Rise of the Nordheimer (Conan the Barbarian Quest)

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Between the times when the oceans drank the land of Thule and reduced it's inhabitants to snow...

Ein Gunnhildar

Has anyone seen my axe?
Fenris, Death World, Segmentum Obscurus
Between the times when the oceans drank the land of Thule and reduced it's inhabitants to snow apes, and the rise of the of the Sons of the Nordic Aryans after the Second Cataclysm, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, a great hero, born in the frozen wastes of Nordheim, grew within the tribes of the Aesir of Asgard and the Vanir of Vanaheim, the chiefs of the north, heirs to the might and wrath of Ymir. This hero, born of the shield, raised by the sword, nurtured by the axe, and taught by the spear, would carve a bloody bath throughout the lands of the Hyborian Age, to find the sister who was stolen. It is I, the son of this great hero, who can, alone, tell their tale. A tale of blood, love, sadness, death, magic, monsters, and mass warfare. A tale, in an age of high adventure!

The snow shocked you awake, sending chills down your body from your face. You quickly brushed off the bucket of snow that had been dumped on your face. You look up from you wolfskin bedding to see your older sister, Brunhildar, fair and strong, with red hair of the Vanir, but her eyes were green, a mutation that was almost unheard of from the blue-eyed inhabitants of both nations. It was an odd factor of her, but it was a trait that you both shared.

"Wake up, brat. The fish aren't going to catch themselves, and you're not strong enough to chop up firewood yet." She held up the wooden bucket, used to collect salmon from small river that flowed under the ice. The woodcutters axe was in her other hand, slung over her shoulder. She was about twenty summers old, eight summers older than you. She raised you after your father, an Aesir, died in a skirmish when you were only five summers. Your mother, a Vanir, died giving birth to you. Your sister may be a bitch at times, but she's the only family you have.

You get out bed, taking the bucket from her hands, and grab your fishing rod leaning next to the doorframe of your small hut. The morning was crisp and clean, the sky clear of clouds, and the sun glistening off the snow. Your eyes were used to the slight burning sensation of the sun's reflection, but you still knew to keep the sun to your side. Three boys and two girls, about your age, ran past you with wooden weapons and shields. They were of both Aesir and Vanir stock, and saw no prejudice, something common between the two tribes outside of Wolraven.

Wolraven was a holy sight and border town of the two nations, with mountains to the north and south, settled in a mountain pass known as Ymir's Gate, and the only place in the north where the tribes could coexist in peace. They say that if anyone draws a real weapon within the stone walls, Ymir will cast his wrath upon the village. But you thought nothing of it. You left the walls and headed north by northeast, to the place where the mountain river flowed into the pass under the ice. There, you found the hole: a carved out opening that was made by your sister, and maintained by yourself every day to prevent it from freezing over. You began scrapping at the walls of the fihing hole with you seax, then sat down and put the hook end of the string into the running water.

Life was boring. This sucked. Everyday, it was fish, eat, chores, eat, fish, eat, sleep. You hadn't tasted venison for many summers now, and even the local ale and mead tasted like water by now. You were almost afraid that Ymir would never welcome you to Valhalla as a hero, but as a mere fisherman, as the actions of one's life reflected the afterlife Ymir provided. You even considered how bland you as a are as a person, and the kind of person you wanted to be.

Pick a gender:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female

Pick an ethnicity:
[ ] Aesir, proud blonde race that focuses more on glory than bloodshed, but still held both in high regard.
[ ] Vanir, mighty redheaded race that focuses more on bloodshed than glory, but still held both in high regard.

You want to grow up into:
[ ] A berserker, who charges into battle with the might of a bear and the cunning of a wolf.
[ ] A wild hunter, who hunts down the most dangerous of prey, from the Nordwolf to the Eiglophian Warden Sheep.
[ ] A shaman, who talks with spirits and animals, and one of the few Nordheimer who dabbles in the arcane arts. (Shamans are called godi in Vanaheim, and godar in Asgard, and act in a manner similar to priests and politics.)
[ ] A völva (sorceress, female only), who practices the arts of Seid, a form of magic touching the circles of Divination, Hypnotism, Nature magic, and even Curses.
[ ] A shieldmaiden (female only), who wields a shield as effectively as any weapon, and proves that men aren't the only warriors of Nordheim.
[ ] A war chief (male only), who leads warriors into battle as raiding parties, mercenaries, or pirates on longships.
[ ] A clan chief (male only), who leads from the comfort of the longhouse, and encourages bondsmen to his side with the promise of glory and a seat in the meadhall.

