remembered Dream -what do I do with the scence?

So I remember one of my dreams from last night. It was very weird and ended with me waking up screaming. Regardless it was something my brain created, now I ponder what do I make out of it? Have not really that much experience with writing...

My dream was like this.​

It begun with me reading some fanfic about a young men. Suddenly my phonescreen glowed white. As I opened my eyes I floated over someone. It was a young men. He stood before a dark wood, a red car behind him. He muttered and his hair fell over his face, hiding it from me. Suddenly his head yanked and he stared at the point where I still floated but he didn´t looked directly at me. he could sense where I was, but couldn`t see me?

After this I saw some scenes. They changed fast. His parents disappeared, a secret organization hunted him and tried to kill him multiple times. Then he was captured by them and tortured for Information. After they had taken their Pound of flesh from him, quite literally, they locked him up and experimented on him...many times he screamed after me. He screamed:

"What are you?!"

"What do you want from me?!"

"Why are you watching me?!"

"P-please help me..."

"I know you are there, help me..."

"why, why, please answer me..."

"Why do you not respond to me...

"Does my suffering means so little to you?"

"You heart must be made out stone! I´m suffering and all you do is silent watching!

"Do you know what they do to me...of course you do, you are watching all the time..."

"Do you watch because you enjoy me suffering?!"

"Are my crys for help amusing to you?!"

"I-i will escape from here and pay them back for everything they have done to me...and when I`m trough with`re next!"

He was right.

The entire time I was there.

Always slient, watching how this monster in human form broke his body and mind.

Listening to his pained screams and crys for mercy and help.

And I did nothing other than watching.

After this the scences changed faster. I saw fire and blood, heard humans scream and things exploding while smoke rised to the sky and concealed everything. In one of the last scences he murdered his parents, I think.

When the last scence ended I saw it. My own body, in his usual sleep position on the bed and room laying in total darkness.

The bedcover on the floor and the blue couch blanket with the dolphins on half slided in the gap between the bed and the wall.

Then suddenly from one moment to the next a person stood right beside the bed.
Eyes full of anger looked down on my body. Then anger changed to confusion. The eyes wandered from my body to the point where I still floated. Then the eyes locked with mine.

"Ah, now I understand why...", was voiced in a cold clinical tone,.."you really couldn`t have helped me with you being in this kind of situation. Ah, I will then simply take my leave, this is goodbye my silent watcher."
The person vanished. I realized that the person was the young men who had come to take his revenge. But he didn`t had to in the end.

Because the entire time since I first had looked on my body.

it hadn`t draw a single breath.

I awoke screaming.

Dream end.
As you can see quite terrifying, but also so much potential.

But I can`t decide what I should write with it. A single horror story about the ghost of a young woman, who didn`t realize that she was dead and had seeked help?

A short SI Story about a fanfic Reader who`s soul fell into the Story and who was in the end quite aware of the Situation but didn`t help the young men cause: "hey this is a fictional character who was created and suffers for my amusement, why should I deprive myself and other readers of that?"

So I could really use some advice or tips how I can create something interesting out of this. I`m happy with any kind of help. Thank you.
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