Hello, and welcome back to Remnants of the Void! Glad to see that people are liking this, and hopefully I can meet your expectations (and my own) going forwards! Apologies again for getting this out a bit late. This update is notably bigger though, sitting at about 11.8k words excluding the ANs and topping 12k with them, so hopefully that's enough of an appeasement for you wonderful folks.
Now, on with the story!
They had been walking along this forested path for some time now, and Louise could feel her patience thinning as her mood spiraled further downwards by the second. Not only were she and her… peers Founder-knows where in what she could only assume was Albion, but her physical state was dreadful. Her clothes were filthy and torn, her hair matted, singed, and now lopsided, she had scrapes and bruises across her form, and she felt a bone-deep ache everywhere that only seemed to get worse the longer she walked. She felt like she could sleep for an entire week!
And that was before she even started thinking about how they had gotten into this mess. Zerbst's outburst before those… things (and the thought of them had her glancing nervously towards the trees along the trail for a moment) had attacked them had bitten far deeper than she'd ever let the harlot know. How could it not have, considering the Germanian was right? She had failed once again- Thrice again, she thought bitterly- and so spectacularly that they'd found themselves in another country. She had no familiar to prove her worthy of being a mage, of being a Valliere- nothing to show she wasn't just a stain on her family name to be married off and forgotten, a true Zero-!
Louise grit her teeth, clenching her fists so hard she could feel her fingernails biting into her palms. She breathed in slowly through her teeth, blinking away the first traces of tears and steeling herself as best she could. Ahead of her, Zerbst turned to throw a glance her way, and Louise pointedly looked away and into the trees before she could see her familial rival's face so she didn't have to see the no-doubt smug smile on the Germanian's face.
No. No, she couldn't think of herself like that. She was a Valliere! She'd- she'd failed the summoning ritual, but she'd clearly done something magical to send herself and her… peers so far from home. Her explosions, too, were proof that she had something. She just- she must have done something wrong. That was it. That had to be it. She'd figure it out.
When they all returned home, Louise knew she was going to be expelled from the Academy. Likely, she'd be punished further by her parents for not listening to her professor and accidentally dragging three young nobles with her to stave off conflict with her peers' families. But she wouldn't let that stop her. She'd- she'd study, and practice, and discover how to use her magic properly. Even if she had to do it in secret, she'd prove herself.
She had to.
But that was for the future. She had to focus on the present for now, and so she did.
Pushing her dread and her thoughts of the future down, Louise looked at the two strangers- this 'Ruby' and 'Yang' they'd encountered on their arrival here- as they led them towards their supposed home. Ruby was still leading the party, occasionally shooting a curious- and when Louise caught the girl looking at her specifically, concerned- look back at her and her peers. Behind them, Yang had put her arms behind her head, whatever bizarre weapons she was wearing- Of all things!- back to being bracelets on her wrists.
Louise couldn't help but feel anxious as they let the two girls guide them to shelter. The youngest Valliere was far from stupid- the speed at which they had moved, the unnatural strength they showed, the strange weapons, and the fact that Ruby had burst into petals and zipped to her side before she could even process her moving clearly showed they weren't normal human commoners. The lack of incantations and wands suggested that whatever magic they used to do what they had wasn't Brimiric in origin, either.
And then there were Yang's eyes. Louise had clearly seen them change color, going from an exotic purple to a bright red in the literal blink of an eye when she had gotten between Zerbst and herself. Human eyes simply didn't do that- in fact, the only creatures she had heard of that held that ability were vampires in stories Cattleya had told her as a child! If it wasn't for the fact that it was currently day and the fact that the purple-eyed girl hadn't tried to rip them apart, she may have assumed that was what the blonde girl was.
Of course, it wasn't like Ruby had normal eyes either, but at least she'd seen their likeness on someone who was most surely a human being before. One of the more exotic-looking maids at the Academy had the same shiny, almost mirror-like hue, and she doubted someone like Osmond would miss some kind of monster hiding so obviously in sight if she weren't human.
But that left the question as to what, exactly, these strangers were. They seemed to be human enough, but couldn't fey take on human shape? But if they were fey, then why would they have helped them instead of attacking them on sight? Argh, she was going in circles in her head!
"Here we are!" Ruby declared, suddenly, "Home sweet home!"
The words snapped Louise out of her thoughts, and she realized they were now in another clearing, this one notably larger than the one they had appeared in. It sported a few smoothly-cut stumps throughout the clearing, as well as scattered, standing trees. The grass was surprisingly short, and a closer look showed it appeared to have been cut down like the lawn of the academy. In its center before them stood a log cabin of surprising quality, appearing well-built and standing two stories tall. To Louise's mild surprise, the cabin had multiple glass windows, despite its apparent distance from any settlement.
Of course, that made sense. Ruby and Yang's clothing may not have been proper noble attire as she knew it- especially the blonde's more scandalous outfit- but it was clearly well-made and of fair-quality materials. In particular, Ruby's cloak and dress looked like they must have been expensive, as did the purple cloth and half-skirt Yang wore. Even disregarding their inhuman traits, it was clear they were no normal commoners, and their families being able to afford glass seemingly in the middle of nowhere made sense. Maybe they were the daughters of merchants? But then why did they live out here?
Now that they had arrived, whatever tension Ruby had felt seemed to disappear. The odd girl led the way down the path to the cabin's front door with an easy stride, approaching the light cobbling in front of the door and flowerbeds to its sides. She quickly reached for something at her waist that Louise couldn't see due to her cloak, and then pulled out a small key ring that jingled merrily in her hands before reaching the door.
The cloaked girl unlocked the door with a click, before pulling it open for the group behind her, smiling as she did.
"Feel free to, uh, make yourselves at home! Just, um, leave your shoes at the door, because dad just cleaned the floor before he left!"
Louise hesitated for a moment, weariness at their ordeal warring with caution born from a lack of knowledge. Then, after muttering something to her fire salamander, Zerbst stepped forwards, seemingly unafraid as she walked through the doorway. Finally overcoming her hesitation, Louise hastily followed suit, and she could hear the others following behind her. Guiche said something to his own familiar, but she ignored it even as she noted the mole laying down on the ground.
She passed through the doorway and by Zerbst, only to pause once she saw the inside of the house and began to take it all in. The walls of the inside of the cabin were lined with finely-cut, smooth wooden planks, with white-painted wood lining the boundaries between it and the much darker planks made up the flooring. Under their feet was a small green rug, a few pairs of boots and shoes sitting besides it on an odd, flat black thing.
The room they entered was spacious, with a large green rug with white patterns taking up the center of it. A small, dark wooden table sat before a green-colored couch and loveseat on one side of it, with a long series of cabinets topped with an odd metal bar sitting on the other side of the rug seemingly without reason. Paintings hung on the walls, and two more shelves sat against the walls bearing books, small sculptures, and odd-looking things Louise couldn't quite identify. Two windowless doors sat on bordering walls, one of them going under the staircase in front of them that lead up, to the left and out of sight to the second floor.
None of the cabin's insides were of the splendor or noble quality she was used to in the Valliere mansion, but was rather clearly above the quality of what commoners had in Tristain. This only cemented her belief that the two girls were above the common folk in status at the very least.
She heard a surprised yelp behind her, and turned to see Tabitha poking the stationary Zerbst in the back with her staff. The bluenette had already removed her shoes, and with her prompting Zerbst quickly began to do so as well. Snapped out of her examination of the cabin, Louise did the same, carefully placing the shoes on the odd black thing before proceeding deeper into the house. Guiche, having now entered the cabin himself, followed suit.
