Kholek doesn't have magic armor guys. The lightning-attracting thing is a special rule of his, not a magic item. His only magic equipment is the Starcrusher.
Lord of the Storm: During each of Kholek Suneater's Shooting phases, you may choose a single unengaged enemy unit that is within 24" of Kholek Suneater, and is in his front arc and line of sight, and roll a D6. On a roll o f a 2-6 a bolt of lightning hits the unit, inflicting D 6 Strength 6 hits. On the roll of a 1, the lightning hits Kholek Suneater instead (see the Storm Rage special rule). Kholek Suneater may use this ability even if he is engaged in close combat.
He shoots lightning at others; it's a
ranged attack. (And on a roll of 1, he instead gets hit by that lightning himself.) Does that sound familiar? Like somebody else we know? Well...
I wonder if the dragon ogres already made their pact with the chaos gods that granted them immortality by consuming lightning, or if this is something the species gained specifically by having their greatest hero devour the heart of a storm god on the orders of the chaos gods...
... It's possible that he got Lord of the Storm
from the Sky King.
Dragon Ogre Shaggoths -- not mere Dragon Ogres, who are "Monstrous Infantry" (think Ogre or Troll) but Shaggoths who are Monsters (think Dragon or Giant) -- eat lightning to begin with. But they don't
shoot it.
So perhaps Chronic's guess was right. Maybe Kholek got his ability to call down lightning onto the battlefield from eating the Sky King.
Also, for future reference, here also is the lightning-eating ability that Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (but not mere Dragon Ogres) have:
Storm Rage: Models with this special rule have a 2+ ward save against all lightning-based attacks. This includes hits caused by spells (such as
Chain Lightnings Urannon's Thunderbolt,
Warp Lightnings Storm of Shemtek etc.), weapons (such as Skaven Warp Lightning Cannons) and other special abilities and attacks (such as a Skaven Doomwheel's Zzzap!, or Kholek Suneater's Lord of the Storm attack). If a model with this special rule is ever hit by a lightning-based attack or effect, they immediately gain the Frenzy special rule.
So they're immune to lightning, and go into a Frenzy if they get hit by it.
In truth guys...I feel that after the King of the Skies has been frankly incredibly generous for the terms of the initial agreement and bro-like, as well as being a valuable ally in combat, and a source of potentially a T5 reagent in the future via the deal, especially if we deck him out to kill said reagent source...that I care more about his survival than forging a super golem (whose composition and size we will be forever arguing about) sometime in the future.
I propose we make a Talisman for him, the reagents: a bar of Adamant and the Greedy Troll's Heart.
Hell, between the equipment he gets and the deal he could probably FIND US another T5 troll.
Actually, I've been having a thought about making him a Talisman instead, too.
Specifically -- one that absorbs lightning, so that Dragon Ogre Shaggoths can't.
I feel like the problem is that we can't just make and give him Legendary armor; because it falls afoul of the "don't value my work as less than it actually is" thing (damn I wish I can track down the specific post that had this phrase, because I think I butchered it a bit). Namely, the problem is that... you have to get paid for your work, you have to be valued for it. It would be weird if Snorri just made the armor first. Especially since, furthermore, the King of the Sky himself said "Ask me to do something, and I will do it." So it's also his pride on the line too.
It feels like a Catch-22! We
want to make the armor. But we kind of can't. And we fear the Dragon Ogre Shaggoths as being a natural predator of the Griffons...
So, here's my proposal:
We take the "Boon from the Sky" action this turn. We ask the King of the Skies to go kill Kholek Suneater.
[ ] Boon from the Sky: Write-in what you want from the King of the Skies. He can do a lot but be reasonable. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
[Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] No Time Limit
And we make sure to arm him with a talisman that feeds on lightning, so that he can kill a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth safely.
My proposal?
A Talisman, with the runes of "Iron + Lightning + Warding."
We know that elemental runes can either
inflict their element -- usually on a weapon, or a warmachine -- or
protect from their element. (Yes, I know that I was chattering about getting this on the armor, but... needs must. And a talisman is faster to craft. And this way, we get to actually
use the "Boom from the Sky"
and get the breathing room available to make the super armor we want to make.)
@soulcake can you confirm whether Runesmiths can choose whether armor/talisman/whatever runes will be a "protects from X element" or a "inflicts X element strike if you hit the wearer" when they craft the runes? Or at least, confirm whether the Lightning rune on talismans (and armor) will be defensive?
So I say we make a Talisman that absorbs lightning and uses it to power a powerful shield. So that the King wouldn't be disadvantaged against Kholek Suneater.
Call it...
The Stormguard Talisman.
... And if we can, we send either the Miner or if we have time maybe we make the Warrior Gronti, and send them to tank Kholek while the Griffon King does the DPS.