And finally, choose a name. Nordheimer have Nordic names, and do no have last names or middle names. They are sometimes even named after the Scandinavian gods.
[ ] Name:

Since this is my first quest, I hope everyone who participates find it enjoyable amd fun. I don't see enough Conan quests or stories, so hopefully this'll be a nice change of pace. Enjoy!
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Name: Kara
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Vanir
Class: Shield Maiden (not yet, at least!)
Weapons: Seax (small)
Armor: No Armor
Equipment: Warm clothes, pack, flint and steel, fishing rod
Relations: Brunhildar, Older Vanir Sister; Father, Aesir (deceased); Eric, Wolraven Butcher (deceased); Ca'ntar the Champion, captured Brunhildar (undead);


- Small weapons can be drawn and used in almost any situation, so long as your arms are available. They are exclusively one handed, and can be used in tight spots like a grapple or pin, and can always be thrown (unless stated otherwise), but rarely do enough to kill things stronger than an average human.
- Medium weapons can sometimes be used two handed, but are built as one handed weapons. These weapons can be dual wielded, or be used with a shield. They can easily kill humans and animals, but tougher monsters will still put up a fight.
- Large weapons are exclusively two handed weapons, and cannot be used with a shield or a second weapon. These weapons won't most kill monsters in one swipe, and they tend to be slower, but will surely do some hefty damage, and most have good reach to them.
Ranged weapons are weapons that are either thrown of shot, and can hit an opponent from a distance. Thrown weapons are most of the time small or medium weapons, while shooting weapons have better range.
Shields are weak, blunt weapons, sometimes outfitted to be weapons with spikes or blade, but are mainly defensive weapons. There is very little that a shield isn't useful for, and can easily save one's life if used properly.

- No armor is exactly as it sounds. The lightest option and least restrictive, it provides no encumberance, but without it, don't expect to walk away from battles unharmed, if you can walk away at all. You get the best sleep with no armor.
- Light armor is weak, and provides very little defence, but is freeing and easy to carry, sometimes even wear around like clothing in everyday business. You can sleep normally in light armor.
- Medium armor is heavier than light, and slightly restricts certain actions, but is still light enough to fight comfortably, and provides better protection than lighter armors. You can sleep in medium armor, but it will be uncomfortable.
- Heavy armor provides the best protection of all armor types, but is heavy, restrictive, and takes a very long time to put on and take off, and you cannot sleep in heavy armor.

Map of Hyboria:
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Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 1
Kara sighed, bored out her mind. The minutes passed, and it was almost an hour until she felt her first tug. By the time the sun was directly upon her, she had only caught four salmon. It wasn't a large amount, but it would easily fill the two girls. She quickly cleaned the fish, using her trusty seax to cut off their heads and safely take out their guts, running them through the icy river below, then brought them back into the village.

Upon returning home, Kara found the wood in the fireplace already burning, with Brunhildar tending the fire, and cleaning the long iron rod used to rotate the fish over the flame. "Good, your back. How many did you catch today?"

"Four. Try not to eat all of them, your gut is already round enough."

"Hey, my gut is as flat as your breasts, brat!"

Kara punches her sister in the shoulder, causing both girls to laugh. They hug each other tightly, in a manner that's playful, and slightly aggresive. Brunhildar was far from a fat woman, but she was big, easily as tall as half of the men in the village and just as built. Her features were flawless, with the exception of a single long, thin scar going across her back, from her right should, to her left waist. She earned that scar protecting Kara from a drunk Cimmerian with a limp that had visited the town of Wolraven. Having drawn a sword inside the stone walls of the village, he was left to die in the cold, with no clothes or provisions.