The door closing behind them caused her to jolt briefly, and she turned to see Yang holding its handle. She turned to look at the nobles and grimaced, her purple eyes looked them up and down. For a moment, the room was oddly silent, Ruby fidgeting with her skirt and shuffling awkwardly besides the blonde haired girl being the only sounds in the house.
"Right." Yang finally said, clasping her hands together. "Before we talk about, ah, everything, how about we let you guys get cleaned up first? You're all kinda..." The blonde gesticulated her hand up and down in their direction. "Not looking too hot."
Despite her uncertainty regarding Yang and Ruby's magic- and not knowing what 'not looking too hot' even meant- Louise couldn't help but nod her head. After everything that had just happened, the sound of even a cold bath sounded wonderful. Beside her, Tabitha nodded curtly, and if Guiche's head bobbed up and down any faster it was going to fall off.
"Oh, thank you!" Kirche- the she-devil- crowed "I assume you have a place for us to draw up a bath?"
Yang blinked owlishly, as did Ruby. For a moment, Louise felt her heart sink and her ire rising.
"'Draw up a bath'?" Ruby repeated, questioningly and with a cocked head.
"Y-yes?" Zerbst fumbled, looking confused. "Filling a basin with warm water to bathe?"
Ruby mouthed an 'oh', her and Yang's faces lighting up in comprehension, thank the Founder.
"You mean filling up the bathtub?" Yang asked, "Yeah, we've got bathrooms- one of 'em for dad and uncle Qrow, and another for us."
Bathroom? Louise had never heard the word before, but she supposed it fit for a room you bathed in.
Wait, Crow? If she wasn't mistaken, wasn't that the Albionese word for a crow? What kind of barbarian named their child after a bird!? And one that feasted on carrion at that! Louise bit her tongue to keep her outrage in check, breathing deeply as she could.
"Ruby, why don't you bring, uh…" Yang trailed off, blinking. "Huh. I guess we never got any of your names, did we?"
Louise paused for a moment in surprise, and then her eyes widened, realizing that the girl was right. They'd never properly introduced themselves, had they? Zerbst opened her mouth to speak again.
"Well then!" Louise declared a little too quickly, cutting the Germanian off before clearing her throat. "I suppose we should apologize for forgetting our manners." Taking her skirt in her hands, Louise attempted a curtsy, grimacing as her legs ached in protest. "My name is Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Zerbst immediately shot her a brief scowl, before putting a smile on her face and turning back to their hosts.
"Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt Zerbst." She began, more formally than Louise expected. "Thank you for your hospitality!"
Guiche quickly stood as tall and as proud as his frazzled state allowed, stepping forwards.
"My name is Guiche de Gramont!" He said with a flourish, bow, and an attempt at a suave smile. "It is an honor to meet such beautiful maidens as yourselves!" The fop finished his introduction with a wink.
Louise could have sworn a vein started throbbing along her temple as Gramont reminded her- despite their circumstances- why he was considered a skirt-chaser by the student body. Yang apparently shared her irritation, narrowing her eyes, clenching her fists, scowling and stepping slightly in front of Ruby in response. The smaller girl grimaced a bit as she tried to awkwardly return Gramonts smile. Zerbst looked directly at the blonde with a raised eyebrow, and Tabitha simply maintained a blank expression.
"Tabitha." The bluenette introduced succinctly, breaking the awkward air between the strangers and Guiche. The latter quickly straightened himself up, trying rather transparently to pretend he hadn't inserted his entire foot into his mouth.
"Okaay." Yang said, looking slightly more confused than she had been before. "Right- well, my name is Yang. Yang Xiao Long." Shaking off her confusion, the blonde girl suddenly broke into a grin. "And this-"
Abruptly, she threw her arm out, grabbing Ruby by her sleeve. The redheaded girl yelped in surprise as she was abruptly pulled towards the taller girl and pulled into a headlock, and then made a sound halfway between a squawk and a squeak as Yang began to ruffle her hair.
"-is my little sister, Ruby!"
"Yaaaang!" The younger girl protested, struggling to try and pull herself out of the headlock with a pout.
Sisters? They looked nothing alike!
Louise frowned, squinting as she took a closer look at the newly-identified sisters. That wasn't quite true, now that she was looking for it; their noses had a somewhat similar shape, as did their eyes and their faces. It wasn't much, but it was there.
The way they acted wasn't like she was used to with her own siblings, either. Eleonore was far more strict and serious, and Cattleya was much less… physical in showing her affection, not to mention far more formal around company and gentle overall. That lack of proper etiquette was a mark against them being nobility, she determined, pushing down the frustration born from the social faux pass before her.
The blonde shook her head, smiling as she released her younger sister. "Ruby, why don't you show Louise, Kirche, and Tabitha where our bathroom is? I'll bring Guiche- " she once again narrowed her eyes at the fop, causing him to flinch, "- over to dad's."
If it weren't for how tired and filthy she felt and her drained willpower, Louise imagined she may have objected to the casual way Yang was speaking to herself and her peers. As things were, she simply couldn't find the energy to do so.
Ruby nodded, and both of the sisters made their way over to the stairs. Eager to clean up, the four nobles followed them.
Ruby led the way towards her and Yang's bathroom, Kirche, Tabitha, and Louise in tow, Yang having split off towards dad's room with Guiche. It didn't really take that long- it's not like the house was that big, after all- and then they were standing in front of her and Yang's bathroom door. Ruby wrung her hands nervously, before spinning around and doing her best to smile.
"So, here we are. The bathroom. So you can all wash yourselves off."
The girls awkwardly stood in silence for a moment, before Tabitha stepped forwards a bit.
"Thank you." She said, face blank. Ruby's smile became more natural regardless.
"You're welcome!" Ruby replied warmly. Quickly realizing the door was still closed, she turned and opened it, before stepping out of the way and looking back to the girls-
-who all looked confused. Why were they confused?
"Um. Is everything okay?"
Kirche smiled oddly, turning to face her.
"Oh, yes. I've just never seen a… bathroom like this before."
It was Ruby's turn to blink- she'd been doing a lot of that lately- at the girl who apparently hadn't seen a plain old bathroom before. Did they come from a settlement really far out in the wilderness, or something? But then why didn't they recognize the Grimm earlier? This was all really, really strange.
Right, questions later.
"Ah. Right. Okay. Well, it's just a normal bathroom. Shower is a bit sensitive, but-"
Ruby stared at the confused expression on Kirche's face, before looking to Louise and Tabitha to see neither of them looked like they were any less in the dark.
Oh boy.
Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, Yang leaned back, craning her neck to look over the back of the couch at the source of the noise upside-down. Ruby looked uncomfortable as she hurried to the ground floor, fiddling with her cloak.
"So, they didn't know what a shower was either, huh?" She half-asked, raising an eyebrow.
Ruby shook her head as she moved around the couch and plopped herself down on it next to her sister. Yang sat up in response.
"No, they didn't." Ruby said, frowning. "I mean, it's not as weird as them not knowing what Grimm are-" 'weird' wasn't what Yang would call it, "-but I had to explain it to them and I felt really, really awkward." Embarrassed, Ruby pulled on her hood.
Yang couldn't pass up the opportunity, grinning cheekily. "Oh, did you now? Is there a special reason my baby sister felt 'awkward' explaining how her shower worked to three pretty girls all by herself~?"
