremont, Milpitas, even San Jose were all targeted by the GLA, seeking to humble the United States. San Jose, however, was not a massacre, but an actual, as residents had advanced knowledge of the advancing GLA convoy, and took up arms, using their own guns, as well as anything they could get their hands on, sledgehammers, chainsaws, anything they could MacGuyver in a reasonable amount of time. When the convoy reached the 680-280-101 interchange, the hastily-formed San Jose Citizen's Militia ambushed launched an ambush, dealing massive casualties to the GLA, who were completely unprepared. The trucks slipped away in the confusion, but their escort was bogged down in house-to-house fighting. My father, 32 years old at the time, was one of those on the frontline, being armed with a sniper rifle and taking out at least twenty-six GLA infantry before he retreated. He actually ran into Jarmen Kell, but after my old man said how many men he had killed, Kell just saluted him, saying "From one marksman to another", and left without incident.

The trucks carrying the toxins had a few close calls with the Citizen's Militia, but received reinforcements from fighters coming from Cupertino and Mountain View. By this time, the 196th Attack Squadron had finally arrived from March Joint Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, California, made up of Hunter-Killer Drones. Like the 194th, unfortunately, the 196th was also quickly shot down by Stinger Soldiers and Quad Cannons, though they did manage to score a few kills.

The convoy travelled along SR-85 north towards Moffett Federal Airfield, often referred to as Moffett Field. The airfield was, by this time, heavily fortified by the United States Army, not that it mattered, because the Angry Mobs smashed through them, though nearby NASA Ames Research Center was too heavily defended. The GLA hijacked a C-17 Globemaster, and loaded the toxins aboard, before taking off. By evening, most GLA forces who had participated in the raid had been defeated, with a few stubborn pockets of resistance.

The news of the California Raid was heard around the world. Allies expressed condolences, while Vladimir Putin openly celebrated the attacks, calling them "karma" for continuing to meddle in Ukraine.

The attack had catastrophic effects. The destruction wrought by the GLA was unconscionable. The cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, Milpitas, and Los Altos all but ceased to exist, Fremont and Cupertino sustained massive damage, Sunol was largely undamaged thanks to the efforts of volunteers from the Niles Canyon Railway coming at GLA fighters with power tools, and San Jose was less damaged than it could have been thanks to the efforts of the San Jose Citizen's Militia. Among the more notable landmarks destroyed in the California Raid were Dublin Place, the Alameda County Fairgrounds, the Tesla factory, the Great Mall (except, for some reason, Dave & Buster's), Emma Prusch Farm Park, Apple Park (AKA the "Spaceship"), and Hangar One. The death toll was catastrophic, with an estimated 500,000 civilians killed or displaced.

The raid also had a profound political effect. Upon receiving news of the attack, President Biden suffered a massive heart attack, and was rushed to Walter Reid Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead; he was the first president to die in office since John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. His vice-president, Kamala Harris, assumed the presidency, becoming the first female president, first Asian-American president, and second African-American president.

The GLA, meanwhile, was riding the high of "putting the imperialists in their place", though Deathstrike was worried that the raid was too aggressive, and could lead to the United States using nuclear weapons against Central Africa in vengeance. When this didn't materialize, the crescendo of his odious opus could commence.

The situation in the European Union was rapidly deteriorating, as protests intensified and calls for the dissolution of the EU by world leaders grew. But the government in Brussels wouldn't let go of power that easily. The cracks, though, were becoming more and more apparent with each passing day, and the GLA saw this.

Everything came to a head on November 6, 2027, when Sulaymaan's forces launched a surprise attack on a Chinese Combined Forces base outside Stuttgart, Germany (China had been allowed to construct military bases in Europe due to now being an ally of the west), and instead of destroying it, it was captured intact, the GLA regaining access to Chinese technology. A small US outpost was located nearby, so Sulaymaan, using both GLA and Chinese vehicles, captured the base and freed three prisoners of war who belonged to the local GLA cell. They were returned to the cell, and the entire cell went active, joining Sulaymaan in his attack on United States European Command (USEUCOM), utilizing the arsenals of the GLA, USA, and China, including a Particle Cannon and DF-21 missiles that Sulaymaan used to destroy large swathes of Stuttgart.

This was the straw the broke the camel's back. With homeland security compromised and its command center in Europe destroyed, President Harris initiated Zero Hour, the withdrawal of all American forces from Europe and the Middle East (the media sensationalized this as forces being withdrawn from ALL foreign bases, but this wasn't actually the case, as we'll see in a later chapter). The world was, for the umpteenth time, rocked by the actions of the GLA, who, it seemed, had defeated the United States. American forces began a hasty retreat out of Continental Europe, both to bolster homeland security and because the European Union had grown to become an unreliable ally allegedly engaging in human rights abuses (the one part of Europe the United States didn't pull out of was the United Kingdom, which wasn't part of the EU, and was considered part of the American sphere more than the European sphere). The withdrawal was so haphazard, though, that much equipment was left behind, giving the GLA access to a powerful air force and even tactical nuclear weapons left over from the old NATO nuclear sharing agreements.

