I've been pondering the problem presented by our limited selection of Armor Master Runes and Armor Master Runes since we made Otrek and Gloin's armor sets.
As of right now this is the list of Runes for the Armor category that we know, excepting others that fall into the "stuff Snorri knows but isn't directly listed":
Master Rune of Gromril
Master Rune of Steel
Rune of Fortitude
Rune of Impact
Rune of Iron
Rune of Steel
Rune of Preservation
Rune of Stone
We know that these combinations of Runes don't make Combos:
Snorri's. [Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Impact.]
Otrek's. [Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary]
Gloin's. [Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya]
If we want to make a combo from them then focusing on specific things we want out of a combo seems sensible. Magic resistance is a commonly desired thing from what I've seen.
Amongst Armor Runes the runes that have to do with resisting magic based on the rune lists and descriptions in quest are:
Master Rune of Gromril.
Master Rune of Steel.
Rune of Steel, since its a lesser form of the Master Rune.
Rune of Iron? It makes armor magical. Maybe it makes them magically resistant to.
Not that many and if the rune of iron doesn't make you more resistant to magic then you can't make a Combo where every piece has to do with magic resistance. Not exactly a bad thing, but simply one of the borders of the system. We'd need to look to the other categories to get more.
From other rune categories we get a couple of other runes:
Master Rune of Grungni
Master Rune of Valaya
Rune of Sanctuary
Rune of Spellbreaking
Rune of Spelleating
Rune of Warding
Rune of Negation. Mentioned while making the Master Rune of Purification back in turn 12.
These are a combination of Banner and Talisman runes and one unlisted rune. Now I'm not including the Master Rune of Purification because at the moment we don't have an armor variation for it, but if we did it'd go on the list too.
If I wanted to say something like "The wearer of this armor will not be harmed by foul magic." I'd go with with Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Negation or Rune of Warding.
Honestly its probably just easier using a Theme choice for an armor set and hoping we roll well.
Not really, turns 16, 17, 18 and 19 were without apprentices, and of those, 18 and 19 were in the middle of a daemonic siege, not a good time to have apprentices.
The rest of the quest, we had apprentices. So, 75% of the quest, more or less.
It's still too soon for new ones, imo.
How long would be long enough in your mind?