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Is strange that you can't justify the expense for the King of the Skies armor that he will use forever, even assuming we can't increase production it would only take 6 turns to stock what we would need to armore him as we did with our own king, wich is a very good simbology. And I can't help but fell that with how good a combo we have and how many materials we have to bosst it making it of adamant may very well push this armor to be tier 5 evenw whitout a tier 5 ingredient, and that should be worth the wait.
Meh we also need to start stockpiling adamant for the gronti and 3 bars are going into Snorri's armor within the next 2 turns so there actually isn't enough to go around yet and won't be for another dozen turns at best.
Well, if we finish incorporating the Smelter upgrades and finally completely mastering the Purification rune, we might be able to up our Adamant production, though it really is a bottleneck right now.

I'm fine with "wasting" a few bars of Adamant for basically cosmetic changes just to say that we used Adamant on the armor.
Is strange that you can't justify the expense for the King of the Skies armor that he will use forever, even assuming we can't increase production it would only take 6 turns to stock what we would need to armore him as we did with our own king, wich is a very good simbology. And I can't help but fell that with how good a combo we have and how many materials we have to bosst it making it of adamant may very well push this armor to be tier 5 evenw whitout a tier 5 ingredient, and that should be worth the wait.

Putting the armour project on ice for six turns (or more, if Snorri ends up spending adamant on eg his own armour) is too long, imo. Besides, even if we waited I think it'd be really hard to convince robot crew to spend so much adamant on a different project and I'm not anywhere near invested enough in griffon adamant to try to make them change their minds
I'm fine with "wasting" a few bars of Adamant for basically cosmetic changes just to say that we used Adamant on the armor.
How about we don't waster Adamant? Adamant is ridiculously valuable and wasting it on cosmetic changes is just serious overkill. Seriously, this kind of thing is why people like me really don't look forward to any Griffon requests because people tend to go overboard with the requests as shown with someone literally just talking about deliberately wasting Adamant for cosmetic changes.
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Not to mention that we are already supposed to get the armor done soon since we accepted the request and already put it off a turn.
Actualy that is wrong, remenber the text of the original option.
By the compact agreed upon by both parties, you will create a suit of armour for the King of the Skies. He is in no rush, but asks that the armour be a thing that exalts his people just as much as it will be an enhancement of his already terrifying abilities.
The only rush to complete this armor is the one the players are giving in, if we take a century to collect the material to build no one involved is going to realy care, we have to remenber that the griffons also folow the dwarven timescales.
Actualy that is wrong, remenber the text of the original option.

The only rush to complete this armor is the one the players are giving in, if we take a century to collect the material to build no one involved is going to realy care, we have to remenber that the griffons also folow the dwarven timescales.
No, the QM mentioned that the expectation from Snorri was making the armor in a short time span once taking the request.
Well, if we finish incorporating the Smelter upgrades and finally completely mastering the Purification rune, we might be able to up our Adamant production, though it really is a bottleneck right now.

I'm fine with "wasting" a few bars of Adamant for basically cosmetic changes just to say that we used Adamant on the armor.
Cosmetic changes can probably just be a bar of the stuff. Personally I don't see why it'd be particularly notable in the narration and scenes where the armor appears after its done. Just kinda seems like a do it and it appears once kind of thing. I'm not going to expect Soulcake to reference it in scenes where the armor appears, for example.

Turn 24 can be when the griffon armor is done, and when we design the Heart using project. If we spend a bar on the griffon armor, we'd end this turn with 5 bars of Adamant. If we don't spend a bar on the griffon armor, we'd end this turn with 6 bars of adamant.

If the Heart using project is Snorri's Armor, then it can just be made on turn 25 with no fuss. Either we'd end up with two bars, or three.

Turn 26 we can start clearing out the Odd Places, either waiting for the Gronti or just prepping for moving on to research. Or we can start researching immediately. We'd have four bars, or five.

Turn 27 we can continue research, do more odd places, whatever. We'd have 6 or 7 bars. Either one or two bars short to start on the Gronti, which requires 8.

If the Heart using project we design on turn 24 is the Gronti instead of the armor, we'd have 5 or 6 bars of Adamant at the end of turn 24. Then Snorri's armor can be designed and made on turn 25. We'd have 2 or 3 bars at the end of turn 25. Turn 26 we'd have 4 or 5, turn 27 we'd have 6 or 7, and turn 28 we'd have 8 or 9 bars.
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Eh, making it all out of Adamant would be nice, but it's not exactly vital. Should still be easy enough to manage tier 4 with just Pure Gromril and a good Rune combo, as evidenced by Trollslayer, and I doubt he'll complain about a tier 4 armour set. Besides, he's not exactly, eh, going anywhere. We can make him a tier 5 suit of armour a couple of centuries down the line or something, if absolutely necessary. Who knows, maybe it can be Dolgi's crowning jewel or something instead, a way to finally surpass his master, even if only in his one big specialization.
Eh, making it all out of Adamant would be nice, but it's not exactly vital. Should still be easy enough to manage tier 4 with just Pure Gromril and a good Rune combo, as evidenced by Trollslayer, and I doubt he'll complain about a tier 4 armour set. Besides, he's not exactly, eh, going anywhere. We can make him a tier 5 suit of armour a couple of centuries down the line or something, if absolutely necessary. Who knows, maybe it can be Dolgi's crowning jewel or something instead, a way to finally surpass his master, even if only in his one big specialization.
mmm I gotta admit though I am hopeful we make a T5 for him.

We got Troll Slayer with no materials above T3 albeit with a massive number of actions invested, for his armour we are using at least 2 T4s, we've got more traits etc.

I'm hardly going to be disappointed with a T4, but I'm hopeful for a T5.
I mean, T4 is good enough for the Runefangs. Far as I'm worried, that's a damn good showing!

