Rise of Anarchy (God of Chaos Book 1)

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Long ago Nyx abandoned Earth for a higher Realm. Over millennia he learned to...
Rise of Anarchy (God of Chaos Book 1)
Long ago Nyx abandoned Earth for a higher Realm. Over millennia he learned to cultivate his life force, developed fierce fighting skills, his spirit and body reaching unimaginable heights.

As he mastered the secrets of the higher Realms, something held him back.

Nyx searched for a means to return to Earth, demons had infiltrated from the lower Realms feeding on the life source of humans. He would not sit back idly, demons being on Earth opened a path for future cultivation...

Earth is on the cusp of a colossal cataclysm. (It will only happen much later in the book)

Chapter 1

He stopped in his tracks, boots sank into a deep snowdrift as he lowered into a fighting stance. Facing him, the elder, guardian of the shrine regarded him impassively. The guardian's perfect posture drew attention to his blue aura crackling with power.

Stray hairs from the guardians' white beard, blown by an errant gust, caused him to squint to keep them from his eyes. He ran his fingers through, putting it back into place. A snow dusting slowly melted as it landed on Nyx's face - he ignored it.

The reflection of light drew his gaze to a hill behind the guardian, the temple, his goal. It was a wonder that light could be reflected off its drab appearance. With a quick glance, he noted thick swirls of icy qi mixing with the snow.

The elder's voice boomed across the expanse between them. "I knew you would come, don't let the cold bother you."

The lines of Nyx's face deepened as he frowned, His jaw flexed.

Nyx released the hold on his power. His muscles enlarged and flames engulfed his body eyes burning. The snow in a massive radius around him instantly evaporated.


The ground exploded sending up tufts of dirt as his muscles bunched and he launched toward his adversary.

Surprise etched into the elders' face, wrinkles bringing out his age. Nyx blasted towards him almost faster than the guardians' enhanced eyes could follow. Panicking he drew at the sea of icy Qi in his core. A barrier, yes, he would create an icy barrier.

'How could he have reached the realm of immortality?'

The only message he had received was to be prepared for an interloper. It implied he would not be strong.

Nyx sensed the elders attempt to release his essence. With a thought, his spirit reached into the Aether, the place between realms. His spirit etched out a glowing array pattern feeding it life. It surrounded the elder momentarily disrupting his hold of icy Qi.

He had to end this fast, he would need all his strength for what was next.

True terror filled the elders' eyes, the Qi he had begun to draw faded away. Nyx considered summoning his divine armament but discarded it, the drain would be too high.

The elder had no time to react, Nyx opened his enlarged hand and gripped the elders head. White hairs stuck out at odd angles but quickly turned to ash.

*SPLAT* He crushed the elder's skull.

Blood and brain matter sizzled as the heat from his body burned it away.

Charred remains and chunks of gore littered the now snow-less ground. Blood from the depths of the corpse oozed to the surface causing it to become an ugly purple and black mess.

Retracting his power Nyx made his way towards the temple. After all his searching he had finally found the means to return to Earth. He only had limited time before the others realized what had happened and would rush to stop him.

The temple housed the shrine, an artifact that poked holes between dimensions. The large crystal sat on a pedestal. He directed his energy into it, with intricate patterns he ran his Qi through, unlocking its power. The drain was significant.

This was insufficient, his teeth ground together, he began to map out array pattern after pattern. The patterns interlinked creating time dilation, the pathway opened. It lead to Earth at the same time as he had abandoned it Millennia ago.

Only visible to his soul, the passage was a wormhole that bored through space and time cutting through the Aether, dark matter.

He had to leave his power behind, his vessel on Earth was not ready to contain it. He could not bring his current body from the higher dimensions due to his original vessel's current existence there. He ran his Qi through his body in a seemingly chaotic fashion. It would detonate in the higher dimension taking with it the crystal, the means for others to follow.

To gain the most from his cultivation, he had long planned to use Earth as a resource. Starting fresh came with a huge opportunity. He would feed off the energy from both higher and lower realms, tempering his body and spirit. It would require him to cycle between the two.

Although it would be very difficult to cultivate the Qi from higher dimensions due to its scarcity on Earth, the demonic Qi was readily available on Earth. This merging of higher and lower Qi was something rarely found in the multiverse. Had he not grown up on Earth and seen the demons with his own eyes, he would be completely unaware of this potential. His anger burned deep, demons did not belong in his home dimension. They sustained themselves by feeding off others life energy.

His spirit entered the vortex, his door home. Lights spun, he would wake in the weak state of his original body on Earth.


The impurities grated on him like grains of sand running through his insides. He could feel weakness throughout this new body. He forgot what it was like to be mortal, to feel time ticking away as his cells, in a constant state of flux, died and were born.

Although imperceptible to those without his keen sense, he could feel everything within, until he began cultivating he would strengthen his physical body. The vibration of the energy contained in the vessel was all over the place. Eyes closed he began to bring it into a state of synergy.

Hours passed but with the resolved energy he felt vastly different. The grinding of time churned his insides but what little energy was inside flowed smooth.

He had plans for his cultivation, something special that could not be achieved in higher realms.

As he opened his eyes, the first rays of light peeked through the window shade. There was a slight concentration of Qi where the light made contact. The amount of qi available was a drop in a bucket compared to what was available on higher realms. The light cast shadows around the room highlighting a pile of clothes on the ground along with a messy desk. He was nineteen again, the age he had been when he left.

Nyx took a moment to center himself in preparation for the new start. It was still early, his mother and stepdad were sound asleep in the master bedroom downstairs. Opening the window shade he got a good look at the sun peeking through sparse trees in the gully behind the house, Earth was indeed a peaceful place for the ignorant. He had no time to waste, Nyx remembered currently it was the summer following his high school graduation.

At the bathroom down the hall Nyx looked in the mirror, he grabbed a pair of buzzers where they sat by the sink.

'Weird, since the humans of earth are unable to access the energy around them, they create tools that harness the energy and work as a substitute.'

In the higher realms, Nyx would only have to extend his Qi and shape it in order to cut his hair. He would have to get used to relying on tools until he reached a higher cultivation.

Nyx plugged in the clippers and attached a five-guard, turning them on he made sure to get every part of his head evenly. After finishing he ran his fingers through, straggling hairs floated down to join what was already in the sink. He had always kept his thick black hair shaggy back on Earth. He couldn't remember why it had appealed to him, long hair was just an annoyance, he was happy to no longer have it in his eyes.

He had a strong face, smooth well-proportioned features, his eyes were startlingly blue. If he wasn't so damn skinny he might actually look intimidating with the newly shaved head. Looking at his body he had forgotten how skinny and out of shape he had been on Earth. He stood around six feet two inches tall guessing his weight at only one-sixty pounds. He had a large frame to fill.

'Well that's one thing that will change fast'

Millennia ago when he had last inhabited this body he had been a shut-in who felt more comfortable on his own. He had been filled with fear at the time, the driver that had triggered him to find that gap in reality.

Nyx would begin cultivating as soon as possible. There was a total of six levels including, Basic, Shaping, Legion, Brilliant, and finally, Discharge before he entering the realm of Immortal cultivation. Each level had three layers. He would need to reach the level of immortal cultivation in order to return to the higher planes. At that point, his Qi would expand breaking his core, and his body itself would become infused.

The house was still quiet, Nyx quickly dressed in a tee shirt and athletic shorts that looked quite baggy covering his frame. Quietly going down the carpeted staircase so as not to wake his parents Nyx grabbed a spoon from an empty bowl with flakes of dried cereal plastered to the sides. Using the spoon, he scooped a glob of almond butter from a jar in the cabinet washing it down with a glass of water.

'Forgot what earth food tastes like, not too unpleasant.'

Grabbing a pair of keys off the counter, Nyx slipped on his sneakers and went out the front door. Shutting the door Nyx took a deep breath of the fresh air, it was going to be a hot muggy day. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon but its heat was unmistakable.

He looked over at the car parked at the end of the driveway, it was an old beater but was incredibly reliable, the kind of car people would buy to ship back to their families in poor countries. Looking over at the house next to his, Nyx noticed two guys around his age struggling to lift an awkwardly sized couch. He could recognize them from his past life on Earth but had never interacted.

"You guys need a hand?" Nyx tone was neutral.

The one closest looked over, his eyes regarded Nyx taking in his skinny physique.

"There is another section to the couch in the truck." He said implying I could help after they finished moving the first half.

'Might as well see if I could start to build a pack'

It was something ingrained in Nyx from the higher dimensions. In order to achieve ones' goal having a network of support, be it for strength in numbers or plain old data collection, it would be invaluable. Whenever you end up somewhere new and alone always build a pack.

After his neighbors returned from their house, the stout one who had had his back to Nyx before motioned for him to help grab the couches protruding corner.

"Just do what you can to help take the pressure off that corner, appreciate the help dude."

"It's no problem, I have some time to kill anyways," Nyx said, going over he helped lift the couch off the truck. They had given him the easiest job. They squeezed the couch through the apartment door connecting the two half's in the living room.

Nyx stuck out his hand to the stocky one, "I'm Nyx by the way, I have seen you both before but never learned your names."

"I'm Gabe and this is my brother Dan, I am actually the older one if you don't believe me." He responded indicating his much taller and lankier brother with a chuckle.

Nyx released his firm grip and smiled. There was a nervous tick in Gabe's eyes, "Well it's nice to officially meet you both, I'm actually going to be stuck here for the next few months so hit me up if either of you gets bored."

Dan gave his brother a look after, Gabe's head nodded ever so slightly.

"We were actually planning to go into downtown tonight, we have the hookup at this club and were then planning to go bar hop if you want to join."

A dark light shone in Nyx's eyes. Clubbing would be the perfect place to pick up the scent of demons. He would need to find and stalk a weak one to feed off. It would be a necessary first step in his path of cultivation.

"Count me in!" Things would begin to move along at a steady pace.

"Great, you can ride with us if you like, just grab something to pregame because drinks, once we get inside, are expensive as hell!"

"Alright, I'm off to the gym, catch you later." The look they gave was one of skepticism, but to be fair he couldn't blame them.

"Well good luck and see you later then," said Dan, Mr. tall and lanky.

Nyx walked back toward his car, his sensitive ears picked up Gabe's whisper, "I'm not sure what they see in him." but when he glanced back over Gabe was all smiles.

His jaw flexed as he turned the key to start the car. After the alternator rolled over a couple times the engine puttered to life.

'If only they knew, maybe I'll teach them something.'

Arriving at the gym, he talked with a pretty blond receptionist and managed to snag a free week trial. He had never had a gym membership in the past. The building had a massive glass front, and he was informed it had saunas in the locker room, indoor and outdoor pools, basketball courts, and weights upstairs.

It would run him sixty-five dollars a month if he officially joined.

'I forgot how important currency is on this plane.'

Thinking back to the last time he had been on Earth Nyx remembered having worked while in high school at a part-time job. He had saved roughly a thousand dollars which would disappear quite fast if he didn't rectify the situation. As he walked away he couldn't help but notice the receptionist giving him a second look.

'I'll focus on the workout and worry about the money later'

With the level of control he maintained over his body Nyx was able to stress every muscle to the maximum causing micro tears that would guarantee the most impressive results. It had been a long time since Nyx felt fatigue and the satisfied feeling that a hard workout brought.

'Should only be a couple more days till I can begin my cultivation'

He calculated in his mind. Although he could technically even begin now, the problem was the risk. If he tried to cultivate the demonic qi now, He would be in danger of permanently damaging his body rather than strengthening it. On top of that, a weak demon who had not had much time to feed would be too much for him to overcome.

Arriving back at the house his mom was up in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him and his stepdad. It had definitely started to heat up outside, the air conditioner unit in the house window was humming away. When he opened the door to walk back inside his mom looked up.

With a bemused expression, she asked, "Where have you been? I thought you were still in bed, also what did you do to your head!"

Her voice was quite shrill. It had been a very long time since He had seen his mother and he had forgotten how annoying her voice could be.

"I just got back from the gym," Nyx used his index finger and thumb to peel the sweaty t-shirt off his chest. "Also, the hair was a nuisance so I shaved it off." He didn't really feel like explaining himself but he could see the questions appear in his moms' eyes. She would still see him as a lazy depressed child.

He edged around his mother grabbing items in order to make himself a meal.

"You seem different, is everything ok?" His mom had picked up on his bearing. He no longer slouched and there was confidence in his movement.

"Yes, mom. I promise!" He said giving her a big hug.

"Ewwww" his moms' hands immediately pushed him away, "hug me after you take a shower and clean yourself up, you smell!"

He let out a satisfied laugh. As much as his mom might annoy him, he still loved her dearly. Having diverted the conversation Nyx grabbed a little bullet smoothie maker. He added a banana, ginger, garlic, frozen fruit along with protein and nuts to create a drink that would aid his muscles to recover as well as overall health.

After gulping down the smoothy he went and took a freezing shower at the coldest setting, it would help aid his physical recovery similar to how ice baths helped professional athletes. It felt like pins and needles on his skin, bringing blood rushing to the surface. He had to suffer through it in order to reap all the benefits. Every action was to forge his vessel into the ultimate tool. Through force of will, he would hammer and refine himself until he would no longer be recognizable.