As the world reeled from the United States' defeat, Deathstrike declared to his followers that "the climax" had arrived. GLA privateers, stripped of their weapons, smuggled thousands of tons of war materiel into the docks at Hamburg, Germany. The guards who were supposed to be watching the docks were instead watching the gates thanks to a clash between militant protesters and police, an event that was becoming all too common in the EU.

On January 1, 2028, the GLA commenced the German Insurrection. Yusuuf worked his magic once again, and incited many Middle Eastern refugees that had fled the war in the Middle East to Europe, but were denied social rights by the corrupt EU government. And the thing is, the GLA was actually right about the corruption of the EU, so much so that many were left wondering if the leaders who went through with the Treaty of Vienna were actually Russian assets seeking to destabilize Europe and then invade while portraying themselves as saviors. This then led to many questioning if Russia itself was responsible for the creation of the GLA, and if they had accidentally unleashed a nightmare even they couldn't control.

But those were questions for another day. For now, the GLA was now running amok in Germany, the first time Germany had been invaded since World War II. The EU military, subjected to massive budget cuts and downsizing so the leadership in Brussels could fund their extravagent lifestyles, was woefully unprepared, and was forced to retreat from Germany. The GLA military and violent rioters eviscerated Germany and its infrastructure, in the process destroying the heart of the European economy. In one of the more sickening acts, French terrorist Tahar Ibrahiim (whom many online gave the derogatory nickname "Jacques Merde", which translates to "Jack Shit") dumped several tons of hazardous chemicals into the Rhine River system, rendering large swathes of Western Germany, including the cities of Bonn, Dusseldorf, and Cologne, uninhabitable until 2060, one of the worst environmental disasters in human history. This act earned Ibrahiim a spot in Deathstrike's inner circle.

By January 22, the EU was at its wits end, and, with widespread dissent in its military, was in need of outside assistance. With the United States having been alienated, the United Kingdom closing the Channel Tunnel to keep refugees from flooding the country, and Russia laughing its ass off at the "Western Satanists" getting their just desserts while making gains in Ukraine in the absence of US military aid, the EU called upon the Republic of China to intervene. The new president of China, Zhao Wei, agreed without hesitation, and in February, the Chinese Combined Forces landed in independent Bavaria, where the GLA was operating unopposed thanks to Bavaria being unable to raise a standing army due to EU sanctions.

Thus began the final act of the Global War on Terror...
Chapter 6: The Dragon's Destiny

Chapter 6: The Dragon's Destiny

To say that "Zero Hour" sent massive shockwaves around the world is the grossest understatement in recorded history. The world was in utter shock that a non-state actor had defeated the United States, and that the United States was now withdrawing all troops to bolster homeland security.

At least, that's what sensationalist headlines said. In truth, the United States only withdrew from Mainland Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. American military bases remained in the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, Greenland, Honduras, Cuba, Aruba, Curacao, Bahamas, Iceland, and Singapore. Basically, if it wasn't in the EU, the Middle East, or Africa, the United States' military presence remained.

I should also mention that "Zero Hour" occurred in an election year. President Harris' approval ratings were in the gutter following "Zero Hour", as most blamed her for losing Europe, as well as Middle Eastern oil profits. The EU wasn't the only nation with cracks in its foundation that would only take a single earth-shattering event to destroy, though fortunately, there was no threat of a Second American Civil War. Instead, the cracks were in the two major political parties, the Democrats and Republicans.

Following "Zero Hour", the Democratic and Republican Parties imploded, their factions breaking away to create their own parties. Overnight, the Sixth Party System had ended with a whimper, as the Seventh Party System came roaring out of the gates. Instead of two big tent parties, there were now a bunch of parties vying for control. From the collapse of the Democrats and Republicans came the following parties:

  • The Liberal Democrats still used the Democratic Party name, led by incumbent president Kamala Harris
  • Moderate Democrats, Moderate Republicans, and the Never Trump movement joined together to form the centrist New Whig Party, led by former Representative Liz Cheney; this party absorbed No Labels, the Alliance Party, and the Unity Party
  • The Progressive Democrats formed the social democratic Progressive Party, led by Senator Elizabeth Warren; this party absorbed the Green Party and Working Families Party
  • The Freedom Caucus kept the Republican name alive, led by Bob Good
  • The Christian Right was absorbed by the American Solidarity Party, led by former Senator Rick Santorum; this party also absorbed Project Dignity and the Constituion Party
  • The Trumpists formed the populist America First Party (AFP), led by Matt Gaetz; this party absorbed the Forward Party,
  • The Neoconservatives formed the International Party, led by Senator Lindsey Graham
In addition, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez broke off from the Progressive Party to form the Socialist Party of America (SPA). The end of the big-tent parties also allowed the Libertarian Party and Communist Party to greatly expand their bases.