By the end of the meal, Kara felt like a nap was due. Not like she had anything to do today, other than more fishing. With a stretch and yawn, she stood up and began walking into her room. Brunhildar stood up as well, but instead went towards the back room - the one that used to be father's room. "Wait, Kara. I have something I want to show you." Entering the room, Brunhildar rummaged around, while Kara waited at the doorframe of her own room. Brunhildar emerged with two shields, one large, and one small, as well as an assortment of wooden weapons. "Mother used to play with me and train me before you were born. These were some of my old toys." She set them down at the dining table, displaying out each individual weapon. "Pick a weapon...or two. The shield is optional."

[ ] Yes (may only select one medium weapon)
[ ] No (may select two medium weapons or one large weapon)

[ ] Broadsword (medium)
[ ] Battleaxe (medium)
[ ] Spear (medium)
[ ] Warsword (can be used medium or large, bastard/hand-and-a-half)
[ ] Greatsword (large)
[ ] Nordheimer Greataxe (large)
[ ] War spear (large)
Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 2
Kara examined the weapons on the table. She picked up the small shield first, and it felt nice her in hand. She held the shield in her left hand, and picked up the wooden spear with her right hand. Brunhildar, however, only picked up the shield. She smirked at Kara, and gestured her forward. With a lunge, Kara stabbed at her sister, with all her might in a wild display. Brunhildar took a step to her left, causing the stab to miss, and jabbed the shield forward, the edge smacking into Kara's face. The blow sent her onto her butt, her nose bleeding from the strike. This makes Kara...

[ ] Cry, and stab blindly through tears. Fight with passion.
[ ] Get extremely angry, and lunge at Brunhildar again. Fight with rage.
[ ] Quit, only to attack when Brunhildar's guard is down. Fight dirty.

The fight goes on for a what feels like forever. Kara has built up a sweat, and can barely stand up, but Brunhildar is only know starting to pant from exhaustion. The light of the fire is the only illumination in the room, since the sun went down almost an hour ago. "That's not...fair..." Kara speaks through heavy breaths, leaning against the table. "...you're...bigger and...better than...me..."

"Fighting isn't about being fair. It's about surviving. You need to know when and how to fight someday, and I'm glad your first fight was with me." She rubs the top of Kara's head, then sets the shield down. There is a feeling of somber nostalgia in the way Brunhildar looks at the shield. She turns to Kara with a mere half smile. "Rest. I'm gonna go to the butcher and treat us. I saved enough money from selling the extra logs these past few months. Besides, your first fight is enough reason to revel!" The thought of actual red meat sounded amazing. Kara dropped the spear and shield, then began walking to her bedroom.

[ ] Sleep, all that sparring was exhausting.
[ ] Stay awake and play with the weapons more.
[ ] Ask if Kara can follow Brunhildar instead.
[ ] Why ask? Kara could just be sneaky...
Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 3
Ever the passionate and curious child, Kara went into her room, and stood with her back to the wall, right next to the doorframe. She listened carefully, hearing Brunhildar leave their home, then quickly pursued after about a five second wait. The snow was even colder at night, and practically froze together, making it hard for someone as lightweight as Kara to even try and make noise.

Brunhildar headed down the path towards the butcher, and was too oblivious to look back. Kara took this advantage to follow just ten feet or so behind her, hiding behind barrels or huts when she thought her sister would turn around. At one point, Brunhildar stopped, and looked towards the roof of the hut to her immediate left. Kara didn't know why, it was very odd behavior...and when Brunhildar began walking again, she moved faster, almost into a jog.

Kara looked up at the roof. She didn't see or hear anything...but she did smell something. It was an odd smell, not too strong, but the faint scent was pungent. It smelled similar to the fish guts she would clean everyday, and she would've have been immune to the stench if it didn't smell like the innards of thousands of fish that had been left out for almost a month. It was sickening, causing Kara's stomach to turn, and caused Kara to pick up her pace as well, both to catch up to her sister, and get away from the smell. That couldn't be the butcher, she was going towards and getting farther away from the stench...

When Brunhildar arrived at her destination, she entered with a rush, and closed the door behind her quickly. It almost disappointed Kara when she saw her sister enter the shop. But, she didn't sneak out for nothing! She found the nearest window, and tip toed over towards it.

