Vote tally - Renascence: A Homura Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Higure on Jun 11, 2017 at 4:06 AM, finished with 8499 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Renascence: A Homura Quest
Post #1
Post #8499


  • [X] Plans:
    -[X] Mission: Collect Ice Cream.
    -[X] Task: Study Intro to Medicine book.
    -[X] Intent: Talk with Sayaka about.. everything. But not in the morning.
    [X] Plan Soft
    -[X] Acquire Ice cream and gifts for your friends, splurge a little on Comfort food.
    -[X] Visit Kyoko and Mami, make sure they're settling in nicely and talk with them about anything that might be bothering them. Maybe propose making a small reunion for dinner, you all need the breather.
    -[X] Get Nanoha in too, even the white devil must be feeling lonely stranded as she is in an alternate dimension, visit her if you can.
    [X] Plans for tomorrow:
    -[x] Go shopping for tubs of ice cream. All the ice cream.
    -[x] Find a few good movies, a few bad movies and a few movies that are so bad they're good.
    -[x] Declare today to be Movie Day and refuse to do anything stressing or sanity-lowering.
    --[x] Kidnap Kyouko with Apple-flavored ice cream.
    --[x] Shanghai Sayaka with the promise of cuddles and blueberry ice cream.
    --[x] Motivate Mami to participate with tea-flavored ice cream and James Bond movies.
    --[x] Notify Nanoha and invite her to join. Curse the inexistence of Friendship-flavored ice cream.