Ruby flushed in response, before growling and smacking at Yang's arm. The blonde laughed, and then straightened up and took on a more serious expression.
"Okay, but seriously, these people don't make any sense." She said, pulling out her scroll. "Not knowing what Grimm are, calling Vytalian 'Albionese', those three's names- where'd they even come from? How'd they even get here?"
Ruby frowned, looking at the stairs contemplatively. "I don't know. We saw that weird oval thing… maybe they got sucked up in some crazy Semblance when they got sent here? I didn't understand what was being said by that voice I heard, but I think it was Louise's and she doesn't have her Aura up, so maybe she has a teleportation semblance and used it before her Aura went down?"
"An explosive teleportation Semblance?" Yang asked, eyebrow cocked. "But why come here? And why'd you hear her clearly while I only heard gibberish?" She frowned, eyes narrowed.
"Well, she sounded kind of desperate, I think?" Ruby said, hesitantly. "So maybe they were in danger, and she activated her Semblance without a place to go, and- and yeah, I don't know either."
Yang sighed, and pulled out her scroll. Opening it revealed what she'd closed it on; the built-in web browser opened to the search engine, 'Albionese' typed into the search bar. The results were unrelated to what she wanted to know and unhelpful. She quickly closed out of that, pulling up her messages.
"I sent dad a text on the way back here." She said, looking over his reply. "He said he'd be coming back as soon as he finished up in town, so hopefully that doesn't take too long. I sent a message to uncle Qrow, too, but… well, he's out in the field, so I don't know if he's got it yet." WIth another sigh, she stood, putting away her scroll before stretching her arms over her head.
"Welp, no point in just sitting and waiting around. I'll grab some chairs from the kitchen. Why don't you grab something for our oh-so-mysterious guests to eat while we talk? This is probably going to take a while."
Ruby nodded, standing up herself. The two sisters made their way to the kitchen, and Yang shot a smirk at her sister.
"Just don't grab the strawberries. I don't think they'll like watching you eat all of 'em before they get the chance to have any."
Ruby scowled, crossing her arms and half-glaring at Yang. "My dearest sister," She said with exaggerated formality, "Just what are you implying?"
Yang laughed.
Tabitha had chosen to use this 'shower' last, making the tactical choice of allowing her more vain peers to go before her. Predictably, Kirche and Valliere had started squabbling over who would get to use it first after Ruby awkwardly explained how the contraption worked before hastily making her way down the hall and presumably downstairs, which had ended when Kirche had used her superior size to bodily push Valliere out of the way, closed the door, and locked it from the inside. Valliere had pounded on the bathroom door and sputtered indignant insults at Tabitha's only friend for a few minutes before grumbling and slouching against the wall.
Tabitha and Valliere had sat in silence for a few minutes, and the former had found herself missing her latest book- Valliere's explosions had torn it out of her hands back at the Academy, sadly enough- as they waited for Kirche to wash herself clean. Surprisingly, Kirche hadn't taken very long, stepping out of the now slightly steamy bathroom with magically-dried hair that had been hastily brushed straight, wearing her academy uniform once more despite its dirtied state. Valliere had been all too quick to push her way past the older girl and into the bathroom, almost slamming the door into Kirche's back in her haste to close it.
Kirche simply smirked at the door, before turning to Tabitha. "Well, the Zero is certainly in a mood." She remarked.
Tabitha nodded, idly drumming her fingers against her staff. "Understandable." She replied. Through the door, they heard the sound of water spraying from the 'showerhead', and a startled yelp of surprise. Kirche giggled in response, her grin widening.
"I can't blame her for her haste to use this, 'shower', though." She continued, stretching. "Honestly, if it weren't for the civil war, I'd have been tempted to come to Albion just to use one of these sooner. It's positively divine! I'm surprised I haven't heard of such a wonderful invention before now!"
Tabitha frowned. "It doesn't make sense." She said.
"This isn't a noble estate, and yet they have a luxury like this that we've never heard of." She elaborated. "It doesn't make sense."
Kirche brought up a hand to her chin, taking on a ponderous expression.
"Well, now that you say it, I suppose it doesn't make much sense, does it?" Kirche frowned, looking back to the bathroom door. "For such a thing to be found here means it can't be new or hard to come by, can it? Then we should have known about it before, at least in passing…"
Yes, they should have. They also should have heard about Albion having demonic monsters like those 'Grimm' running about and weapons like the sisters had been using. That they hadn't didn't make any sense… unless…
"We're not in Albion."
Kirche stared at her in surprise, lowering her hand from her chin and crossing her arms.
"What? But they're clearly speaking Albionese!"
Tabitha's frown deepened, and she shook her head. "They didn't call it that, and they didn't recognize 'Albionese'."
Kirche's eyes widened in realization, before narrowing. "Well, yes, but then why are they speaking it?"
Tabitha shrugged. "Don't know." She looked down the hall towards the stairs, face passive. "They looked confused at our names, too."
Kirche let out a groan of frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose, but before she could say anything else, the two girls heard footsteps coming down the hallway. They turned to see Gramont, his hair still wet but hastily combed into a rough approximation of its usual style regardless. Tabitha noted an odd, strong smell coming from him as he approached and a grimace on his face, but ignored it.
"Ah, Guiche. I see you-" Kirche paused, nose twitching before she grimaced. "Ugh. What is that smell?"
Gramont's eye twitched in response, the boy muttering something under his breath that neither of them caught before shaking his head.
"It, uh, doesn't matter. I assume we're waiting for the Zero, then?" He questioned.
Kirche nodded, folding her arms across her chest.
"Tabitha still needs to wash herself off, but decided to let Valliere go first. We were just discussing where we are, actually. Tabitha seems to think we aren't even in Albion, and I can't say she doesn't have a good point."
Gramont's eyes widened greatly, and he gaped at Tabitha. The bluenette simply nodded, and he frowned, confused.
"But we're speaking Albionese." He said. Kirche sighed, and opened her mouth to explain before another yelp and a wet thud sounded from behind the closed bathroom door. A string of undignified, unintelligible noises followed, and the 'shower' went quiet.
Kirche broke into giggles, before turning back to Gramont and beginning to catch him up on Tabitha's hypothesis. She had barely finished when the door swung open, revealing an irate pinkette straightening her academy uniform.
Tabitha slipped past her as she exited, choosing to ignore the argument brewing between Valliere and Kirche behind her. She closed the door, looked to the shower, and sighed, before beginning to get undressed.
The 'shower' was brief, but even Tabitha found herself wishing she had time to properly enjoy it. Warm water and the 'shampoo' Ruby had said they could use washed away the dirt from her hair and glasses, and the bottle of liquid the girl had said was soap allowed her to do the same to the rest of her body. The warmth of the shower left her feeling relaxed, but she fought the urge to dawdle in favor of cleaning off as fast as possible.
Soon, she had stepped out of the shower, and quickly dried herself off with a towel (set aside by Ruby during her explanation of what a shower was) and a brief application of wind magic. She could hear Valliere and Kirche still going at it through the door all the while, their voices somehow not at full volume despite the time they'd been left alone together.
Feeling clean and refreshed, a redressed Tabitha opened the door into the hallway, finding the sight beyond it unsurprising
"-you- you stupid, no-good, barbaric Germanian-!" Valliere was ranting, standing as tall as she could while glaring at Kirche with a furious expression.
"Come now, Zero. I'm only being honest!" Kirche interrupted, smugly.
