[X] [Write-in] Ask Rorek Three Questions that don't pertain to political or Runesmith secrets.
-[X] Question 1: The political climate of the runesmiths of Izril, including himself.
-[X] Question 2: Would Rorek be interested in future discussions and letter exchange?
-[X] Question 3: His thoughts on Zorn and its relationship to the rest of the Southern Holds.
[X] [Write-in] Ask Rorek Three Questions that don't pertain to political or Runesmith secrets.
-[X] Question 1: The political climate of the runesmiths of Izril, including himself.
-[X] Question 2: How interested the south is in Elven/Brana trade goods and interaction in general.
-[X] Question 3: His thoughts on Zorn and its relationship to the rest of the Southern Holds.
[X] [Write-in] Ask Rorek Three Questions that don't pertain to political or Runesmith secrets.
-[X] Question 1: Given that Snorri is committed to doing Khazagar, what are Rorek's thoughts on future pitfalls it may face?
-[X] Question 2: How interested the south is in Elven/Brana trade goods and interaction in general.
-[X] Question 3: Would Rorek be interested in future discussions and letter exchange?
[X] [Write-in] Ask Rorek Three Questions that don't pertain to political or Runesmith secrets.
-[X] Question 1: The political climate of the runesmiths of Izril, including himself.
-[X] Question 2: Would Rorek be interested in future discussions and letter exchange?
-[X] Question 3: His thoughts on Zorn and its relationship to the rest of the Southern Hold
[X] [Write-in] Ask Rorek Three Questions that don't pertain to political or Runesmith secrets.
-[X] Question 1: The political climate of the runesmiths of Izril, including himself.
-[X] Question 2: How interested the south is in Elven/Brana trade goods and interaction in general.
-[X] Question 3: His thoughts on Dragons specifically on Shardwyrms and the possibility of a collaboration should Snorri find him positive on the subject.