Vote tally - RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR (Warhammer Fantasy Golden Age Dwarf Runelord Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by soulcake on Apr 22, 2020 at 10:54 AM, finished with 229 posts and 73 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR (Warhammer Fantasy Golden Age Dwarf Runelord Quest)
Post #8631
Post #8859


  • [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V2
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
    [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods. V3
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose 1: The King's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] Choose 2: The Heir's Armor will have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armor from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]
    [X] Plan Metal and Secret Brotherhoods.
    -[X] Odd Places 4/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness. 1 action
    -[X] Trial of the Brotherhood: [Cost: 1 Bar of Adamant for 1 turn]
    -[X] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. 1 Action.
    -[X] Choose: Both Armors have Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary. Forge the Armors from Adamant.
    -[X] The Rune Metal Pt. 4: [Cost: (8 -3) =5 actions] Student of the Odd and Mind for Metal will proc. 3 Actions.
    -[X] Kingly Authority: You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process. [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order. Expedite the Dragonhide.
    -[X] Dragon Hide [Cost: 2 Turns]
    -[X] Obsidian [Cost: 1 Turn]