Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by soulcake on Jan 31, 2022 at 3:30 PM, finished with 625 posts and 279 votes.
You have never had a habit of not delivering of course, but I hope somehow Yorri sees the struggle we as questors had on this choice. His advice is well meaning, but the "young" will be foolish.
@soulcake, here's a couple of (Master) Runes I have in mind.
[Talismanic] Master Rune of Bellowing: Originally created by a Runesmith who is highly into Grimnir's feats, specifically, the ones involving His mountain-shattering bellows. This Rune, when inscribed on a horn, will allow its wielder to (at will) release a blast of sonic attack capable of emulating such feats. However, the range and potency of said sonic blast is dependent on the wielder's own lung capacity / strength. Curiously, can be further strengthened by sound-enhancing Runes.

[Weapon] Master Rune of Berserking: First forged by a Master Runesmith with a Grudge against the daemons who stole and defiled his only daughter during the Incursion, one of countless victims in the minor Holds within the Far North. Inscribed on his az, he joined the Throng of the Reclamation campaign, and murder-blendered his way into avenging said Grudge. Those bearing this Rune were like berserkers, with only their iron will keeping them from becoming no better than Khorne's ilk. Their blows strike harder and deeper, and wounds received in turn hurt less, ignored till the battle's end.
People seem to be having misconceptions. This is not a school or university or what not. It's dorms.

Also we are not teaching the Rune smith's anything other than *specific* runes.

Frankly if we keep pushing this we *will* get push back. I dont know why people seem to constantly want to push towards industrializing Rune teaching. That is extremely against the traditions of the Guild. Traditions exist for a reason. Some good, some bad. But most have valid reasons.

We are playing as Dwarfs not Humans.
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We have a serious lack of combat casting runes. Lightning I know we have, and I think we have some kind of fire ball as well so here are some combat casting ideas that any Rune lord going into battle should know.

Rune of Chain Lightning. a Modification of the Lightning rune so that instead of immediately grounding through the first target it jumps to the next directed target depending on power of user, and skill of use. Targets with metal armor/weapons make this easier.

Rune of Explosion. Super heats ground, rocks, causing it to explode into burning shrapnel. Used on swamps and bogs and boils anything near by followed by steam damage to the local area.

Rune of Stone wall. a far weaker and more limited version of what Santa can do with his hammer. Depending on the minor modifications made to the rune it pulls rock to the surface in predetermined dimensions. Harder weaker in places where stone is distant. This includes things like razor sharp spikes and such if you can think outside the box.

Rune of Discord. Castable on a group or individual, Scrambles senses, and coordination for a set period of time leaving targets nearly helpless.

Rune of Dragon Breath, a Wide cone of forge hot flames

Master Rune of Thunder storms. Thanks to closely working with the kittybirds a rune lord can make an entire storm front with choice of weather effects and directable Lightning strikes.

Not a combat casting rune
Master Rune of Regeneration. Based off research into Trolls it grants the same level of insane regeneration.

Master Rune of Dueling. Much like Ath nGabla of Cú Chulainn. It forces a duel between two combatants anyone or anything that tries to interrupt to struck down the one they intended to help is greatly weakened by the broken oath.

Master Rune of Mortality. This kills daemons there is no retreat to the warp, there is no regenerating these wounds, does not require death blow. To be struck is to be mortal until retreating through a gate.
This isn't about industrializing rune learning at all. This is all about what the Burudin was supposed to do, and that is have a space where runesmiths can safely talk among themselves about rune secrets to others who would understand.

This isn't about the teacher-student relationship, but the heavily warded breakroom where interns (or those on masterals or doctorates for the higher ranking dwarfs) can talk about all their research. Maybe they'd be able to help each other improve, or corroborate on any shared issues they found (like the brotherhood of dron, except smaller in scope, or temporary), or just to have a sounding board to speak to about all the things that secrecy forces them to only keep in their heads.
Some of the more esoteric runes kinda seem like they might be a bit OP this early into the timeline. Like the sort of thing you'd get deeper in to the Golden Age while right now the master runes mostly have straight forward effects.

