Rifts RPG - I think I just had a character win a Darwin award?

I am running a Rifts game and the group is trying to defend a village from raiders
I had a player determined to play a super powered character even though I tried to recommend more normal characters

The character is a speedster however and just ran at Mach Two into a Carpet of Adhesion.
Going at Mach 2 and your legs just stop. I don't see any kind of armor would be much protection.

Any suggestions short of simply telling the player that their character is dead?
Well, he has to have some sort of enhanced toughness or merely moving his limbs that fast would reduce them to jelly. So, he lives but loses his legs would be an alternative to death.
I am running a Rifts game and the group is trying to defend a village from raiders
I had a player determined to play a super powered character even though I tried to recommend more normal characters

The character is a speedster however and just ran at Mach Two into a Carpet of Adhesion.
Going at Mach 2 and your legs just stop. I don't see any kind of armor would be much protection.

Any suggestions short of simply telling the player that their character is dead?

Sorry but according to the power in the superhero book, said speedster hero can ALREADY come to a 100% complete stop from full speed like that. So all the carpet did was stop the player. :)
Superpowers be bullshit like that, yo.
Sorry but according to the power in the superhero book, said speedster hero can ALREADY come to a 100% complete stop from full speed like that. So all the carpet did was stop the player. :)
Superpowers be bullshit like that, yo.

Actually the power (Rocket Power) says it takes three seconds to stop although it does make them immune to damage from crashes (which is what I considering this).
Problem now is that the player is arguing that the carpet would be visible.
Huh, roc...Oh I remember. Was thinking he had just Super Speed.

....doesn't Carpet of Adhesion have a faint glow when it's active tho? Not really enough to notice unless you're actively checking?
That might have been a house ruling in my old group tho. It's been 10 years since I opened a Palladium book.
Huh, roc...Oh I remember. Was thinking he had just Super Speed.

....doesn't Carpet of Adhesion have a faint glow when it's active tho? Not really enough to notice unless you're actively checking?
That might have been a house ruling in my old group tho. It's been 10 years since I opened a Palladium book.

I think that is just a house rule because I was diving into Palladium discussion forums for help with arguments

I should note that in the Justice League movie, Flash tripped a few times.
Well, given my knowledge of Carpet of Adhesion, I suspect it was cast fairly recently (compared to the time of hero-interception), and that its caster has a limited range, even if they can move off after casting the spell.

Between that and the ranges Rifts weapons tend to be effective at, not to mention the odds of that caster having backup and/or minions, I suspect the simplest solution would have been having the PC meet their unexpected company (who expected them) the hard way. Their legs might be fine, but I don't know if they're standing or prone in the Carpet - given they 'crashed', I'd suspect the latter (fell over on contact) - and now surrounded by ornery raider types. Maybe not an immediate Darwin Award, but certainly the catalyst for one.

And I apologize for the lateness of this. Hope the game played out well!