Rin and Shirou's night at Freddy's: a F/SN x FNaF one shot

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Rin and Shirou investigate Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and meet the inhabitants. This can only go well for everyone involved.


Jungle Tyrant
Cross-posted from Spacebattles in case you saw it there.
This was just a little something that struck me, and I figured that it was fun enough to share with you all. Also I don't speak German so please correct me if its wrong.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria
Night 6, 11:50 pm

"Rin, why are we here?" asked a young redheaded adult.

"Shirou, as you know my family is nominally allied with the church, Kirei's backstabbing aside, and this place has had a low priority investigation order on it for years. I figured it would earn some goodwill to finally deal with whatever is here." Responded a now adult Rin.

"I get that, but I don't know what we're supposed to be investigating."

"Oh, that's what you were curious about. Well, there have been reports of suspected supernatural activity given to the church by non aware churchgoers, and a few passing priests have also said that there might be something going on. What we're here for is to see if there is actually something magical happening, and to deal with it if so. Now pass me that salt so I can finish the bounded field."

Shirou passed the blessed salt, and his nose twitched as the bounded field went up over the building.

"There, now nothing will be getting in or out." Rin said.

Shirou analyzed the door, and projected a matching key, and with that they were in.

Once inside, Shirou scrunched his nose in displeasure, "There's something here alright, and whatever it is, it's malevolent. Keep your guard up Rin."

"Of course," she said, flipping her hair dismissively, "What do you take me for?" at this, she activated the defenses she had put on her clothes.


As they made their way through the building, they were hyper aware of their surroundings. The passive malevolence present had them on edge.

12:00 AM

Both Rin and Shirou shuddered as whatever was present woke up.

"I think it knows we're here." Shirou said dryly.

Rin shot him a look and simply raised her flashlight, noticing that it was no longer illuminating as much as it was prior.

"Which way do you think?" Rin asked.

Shirou leaned this way and that before deciding on a direction, and motioned her forward.

A few seconds later, they heard footsteps, and in a flash of light, Kanshou and Bakuya were in Shirous hands and Rin's magic crest lit up.

The footsteps grew louder, and Rin raised her flashlight to illuminate a mechanical bird. It flinched as the light shined in its eyes, but then let out a scream as it charged the pair.

Shirou stepped in front of Rin and blocked the blow, surprised at the mechanical monster's strength. However, he quickly stopped struggling as he reinforced his arms.

"Rin, what are we looking at?" he asked as he kicked the thing, making it stumble backwards.

"Hmm, I think it's some kind of spirit possessing the machine. We can either destroy the physical body and force it to fight us in a spiritual state, or we can try and exorcize the thing." Rin replied, sidestepping the mechanical bird as it tried to grab her. "Hold it in place please, I'm going to try and brute force an exorcism."

Shirou Traced a black key, and stabbed it into the bird's shadow, causing it to freeze.

"Ready Rin."

Rin walked up to the machine, now shuddering in place as it tried to move. She held her hand up to the things center and began to chant.

"du gehörst hier nicht hin
Diese Welt gehört den Lebenden
Die Anderswelt ruft
Zurück zu Staub!"

As magical energy began to flood the machine, it began to scream once more, this time in pain. As the possessing spirit was being peeled away from its physical shell and forced into a spiritual form, the sound of footsteps could be heard once more.

Shirou reinforced his eyes so that he could see in the dark, and saw that there was now a bear machine, a purple rabbit machine, and a fox machine down the hallway charging at them. Using a trick he copied from Archer, he created a wall of blades that sealed that entrance to the room. He heard metallic impact after metallic impact as the machines tried to force their way in.

The screaming behind him crescendoed, and he did a half turn and saw a small spiritual body floating, with the bidlike machine apparently having lost all life.

Rin tossed a jewel below the spirit, which began to glow, and the spirit began to shudder and writhe as it was forced to move on. Soon, the spirit faded, and Rin collected her jewel.

"Alright, we're dealing a type of Wraith, destroy the shells, and we can get them all at once, they're not all that strong spiritually so you corral them and I'll get them with the Baptism Rite."

"Got it," Shirou traced a bow, and then traced a sword which he altered into an arrow, "on three then." he said as he pulled back the string.




On three, he let the wall dissipate, and released his arrow. In a blink of an eye, it crossed the distance, and embedded itself into the bear machine's chest, where it promptly exploded, destroying all three machines.

Suddenly without a protective shell, all three spirits froze, and would have begun to flee, but a quick jewel from Rin locked them in place.

Right then, now," She cleared her throat and began to chant once more.

"I will kill. I will let live. I will harm and heal. None will escape me. None will escape my sight.
Be crushed.
I welcome those who have grown old and those who have lost.
Devote yourself to me, learn from me, and obey me.
Rest. Do not forget song, do not forget prayer, and do not forget me.
I am light and relieve you of all your burdens.
Do not pretend. Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living.
Relief is in my hands. I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark.
Eternal life is given through death.
— Ask for forgiveness here. I, the incarnation, will swear.
— Kyrie eleison

At that last word, the room lit up with a holy light, and the trio of spirits screamed again as they were banished.

Rin sighed in content as she finished, and turned to Shirou, "You're the bloodhound, anything else here?"

Shirou sighed at the nickname but dutifully sniffed about. "Hmm, still something, might be what attracted the spirits here in the first place."

"Well, lay on Macduff."

Shirou gave Rin a look of fond exasperation and started heading towards the now weakened source of malice.

The pair made their way through the halls of the building occasionally stopping to reorient, but they soon found a room hidden behind a false wall.

When they entered the room, the malice began to churn and writhe, making the shadows illuminated by the flashlight dance.

When the malice began to coalesce into the form of a yellow version of the bear machine, Shirou traced another black key, and launched it into the apparition, dispersing it once more, now even weaker.

Rin meanwhile was examining the room, trying to see if everything could be cleaned up without any more damage done.

"Hmmm," Rin said in irritation, it's seeped into the foundation and I'm not prepared to cleanse the whole building. So we can either burn the place down and let the purifying effects of the fire deal with the remaining malice and grudges, or we can call it a night, and send a report to the church and let them deal with it."

"What will cause less damage?" Shirou asked.

"In that case, best let the church deal with it, they're better equipped for this sort of purification anyways."

As the two left the building, the golden bear tried to form once more, but was easily dispersed and weakened by a black key.

Once Rin had dismantled her bounded field, the two made their way to their hotel for they had an early morning flight home.

,,,Missing one, Other then Afton, someone managed to spot a trap door in the Ceiling during Bonnie's Jumpscare that lines up with Marionnette's Jump Scare from FNAF 2