Tabitha could see Valliere's face going an unhealthy shade of red, and the noble opened her mouth to no-doubt yell at Kirche and finally catch their hosts' attention if they hadn't already.
Without hesitation, Tabitha took action.
"Gah!" Valliere recoiled in surprise.
"T-Tabitha!" Kirche whined, doing the same and dramatically clutching the side of her head where Tabitha had lightly hit her with her staff.
Seeing that her uncharacteristic application of blunt force had caught her friend and her classmate's attention, Tabitha cleared her throat, staff still slightly raised.
"No arguing." Tabitha ordered, before moving towards the stairs. Valliere began grumbling behind her, but after a moment Tabitha could hear her following nonetheless. Two more sets of feet padding along the wooden floor told her the others were doing the same.
They walked down the stairs quickly. In the parlor, Ruby and Yang sat on two plain, wooden chairs that had been set up opposite the couch, an additional empty one next to them. They were focused on that strange thing Yang had pulled out while they were walking, Ruby leaning on her sister's shoulder to see it in the blonde's lap. On the table was a white pottery bowl filled with blueberries. As Tabitha entered their line of sight, Ruby glanced up at her, and Yang quickly tucked the thing away in her pocket.
The nobles quickly sat down; Gramont seated himself on the cushioned chair, leaving a scowling Valliere to sit down on one side of the couch and Kirche the other. Unfortunately, this meant Tabitha found herself sitting between the two. Mercifully, her and Valliere's size as well as the latter's effort to push herself as far away from Kirche as possible gave her plenty of room to do so.
The room was quiet for a moment, before Ruby cleared her throat.
"Soooo…" She began, forcing a smile on her face. "Um… where are you guys from?"
Straight to the point, then.
"Well, I-" Valliere began, sitting up straight.
"We," Kirche interrupted, earning herself an angry glare from Valliere, "Are second year students at the Tristain Academy of Magic."
Both of the sisters stared at Kirche with open disbelief, though Kirche, Gramont and Valliere didn't seem to notice.
"Yes," Valliere growled, "Though only some of us are actually from Tristain-"
"You're joking, right?"
Valliere's mouth closed with an audible clack of her teeth, the Tristanian balking at Yang's interruption.
"Excuse me?" The Valliere asked, angrily.
"'The Tristain Academy of Magic?'" The blonde parroted, skeptically.
"Yang!" Ruby whisper-yeleld, pulling on her sister's sleeve.
"Look, come on." Yang scoffed, crossing her arms. "Magic isn't even real."
Gramont's jaw dropped open, his eyes going wide. Kirche stared at Yang like the girl had grown a second head. Tabitha blinked, and despite her experience her own eyes went wide.
'Magic isn't even real'? The very sentence was unthinkable. Magic was everything. It dominated society, the wilderness, the very world itself. As much as muscle and brainpower, magic kept human society together.
Valliere's face went slack in shock. Then, she was furious, her eyes narrowed, teeth clenched, and body shaking.
"Not- not real? Not real!?" Suddenly, Valliere was on her feet. "How dare you!? It's the holy legacy of the Founder, the mark of the nobility's right to rule! You can find it in every corner of the world! You- you- what kind of backwater barbarians think magic isn't real!?"
The sisters were taken aback by the sudden surge of anger, recoiling. Yang recovered first, her eyes turning crimson as she too rose to her feet. Tabitha tightened her grip on her staff.
"Hey!" Yang snarled, clenching her fists.
"Yang!" Ruby shouted, grabbing the blonde's arm from her seat. The older girl froze, turning to look at her younger sister. The two shared a long look, and then the blonde closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, her eyes were back to being violet, and she returned to her seat.
For a moment things were quiet, and Valliere's sudden anger began to diminish somewhat as her body stopped shaking.
"You're serious?" Yang asked after a moment, her own anger dulled with rising shock as she seemed to realize Valliere was genuinely outraged and shocked.
"Yes!" Valliere exclaimed, "Founder have mercy, how do you live in Albion and not know what magic is?"
Before either of the shocked and confused sisters could reply, Tabitha spoke up.
"We're not in Albion."
The remark caused Valliere to pause, before whipping her head around to face the bluenette, mouth agape.
"Do you have a map?" Tabitha asked the sisters, taking the initiative.
"O-oh! Yeah!" Ruby replied, quickly opening one of the compartments on her belt and pulling out another of those strange devices. With ease that spoke of practice, she opened it, and Tabitha's peers gaped in shock at the glowing glass.
"What is that?" Gramont asked.
Ruby blinked, and waved the thing around. "It's my scroll! It, uh, connects to the CCT network-" The girl stopped, and then shook her head. "U-um, nevermind, I'll explain later. Just let me pull up the map."
"Scroll? B-but that's not-" Gramont sputtered.
"Aha! Here we go." Ruby exclaimed, cutting the noble off.
The girl put the 'scroll' on the table and turned it to face them, pushing the untouched bowl of blueberries aside. Tabitha leaned forwards to examine the device, and Valliere and Kirche followed suit. Gramont stood up, moving to look over their shoulders and do the same.
Somehow, there was a map on the glass panel, and Tabitha stared in shock at what it showed. Kirche sucked in a breath through her teeth, Gramont gasped, and Valliere's breathing quickened to an alarming pace.
The map was completely foreign to them. Five land masses dominated it, three of them resembling dragons to varied degrees. Each of them were labeled with a name, and even though she was slightly rusty in her written Albionese she could read them clearly; Solitas, Saunas, Menagerie, Anima, and Deserta. She could see a few shapes in the landscape presented that resembled Halkeginia, but only very vaguely and attached to landmasses she didn't recognize at all.
Valliere sat down abruptly beside her, nearly knocking Gramont over. Kirche remained leaning forwards, eyes darting over the map. Tabitha sat straight, looking at their hosts to find them looking both confused and concerned.
"T-this map- what is it of?" Kirche asked, shakily. The two sisters looked very concerned now, Yang's previous anger seemingly washed away entirely.
"It's a map of Remnant." Ruby started, slowly. "The whole world. I, erm, I can- I can try to zoom in if…" She trailed off.
It was rather apparent why. Gramont had returned to his seat, looking pale. Kirche had covered her mouth with her hands, looking more lost than Tabitha had ever seen her. Valliere was shaking, having wrapped her arms around herself as she struggled to keep her breathing under control.
Despite herself, Tabitha couldn't blame her. It was taking notable self control to keep herself from shaking slightly as well, her knuckles going white as she tightened her grasp on her staff. She stared hard at Ruby, searching for the slightest hint of deception. To her dismay, she found only honesty in those silver eyes.
This is the entire world? Nothing looks right- even though mapmakers can be inaccurate, they couldn't have been this far off, could they? Mathematicians calculated the circumference of the world thousands of years ago, so it can't just be explained by size. Where on Gaia are we?
Gaia. Ruby hadn't called it that, had she? Despite speaking Albionese, she'd called the world Remnant. Perhaps it was just the term used wherever they found themselves… or-
Suddenly, Tabitha couldn't breathe. It was like she'd been punched by an ogre as a possibility sprung to her mind. Then, her lungs started working again as she used her head and pushed it aside.
No. No, that couldn't be it. That couldn't be the answer. That was impossible- the subject of fiction.
But what if it is? Asked a treasonous inner voice.
If… if that's true… then.
Joseph. Mother-
No. Surely there was a reasonable explanation-
"You- you're lying!"