All told, the stage was set for perhaps the most interesting presidential election in recent memory.

Back in Europe, the GLA's insurrection raged on. The EU's decrepit military was powerless to stop the unfolding tragedy, and had no choice but to call on the Republic of China to help. Newly-elected Chinese president Zhao Wei was more than happy to help, as there were still quite a few nations leery of the ROC, believing it was just the PRC with a new coat of paint.

The Chinese Intervention began in the Free Republic of Bavaria, which had declared independence from the EU in 2024. Bavaria had only a token military, and was unable to expand it after the EU applied sanctions; in fact, all of the breakaway states had been sanctioned by the EU out of pure spite, which was a factor in the US' decision to withdraw from Mainland Europe. Fortunately, GLA presence in Bavaria wasn't very heavy, and the CCF secured the entire nation in days.

Upon reaching Stuttgart, the CCF discovered the GLA was still celebrating "Zero Hour", and was still occupying the CGF FOB they had captured. General Tao decided to initiate China's revenge by launching a DF-21 at the occupied FOB, wiping it off the map. General Kwai's forces then began sweeping through Stuttgart, taking control of an abandoned US outpost to utilize their equipment (President Harris gave President Wei full permission to use any American equipment they came across), then destroying the GLA base built on the rubble of the USEUCOM base. The blitzkrieg operation lasted several hours, taking the GLA completely by surprise.

Although the battle was a victory, President Wei reprimanded General Tao for using the DF-21 at the 500 kt setting instead of the standard 200 kt, and also apologized to the EU leadership, stating they would limit their use of tactical nuclear weaponry. As it turned out, however, the EU leadership couldn't care less if the Chinese used tactical nuclear weaponry against the GLA, because they couldn't do any more damage than the GLA already had.

Deathstrike hadn't expected the Chinese to intervene in his insurrection. He needed a distraction that would force them to initiate their own "Zero Hour", and it had to be a big target. Fortunately, he still had quite a few sleeper cells left in Central Asia, and he had the perfect targets in mind.

In early March 2028, the Chinese mainland once again fell under GLA attack, this time targeting a nuclear power plant built in Hubei following the destruction of the Three Gorges Dam nine years earlier. General Leang was put in charge of the defense, and was forced, reluctantly, to use Nuke Cannons, which had recently been upgraded to fire neutron shells. Leang's forces had to hold out for ten minutes, without adequate defenses, but she managed to compensate for a lack of a substantial FOB by using the neutron shells to kill GLA vehicle crews, then have Red Guards take control of them (though many Red Guards were given PTSD after seeing the remains of the crews...). Eventually, reinforcements arrived, the plant's defenses were shored up, and Leang was able to deploy her own, non-nuclear forces to destroy the GLA presence. The GLA's second invasion of China was less destructive than the first, and the CCF quickly moved back into Central Asia to destroy the remaining GLA sleeper cells.

With the operation a complete failure, Deathstrike ordered GLA forces in Europe to dig in. The CCF smelled blood in the water, and the frenzy had commenced.

Throughout March, the CCF pushed north through Germany, reaching the first major checkpoint in Coburg on March 26. Coburg was an important target, as the GLA had turned the town into a monument to their victory over the United States, placing numerous statues around town that residents were forced to erect. World opinion was critical of China following Tao's little stunt in Stuttgart, and would be watching the battle very, very closely.

The operation wouldn't be easy, however, as the GLA was putting Kassad's stealth technology to good use, and the town was littered with traps and units. The CCF put General Fai in charge, as he was the most-surgical in his tactics and wouldn't leave Coburg a smoldering ruin like Kwai and Tao had done across the countryside. It was a tough battle, and many men lost their lives, but it was all worth it, as the four statues in the town were destroyed, and world opinion turned in China's favor.

The Battle of Coburg was representative of the types of battles occurring across Germany. As mentioned above, Kwai and Tao were rather-senseless in their tactics, repeating the same "Scorched Earth" tactics they had used in China and Central Asia. Kwai and Tao were like hammers, while Fai, in contrast to his nickname "The Anvil", was like a scalpel, removing the GLA from cities with near-surgical precision, because he understood that the CCF was there to liberate, not incinerate.

By April, the GLA's occupation of cities in Southern and Central Germany had become unsustainable, and Deathstrike gave the order for all forces to retreat back to Hamburg. But the Chinese were still on the offensive, seeking to destroy as many GLA assets as they could. The majority of the GLA retreat was along Bundesautobahn 7, so the CCF set up a base in Haberstadt, and moved a large force including Nuke Cannons and Han Gunships to the west towards Bundesautobahn 7. Over the next few hours, Bundesautobahn 7 was turned into a Highway of Death, reminiscent of Highway 80 in Iraq during the First Gulf War. No GLA forces escaped the grip of the CCF, with only Jarmen Kell managing to slip through (and even then, he was able to spoof his radar signature to look like a Han had managed to get him with a tactical nuclear missile).