We're going to have to wait and see just what the actual issue with the Burudin is. Hopefully joining will get Yorri to give us some more secret backstory as a warning. I think we've already seen the start of the runesmiths doing some collab or discussion between peers in the surrounding village with all those groups of runesmiths having secretive meetings in taverns.
That is still up for further voting, the next vote specifically.

It will also most assuredly have some cost in some fashion. Almost certainly favor, but retainer actions will likely be required as well.
Actually, all those runesmiths are about to get flexed on mega hard when we go on campaign next turn. They're just going to be hanging out around the workshop when Snorri walks out with his golem buddy and new cloak and the next thing they hear is the western front is now a volcano.

That'll be fun to see the reactions when we get back.
Hmmmm how aboit this,

Rune of Seafaring:
Created by a radical runesmith after his first trip on the "Bountiful Valaya" this rune improves the speed and surety of Seafaring Vessels.
(Im not sure about the precise physics of this one any advice would be appreciated.)
I expanded on this a bit.

Rune of Inexorable Torsion

When applied to an axle said axle will spin in its housing very, very slowly. Significantly No dwarf has yet figured out a way short of destroying the rune to get it to STOP spinning. Hundreds of gears are required to bring the spinning up to a useful speed but it doesn't seem to measurably reduce the force with which it spins. That being said there is a clear upper limit on the amount of work this rune can be made to do at once so you can't, for example, make it run every drop hammer in Karaz-a-Karak. If the stresses exceed the tolerance of the materials the axle or any of the linkages are made of they will snap but the part with the rune still on it, if intact enough, will blithely spin on. It was created for a master potter who had lost his legs in an accident and commissioned a potter's wheel that would spin itself. Safely starting up the wheel requires 18 gear changes and the device is the size of a walk in closet due to all the cogs inside but the master potter was reportedly very satisfied.
Speaking of which I can't wait for the next radical dwarf that figures out how to make a mountain float on water. If the dark elves can do it, dwarfs can do it better.
While I love the idea of a Dwarven Ark, the DElves Ark's we're made through some incredibly powerful spellwork. I don't think it's feasible right now, at least not without a significant amount of research and some T5 reagents.
This is all about what the Burudin was supposed to do, and that is have a space where runesmiths can safely talk among themselves about rune secrets to others who would understand.
basically we gonna turn part of our house into a burudin level discussion area
It's…it's a dorm. It's somewhere for them to sleep instead of passing out in the locker room equivalent. It's no different from whatever other lodgings they found. It's not a rune college, it's not a place that encourages sharing of runes any more than what was already going on. Its not a Burudin level discussion area, founded for the purpose of advancing runes. It's just somewhere to eat and sleep that isn't the floor of a vault while they learn a very specific couple of runes from us. God, I really am getting frustrated with just how much people are trying to break dwarven culture over their knee at every turn.
Actually, all those runesmiths are about to get flexed on mega hard when we go on campaign next turn. They're just going to be hanging out around the workshop when Snorri walks out with his golem buddy and new cloak and the next thing they hear is the western front is now a volcano.

That'll be fun to see the reactions when we get back.
Going by Soulcake's earlier post on significant creations of the Burundin, what we've done is on another level for runesmiths when it comes to sheer scale (not talking about it being better than anyone else, just how wide our volcanic storm can get), so we might get raised eyebrows there too. Not as much of course, they're not beardlings.
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It's…it's a dorm. It's somewhere for them to sleep instead of passing out in the locker room equivalent. It's no different from whatever other lodgings they found. It's not a rune college, it's not a place that encourages sharing of runes any more than what was already going on. Its not a Burudin level discussion area, founded for the purpose of advancing runes. It's just somewhere to eat and sleep that isn't the floor of a vault while they learn a very specific couple of runes from us. God, I really am getting frustrated with just how much people are trying to break dwarven culture over their knee at every turn.
...It seemed to me the embrace would also create rooms for people to gather like they did before which also included them discussing among themselves unless I was mistaken? Also how is that breaking dwarven culture?
I've always thought it would be neat to make a liquid gromril gronti like Kayneth in Fate/Zero. Not sure what runes it would require. It would most certainly be odd, though.
...It seemed to me the embrace would also create rooms for people to gather like they did before which also included them discussing among themselves unless I was mistaken? Also how is that breaking dwarven culture?
After re-reading the options and the fluff surrounding them I have to agree with Cursix on this one. What we voted for was for the purposes of maximizing the speed at which Snorri could teach the maximum number of runesmiths possible what he was willing to teach them nothing less, and nothing more. To say it's more than that would be unsubstantiated at this point in time unless we're speaking in the context of what it may become through further evolution as well as votes on our part later down the line.

