Revan: Three Hundred Years After (KotOR/SWTOR)

Prologue X, Uneasy Conversation
[X] Plan Hastur

"You wish to break us down and reform us as you see fit, but what will that accomplish, Lord Jadus?" You start with your mount a bit dry, nodding to Kory. "You see me as broken and her as weak, and you are probably right, but do you truly believe we shall survive your reforms and remain of use to you?"

A gimmick of emotion — of curiosity finds its way through the Force, almost unnoticeable. Alright, keep it like that...

«We might be powerful, my Lord, but power without a will to guide it is like a lightsaber without a hilt — useless. Are you that determined to take our will away, to make us into the useless minions? And if you are, is that what you really want to have beside you? Adepts of the Dark Side are fueled by passion, by emotions, but it is a freedom to pursue them that separates pebbles from the Sith, and it is the strength of their wills that leades them to this freedom. To be restrained from pursuing the emotions and desires is to be an invalid — a worthless cripple, unable to reach true power of the Force. Only by following our passions, binding them and putting them at our service, by controlling hate to purge our weaknesses and by tempering our rage into a sword that will slay our foes, only by that can we become true Sith.

But the way I see it — of course, my Lord, I might be deluded, but the way I see it, you wish to deny us that path. You seek to smother everything that makes us us, but doing this will destroy any our future potential. We can become something more than your mindless sentries, we would aid you to the best of their abilities, show consideration to options beneficial, though unacceptable for common servants and warn you about any possible flaws in the planning so that your success would be absolute — if you allow us to reach our full strengths, we shall be loyal only to Dark Side and you».

Jadus tilts his head a bit.

«So many promises, acolyte. Such sweet tongue would do good to a Republic senator, but an aspiring Sith?» — Jadus shakes his head. — «Had you proven your worth to me, I would consider it, but... Hm. Tell me, have you been approached by Lord Zash?»

«Yes, my lord».

«And what did you talk about?»

«She ordered me to breach the tomb of Naga Sadow and find, well, map of sorts. She didn't specify what kind of map».

«How did she find out where this map is?»

«Other acolyte discovered it... Oh». Kory. Zash must have sent her on the task while you were out.

For some reason you feel that Jadus is satisfied with your answer.

«You wanted me to allow your growth, acolytes — this is your chance to prove you have somewhere to grow. Lord Zash has high ambitions and grand plans, and you are meant to be a part of that. But instead you will serve me, by finding out what are her plans and what she strives to achieve».

«We shall be glad to prove our worth».

«Very well. Take this first», — Jadus picks a military-grade comlink from the table. — «You will use it to contact me. Do not allow any delays — I must know everything you will discover».

«Thank you, my Lord», — you take the comlink from his hands. — «What are we supposed to do?»

«Do what Zash ordered you. Go to that tomb, get her the map and proceed to the next task. Then I will give you further instuctions. Now you can leave — both of you».

«Yes, my Lord... But what will happen if something goes wrong?»

«Why ask questions you can answer on your own?»

Well, that leaves that.

Taking a gap around Jadus, you pick Kory by the shoulder and pull her towards the elevator, followed by his gaze. As you get further and further away from him down the corridor, it becomes easier to breath and to exist.

«Thank you... Thank you...», — whispers Kory, leaning towards a wall. — «Oh damn, it was so horrible».

Elevator doors open, revealing a tall Chiss in military gear. He looks at you with no emotion on his face — honestly, that's starting to irritate you.

«Is Darth Jadus in a good mood?»


«Splendid», — Chiss takes a chocolate tablet out of his pocket and hands it to Kory. — «Here, have a bar».

Kory nods and starts eating. Chiss nods back, walks past you both and leaves for the Jadus' chambers. Strange, he doesn't seem to be Force-sensitive, but then again, he might be from "Imperial Intelligence" Jadus is a head of.

Speaking of which, you are now a spy! So, now you merely have to survive in between the plans of two Sith demanding your loyalty without becoming their slave and dying on the way.
[] ...Isn't it too late to find the Jedi? He might have had the transport to get you out of here.
[] So, the earlier you start, the easier it will be. Where was this map, again?
[] But you don't have to keep them both in the dark. Tell Zash about that, let you all be concerned about this together.
Prologue XI, Jailbreak
[X] ...Isn't it too late to find the Jedi? He might have had the transport to get you out of here.

Enough. One Sith sending you to the tombs, another Sith trying to recruit you as a spy, this is Uthar and Yuthura all over again, expect these guys are full-fleshed Sith Lords and you have no idea of the situation around you. Time to gain some initiative.

How long could that Jedi last under torture, you wonder?

«Let me do the talking, okay?» — Kory nods. She didn't say much since you left Jadus' quarters, and this is a bit unsettling. But you'll take care of this later, preferably far away from Korriban. Right now, Jedi.

You enter the interrogation chambers and look around. Actual prisoner chambers are further down the corridor, and you're in some sort of reception area with a single Sith behind the table, filling some datawork on her touchpad.

«Are you here for the trials?» — she asks, lifting her head up and examining you two.

«Yes, my lord. On the behest of Lord Zash».

«Excellent. You're not purebloods, your eyes don't yet glow... Maybe this will succeed after all».

«But what are we to do, my lord?»