Clean and feeling fresh from the shower, Nyx could feel the dopamine and serotonin working its magic. It had accumulated due to both his workout along with standing in the cold shower. He could naturally control it but he let it run its course. As much as he could control his body down to a cellular level, he could only work with what was already there. Too much tampering could also do more damage to his system than good.

He heard shuffling down below in the kitchen, an angry voice growling bellow. He could tell his mother was trying to appease his stepdad.

'This might turn ugly fast.' *SIGH*, 'if only my biological father were still alive.' Back before he left Earth, at a young age, he had been witness to his real father's death.

He was no longer the boy who was too timid to stand up to his stepdad. Nyx's eyes flashed as he narrowed them, He knew what was about to happen and he was prepared. So what if he would have to move away, he was leaving in three months anyway. His body language changed, what before might have been seen as relaxed fluidity became coiled fury, a viper ready to strike. As insignificant as his physic was the danger he emanated seemed to defy logic.

"Get The Fuck Down Here Nyx!" His stepdad roared. There was a scratchiness to his voice revealing he had been drinking the night before.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Taking a deep breath to calm himself Nyx prepared for the confrontation. He was after all, ancient by Earth standards, this should be a breeze for him. But old memories stirred a deep rage close to making him lose his cool.

Spittle few out of his stepdads mouth as he walked down the stairs, "Why The Hell Didn't You Clean Up After Yourself." Nyx had left his smoothie cup out while taking the shower. "You are just like your good for nothing father, all you do it stay in your room all day, I would put you out if not for your mother!"

His stepdad Greg was a big beefy if out of shape man, gut hung out from his sleeveless shirt heaving with his ire. Nyx mom stepped in front of her husband separating them.

'This was bound to happen, why did my mom marry this guy again?'

"Honey stop it! He was in the shower it was not a big deal." His mother tried to reason with Greg. Turning back, she narrowed her eyes, "Go clean up now."

But Nyx knew what was going through his step dads mind, he had run into many people of a similar nature. Sociopaths felt empowered stomping on the people they saw as weak. The glint in Greg's eyes betrayed him, he would wait for Nyx to react spinning the whole thing to make himself seem the victim, a power trip.

Before leaving Earth Nyx would have grumbled with his head down, apologizing to appease Greg and avoid the conflict. This was a mistake, never show weakness.

"At least I am not a deadbeat drunk. If you worked for a living maybe you would have room to talk, how about you clean yourself." Nyx voice was infuriatingly calm.

A switch visibly flipped in Greg's head, he went from the manipulator to the manipulated. He would never have expected Nyx to respond in kind. If Greg was paying attention, he would notice the lethality in Nyx movement, his posture. But at that point he was too far gone, his face turned almost purple, he was lost in the rage.

He pushed aside Nyx's mother.


Taking a long stride, he swiped with an open palm aimed for Nyx's ear. Nyx slipped to the side at the last second, grabbing Greg's palm as it swung past. Perfectly balanced he spun turning his stepdad's palm out elbow striking.


Blood dripped from his step dad's broken nose. Nyx kept his grip on the hand while he lowered his center of gravity continuing to twist. His leg whipped at the back of Greg's knees. The effect was instantaneous, Greg was airborne before crashing into the tile of the kitchen floor.

Delivering an incapacitating shot to the solar plexus Greg's hands moved down to defend. Nyx then sent a sharp kick to the unguarded temple, Greg stopped moving.

'Never leave an enemy at your back.'

This would have to do, he was not in a position to deliver death no matter how warranted. The best he could do was to render his stepdad unconscious and leave in the meantime. Even though he should feel nothing for putting someone so insignificant in their place, Nyx had to admit that it felt good, a regret finally put to rest.

His mother was frozen in shock. Coming to her senses she sat down next to her husband pulling his head into her lap, tears began to run down her face.

She forced out words through her sobbing "Gg-get out o-or I'll call the c-cops." There was spite in those words, Nyx was taken aback. He knew he would have to leave but did not think his mother would hold it against him.

Nodding, Nyx turned going to the basement without a word. He grabbed a big duffel bag along with a suitcase from the storage shelves. Lugging them back upstairs he packed his clothes and laptop, then back at the kitchen grabbed food to last him a short while. He took a last glance at his mother, she ignored him pretending he didn't exist. Out the door sweltering heat caused him to start sweating.

Eyes adjusting to the light, Nyx moved quickly toward his car. Opening the back door placing his luggage inside he sensed movement. Nyx turned swiftly ready to defend himself, It was Dan, the younger of his neighbors, he backed up a step raising his hands.

"Whoa, I was just gonna ask for your phone number to contact you later about tonight. Anyways I couldn't help but hear.. ya know.. everything alright?"

Letting out a sigh Nyx let go of the tension in his posture.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be spending the night in a hotel." He kept his tone carefully neutral.

"Uhh, well, about how to contact you."

"Here, just shoot yourself a text." Nyx handed his phone off and Dan added his number to the iPhone. A moment later a 'ding' confirmed the text was received.

With a wave, Nyx hopped into the driver seat and pulled up the GPS on his phone. With a glance back at Dan, who was returning to his house, he noticed something he should not have missed before. Dan had the slightest glow. Nyx could clearly see and feel the unrefined Qi that swirled in his neighbors' core. Curiosity sparked, he would use the club as an excuse to monitor both the brothers as well as keep an eye out for demons.

It took him about ten minutes to reach the cheap motel. The air in the motel lobby was cool after the heat outside. A short brown-haired lady checking him in, her features reminded him of a mouse. Bringing his luggage into his room, he put away the perishables into the mini fridge and then took out his laptop.

It was a drab hotel room, the rooms all faced the parking lot. He could smell cigarette smoke that an air freshener could not quite cover up. The air conditioner unit chugged away in the window, ratty grey curtains hung down in front. A desk with a beat-up chair sat by the bed, going over he sat taking out his laptop.

Nyx would put his money-making plan to use. Back before he left Earth he had dabbled in online poker only risking inconsequential amounts of money. Using a VPN, he would be able to access global tournaments running with thousands of dollars in prize pools. His instincts were highly honed, he hoped it would be enough to place high in the tourney and make a decent sized chunk.

After connecting to the motel internet, he loaded up Poker Stars. After playing a few one-dollar hands to warm up he checked for a tournament entering one with a two hundred dollar buy in. It had just started, but the option to enter had still been available. There were a few thousand people vying for a prize pool of close to fifty-thousand.

'Here we go.'

Nyx played it safe over the next hour, the number of players had dropped. Ding, a notification informed Nyx he was in the money. An icon with 'Two-hundred thirty dollars' indicated his winnings even if eliminated now.

The current hand ended and the chips slid to a player on the top corner of Nyx's table. The player was aggressive, its username was cheeze29 with cartoon mouse avatar.

Two cards flipped out to the players. Ace, six, offsuit, a decent hand.


The noise came through the speakers as players placed their blinds or folded. The timer in the bottom of Nyx screen started to tick down indicating it was his turn. The call button highlighted as he clicked it.

Three cards were flipped on the virtual felt in the middle of the table. King, five and three - nothing - check, check, all in! Cheeze29 attempted to bully the table again with his chip lead.

The others at the table folded, the timer started to tick down for Nyx again.

His instinct told him cheeze was bluffing. Instinct was a funny thing, easily drowned out by the noise of the mind. He trusted his instinct, his high Ace gave him some added comfort.

- Call -

Both players' cards went heads up, cheeze29 had Queen Jack offsuit. The river flopped a Queen.

"Fuck!" Nyx cursed, cheeze luck was undeniable!

The last card flopped, Ace. A deep breath was released, Nyx's eyes closed as he calmed his pumping heart. The chips moved to his pile making him chip leader of the table. The button in the top corner now indicated he was placed fifty-six out of around nine-hundred remaining players.

Movement outside the curtain was caught in his peripheral. Ignoring it he turned back to the screen,

"HELP HE.. Arghh."

'Just my luck'

Hitting the 'sit out next hand' button Nyx got up. Stretching his arms, out and back, brought attention to his sore muscles. Idling over to the curtain he pulled it aside. Two thugs had an elderly woman backed up against her old ford truck. They were split to both sides blocking her escape. One saw him as he pulled back the curtain, from the look the thug gave, Nyx could tell they would come for him next.

'Fuck, why's this gotta happen now.'

Nyx saw a pen with the 'Motel 6' logo and grabbed it off the desk, his jaw muscles tightened at being interrupted. With smooth movements Nyx walked to the door stepping outside, pen concealed at the back of his arm. He had to squint for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the noon sun.

His vision returning, one of the assailants with his stubby nose flaring, was staring at him. He motioned hitting his partner on the shoulder, making the long white scar running across his forearm stand out. His partner turned his head seeing that someone new was at the scene. They could not imagine the skinny kid was a threat.

'These blokes definitely have seen a knife fight or two.'

Nyx discretely surveying the parking lot, a video camera's lens reflected the low suns light. Nyx slouched and started to walk with an awkward gait. Moving towards the two assailants brought Nyx closer to the corner of the motel 6. He took out his wallet pretending to be checking for money and moved into the shade around the building's corner. Footsteps indicated the bait had been taken.

Nyx turned to face the two hoodlums, shadows darkened their features as they walked into the shade.

"Why don't we get this over with quickly, what a bore." Nyx thoughts were still on poker.

The bigger of the two with a wide piggish nose responded, "There you go, just hand over your wallet like a good lad."

Nyx surmised he was the leader, his smaller accomplice stood to the side eyes shifting around before latching onto Nyx. Nyx straitened his back, shoulders relaxed, as he looked them in the eyes.

Pig Nose, seeing defiance in the kid in front of them, pulled out a knife from his pocket. It flipped open, long with a serrated blade. He had many knives but this one was his favorite, a nasty serrated blade.

"Ain't nobody gotta get hurt."

Nyx circled to give himself space to maneuver, away from the building's wall. He slightly lowered his center of gravity; his hands came up revealing the pen. Pig nose eye glinted as he saw the would-be weapon, his face contorted into a grin revealing yellow crooked teeth.

"You think your tough Little mOthaFuCKuh!"

What was it with these thugs' constant chatter? Nyx moved, feinting in with his offhand, he had positioned the two so pig nose was blocking his accomplice. The leader took the bait stabbing with his knife aiming for the inside of Nyx's wrist.

'Looks like he is going for the kill'

Nyx swayed to the side while stepping in around the knife thrust, Pig nose was put off balance. The pen moved like a viper strike sticking into Pig Nose wrist. The knife fell from his grip. Nyx pulled him off balance while retracting the pen, the big man stumbled.

With a sharp upward motion, Nyx buried the pen was into Pig Nose soft throat. Disbelief filled his expression as he slid to the ground choking, face turning purple. On the ground hands clawed at his throat, finally dislodging the pen. Dark red blood began pumping out in-between his fingers, he struggled to stop it. It had all taken place in seconds.

Stepping over the soon to be corpse, Nyx made eye contact with the second hoodlum. Shocked he looked back at Nyx, indecisive, fear in his eyes. The thug still had his knife why Nyx was weaponless. Like a cornered animal he moved with the speed of fear, knife flashed.

Nyx did not move, instead, at the last moment, he palmed the thugs' wrist, diverting the knife. Shifting to the outside his hand tightened like a vice. He made a figure four using his other arm then twisted with a downwards pressure. Pop! The thugs' joints started to give out. On his knees, he began to whimper.

"Pppleasse, it was his idea."

Snap. The joint of the thugs' wrist and elbow gave out. He howled in pain, looking into Nyx's eyes he despaired, how had he not noticed the thick killing intent. There was no pity, no remorse. Using the back of his hand Nyx pressed the knife down, abruptly he dropped his weight on it overcoming the feeble resistance. The knife sunk up to the hilt into the thugs' eye. The body twitched for a second, then flopped to the side stilling for good. A pool of blood gushed out creating a red puddle around the corpse.

Pig Nose was still thrashing around focused only on trying to get a breath. The gleam of a knife caught his eye, his knife. Slice. Darkness.


Nyx ripped off a piece of his shirt and wiped down the knives handles, he grabbed the pen from the ground using the fabric. Walking away from the hotel Nyx distanced himself from the gory scene. He doubled back from a different direction the camera would not pick up. Thankfully the street was empty. Seeing a storm drain he dropped the pen and piece of fabric. His phone buzzed, slipping his hand into his pocket he looked, it was a text from Dan.

'What is your hotels address, so we can pick you up later?'

Nyx pulled up and sent the information. He still had a poker game to finish.

"It's you, from before!"

An old lady narrowed her eyes at Nyx, craning her neck to get a better look at his face.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about."

He knew what she was talking about. It was the old woman he had lured the ruffians away from.

Not convinced she hobbled closer,

"It was a young man just like you, I swear it! On my husband's grave."

"Whoever you think I am, you are mistaken. Now I have somewhere to be."

He quickened his stride.

"Thank you." He heard the whisper as he passed by. She began to hobble back to her truck parked by a CVS.

Two blocks from the motel, he had taken quite the detour. Checking for cars he crossed the street, after following the road and taking the next left he was back where he started.

The lock clicked as he swiped his room key. Moving to the desk Nyx touched his laptop pad to wake up the computer screen. He pulled out necessary ingredients making a few sandwiches, placing lettuce tomatoes and cold-cuts on some whole wheat bread. The screen loaded up.

