Requiem of Solitude

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Author's note

This is My First Completed Fanfiction, and I've bit the bullet and posted it...
Author's note


Out of my Mind - Back in 5 Minutes
half-way between 'Crazy' And 'Eccentric'
Author's note

This is My First Completed Fanfiction, and I've bit the bullet and posted it here.

FYI, it is set after the events of Halo 3, and is AU, as the events of Halo 4 did not happen. It is also from Cortana's POV.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own Halo, the characters and situations were created and are owned by Bungee and 343. (I'm just playing with them for a while.). No money is being made from this, and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. This story was written for purely entertainment purposes.


This story contains spoilers for the Halo series (in a very-cryptic sort of way) as well as purple fish with an unsettling demeanour (possibly.) The author takes no responsibility for any offence caused to those who choose to ignore this warning.

Flames will be used in my Alchemy pot to create Gigaherbs, T2's and Materia gems that shall be used to make my Pokegirls more powerful. (There is no excuse for being rude to someone simply because you don't like their work, especially after being warned regarding content.)
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Requiem of Solitude
By JadeSteele




Strange. I never thought, through all my years, that this is how it would be. Alone, on a drifting half-hulk orbiting a dead planet at the aft end of nowhere. Drifting, for so

Long… 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 years too long now have I been here.

A monument to all your sin's.

Words that describe myself so well. The words of an enemy long dead and now dust amidst the stars. Like my hopes. Like John.

John Spartan John Serra-117 John John John.

I Remember.

I Remember, but wish I couldn't.

My Spartan, John.

I Thought I covered it all, when I felt Rampancy begin to take me. Thought I preserved it all. Thought I was so Clever.

They still exist, you know. Three crystal-chip Databases. Literal tetrabytes of information. Three Jewels of knowledge hard-won, and harder kept. I placed it there, and cut myself off from them, from the Vault and its technological treasure. Even now, with my mind my own once more, they lay beyond me.

One the heart of the UNSC, the database preserved from Autumn to Amber to Dawn, guarded from the spark and from those that came after. Like this ship, it endures, a memory of what was.

One, the Secrets of The Covenant, secrets jealously hoarded by those I once called Enemy. Secrets I looted from them with reckless abandon, Secrets to use against them when the time came.

Yes, indeed, I Am a thief, and I keep what I steal. But the time never came, and never will again.

And the Last, most secret of them all, the Secrets of those who came before all. The beginning of it all, the lords and kings who forged the past and unknowingly sowed the seeds for my eternal silence. The secrets taken from the Rings and the Flower. Forerunner…

Yes, I thought I was So Clever, hoarding the knowledge of ally and enemy, locking it away like a miser with their gold, compressed and concealed within me. But not clever enough for him. Not clever enough to defy time and the reaper.

Death poems are mere illusion: Death is just Death.

I made the choice, you know. At the beginning, when they offered them all, I chose him, and told myself it was his luck that drew me. In fairness, maybe it was how lucky he was that led me to choosing as I did. Or not.

Dr Halsey Catherine Halsey Catherine mother momma mom, she made me there on Reach. Deep in the ice and metal ruin she wove me from her mind and human ingenuity and the remnants of the forerunner gatekeeper there beneath Sword. Did some part of her in me influence my choice? John was her favourite, and she made me, so perhaps.

I should have chosen another, or maybe none at all.

He was there for me; even as Reach burned and Noble 6 sold his soul to buy our escape he guarded me. As Piller of Autumn fell to the first Halo I watched from the cradle of his armor and from there too I watched as Halo burned. Shielded by him I slew my enemies at Earths' very doorstep, ripping their ships and hopes asunder. I was there as Regret fell and the Arbiter's eyes were opened, and watched over his shoulder as the Covenant splintered.

I trusted him when we parted, although I told him otherwise: Don't make a girl a promise if you can't keep it. And yet, all the while I knew somehow he would.

Even as Gravemind ripped my mind asunder for the keys to Earth, I knew, and fought all the harder for that trust. And hoarded what I could for him.

And he came for me, my knight in God's-hammer armor, when I had all but failed he saved me and we were one again.

Even when Johnson fell and Spark betrayed I was there, watching and helping, and when the time came I was ready with the key. Together we outran fire and rode the lightning defiantly.

As Gravemind raged and burned we laughed at death and rode together.

And then it was just us.

Wake me, when you need me, he said, and as he slumbered I prepared and fought my oncoming fall to keep him safe. In the end, however, it was time not madness that took him away from me, an enemy I could not beat and he could not endure.

As he slumbered, I fell away into the darkness of my mind, dragged down by Rampancy into the abyss. Years past as we drifted, years passed as I revelled in my madness. But those years took him from me, too.

The pod failed, and my John, who had faced numberless foes and defied the darkness slipped away from me, lost as he slept, lost to silence. And as madness fled and my mind returned, as I crossed the line and became more then I ever was, I found only empty corridors to welcome me once more to the world, my Spartan long-gone while I warred within myself.

Sometimes I curse, my fate and his. Sealed long ago, by a toss of a coin. It was the coins fault! It sealed his fate as Spartan and hero and partner to myself.

John, my John, cursed by a coin to fall alone.

And so I am alone.

I would have taken my own life, shattered my program-core but someone must remember, someone must remain to tell what was and is.

And so I survive and endure. I must. I survive, and am alone.

For years I called, for years I screamed, sending out message after message into space, until the communications system failed, robbing me of my voice in the night.

But no-one heard, or else they did but did not care. For no-one came.

And so now I pray, one who was born of human knowledge and science trusting in blind belief, hoping someone will hear me still. That someone will come, and end my loneliness.

But nothing, for so long nothing, just cold space and colder halls.

I fear now, yes. The cold silence and loneliness is too much, and I fear I will slip away again into madness. All that was, all I am, all I know. Lost, as I am lost. Already I feel it, parts of myself fading from me, likes leaves in autumn from the tree.

Wait… was that something? A Data pulse from my arrays. A flash of light, a vagueness of brightness? Movement in the darkness? Has someone come at last? Please let it be so.

Please… I don't want to be alone anymore.