Most of Germany had been liberated from GLA control, and EU military forces moved back in to restore order to no avail, as the people were fed-up with the EU. The CCF, meanwhile, marched basically unopposed towards Hamburg, swatting aside any GLA resistance like gnats. Deathstrike knew the fun was over, and began making plans to evacuate himself, Sulaymaan, Yusuuf, and Ibrahiim back to Africa. Juhziz volunteered to stay behind and give his life for the cause, as he had a plan to ensure China's would be a pyrrhic victory.

On June 10, the CCF converged on Hamburg. The combined forces of Kwai, Tao, and Fai were soon met with the GLA's air force, made up of American aircraft. What resulted was the largest aerial dogfight since World War II, as Tao and Fai's J-20s went toe-to-toe with stolen F-35s. Most of Fai's aircraft were shot down, while Tao's J-20s managed to get a few kills before they, too, were destroyed by the superior F-35s. Ultimately, Kwai cleared the skies using his Gattling Tanks, and sent his JH-7 bombers to destroy GLA-occupied air bases, denying the GLA air superiority.

Kwai and Tao's forces remained on the outskirts of the city to recapture American bases, while Fai's forces entered the city. Fai joined the fray himself in a Type 63A light tank.

This was it. This would be the final strike of the sword. This would be the end of the Global War on Terror.

But the GLA refused to go quietly. Juhziz had prepared a parting gift for the Chinese, and drove a Bomb Truck straight at Fai and his forces.

Kwai and Tao were conversing about the tactical situation with the American bases, when they suddenly saw a flash. A bright flash. A flash brighter than even Tao had ever seen. The two men dropped to the ground, waiting for the heat and blast waves to pass. When they stood, they saw a massive mushroom cloud rising over Hamburg. Initially, Tao stood in awe, saying "The glow...the wonderful glow! Can you not see it, general?!", before the gravity of the situation hit him. This wasn't a tactical nuclear warhead, this was a strategic warhead. Tao collected himself, and, just by looking at the mushroom cloud, estimated the yield at 10 megatons, which a postwar inquiry would prove to be correct. Say what you will about Tao and his sanity, the fact he could accurately pin a blast yield just by looking at the size of the mushroom cloud is amazing.

But the damage was done. Fai and his entire army had been wiped out, as had Juhziz. Deathstrike and his inner circle, meanwhile, had managed to escape. After several more days of fighting, the remaining GLA forces around Hamburg, no longer receiving orders from anyone of any importance and having lost the will to fight after seeing Hamburg's destruction, surrendered to the CCF.

It was over, finished. 26½ years of death, destruction, tragedy, and genocide had finally come to an end. The GLA never intended to win the war, just finish what Osama Bin Laden had started. Deathstrike merely wanted to be remembered, and to appeal to his definition of human nature, that being that humans are inherently evil and selfish, with an overwhelming desire to control, and destroy whatever they can't control.

The Global War on Terror had begun on September 11, 2001, and ended on June 14, 2028, the longest war in modern history. The period from 2019 to 2028 was the single-most destructive in the entire war; many began labelling this period was World War III, but the official UN name was the Global War on Terror, as nobody wanted to give Deathstrike such an honor.

The death toll was biblical, with an estimated 180,000,000 military and civilian deaths. The world was left with a massive scar that would never heal. Central Asia was in ruin, the Middle East was now in a massive war, Europe had been eviscerated, half of Africa was now under GLA control, the United States' military power had been curtailed, Russia was now even more of a pariah, democracy had returned to China, military technology had advanced greatly, the nuclear taboo had been broken, and geopolitical power dynamics had been altered.

As I mentioned above, the media sensationalized "Zero Hour" as the United States completely withdrawing all overseas military forces and reverting to isolationism. North Korea believed this, too, and, already on life support, decided on July 9, 2028 to make a go-for-broke attack on South Korea. This was the true Second Korean War, as the North fired their opening shot with a massive artillery barrage that destroyed large portions of Seoul, followed by a massive infantry assault.

But Kim Jong-un had bet on the wrong horse, and had an aneurysm from shock when he saw the United States launch a bulldozer assault through the DMZ. The North's infantry assault had been stopped dead in its tracks through the use of Microwave Tanks, and F-35s streaked into North Korean airspace, quickly establishing air superiority over the North's decrepit air force.

With North Korean forces experiencing defeat after defeat, Kim Jong-un made the decision to launch nuclear weapons. He launched four missiles, one at Seoul, one at Tokyo, one at Guam, and one at Honolulu.