"Eric, thank Ymir you're still open..."
"You okay, Brunhildar? You seem paranoid."
"I thought some stalker was following me. Must've been an abandoned dog, by the smell of it."
"Well, that's what you get for being out so late. What can I getcha? Got some fresh mammoth meat just before sunset."
"Reindeer will do fine. Roast cuts, pound each, please."
"Alright, thirty silver will do fine."
"Really? I thought it was gonna be more than that..."
"I'm about to close up for the night, and you're too spooked for me to bother you anymore than you are. Thirty is fine."

This...was...so...boooooring. So much for sneaking out. With a sigh of disappointment, Kara began walking back home...when she heard a slight crunch under her foot. She looked down, and say a finger...a human finger, still warm, blood still flowing. It didn't drop down, and Kara didn't remember seeing it when she walked by the first time...

[ ] ...actually, maybe now would be a good idea to tell Brunhildar about the smell, right?
[ ] ...I mean, it's kinda cool. And nobody will miss it if it's picked up, right?
[ ] ...or, maybe it did drop down...? It's not like looking up would hurt, right?
[ ] ...it'd be easy to just scream in horror, right?
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Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 4
Kara slowly looked straight up. Above her, she barely saw the silhouettes of large humanoid figures, two of them, roof hopping onto the Butcher's shop, almost dead silent in their movements. One actually stopped, stood up, and sniffed the air...then looked down at Kara. The blue light of the moon reflected off the ice and into the eyes of the shape, it's yellow eyes faintly glowing as they peered onto Kara. An instant shiver went down her spine, and couldn't believe the sight of the creature. As the creature walked closer to the edge of the hut, so too did the moonlight show the features more clearly.

It's body was human, but jet black in complexion. However, parts of it were that of an animal, the neck up, calves down, and finger nails were animal parts, with canine-like claws, nimble legs, and a canine head and fur. The features were similar to a wolf, but different enough to clearly be a different beast, with the snout being shorter, the back and neck having a weird hump that caused the fur to create an almost mohawk-like appearance, with tan fur riddled with patches of black and grey spots. But easily the most disturbing feature was the blood stained lips and hands, and the necklace of fingers, phallic organs, and what appeared to be stranded of women's hair in braids and ponytails. The beast seemed to...laugh, or at least, a parody of a laugh, unnatural and primal.

Awestruck in fear, and too focused on this man-beast examining Kara, it was easy to forget the creatures jumping onto the roof of the Butcher's, the building Brunhildar was in. Then, everything happened in a blur, and in slow motion, all at once, as if the mind of poor, young Kara couldn't simple comprehend the events properly.

It started with Brunhildar's scream, shortly followed by the glow and roar of a fire inside the building. It was at the moment when Eric's head, free of the shoulders, flew out the window that the lone beast examining Kara leaped. There was little time to act, and even less time to think. Instinct took over Kara...

[ ] Pull out the seax, and attempt to strike the plunging man-beast.
[ ] Jump out of the way, and attempt to run away.
[ ] Jump out of the way, and attempt to run into the Butcher's shop.
[ ] How can anyone do anything in this situation but scream in pure panic?!
[ ] Write in.
- enjoying the writing so far but i do agree regarding the starting vote and questers should had been told that the vote was by plan. oh well, its over and done with and now on to the quest!
Yeah, that was very wrong of me to do. However, looking at the thread options on my freetime, I found a "sidestory" option, and it got me thinking...would people like it if I did a sidestory with the supposed-to-be character? Have the two meet up occasionally, kind of in a style similar to the "Conan and Red Sonja" comics, but for the most part, keep their stories seperate? Or should I just do a seperate questline? Or just leave it all be?

[ ] Sidestory for Harald the berserker.
[ ] Seperate quest for Harald the berserker.
[ ] Focus on Kara first, for now.
Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 5
Kara tumbled to her right, the man-beast sinking the bestial claws directly into the ice. Both hands get stuck in the ice, and the creature begins to struggle and yelp. Kara takes this moment to run into the Butcher's Shop, coughing and covering her mouth as she sees the chaos inside. The headless corpse of Eric the butcher lies next to the raging fire, with Brunhildar attempting to yank out the cleaver jammed into the head of one of the man-beasts that somehow got it.