The icon in the top corner showed that he was placed ninety-seven out of five-hundred players. He had bled chips for several hands while sitting out.


Three people remained in the poker tournament. Nyx bit the last morsel of his final sandwich, it was dry without any mayo.

"Fold," said Gabe

He was watching over Nyx's shoulder eyes focused on the computer screen. Dan was leaned back against the wall on the hotel bed, a pillow behind his back, hands up cushioning his head.

"Just go all in, get this over with. We gotta get going so I can find me a honey tonight."

"Pss, keep dreaming." Gabe let out a laugh, "ain't nobody wants any of that!"

"Get more than you!" Dan scrunched up his nose, "how long is this going to take, already been waiting at least half an hour."

"Almost" said Gabe still focused on the game.

Nyx folded, he had a weak off suit seven, two.

Sirens got progressively louder, "you play for a bit." Nyx got up to look out the curtain, three cop cars, lights blazing, pulled into the motel 6 parking lot. It was getting dark, red and blue lights lit up the area casting shadows.

"What's going on? Hey if I win you owe me some!" Gabe's eyes never left the screen.

"If you're lucky maybe I'll get you a drink tonight, anyways some cop cars just pulled in." Nyx expression turned serious, his jaw flexed.

"Not here for you are they?" Dan said with a lilt in his tone.

Nyx frowned at him.

"I'm just kidding, do you always flex your jaw, or just when you get serious."

"Just when skinny ass clowns annoy me."

"Your one to talk."

"Fuck." Gabe looked over to Nyx, "sorry."

Nyx went back over taking a look at the screen, a flashing box had replaced the poker table, 'you placed second -- twenty-thousand dollars have been added to your PokerStars account.'

"Thought you were going to win it for me"

"Well look at that," Gabe pointed to the winnings. "You owe me a drink at least."

Nyx shook his head, it would take a day or two for the winnings to transfer to his account.

"Ok let's get out of here! Finally!" Dan jumped up from the bed.

"Hold up, let me change." Nyx unzipped his suitcase, soon he stood wearing a black button-up and jeans.

The harsh red and blue lights swirled away in the parking lot. The three of them got a good look at the cordoned-off section towards the back where a group of people in uniform stood. Nyx made note of an officer talking to the hotel clerk, "..need the security tapes."

"Wait one second" Nyx went back to the room and packed his laptop, grabbing his luggage he went back to the brother's car. It was a new civic sedan, an unassuming vehicle. He indicated for them to pop the trunk then shoved his belongings inside.

Once the officer saw the tape, even if there wasn't incriminating evidence, they would mark him as a person of interest. 'What a pain in the ass.' Nyx moved into the back seat, Dan was in the passenger side fiddling with his phone, "wonder what happened, will probably be on the news later. Looks big." Music blared before any of them could respond, generic hip-hop.

The car rolled out of the motels entrance, about five minutes later they merged onto the highway. Gabe weaved around the few other cars on the road making good time.

The car was smoothly parallel parked, Gabe gave a satisfied grunt. He took the key from the ignition. The music stilled.

"Hey, that was the best part!" Dan who had been their DJ narrowed his eyes are Gabe.

Gabe ignored him and looked back at Nyx. "Don't forget yours," a small bottle of liquor was swaying slightly from his fingers. He tucked it into his navy sports coat.

"I forgot mine, its fine, not planning on drinking much anyways." Memories of his drunk step dad tainted his desire to become inebriated. Gabe shrugged opening the car door and stepped onto the sidewalk. The sign by the car read, 'paid parking 6am-6pm', they wouldn't have to pay.

They walked in and out of the light of various street lamps as Nyx followed the other two. It was easy to see, even without the lamps, the stars and moon were bright. Nyx adjusted his retina to allow for extra light, he could now see into the deep shadows between buildings.

'Wonder why the brothers haven't given off any hints of Qi,' Nyx remembered the distinct glow he had seen from Dan's core before.

At the door, a long line waited to enter. Gabe went up to the bouncer raising his fist, the big man reciprocated the movement his fist dwarfed Gabe's as they bumped each other. The bouncer then nodded his big head at Nyx and Dan, his fade and gelled hair bobbing. The red rope blocking the way was pulled back as they moved inside.

Loud thumping music greeted them, strobes shifted and moved casting colored lights around to dance floor. A bar, off to the side, catered to a large group of people all bunched together holding out cards or cash to get the bartenders notice.

"Time to get me a honey." Dan rubbed his hands together eyes roving over the scantily clad women around. Making a decision he made his way onto the dance floor submerging in the sea of bodies.

"It ever work out for him?" Blaze shouted near Gabe's ear.

His laugh was muted by the music, "He tries, not scared of rejection that's for sure."

"I'm gonna get a drink, you want anything?" Nyx who had started to move towards the bar paused to wait for an answer.

"Maybe later, I'm Gucci." He patted the bottle inside his jacket.

Shrugging Nyx squeezed into the throng by the bar, with his lack of mass he managed to claim a spot at the front. Looking at the hands holding payment towards the bartender he followed suit. He waved his card to get the busty bartender's attention. "Jack and coke please." She nodded swiping his card, none too subtly giving him a look over. She grabbed a big bottle with a metal nozzle and poured a healthy serving of Jack Daniels followed by foaming coke from a machine.

A mass of red Demon Qi caught his eye, swirling around an attractive brunette wearing a backless dress. She disappeared onto the dance floor.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

The bartender noticed the look, reaching forward she brought back Nyx's attention, He accepted the drink. She waited a second too long letting go. Nyx pushed and squeezed his way out of the crowd, the Demonic girl was nowhere to be seen.

'That's fine, I'm just observing tonight anyways'

The wave of an arm caught his attention, Gabe stood leaning against a rail up in the VIP section. Once he knew Nyx saw, he motioned for him to come up. At the lounge a middle-aged gentleman sat next to Gabe, he got up from a comfy black leather sofa extending his arm, Nyx shook the offered hand.

"Hello Nyx, I am Joshua. Gabe here has told me quite a bit about you." Joshua ran a hand through his silver hair.

Nyx gave him a quizzical look, "I'm not sure there is much to tell."

"Ahh, I am not so sure that's true." The grey patches in his stubble moved up with Joshua's smile.

Nyx jaw tightened teeth grinding ever so slightly, Gabe quickly chimed in, "Josh is quite the poker player when I told him about your winnings earlier, he had to meet you." The smile on his face was nervous but confident, "I hope you don't mind I told him."

'Something is off'

"Not at all." Nyx grinned showing his teeth, "It was luck really, I was bored and happened to make some fortunate bets."

Gabe and Josh subtly made eye contact, "Of course, beginner's luck they call it. Cheers," Josh held out his clear glass cup, dark liquor with some ice swished around inside. The cups clinked together. Lifting his up Nyx downed a good helping, it burned its way down his throat. His head involuntarily shook slightly.

'A long time since I could feel anything from such a weak drink'

"A lightweight ehh, not to worry we will get you right up to speed!" Josh had a deep hearty laugh, Nyx couldn't help but smile along.

Sinking into the leather couch he observed the area below. A girl in the booth over flirted with a stranger, three friends escorted their drunk companion who could barely stand. Men, too old to be out partying, stood at the fringes of the dance floor awkwardly bobbing around.

'No sign of the girl with demon Qi'

"So, tell me how is living next to the two brothers'?"

"Ah.." The mass of swirling red was back, it seemed to suck in the light. To Nyx, the area around the girl appeared as though in shadow, he had to say the girl was drop dead gorgeous. "..Good."

Gabe chuckled "See something you like?" Seconds later his eyes opened wide, "looks like Dan beat you to it!"

Nyx took a closer look at Dan who was being pulled along by a beautiful woman. Dull next to the demon Qi beside him, his core was glowing with Qi as well. The red Qi lapped at him, it wanted to feed.

'Being drunk certainly has relieved him of his control'


Dan wobbled on his feet, a firm hand helped him make his way across the floor. Ah, this girl was an angel! Not only had they danced she had bought him drinks! She even took him up on his offer to go find a quiet place.

"My apartment is actually just three blocks away." The look she gave could make any man jealous.

"Lead da way," – giggle

'Idiot you drank too much, don't fuck this up!'


Nyx let out a deep sigh, it was not time yet "Excuse me one sec, gotta release the sea dragon." He got up, not waiting for a response, leaving the VIP area.

'These brothers are nothing but trouble, what a drag.'


Nyx placed his drink on a high table as he walked past. He made his way through stumbling men and women, at the corner he turned towards the restrooms. The line of sight was broken - checking around he verified no eyes were on him. Quick he slipped out the back door.


Dan stumbled, the stairs at the club entrance too much for his drunk feet. The girl next to him did not let him fall.

'Man she is strong,'

"Lead the way princess!" He hadn't learned her name

'That wasn't too much was it?'

She smiled back.

'Is it just me or was there something evil in that look. Fuck I done pissed her off.'

Clouds had darkened the night sky, the dim street lamps cast shadows off parked cars and buildings. Dan squinted, a vehicle drove by, headlights illuminating the darkness momentarily.

"You sure you live around here?" The walk and night air had done wonders to clear his head.

"What's not to like here." The girl gestured around the alley. Broken windows and glass littered the ground. A dumpster stood open, the end of a too big broken desk stuck out.

The girl let go of him, backing up, coming between him and the exit to the alley.

The girl's eyes changed burning like coals, Dan's mouth fell open. Waves of dark energy became visible emanating from the girl, they intensified as strands of the power coiled around his body. He could feel it tugging at his Qi, its hunger. Dirt on the alley floor was thrown into the air by the demonic Qi.

Veins stood out all over Dan's body, his muscles straining, he couldn't move an inch. Slowly he was forced to his knees. Pure terror intruded on his mind, he could not think. He felt that if his heart beat any faster it would burst. The whites of his eyes were visible pupils dilated.

A demonic eco came from the girl's voice, "This skin does wonders, I can feed and never fear discovery." It did not seem to come from the slight girl in front of him.

'I should have known,' he was left immobile by the aura. Mustering all his willpower, he tried to stand, he barely moved three inches. He attempted to use the Qi in his core, but every time he would try to call it, it slipped back into his core. He could not focus.

"It is useless." The waves of red power intensified as if in explanation. The eco in the voice deepened further, "I was never expecting to run into such a feast tonight. I will drain you quick." Fangs became visible as a grin split the thing's mouth.

"Rot in hell demon bitch!" His voice cracked, it was all the resistance he could muster.

She smiled wider blurring as she moved. The burning eyes were right in front of him, they grew in his vision, he could see the fires of hell inside them. Torture, the agony he did not want keep living. Death would free him. It was not his thoughts.

'I'm going to die.' There was no question.

A shadow moved, not able to turn it was only visible in his peripherals.


The demon stumbled and fell back. The waves of demon Qi holding him were disrupted, he could move! The demoness' eyes were wide, they quickly narrowed in anger. She rose back to her feet brushing off fragments of glass, not a blemish on her.

Dan's eyes widened in awe, Nyx stood facing the demoness in front of him, fearless. He was a boulder in a storm. Streams of demon Qi emanated all around but did not reach him.

"Nyx, what's going on?"

"Run." There was no fear just pure calm.

Darkness, despair, emanated from the demoness. He couldn't help himself. He ran, pumping his legs turning towards the club. Safety.

Street lights blurred overhead, fear drove him.


Wave after wave of demonic energy hammered at Nyx. He focused, with his spirit, on the array pattern glowing in the Aether. The simple pattern wove the sparse natural Qi in the alley around him, a shield. It was all he could muster, this weak array pattern. If pushed too far the damage to his soul would be irreversible.

'I despise this weakness.'

He had not cultivated on Earth so had no Qi in his core. A storm raged around him, but he faced it.

His kick before had merely allowed Dan to escape. The demoness tilted her head regarding him. She wiped a stray piece of glass from her arm.

She moved, she moved fast, much faster than Nyx could keep up. Her hands morphed into claws. Prepared for speed he dodged sideways, not fast enough, they raked towards Nyx's arm. Pain seared as long furrows immediately filled with rivulets of blood that dripped down his fingers.

If he hadn't moved it would have been much worse. Nyx tightened muscles near the deep gashes slowing the bleeding.

The demonic voice whispered, "I will drain you slowly, you stole a meal from me." It was full of venom and malice.

She rushed him again, blood left a red mist in the air; a claw tore a gash in his side. The demon grinned, she was toying with him.

His focus was split between maintaining the array pattern with his spirit, as well as avoiding attacks as best he could.

He had overestimated himself. This mortal body was new to him, he believed he could save Dan and escape. Those hopes were being drained, literally.

In immense pain, he would never show it. Slashes bled across his body, the demoness licked her lips, he would bleed out at this rate. All he had done was survive so far. His body physically couldn't keep up.

'So, it has come to this.'


Oh, she was enjoying it. The human in front of her, covered in gashes dripping blood, showed no fear or quit. He was tiring. This would not be easy, but oh the ecstasy when he broke. In the end, when he finally begged for mercy, she would devour him. She craved to feel his terror as she took what was hers.

She launched, not holding back this time, and bore him to the ground pinning his limbs.


