SO. On the one hand: wow, that is a lot of extra research and which I was not expecting!
On the other hand: ack, there is yet more to research about the Runes of Prosthesis? Ack! Are we sure we can make the replacements then?
And yet, at the same time... I don't know if I want to delay Arm Them for multiple turns. I mean, we could put 1 action this turn and then 2 the next; while putting 3 and then 2 actions into Mind Part 2. Thus finishing both the commission and the research in 2 turns.
On the other hand, I had kind of been looking forward to finishing off the 8-action version of Arm Them by throwing 3 Snorri actions and Clerical aid into it on the same turn, thus finishing the enormous commission action all in one massive go after starting it the previous turn. Finishing it -- a 9-action commission -- by putting 1 and then 2 Snorri actions into it just doesn't feel the same to me. =/
I'll live with it of course, but... A 9-action commission, which Snorri would up only spending 3 AP total on? Mrgh. =/ It
feels different to me, you know?
... I suppose what we could do is... This turn, put 4 Snorri AP into Mind of Things Part 2, while activating the Clerical Aid on Arm Them. Bringing down the research by 6-4(5)=1, while bringing the Arm Them down by 8-3=5...
And then the turn after this, we put 3 Snorri actions into Arm Them, and 1 Snorri action into the Research! Yeah.
I mean, it would mean that the first turn of Arm Them was 1 Apprentice action; the 2nd was 3 Clerical Aid actions; and the 3rd turn was 3(5) Snorri actions. That would be a bit weird, but... at least it would feel like Snorri put a lot of effort into it, no?
The supposition being that the Master Rune of Purification had also forced the Elder Wyrm's blood to undergo a similar process, but for some reason removing its overall potency. Whether that power went into the forging of the Adamant, which was most likely in your opinion, or used as a more efficient conductor for the energy being used, you couldn't say. Regardless, the blood's properties proved at the very least that the Master Rune of Purification worked on more than just Gromril, which was in itself a welcome boon, but on the other hand it led to another set of questions entirely.
First and foremost why? Followed shortly after by how?
Oh you most certainly knew on some level. The Rune removed what it considered impure from the substance being subjected to its incomprehensible functions then shunted it off somewhere. But you knew not how the Rune chose what was impure, or even where that impurity disappeared to. You know it's been removed and you can make an educated guess as to what it was that got removed, but no more than that. Was it reducing the blood down to some base state that was shared amongst all the ingredients it replaced? What then of the ones it could not, what separated a Magma Wyrm's blood for the Master Rune of Conduction from the "normal," blood you used on the warded Rune array?
It's the knowledge that you have no way of figuring out. Of having a puzzle with a few pieces missing that you knew you'd never find. You could learn much, maybe even fill in the shape with your most educated hypothesis but you'd never know for sure if it was right, if there was some quirk or oddity there that changed everything. Master Yorri had described it as working with a machine whose inner workings you could never see. The Runesmith then, was one could change and replace parts of it, learn what pieces did what and how to get what they wanted from the machine, but for all that skill and knowledge, they would never truly know how the machine did what it did.
Nothing for it, you certainly couldn't do what Durin the Lost, hells even Thungni and Grungni could not. For your folk are stone born, and Runes are about as sensible as magic will ever get to you. You'll have to be satisfied just knowing what the blood did and having a very well educated guess as to how the Master Rune brought it to such a state.
... You know, I wonder if what it did is
drive out the Winds of Magic from it?
that's what the Dwarfs can't see and can't sense. But which Elves
could. (My other guess was "Age" actually. "Maybe it de-aged the Gromril, to before it was affected by magic and warpstone, and it did the same for the dragonblood -- which inadvertently means the dragonblood turns into un-elementally-aspected dragonblood as a result?" But then I came up with the Wind idea, and that made more sense than time.)
"Well enough, I was just seeing a colleague off before I go meet with a few young masters about their conduct, standard foolishness that got a bit out of hand. The usual really," you grumble back before asking," I take it you're not just down here on a whim as well?"
The quote mark needs to be moved over to the right a space.
"Note to self, buy some good ale of Klorah and sic Master Snorri on the rockhead before the next seven days. Now," she says before yawning loudly, "back to bed."
"Lord Gift Giver," she says, scrutinizing you as you did her, "Valma Stoneshaper of Kraka Dorden, it's an honour to meet you. I offer apologies from Lord Baragmaker, the Crankhead's been bit by It hard enough to leave a mark. "
" I wish him well then," you reply, " and what of you Lady Stoneshaper, what draws you out from Dorden to Kraka Drakk?"
Spacing corrections to be made.
As many of them hailed for the Torrent Gate and the Black Water themselves.
"But the task is not done!" Svarti picks up where his fellow king left off, "Our foes our slain and our roads reclaimed
So its to no one's surprise that the birth of either a girl or rarer still, multiple children, is a cause for great acclaim.
Should be "it's" or "it is"
"Hello?" The Singer speaks, the tune of her song now like his own," I am Ythariel the Wavedancer, mage of the Kingdom of Saphery in the employ of Lord Arahathli the Dawnseeker, a noble lord of the kingdom of Cothique. Might I know your name, noble Griffon?"
Spacing again.
- +1 Progress to Arm Them, Literally, new totals: [Cost: (6 -1) =5 actions]
Since we took "A Long Term Solution", this should also get +3 actions to the total needed actions too.
Kraka Drakk, "The Dragon Hold": Standing 10, Favours 130
- Bara Steelplate, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Dwalin Thunderlung, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Lorna Hammerfall, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 9, Favours 20
- Brynna Gildedeyes, Runelord from Karak Zorn: Standing 1, Favours 0
Kraka Ornsmotek, "The Eagle's Peak Hold": Standing 8
- Vrangni Silverbrand, Runelord of Kraka Ornsmotek: Standing 4*, Favours 0
- Igna Metalheart, Runelord of Karak Dum: Standing 6, Favours 0
- Korr Dorrisson, Stonefist, King of Kraka Ornsmotek: Standing 8, Favours 0
Kraka Dorden, "The Thunder Hold": Standing 9
- Sven Baragmaker, Runelord of Kraka Dorden: Standing 6, Favours 0
- Valma Stoneshaper, Runelord from Kraka Dorden: Standing 6, Favours 0
- Svarti Sindrisson, the Clever, King of Kraka Dorden: Standing 8, Favours 0
Kraka Ravnsvake, "The Raven's Roost Hold": Standing 9
- Skegg Borsson, Runelord of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 6, Favours 0
- Skjoll Borsson, Runelord of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 6, Favours 0
- Vili Borsson, Ravenhaired, King of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 8, Favours 0
So, interesting thing about Kraka Ravnsvake. The two Runelords are related to the King. That's neat.
And Kraka Dorden... Reading about it being founded by somebody from Zhufbar, and how it wound up sitting on mineral deposits good for engineering, and then further getting two Runelords focused on engineering, and then further hearing about Morgrim spending time there... That was really really cool. That made that place, and the North in general, feel more characterful to me, you know? Like, "Wow, this place has character and definition of its own!" I wonder what Ornsmotek, the Eagle's Peak Hold, is known for?
(Also, odd thought: Valma is written as "Runelord
from Kraka Dorden" whereas the other Runelords are just "of" their hold. Meanwhile Igna Metalheart is "Runelord
of Karak Dum", but is listed under Dorden. Though to be fair, Brynna is noted as "Runelord from Karak Zorn" which makes perfect sense and is not odd at all. Of course, a bunch of the Kraka Drakk Runelords get "from" in their notations, sos what do I know, heh.)