"Kara! What are you doing out here?! You should be in bed!" She eventually frees the cleaver from it's skull sheath, and covers her mouth as she approaches her little sister.

"I-I don't know! I'm s-scared, what's g-going on?! Why are-"

The cleaver flies by Kara's head, causing her to freeze in fear. A split second later, a wet crunching noise sounds behind her, immediately followed by a single yelp, then the slumping sound of a body hitting the wooden floor. She turns around to see the creature that first attacked her from the roof. Brunhildar had managed to throw the cleaver directly into the sternum, nearly caving in the ribs, the blade imbedded to the point where only the handle was visible.

Unable to move from the shear suddeness of the whole situation, Kara nearly passes out, quickly caught mid-collapse by Brunhildar. She lifts her sister up and over her shoulders, carrying her piggy-back style, and running out of the Butcher's. Looking around, Brunhildar and Kara noticed multiple buildings beginning to smoke, the advantage of the ambush now lost by the attackers. While Nordheimer's were magnificent warriors, the fact that most households had only a single blade, the superstition of drawing a weapon within the walls, and the ambush of creatures never seen or heard of before, led to more human corpses on the streets than man-beast. Men, women, and children alike were being mauled, being 'taken' by force, or sometimes both. The sadistic monsters found pleasure in desecrating both the living and the dead, and it made Brunhildar sick in the stomach.

Brunhildar ran straight in the direction of the house, and by the time she made it, half the village was burning. She set Kara onto the bed in Kara's bedroom, then ran straight into the closet in the parents' room. Upon opening it, she found her father's broadsword, forged from Akbitanan steel from a distant land, with a wide steel pommel decorated with a thin layer of silver, and a handle made of horn from a Warden Sheep, and wrapped in a leather made from the hide of a Nordwolf. She drew the blade, and grabbed her mother's shield.

It was the crashing, shattering noise of the front door that woke Kara up. She was breathing heavily, her panic still overcoming her. She stood up, and peered out the doorframe of her bedroom. Kara watched in awe as the three man-beasts came charging through the door at Brunhildar, only to be cut down in one fell swing of the blade, blood pouring forth almost comically from their throats, their heads barely holding on their shoulder. A figure stood at the doorframe, and began to laugh, in a manner more human, but similar to that of the creatures.

His appearance glistened off the fireplace as he entered. His skin was dark like the beasts, but he was completely human, with the exceptions of red eyes that almost glowed in the firelight. With the exception of a loincloth and a headpiece made from a canine skull, the man was completely bare, unheard of in these weather conditions. His torso, arms, and legs were covered in tattoos as white as the snow, in patterns in symbols unrecognizable.

"Wonderful! I have never seen such a warrior slay three of my hyena-men in one strike. Simply marvelous! You really live up to your bloodline."
"Fuck you!"
"Maybe after my Mistress has been finished with you. Until then..."

Suddenly, the roof collapses in on Brunhildar, the wood and pine crumbling down on her. With it, five more of these "hyena-men" come down onto the rubble, and quickly begin to dig Brunhildar out. Some of the roof landed in the fireplace, slowly catching fire. They dig out the unconscious body of Brunhildar. She's still alive, but badly injured, her breath slow but heavy. The tattooed man walks over to her, and with his index finger and thumb, opens one of her eyes.

"...Green. She's one of the Blessed Children. THIS is the last piece of the ritual! Waayo Jamankh, ah Geedka Jinni!"

The hyena-men let out their supernatural laughter, not unlike wolves howling at the moon. The begin to pick her up, and carry her off. The tattooed man smirks, and leads the pack to the frame that once was the front door.

[ ] Stay back and do nothing.
[ ] Attempt to stab the nearest hyena-man.
[ ] Attempt to throw your seax at the tattooed man.
[ ] Challenge the tattooed man to single combat.
[ ] Write in.
Wolraven information
We need to take this to people who can help.

... do those people exist? Like, is there a Jarl we can run to? A leader who could actually do something about 'evil beast men kidnapping our sister for a malevolent ritual, please kill them?' Or are we effectively on our own?
Sadly, the notes I found of Wolraven doesn't entirely explain, if I remember. While it is an official location (to my knowledge), it doesn't even show up on Hyborian maps. So, for the sake of preventing confusion, I'll write up my own structure for the town.