The shaky, angry voice broke Tabitha from her thoughts, and she realized Valliere was standing once again. The girl's eyes were wild, desperate, and her fists were clenched in a vice-grip.
"This can't be a map of the entire world- of Gaia!" Valliere continued, her voice cracking. "No one has explored that much of it to make it, and- and it doesn't even look right! You- you!"
Valliere quickly pulled her wand, pointing it at the two sisters. With a series of mechanical clicks, Yang's bracers unfolded as she stood and cocked back a fist and sprang to her feet again, causing its bracer to shift with a ka-chuk. Tabitha tensed, preparing to rise to her own feet. Kirche's eyes widened, and she grabbed but didn't draw her own wand. Gramont scrambled for his own focus.
"Wait!" Ruby shouted, jumping to her feet and grabbing Yang's arm. The blonde's eyes- once again a fiery red- turned to her sister for a moment, before glaring back at Valliere.
"No!" Valliere shouted, gripping her wand tighter. "You're- this can't be right! It can't! Where's Halkeginia? Where's Tristain!? Albion, Romalia, Gallia, Germania, even! Where's-!" Valliere choked, and Tabitha saw tears starting to form in her eyes.
Yang tensed but her eyes returned to their violet hue as pity began to form on her face. Ruby pulled her arm down, shooting her a pleading look. Yang sighed, but didn't raise her arm again. Then, Ruby turned to Valliere, holding up her hands, palms facing forwards.
"H-hey. Look, I- I know-" Ruby paused, breathing in for a moment before continuing. "I know you're feeling… lost. It doesn't sound like you recognize anything, and you're scared-"
"I- I'm not scared!" Valliere bit out, shaking again. "This just- it just can't be-!"
Valliere's eyes darted to Kirche, who was still seated. The older girl's eyes were soft and pitying, and her mouth was set into a gentle frown. It was an expression of worry that Tabitha had seen directed at Valliere before- as recently as the Springtime Summoning Ritual that had sent them here, in fact- but Tabitha had never seen it on Kirche's face where the daughter of the Valliere could see it before.
Valliere grit her teeth in response, tearing her eyes away to look back to Ruby. The red-cloaked girl's own expression was one of raw concern, her silver eyes staring directly into Valliere's pink irises. The pinkette seemed to deflate slightly, her shaking intensifying and shoulders drooping, but she didn't lower her wand.
"I- I- it can't- I couldn't have- you have to be-!"
"Louise," Ruby spoke up again, her voice gentle and full of sympathy, "I promise. I'm- we're not lying."
The clicks and whirls of Yang's bracelets compacting filled the air, the tension gone from her body and her eyes once more their normal color. She put a gentle hand on her sister's shoulder, mirroring Ruby's expression.
Valliere finally dropped her wand to her side, breathing in a shuddering breath. In an uncharacteristically undignified movement, she dropped back onto the couch once again, blinking the tears from her eyes and returning to hugging herself as she tried to regain her composure. Slowly, the Xiao Long sisters sat down themselves, eyes scanning the nobles in concern.
Kirche and Gramont both dropped their tensed postures; the former continued to look at Valliere in concern, and Gramont setting his mouth into a thin line. Tabitha kept her staff in a firm grip, grounding herself with it as she looked back to the sisters.
"Where are we?" She asked, even as the question brought a ball of ice to her stomach.
"Well," Ruby answered, seemingly glad for the chance to break the silence. She reached out, pointing to a small island near the southeastern continent. "You're currently on the island of Patch, about an hour inland from the settlement of Jacobsville."
Tabitha frowned at the unfamiliar names. "And the country?"
"Oh, right!" Ruby quickly slid two fingers apart from each other on the scroll, and Tabitha was shocked when the map focused into a closer look at the western half of the continent. New names accompanied by dots appeared across its surface, shifting with the magnification. "You're in the Kingdom of Vale, right near the City of Vale."
Tabitha thought many nobles in Halkeginia would have balked at the sheer size of this previously unknown kingdom, its marked borders seeming to make it larger than all of Halkeginia's nations combined. She felt the couch shift as Kirche leaned in beside her to look at the map as well, looking unusually reserved, and heard Gramont moving to get a better look himself. Valliere didn't move much, but turned her head to look too, the tears gone from her eyes.
For a moment, they sat in silence, looking at the map. It was Yang who broke the silence.
"So, you guys said something about magic?"
Tabitha looked up at the blonde. She looked genuinely unsure, and if Tabitha wasn't mistaken, a bit guilty.
"You've really never heard of magic?" Kirche asked, raising an eyebrow. The blonde nodded, crossing her arms, and Kirche grimaced. Tabitha understood why; if they really didn't know about magic at all- if they really were in a place where magic was unheard of, never even discovered- then they must be very far from home indeed.
Possibly even-
No. There had to be another explanation. Perhaps Halkeginia simply had never been found by these strange people?
"But then what did you do in the clearing, against those 'Grimm'?" Valliere asked, quietly. The girl sounded more composed, but her expression was still lacking vigor.
Both the sisters looked to the nobles, confused
"We… fought them?" Ruby half-stated.
"I mean, we have our Aura unlocked and plenty of training with it, so it wasn't that impressive!" Yang continued.
"Aura?" Tabitha questioned.
Ruby's eyes went wide in shock, and Yang's jaw dropped.
"Aura?" Ruby began, "The light of our souls? The forcefield that makes us super strong and protects us so we can fight the Grimm and wait you didn't know what those are either-"
The redhead paused, her eyes lighting up like she had an idea. She closed her eyes, and breathed, as if focusing. Then, a shining, rose red light began to shine around her, wrapping around her body and clothes. Tabitha's peers stared in awe at the display, and Tabitha couldn't deny she felt the same.
Of course, with the awe came caution. Whatever she was doing was most certainly not magic of the founder. She had said it was the manifestation of her soul, and the only ones who she knew of who tried to affect such things were necromancers. But somehow, Tabitha felt like that wasn't what this was. The light looked too… warm to be compared to something as foul as necromancy.
Then, Ruby opened her eyes, and the light was gone. Seeing the awed looks in front of her, she blushed, pulling up her hood and nervously scuffing her foot against the carpet.
"...y'know, that?" She muttered.
"N-no. I'm afraid we've never seen anything like... that before." Gramont said, still gobsmacked by the display of light they'd seen. "How is that not magic?"
The sisters seemed to be equally surprised at their lack of recognition, and Yang rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Well, um," Ruby began, "I heard someone on TV say that Aura isn't magic 'cause it's 'measurable and quantifiable'?"
Gramont opened his mouth- likely to argue against the notion that something like a soul could be measured- but wisely decided not to as he closed his mouth with a clack of his teeth.
"Wait," Yang said, "That means you guys don't even have your Aura unlocked. And without that, none of you had a Semblance… then how did you get here?"
Valliere grimaced at the question, but did her best to sit up straight despite that.
"Accident." Tabitha stated, drawing the sisters' and her peers' eyes to herself. "An attempted ritual went wrong."
"Ritual'?" Yang repeated, "Like, a magic ritual?"
Tabitha nodded, and she could see some of Yang's earlier disbelief return to her face, though she was trying to hide it.
"What is a 'Semblance'?" Gramont asked, causing Yang to stare at him for a moment before lightly slapping her forehead.
"Oh, right!" She exclaimed. "You guys, uh, wouldn't know if you actually don't know about Aura, would you? Well, a Semblance is a unique power fueled by your Aura that everybody with an unlocked Aura can have. It takes people a while to find theirs usually- I didn't find mine for a few years after dad unlocked my Aura!"
