September 4th, 1998
NEST Facilities, Raccoon City
Time: ????
"William calm down!"
"I Can't Annette! Dammit!" The previously named William shouted as he grabbed a box and tossed it against the wall.
"Throwing your supplies around isn't going to help." Annette admonished.
"Maybe it can! Someone went through our things! They retrieved the files! You saw it!"
"I know." Annette replied in a low tone.
"We don't know who it was. Could it have been Umbrella? Did they think I'd talk? What about G!? Could they know how close I am to finishing it!? What if they know about...
"Walls have ears William." She hissed before firmly grabbing his collar. "And what about Sherry? Her picture was moved. Do you think that whoever did this wasn't looking at
her for leverage. We need to think about this as calmly as possible. Now, was there anything of G within the safe?"
William paused and let out a long sigh before relaxing slightly. "No, just the files on the subjects within the mansion. Usable but it's still obsolete with G's creation. At most all they'll get out it is what's already known. There are enough liquid assets in place to divert attention away from Irons and I've arranged for Sherry to be looked after by the chief should anything happen. You know that already Annette."
"I know, but you needed to be reminded. You and Wesker made a mistake with Marcus, do you want a repeat? Because if you continue as you are, Umbrella will take action. William, get some sleep in one of the pods, I'll continue working on G and I'll tell Sherry that you've been swamped today."
"Okay, but it will only be for a short period, and then I'll continue!" William said as he began to make his way out of the lab.
September 7th, 1998
Umbrella Facility, Siberia
Time: ????
"And are you sure that the parasites can be harvested from the subject?"
"Yes sir, Subject Trevor has displayed remarkable regenerative abilities and while we cannot extract NEa parasites en mass or in expedient quantities, we can extract them
consistently provided enough traces are left for them to uhhh..."
"Is something the matter?"
"No sir, just caught by Doctor Pavchenko's phrasing. Ummm, 'piggback' on her regenerating tissues. From there, they should reach partial to full maturity within several weeks."
"Excellent, speaking of the parasites, Lord Spencer tells me that the initial batch provided a complication. Your thoughts?"
"Hmmm, it could be that the NEa parasite increased intelligence of the Tyrants to a higher than understood degree... I don't mean to step out of line but have the Paris labs handled the matter?"
"Yes, though we don't know the exact details yet. We will get them with our next shipment from Moscow. Any other reports?"
"Just one Director, several of our researchers have asked whether or not we should begin tests on the secondary virus found in the subject."
"Tell them to focus on refining the NEa research data for now."
"May I ask why sir? For their benefit."
Director Vladimir smiled before responding, "Doctor Birkin is like an worker ant. He has most likely started his own research and if anything pleasant can be said about him, it is that he is completely dedicated to his own tasks without caring for the world around him. Why waste the time and resources when we can utilize his trials and errors?"
September 13th, 1998
Raccoon City, NEST, Level 3 BIO labs
Time: ????
The woman removed the cassette from her recorder and sighed before leaning back in her chair and taking a deep drag of her cigarette. She knew that it was a frowned upon action in the labs but she was too tired to actually give a damn. She paused, took another drag before leaning forward and grabbing a fresh cassette and locking it into place. She brought the recorder close her mouth, hit the well worn record button and began her personal notes.
"Recording number 104, Yuriko Cameron, Sub Director of NEST's vaccine branch. It's safe to say that D strains 30-39 of the potential T-Virus vaccine are complete failures. The strains show a number of catastrophic failures that range from;
- Lack of apparent reaction and a true lack of deactivation of targeted T virus vectors within the subjects bodies. Leading to of course death and reanimation
- Apparent strain caused by the test vaccines lead to extreme hemorrhaging within the heart and frontal lobe. Results include death but no reanimation.
So the D strain either does nothing, or it kills you. It impossible to get a beneficial result from this strain and based on other data pursuing research on this variant would be a waste of resources. The problem... lies with upper management. The parameters are clear, develop a vaccine to either counter T or suppress it enough to increase viability and bonding with infected subjects. Simple concept in theory but nearly impossible to execute though. The T-Virus just does not want to work with us or at least this vaccine doesn't at any rate."
