Between the times when the oceans drank the land of Thule and reduced it's inhabitants to snow apes, and the rise of the of the Sons of the Nordic Aryans after the Second Cataclysm, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, a great hero, born in the frozen wastes of Nordheim, grew within the tribes of the Aesir of Asgard and the Vanir of Vanaheim, the chiefs of the north, heirs to the might and wrath of Ymir. This hero, born of the shield, raised by the sword, nurtured by the axe, and taught by the spear, would carve a bloody bath throughout the lands of the Hyborian Age, to find the sister who was stolen. It is I, the son of this great hero, who can, alone, tell their tale. A tale of blood, love, sadness, death, magic, monsters, and mass warfare. A tale, in an age of high adventure!
The snow shocked you awake, sending chills down your body from your face. You quickly brushed off the bucket of snow that had been dumped on your face. You look up from you wolfskin bedding to see your older sister, Brunhildar, fair and strong, with red hair of the Vanir, but her eyes were green, a mutation that was almost unheard of from the blue-eyed inhabitants of both nations. It was an odd factor of her, but it was a trait that you both shared.
"Wake up, brat. The fish aren't going to catch themselves, and you're not strong enough to chop up firewood yet." She held up the wooden bucket, used to collect salmon from small river that flowed under the ice. The woodcutters axe was in her other hand, slung over her shoulder. She was about twenty summers old, eight summers older than you. She raised you after your father, an Aesir, died in a skirmish when you were only five summers. Your mother, a Vanir, died giving birth to you. Your sister may be a bitch at times, but she's the only family you have.
You get out bed, taking the bucket from her hands, and grab your fishing rod leaning next to the doorframe of your small hut. The morning was crisp and clean, the sky clear of clouds, and the sun glistening off the snow. Your eyes were used to the slight burning sensation of the sun's reflection, but you still knew to keep the sun to your side. Three boys and two girls, about your age, ran past you with wooden weapons and shields. They were of both Aesir and Vanir stock, and saw no prejudice, something common between the two tribes outside of Wolraven.
Wolraven was a holy sight and border town of the two nations, with mountains to the north and south, settled in a mountain pass known as Ymir's Gate, and the only place in the north where the tribes could coexist in peace. They say that if anyone draws a real weapon within the stone walls, Ymir will cast his wrath upon the village. But you thought nothing of it. You left the walls and headed north by northeast, to the place where the mountain river flowed into the pass under the ice. There, you found the hole: a carved out opening that was made by your sister, and maintained by yourself every day to prevent it from freezing over. You began scrapping at the walls of the fihing hole with you seax, then sat down and put the hook end of the string into the running water.
Life was boring. This sucked. Everyday, it was fish, eat, chores, eat, fish, eat, sleep. You hadn't tasted venison for many summers now, and even the local ale and mead tasted like water by now. You were almost afraid that Ymir would never welcome you to Valhalla as a hero, but as a mere fisherman, as the actions of one's life reflected the afterlife Ymir provided. You even considered how bland you as a are as a person, and the kind of person you wanted to be.
Pick a gender:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
Pick an ethnicity:
[ ] Aesir, proud blonde race that focuses more on glory than bloodshed, but still held both in high regard.
[ ] Vanir, mighty redheaded race that focuses more on bloodshed than glory, but still held both in high regard.
You want to grow up into:
[ ] A berserker, who charges into battle with the might of a bear and the cunning of a wolf.
[ ] A wild hunter, who hunts down the most dangerous of prey, from the Nordwolf to the Eiglophian Warden Sheep.
[ ] A shaman, who talks with spirits and animals, and one of the few Nordheimer who dabbles in the arcane arts. (Shamans are called godi in Vanaheim, and godar in Asgard, and act in a manner similar to priests and politics.)
[ ] A völva (sorceress, female only), who practices the arts of Seid, a form of magic touching the circles of Divination, Hypnotism, Nature magic, and even Curses.
[ ] A shieldmaiden (female only), who wields a shield as effectively as any weapon, and proves that men aren't the only warriors of Nordheim.
[ ] A war chief (male only), who leads warriors into battle as raiding parties, mercenaries, or pirates on longships.
[ ] A clan chief (male only), who leads from the comfort of the longhouse, and encourages bondsmen to his side with the promise of glory and a seat in the meadhall.
And finally, choose a name. Nordheimer have Nordic names, and do no have last names or middle names. They are sometimes even named after the Scandinavian gods.
[ ] Name:
Since this is my first quest, I hope everyone who participates find it enjoyable amd fun. I don't see enough Conan quests or stories, so hopefully this'll be a nice change of pace. Enjoy!