You and the Elder Council listen as Moira tallies the losses.
"A quarter of the Throng wounded or dead, a disproportionate number of the hold's Runesmiths included. I'm no tactician, but given the losses suffered and the fact that young Otrek has been wounded so badly, it likely means the throng will be acting in a weakened state for at least five years. About as long as the King will be recovering, " she finishes, staring down Otrek who chose to attend the meeting despite his injuries.
If he is phased, and you know he is, he hides it well.
At least that's better than vs the Greedy Troll, that was a third lost or wounded.
Plan wise we Need to finish the Dowry. If we don't it autofails and that is no bueno.
[] Plan For the Dragon Hold!
-[] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2:
[Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. Due in 1 Turn. 3 Actions. Use Elder Wyrm Blood on the Hailmantle Cloak.
-[] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 2:
[Cost: 1 action] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 actions. Use Elder Wyrm Bone and Elder Wyrm Hide.
So the point of this one is to obviously complete the Dowry because that
needs to get done this turn or else it fails. 3 actions into it would mean that this part gets a total of 6 actions into the Dowry, 1 already put in, and five more from this arrangement. That makes it with 3 actions of overflow. The standard will end up with two actions of overflow. The armor can be done next turn, on the flip side this is still giving Otrek and Gloin a very nice set of protections and very nicely increasing the defense of the Throng.
[] Plan For the Dragon Hold and Testing!
-[] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2:
[Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. Due in 1 Turn. 2 Actions. Use Elder Wyrm Blood on the Hailmantle Cloak.
-[] [Difficult] A Higher Standard Pt. 2:
[Cost: 1 action] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Actions. Use Elder Wyrm Bone and Elder Wyrm Hide.
-[] C-c-combo Tester!: The format is as follows: Valiant Colossus, Gronti: [Master Rune of Awakening, Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Fortitude]
[Cost: 1 action] 1 Action
This plan is if one is worried about overflowing too hard on the Dowry and wants to start making progress on Ymir. This is I think a decent base attempt given how it would support a Gronti's battle abilities and if it combos, might fit nicely into some of the metaphors and ideas we've been coming up with.
[] Plan For the Dragon Hold and Armor!
-[] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2:
[Cost: (3 -1) =2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. Due in 1 Turn. 2 Actions. Use Elder Wyrm Blood on the Hailmantle Cloak.
[ ] [Difficult] A Royal Panoply Pt. 2: With the runes squared away all that needs to be done is have the armour sets made. You've decided to use the Elder Wyrms hide instead of the one you've ordered. Just made good sense is all.
[Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 actions. Use 3 bars of Adamant for the King's Armor, Pure Gromril and decorative Dragonbone for the Prince's armor.
So since there is no combo on the Armors, the things that dictate how good the Armors will come out is our effort and the materials. We have better materials than we did a moment ago which is Awesome! I'm thinking do it like this, that way the Royal Panoply has a really good chance of hitting T3 even with no combo and thus being at least equal and possibly better to their current work. The Elder Wyrm's hide will already be incorporated into the Royal Panoply so we don't need to specify that exactly, but I do want to use Dragonbone in Gloin's armor for aesthetic purposes based on what Soul has said about T4 Dragonbone's properties.
E: Got reminded about the frostwyrm blood. And my formatting went nuts arghhh!