"There is some hope, though not with D strain. Tomorrow I'll arrange for all test materials regarding it to be disposed of in the Dead Factory. The E strain... that may be a start. Not right now though, it requires further testing. Most issues are the same as the D strain. In fact, most strains exhibit similar complications, except for one, E Strain type 40. The strain does deactivate T-Virus cells and places them into a state of bonding dormancy. In theory that could allow for the parameters to be fulfilled. The only problem is the uncontrolled cancerous growths that result. These include a multitude of imperfect and repeating organ types, blood vessels, and tissues. It may be a break through, but much more testing is required before E40 can be considered useful. It's something though."
September 15th, 1998
Raccoon City General Hospital
Time: Early morning
"Dr. Hamilton! Thank God you here." A winded orderly stated.
"What is the matter here?" Hamilton asked.
"I'll explain on the way to the ICU." The orderly began as they started into the hospital. "Those cases from before, they began to multiply within the hospital."
"And no one's called the CDC?" Dr. Hamilton asked, anger seeping into his voice. "Have they been at least quarantined? We could have major Biohazard on our hands."
"Yes Sir, they have but..."
"You'll have to see for yourself Doctor. There's a hazmat system and gas mask in the office here. You should change into it now before going in. Dr. Hersh will show you."
George Hamilton nodded and did just that. Methodically, he changed into the 'suit' provided to him. It wasn't exactly the best that was available, but a Level C hazmat suit was certainly better than nothing. As he began to wrap his ankles and wrists in duct tape, his mind wandered to when these mysterious cases appeared. It would have been late August to early September? All with similar symptoms and all with a high mortality rate. He left the office, nodded to the orderly and noticed several other staff in their level C suits carrying jugs of decontamination chemicals and the basic supplies for a decontamination chamber. As he entered, he saw the ICU ward was filled with patients, many of which he only just treated the day before.
"Dr. Hamilton" a voice greeted him.
"Dr. Hersh, I was told you wanted me to see something."
"Yes, please this way." Dr Hersh said before showing Hamilton to a patient. "While we can't say for sure whether or not this malady is airborne in nature, we are quickly ruling
that out to be the case."
"Why?" Dr. Hamilton asked.
"Look here." Dr. Hersh began before pulling the bed sheet of the patient back.
Dr. Hamilton noted that the patient was male, possibly early fifties, medium weight, profuse sweat, dry skin, gangrenous coloration that was spread intermittently across his skin and... "Are those bite marks?" He asked.
"Yes, though we're not sure where they came from. Look at them though they are too small and irregularly shaped to be from common vermin. They're oval shaped actually. We've sent pictures to local and out of state experts but we're not sure if we'll have them back in time. The bigger question is where they are coming from. I know you had off today but can you help the patients as best you can. I'll be trying to petition Dr. Jones for out of state assistance and CDC intervention."
"You mean there hasn't been a notification sent?"
"No, Dr. Jones wanted this kept as quiet as possible but I cannot stand here and allow this to continue."
"I understand, good luck and get some rest, I'll remain here for as long as I'm able."
"Thank you George."
"Your welcome Arjun."
September 17th, 1998
Raccoon City Streets
"911, what's your emergency?"
"There seems to be someone hurt outside my apartment."
"Can you describe them?"
"I can't tell if they're male or female. I think... I think they're homeless. They have this big beige coat on."
"Are they in any state of duress?"
"Maybe? They're lying face down in a puddle of vomit and they're not moving. I just saw them a few minutes ago outside my window. When I went back they were still in that position."
"How long would you say the time was between your first sighting and second?"
"A minute... maybe two."
"Understood we will notify an ambulance. What's your address."
"202 Jack St."
"Understood, dispatching an ambulance. May we have your name for the report?"
"... Yoko, Yoko Suzuki."
"Paramedics are in transit as we speak. Thank you for your service ma'am."
I Started this story almost two years ago on Spacebattles (It's still there), and life more or less got in the way of going further. This was because of school, work, and the uncertainty of what to do during 2020's Covid lockdowns. I always wanted to come back to this story as well as my other main Fic 'Monarch in The Dark', but I never had the drive to really do it. Things seemed to have normalized for now and I intend to write more on this one. I have a whole time line and everything set up in my notes so, yeah I should have another chapter up in about a week or two.