Sitting under the demon Nyx knew it was about to end before it started. His body was drained of strength. 'Fuck it' he began to draw on Qi for the first time on Earth. Demonic Qi swirled into his body. A whirlpool he had specially devised to siphon demonic Qi. It might destroy his vessel, but he had nothing to lose he could find a new one. Searing pain coursed through his body, He smiled welcoming it.


Looking down at him, the demon knew this was it, he would break now. She dragged a claw down his chest leaving a deep furrow, she looked for the pain to register. He smiled, she recoiled.

She felt it, her energy was being drawn into this weakling, how? Footsteps approached, shadows turn into people at the alley's entrance. A claw reached to slit his throat and end him, she paused, remembering the smile her fury knew no bounds. Demonic Qi exploded in all directions as she released a high pitch shriek.

'I'll be back for you yet, you will break!'

She seethed with anger. Quick, her legs powered her onto the dumpster. With inhuman strength, she leaped clearing the barricade and was gone.


Nyx felt the release of the pressure on top of him. His vision started to black out from the blood loss. Demonic qi swirled through his meridians. Expanding, reshaping. Pain. Barely hanging on to consciousness he forced the qi through its cycle and into his core. Agony was everything that existed for him, the qi tore apart his insides, altering them. Stronger.

Unnatural rage filled his mind, he wanted to destroy. Everything.

'Ah, the reason nobody cultivates this Qi." But he would not lose to it. Blurry shapes of people moved above him. Everything went dark.


Consciousness returned, Nyx kept his eyes closed, processing.

"To hold out against a demon, even a weak one, with no Qi.." The deep resonant voice trailed off, it belonged to Joshua. "You said he saved you?"

"Yeah, I was trapped, couldn't move. The demon, she said she was going to feast on me." Dan shivered, "then out of nowhere, he shows up. Stands there facing the demon like it's the most normal thing ever. I ran and got you all, didn't know it was possible to be that scared." There was shame in his voice.

'How long was I out?'

The rough texture of bandages covered him all over. Checking his core, he was pleased to note it was filled with demonic Qi. He felt angry. No. He was in control now.

He could sense the Qi of three people in the room. One blazed like a sun next to the other two.

'Ah Dan and Gabe of course, no surprise there, the third must be Josh. Well no point pretending anymore.'

He squinted, eyes adjusting to the lights. Gauze and bandages covered, well, all of him. Rows of twin size beds ran down the large room, a tray of food sat next to him. The scratched surfaces of metal tables on wheels reflected the lights above, medical equipment located on these tables would be easy to move around. Gabe, Dan, and Josh stood a small distance away, the only others in the room.

The gashes from the fight no longer throbbed. Investigating the changes in his body, his muscles were dense, organs improved, eyes clearer. His hearing was even better. He was stunned, after cultivating the demon Qi he was close to breaking through the first stage of the basic level of cultivation.

The largest difference was to his physique. It had morphed incredibly, the power of demons. Demon qi mainly developed their bodies. High-frequency Qi could never cause these changes this fast.

Seeing his eyes opened Gabe walked over, "you passed out before anything happened. We got back right in time when that demon was about to finish you off." Gabe's voice rang with excitement. "Good thing boss was with us or we couldn't have done anything."

"I should have stayed to help you." Dan's voice had an edge. Defensive. "But then we would both be dead, right? I made the right decision, saved your ass too, we are even."

"Hold on," Nyx tried to sit up.

"No, you don't!" Josh pushed him back down, "stay still the damage you sustained was significant."


They didn't know that his body had been repaired, although the scars would remain until he reached a higher cultivation. A Memento of weakness.

"Where the hell are we? What's going on?" Nyx growled, the anger was hard to repress.

"This place is underground St. Louis, you have been out for two days. We are an academy of sorts, an ancient order who combat the demon threat." Nyx jaw flexed. Joshua put up his hand "Before you say anything just listen. Here we teach how to fight, working as a team to take down demons. Students learn to harness their inner power." Nyx narrowed his eyes, Josh took it to mean he was skeptical. "I know it sounds crazy, but you will see. We have been watching you for a long time, deciding if you have the potential to cultivate. I believe you do, and I would like to officially invite you to join us and learn."

"Erm." His eyes looked at the three of them.

"Don't respond now, take your time making a decision, once you join, nobody leaves. You have seen the threat we face." With that Joshua nodded then turned, long strides took him to the door and out. There was a grace to his movement Nyx hadn't noticed before.

"Guess you did tell him more about me than just poker." Nyx looked at Gabe eyes conveying his disgust.

"Mate, orders, they placed us near you to monitor and report changes. We had only good intentions." Gabe shrugged slowly, his eyes betrayed his guilty feelings. But what could he have done? Refused?

Nyx let his head fall back into his pillow, his eyes closed momentarily.

"Quit acting all high a mighty, we did come back for you didn't we." Dan clenched his fists grinding his teeth.

Gabe hand closed on his brother's arm, "come let's go, let him process it all." He pulled Dan from the room shutting the door.

Nyx sensed their Qi move down the hall.

'Good they are gone.'

He sat up, crossing his legs in a meditation pose. Closing his eyes, he delved into the Demon Qi at his core, time to force its submission. Later he would decide if he would stay.

He delved into his sea of consciousness, darkness. The darkness fell back, the man before him was on his knees, held up by his hair. Nyx was hiding. A memory came to life.

"P-p-please no..." Cruz spat out a mouthful of blood, teeth missing.

A demon, hulk of a thing, stood above. Bursting with muscles. It had leathery skin, fully transformed it would grow wings and horns. The apartment could barely contain its mass. Its burning eyes stared down at Nyx's birth father. Nyx relived the emotions from his past, fear, despair. He was locked in place and could only watch the horror.

His dad's core glowed, 'how had I missed that before?'

The demon placed a claw the size of a large knife onto his father's stomach. Blood ran out of the myriad of deep cuts the demon had inflicted. Toes were missing along with half his fingers. Worst of all his eyelids were gone. Finally, the last moment of his father's despair, his soul broke.

Nyx could see the fight leave his father's eyes as they went dull. The demon drove his claw into Cruz core. Ropes of demon Qi tore the wound wide, golden Qi was siphoned illuminating the demon's ecstatic face.

Nyx started to turn his head away. He forced himself to watch, to remember. This was why he would never leave a person to a demon, assuming the risk was reasonable. A demon did not just kill, it destroyed the soul. No afterlife, nothing, gone forever.

This event had marred Nyx early years, fear, never being comfortable in groups. He had preferred his own company. He had needed an exit, he found one. There were no demons in the higher realms. This fear was the first strike of the hammer from which he was formed.

Another vision started to coalesce, but Nyx was finished with the demon Qi's games. He smiled, he was beyond such weak tricks. With a flick of his fingers, the vision vanished.

A demon. It stood before him in his mind sea. The manifestation of the Qi.

Nyx's soul stood, a Goliath, glowing with pure white light. Before him, the demon was but a weak shadow. His soul's full power was unable to be manifested outside his mind sea. He would need to strengthen his core first.

The demon, while in his sea of consciousness was an insect. But it would grow. The more demon Qi he cultivated the more power it would take to subdue it.

Earlier he had let the memory the dark Qi conjured play out, it was a helpful reminder. He had underestimated the demon earlier, letting his emotions get the better of him, it would not happen again.

"Now I see, it would have taken far more power then I possess to break you." The demonic voice was muted next to his blinding presence. The demon was the essence of the one he had fought.

"Although you might have ended my life, my soul would find another vessel," said Nyx nodding, His soul would not be broken by the demon.

"Finding one compatible could take millennia." The demon sneered. Nyx shrugged stepping forward. Its fiery eyes widened in fright. It ran.

This was his domain, he was all-powerful here, "where are you going," his spirit materialized blocking the demon, power emanating out, rays of light blinding.

The demon cowered. Nyx smiled, his grin maniacal. They would all pay.

His finger lowered, ethereal. A ball of light condensed. His arm tingled with the power rushing through it. On contact, the demon shrieked in agony.

Light traveled through the demon's shadow, it disintegrated wherever it touched, flaking away.

Nyx let out a deep breath. The demon Qi was now his to control. Another person would have had their soul devoured, the demon scourge spreading. He was surprised how well his body took to the demon Qi, almost as if thirsting for it. His fear was that his weak body would have been destroyed.

'Time to cultivate heavenly Qi.' He would mix heavenly and demonic together.

Nyx pulled back the blanket. Standing he began peeling off the bandages, they were not needed. He moved to a mirror. He was in his boxer briefs, thin white scars covered his body, another memento. Light stubble adorned his face. His new muscles were lean and much denser than was visible.

'Much improved, long way to go.'

Nyx dashed, touching both of the room's walls. He changed direction on a dime diving over one of the movable metal tables, finishing with a roll and back to his feet. The impurities remained but he felt better.

'Still slower than the demon, I need Heavenly qi.'

Nyx called the demonic Qi to his hands, they started to transform into claws, one single claw formed on a finger. He let out a burst of demonic energy.

'Too weak.'

Smooth steps brought him to the tray of food, he was ravenous. He dunked a biscuit into a bowl of soup eating it in two bites. With intermittent gulps of water, he finished off the rest. The door opened.

"Just coming back to check on you, seems you are doing just fine though." Gabe looked over Nyx's body, eyes stopped at the various scars.

"How are they healed?" He nodded towards the white scars, his eyes were wide. Nyx shrugged. Seeing he wasn't going to get an answer Gabe continued, "I wanted to apologize for Dan's behavior, he is rash and I'm sure, still dealing with the near-death experience."

Dan's anger did not matter to him, as unfounded as it was. Nyx changed the subject "What does this place have to offer. Tell me about it."

Gabe looked off to the side, a little sad. As the older brother, he felt responsible. Looking back at Nyx he said, "Well, what you didn't learn before is that we are part of a larger network. Most major cities have similar facilities. If you decide to join you would be privy to secrets, as well as resources to aid in your training."

Nyx eyes gleamed, "can I see these resources?" If they could help him attain access to heavenly Qi, he would join. Temporarily. When it was time to move on they would not be able to stop him. He had his own goals.

Seeing the look Gabe smiled, "follow me! I'll give you a tour, your clothes are in your suitcase under the bed." Although he had only been following orders, Gabe felt he owed Nyx for spying on him as well as saving his brother. He would not pry into Nyx's healing and physical changes.

Finding his suitcase Nyx unzipped it, unpacking a comfy pair of joggers and shirt he dressed. After putting on his shoes he moved toward the door, "Lead the way."
Chapter 4
Nyx pushed open the door to the medical room, light spilled out into the corridor. Moving to the side he made room for Gabe, the door closed behind them with a click. Walking in sync Gabe and Nyx's footsteps echoed off polished cobblestones, they were in a wide corridor.

Gesturing ahead Gabe said, "This is one of the main hallways; most major areas branch off of here." Nyx dipped his head in acknowledgment.

The dim yellow lighting was soothing after the sharp white fluorescent light in the medical room. Edges of the cobblestones were highlighted, shadows in the depressions, almost as if they were walking down a castle corridor. Shadows danced in continuous movement as they passed under the lights.

"Turn right up here, were almost there." Dan pointed at the entrance to a side tunnel. A girl wearing what looked to be a grey uniform exited the hall. Once she passed they turned onto the narrower passageway. Nyx sensitive skin picked up a draft. There was an abundance of air Qi up ahead.

Their footsteps echoed, "Good thing it's late so not many people are around right now. During the day these side passages can get tight." Gabe brushed both walls with his hands in demonstration.

The passage opened into an empty room with what looked like a shrine in the middle. Another person in grey uniform gave the shrine a shallow bow. Turning he gave them a look then left down the passage.

On the shrine sat a black sphere, it was so dark it seemed to suck the light from the room. All around, glowing a light blue, spiraled air Qi becoming denser closer to the stone. Wind, with the strength of a gale blew, ruffling Gabe and Nyx's clothing.

'A soul stone!'

That explained the air Qi. A soul stone was one of the few materials that contained elements of Aether. What made it special, apart from being refined into spacial devices and used in crafting divine artifacts, it could contain the soul of a cultivator. Thus, it could create a permanent formation array. Although air Qi was common, its concentration was much higher here, being drawn by the formation.

Gabe raised his voice over the wind, "At the time of the orders founding certain cultivators willingly gave their souls to help train a group strong enough to fight back against the demons." Gabe indicated a glistening black plaque inlaid with gold script on the shrine. 'In memory of Hugh de Payens who gave his soul for our future.'

'Even in the higher realms, these permanent arrays are rare. Demons must have forced these people to extremes.'

Nyx shook his head bewildered, the stone was worth a fortune. Gabe waved for him to continue, they backtracked out of the side passage before arriving at another shrine, the room was identical but this one contained fire Qi glowing red. It was familiar to him, it had been his manifested element in the higher realms. Around the soul stone flames flickered outwards lapping at the air, Nyx could feel the heat emanating in waves.

After seeing the rooms for water and earth Qi Nyx was curious, "what about demon Qi? Is there a room for that?" It would save him effort.

Gabe's look was stern, "I wouldn't mention that idea around here, Demon Qi is forbidden."

Nyx returned the look.

Gabe's expression slackened, "Hey, I didn't make the rules, just telling you what they told me. Tell you the truth, Dan and I are both fresh recruits as well. Josh brought us in."

'Least this facility is located below a city, finding demons shouldn't be difficult.' If he stayed he would have to be careful not to be seen hunting.