The nobles took a moment to process this newest information, and Tabitha frowned. She couldn't understand how this 'Aura' couldn't be considered magic herself, still. And these Semblances- was that how Ruby had burst away into rose petals?
"You said 'Aura' is unlocked?" Tabitha asked, shifting slightly.
"Yup." Yang confirmed, oddly popping the P. "Everyone who has a soul has Aura, but you can't use it if you don't unlock it. Usually someone else will do it for you nowadays, but some people manage to unlock it themselves."
Everyone had Aura? Everyone could use this strange not-magic? Tabitha could see her own surprise mirrored on her classmate's faces. The thought of everyone being able to not only use such abilities, but to unlock them in others was unthinkable, as were the repercussions of such.
"E-even the commoners?" Valliere stuttered, eyes wide.
"If you mean your regular civilians, then yeah." Yang answered, confused. "Why wouldn't they?"
Valliere gaped, opening and closing her mouth like a fish. Gramont looked like he wanted to join her.
"Because they're commoners!" Valliere exclaimed, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ruby and Yang seemed almost offended at the statement.
"But why would that matter? They've got souls, too!" Ruby said, brow scrunching in confusion.
"Of course they do," Valliere answered, hotly, "but if they don't have magic, and everyone has this, this... not-magic of yours, then what gives your nobles the right to rule?"
The Xiao Long sisters both stared at the noble with surprise and confusion in equal measure.
"Nobles?" Ruby began, "Like, kings, and queens, and dukes n' stuff?"
Valliere floundered for a second in shock, Kirche and Gramont looking almost as surprised as the pinkette. Drawing herself back up, Valliere continued.
"'Dukes and stuff'?" She repeated, eyes bulging from their sockets and her face turning red in anger, "'Dukes and stuff'!? That's- how- you said this was a kingdom! You can't- I-!"
The life had finally returned to Valliere, it seemed. The girl looked furious.
"Hey, we know what nobles are!" Yang shot back, narrowing her eyes. "It's just that there aren't any nobles in Vale. It's called a kingdom, but Vale hasn't even had a king or queen for 80 years now!"
Valliere's draw dropped, and the girl continued to splutter. Gramont, too, seemed to be taken aback, gaping like a fish. Tabitha was also surprised. They had said this was a kingdom, afterall, but it had no monarchy? No nobility?
"B-but why would you call it a kingdom if it's not!?" Valliere finally got out. "It doesn't- that's-!"
Valliere made a noise of pure frustration, angrily clenching her fists and tightening her shoulders. Yang scowled. Ruby, in contrast, had her face light up in realization.
"Wait, are you guys nobility where you're from?" She asked.
"Yes, we are." Kirche replied, putting a hand on her chest haughtily. "As I said before, I am Kirche von Zerbst, eldest daughter of Duke Ludwig von Zerbst." She pointed to Gramont next.
"I am Guiche de Gramont, fourth son of Duke Gaston de Gramont!" Gramont said, taking his queue and puffing out his chest.
Then, Kirche pointed to the still fuming Valliere. "And she-"
"I can speak for myself, Zerbst!" Valliere hissed, before clearing her throat and puffing up her chest. "I am Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere, third daughter of Duchess Karin Desiree de la Valliere and Duke Phillipe Gerard de la Valliere."
The two sisters had very different reactions. Yang appeared unimpressed mostly, thought she did raise an eyebrow, and Valliere scowled as she glared at the girl in response. Ruby looked excited however eyeing the nobles in wonder.
"And what about you?" Yang asked, turning to Tabitha.
Tabitha shook her head. No one- not even Kirche- knew of her true noble lineage, and she'd rather keep things like that.
"Don't have a family name." She stated.
Yang gasped in surprise, both her and her sister staring at Tabitha in open-mouthed shock. Both of their eyes radiated pity, especially Yang's.
"What? You… you don't have a family name?" Ruby asked, her voice sad. Tabitha nodded curtly, and Ruby's expression of pity and sadness grew. Tabitha felt it didn't fit the girl's face.
"However," Tabitha began, "I am a chevalier."
Behind her, Valliere- who had decided to finally indulge in a few of the blueberries on the table- choked in surprise, letting out a rather undignified coughing fit. Gramont's eyes bulged comically as his head whipped around to the bluenette, mouth agape.
"Y-you're a chevalier?" He asked, eyes focused directly on her. She nodded.
"A shey-valley-eer?" Ruby asked. Tabitha watched as Valliere's entire face twitched at the butchering of the title's pronunciation.
"Chevalier." Kirche corrected before Valliere could explode. "It is a title used in Tristain and Gallia. Only the reigning monarch or an acting regent can give it to someone, and it is meant to be given to honor them for their service to the kingdom."
"Like a knight." Ruby whispered, seemingly starstruck. At Kirche's nod, the girl beamed. "That is so cool!"
Cool? The way Ruby used the word was odd, so Tabitha could only assume she wasn't referring to temperature. Looking to Yang, she saw that the blonde looked a little in awe herself, though that quickly gave way to another sad look.
"Indeed. Well, you showed us this, 'Aura'," Kirche chimed in. Tabitha's friend had forced a smile on her face, and was clearly trying to change the topic away from Tabitha. Her brown eyes flicked in Tabitha's direction for a moment, and the bluenette allowed herself a small, grateful smile.
"So why don't we show you magic? You said your 'Semblances' use Aura to work, right?" Kirche continued. The Xiao Longs nodded. "Well, since we don't have Aura, then obviously anything we can do can't be either one of your 'Semblances'!" Kirche's commonly known bravado had returned to her voice. Tabitha could tell it was slightly forced.
Yang looked thoughtful for a moment, and then nodded. Ruby's eyes lit up as she bobbed her head as well, her face breaking out into an excited grin. Valliere simply continued to mutter angrily for a moment, before growling and crossing her arms with a, "Hmph," as she seemingly decided to let the previous matter drop for the moment.
Still smiling, Kirche pulled out her wand with an exaggerated flourish. Then, she incanted the levitation spell, and pointed her wand at Ruby. The girl's silver eyes widened and she let out a squeak of surprise as she began to float off the ground, rising half-way to the ceiling before stopping. She kicked her legs experimentally, and then started smiling once more.
"Woah!" She breathed in awe.
"A-and you guys can all do that?" Yang asked.
Tabitha nodded in response. With a quick incantation of her own, Yang rose off the ground as well, rising to her sister's height as her eyes widened as well.
"This. Is. Awesome!" Ruby shouted, throwing up her arms is joy. The simple glee on her face seemed to fill up the room somewhat, Kirche's smile becoming much more genuine and Gramont puffing out his chest proudly despite his lack of action. Tabitha's own lips quirked up into a small smile as well, watching the silver-eyed girl try to twirl herself around mid-air with a laugh. Yang shook off her own shock slightly, beaming happily towards her sister.
Only Valliere remained reserved, looking like she'd bitten into a lemon, now glaring at Kirche.
Yang's eyes turned back to the nobles, looking them up and down once again from her suspended position. Tabitha took note of how they lingered on Valliere's uneven hair and the various bumps, bruises, and scrapes the Halkeginians bore. The blonde breathed in and out, before nodding.
Satisfied with her display, Kirche brought her wand down slowly, returning Ruby to the floor. The red-cloaked girl let out a disappointed, "Aw!", pouting ever so slightly before her smile returned. Taking her queue, Tabitha returned Yang to the floor as well.