This attack produced mixed results. The missile aimed at Tokyo failed in-flight, and the missile aimed at Honolulu was intercepted by the Particle Cannon Uplink system, the first time it had been used for something other than a glorified death ray. The missiles aimed at Seoul and Guam, however...did hit. Seoul was hit with a 250 KT warhead, while Guam was hit a 50 KT warhead. Subsequent to this, President Harris authorized the use nuclear weapons against North Korea. The USS Nebraska launched a single UGM-133 Trident II with fourteen W76-0 warheads, each with a yield of 100 KT. The primary targets were North Korean missile launch sites, as well as at the center of government in Pyongyang. This attack wiped out all North Korean launch sites, and eviscerated its government. Several hours after the attack, General Alexander received a transmission from inside Pyongyang, revealing that Kim Jong-un, his entire family, and most of the Korean Worker's Party, was dead. On top of that, outside of Pyongyang, the people were rising up against the North Korean military. Within hours, North Korea surrendered.

In under a month, two wars had ended with the use of nuclear weapons, setting a worrying precedent for future wars. Regardless of how it ended, the Second Korean War was over, though at a cost, with Seoul, Pyongyang, and Guam having been attacked with nuclear weapons. But Korea was, for the first time since 1910, now a single, independent nation, the last division from World War II. What's more, it proved that the United States was still a force to be reckoned with.

But then reality set in. The United States had still lost Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Half of Africa was now under GLA control, the Middle East was in an intense war, and the European Union had cut all diplomatic and trade relations with the United States, on the belief that they had been abandoned. Now, this was far from the truth, but it showed just how paranoid the EU leadership had become.

And that paranoia would be their undoing. As the GLA insurrection began, the EU central government dispersed. Now, the EU was on the brink of collapse, and military cadres and popular revolutionaries seized the opportunity to disempower the scattered central government in an effort to restore the sovereignty of their nations. Thus began the Eurospring Revolutions.

Across Europe, the rubber stamp representatives were overthrown, oftentimes violently. In France, an insurrection eerily resembling the January 6 insurrection assaulted the Elysée Palace, declaring the French Sixth Republic. The governor of the Netherlands resigned, and the Dutch royal family took over interrim positions. In Spain, King Felipe VI led a coup against the governor, and proclaimed the return of an absolute monarchy. The German four-party Europakoalition was arrested by the military, and Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, was crowned as Frederick IV, Emperor of Germany, the first Kaiser since Wilhelm II. I don't think the return of the monarchy to power in Europe, let alone the fucking Kaiser, was on ANYONE'S 21st century bingo card.

The European Union was officially dead, and the nations of Europe were once again sovereign entities. The nations who had broken away from the EU willingly rejoined their original nations. On August 1, 2028, the European coup leaders and China formed the Eurasian Unity League, in essence a Chinese Marshall Plan for the broken economy of Europe. China lent cheap credits in exchange for military bases on EU territory, while providing guidance in the reconstruction of infrastructure, armed forces and domestic security agencies. Under China, Europe would build back, and build back better.

But Europe wasn't the only place where the fires of revolution burned. For the past six years, Russia had been in a long, grinding war with Ukraine. They had been unable to make major gains in Ukraine thanks to just how decrepit their military was, as Russian generals had spent their entire budgets on personal luxuries, confident that just being the Russian Army would be enough to win the day.

After the Sulaymaan-Baluyev Affair in 2024, when it was discovered that Russia was selling weapons to the GLA, discontent against the regime of Vladimir Putin grew to unprecedented levels. Putin responded with indiscriminate mass arrests, extrajudicial killings, and openly arresting political opponents, but this just pissed off the populace even more. Putin had turned Russia into a joke, and he had to go.

A massive protest in Red Square on August 9, 2028 turned deadly when police opened fire. Opposition leader Nikolai Suvorov, a protege of the late Alexei Navalny, witnessed this, and contacted Major General Leonid Zhukov, who supported Suvorov. Riding atop a BMP, Suvorov and his supporters, joined increasingly by more and more military personnel, stormed over the barricades at the Kremlin, and breached the outnumbered security forces. It was yet another repeat of the January 6 insurrection, though this time, it was an actual coup.

Suvorov and some soldiers reached Putin's office, where they found Putin holding a gun and a button. He revealed that this button would send a signal to the Dead Hand system that would make it believe Moscow had been destroyed, and would then launch all of Russia's nuclear missiles at the United States, Europe, and China. Quickly, Suvorov shot the button out of Putin's hands, and a brief shootout ensued that ended with Putin dead of multiple shots to the chest.