They walked down another side passage, "this one I'm not sure what's inside, it is always locked as far as I can tell." Gabe's knuckle rapped on the door in front of them. A dull echo sounded off thick metal, there was a slot at the side for a key card for entry.

Nyx's eyes lit up, this was it! He could sense heavenly Qi on the other side of the door. It was very slight, but for Earth standards it was impressive. "I know that look, don't bother. I asked Josh about it but he wouldn't tell me a thing."

Back at the main passage, they continued away from the infirmary. The passage opened into a cavern the size of two football fields. There were obstacle courses, training facilities. On the right side, there was combat equipment including various types of practice weapons. In grey uniforms, three people imitated a teacher's movements, with jerky renditions they tried to emulate the leader. Swords clashed, another pair was busy with some light sparring.

"If you join we will be coming here bright and early every morning, and then again in the afternoon. On top of learning to cultivate Qi, you will learn to fight." He gave Nyx a look, "although I kinda suspect you know a thing or two."

Nyx stopped walking and looked Gabe in the eyes, "If I stay, Gabe, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about my healing and changes." No extra attention was needed. After he had built a strong base it would no longer be an issue.

Gabe scratched his head, "Alright, I will try to talk to Dan as well. I can't promise anything about him though."

Nyx nodded, "Ok good." He started to walk forward again.

Gabe hadn't started moving, "One condition. Eventually, when we gain your trust, you have to share your secret."

'I'll be long gone before that promise will come into effect.' "Ok, you have a deal."

They came to the other side of the open space, back into another passageway.

Gabe pointed, "That hallway to the right leads to the dorms." Gabe scratched his neck, "I guess that's what you would call them. Maybe more like mini apartments. If you decide to join you would share a complex with me and Dan. There are three others who also live with us."

Nyx nodded. Further down they took a side passage. Gabe lifted the knocker, it was shaped like an owl.

*Knock* *Knock* - a hollow sound rang out.

"Come in!" Joshua's strong voice was muffled by the door.

The brass hinges on the oak door creaked. Josh stood, no longer in normal clothes but a grey uniform.

"How do you like the facilities?"

Nyx looked around the room. A stack of papers stood on an ornate desk. A bookshelf housed neat rows of what looked like records. There was a small sofa in the corner, coffee table in front. The place was military neat.

"They are alright." By Earth standards, he was sure they were top notch.

Josh moved to the desk, his hand peeled through the stack of papers. He picked one out. "Dan could you leave us for a bit please."

Nodding, "I'll be outside."

The door closed. "I need to inform you of one more thing before you make your decision." A sadness in his eyes, his black eyebrows, speckled grey scrunched together. "Your father, I mean you birth father, was integral to my team. More important, he was my good friend. Although you wouldn't know this as it is top secret. He was a ranking member of our society."

He handed Nyx the piece of paper. Cruz Truit was spelled in ornate letters. His father's picture stood out in a corner, black hair with the same strong blue eyes as Nyx. He wore the same grey uniform that Joshua had on now. "I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he was murdered by a demon. Afterward, I watched you, I wanted to bring you in, but there were rules.." His voice trailed off, regret.

Nyx's voice was quiet, "I saw it, saw it all."

Josh's face showed concern, his eyebrows, which had relaxed scrunched up all over again. "You mean you have witnessed the demon?"

Nyx gave one quick nod.

This kid was something special. At a young age, he had witnessed Aggoth and still lived. Somehow, he had maintained his sanity. The demon in the alley would be child's play after what he had seen.

"I just wanted to say you have a family here, even though you don't know it."

Nyx expression turned serious, jaw flexing. Although he wanted to believe Josh was an ally, actions spoke louder than words.

"I have some conditions."

Josh was startled by the response and change in Nyx, he didn't let it show. "Alright I'm listening, I will help if I can." Josh moved to the desk reorganizing the papers.

"If I am to join, and if you really were a friend to my father, I need unrestricted access to the city above as well as to the locked room housing heavenly Qi." Josh's mouth dropped open, he quickly closed it. "Second, I know Gabe told you about my recovery. You must keep the extent of my injuries and recovery quiet."

Josh moved over to the couch, with a sigh he sat back. He was speechless. How the hell did this kid know what kind of Qi was in the locked room? Heavenly Qi was a major delicacy. The room was kept for special access only due to the slow rate at which it was gathered. Just in case Nyx didn't know what he was asking Josh would inform him.

"All the different kinds of Qi exist on a spectrum of frequency. Demonic Qi, as I am sure you could guess, is at the lowest, nobody in their right mind would attempt to cultivate it." He said this as fact.

"But heavenly Qi, you shouldn't even be aware of. It is the highest frequency. When a demon takes over a vessel, it destroys its soul and siphons the energy of the core extinguishing it. Heavenly Qi, on the other end of the spectrum, is pure and sharing. It can be mixed with the lower frequency elements without corrupting the core. We use it here specifically to help break through the levels of our cultivation, to help refine the Qi. While demonic Qi would destroy the person who tried to cultivate it, heavenly Qi can greatly refine an Elementalist's cultivation base."

Nyx remained standing, "Elementalist?" He was not familiar with the Earth terms.

"I assumed you would know since you seem to be ever full of secrets."

"My father never taught me that much." It was a white lie but would dissuade questions.

"He shouldn't have done that," Joshua's frown lines grew pronounced.

"What does it matter, he's dead."

Joshes expression did a complete one-eighty. "I apologize," he sighed. "I'll see what I can do to get you access, no promises though."

"Anyways," Josh went into lecture mode. "An Elementalist is someone who stays true to one element in their cultivation, they don't deviate and mix different elemental Qi's. They are much stronger than someone who mixes their Qi.

"Ah, a pureblood." Josh gave Nyx a look for interrupting, "Nothing, continue."

"Anyways." Josh paused for effect as if saying 'shut up and listen,' "Some make the decision to cultivate two types of Qi, while this may hinder their overall strength, they are much more versatile. We call them Dual cultivators. Anything beyond two becomes exponentially weaker, they are referred to as mutts, a highly offensive term." He gave Nyx a curious look, "what are you?"

"Fire Qi." There was no hesitation. That had been his element in the past, he could fake it.

Josh nodded, "Same as your dad."

Nyx could easily tell the type of Qi in a person's core unless shrouded, it took a fine-tuned sense to feel the essence of it. Others, unless incredibly talented would not be able to see into his core. He would pretend to be a fire Qi cultivator. Once he molded his demonic Qi with the heavenly Qi it would create something of his own devising.

Heavenly Qi, when merged with an elemental or sub elemental Qi, would help to purify and strengthen that specific Qi type. But when Demon and heavenly were forced to merge, by a strong enough soul, they would create a new form of Qi. Since Nyx was not aware of it being done before, he thought a fitting name would be elastic Qi. This Qi could morph along the entire range of frequencies, mimicking whichever type he needed while maintaining pureblood status.

"We should be all set them. Ill contact you when I have an answer to your requests. As for leaving the facilities, usually it is a no go, but as a part of my team, assuming you join I can make an exception. Getting the ability to use that room is more difficult. Here is your access card, I will give you access to the surface and your room door." He handed Nyx a key card.

Nyx nodded, a serious expression on his face. He turned and left the office. Gabe who was leaning on the wall outside jumped. His expression evened out, "Done already? What did you decide?" He looked hopefully at the keycard.

Nyx shrugged, "Will see soon I guess."

Gabe didn't seem dejected, "Let's go get your stuff and set you up in the living quarters for the meantime. I'm sure you will like it here."

After backtracking and grabbing his luggage they made their way to the dorm complex.

"What's that shouting?" There were loud voices coming from the room in front of them. Nyx tested his access card in the slot to see if it would work, swipe, the door unlocked. He pulled it back and awkwardly held it open with his butt while moving his luggage inside.

A blond-haired young man turned towards Nyx, he was attempting to grow a goatee. Nyx thought it made him look like a goat.

The young man had one of those arrogant voices that rubbed Nyx wrong, "Oh, so you're the one who 'faced down a demon.' Pretty stupid if you ask me."

Apparently, he had walked into an argument between Dan and his roommate. Somehow, he was the subject.

Dan looked the blond lad up and down, he was fuming. "SHURE MATT, I'd like to see you face down a demon." He spat to the side. "I bet you'd piss your pants."

Nyx had expected Dan to be the last person to come to his defense.

Matt scoffed attention turning back to Dan "And die? Like your parents? At least my parents are still alive." The glint in his eyes betrayed his intentions, he wanted to cut deep. He knew it was a stupid fight, but Dan had that extra something that made him want to make him angry. Matt's cultivation was stronger than Dan's since Dan had been away on assignment for a while.

Matt's girlfriend sat on the living areas couch, beet red from embarrassment. She was a small girl with brown hair, "what the hell is wrong with you Matt!" She yelled.

Dan's face turned angry, he moved to attack, Qi strengthening his arm. He was still in the basic stage of cultivation so could not manifest an element. He could only use Qi to strengthen himself, moving it around his body. Once he broke through to the shaping stage he would begin to manifest his element, earth.

Matt was faster.

Sigh, 'Someone's gonna get hurt, don't need to deal with that trouble'

Before it got out of hand, Nyx moved aligning his hips parallel to Matts frame. He faced away.

Before Matt could strengthen himself with Qi, Nyx got a good handful of the uniform jacket Matt was wearing. Nyx fell to his knees, tucking his head. His hands still gripping the jacket. Matt was thrown onto the floor in front. The breath whooshed from his lungs. 'Thank god for demon Qi's strengthening, or should it be, thank hell?'

Nyx patted him on the chest and looked at both Matt and Dan, "We done?"

Once Matt got his breath back he sat up and looked at Nyx, stunned. He knew he had gone too far, "guess I deserved that.." Looking over at Dan "Sorry I went too far, I didn't mean it."

Dan was still angry, "It's your turn to do the dishes." He responded.

Gabe frowned, "well that's one way to meet your new roommates. That's Matt and that's Marisa on the couch, and you know Dan. Don't worry this is actually pretty common, I swear they are always fighting about something." Although difficult, Gabe set aside the insult from before. He was much more secure about what happened to his parents than Dan. He had to be.

'A fight about doing the dishes,' Gabe shook his head.

Matt, placed a hand on the ground for balance getting to his feet. He looked Nyx up and down. "You're stronger than you look, some point you will have to teach me that throw." He paused, considering, finally as if making a decision he stuck out his hand "Matt, nice to meet you. Might have heard a thing or two about you before." He winked over at Dan.

Dan just glowered back. Nyx found he sympathized with Dan. If someone had said those words to him, they would not walk again.

Nyx took the extended hand wearily. He didn't know Matt well, he might hold a grudge against him for the throw earlier. Shaking hands, Matt then reached across trying to place his arm around Nyx's shoulders. Nyx slipped under the arm, they weren't that chummy.

Matt's arm hung in the air for a second, he let it drop back to his side. Slightly dejected he moved to the kitchen. Pulling open the washer, dished clinked.

Marisa reached her hand out leaning forwards on the sofa. "Nice to meet you, Nyx."

Nyx shook it, "alright enough of that." Matt called from the kitchen. He smirked. "You still have to meet Garry."

Gabe lead him to a hallway, six doors indicated the various bedrooms. He knocked once then pushed open the second door to the left. Gabe didn't wait for a reply. In a chair facing a computer sat Garry. He had short black hair, his glasses a bit too wide for his skinny face. He turned towards them starring. "Nyx this is Garry, Garry Nyx." He introduced them.

Nyx reached out his hand, Garry blinked, "oh I'm Garry." He stood up too fast, "you just were told that..." Finally, he took Nyx's hand and shook, quickly letting go.

"Nice to meet you," Nyx said into the awkward silence.

"Ok!" Gabe clapped his hands, let's get you moved into your room." They moved back out shutting Garry's door.

With his bags in hand, he was led to a door at the end of the hall. "Here you are, enjoy. We will be out in the living area."

Nyx couldn't help but feel an odd kinship with Dan and Gabe. They shared a pain caused by demons. If they were anything like him, they would share his anger as well.

He opened his door. Inside, the room was simple with a bed and nightstand. A door opened to a bathroom on the left. He unzipped his suitcase putting his clothes into the closet. Grabbing the shaver from the duffel bag he cleaned up. Hopping in a freezing shower it no longer felt so bad. The cold tingled.


In a higher realm, a group of people stood in front of a crater. Snow fell around them speckling their cloaks white. A seemingly middle-aged man pulled back his hood. He held a chunk of burnt flesh in his hand. It had long since frozen solid. He dropped it back into the snow and motioned to inspect the crater. It was massive. A temple had stood there before.

The four figures swept forward with unnatural smoothness. Shock filled their faces, then rage, teeth bared. A fractured crystal, the shrine. He had destroyed it.

"Does he know?" The figure to his left shoved her hood back. She had long grey hair currently tied in a bun, although her face was still young.

"Impossible," he was furious. "We must find another," he picked up a shard of crystal.

The other three nodded. They moved, their bodies a blur as they disappeared. He could not afford for this to go wrong, too much planning had gone into it.


