Vote tally - Res Publica: A Quest of Ancient Rome

Adhoc vote count started by Bullmoose on Jul 19, 2019 at 12:33 PM, finished with 193 posts and 45 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Res Publica: A Quest of Ancient Rome
Post #3807
Post #3999

  • 47

    [X] Plan Stay the Course
    [X] The Quixotic Quest
    [X] Plan Optimat Politics​
    -[X] Write-In: Discipline. It is said soldiers ignored Sertorius and his officers' commands to cease during the sack. There must be a punishment for such insubordination. You have the pay of all men who ignored orders heavily docked. Gold speaks louder than blood.​
    -[X] Write-In: Memorial. Have a stone monument erected outside the ruins of Nola, with an inscription in large letters, high enough off the ground that a man cannot easily reach it. "Here stood the city of Nola, spurning the outstretched hand of Rome. Here came the sword of Rome, in the year of Flaccus and Marius. Here fell the city of Nola."​
    -[X] The Cult of Mars: You attempt to solidify your small cult, turning it into an organization which may survive the transition from military life to civilian. Having brothers bound by bonds deeper than blood in the killing fields of the Senate may prove useful.​
    -[X] Expand Journal: You begin expanding your journal to include more than strictly military matters, such as political happenings or philosophical musings.​
    -[X] Make Connections: Ever aloof and arrogant, the aristocrats of the equtii, the knights of Rome, have come to respect you as a leader to look up to over the course of this campaign. You could try to make some deeper connections that might serve you well in the city.​
    [X] Accept Sertorius' offer. Scaevola will doubtless be angered by your implicit rejection of his patronage, but you will gain as a mentor a man who learned at the feet of Marius himself. You will fight in the dusky fields of Spain where your father earned his glory and his name, and learn of war at the feet of a master. Hannibal, Scipio, Sertorius -- some of Rome's most beloved and hated names have arisen in Spain. Might you follow in their footsteps?
    [X] The Feast of Mars: The soldiers of Rome celebrate a triumph in their own special way. Restricted for so long from excess and more extravagant pleasures, they release their desires in Subura, one of the seedier districts of Rome. Here, they employ women of the night, have mighty parties, and drink themselves stupid -- in the name of Mars, of course.
    [X] The Bacchanals: Rome's youngest and wealthiest throw their own extravagant private parties atop the Palatine Hill, great affairs of drinking, licentiousness, and all those vices which Romans have so long claimed to despise. Perhaps the eminent party of these Triumphal celebrations is that thrown by the eminent statesman Quintus Lutiatus Catulus, a renowned optimate, and his friend, Marius' nephew-in-law, Lucius Sergius Catalina. You have been personally invited to one of these celebrations by the latt
    [X] A Soldier's Welcome: You pay a visit to your sisters at the apartment Proserpina has rented for your family in Rome. Your old servants will be there as well.
    [X] The Pen Is Mightier: You spend some time with your friends, the lawyers Rufus, Atticus, and Cicero.
    [X] Plan Stay the Course
    [x] Plan Roman Connection
    -[x] Refuse Sertorius' offer. You cannot leave Rome, and you cannot abandon the ties you have already made here to follow Sertorius on some quixotic quest to Spain. There is glory enough to be gained in Rome, if you know where to look.
    -[x] The Bacchanals: Rome's youngest and wealthiest throw their own extravagant private parties atop the Palatine Hill, great affairs of drinking, licentiousness, and all those vices which Romans have so long claimed to despise. Perhaps the eminent party of these Triumphal celebrations is that thrown by the eminent statesman Quintus Lutiatus Catulus, a renowned optimate, and his friend, Marius' nephew-in-law, Lucius Sergius Catalina. You have been personally invited to one of these celebrations by the latter.
    -[x] A Soldier's Welcome: You pay a visit to your sisters at the apartment Proserpina has rented for your family in Rome. Your old servants will be there as well.
    -[x] Mentor: You pay a visit to the Pontifex Maximus, your mentor, the old jurist Scaevola.