The Putin regime was, at long last, at an end. Suvorov and his supporters soon began searching Putin's office, and found an entire filing cabinet full of documents that contained earth-shattering revelations:

The GLA was Putin's idea, not Deathstrike's. It was all part of his master plan to create a Eurasian Empire, starting with manipulating the 2016 United States presidential election to ensure Donald Trump would be elected and paralyze the United States with political gridlock. The GLA would then destroy the CCP and plunge China into civil war, Russia would invade Ukraine and quickly take over, then the GLA would launch an insurrection in Europe that would leave it so weak, they wouldn't be able to resist an invasion.

But the plan started going off the rails fast. The first crack was when Taiwan swooped in and retook control of China, which created a much, much more powerful China. The next crack was when Deathstrike started doing his own thing; Putin thought he was using Deathstrike, but in reality, Deathstrike was using Putin. All too quickly, Putin realized he had created a monster that he couldn't control. Then, in 2020, Trump lost reelection to Biden, losing another part of the plan. Desperate to salvage his grand plan, Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022, but quickly found himself way in over his head. All the while, the GLA was carving a path of destruction around the world, and took over the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Eventually, part of Putin's plan came to fruition when the GLA launched the European Insurrection, but Russia was in no position to capitalize, and China came in and threw the GLA out. With the protests against him growing, Putin knew his carefully-laid plan for world domination was over. So, he decided to move to Plan B: Mutually Assured Destruction. If he couldn't have the world, no one could, and he was preparing to launch all of Russia's nuclear weapons at the United States, Europe, and China. This, too, was foiled when Suvorov and his supporters stormed the Kremlin, leaving Putin's plans dead in the water.

Needless to say, Suvorov felt physically ill upon reading these plans, and made them fully public to show the world just how insane Putin was. On September 5, snap elections were held in Russia, and Suvorov and his Novorossiya Party, a broad alliance of social democrats and civic nationalists, won an overwhelming majority. In his victory speech, Suvorov stated he would root out the post-Soviet olgarchy, end all infighting and corruption, and "create a new Eurasian hegemony with Mother Russia at its helm". Nowhere in his speech, however, was any mention of rapproachment with the United States and Europe, reductions to the nuclear arsenal, or any mention of Ukraine, leading many to believe Suvorov was "meet the new Putin, same as the old Putin".

Hours after his inauguration, however, Suvorov withdrew all Russian forces from Ukraine, and contacted president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, offering to pay war reparations using Putin's vast bank accounts, which Zelenskyy accepted without hesitation. Suvorov immediately set to work rooting out corruption within Russia, at all levels. The oligarchy as a whole was arrested, and their ill-gotten gains were redistributed back to the people.

Central Asia still had a massive power vacuum after the Global War on Terror, as the pro-GLA governments had been dismantled by the Chinese, who had retreated from the region. Suvorov opportunistically moved into Kazakhstan, Uzbekhistan, Turkmenistan, and Aldastan and installed Russian puppet governments. The people in these countries, having known nothing but death and despair for the past eleven years, welcomed the Russians with open arms. UN member states had no objections to this, since the region badly needed stability, and China had no interest in taking on the task.

Meanwhile, election campaigning had entered the home stretch in the United States. All of the new political parties of the Seventh Party System had their nominees:
  • Democratic Party: Kamala Harris
  • New Whig Party: Liz Cheney
  • Progressive Party: Ro Khanna
  • Republican Party: Kevin Hern
  • American Solidarity Party: Rick Santorum
  • America First Party: Marjorie Taylor Greene
  • International Party: Lindsey Graham
  • Socialist Party of America: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Libertarian Party: Justin Amash
The 2028 election was the most competitive in years, with all parties having a chance at victory. All candidates launched vicious attacks against each other; Kamala Harris was blamed for losing the Middle East and its oil profits, Liz Cheney was considered a "filthy neutral" for chickening out and choosing the middle, Ro Khanna's platform calling for nationalizing certain industries such as the railroads, power grid, and healthcare got him called a communist, Marjorie Taylor Greene's Trumpist positions earned her considerable scorn from a nation that had grown fed-up with far-right populism, and Lindsey Graham was labelled a warmonger for his plans to send troops to the Middle East to end the ongoing war there, which the United States most certainly wasn't in a position to do.

When November 7 finally came, so, too, did voter intimidation and mail tampering, resulting in police being called to polling places and post offices. At 10 PM EST, however, CNN's Wolf Blitzer projected that Ro Khanna would cross the 270-vote threshold to become the 48th President of the United States. Additionally, the Progressive Party had won a filibuster-proof majority in both the Senate and House, emblematic of the people's desire for something new, now that the big tents were gone and a wider variety of ideologies were in the open. Khanna was inaugurated on January 20, 2029.