Nyx had had a good night's rest. The roommate's all sat in the cultivation training section of the complex. The room was all white, but unlike the jarring fluorescent light in the medical room, this room contained a calming Zen feel. An elderly woman was in the process of explaining, she pointed to a chart. "You have memorized the pattern; Array patterns are different than the methods of cultivation. It takes an agile mind to hold the pattern in the Aether. Formation arrays can only affect natural Qi in an environment depending on the kinds of Qi available."

"I want you to focus on nothing, no attachment." She looked around for emphasis, "separate your consciousness, your soul, from your body. To create an array pattern, your soul must enter the Aether. Focus on the pattern you have memorized, good, then map it out feeding it with your soul's strength." Qi began to move shaping balls around the room. A weak pattern. Garry was much better at this than the others. He was a natural, could become an array master. The others struggled to hold the formation and keep the balls of natural Qi together. They did not draw on the Qi in the core but took immense concentration.

The teacher's eyes glinted, serious, "never attempt this without instruction, one mistake with the array and it could have dire consequences, your soul could fracture. As your core strengthens, you will begin to create complex array's, like the ones that draw Qi for cultivating. There are almost unlimited uses, I have seen a master create an almost lifelike clone using an array."

Nyx had managed to find that nothingness, to separate his soul long ago when he left Earth the first time. In the higher realms, he had taken it a step further. Only true masters could keep a link to their bodies while mapping patterns in the Aether.

Perspiration covered the group's faces. Nyx sat observing, he had no need for practice. "That's all for today, Joshua is waiting for you six in the central training area.


The air was hot and muggy. Wooden swords thumped together. On the right side of the central area, Nyx observed people in grey uniforms training. Sweat permeated, a musky smell, even though vents kept air cycling out. He was the only one out of uniform.

Men and women practiced forms, very few participated in actual combat sparring.

'This is supposed to be the pinnacle of cultivators on Earth?'

He had devoted much time to various weapon styles as well as hand to hand combat. This strategy of constant form practice was weak.

There was a balance between learning correct technique and practical combat experience. The practical was by far the most important. You had to be able to implement the techniques in a real situation against different body types and strengths.

Matt saw Nyx discontent look, "think you are any better, without that lucky toss you would have been the one on your back earlier." He was semiserious. He believed he was the stronger.

Nyx jaw tightened, the muscles in his cheek became visible. Jawline accentuated. "Luck? Luck never comes into it. Take ownership of your actions. Every action leads toward an outcome. Never blame external factors such as luck. It lends to your weakness. Own your losses."

"Why don't we test that?" Matt was not one to back down.

Dan folded his arms. He stepped back to the side along with the others smirking.

Nyx shrugged, going to the rack nearby he grabbed a practice sword. It was a badly balanced weapon. The handle was rough, splinters and nicks dotted the would-be blade. They faced off, a small clearing was made for them. Nyx let all the tension out of his muscles, he could explode like a whip.

The people watching whispered, "He doesn't have a chance, Matt is in the top ten."

"Too skinny."

Opinions were like reeds, they swayed with the changing of the wind.

Nyx was centered, he didn't bring his sword to bear leaving it down by his side. Matt started out with probing attacks, testing for weakness, he was confident in his ability. Nyx swayed with the incoming strikes avoiding them easily.

Matt, getting frustrated increased the tempo. Nyx was a shadow; no swing was even close. His movement was unpredictable, his footwork masterful.

Matt might have been good, but there were signs, slight telegraphs to his movement.

Josh was watching nearby. He had been about to go stop the confrontation, then Nyx moved, he was stunned. The fluidity, the footwork. Matt looked stuck in mud. Blinded by ego Matt could not sense the gap between them. The crowd started to murmur.

There was no indication of intent. Nyx slipped a thrust, he snapped out his sword with incredible speed aimed for the base of Matt's 'blade'.


The sword flew from Matts grip, landing with a thud on the ground. He had been watching Nyx for signs of his movement. He hadn't seen any hints.

"Luck" He refused to believe that he could lose for any other reason.

Nyx was sick of this. He would force Matt to face his flaws. "When this is over you will accept that I am right. There is no 'luck'."

Matt didn't respond, he retrieved his sword staying focused. He pulled on his Qi, he was serious now.

Nyx saw Matt enforce himself. His speed increased. He had to be careful or he could sustain an injury. Matt came in full force, his sword stirred the air as he relentlessly pursued Nyx.

An opening. Taking it, Nyx stepped past Matt's sword strike. He drove his blunt sword tip into Matt's kidney. Not hard enough to do serious damage.

Matt fell to the ground face scrunched in agony, he lost all control of his Qi in an instant. Nyx frowned, 'that is a serious lack of poise.' He stooped to get close to Matt's ear. "You make your own luck." His voice was quiet but held conviction.

The room had gone silent.
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Nyx had enough. He had witnessed the cultivation techniques this organization taught. They all had a bottleneck. This place contained a group of stunted cultivators. They would have the ability to store a great capacity of Qi in their core, but never refine it to break through to the higher levels. Their combat training was also limited.

Nyx tone was cold, "I can see it in your eyes, you won't give me the access I asked for." The guilt was written on Joshua's face. Nyx just shook his head.

"You, come with me." Nyx pointed at Garry who awkwardly stood at the side fidgeting, not sure what to do with his hands now that he was the center of attention.

Garry reacted to the unmistakable command in Nyx's voice. "Yes, sir!"

'Time to take my own advice. Make my own luck.'

Nyx, with shoulders back head high, moved from the training area towards the dorms. Eyes followed the two's progress.

The shock was palpable. Who was this guy? He didn't even wear a uniform.

Collecting himself, Joshua Yelled. "Everyone get back to work!" Movement answered the words. A few remained to stare after Nyx and Garry. The occasional clank of wood on wood became audible.

Nyx made his way back to the dorm living area. It was deserted. "I need you to do something for me. When we were introduced earlier, I noticed some interesting programs open on your computer. Personally, I have limited computer skills. Are you able hack this facility?"

Garry's eyes narrowed. For the first time, he made eye contact. "Why would I do that for you?"

"Because I need access to the locked cultivation room. I need it now. I am willing to pay you ten grand, make it worth your while." Nyx's manner turned dangerous. "If you don't, you will not be leaving this room."

Garry's eyes widened as he an ominous aura radiated out. He didn't doubt Nyx for a second, he was nothing compared to Matt, who had easily been handled. Twice. There was a warning in Nyx's posture.

Seeing Garry frozen Nyx continued, "don't worry I will never turn on my 'friends'. Are we friends?" Nyx would reward Garry later if he followed through. He would help him with array patterns he decided, maybe gift a better cultivation technique.

Gulp, "mhm friends. I ah.. want the money in bitcoin."

Nyx Jaw muscles tightened, he nodded. "I'll let you deal with transferring my money over to bitcoin then send it to yourself."

Garry's whole persona changed as he logged on his computer, he was in his element now. Activating his computers encryption, he ran the remote access trojan he had logged into the facilities main computer frame. He would occasionally use it to gain un-officiated access to the surface for him and the others.

Nyx watched Garry's fingers fly over the keyboard, boxes appearing on the monitors. No wonder he was so efficient with array patterns. He was impressed.

"Access granted, it should appear as if you are still restricted. The room with heavenly Qi correct?"

Nyx handed Garry his card. "Go ahead and get yourself the bitcoin. I assume you learned about heavenly Qi through this process." Nyx indicated the computer.

Garry nodded. He grabbed the card turning back to the screens. "Information is easy to access with the right know how. I have one more request though, I want to go with you to the room. I want to see what's so special about it for myself."

Nyx relaxed at hearing the request expecting much worse. "I don't see a problem with that, I assume it goes without saying that we never mention this to anyone. Ever."

Garry's face blanched before returning to normal. "Well... Uh... I'm just as liable as you... maybe more so."


The others had gone to bed, 'finally its time,' thought Nyx. Earlier on arriving back from the days practice Garry and Dan had tried to question Nyx about what had happened, he just waved it off. Garry had stayed in his room on his computer, he left his headset on ignoring the questions.

Nyx stood up from the couch, He had taken a nap in preparation for tonight. He walked silently to Garry's door, after a gentle tap he opened it. Garry was still focused on the computer screens. Nyx put his hand on Garry's shoulder and covered his mouth.

Garry turned his head, Nyx with a finger to his lips, nodded his head towards the door, "Its time," he whispered.

Taking off his headphones Garry got up, in the process bumping his leg on the desk. Nyx winced, Garry mouthed 'sorry'.

Once outside Nyx footsteps were dead silent on the cobblestones next to him footfalls echoed. He swore Garry would wake the whole place.

Quietly Nyx asked, "Are you even trying?"

"I'm doing my best." Fortunately, nobody was out.

Nyx cast his senses out, tuned for any movement or disturbance in the environment. Nothing. Good. They made it into the shadow outside the locked room. The narrow halls darkness was a relief. "I'm going in. You, my friend, are going to get your quick peek then be the lookout. If anyone comes play dumb and delay. I will be in for some time."

"Alright, I can do that."

Nyx swiped the card. He held his breath. 'Click', a green light flashed on the card reader. He pulled the door open briefly holding it for Garry. The heavenly Qi in the air glowed a faint white mist. It was not thick, but it would be more than enough to match his demonic Qi.

The room was lit with calm blue light from above, the shrine in the middle was more ornate than the others had been. Gold leaf twined around creating symbols on the pedestal that held up the soul stone.

After waiting a moment Nyx said, "ok its time, leave me be and don't interrupt no matter what." Nyx attention was focused on the Heavenly Qi as Garry left the room. The door clicked shut.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the shrine Nyx closed his eyes and began to cultivate drawing in the Heavenly Qi, running it through his meridians in a complex pattern. It would run through the various points a total of seven times before he would finally draw it into his core.

As it traveled it purified his body. When he had cultivated the demon Qi it has strengthened him through pain. This Qi felt like the most amazing massage, it pulled out impurities like a masseuse would loosen a sore muscle.

A disgusting smell accosted his nose as the impurities were expelled. The black goo smelled like death. He ignored it and continued.


An hour later he had accumulated equal parts heavenly and demonic Qi in his core. They circled like yin and yang. Opposites repulsed from each other like two ends of a magnet. He was just at the edge of reaching the second level of basic cultivation.

After the third level of Basic he would reach Shaping, the level others would be able to manifest their Qi element. His was a special circumstance as what he was about to do had never been done before. He only had an idea of what his abilities would be.

He took a deep breath. Using his immense soul he took the two circling Qi and forced them together. He gritted his teeth, agony coursed through all his nerves. He couldn't stop now. He molded the two, folding them together repeatedly. He was not sure how long it had been, his core glowed white like molten metal. Finally, it was done, he relaxed.


"AHh.." He cried out in pain, falling back on the ground.

The Qi he had just created coursed through his body. It was only a jolt, but the pain was severe. It was as painful as any experience he could remember. His nerve endings all tingled. His breathing was heavy and labored, he stayed on his back eyes closed.

This was not what he had expected. The demonic and Heavenly Qi had been merged. The result.

This was not elastic, no, this was Chaos. The two combined to create a storm. Like a cold and hot front colliding. The resulting Qi was wreathed with black and white lightning, streaks crackling through it.

Pulling it from his core took immense control and resilience. 'Without the Demon Qi strengthening, my body couldn't withstand it,' even having his body strengthened by the demonic Qi it only took a moment to be overwhelmed.

Standing, he prepared himself mentally. He pulled the Qi from his core. Faint flickers of black and white lightning coursed through him, his eyes flashed intermittently black and white. He moved, his body blurred. He collapsed, the pain. He would need to be stronger to attempt to utilize this Chaotic Qi. His body felt as if it had been torn apart, agony.

The creation of the chaotic Qi, along with it coursing through his body had expanded his cultivation again. He was now at the second level of basic. His body had gone through another round of purification. His natural ability, unaided by Qi, was now doubled. He could keep up with the demoness.

But, when he had moved with the Qi he felt limitless. 'This power.' He was in awe. He came in with expectations but now he was completely shocked.

After being zapped by the chaotic storm of Qi in his core, it seemed to settle down some. He was covered in grime. 'Disgusting'. If anyone ran into him, they would think he had gone for a swim in a sewer.

Breathing deeply Nyx sat with his arms wrapped around his legs. He did a backward summersault and landed on his feet. Having passed to the second stage of Basic he felt great, despite the pain utilizing his cultivation caused.

Nyx exited the Heavenly Qi cultivating room slowly closing the door behind him. It didn't make a noise besides the slight click when the automatic lock fell into place. He moved to the end of the hall.

Garry turned around plugging his nose. He whispered, "what is that god awful smell?" Finally his eyes picked out the gunk covering Nyx. Nyx raised his arms in demonstration. "Let's get back I need a shower, any trouble?"

Still plugging his nose Garry shook his head, "Nah, nothing." His nerves were incredibly high, if they got caught it would be undeniable how Nyx had gotten access to the room. The two made their way back to the dorms. The complex was quiet, Nyx didn't sense any disturbances and made it back to the room undeterred. Garry gave Nyx one last look then went into his room.

At the end of the hall Nyx slowly turned his doors knob opening it, he moved inside and closed it in the same manner. Once in the bathroom he undressed and threw his clothes into the trash bin by the door. He would burn them.

