[X] Plan Open Maw Closed Fist Academy
- [X] Skragg Bilgebelly: Ogres aren't exactly known for their seamanship but there are exceptions. Skragg joined a band of would be Maneaters in search of gold, glory and of course exotic meat. During the groups journey they eventually reached the Pirate Principality of Sartosa where they would disband over a dispute over back pay (i.e. how much fatback each member was entitled to). Now without the beefy companionship of other ogres, Skragg was persuaded to joint the crew of the infamous pirate Short Gold Giovanni. Over the course of his seven year stay with the crew Skragg would gain an intimate understanding of his ship's weapons and would develop an obsession with sailing vessels. Electing to return home to the Mountains of Mourn to persuade other ogres to assist him in the building of a ship and join him on a journey across the seas in search of plunder and high quality seafood, Skragg has been passed between various tribes in an attempt to get rid of him. Then your new boss attached him to your research efforts in an attempt to both make him finally shut up and to make some matter of productive use of his knowledge.
-[X] Kurg Gnobwrangler: Gnoblars. Every tribe and every ogre has at least a few, little green goblin things that do whatever an ogre tells them to do. Most ogres, you included, don't really think too much about em, they're just kinda there. Not Kurg Gnobwrangler. See, while most ogres look at gnoblars and see em as nothing more than servants and food, Kurg looked at em and saw… well, still servants and food yeah, but more than that, Kurg saw potential. A pretty good beastpuncher already, Kurg wondered what would happen if he tried beastpunching a Gnoblar. The resulting fallout destroyed a mountain, killed half a tribe, and had Greasus fucking Goldtooth himself say that he'd eat anyone who talked about it. What it also did was cause Kurg to start figuring exactly what the fuck was up with Orcs and Goblins, and now, working for you and far away from anything valuable, he's become a pretty good expert on em.
- [X] Vash the Armored: Ogres visit a lot of places, sometimes as Maneater mercenaries, sometimes as raiders, sometimes as both. Most of the time it's to eat a bunch of new food and get paid for doing so. Vash's journey to Ind was different. See, Vash had taken a few too many bonks to the head, so he decided to go into Ind permanently, find actual work there as some sort of guard and get paid a fuckton of food. That was the last anyone had heard of from Vash for a while. Then, a few months ago, Vash rolled up back to the Mountains with some fancy new armor and a weird look in his eye. Apparently he'd become a Marut, a temple guard fitted with magic armor that only he could use. He'd had a pretty good time of it too, up until his temple got annihilated by an army, with him as the only survivor. He didn't have a job anymore, so he returned to his former Tyrant, your Tyrant. Your boss didn't like the look of his face, so he sent Vash over to you, and now he's a research assistant, one who knows a lot about armor, weapons, and the god magic of Ind.
--[x] Student