Meanwhile, in the Middle East, the Great Middle Eastern War raged on. In 2026, Iran had launched a cruise missile attack that destroyed the only desalination plants in the Middle East, cutting the entire region off from its source of clean water. A massive humanitarian crisis broke out, and the United States began provided free bottled water to the people. After "Zero Hour", the United States pulled out of the Middle East, Iraq once again becoming an independent nation that quickly became a battleground between the Saudis and Iranians. In 2024, Saudi Arabia had taken delivery of DF-4 and DF-5 ICBMs from China, which was completing the roll-out of the DF-41 ICBM. Supposedly, these missiles didn't have nuclear warheads, but in 2028, Saudi Arabia admitted that China had given them the missiles with the nuclear warheads still attached to deter Iran. Iran's own nuclear program had born fruit in 2025, and by 2029, they had at least 40 IRBMs.

But by now, the Great Middle Eastern War had expanded. Afghanistan still had a pro-GLA government, and allied with Iran. Pakistan had allied with Saudi Arabia, and invaded Iran and Afghanistan. Turkey entered as a third side, having fallen to a populist coup, with the new regime seeking to create a secular Ottoman Empire. Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan had been invaded by Turkey in 2028, an event that had flown under everyone's radar thanks to the GLA's insurrection in Europe. India, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates all wisely declared neutrality, while nobody dared to fuck around and find out how many nuclear weapons Israel actually had.

Eventually, one thing led to another, and on February 3, 2029, Saudi Arabia and Iran launched their nuclear missiles at each other, with Pakistan also launching its nuclear arsenal at Iran. The destruction wrought by the first nuclear exchange in history was catastrophic, and the death toll was incalculable. However, the exchange was of great interest to scientists, who studied how modern cities held up under nuclear attack. Ultimately, nuclear winter was debunked, as there was no noticeable change in global temperatures or sunlight levels. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament breathed a heavy sigh of relief now that it was known that Carl Sagan was wrong. Nuclear war was becoming more and more widespread, but the nations of the world, thankfully, were taking steps to lessen the after-effects.

As for radioactive fallout, only Pakistan's weapons had created any appreciable fallout, which was neutralized using CBRN Foam. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran had exclusively used pure fusion weapons, which produced little, if any, nuclear fallout. All other nuclear-armed nations saw this, and began the process of designing pure fusion weapons to replace their thermonuclear weapons.

Both the Saudi and Iranian governments survived, but both nations plunged into total anarchy. Surviving military forces were able to restore order in surviving urban centers, and tens of thousands of able-bodied men were conscripted into organized militias; both even became desperate enough to begin conscripting women. Many people found themselves pushed into combat with little more than a rifle and some magazines. By now, both sides were desperate to claim as much enemy territory as possible before the eventual peace talks begin.

Following the Saudi-Iranian nuclear exchange, the oil market crashed. The United States weathered this rather well, all things considered, thanks to its entire power grid now utilizing fusion power instead of fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric, and other, unreliable forms of green energy such as wind and solar. In fact, the switchover to fusion power saw the last remaining nuclear power plants in the United States decommissioned, and hydroelectric dams started being demolished; Hoover Dam, as a National Historic Landmark, was merely decommissioned and remained in place, its gates being opened to restore natural flow to the Colorado River.

Russia, meanwhile, had plenty of oil. European nations used their cheap credit from China to purchase large amounts of fossil fuels and raw materials from Russia. This influx of cash was a windfall for Russia, and Suvorov reinvested it into the nation's crumbling infrastructure, starting a new golden age for Russia. Suvorov gained well-earned reputation as a smart statesman with the appeal of a film star.

Meanwhile, in the United States, President Khanna had been busy sorting out the mess left by the Harris adminstration after "Zero Hour". The American economy, without access to the markets in Europe and the Middle East, went into a recession, and the Khanna administration went on damage control. Defense spending was the first area to be cut, with expensive projects being cut. Among these was General Townes' laser projects, and Townes took it personally, completely locking down his base on March 14, 2029. General Ironside constructed a FOB nearby, and took out Townes' defense using Wraith and Mammoth tanks. Instead of destroying the base, Ironside captured it intact, and arrested Townes. After this incident, Townes was imprisoned for treason.

For Ironside, however, it would be his last hurrah, as his vehicle designs were all decommissioned as too expensive. The United States Armed Forces had to downsize and rationalize its weapons in these lean years, and Ironsides' entire army was considered expendable. General Alexander and her special weapons were also deemed too expensive to maintain, and she resigned in protest.

General Granger, meanwhile, was practically forced to resign. He was one of the architects of the F/B-40 Aurora, which was an abject failure. After his inauguration, one of President Khanna's first acts was to immediately scrap the entire Aurora project. Granger, along with several high-ranking Air Force officials, took the fall for the project's failure, and all resigned; Granger, after losing his position, was quoted saying "I guess it's time for me to find a good airline job". Granger was replaced as General of the Air Combat Command by his second-in-command, Eugene "Guile" Griffon.