Clean after taking a shower, he sat on his bed continuing to investigate his core. His physicality having improved, he would not need to sleep as often anymore. The Qi in his core was like a turbulent sea. Whenever he tried to draw on it, it reacted as if to bite him. Occasionally, the storm would build up and he would be zapped. The breath would leave him, and he would lay there till he recovered, but he never stopped.

Earlier when he had utilized the Chaotic Qi, it was as if all his senses had been amplified. His reactions had increased by leaps and bounds, the Qi moving through his nerve endings had allowed his muscles to expand and contract at high speeds. The processing power of his mind been increased, with the Qi he would be able to make split-second decisions as if with all the time in the world. The problem was the pain.

'I must be approaching this wrong.'

He had been attempting to control his Qi the same way he had controlled fire Qi in the higher planes. Fire was whimsical and would easily do its own thing, spreading, if not controlled under an iron fist. It was like a curious butterfly that blew with the wind. His method for controlling fire did not work with the Chaos Qi, it caused it to rebel against him.

He tried a different approach treating the Qi like a wild stallion. He would not seek to control it but rather become its guide. It seemed to work, the energy settled down. He felt it would no longer course through his system at random times. At best he had a tentative relationship with the Qi, a truce, right in time. He could hear the others moving around the living area, checking his phone it was around 6 am.

If he had to fight, he would not be able to count on his Qi, it was still too fickle. He was still a long way from learning the Chaos Qi's potential.

Nyx got up satisfied with the progress. He opened his door and moved to join the others.

Matt looked away when he saw Nyx enter. He grumbled not meeting Nyx's eyes, "well look who decided to grace us with his presence. Letting us make you breakfast I see, lazy ass."

Nyx ignored him looking at the others, "I won't be joining you all today, I have things to take care of above ground."

Matt got up, "guess it's to be expected, we're going to actually get some work done. C'mon babe, let's leave this lazy ass." Marisa gave Nyx a dirty look before pushing back her chair and following Matt out the door. Apparently, she also held Nyx a grudge.

'Not worth my time, some just don't learn.'

Gabe was curious, "what are you planning to do then? Josh is going to be pissed."

Nyx considered what to say, 'won't make much difference if they know.'

"I will be getting ready to hunt some demons. I need to prepare some things.

Dan looked up at him, there was a deep burning anger in his eyes "I'm coming."

Nyx gave him a curious look, but it made sense. Dan's parents, after all, had been murdered by demons. This 'secret order,' even though they claimed to be fighting back, seemed to do next to nothing.

"Two conditions, one Dan, you are the bait. I recall you being good at that." Nyx winked, "two, you will need to learn a new cultivation technique that will not limit your growth."

Nyx looked at Garry and Gabe, "are you coming?"

Garry shrugged, "if you all go I am not staying alone," Nyx had thought it was a foregone conclusion Garry would not be interested, he was surprised.

"I can't leave you all on your own, now can I? Not sure what you can teach about cultivation though…" Gabe tried to suppress his own anger at the demons but it was there nonetheless.

Nyx nodded, "Alright, then you will both also learn the cultivation technique, judge the technique after you learn it." He turned to Garry, "Garry, I will teach you an array pattern to protect these two from the demon's influence as well."

They all agreed. "Alright, I'll teach you the techniques now, then you all go back to your normal schedule, I won't actually be hunting until tonight. Does anyone have a notebook and pencil?"

Garry raised his hand as though in class. He ran to his room retrieving some printer paper and a pencil.

"Thanks." Nyx mapped out a much superior method of cultivation to what they had been using. It would no longer inhibit their growth. The others nodded as they absorbed the information.

Time flew by while they practiced in the room, "got it? Now go through your normal day. I'm sure I don't need to say this, but don't tell anyone that we will be hunting demons. I don't need the extra complications."

"Wasn't ever planning on it." Said Dan. He had been the one the most focused on learning the new method to cultivate his earth Qi. His anger never quite subsided.

"Dan, I know you want revenge, but I need you to keep your head straight tonight." Nyx didn't want to have to worry about Dan messing up.

Dan got angry, temper always close to the surface. "The fuck you know about it, just mind your own business. Least I'm going to cover your ass."

Nyx forced himself not to get baited, "My real dad was killed by a demon when I was little. I was hiding, I think I know a thing or two." Nyx glared back at Dan.

Dan didn't back down, "bullshit." His anger had lessened slightly. Dan looked at his brother, "did you know?" He whispered, Gabe shook his head.

"You don't have to take my word for it, if you 'need' proof ask Josh when you see him. Tell him I told you." It did not bother Nyx if they knew. It might cause them to listen more aptly to his instruction.

The others filed out of the room, Dan and Gabe gave a last glance back considering the possibility. The room's door closed after them.

Nyx still had to prepare for the night. He needed to rent a freezer room and a truck. Once the demon was dead he would not be able to utilize all the demon Qi in one sitting, he would need to store it for later use. There was also one other thing to take care of.


Nyx pulled open the glass door to the gas station. It had a U-Haul rental service connected to it. A chubby man with an unkempt beard and baseball cap was distracted on his phone. He had missed tucking in a part of his shirt, nametag askew. He raised his hand to scratch at his neckbeard.

Getting here had been a challenge. Nyx had borrowed Gabe's car keys, and after quite the search had located the Honda in the bottom of a nearby parking garage. Nyx noted that the exit to the organization's underground facility was an Edward Jones investment firm. A front.

"Hello, I need a mid to small sized U-Haul for tonight. I would like to pay in advance and pick it up later." Nyx walked up to the counter.

Nick, according to his nametag, looked up. "Take a look here, we have all the small sized models on site." His voice was rough, the smell of cigarettes on his breath. He pointed to a brochure laminated on the countertop.

Nyx looked at the various options, "I'll take the cargo van, assuming it's available." It was the second smallest vehicle.

The man took out a form, Nyx quickly filled out. It would be inexpensive to rent the van for the night. Nick handed him the keys after the charge to his card was accepted.

"I won't be picking it up till later." Nick shrugged turning back to his phone. He hadn't even bothered to check Nyx's ID.

'Two more stops.'

Using his phone Nyx located a facility nearby that rented out freezer rooms. Pulling up in front, the parking lot was mostly empty. Nyx opened his car door, stepping out the difference in heat from that morning was noticeable. The sun had been out for a while now.

Nyx followed the sidewalk, the buildings whitewashed wall to his side. Opening the front door, he made his way to the counter. A middle-aged woman eyed him. It looked as if she had quite a bit of work done on her face. Her lips barely moved as she smiled. "What can I do for you today handsome?" Nyx held back a shiver, she seemed almost alien.

"I am looking to rent a freezer room for a while. Could you give me the information?"

Her face changed barely, 'maybe she was going for thoughtful?' "What do you need it for? So I can determine the best one for your usage."

"Hunting, I need a place to store the meat." It wasn't a lie.

She nodded, behind her were many keys. She looked through them finally finding the one she wanted. "This key is to unit number twenty-nine all the way to the back. Go look and if you like it let me know." She gave another one of those Botox smiles.

Nyx made his way to the back. The air was cool, probably due to all the freezer units he walked by. The floor was concrete with a white tile ceiling and long fluorescent light bulbs. He made it to his unit, putting the key into the lock he turned the L shaped handle.

The space inside would work perfectly. It was just enough for him to move around, with shelves off to one side leaving the rest of the space open. On the walls of the walk-in freezer were lines of white frost.

Back at the front, he checked out. "You don't need anything else do you?"

Nyx pretended not to know what she was implying. "Nope, I'm all set." The door 'dinged' as it opened and he stepped back into the heat.

Nyx hopped back into Gabe's car and turned on the air conditioning. Making sure there were no other cars, he merged back onto the road.

'Off to an army surplus store,' he had driven by it earlier on the highway.


A bell jingled as the shop door opened. A tattooed man with a big beard stood at a central table. All the guns and weapons were under the glass display cases in-front of him. Rows of camouflage fatigues as well as various other equipment were on racks.

Nyx was not looking for guns, they would be useless against a demon. He needed blades that the others could strengthen with their Qi. He moved to the side and picked out a sturdy looking backpack. It would be able to conceal the weapons he would purchase.

The gruff voice of the tattooed man interrupted his search. "Either you have been in quite the accident or one gnarly knife fight." He pointed to the white scars where the demoness's claws had raked Nyx's arm. The scars had shrunk since reaching the second level of Basic, but would not disappear entirely till he entered the Shaping stage of cultivation.

"Oh these," Nyx lifted his arm, his fingers trailed down the scars. "Yes, it was quite a brutal fight. Speaking of which I am looking for your best blades. Have anything better than these?" Nyx nodded to what was on display.

The tattooed man narrowed his eyes not quite sure if Nyx was joking about the scars. "Come with me, my best quality goods are in the back." Opening a side door they entered another room. There was a number of drawers with locks on them.

He unlocked one in the middle pulling it open. There were rows of blades resting on felt. "These are all hand forged Damascus steel. The maker is a well know craftsman and used eight different kinds of steel all folded together in their creation."

Nyx was impressed by the quality, at least for Earth standards. These would be able to handle weak Qi being run through them. He pointed to a set of three, "how much for those three?"

Tattoos ran his thick fingers through his beard. "Those are some fine works, all are thirty-three inches long, full tang. They haven't been treated but you can still see where the steel was folded." He indicated the patterns in the metal of the blades. "Least I can take for them is thousand-five hundred a piece."

Nyx didn't bat an eye, soon he would be broke again. "Tell you what, since I am buying all three I am willing to spend four-thousand for the lot."

Tattoos had expected Nyx to decide not to make the purchase. He stuck out his hand, "John by the way." Nyx accepted the handshake, "alright four-thousand it is, come back to the counter ill box these up and bring em up front."

The bell rang again as Nyx left the shop, it had cooled off outside. The setting sun cast a red and orange glow across clouds that were moving his way. With the backpack straps hugging from his shoulders he could feel the extra weight from the blades in the bag.

On the way back, he stopped at a whole foods buffet picking up enough for his dorm-mates.

'Time to meet the others and get ready.'

Nyx made it back to the dorm without incident. The others were all pleasantly surprised by the food. Matt had gone to his girlfriend's dorm to spend the night. 'Probably avoiding me, for the best.' Nyx didn't have a good impression of Matt anyways.

Dan looked away from his food for a second, "I asked Josh about your dad, he confirmed it. He also asked where you were, seemed surprised when we told him you were out for the day but would be back."

Nyx shrugged, "makes sense, I told him I would be leaving. But Dan, one thing you can always count on me for is the truth. I learned long ago that lying creates more problems than it is worth."

Dan grunted, mouth still chewing, "guess I can't blame you for wanting to hunt the demons then."

Gabe interrupted, "about those new cultivation techniques you taught us. They are much harder to utilize but I feel the benefits to my Qi already. How did you know about them?"

Nyx gave a mysterious look, "stick around long enough and I might just tell you." He was working through a large portion of sweet potatoes.

Gabe nodded, his brown hair which had grown a bit shaggy bobbed. "I'm going to hold you to it." His expression turned serious, "Josh was pretty upset when he learned we changed from the technique he taught us. Said we should switch back, said it was too dangerous to change."

"And did you?" Nyx would be disappointed if they had. He wouldn't bring them with him that night.

Dan shook his head, "hell no. Could feel the difference, fuck Josh, he's always been overcautious."

So far, from what Nyx had seen of the order, he could agree with Dan's assessment.

"I have another surprise for you." Nyx picked the backpack off the ground unzipping it. He pulled out the three boxes that held the blades. He pushed two across the table towards Dan and Gabe, keeping one for himself.

Looking at Garry he said, "sorry but you will be to the side protecting them with the array pattern so you will be immobile, you shouldn't need a blade."

Garry who had a small presence was quietly observing. He didn't seem bothered, "that's fine."

Dan's eyes lit up when he pulled the lid off the box. "No way." He picked up the sword reverently, turning it around examining.

Nyx looked at both Dan and Gabe, "we will leave soon, but first I need you both to practice strengthening those swords with Qi. Do it the same way you would strengthen your own body."
Chapter 6
Dan didn't hesitate. Picking up his sword he noted the balance, it was near perfect. He pulled Qi from his core running it along his arm and then into the blade. Having the Qi leave his physical body was a strange feeling. He could feel the bonds in the metal tightening with the Qi's influence, its edge becoming sharper.

He would have to make sure he did not lose focus when facing the demon. Gabe replicated his feat, a satisfied look on his face.

Nyx's eyes followed the Qi as it coursed into the brother's blades. 'Good thing their cultivation is still low, or the blade could not withstand it.'

"Seems you both have the hang of it. Remember, before you strike the demon, you must strengthen the edge, or you might as well just use a stick."

Nyx looked over to Garry, "time to go over that array pattern." Garry nodded, his eyes remained open but lost focus as his soul moved into the Aether. It looked as though he had fallen asleep with his eyes open. He would not be able to keep a link to his physical body while maintaining the array, his body would remain motionless.

The natural Qi in the room moved directed by the pattern. It was the same pattern Nyx had used when facing the demoness. Barriers of Qi were erected around both Dan and Gabe, Nyx nodded 'should be sufficient'.

"Time to go, Gabe you drive, we need to make one stop on the way to pick up my U-Haul." Gabe went and retrieved the car keys from his room.

"What do we need a moving truck for anyways?" His eyebrows rose slightly.

"To dispose of the demon's corpse when we are finished." Nyx wouldn't tell them that he would store the body for his personal use.

