[X] Plan: When In London...
-[X] Detective Agency (0/100)
--[X] with Kyouko
-[X] Galahad
-[X] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
-[X] Investigation: Arthur
-[X] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
-[X] Meet with King Arthur
---[X] using Akemi Madness
--[X] Development
-[X] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
-[X] Research a Theoretical Spell
--[X] A more efficient Time Stop
--[X] Ambition 5
-[X] Train A Skill
--[X] Clocksmithing
-[X] Investigation: Big Ben
[X] Plan Establishing Setting
[X] Detective Agency (0/100)
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Galahad
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
[X] Investigation: Arthur
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Meet with King Arthur
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Develop a Spell
-[X] A more efficient Time Stop
-[X] Ambition 5
--[X] using Akemi Madness
[X] Train a Skill
-[X] Clocksmithing
--[X] using Akemi Madness
[X] Investigation: Big Ben
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Train a Skill
-[X] Development
[X] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)