There is indeed a clan chief, or a "Jarl." Technically, because Wolraven is a bordertown incorporating both cultures, I will say that there are "two" Jarls, a husband and a wife, each of a different ethnicity. Because it is nearly unheard of (but technically not stated to be impossible) to have a female clan chief, let's say the Jarl's wife is a shaman, which acts in a manner akin to both a priest and a politic. There is no "King" that the Jarl and his wife serve, as it is a town controlled by both nations and a location of peace.
Chapter 1: The Raid, Part 6
Kara steps out from her bedroom, and with all the passion she has to save her sister, she aims true. The scream of glory echoed from Kara as she tosses the blade, and upon hearing the warcry, the tattooed man turns to face her, only to have the seax embedded in his eye. Being just long enough to prod the back of the skull, and easily puncturing the brain, the man falls back with a slump, blood dripping from his skull.

The hyena-men that aren't carrying off Brunhildar turn to Kara, and pounce. The first one to get to her grabs her by the waist, and lifts her up, the claws digging into her sides. Kara kicks and punches, screaming and crying, giving everything she has, only to stop from a sudden command:


All the hyena-men turn towards the source of the voice, and Kara manages to get a glimpse as well. Her face goes pale as she sees the tattooed man, standing, blood pouring from his wound as he pulls out the seax. If Kara looked close enough, she could almost see a tiny sliver of the flames outside through his head. The man should have been dead, but he stood tall. His remaining eye had shifted from a red color to a supernatural neon purple glow, and a single tattoo on his chest sizzles and burns away.

"Impressive. I have fought many warriors throughout the land, and the first individual to take one of my lives was a little girl with a knife. I have to say, I'm almost proud...release her." The hyena-man hesitates...then gently sets her down. Stunned in terror, Kara is paralyzed as the dead man walks up to her. He stairs directly into her eyes...and smiles. "...so, that's what the Mistress meant. Marvelous." He gets down on one knee, and places a hand on her shoulder. "Know this, Kara...there will come a day where we will meet again. You will be strong, beautiful, and a warrior with little opposition. You will follow us, to our homeland of Punt, thousands of miles to the south. There, your destiny will become known, and the true challenge will begin. Remember these words. Remember my face. Remember me, Ca'ntar the Champion. Until then, survive and grow."

Ca'ntar then pulls back his right fist, and slams his fist as hard as he can, knocking Kara out within an instant. He stands up, and drops the bloodsoaked seax next to Kara's head. "...let's go. Make sure the Blessed One is unharmed...but keep her unconscious if you can."


The next morning was hellishly cold. Kara laid in the snow and ash, barely able to move. It took quite a bit of time and energy just to wake up, and when she did, her head was spinning and her body was weak. She looked around, and saw the whole village burnt to the ground, with the exception of a few locations and anything made of stone. She found her seax beside her, and cleaned it off in the snow. She didn't know what to do...but she knew she had to survive. The North was not a kind place, and shelter, warmth, and food was necessary. She had to move, she had to act, she had to find the captives who stole Brunhildar...


So, here's how this is going to work. Every location that is offered can be voted on, and it is possible to vote for multiple, and even all of, the locations. Each location will have supplies, and each will take time to search through. If any locations have a minimum of three votes, Kara will search that location. If she searches mulitple locations, she will start with the one with the most votes. While there is no way to tell the exact time, it is safe to assume that Ca'ntar and his hyena-men have an 8-12 hour head start, so the more time Kara takes searching, the farther ahead they'll be. Vote for as many locations as you'd like:

[ ] Search the remains of the house. (1 hour)
[ ] Search the Butcher's shop. (2 hours)
[ ] Search the Blacksmith's shop. (2 hours)
[ ] Search the General Merchant's shop. (2 hours)
[ ] Search the Jarl's longhouse. (3 hours)
[ ] Search the Meadhall. (3 hours)
[ ] Search the Church of Ymir (??? hours)

Or you can simply vote:

[ ] To hell with searching, go after them!
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