The three swiped their badges at the entrance to the surface. The sensor's light changed to green, a quiet 'click' indicated the lock was deactivated. Garry had given them all access. The four of them filed out. Nyx let the door swing shut after, lock clicking back into place.

At the parking garage Gabe entered the driver's seat, Dan next to him on the passenger side. Nyx was in the back with Garry. None of them talked or played music allowing for focus, the nerves were almost palpable.

The car pulled into the gas station, Nyx got out. The night air was fresh, the clouds from earlier had moved in covering the stars. There was a slight breeze. He went over to the cargo van, it had U-Haul written across the side in black letters underlined by a thick orange stripe.

Nyx started the van's engine and pulled out, taking a left back onto the road. He checked the rearview mirror to confirm the others were following him. 'Good.'

Reaching downtown St. Louis, Nyx pulled the van into an alleyway. Parking was free past 6 pm. He found an area away from the street lamps, the others parked the Honda nearby. Nyx grabbed his backpack and went over to the others. "Let's find a bar and keep a low profile till we find what we are looking for. Dan, unveil your core when you get the text to go." The others nodded.

"Should be easy, all the ladies love me, assuming the demon is a chick." Dan grinned a little though the tension remained in his bearing. They walked towards Main Street, the area with all the bars.

Nyx pointed to a dead-end side alley. The walls rose up on three sides, only with his enhanced eyes could he see into the shadows. "That is the spot we will lure the demon. Once we find one Dan will lure it into there." He pointed into the dark, he looked to make sure Dan understood. Moving forwards Nyx dropped the backpack behind a trash bag at the entrance of the alley. The weapons were inside.

They reached Main Street, signs were lit up over the various bars. Many drunk groups stumbled around moving either to the bars or purchasing food from the stands that lined the street. Occasionally, a car blasting its music would drive by.

Nyx located a dive bar. "Let's grab a table in 'the Hideaway'." The others followed him inside. There was no bouncer at the door, tables spread through the central area with booths to the side. They grabbed a booth at the back.


"One just walked in," Nyx called the others attention to an attractive blond in a tee shirt and jeans. "You're up." Nyx gave Dan a slap on the back.

"Uhh, you sure I'm the best one for this?" Dan's eyes stayed on the drink in front of him.

"What's the matter, Dan, you seemed so gung-ho before," said Nyx. Beads of perspiration were pooling on Dan's forehead.

"I thought you were kidding about me being the bait."

"I would never joke about that, as I recall you made excellent bait during our last encounter with the demoness." Nyx smiled, he was confident. "Plus, this time, you have a weapon and Garry to shield you, so you don't become useless." He laughed emphasizing the word 'useless'.

It worked, Dan forgot about his fear, anger took over. "Don't forget it was me who saved your ass last time as well. Fine. I'll do it."

Nyx nodded, "good, I'll bet 'she' comes right over when you expose your Qi." A red glow gave away the fact that the blond girl was a demon.

Gabe's voice was quiet, nervous, "why are these demons always attractive girls?"

Nyx tilted his head slightly, "What better way for a demon, new on earth, to gain strength than to lure men to feed off. Alright, see you at the alley." He tipped his head to Dan.


Dan revealed his core, the demon's eyes immediately snapped to him. 'Nyx was right, always seems to be right.'

It began to make its way over. Long blond hair moving on its shoulders. 'Why does it have to be a demon?' The attractive blond made eye contact with him.

He gulped, 'I just have to get her to the alley, easy.' As she neared his heart beat sped up.

"Hello, mind if I grab a seat?" The demon gave him a smile that would melt most men's hearts. Dan's anger kept him focused on the task.

That seductive look might have worked in the past, but this time Dan was aware of the truth. It was demons who had killed his parents.


At the alley, Nyx opened the backpack. He handed Gabe his sword and took one for himself.

"It's up to Dan now." Said Nyx. Gabe fidgeted not sure what to do with his hands. Garry was silent but, other than Nyx, seemed to be handling his nerves the best.

"Get ready" Nyx sensed Dan's Qi along with the stronger demon Qi moving towards the alley. This demon was weaker than the one he had fought before.

"Just over here," Dan's voice contained a squeakiness Nyx hadn't heard before.

The demon entered the alley, Nyx came out from hiding, light from a street lamp flashed as he tossed a sword to Dan. Dan caught it while backing up, the three of them blocked off the exit. Garry stood behind, ready to create the array pattern.

The chaos inside Nyx core began to churn, as though responding to the impending violence.

Realizing it had been trapped the demon let out a sneer, "To think such weak humans would try to trap me. The way is open, we will keep coming." Its body morphed, stubby wings sprouted from its back, skin darkened, and small horns grew from its head. The eyes, they began to burn like embers, hands turned into long talons. The attractive blond was no more.

Nyx saw the terror fill Dan and Gabe's eye, their bodies began to shake, "focus! Don't let fear rule you."

Tilting back its head, it let out a high-pitched shriek. Waves of demon Qi blasted outwards. The trash in the alley blew up from the ground as though caught in a gale.

Garry, just a second late brought the formation array to bear. Barriers of natural Qi shielded Gabe and Dan. The demon's energy swirled around them as though river over rocks. Nyx had no use for a barrier, he soaked in the demon Qi cultivating.

Nyx yelled at the duo, "get it together you two! Now!" To his surprise, only Garry of the trio was handling his fear well. They seemed to pull themselves from the funk shaking their heads to clear them.

"Make sure you both have room to maneuver, one attack high the other low. Don't lose focus!" Nyx continued to watch for a hint of the demon's intentions. He would hang back and cover the other two, he was fast enough to keep up with the demon but would let Dan and Gabe gain some much-needed experience.

A slight tightening of muscles was all the warning they got, Dan moved back in time but not fast enough. A gash on his arm bled, it could have been worse. The demon moved like a cat.

Gabe didn't hesitate, he attacked high with his sword. It was a clean thrust, good form. A shallow cut was opened across the demon's cheek. It jumped back further into the alley. An animal cornered.

Gabe moved to follow, he stepped on a piece of trash.


The demon's eyes blazed bright, Gabe hesitated on feeling the unsure footing. Caught in transition a razor-sharp claw swung towards his exposed throat. He raised his sword, muscles straining, too slow.

Nyx was far back, he only had one choice. He called on a spark of chaos Qi, it responded eagerly. His eyes flashed white and he moved, a wraith, faster than the eye could follow. His sword blocked the demon's talons, just inches from Gabe's face.

All Nyx's nerve endings were on fire, only willpower kept him up. He hadn't wanted to use the Qi till he had more practice with it. He forced the chaos back into his core. Sweat ran down his forehead and darkened his shirt.

The demon jumped back refocusing on Dan. Fangs bared, it closed the distance. Dan stepped to the side, he struck with his sword, a dull clang rang out. A gash opened on the demon's arm dripping black blood. Enraged the demon's other claw swiped, the talons tore through Dan's shirt, grazing his skin.

Nyx backed up, he would only intervene if necessary.

Gabe saw his opportunity, Qi strengthened his arm and sword. He moved toward the distracted demon, slicing low, the sword flashed slowing slightly on contact. A tendon in the demon's ankle was severed. It howled out in anger 'how could such weaklings cause me pain?! He told us the ones that glowed were for us to feed!'

The demon let out a howl, filled with the promise of suffering. It released its Qi. Ropes of red power blasted toward everyone in the alley. Panic filled Dan and Gabe at the sight, they turned to run but found they were bound in place.

A cord of demon Qi passed the three at the fore wrapping around Garry. His spirit was ripped from the Aether rendering his formation array inert. His mouth stood agape now seeing the scene with his own eyes.

Nyx shook his head at the performance of the others, 'if they are to be of use, I will have to take training them into my own hands.'

Stepping forward Nyx blocked the demon from reaching the other two, its movements had become jerky with the severed tendon. Cords of demon Qi wrapped Nyx but disappeared as he absorbed them, the demon's eyes grew wide.

The demonic voice echoed, "This is not possible! What are you."

His body felt like it was being torn to shreds by the demon Qi ranging through his meridians. He could feel the muscles, organs, skin, and bones being reformed by the Qi. The power of the demons was unmistakable.

Nyx walked through the storm that assailed him and smiled, "when you next see Aggoth, tell your general that the God of Chaos (too cheesy? I thought so.) is coming for him."

With that Nyx's eyes flashed as he called on his Qi once more. His body blurred, re-appearing his sword rammed under the demons chin all the way through the top of its skull. With a flick he flung the body off his blade, gore continued to drip from the weapon's tip.

The pain this time was more severe, he blacked out and found he had fallen to the ground. Based on the blood pooling by the demon's body, it had only been a moment.

The others were all freed from the demon's influence, Nyx took a deep breath then got up ignoring them focused on the cadaver. With precision, he blocked all the pores on the demon's body burning them shut. He needed to prevent the demon Qi from leaking out, or the corpse would be wasted.

Nyx turned to the others, they stared at him eyes wide still shaking from the experience with the demon. "Help me get this in the van." He jerked a stiff leg. Nobody moved, "Now." Finally, they reacted helping him to lift the body.

At the van, Nyx opened the back and grabbed several trash bags. They made quick work bundling the corpse up then sealed it with ducktape.

The vans back door slammed shut, mummified demon inside. Nyx hopped into the driver seat and started the engine, he rolled down the windows turning towards the other three. They still seemed to be in a state of shock as none of them spoke.

"I am going to dispose of the demon, you all head back to the 'academy'." A note of disdain was in Nyx's tone. "Not a word of this, remember. You three have a lot of work cut out for you if you want to keep fighting demons."

With that Nyx rolled up the window, the others would have to find a way to deal with their shock on their own. Either the experience would strengthen them or break their spirit for vengeance, it was in their hands now.


The freezer facilities were empty, the front door opened with the use of the key Botox lady had given him. Nyx dragged the trash bag covered cadaver through the facilities halls before finally placing it into his unit. He double checked to make no demon Qi was leaking, satisfied he closed the door returning to the van.

There would be enough Qi for at least one more session of cultivating before needing another demon. In Nyx's core, there was a maelstrom taking pace, the chaotic Qi was attacking the demonic presence beside it. Once he was back he would need to deal with the demon specter before sleeping.


The card reader clicked green to Nyx's apartment complex, he was hoping the others would be asleep, no such luck. Gabe, Garry, and Dan were sitting on the couch, they had been talking but stopped when Nyx walked in. They all had a haunted look in their eyes.

Gabe broke the silence, "we can't understand how you know the stuff you do, but we have come to the decision we need help. Will you teach us?"

Dan chimed in, "you have to, I don't ever want to feel like that again." There was a fresh bandage on his arm covering the gashes the demon had torn into it.

Nyx looked at Garry who nodded to him but stayed silent. "Alright, you will follow the normal schedule but before sleeping I will help to teach. It will be up to you all individually how much you progress, and you will have to find ways to practice the things I impart on your own."

Dan made to comment, Nyx held up a hand stopping him, "no, now we go to sleep. No more questions, I am tired." He had to face the demon Qi.

Nyx closed his room door behind himself, the others had seemed dedicated to improving. They may after all become worthy of his pack. A small smile lit up his face, Earth had many surprises.

Stripping, Nyx threw another set of soiled clothes into the trash, this was becoming a trend. He stepped into the tub and assumed a cross-legged meditation pose before delving into his core finding the demon Qi forced into a corner being bombarded by the Chaos.

In his sea of consciousness, a memory started to coalesce. He was curious what the demon Qi would try to show him, he let it materialize.

He stood in an ornate villa, plush carpets covered the ground couches sat in the entryway. Out front down an imperial staircase was a garden with rows of spirit trees, Qi swirled everywhere, thick. A crystal chandelier reflected light sparkling in all directions. Nyx was in the entry room, a second flight of stairs led to rooms on the villas' second floor. Down the stairs walked the most beautiful woman, she had silky brown hair and delicate features.

On seeing Nyx, Ella's beauty only increased as a smile graced her face, "Sweetheart, you came to see me! My father will not be happy." The fact her father did not approve had not bothered her in the least.

Nyx smiled, this was one of his oldest memories from the higher planes. His first love, why would the demon show him this?

The memory faded as if reacting to his thoughts. Another one formed, he was on the ground the same woman was in his arms, blood pooled around them, her blood. He relived the rage, the pain. How could they do this to her! She was an innocent bystander.

Tears pooled in his eyes running down Nyx's face. He had been searching for the shrine, means to return to Earth. She was supposed to come back with him.

Ella's fingers brushed his face, she gave Nyx a sad smile as her color drained away. "Don't let the hate consume you, they will win.. I love you, don't you ever play it safe, remember.." The life left her eyes, her soul departed forever stolen from him.

Tears ran down Nyx's face where he sat in the bathtub. The demon had achieved its goal of causing Nyx to feel emotion, but instead of working to break him it had hardened his resolve.

With a thought Nyx banished the memory from his mind sea, soul now unhindered it spread blinding with white with light. He didn't give the demon specter a chance to move or speak. "Tell them I am coming." A ray of light shot from his outstretched hand, the demon's essence was torn to shreds evaporating into the air.

The chaotic Qi in Nyx's core calmed no longer attempting to destroy the demon Qi. They circled each other in peace now that the demon Qi was under his control.