"Right. Magic. That's…" Yang said, sitting down. She paused, and took a deep breath. "A thing. You guys said that magic brought you here, right? That there was an acc-"
The Valean stopped as a muffled hiss and squealing came through the door, Kirche and Gramont's familiars reacting to something unknown. Tabitha was on her feet soon after, but before she could do anything, the sound of her classmate's familiars was joined by barking.
Ruby's eyes widened, and her smile grew.
"Oh, that's Zwei! Dad's here!"
The silver-eyed girl suddenly moved, zipping to the door as a nearly imperceptible blur, rose petals appearing and then falling to the wooden floor behind her. She opened the door quickly, revealing the outside world once again.
Yang stood to her feet and sighed in relief, slowly moving to follow with a smile of her own. Tabitha followed suit, and she could hear her peers doing the same behind her.
Following Yang out the door revealed a curious sight. A small dog was sitting in front of Gramont's mole, sniffing at its face and wagging its stubby tail as the familiar tried to back away from the canine. Kirche's fire salamander- Flame, Tabitha recalled she'd named it- was curled up on top of a nearby tree stump, reptilian eyes watching the proceedings while lazily flicking out its tongue.
Standing nearby was a tall, tanned, muscular man with short, messy blonde hair a shade lighter than Yang or Gramont's, his stubble and small bit of facial hair below his bottom lip being the same color. He wore odd, light brown pants that went down to just past his knees, a beige buttoned shirt with brown trim and a wide, popped collar, and a small brown jacket. On his right arm he wore a dull metal pauldron above an almost heart-shaped tattoo as well as a leather bracer and fingerless glove, and he had a dull orange band tied around his left bicep.
The man's eyebrow was currently arced as he looked at the familiars and what Tabitha assumed was the family's dog, blue eyes staring at the two creatures. In his arms, he was carrying what looked like a large brown bag that looked almost like it was made of brown paper.
In an instant, Ruby had crossed the distance between the door and what Tabitha assumed was her father, embracing the man in a one-way hug.
"Hey, Ruby!" He greeted as she let him go, stepping back. "Sorry it took me so long, sweetie- I got Yang's message, and finished up as soon as I could."
Yang had sent a message to her father? Tabitha glanced at the girl out of the corner of her eye, only to see her smiling completely unconcerned at her father as she started towards them. How and when had she done that?
"It's okay, dad!" Ruby replied, smiling.
The man looked up, smiling at his older daughter before turning his gaze to the Halkeginians. The blue orbs scanned over them critically, even as he gave them an easy smile. Tabitha could see hints of well-hidden tension in his stance that suggested caution.
"So, these are the strangers who, uh, appeared when you two were training, then?" His daughters nodded. "Well, then I guess I should introduce myself. My name's Taiyang Xiao Long. I'm a teacher at Signal Combat Academy."
Signal Combat Academy? Tabitha carefully appraised the man, taking note of the faint lines of scars on his arms and legs. A soldier? Were Yang and Ruby following in his footsteps?
She kept her staff in hand as she watched the man embrace his eldest daughter, beaming. When they pulled apart, he gestured off to the side of the house.
"Alright. You two can help me unload the groceries real quickly. Fill me in on your friends here while you're at it." He turned to face Tabitha and her peers, still smiling. "If you're comfortable, why don't you four wait in the living room for us to get done? I'm sure Yang and Ruby have asked plenty of questions, but I'm sure I'll have some of my own when I'm all caught up."
The man turned to the dog, which was now licking at Gramont's familiar happily.
"Zwei!" The dog perked up, head cocking towards his owner. The mole scrambled away and started digging into the earth while Zwei was distracted. Dutifully, the small dog followed his master as they moved towards the side of the house.
Between Ruby, Yang, and himself, it hadn't taken the three members of the Xiao Long-Rose household long to get the groceries and supplies Tai had gotten into the kitchen. The food he'd bought (barring the cans, which would be going into the pantry in the basement) was quickly put away, and as they worked his daughters quickly filled him in on their unexpected guests.
"-and then Tabitha did the same thing, and Yang started floating too!" Ruby explained as she tucked the last of the food away. "It was actual magic! It was super cool, dad!"
"Oh, was it now?" Tai asked, an impish grin coming to his face. "Well, it really sounds like they swept you two off your feet, huh?" Yang- who had stopped to get herself a glass of water- abruptly choked on the gulp she had been taking. "Do I need to have a talk with our guests?"
Yang cackled between coughs as Ruby flushed, faux glaring at him and puffing out her cheeks. Tai let out a laugh of his own, Ruby eventually letting out an amused snort despite herself.
Tai smiled at his daughters, even as he went over everything he was being told with concern. Four people suddenly appearing out of thin air, claiming to be magical and seemingly not knowing anything about Remnant? Said people additionally having the ability to at least appear to back up those claims? It set off more than a few alarm bells, and in regard to their 'magic', it was worryingly and painfully familiar.
"Right. Well, why don't you go out and check on our guests?" Tai suggested, glancing over at the clock on the wall. It was a bit past noon. "I'll whip up a late lunch real quick, and then join you."
"Sure!" Ruby responded, moving for the door into the living room. Yang followed, still trying to catch her breath. Tai frowned for a moment, crossing his arms.
"And girls?" He called after them, causing the two to stop and turn to face him. "Hold off on questions a bit for now."
"Why?" Yang asked, surprised. "We still don't really know much about them! Didn't you say you were going to want to ask some questions, too?"
"I know, Yang." Tai said, gently. "But it sounds like these people have been through a lot, and from what you said they're sounding a bit overwhelmed as it is. There's a lot they need to think about already, so it's probably best to hold off on piling on too much more for now." He shifted his weight to his left leg. "I'm not saying to not explain anything or ask about anything at all, but just… try to keep it light for 'em, okay?"
Her face lighting up in understanding, his youngest nodded, Yang following her lead a second later.
"Now," Tai continued, "Unless you want to stay and help make lunch…"
Abruptly, his daughters scrambled for the door, making Tai chuckle. As it closed behind them and Ruby's muffled voice began talking on the other side, his face turned downwards into a frown.
If he hadn't known magic already existed ever since that day when Oz invited STRQ up to his office all the way back in their fourth year at Beacon, he might have been more hesitant to believe the claims the strange kids currently sitting in his living room were making, thinking they'd just pulled the wool over his daughters' eyes. But he did know magic was real, and that knowledge made everything his girls had told him make sense in a way he didn't really want it to.
He'd seen them, and it had been abundantly clear to his experienced eyes that the girls weren't imagining the strangers' lack of Aura- their scrapes and bruises should have been healed or at least healing if they did. Combine that with two of them using the same ability without a trace of Dust use to be seen...
And Tai found his stomach churning in an uncomfortably familiar way.
Quickly, he pulled out his scroll, opening up his contacts. He scrolled through the list, stopping at the image of an all-too familiar grey haired man he hadn't talked to directly in years before last night.
Tai would be the first to admit he wasn't the most fond of Ozpin. He knew the headmaster meant well, but after Raven and Summer, he couldn't help it. They and Qrow had all gotten wrapped up in Oz's secret society, and now Qrow was all that was left. Even though the former had chosen to run off of her own free will- abandoning Oz's cause as much as she did her family- and even Oz didn't know where Summer had gone or been doing on that damn mission, it was hard not to hold somewhat of a grudge against the man, irrational as it was.
Losing two wives and being left to pick up the pieces tended to do that to a man.
