Dude now you're just being blatantly obtuse.
When You're being so bad about this stuff Soulcake felt compelled to step in and correct you about your faulty assumptions maybe you should stop speaking so authoritatively?
I was tolerant of you having a laugh at my expense for hijacking the Ymir idea for your Ancestor Idol
Why don't you try and reciprocate that good faith a little bit?
Uh, I read that bit too but... I don't... really see how it's a slam dunk to my confusion about the Master Rune of
Steel? I mean, I took that to mean that pairing it with, like, a Rune of Cold or Fire would mean have the obvious effect, but...
*reads again* *thinks* Hmm. Hmmm... Okay I
think I see what you're talking about and why you'd think it'd work out that way. You're thinking that Steel shrugs off rust and corruption, and Spelleater takes in spells... that together this means Spelleater will start taking in the stuff that Steel shrugs off and resists? Did I get that right?
It wasn't obvious to me, no. Sorry?
I was under the impression that the Runes themselves would have to be, like... a Rune of Cold or Fire or Warding -- the kind of rune that looks and feels like it shrugs off energies or elements, right? -- in order for the Spelleater rune's function to kick in and
make use of that absorbed cold/heat/lightning/etc. Or a Rune of Sound or Reflection or something.
I didn't think that it'd work easily with any and
every type of rune -- that just pairing it with, like, a Rune of Steel or Gromril or Fortitude or whatever would also be a very big change to how the Spelleater rune works? I figured that you'd just end up with an item that executes its runic properties individually sorta. Like the Steel/Fortitude/etc rune doing its effect. And the Spelleater Rune protecting from spells.
At best, I think the Spelleater rune might eat spells, and shift that power around to... provide more power to the Master Rune of Steel and Rune of Accuracy, I assume.
As far as good faith efforts and generosity goes though, I've actually been sitting here going "Hmm, on second thought that Accuracy + Spelleater thing might have something to it... Is it possible to actually achieve some kind of magical or wind-controlling effects here? It needs a proper third rune though, not sure what that'd be. Maybe another Spellbreaker/binder rune but, no... If only there were a Rune associated with Wind or Storms that'd be great. ... But the Master Rune of Steel is the odd man out here though, totally out of place. It's just weird. Why is it here and how is it supposed to contribute to some kind of 'rule the skies' theme or whatever it was?" So I
have been assuming good faith efforts on other people's parts. It's just that... this particular part with the Master Rune of Steel was completely weird to me? It was the weirdest of the ideas, and seemed to
not make everything work together, so...
And I wasn't having a laugh
at anybody or hijacking anything. I just ended up accidentally running into some irony. That, at the time the discussion topic was about Ymir as an Icon of Ymir, I was being reminded and inspired by a few old words that'd stayed with me -- "artificial ancestor." And so I edited the post and quoted that. And then I edited it again like 10 seconds later; because I had went and searched it right afterwards out of curiosity after using that quote, wondering who had said it, and it turned out that it was the very guy I was arguing with, and I was like "Huh oh wow this is an ironic surprise." Nobody was making fun of you man. Or even hijacking an idea necessarily. Because heck. BungieONI seemed to scan the mood of the thread later on, went "Well people seem to be objecting to this idea", and so it seems like the Ymir-with-lots-of-Grimnir-runes idea got shelved a bit. So that seemed to be that for the lots-of-Grimnir-runes-on-Ymir idea.