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I'm undecided, on one hand we need to know how strong we are, on the other Kory needs to prove herself. Write in?
[x]"Kory! Back to back! Use your blaster to disable them as fast as possible at range while I handle the close quarters!" (force persuade if need too. As a lightsider you know if she doesn't prove herself the consequences could be unpleasant)
-[x]use the force for small elements to grab fragments of rock to pelt the acolytes with. Constantly move around Kory letting her be the ranged attacker. Rocks to the temple and heads are good.
-[x]immobilize one after the rest are down in a bit of an acted out struggle and ask her for some help to end it.
How's this?
Changed , better?
[X] Fight like an acolyte — if you charge them at full blast, Spindrall might suspect something. Besides, this is Kory's trial too, and she needs to prove herself.
Blowing cover and getting attention right now seems like a very bad idea. Or it could have Revan fast tracked into sithhood.
To be fair the canon Inquisitor was pretty much fast tracked to Sith hood or at least it seemed that way. It didn't take that long in game to become a sith.
To be fair the canon Inquisitor was pretty much fast tracked to Sith hood or at least it seemed that way. It didn't take that long in game to become a sith.
So, Revan letting loose and crushing a few skulls?Seems I didn't put this well — fighting like an acolyte means you'll act like a strong, but untrained Force-user. Fighting without holding back, on the other hand, means you'll act like a Prodigal Knight at his prime.