Even still, Tai tapped on his name, and started to type out a message. Magic was something he was completely unprepared to deal with, and loathe as he was to admit it, that meant he was out of his league here. Oz was infinitely better equipped and informed about this kind of thing, and hopefully he'd be willing to help him figure out what the hell to do from here.
And if he was lucky, then he could keep his daughters from getting sucked into the same conflict their mothers had been- for now, at the very least. They were too much like Summer to not get involved if they ever were let in on things or pieced it together themselves, as much as the thought scared him. He'd always known- ever since his brave, wonderful little girls declared they were going to be Huntresses- that there was the way too likely chance they'd do so.
But gods, he hoped it wasn't this soon.
Finishing his message, he quickly tucked his scroll back in his pocket and turned to the breadbox on the counter.
In a large, round room high above the City of Vale, a man sat behind a glass-surfaced desk. Behind his chair was inside of Beacon Tower's large clock face, and above him a series of finely tuned cogs, gears, and pendulums moved with mechanical grace. He had grey, tousled hair, brown eyes, and wore a pair of small, shaded spectacles. His dark green suit and button-up vest beneath were immaculate as always, as was his usual green cowl and the silver cross-shaped pin on its front. His hands were folded in front of him as he examined the holographic screen projected before him.
The transcripts on the screen were simply stupendous. They advertised many long years of hard training and spectacular results born from it, claiming their applicant to be a prodigy of Pharos Academy with the highest of marks in his classes. To the uninformed, these transcripts might be considered to be the herald of a truly great Huntsman to be.
Of course, to Ozpin's far more informed self, they were quite blatantly a forgery.
Dates didn't line up. The grades were too perfect. The claims of this 'Jaune Arc's' combat prowess were vague, making no mention of the boy's semblance, fighting style, or his weapon. The transcripts were accompanied by a recommendation that was supposedly written by a professor who had not been in Pharos Combat Academy's employ for half a decade. And perhaps most damningly, not a single one of Pharos' professors could claim to know of the supposed-prodigy they had supposedly trained.
Which was why, of course, Ozpin approved the application. It took either determination or desperation to send fake transcripts to arguably the most prestigious Huntsman Academy on Remnant, and no small amount of either foolishness and perhaps bravery as well. Huntsmen of great standing and skill had come from lesser backgrounds and character, and so Ozpin felt inclined to give the boy a chance.
There would be no harm in allowing the boy to at the very least attempt initiation. Where he to prove himself to be unfit for the Academy- either by failing initiation, or via his conduct- he could easily be removed before the start of the school year. Were he to succeed, he would be granted the opportunity to attend Beacon and truly prove himself.
Of course, it was perhaps better that he keep Glynda in the dark about this for the time being. She would no doubt take issue with allowing him to attend at all.
The buzzing of his scroll brought his focus to the device laying on his desk. With a few taps on the glass surface in front of him, the scroll connected to his desk, replacing the hologram of Mister Arc's transcripts with a message from a surprising individual. Taiyang Xiao Long hadn't directly contacted him in years, after all, choosing to stay uninvolved with Ozpin directly following the disappearance of his first wife.
His eyes scanned the contents of the message, his hand moving to his simple mug bearing the dual axes of Vale and bringing it to his lips. Sipping at his cocoa, he frowned.
This was… concerning. Very concerning indeed.
Placing down his cocoa, Ozpin's free hand moved across the surface of his desk, pulling up another projection. More movements quickly began to flag meetings meant to be had tomorrow to be rescheduled and responsibilities to be given to the professors under him. That accomplished, he turned his focus to his scroll, removing it from his desk and quickly beginning to write a response to Taiyang. All the while, his mind raced, considering this sudden change to the status quo.
These 'Halkeginians' would need to stay at the Xiao Long-Rose household for tonight while he prepared alternative lodgings and the beginnings of documentation for them. They would need to be kept secret, and Taiyang would need to make sure his daughters understood that. Ozpin would make sure to further impress the need for secrecy- gently- upon the young Miss Rose and Miss Xiao Long in person when he arrived at their home tomorrow. He would much prefer to see them today, but with Taiyang's description of their current status they would need a long night's rest to process what they had learned already lest they begin feeling even more overwhelmed and lash out.
Further, he would need to determine how best to tell his allies about this new development. For the moment, he would play things safe and keep this between himself and Glynda, but he would have to tell them eventually lest they put together the pieces themselves. The distrust that would sow would be difficult to mend, and so he would need to pre-empt it.
Finally, there was the matter of what to do with the children in the long term. Four individuals bearing magic appearing out of nowhere from a place previously unheard of would no doubt capture Her attention soon enough, no matter how hard he tried to hide their presence. It would be paramount to make sure they were defended, and- seeing as they had no knowledge of Aura- taught to defend themselves quickly as possible. These four had the potential to change everything, and he couldn't allow them to fall into the hands of the enemy.
There was also the possibility to consider that their magic wasn't the same as his own magic. That it wasn't the magic of the Brothers that these strangers wielded, but something different entirely. Possibly, even, something he had thought lost to the world for a long, long time. If that were the case…
Then that made keeping these displaced souls out of Salem's hands all the more important.
But he was getting ahead of himself, and with practice born of millennia of experience, Ozpin refocused himself on the task at hand. Already, an idea had formed in his head. Ozpin drained the last of his cocoa, and got to work. He had much to get done, after all, and only so much time to do it.
Finally, this chapter is done. Sorry for the delay! Konk'd out after work on the yesterday and woke up late because my phone died, which meant that I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to get this done for y'all then- I may have actually gotten this done yesterday if I had woke up when I wanted to. Ah, well, water under the bridge and all that!
Not sure how well this chapter reads to y'all, but I tried my best to capture the reactions of the Halkeginians in the moment and handle exposition without doing a giant info dump. And our poor Halkeginians haven't even explained/had explained to them nearly everything yet!
God, if I have to write, "shocked" or any of its synonyms that many times again any time soon, I'mma lose it. Ah, well. The pains of writing and creative choices, eh?
So, yeah. Kirche and Guiche still haven't really gotten dedicated POV moments just yet, but that's going to be changing soon. Probably going to try to squeeze in at least something next chapter and the one after that. And hark, good ol' Oz has plans to come around to check things out in person. Of course, before he does that, there's more that's gotta happen- it's only just past noon on the first day, after all, and the Halkeginians are staying overnight. There's gonna be another chapter before he meets everyone as a result, and a few more revelations to be had. Hopefully, said chapter should be more in length with Chapter 1, and I'll be starting on it tomorrow once I'm done with the half-shift I've gotta work.
And yes, Tai knows about magic and the Ozluminati/Brotherhood/[Insert Preferred Name Here]. To an extent, at least; he doesn't know nearly as much as Qrow, Raven, or Summer do/did. He knows a bit about the Maidens, knows that Oz is trying to protect them, and knows that Oz has the ability to give out abilities like he did with Qrow and Raven. He does not know at all about Salem, the Brothers, or the Relics. It just makes sense for him to be at least a little bit in on the loop, considering Qrow and Raven were involved with it all and it's kinda implied that so was Summer to some degree.
Also, you might be wondering about Jacobsville. Well, the island itself is called Patch, but we're never given the canonical name of any settlements on Patch so I decided to come up with one myself. Kudos to anyone who gets its inspiration!
As for what Oz knows... well, you're gonna have to wait and see on that one, won'tcha?
As always, constructive criticism and speculation is entirely encouraged! Until next update!