Plus, the King seems to be ageless, so no fear of needing to refit it.
mmm I gotta admit though I am hopeful we make a T5 for him.

We got Troll Slayer with no materials above T3 albeit with a massive number of actions invested, for his armour we are using at least 2 T4s, we've got more traits etc.

I'm hardly going to be disappointed with a T4, but I'm hopeful for a T5.

Tier 5 stuff is on par Ghal Maraz. I doubt anything we'll make will come close barring cheesing stuff with t5 and lots of t4 mats. t4 is legendary, t5 is straight up "You are a master smith beyon compare" mentioned in the same breath as the ancestors themselves.
I mean, T4 is good enough for the Runefangs. Far as I'm worried, that's a damn good showing!

Plus, the King seems to be ageless, so no fear of needing to refit it.
Tier 5 stuff is on par Ghal Maraz. I doubt anything we'll make will come close barring cheesing stuff with t5 and lots of t4 mats. t4 is legendary, t5 is straight up "You are a master smith beyon compare" mentioned in the same breath as the ancestors themselves.
I know. Its just I want to give beyond our very best for what is effectively an immortal demigod.

Go super sayain smith 2 on this one ya know.

Tis a dream not a likely reality.
Kinda annoyed that people are saying that its important to have Adamant in the KoS'es armour to cover any weaknesses when Snorri's T2 regular Gomril armour went up against Kholek suneaters and came out of it arguably better than Snorri himself.
The argument to include part Adamant armour should be to enhance the Runes.

Tier 5 stuff is on par Ghal Maraz. I doubt anything we'll make will come close barring cheesing stuff with t5 and lots of t4 mats. t4 is legendary, t5 is straight up "You are a master smith beyon compare" mentioned in the same breath as the ancestors themselves.
Eh, one thing thats notable is that at least as far as reagents go, T5 has the most variation in their actual power level.
Course, I still don't think we're making Runefang quality items.
Do you have a quote on that ? Because I only remenber the need to design the armor as soon as we accepted.
You are trying to exploit taking commissions and delaying them once taken. The players already tried that (an engineer commission, delayed by one turn) and got told that Snorri doesn't want to be a runelord who would delay a commision because they were busy doing other things, even though there are no consequences doing so occasionally.

I imagine delaying comissions on the regular, once taken, instead of once every 50 turns by accident. Would give Snorrri a negative reputation. I don't like reading a main threadmark devoted to "Oh woe is Snorri, this is simple stuff that got delayed to fit my vanity. Oh woe is Snorri".
Eh, one thing thats notable is that at least as far as reagents go, T5 has the most variation in their actual power level.
Course, I still don't think we're making Runefang quality items.

Kholek was bashing around the king like a freaking pinball, despite that his armor was not even dinged in the slightest. His Axe actually cut through Kholek's armor and scales. Heck the axe can disintegrate a lesser Griffon in one swing. That is mighty impressive.
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Kholek was bashing around the king like a freaking pinball, despite that his armor was not even dinged in the slightest. His Axe actually cut through Kholek's armor and scales. Heck the axe can disintegrate a lesser Griffon in one swing. That is might impressive.
Pretty much. T4 means Axe of Drago, Rune fang etc. and it shows.
I still think we have a good chance of getting t5 on the Snorri's armor if we use the Heart, adamant, and get a combo. Hell if one of the other runes is a rune of Grimnir we can use the t4 KoTS feathers as well. Use every relevant t4 material we have on the structural bits. Throw 3(+2) actions into it and honestly, I think it'd be more likely to be t5 than the super gronti. MRUnyielding also resonates with Snorri and his legendary and mythical deeds so well that we might also get that extra bit going into the armor like we did with Trollslayer.
I still think we have a good chance of getting t5 on the Snorri's armor if we use the Heart, adamant, and get a combo. Hell if one of the other runes is a rune of Grimnir we can use the t4 KoTS feathers as well. Use every relevant t4 material we have on the structural bits. Throw 3(+2) actions into it and honestly, I think it'd be more likely to be t5 than the super gronti. MRUnyielding also resonates with Snorri and his legendary and mythical deeds so well that we might also get that extra bit going into the armor like we did with Trollslayer.

There is a chance, yes, a good one even, but t5 are not something you bank on, you just hope you luck out.
This obsession with using Adamant for everything is getting old. It's the Runesmithing that contributes most of the quality of an item, not having to use the best material.
You are trying to exploit taking commissions and delaying them once taken. The players already tried that (an engineer commission, delayed by one turn) and got told that Snorri doesn't want to be a runelord who would delay a commision because they were busy doing other things, even though there are no consequences doing so occasionally.

I imagine delaying comissions on the regular, once taken, instead of once every 50 turns by accident. Would give Snorrri a negative reputation. I don't like reading a main threadmark devoted to "Oh woe is Snorri, this is simple stuff that got delayed to fit my vanity. Oh woe is Snorri".

You are wronf on three levels, one It wouldn't be exploting anything, it is just playing the action as they are, two you are mixing two kinds of actions, a simple engineer comission and a masterwork comission are not the same thing, that is kind of the point, and finaly you puled that emotional appeal out of nowhere because what we learned was that Snorri didn''t want to delay stuff, but that Runelords delaying even simple work is so common that is build into contracts be default, to not talk about masteworks that are suposed to take as long as needed.

We know how actions that can't be delayed look like, we had both a commission with an actual time limit and actions locked, this is neither.

This obsession with using Adamant for everything is getting old. It's the Runesmithing that contributes most of the quality of an item, not having to use the best material.
Normaly yes but Adamant is special in that is the runemetal and directly improves the power of runes, besides we are not so good yet that we can get the same result whitout it.
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