Vote tally - Res Publica: A Quest of Ancient Rome

Adhoc vote count started by Godwinson on Feb 15, 2018 at 6:33 PM, finished with 142 posts and 31 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Res Publica: A Quest of Ancient Rome
Post #140
Post #281


  • [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Plan Hortensius
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Plan Cicero
    [X] Populares
    -[X] Idealist
    [X] The Priesthood
    [X] Law
    [X] Training
    [X] Exhibition
    [X] Recitals
    [x] Plan: Shaping Silvery Spoken Soldier
    [x] Populares: You believe in the freedom and equality of all Roman citizens, in the right of every Roman to his own word and voice. This, to you, overrides all other concerns. You speak to the people, telling them that you might see their dreams fulfilled.
    -[x] Idealist: You do not simply pay lip service to the ideas of honesty and fairness. Plebian or patrician alike, all Romans should stand equally and have their voices heard. For is every citizen not a Roman true?
    [x] The Soldiery The armies of Marius, Suetonius, and Cinna are even now encamped in Rome. Officers, Tribunes, and commanders from over seven legions spend their days and nights whiling away the time while trying to keep their legionnaires at the ready should Sulla return. Brawling and looting is not an uncommon occurrence in the streets near to the camps, and the nights often gleam with fires started by a handful of soldiers who had too much to drink. Associating with these officers is dangerous -- if not to your person, then to your reputation -- but may hold many rewards. Men will fight all the harder for one who has drunk with them and traded blows with them. If your constitution is strong enough to handle it, this may be a good stepping stone to earning the love of the army -- and in Rome, he who is loved by the army is loved by the people.
    [x] Law: Scaevola is the lawyer. He has single-handedly reworked and rewritten many of the most antiquated and obsolete laws of the Republic, and created many of his own. His treatises on civil law and jurisprudence have become almost mythical among Roman advocates in his own lifetime, and his simplification and codification of some of the most complex laws of the Republic served to make him a household name long before he became Pontifex. His speeches stand as some of the finest works of oratory not only of your time, but of Roman history. There is no better teacher in the law, living or dead.(Speech, Oratory, and Law ++++)
    [x] Training: Scaevola has hired a new batch of guards for the the College of the Vestal Virgins, in order to protect the holy priestesses from the depredations of lesser men. Of course, these guards must be thoroughly evaluated and trained to ensure that they are both not a threat to the priestesses and that they are capable of protecting the sacred sisters themselves. Scaevola has placed you in charge of training these men, and has indirectly placed the fate of Rome's holiest women in your hands.
    [x] Debates Men of scholarly or political bent often gather in the Forum to hold debates. Those with a sharp tongue and a quick mind might even win the love of the people by soundly defeating a foe in a public contest of minds, and draw the attention of like-minded men.
    [x] Attend the Senate: Though only Senators may speak, Senate meetings are free for all Roman citizens to attend. In order to learn of the world which you hope to enter, and better integrate yourself with the people you hope to one day count your peers, you sit in on most every Senate meeting held after your arrival to the city.
    [X] Plan Weather Eye
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] The Debate Fields
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X] Advocacy
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Never Too Early To Run
    [X] Plan: Gaining Experience
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Old Friends
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola. A powerful individual, he will take care of it in his own manner, without being as the Marians might.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Report the meeting to Scaevola.
    [X]Slave Rebellion
    [X] Selling Wine
    [X] Web-building
    [X] Plan Coming Man
    [X] Plan Weather Eye