Despite the budget cuts, however, the United States' military underwent a new round of modernization. The M4A1 Crusader was mothballed, to be replaced by a newer design at a future date. Japan and Korea continued using what was now considered the Crusader I. The Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines, Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers, Virginia-class attack submarines, B-21 Raider bombers, and LGM-35 Sentinel ICBMs would continue production, with no cuts. The production of drones also ramped up to save on labor costs.

Outside of the military cuts, President Khanna got a lot done. One of his first orders of business was restoring abortion protections, reversing the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision. With the filibuster-proof majority, Khanna was able to get his agenda through. One of the landmark achievements under his administration was the Railroad Act of 2029, which nationalized America's rail network after years of reduced investment, gross mismanagement caused by pressure from Wall Street, high-profile accidents, interference from conservatives with interests in automobile and airline concerns, and declining customer service. Under the act, all Class I railroads in the United States (Union Pacific, BNSF, CSX, Norfolk Southern, CPKC, and Canadian National; the latter two only had their American operations nationalized, with CPKC's Canadian operation reverting back to the Canadian Pacific name, and its Mexican operation reverting to its original name of Transportación Ferroviaria Mexicana) were nationalized under the newly-reformed Consolidated Rail Corporation, or Conrail, which saw the return of the familiar Conrail Blue and "can-opener" logo. All Class I trackage in the United States was nationalized, and in areas with parallel lines serving the same cities, one line would be sold to a private operator, as the act stated that no lines would be closed (for example, in California's Central Valley, Conrail controls the former BNSF Stockton and Bakersfield Subdivisions, while the parallel line, the former UP Fresno Subdivision, was handed over to the San Joaquin Valley Railroad, which for years had been operating ex-Southern Pacific and ATSF branchines in the Central Valley; the SJVR, consequently, became a Class II railroad with the sudden influx of traffic and revenue, and had to order brand-new locomotives to meet demand). Class II regionals and Class III shortlines were given the option to either join or remain independent.

Conrail is operated under the auspices of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), which took control over all operations, locomotives, rolling stock that had been owned by Class I railroads, and infrastructure. Privately-owned freight cars remained a staple of the nationalized network, adding a dash of color. Amtrak, long a victim of indecision and at the mercy of hostile Republicans and selfish freight railroads who saw Amtrak trains as an obstacle to their own trains, went from a publicly-owned corporation to being fully nationalized under the control of the FRA. With all mainlines now under government control, Amtrak now had the freedom to run trains anywhere they so desired. In its first year under FRA control, Amtrak's profits shot up 400%, while airlines experienced major losses and soon required a bailout. The Khanna adminstration, instead of bailing the airlines out, chose to nationalize all American-based airlines instead, creating a single flag carrier using the American Airlines name. Improvements were made to the airlines, including shutting down the Transportation Security Administration (which had long been proven to be an ineffective money sink), increasing legroom on airlines, removing surcharges, and overall attempting to make flying less stressful. Airlines remained popular for international travel, but the railroads had reclaimed its mantle as the premiere domestic transportation mode, thanks to additional sleeper trains, Auto Trains (trains that allow one to bring their car with them), and an increasing number of high-speed trains (initially using Siemens diesel trains on existing lines).

But restoring the railroads to their former glory wasn't Khanna's only accomplishment. Aside from the railroads and airlines, several other industries were nationalized, including utilities, oil, gas, mining, steel, the healthcare system (including hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance), K-12 schools, universities, real estate firms, telecommunications (including the internet, landlines, and cell networks), the Interstate Highway System, and all forms of public transportation (including buses, light rail, streetcars, subways, heavy rail, monorails, people movers, and ferries).

But the United States was still in a recession, and the effects were being felt everywhere. Khanna weathered the crisis the best he could, and to his credit, greatly limited the damage. He enjoyed high approval ratings, as his policies were popular, the nation's overall standard of living rose exponentially, and a new golden age of rail travel had dawned. Not everyone was happy, with most conservatives calling Khanna a communist being influenced by Chinese communist hardliners in exile, but the majority opinion was in favor of social democracy.

Going back to the GLA, after the European Insurrection, Deathstrike and Sulyamaan returned to Africa to a hero's welcome. Mohmar smiled, because he knew he had scarred Europe for a lifetime and the world would never be the same again. Although most of his warriors had perished in what was meant to be the GLA's final blaze of glory, Mohmar was still content, for he would be remembered as one of the great conquerors of Europe, just like Attila the Hun, Ghengis Khan, Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler, the men he wanted to be like since his younger days.

Sulaymaan, however, was worried. It was now public knowledge that the GLA was the creation of Russia, and that Suvorov was anti-GLA. He wondered how long it would be before Russia came knocking in Africa.

And when I said the world would never be the same again, I meant it. I REALLY meant it. For the third decade of the 21st century was dawning, and with it, a new era of hyper-militarization, neocolonialism, and nuclear proliferation...
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