[X] [Anniversary:] The Gates below open at His order. By Rune be called, by Rune be strengthened. Spectres, Spirits, Ancestors. [The Mouth of the Underearth is just a bit more literal.]
[X] [Anniversary:] Strange things up here ya know, rules break and one must make do, sooner waste ale than give them a show. [Speed along Far Northern penchant to roll with the strange occurrences.]
[X] [Anniversary:] Zhufbar seeks to harness torrents of a different sort. Harness the sky, gas that lifts and madness of youth. [Experiments with lighter than air ships start earlier.]
[X] [Anniversary:] Now I'm not discounting the work of Morgrim's folk, but I can't share a toast with whatever that new gadget is. [Progress development of Far Northern Dawi preferring allies over tech.]
[X] [Anniversary:] Tor Vernath's dockyards welcome visitors from across the mountains and sea. Champion, Brother, Cursed, Morelion. [Morelion and co. visits Tor Vernath on behalf of his sister the Everqueen]