Personally, I'm fine with that and that's why I voted for it I like the concept of Snorri teaching. But if you voted for it with anything else in mind I'm sorry to say that what you were hoping for is not what you'll be getting at least right now.
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...It seemed to me the embrace would also create rooms for people to gather like they did before which also included them discussing among themselves unless I was mistaken? Also how is that breaking dwarven culture?
It unlocks options by which we can house them. What we do will be subject to further votes, and additional action requirements.

Dorms wouldn't break Dwarf culture and neither would a field where Runesmiths can secretively share the very specific secrets that they choose to give away. The issue is of course the perpetual lobby that wants to turn Runesmithing into a soulless machine-assembly line industrial revolution style, which this is giving ground to.

[ ] [Home:] Embrace
Fine. Fine. If the idiots are choosing to be cheeky and finagle a way to stay in your home, they're going to at least pay for the privilege! It will require a good deal of work, and cost a pretty penny both in time and effort, but if it's going to be done, then it's going to be done right. Your southern colleagues may grumble and growl, but when have they not? You're over a thousand years old, they can suck on a particularly porous piece of pumice for all you care! Unlocks further options.
Master Rune of Flying/Skarri's Folly
Talismanic version of the master rune of flight
The bearer can jump tremendous distances in a single bound and always lands on their feet. And while the secondary feature has never been needed, the rune also activates should the bearer fall from a great height.

@soulcake: a bit tongue in cheek... But this could be Dolgi's first master rune variant.
Dolgi = best dad. :V
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Rune of Surprise Gravel
This talisman rune will at random times cause small stones no larger than a knuckle to be thrown at any living creature with a beard length less than 1/3rd their body height. These stones will not hit hard enough to wound and requires the stones to be nearby in order to work, it cannot generate stone (or break larger stones) for its action.
Actually that could be relatively seriuos

Rune of Flinging
Talismanic rune that automatically flings loose debris (pebbles, sand, dust, blood, loose leaves, etc.) into opponents faces (prioritizing eyes and mouth), joints, groins, and other vulnerable areas, as well as any opening that would allow the debris to get into the clothes/under-armor, distracting them, obstructing their vision, disrupting their footing, and generally being annoying. Created by Gorek Leadfist, a particularly petty runesmith due to a minor grudge again his twin brother.

Rune of Tugging
A talismanic rune that constantly teliketic tugs and shoves opponents limbs, weapons, clothers, shoes, armor, etc., spoiling their attacks, unbalancing them, attempting to trip them, making them more likely to loose grip on their weapons, as well as misaligning, loosening, or tightening their armor. Created by Mortek Leadfist, a unusually spiteful runesmith in order to get back at his twin brother.

Rune of Screeching/Cacophony
Talismanic rune that creates a very loud, harsh, and droning sound right next to the opponent's ears, distracting them, disrupting their communications and generally deafening them to their surroundings. It has two names since it was independly created at the same time by twin brothers Gorek Leadfist and Mortek Leadfist, which resulted in them declaring a grudge against each other for plagiarism.

Master Rune of Misery
Talismanic Master Rune that combines the Runes of Flinging, Tugging, and Screeching/Clamor, enhancing their effect (being able to fling heavier objects at higher speeds, tug and shove with higher force, produce louder noise) as well having additional effects of randomly making opponent shoe soles (or feet/hooves/paws) either sticky or slippery, as well as producing minor illusions of moving objects in the corners of their vision. Developed jointly by runesmith twins Gorek and Mortek Leadfists, in order to avenge grudge against their clan.
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