«It's Inquisitor Urinth, acolyte, and I should brief you beforehand. Several days ago a Jedi Knight tried to infiltrate the Academy, but was caught. His mind turned out to be prone to manipulations, so we fed him false information that was aimed to lead his superiors into some... strategic miscalculations. But we've hit a major problem».

«Which is, my lord?» Damn, you really need to work on your "respectfully obedient" tone, it doesn't sound very much of both.

«As it turned out, Jedi had a natural ability to sense other people's attachements to the Dark Side. Every single infiltrator we tried only scared him off, and when we tried to suppress this ability, it only... well, suppressed his mental activity instead».


«Meaning he can't even spell his own name right», — Urinth sighed. — «We drilled the necessary information into his brain, but the Jedi himself is practically senile. This whole plan is deteriorating quickly, and we're running out of acolytes to throw upon him. So, I hope your innocence is not yet tainted. Go on and talk to him, do whatever he asks and earn his trust. Then set him free — we'll ensure he gets to the ship...»

«Wait a second. Go and talk to him, just like that? No legends? No cover?»

«We've run out of cover stories three acolytes ago, but he responds to words far worse than to Force. Ah, one more thing — Jedi's name is Quorian Dorjis, but if he spells it wrong, just play along».

«I thought you weren't serious...»


And so you go. So much about taking initiative. Jedi sits in the only active cell across the room, humming something quietly and doing something alike to a... shadowplay?

«Come out to Korriban, we'll get stealthy, learn a few secrets! Oh, I don't know, Vald, maybe we're better off not visiting the planet that is totally infested with Sith and worms? No, no, Quarian, this is totally fine, we can handle this , I mean, it's not like I will be driven mad by Dark Side and try to kill you in your sleep. Oh wait, I totally will be!»

When you come closer, Jedi actually takes notice and nearly jumps back to an opposite end of his cell.

«Another one! How many more... Hold on. You're not dark».

«Um. I take it you're a Jedi who was captured?»

«I'm Quarian, yes. And you are beautiful. It is wrong. Jedi never are so pure with light. Humans never are so pure with light. This cannot be».

«I am not Jedi, you got that right. But... Look, I-we need your help. We need to get off Korriban».


«The Sith, they almost killed me and my friend. They hate us because we are slaves, and even if we survive the trials they rig in others' favor, we'll be nothing more than a cannon fodder with a lightsaber. I thought we could find a better fate with Jedi, that we could survive with Jedi. Please — we can help you escape if you take us to your Order».

«Escape? Why yes, I should escape! I must tell them that Imperials are withdrawing their forces from Outer Rim and are planning to deploy en masse in the relatively northern part of Inner Rim. Oh, and that Corellia is totally, absolutely safe. I could slip through the guard shifts with enough luck, if you open the cell, my ship is most certainly in the hangar».

Alright, he seems to be senile enough to trust you. It's so good that you dpn't have to fetch him any stuff.

«Hey, don't worry!» — Jedi smiles, a bit of saliva visible in his mouth. — «We'll be on Tython in no time, I know that for sure».

«Bet you would», — you mumble and shoot a look on Kory who was silent during this conversation. As before. You should examine her properly at some point, yet that takes time you most certainly don't have, what with two Sith Lords on your tail. It will definitely backfire somehow later on, but for now «one problem at a time» approach should do.

Speaking of time, when does the guard oh wait someone's pulling telepathy on you.


Holy Emperor!
— you «think» while hastily covering everything incriminating further away. — Who is this?

This is Inquisitor Urinth, calm yourself. Is Jedi ready to leave?

Yes, but he's not going anywhere without us,
— you «think» faster than you can actually think. — He thought we need saving or something, and when we tried to leave him, he almost went hysterical.

You're driving on pure Force now, but maybe it will just work out. Maybe.

Then follow him through, we'll extract you on the way.

With that, Urinth disappears out of your mind. Maybe it will still work...?

You reach out for a lightsaber. Just in case it won't.

Quorian (Quarian?) sneaks through the corridors so quickly you barely can keep up. Not the wisest move, given that you are the only one with a saber. Nevertheless, the Academy is surprisingly empty, what with not a single soul in the corridors.

(Shenanigans = 84/100)

And thus, you three safely reach the doors of hangar. You can feel the Sith though, six or seven of them along with some troopers. They keep their distance, watching from behind and following in your steps, and they are definitely ready to engage. Urinth «thought» something about extraction — when and how would she do that? What would you in this situation?

Hm. If Jedi boarded the ship first, you could open fire and separate acolytes from the ship, take knee shots to get'em out of the way. Of course, Jedi is the main liability — there is no telling how he would react. Would he rush to grab acolytes and leave? Would he fly away without them? Would he stay behind to buy them time? Urinth must be having one hole of a time trying to figure her way out of this, especially since you are inside the hangar already.

«Good, good», — Quorian smiles. — «Alright, I need one of you to look out for anyone and another to run the diagnostics with me».


«Because! Come on, choose who is going, we can't sit here all day».

Kory doesn't respond yet again, so the decision is yours.

[] Stand guard, be ready to fight Sith when and if they engage. If the ship has to take off quickly, there is a certain chance you'll be left behind.
[] Go inside the ship, help Quarian run the diagnostics. If Sith engage, someone just might get blown up — depends on whatever comes to Kory's head.
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